Name: Julia Himura (Himura meaning scarlet village)
Age: 190
Sex: Female
Rank: Unseated
Julia's mother died giving birth to her, which her siblings blamed her for, whether they showed it or not. Julia had two sisters and a brother, who each had their own way of showing their distaste for the one who they thought had killed their mother. Her oldest sister simply ignored her most of the time, acting like Julia was simply a ghost that would leave her alone if it thought there was no chance of being noticed. Her brother often bullied her, acting as if she owed him some sort of everlasting favor, making her do all his chores, and when she had money, pay for anything he could get her to. Her sister who was closest to her in age, tried to treat her like an actual sister, but always made Julia play the worst role of any game they would play, or would make her sit out whenever someone else could take the "only" other role in the game. When they aged more, Julia had to seek out interaction with this sister, otherwise she would do everything without her. As Julia aged, she began to make friends of the local children, who, to her surprise, treated her as if she were a person, rather than a monster. She instantly began to live with a smile every day just because of this, but also became very easily pulled into pranks and the such, and shortly began to plan them up for her group of friends. When she grew to her teenage years, or what would be considered those, she began pranking her friends. She had thought it would just end in the joke, but one of them got much more agitated at it than they should have, returning with extremely violent and terrible pranks. Julia began to come home with bruises from this "friend" finding a different way of "pranking" her. When her dad realized what was going on, he attempted to confront the bully that was once Julia's friend, and found that the bully had a weapon. When Julia's father died because of the bully's knife, her sisters turned their back on her entirely, letting her come home beaten and smirking at it when they thought she wasn't looking. When the time came for the funeral, the bully attended, having not been caught for the action, as the few that knew were too afraid to tell who did it. Julia glared at her father's murderer, curious as to what her purpose for attending was. Directly afterwards, she convinced her youngest sister to confront the bully with her, only to watch the same knife be pulled again. As her youngest older sibling was stabbed, she stepped back, screaming in horror at the sight of the only one that she could truly call a sister slowly bleeding out. Her oldest sister heard the scream, and, knowing something must be very wrong for that to happen, came running. When she saw the bleeding, crumpled body, she attacked the bully. Julia's oldest sister was stabbed twice before eventually taking the knife and stabbing the bully in the heart. Though Julia's oldest sister survived, neither her, nor their brother, ever talked to Julia again. Julia, nowhere else to turn, took up training at the academy to become a shinigami.
(tl;dr, her mother died in child birth, her family blamed her, she found friends where she shouldn't have, pulled a prank, and created an overly violent bully. The bully ended up stabbing and killing Julia's father and sister, then stabbing Julia's oldest sister, and now what's left of her family hates her completely, so she went to the only place she knew she could live a normal life, the gotei 13)