Bleach: Rising Blades Character Dump

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Queen of hearts
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[Post] Apocalyptic, Supernatural, Fantasy, Sci-fi

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Name: Shin Kimoto (Shin meaning "heart" or "advance" and Kimoto meaning "One who lives under the trees")
Age: 180
Sex: Male

Rank: Unseated
Biography: He was raised in a very poor family, one that couldn't afford to live in the safer districts, and thus, moved around a lot to avoid getting the permanent attention of any gangs or less than friendly residents. They never really bought a house anywhere, as they didn't have the money, and instead chose to simply live in abandoned buildings as they found them for short bursts of time each. Each time they settled into a new home, Shin met a few of the kids that lived in the area, helping each one with whatever they needed so long as he got to call them a friend. Of course, whenever what was needed included theft of anything that could be shared, he'd ask for a small amount of it for the sake of his family, but other than that, he only ever asked for friendship. This went on for many years until eventually, when Shin was about a teenager, (about 150), his family got into some trouble with a gang that controlled a large area. The gang had noticed them enter their territory, not pay them anything as they thought was their due right, and then move deeper, and deeper, until almost completely in the center of their territory without even realizing. The second night his family was staying in the area, the gang struck. Four of them entered the building, three waiting outside as lookouts and possible backup, each wielding a bat or just their fists. Obviously, Shin's parents attempted to keep him out of the situation, but couldn't stop the thugs from beating both of them to a pulp, then turning their attentions to Shin. With thugs guarding the entrance, Shin could do nothing save attempt to run, which he did, but was very quickly caught as he passed the threshold of the door. He looked around, spotting a couple of kids he had helped with something only the previous day. He shouted for help, but only got a silent stare, then the sound of footsteps away for his request. The thugs took him back into the building, and beat him just as badly as they had his parents. When his family recovered from this, they attempted to move, but were met with the gang having placed guards to ensure they didn't leave before paying for rent. When the thugs came back for another beating for the rent, Shin stood for his family, offering himself as the payment so that they could leave. The thugs decided that lives were a good price for staying, but not the teenagers, they knew better than to kill off a youth. So they killed Shin's parents, throwing Shin out of their territory and telling him not to come back unless he wanted to lose his own life or pay rent. As he sit in an alley, trying not to think about the parents he saw die in front of him, he saw a figure dressed in black with a sword at their belt, kneeling down and giving some food to a hungry child. At this sight, he stood, walked over, and looked at the shinigami. "Who are you...?" "Katsuya Haruka." And shortly after, Shin had gone to the academy.
(tl;dr for history, or if it's too bland... Basically, his family moved from abandoned building to abandoned building, Shin helping people along the way, his family got into trouble with a gang, the parents paid with their life, and Shin was kicked out, only to see Haruka giving food to a child. He chose to follow that shinigami's path...)

Hozan Kenbu

#1 - #21


Zanpakuto Name: Ma (Japanese for space, gap, or negative zone)
Zanpakuto Type: Portals/Space
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance:

The spirit's head turns a full 360 at will, with a young face on one half, and an old face on the other (both are complete faces, each is where the back of the other's head would be) and both have the same mind.
Inner world:

Sealed Zanpakuto: Katana
Release command: Traverse the heavens in but a step, Ma!

