Bleach RP

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ryuuto picked up the captain. "do you think she survive the trip back to uraharas."
Kensei "As long as she's in stable condition which she appears to be, she most likely will be able to survive. I'm pretty positive of that. The thing that concerns me is her hollow's power level. Ichigo's wasn't nearly this strong when we started his training here so he was able to strengthen up enough pretty quickly in order to gain control of it. Therefore Ichigo was able to keep control due to the fact that his, intelligence, power, and skill grew at the same time as his hollow's did, and Ichigo being a little stronger in level than his hollow thanks to the training he got from us, on top of it. Hakura's hollow though is significantly stronger than she is. It'll take a pretty good bit more time for her to reach the level she needs to get to for her to take back full control. But, for right now, like Shinji said, the 10th captain needs to rest for a couple of weeks before we can resume the training."
Shinji frowned, examining Haruka wounds. "Oh God, those wounds are really bad. Now, who wants to clean the poor girl up?" Smirking, he addressed both the Visoreds and the soul reaper, before saying, "If none of you will, either I'll do it, or I can take her to Ichigo's place. Poor thing." Haruka twitched, but only for a moment. Her hollow's mask had fallen into the dust and disintegrated. The black - haired captain was reduced down into a pale, wounded (and bleeding), fragile girl.
"ill wash up the captain." ryuuto shunpoed out of the building with the captain in his arms. it took him 20 seconds to reach uraharas. once inside he began clean the captains wounds and then bandaged them. after laying the captain down in one of the extra beds, he walked out and shut the door sat down against the wall with his zanpakuto leaning on his shoulder.
Waking up smothered in bandages, Haruka's leaf green eyes fluttered open. Looking up, she saw no one in the room, just breakfast. It was simple, a bowl of cereal, milk, and bread. She ate it, and set the tray in which it was in, back down. A few gentle knocks sounded, making Haruka respond with a steely, "Come in.", like she would do to visitors who came by her office in the Soul Society. A certain orange-haired 'strawberry' walked in, dressed in his school uniform, and sat beside the captain. "You okay? Urahara told me what happened." "Well, I have to be bed-ridden for two weeks. And since I can't do any of my work, you have to do it for me!~ Or at least ask Uryu!" Ichigo's expression turned sad at the thought of his school workload doubling. Then Haruka laughed. It was a pleasing sound, making a faint pink tinge appear on Ichigo's cheeks as he quickly looked away. "I'll just ask Uryu." The conversation went on and on, and Ichigo's blushing only got worse. "Er... See ya later and get well soon!" The black-haired girl pecked his cheek and he raced out of the room, with a severe nosebleed.
ryuuto woke up at the sound of ichigo running off. he got up and walked into the room. "Are you ok captain?"
Yuzu meanwhile runs out after her brother, and follows him as best she can to Uryu's place. Not meaning to tail Ichigo as he might think of her to be doing, but rather knowing that the way she's been able to see the hollows more often now than she used to see them, after she got the necklace her mother Masaki wanted her father Isshin to pass on to her on her 13th birthday. She also recalled recently, the battle when she faced a bunch of hollows along side Don Kononji, her twin sister Karin, and Jinta and Ururu, from Kisuke Urahara's shop. She remembers well the spirit of a cat, which she was carrying around that whole afternoon, transforming itself after she had been cornered by hollows. She had no idea how it happened, and Yuzu still doesn't know to this day, but knows that the way she fought the hollows down in that battle back when she was 11, was very different than the way Karin struck down the hollows with her soccer ball, and the way Ichigo struck the hollows down with his sword. And sense her dad couldn't explain it to her, she wonders if Uryu may have an idea, knowing that he fights the hollows different from her brother too, not knowing that it's due to the fact that Uryu and her brother Ichgio are 2 different types of warriors, in which she was never told about in that much detail and only saw Uryu and Ichigo in battle fighting the hollows off about 2 times, once when their duel took place, and the other time when they were fighting off the arrancar.
"Maybe we should get Orihime. I just wanna go walk around!" Haruka was complaining from the other room, after Ichigo ran off, who sincerely promising to visit her again. Falling back on her bed, she sighed. The patter of footsteps came from the hall as the auburn-haired human steeped in. "Oh my god! Haruka! Are you okay?" She eyed the captain's bandages, her messy hair, and the empty breakfast tray. "I'm going to heal you, and then we go shopping. Mkay?" Without waiting for a reply, Orihime set to work, the wounds closing up in a matter of minutes. Testing her legs, she walked over to her gigai, which was slumped in the corner and was dragged along to the mall.
