Bleach RP

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Now slung across her brother's shoulder, Haruka tried an overview of her life. Mmm. Okay, one, she got kidnapped by her older brother. Two, she was going to get turned into a monster. Three? The already weak Ichigo was prepared to die for her. Well, this sucks. Teleporting into the front entrance of the Hueco Mundo castle, Xaos knelt before a tall man with cropped blond hair and piercing blue eyes. "Lord Yhwach. I have brought my sister." The blond haired man, Lord Kurokai, gazed at Haruka, a flicker of interest glimmering in his previously apathetic eyes. "Thank you, Xaos. Your assistance is not required at the time. You may leave." He turned to the ebony - haired captain dumped at his feet. Grinning, he carried Haruka bridal style and laid her on a couch. Glancing back at her unconscious body, he began to walk away, and Lord Kurokai reached for the Hogyoku. "This will be quite interesting..."
Ichigo who had followed Hakura, whom herself had been captured, knocked out, and carried off into heuco mundo by her older brother, arrives at the place where Hakura was delivered to about 10 minutes after that. He sees Lord Kurokai holding the Hogyoku in his right hand and gazing at Hakura who was unconscious on the couch. He knows he has to do something quick or else Hakura would possibly be turned against them by force through the Hogyoku's power, knowing Kurokai is most likely planning to insert it into Hakura's body somehow. But knowing he has no idea of Kurokai's abilities yet, he tries to think of something he can use to his advantage in his attempt to save her. At the same time Ichigo is also focusing and angry at the fact of Xaos, wondering why of all places, Xaos would bring his little sister here. Having already been at Byakuya's throat about something of this same nature before, Ichigo is really annoyed that he might have to drill it into someone else's head that the older ones should be protecting their younger siblings instead of trying to do something such as this that might end up resulting in their younger sibling being hurt or worse, their younger sibling being killed.
Meanwhile Ashido, having heard about Yamamoto's trip down to the world of the living, has made it down to Karakura town himself. Upon his arrival, Ashido has started to sense the trouble at hand right away. He tries to feel out where the head captain is, picking up on his spiritual pressure a little soon afterwards. He then shortly after that feels quite an intense amount of pressure to the back of him, glancing behind and noticing the garganta having been open. He then feels Ryuuto's spiritual, feeling it being very weak, but at the same time Ryuuto's pressure being stable for now. Ashido wonders what could have happened to Ryuuto, and he also wonders, the fact he can't sense Hakura anywhere, what could've happened to her. Feeling another spiritual pressure that's familiar to him, that being Uryu Ishida's spiritual pressure also close by, Ashido decides to scope things out a bit to see if he can't find out something about exactly what's going on.
Over at Urahara's shop, contemplating on if she should take action now with Orihime and Uryu, also getting Chad's assistance, considering the situation is getting dangerous rather quickly and knowing Ichigo is still weakened pretty badly still from his fight with Aizen and possibly can't take on whatever challenge awaits him on the battle field that he's heading towards to rescue Hakura, or if it'd be best to wait for Shinji and the rest of the Vizards to join them, Shinji's group of course first having to be informed of the situation that has taken place, Yuzu stands watching the garganta that is open in front of her. Yuzu knows that it's probably smarter to wait for Shinji and the Vizards, or to wait for some of the other soul reapers to arrive and get them to help. Yuzu clutches the pendant of her necklace again feeling very worried about Hakura and Ichigo's safety.
ryuuto woke up in uraharas training area. wounds healed in front of him was yoruichi and urahara. "i know i failed but how do i get stronger"
Yoruichi turns to Urahara hearing Ryuuto ask them that, and then turns back to Ryuuto saying "Well there's no easy way to get yourself stronger to tell you the truth, at least not one that'll do it as fast as you're wanting it to. Training is the best way I think, both in body and in mind. It's not the quickest way to do it I know, but it is the best way. Now yes I know that Hakura has been kidnapped, and that there's not that much time to sit around. But Ichigo is gone after them, and believe me, if I heard right and it was Hakura's brother who took her, than I'm pretty sure no matter how strong Hakura's older brother is or how weak of a state Ichigo is in right now, Ichigo will be giving Xoas a piece of his mind pretty quick when he gets Xoas within his sight, no question. And he'll be able to hold his own at least until help reaches them I'm sure.
ryuuto looks at both of them, "then can you two train me so i am prepared to help ichigo"
Urahara and Yoruichi look at each other again and then Urahara speaks this time and says "Well yes we can train you. But it'll take some time. At least a few to 5 weeks, for you to learn the basics level of everything in mine and Yoruichi's training regimends. Ichigo's school friends can assist him in the meantime, and Yoruichi can get in contact with the head captain in order to get the soul society prepared for the battles that may take place, not to mention the help that Shinji Hirako may provide us as well in the fights. But are you sure your captain won't mind you being away for so long? You're her lieutenant after all.
"my captain wont mind" ryuuto bowed his head i am prepared to go to the depths of hell and back if that is what is required of me to save captain haruka"
Urahara nods and says "Okay then. Let's go Ryuuto. Follow me" He then turns and starts walking.

Yoruichi follows after Kisuke.
ryuuto follows them he is prepared to go to the depths of hell for this captain.
Urahara and Yoruichi lead Ryuuto a good distance enough away, them being in the training room, to where Uryu, Chad, and Orihime, not to mention Yuzu, won't get caught in the crossfire while he and Yoruichi train Ryuuto.

Chad looks to Orihime and says "We need to do something right away. Ichigo's in a really weak stage right now."

Orihime "You're right. We do need to get up there as soon as we can. But Shinji Hirako and his group haven't arrived yet. Much less anyone else from the soul society. And I heard right just now, it doesn't seem as if Ryuuto is up to the level he needs to be at before the battle."

Uryu "Yeah. And if this brother of Hakura's is stonger than she is, considering Hakura's a captain, we may be running into trouble ourselves. I wouldn't go up there at least without some sort of strategy plan."

Chad "Yeah I know."
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