Shikai Special Ability: Portal creation.
  • Passively, the blade of the zanpakuto is surrounded by a spacial rift that hardens when in contact with reiatsu. (basically, he doesn't block things, the absence in space does, this can be bypassed if the attack is strong enough. Also his blade almost never contacts what he's cutting, so it doesn't get damaged very often if at all)
  • Portal creation: When cutting the air (and choosing to do so), a rift in space is made. (max of two in Shikai, can cut the same air to remove a portal) This rift in space acts as a portal to the other side of it, making attacks arrive at different times than one would expect. When two rifts exist at once, they are portals to each other. (Things must come out of it in the same direction it was previously going)
  • Spacial separation: Can, for a second, extend the spacial rift from his blade towards where he points his weapon, creating what would seem like a beam, but is simply a separation in space, and thus, acts as a cutting beam
Bankai: Rather than a blade, he simply wields two spacial rifts that can be molded to his whim (similar to what surrounds his blade in shikai, but can change shape up to the size in which, if it were a circle, the diameter would be one katana, about the size of his sealed zanpakuto)
Bankai Special Ability: As above, portal creation utilizing his blade (which, in this case, the blade can change at his whim)
  • Must train to obtain.
  • Spacial mastery: He can make more portals than in shikai (I'll talk about a limit if you so choose) and can choose which portals are linked to which other portals at a whim. each portal can only link to one other portal at a time, if a portal does not have one to link to, it is just a spacial rift.
  • Spacial catastrophe: If more than one portal is existent at any time, Shin can, with great effort, make several portals link to one single portal. Because of this, there's a huge increase in taken-up space in one location, and a lack in the places that are all linking to that sole portal, thus, space itself works to correct the issue, forcing all space in between the over-encumbered spacial area, and the lacking spacial area, to shift to correct the issue. This means that with the great effort Shin used to do this, he can effectively act as if he had cut through multiple areas at one single moment, but this is conditional to the fact that the one it's being used on is in between at least two portals (if only two, then it will basically act as two cuts, as the space being moved would only be a part of their body)
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: 1 person
Name: Katsuye Haaruka
Age: 380
Sex: Female

: Lieutenant
Biography: Haruka was the product of a young girl's rape when she was just fifteen. Haruka's mother was a part of a family of minor nobility, but her father had made enemies of the wrong people. Kidnapped, brutally raped, and tortured, the young girl was held for ransom until the noble paid his debts. It was the intervention of the Soul Reapers that Haruka was born shortly after her mother's rescue. To pour salt in the wound against the family that never rescued her, Haruka's mother named her with the family's male form of their last name (Katsuya) rather than the female form (Katsuye).

Haruka's mother, despite the anger and hatred for her rapist, loved her daughter immensely. She cared for her child the best that she could, and protected her from the Katusya family's infanticide practices of baby girls along with the general subjugation of females in general in the clan. After running away and diving deep into hiding, the fifteen year old girl struggled to make enough money in the poorer district to care for her child. As Haruka grew older, her child like mind finally grasped that they were homeless. Even when she turned seven, she was still clinging to her mother's back and legs as they walked from job to job.

When Haruka turned 10, she applied to the Shin'o Academy and was accepted. She remained there for all six years, then joined the Onmitsukidō's Detention Unit upon her graduation. With her pay, she was able to house her mother comfortably in a better neighborhood. The woman eventually found a job for herself so her daughter didn't spend all of her pay on her.

Haruka stayed with the Onmitsukidō for over 200 years, where she trained and learned about her zanpakuto and learned Shunko. She then transferred into Squad 10 as an lower ranked member. Haruka completed various missions and further training until she earned a high seated ranking...and earned the heart of her Captain. She has finally settled into her life as a Lieutenant and wife, though the latter is much newer than the former.



Not much is known about this cute little puppy of Haruka's. Found and rescued while on a mission, Haruka's sense of mercy was on display when a starved, angry, and pained Alucard had been corrupted by a bevy of Hollows. Hikari destroyed most of what ailed the creature, but the pup stuck to Haruka whom hadn't wanted to kill him in the first place.

He is incredibly smart and loyal, which often leads to Haruka pampering and spoiling him. Nonetheless, he is her second partner out in the field and has a great set of senses for tracking. He can also sense spiritual pressure and can use various Kido. He has an alternate form that was unlocked when his owner was in deep trouble. He hates the taste of Spiders.

Alternate Form:

Alucard's "adult" form. This is roughly to scale.

[Personality and History]

Zanjutsu: Haruka's zanjutsu leaves much to be desired, as it is her weakest form of fighting. However, she has show to be very capable with the basics, to the point that she can keep up with Hikari during spars or kill Hollow with the sealed form (albeit with difficulty). She is prefers to not use this unless she is attempting to gather information.
Skills: Basic​
Hakuda: On par with her Hoho skills, Haruka is widely considered to be a master of hand to hand combat. Physical, brutal but artful, Haruka's been seen killing Hollows with just a punch through the mask with her bare fists. Her training usually consists of fighting bare handed against sword wielding shinigami in Squads 10 and 11.
Shunko (Takes the form of Fire)
Gatoringu Jidanda
Hoho: Haruka's prolific use of Shunpo has earned her a Master status. She is capable of flash stepping for hours. Her general sense of balance and movement is top notch, and can be seen when she employs Hakunda.
Shunko (Takes the form of fire)
Kido: Haruka has trained extensively in this area with a core set of Kido based around restraining and hand based blasts. She is often considered a high level expert.
#4 Hainawa
#8: Seki
#54: Haien
#40 Gaki Rekko
#34 Konogobaku
#32 Okasen
#33 Sokatsui
Oathbreaker Wave (Original)