Tatsuki is at the mall herself, just walking around, after a long school day.
ryuuto had ran off to deal with hollows. after killing the 4th hollow, he leaned back against the wall. "i thought it was getting bad in the soul society." right as he was getting comfortable another hollow appeared."dammit" he began to fight the hollow
"ORIHIMEEEEE! HOW AM I GOING TO PAY FOR THIS? YOU PAY!" Haruka complained, almost snapping out the puppy eyes on her. Orihime sighed and took her clothes to the counter to pay. The ebony-haired girl sat on a bench, eyes roaming the mall, spotting Tatsuki, Uryu, and Ichigo, in separate locations. Perking her head up at a spike in spiritual pressure, her eyes narrowed as she caught a flicker of movement, 17 meters from Tatsuki, and 23 meters from the orange-headed substitute soul reaper. "Haru!~" Groaning, the captain heard the horrid nickname Orihime gave her in the past 14 minutes. "I bought your clothes!~" Turning to Orihime, she whispered, "There's a pretty strong ass hollow. Like an aranncar." No. It HAD to be an aranncar. No doubt about it. Ichigo was still weak from his battle his Aizen a few months ago, which left some nasty scars. And Uryu, well he underwent some pretty intense training. The only one who had a chance was Haruka, and she knew that.
ryuuto had reached the hollow. why is there an arrancar here. he tried to blind side the arrancar but was immediately countered and thrown into a wall. "kill ryuuzetsu." his blade transformed into its shikai. he began fighting the arrancar.
Yuzu, sensing the arrancar extremely close by, does a slight turn. Seeing it strike Ryuuto down, though not sure what she herself could do against it, Yuzu pulls out the necklace she has around her neck from under her shirt. She stairs the arrancar down for a minute, thinking of all the people that are around their group, people who are just shopping around and minding their own business for the day, and can't see the arrancar that's just feet away from their standing locations in the mall.
"Tch... Hang on Hime, I've got some hollow but to kick." Haruka walked towards Yuzu, bumping into a few shoppers and Uryu. "You. Haruka? I heard what happened, but are you okay?" Frowning, Haruka replied with a flat tone. "Can't you feel the spike of spiritual pressure? It's an aranncar." Looking slightly amused, he followed her outside, Ichigo already racing out the door. "The strawberry's an idiot. Well, I guess we'll have to save his ass, no?" Popping a soul pill in her mouth, she stood there, a white and black captain's cloak snapping over a pitch black kimono. "BANKAI!" Her sword split into twin guns, and she concentrated. She had seen her hollow do it, so why couldn't she? Instantly her guns morphed into two, claymores. Not really her style. She concentrated again, the weapon switching into duplicate rapiers. NOW WE'RE TALKING!
ryuuto slowly got up. "this is not good. bankai" after transforming he began fighting against the arrancar. he was fighting a losing battle but he didnt care. i must get stronger. he got struck down
The aranncar turned, and Haruka could see its features clearly. It was a male, obviously. He had ebony black hair, like herself but his eyes were an olive green. Shocked, she sheathed her zanpakuto. "X-Xaos? But didn't you die? On that day..." Xaos grinned, looking just like himself from the old days, except now, had had a hole in his chest and he was wearing a black and white uniform, like the ones that the aranncars wore during Aizen's reign. Supposedly, her brother had died on that day, the night of black blood. Her village slaughtered, along with Xaos, the person she trusted the most, loved the most, and grieved for the most as well. "I've come to take my sister back to Hueco Mundo under the orders of our NEW king. And quite frankly, I personally suggested the order as well." He brushed black bangs from his left eye, revealing a bright red iris and a black outside. "These friends of yours are pathetic. They don't stand a chance against me, much less my release." Laughing, he grabbed Haruka's arm in a vice like iron grip, and laughed again. "Go on, do it! We're going to de-visor her first and drag out her hollow completely. Then turn her into an aranncar. Go on! Stop me! Release! Kaligula!"
ryuuto slowly got up. "if you want to take the captain your going to have to do it over my dead body." he cane charging at the arrancar. "now disappear into the black abyss of death." he swung creating a large blade of energy.
Xaos stopped is quite easily and grabbed the scythe with his hand. Xaos looked like a harpy, with taloned feet , long black claws, and feathered legs. He also had two huge jet black wings sprouting from his back. "See? Pathetic." His grip on Haruka's arm tightened and she whimpered. His eyes softened somewhat as he looked at his younger sister and held her close. "Bye now!" Opening a garganta, he flew in Haruka screaming in his grasp. "HELP MEEEEE! ICHIGO!" Ichigo stared at the rift the garganta had created and sprang into it, determination blazing in his eyes.
ryuuto fell to the ground with 3 black feathers embedded in his chest. he was slowly dying and he knew it. If he survived he knew he had to get stronger.
Yuzu, rushes over to Ryuuto who's lying on the ground. She looks to Orihime first, then she glances up at the garganta that her brother just had now lept in to heading off to rescue Hakura. Yuzu is unsure of what to do at this point. She knows that Orihime has to do her best to heal Ryuuto before he can fight again. She also knows that her brother Ichigo hasn't been at the top of his strength, having not been at the battle when Ichigo finished Aizen of course, but overhearing a conversation her father Isshin was having with someone about Ichigo's situation after the fact, a conversation that Karin had also heard. She takes hold of the pendent part of her necklace as she stands up, still eyeing the garganta above her. She looks from the garganta over to Uryu again, the question she has for him about her powers, still on her mind.
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