Nenshō no Yūrei
(燃焼 の 幽霊 (Apparition of Combustion))

Zanpakuto Type:

Zanpakuto Spirit Appearance:

Inner world:

Sealed Zanpakuto:

Release command:
"Enrage and Burn, Nenshō no Yūrei."

Shikai (Right Arm):

(The shikai's left arm is exactly the same as the gauntlet in the Bankai picture below)

Shikai Special Ability:
Haruka's shikai is an all around, support weapon. It has its own powerful offense due to it's spiritual energy projection, but can also provide limited support and ally effects on the battlefield. The projection will change color and symbol when an effect takes place. Haruka can wield two different symbols at the same time, one on each gauntlet. A symbol can be prepped on the gems closest to the elbow (as identified as a mismatched color to the symbol in use), but it will not take effect until the symbol is manifested on the gem that is closest to the hand.
Chi's Flash:

Chi's Flash: A quasi-flash bang attack. A flash of intense, silver colored light erupts from her fingers, causing a loud cracking sound. From close range the target is blinded and deafened for three posts. The effects lessen for every 13 meters away Haruka is from the target.

Cron's Bolts:

Cron's Bolts: Haruka creates five purple bolts of crackling light that hover behind her. She then punches five times, launching a spear with each punch.

Thet's Rail:

Thet's Rail: Energy gathers along her shoulder. Once fully charged, Haruka punches and launches the energy along her arm and out of her hand with a fiery blast. This projectile uses the kinetic energy from her punch to slice through the air to transfer that energy elsewhere.

Nenshō's Grace:

Nenshō's's Grace: A cloak of purple and silver light surrounds Haruka. This increases her speed and physical strength for three posts.

Omni's Light:

Omni's Light: For two posts, allied shinigami within 50 meters of Haruka have increased attacking speed and hakuda/zanjutsu attacking power.

Bet's Vengeance:

Bet's Vengeance: Haruka releases a torrent of fire from her mouth, not unlike a dragon's fire.

Alph's Protocol:

Alph's Protocol: Haruka's allies are renewed with battle vigor, minor wounds are healed and some stamina is returned thanks to her imbuing them with some of her spiritual energy. Can only be used once every 5 self-posts.

Zet's Kite:

Zet's Kite: Low leveled enemies are thrown into a disorganized frenzy for a single post. They can be called back to action if an enemy "Commander" reorganizes them.

Omeg's Gambit:

Omeg's Gambit: Only used once per battle, Haruka is charged with a flood of energy from her zanpakuto that can bring her back from the brink of death. Once used, it will take two more battles before it is recharged and usable again. Major injuries are still apparent while minor ones are healed. Organs are not regenerated, neither is spiritual energy.

Shikai Base (Melee):


Used for basic Hakuda attacks while in shikai. The gauntlet is white hot, and the prongs are very sharp. Can be seen on both gauntlets at the same time.

Shikai Base (Oathbreaker Wave):


This is the symbol that is used for Oathbreaker Wave while in shikai. This focuses the wave much better than when Haruka uses her palm, and thus allows it to travel further, though it will be smaller. This symbol is usually found on the left, golden gauntlet.

Bankai: Nenshō no Yūrei Ryūjin
燃焼の幽霊龍神 ( Apparition of the Combustion Dragon God)
(IC Unknown for now)

(Shikai gauntlet on the left arm, Bankai is the dragon)

Bankai Special Ability:

[*]Must train to obtain.
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Takumi's CS.
Takumi [ 拓 海, open sea ] Date
440 years old.


Captain of the Eight Division.
Born within the Date clan, Takumi grew up as a the second son of a samurai. He had enjoyed a relative enjoyable childhood with the occasional duties that his father expected of him. Trained to be a soldier, Takumi had no quarrel with this. Back then it was expected to be dutiful and loyal to superiors, more than even the youth are in the present. Growing up with his siblings, two other brothers and a younger sister, Takumi had the ambition of bringing honor and glory to his clan and family. Pretty much like the general idea that many sons of samurai and other nobles had in mind.

When a conflict arose between the Date and another clan, Takumi and his brothers saw this as a chance to gain that glory that they were anxious for. However it turned up that warfare isn't as sweet and glorious as poets make it. Poets don't make poems about how the dirt taste or how to cope with the fact that the enemy manage to outsmart you. They just spin what Takumi would now call sweet little lies for those who had never experienced warfare. In the first battle Takumi lost his youngest brother. Though fighting bravely and with spirit, Takumi himself would soon perish after the fifth battle. Just before a peace treaty was signed.

Feeling humiliated and angry, on himself, Takumi wandered around his older brother, who had managed to stay alive. Becoming even a revered samurai, Takumi slowly languished away under his anger and shame. If it wasn't for a shinigami performing Konsō on him, it would be certain that the man would end up as a hollow. This change wasn't however without any confusion. Takumi wasn't sure what kind of goal he had now. All he knew was that he was basically a shamed samurai without any goal or master. Let alone a sword to serve a master that he considered worthy. Taking several small jobs, which he had eventually no problem with as he believed he had already lost his honor, Takumi eventually heard about the Shinigami academy.

Even though Takumi had already gained a 'lifetime' of experience in drilling, fighting and discipline, he had still some trouble with controlling Kido and other powers he had never encountered. This motivated Takumi to stay in the Academy as long as it was permitted. While he could graduate after three years, he wanted to remain longer. His desire was to graduate with being at least better in using kidõ and hoho. Eventually he was persuaded to accept his graduation at the sixth year, even though he tried to argue to remain several more years in the Academy. Being deployed in the Eight Division, Takumi faithfully served for almost a decade. He kept trying to hone his skills, eventually catching the attention of his captain. Junichiro Takayama, one of the older captains, noticed the discipline and fierce loyalty that Takumi sported. Being promoted as a seated officer of the rank 11, Takumi was sure that he had found his goal, striving to be rather a good shinigami than rising in the ranks. This eventually led that Takumi was offered a seat in another Division as a lieutenant in another division, but the man declined. This gesture further stated the loyalty that Takumi had for his division and made him after two years climb to the rank of lieutenant in the Eight Division, directly under the mentorship of Junichiro Takayama.

For two decades, Takumi continued to serve under the mentor and leadership of the older captain. Until the old man decided that he would retire. However Takumi hadn't manage to unlock his bankai. All he had managed was to further his skills and showing he was a capable leader in his own right. Even enforcing more discipline into the Eight Division. This earned him the moniker 'The Samurai Shinigami', one that was both used as a slight joking as respectful nick. In order to prove his worth, Takumi was requested to do a Captain Proficiency Test. It is unsure if it was by desire to prove his old mentor that his trust and faith wasn't misplaced or by a mere coincidence, but Takumi managed to unlock his bankai during the test.

Becoming the captain of the Eight Division, Takumi retained a certain amount of traditions that had grown under the leadership of his predecessor. But he also started to focus on the drilling the members of the Eight Division in tactics and drills. Though he was at the start of his career as a captain slight intimidated by the others, Takumi has taken up some of Junichiro's manners. While the very old ex-captain isn't often found around the barracks nor does Takumi has that much of free time, it isn't a rare sight to see the two playing a game of shogi or spending their time together. It has also shown that Takumi is rather fond of spending time, discussing and simply learning from those who have earned some fame with their name, such as the likes of Hikari Shinrai and the Captain Commander himself..

With the experience of his life and the further honing of his skill, Takumi boasts a great skill and ability in Zanjutsu. It is his best skill, being at the level of a master user.
Though Takumi is a master with zanjutsu, his skill with Hakuda is slight less great. He is great in unarmed combat, but would feel more comfortable with a sword in hand. It is best to consider him an expert in this field.
As one of the new powers that he was taught, Takumi had a great eagerness to improve his skill with Hoho. But hasn't been able to improve it further than an expert-level. Much to his own dislike.
While he isn't keen on admitting it, Takumi has an almost childish obsession with Kidõ. He is specialized in barriers, though he has shown the desire to improve his knowledge on other fields. Even if his expertise is only noteworthy with being a great user on barriers and slight experienced with Hadõ spells.

Bakudõ :
- Sealings : Not that proficient with them. Though he is knowledgeable about them.
- Barriers : Takumi's forte regarding kidõ spells.
Hado : Is capable of using Hado spells to a good effect, but it isn't his specialty and there for doesn't use it as much as he does with Bakudõ spells.
Kaidõ : Hasn't progressed anywhere in this field [ much to his own embarrassment.]

Zanpakuto Name:
Osamu 修 meaning (discipline, study)
Zanpakuto Type:
Kidõ with a slice of melee.
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance:

Inner world:

Sealed Zanpakuto:
A dual set of wakizashi's form.
Release command:
"Hell split apart."

A katana.
Shikai Special Ability:

  • Blades of Yang ;
    The first ability is that Takumi is able to 'duplicate' a katana. He is able to conjure the second katana by gentle tapping the hilt of the blade and pulling his hand back, creating a second blade out of energy that will change into a katana as well. He isn't able to create more than three blades.
  • Divine Discipline ;
    Focusing on the Reiatsu that his blades radiate during the Shikai form, Takumi is able to 'order' them to return back to his hand. This ability is restricted to one blade at a time as it require focus to make the sword fly back.
  • Swift Step ;
    This ability allows once every five minutes for Takumi to 'trade' places with a blade that he has conjured. Though it versatile, he can't downgrade the time he needs before he can use it again.
  • Deceiving Sword Dance ;
    Probably the most strongest ability of Takumi. It allows him to make a part of his body intangible. This is something he can't however apply on other items and he isn't able to use high ranked (higher than number 40) spells when using this ability. Though this ability make him fearsome when used with his skills and abilities, large area attacks will nullify the effect of this ability.
A set of Dao swords.
Bankai Special Ability:

  • Divine Discipline ;
    Focusing on the Reiatsu that his blades radiate during the Shikai form, Takumi is able to 'order' them to return back to his hand. This ability is restricted to one blade at a time as it require focus to make the sword fly back.
  • Swift Step ;
    This ability allows once every two minutes for Takumi to 'trade' places with a blade that he has conjured. Though it versatile, he can't downgrade the time he needs before he can use it again.
  • Deceiving Sword Dance ;
    Probably the most strongest ability of Takumi. It allows him to make a part of his body intangible. This is something he can't however apply on other items and he isn't able to use high ranked (higher than number 60) spells when using this ability. Though this ability make him fearsome when used with his skills and abilities, large area attacks will nullify the effect of this ability.
Takako Chinen




Vice-Captain of the Eight Division


Takako has always been a curious kid. Ever since she was small, living as a soul with her family in one of the moderately wealthy districts of Rukongai, she was out to explore and to create something. But Takako wasn't one for painting or drawing or anything of that kind. She created stuff out of all kinds of scraps she could find. Every day you could find her tinkering about just to have something to do. Her mother always jokingly used to say that the world would end the day Takako's hands would still.

Next to her mother, Takako had a loving father and an older brother named Nobu who was only a couple years older than she was. Nobu always took care of his little sister who was generally shunned by the populus around their house because she was "weird." And maybe she was. Takako was most of the time caught up in her own world working on whatever she had set her mind to. And when she had set her mind to somethign she would not let it go until she had made it work. Because she was always so fixated on her own stuff she hardly noticed that the other children were bullying her and shunning her. If Nobu mentioned it to her he got a surprised look from her as she stated that she had never noticed that.

No, for Takako her childhood was just fine.

Her brother enrolled in the Academy and brought home tales of adventure, tales of which Takako always wanted more. Her curiousity was always bigger and her questions sometimes tired the older lad though he always replied. After she had learned that by being a shinigami you get to go to the human world Takako's mind was set. She had to become a shinigami. Sereitei she knew and she understood in it's most primitive form, but the world of the humans, that was an unexplored place. Untouched by her eyes. She had to see it.

So she enrolled herself in the Academy as well and was a great student. She was the person that always sat in front of the class, always asked questions and always asked for more work. She needed to know all there was about this new carreer and especially about humans. That there was a fighting aspect involved was a side thing. It was all about the information that she absorbed like she was a sponge.

After graduation she had difficulties deciding what squad she wanted to join. All had their own specifics, but Takako wanted them all. How was she supposed to pick one? And so she picked the eight division who were known for their diversity. And for a while that was great. She started making friends, did her job, discovered new things that she always jolted down in the notebook she tended to carry.

By the time that Takako joined a squad, her brother had already been doing many missions. One of them however proved to be a turning point in both his life and that of Takako. During a fight with a group of Hollow Nobu lost his arm and while his life was saved and he healed just fine with Takako at his side, he was not the same anymore. His style of fighting, his shikai, had always been based on dual wielding, but now with one arm, that option was gone and so was his will to fight. Demoralized Nobu returned home where he spend his days looking out the window, something Takako could not stand. Ever since she was young the dream of exploring the outside world with her brother was part of what kept her going and that dream was not going to die. She found a new goal: fix her brother. And there was only one way that that was possible, he needed a new arm.

Unfortunately the technology to fix such a thing did not exist so Takako has taken it upon herself to invent it. She dove into Kaido and anatomy, burried herself in books and scrolls while still performing her job as a member of the eight division. This caught the attention of a certain Takumi Date, who started asking, in Takako''s eyes, irritating questions about her business. However those irritating questions turned into good conversations and help from his side and as time passed it started a friendship. Eventually when Takumi became captain of the division, he asked Takako to join him as his vice-captain, something she accepted with joy. Currently she still works under Takumi thoughs he often makes trips to the Fourth Division to work on her Kaido and help people out.

Her skill with zanjutsu had always rather average on the Academy, but ever since she had unlocked her Shikai and came in contact with a lighter blade and thus a different way of fighting her skills has drastically improved. Her fighting skill with a katana remains somewhat low, but with her rapier in hand she can be a deadly foe.

While Takako's Hakuda is by no means bad, it is certainly not her strong point. She prefers to not get to close and personal with someone though her 'recent' interest in anatomy have made her aware of things like pressure points and easy ways to incapacitate someone, skills she uses on the battlefield. But she will never be one for long fist fights.

Takako's speed is linked with her skill in zanjutsu because of the way she fights with her blade. She has to fight with quick movements, jabbed and stepping away. Because of that Takako trained herself excessively in shunpo and while she is no where there the master of the gotei 13, she is getting better.

Takako's interest in Kido was first purely scientific. She wanted to know how it worked and later wanted to use it to help her brother. This however made her delve deep into the mechanics of Kido and actually made her an expert on the field. Practicing it with the knowledge behind it came easy, and it seemed a good way to stop someone from attacking from afar, definitely in combination with her shikai.

- Hado: 1 - 60
- Bakudo: 1 - 60
- Kaido: Advanced knowledge on the subject

Zanpakuto Name:

Zanpakuto Type:
Supportive - Melee

Zanpakuto Spirit appearance:

Inner world:

Sealed Zanpakuto:
A simple katana with a grey hilt and scabbard.

Release command:
Become my eyes, Mimizuku

The blade lights up and four orbs of light detach from the glowing blade. As the glow fades Takako holds a blade akin to this, which is a small rapier like sword, with a blade no longer than the length of her arm. It is thin and pointy at the end. The four orbs become small mechanic balls with wings and one big eye in the middle no bigger than the size of an rather large apple.

Shikai Special Ability:
  • New Eyes: Mimizuku's basic capabilty lies in scouting and giving Takako a boader vision. The eyes on the small mechanic balls stand in direct contact with Takako to the point that she can see out of them and thus observe her surroundings. If positioned correctly the orbs can grand her 360 degrees vision. This makes it very difficult to surprise Takako with an attack from any side though she will often freign surprise before quickly jabbing with her blade to incapacitate her opponent. While this sounds great, this newly acquired vision is taxing and keeping the 360 degrees vision up for too long with cause severe headaches due to an overload of impulses, though training has helped this greatly and she is still improving. It his however the reason that Takako often choses to only deploy a pair of them to keep watch, only using all four in dire situations.
  • Precise strike: With concentration and pinpointing a place to attack on her opponents body, Takako coats the point of her blade in reiatsu so that the stab goes deeper and does more damage to the place she wants to hurt. It is even capable of shattering bone with the right amount of reiatsu.
  • Not unlocked
  • Not unlocked

Not yet unlocked

Bankai Special Ability:
Not yet unlocked
  • Must train to obtain.

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Adan Brasher
193 years old.

* Has a normal build with a length of 1.89m/ 6ft 3

Theme Song :
Leave it All Behind - Cult to Follow
Adan was born into Soul Society as a plus - result of a pregnant woman dying, basically he is reincarnated as a dead baby and hasn't really been aware of that, yet.. He doesn't have a good memory of how his youth was, but it wasn't likely one of the best as his earliest memories bring back the name of some small orphanage somewhere in the 74th district. Ever since he could remember, Adan had to work hard for almost everything. Except trouble. But that is likely easier to find in the higher ranked districts than the lower ranked ones. Realizing this at a young age, Adan hadn't a great ambition to become some revered fighter or hero. No, he just wanted to work and reach a place in a district where he could enjoy more peace and rest than the district he lived in. The loss of youth friends, to criminal activities - becoming a criminal or becoming a victim of them -, strengthened the motivation of Adan to reach for his goal. He started small with all kinds of jobs. Running errands and eventually working at several bars as he grew a bit older. Adan however never managed to get enough money or chances to get out of the 74th district.

Eventually Adan discovered a chance. One of his youth friends, Rickard, mentioned something about the Shinigami Academy. Though Adan had heard before of it, he hadn't shown interest for it. Though it was an option to escape the poor and violent district, Adan wasn't thrilled to fight and risk his life. He had seen more than enough violence in his years to know that it wasn't really his thing or healthy. But with some friendly pressure Adan joined together with Rickard the Shinigami Academy, managing to pass the first time that they took the entrance exam. His intellect and cunning, as it is hard to survive the higher numbered districts if you don't have 'power' without those two, proved a valuable asset. His lack of talent and drive for fighting made some think of him as a coward. Not that Adan cared as he saw no use in something as honor, thus didn't care if some viewed him as a coward or cheater. Loyalty is something that Adan praised and saw as a virtue, which was clear as he kept following Rickard through the years in the Academy.

Eventually Rickard however died during a mission against a couple of hollows. He had shown quite some promise and was allowed to show his abilities during a mission, earning some praise of his peers. Adan's motivation to continue to graduate as a shinigami wavered after the event. Not only did the loss of his best friend hit him, but he had nobody that - almost literally- dragged him further down the road to become a shinigami. If not, his motivation became almost void as the death of Rickard just confirmed his fears : becoming a shinigami was just signing up to wind up dead in a violent manner. Nothing better than the slums and crap he had endured and survived before.

But not wanting to go back, Adan finished and graduated at the Shinigami Academy. Though likely not the most eager of recruits, Adan decided it was perhaps better to see if the life of a shinigami could be better than that of an errand boy or working in a bar in a quite criminal district.

Hōzuri - ShitonegaeshiHōzan Kenbu

Tesshō - Taketonbo - Chōhigezutsuki


  • Bakudo [1 – 11]
  • Hado [1 – 21]

Zanpakuto Name:

Zanpakuto Type:
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance:

Inner world:
Inner world - bootyful.
Sealed Zanpakuto:
A katana.
Release command:
"Hide among the shadows."
Shikai, two blades.
Shikai Special Ability:

  • [*] Comforting Cloak
    Using his spiritual energy, Adan hides his presence as he starts to cloak himself with a layer of spiritual energy. This cloak copies the lightning and make him transparent. This provides a certain advantage in combat, but the drawbacks limits the efficient use of it. Adan can't use any Hoho skills while using this ability as it also doesn't allow him to use directly again after using it. It also doesn't hide sound and smell - only visibility. Meaning that this skill can only be pulled off likely as an ambush or trying to flee from a fight.
    [*]You're competent, not a captain.
    [*]Try not to have anything too strong right off the bat.
    [*]Make sure you add durations to abilities that are continuous.

Bankai, again two swords.
Bankai Special Ability: [Usually just an upgraded version of Shikai]

  • Must train to obtain.

Name: Julia Himura (Himura meaning scarlet village)
Age: 190
Sex: Female
Rank: Unseated
Julia's mother died giving birth to her, which her siblings blamed her for, whether they showed it or not. Julia had two sisters and a brother, who each had their own way of showing their distaste for the one who they thought had killed their mother. Her oldest sister simply ignored her most of the time, acting like Julia was simply a ghost that would leave her alone if it thought there was no chance of being noticed. Her brother often bullied her, acting as if she owed him some sort of everlasting favor, making her do all his chores, and when she had money, pay for anything he could get her to. Her sister who was closest to her in age, tried to treat her like an actual sister, but always made Julia play the worst role of any game they would play, or would make her sit out whenever someone else could take the "only" other role in the game. When they aged more, Julia had to seek out interaction with this sister, otherwise she would do everything without her. As Julia aged, she began to make friends of the local children, who, to her surprise, treated her as if she were a person, rather than a monster. She instantly began to live with a smile every day just because of this, but also became very easily pulled into pranks and the such, and shortly began to plan them up for her group of friends. When she grew to her teenage years, or what would be considered those, she began pranking her friends. She had thought it would just end in the joke, but one of them got much more agitated at it than they should have, returning with extremely violent and terrible pranks. Julia began to come home with bruises from this "friend" finding a different way of "pranking" her. When her dad realized what was going on, he attempted to confront the bully that was once Julia's friend, and found that the bully had a weapon. When Julia's father died because of the bully's knife, her sisters turned their back on her entirely, letting her come home beaten and smirking at it when they thought she wasn't looking. When the time came for the funeral, the bully attended, having not been caught for the action, as the few that knew were too afraid to tell who did it. Julia glared at her father's murderer, curious as to what her purpose for attending was. Directly afterwards, she convinced her youngest sister to confront the bully with her, only to watch the same knife be pulled again. As her youngest older sibling was stabbed, she stepped back, screaming in horror at the sight of the only one that she could truly call a sister slowly bleeding out. Her oldest sister heard the scream, and, knowing something must be very wrong for that to happen, came running. When she saw the bleeding, crumpled body, she attacked the bully. Julia's oldest sister was stabbed twice before eventually taking the knife and stabbing the bully in the heart. Though Julia's oldest sister survived, neither her, nor their brother, ever talked to Julia again. Julia, nowhere else to turn, took up training at the academy to become a shinigami.

(tl;dr, her mother died in child birth, her family blamed her, she found friends where she shouldn't have, pulled a prank, and created an overly violent bully. The bully ended up stabbing and killing Julia's father and sister, then stabbing Julia's oldest sister, and now what's left of her family hates her completely, so she went to the only place she knew she could live a normal life, the gotei 13)

Zanjutsu: Hozuri - Shitonegaeshi - Hozan Kenbu
Hakuda: Tessho - Taketonbo - Chohigezutsuki
Hoho: Shunpo
Kido: Bakudo #1-#21
Hado #1-#31

Zanpakuto Name: Yurei (Japanese for ghost)
Zanpakuto Type: Ghost
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance:

(The above is actually an almost perfect likeness of Julia's mother, save the fact that she looks a bit more dead and spirit-like)
Inner world: A forest cloaked in the shadows of midnight with a blue glowing fog to allow enough vision to see the details of other's faces as if it were almost day.
Sealed Zanpakuto: Wakizashi
Release command: Steal the warmth of the living, Yurei!
Shikai Special Ability: Necromancy (usually control over the dead, but in this case, more the creation and control of what most assume are undead, but are actually just really well-controlled reiatsu to seem like spirits)
  • Is, even while not in shikai, capable of phasing through solid objects (amount of effort depends on the amount of reiatsu. If there's a lot of reiatsu, she may not be able to successfully phase through it... Basically, in combat, she will often attempt to avoid using this if she can, as it will definitely drain her a lot)
  • Every two posts while in shikai a new spirit is formed (she starts with one), as if she were harvesting the souls transferring between the world of the living and the soul society to temporarily do her bidding. (max of six spirits, and these spirits are not very big, and when more than 100 feet away are nearly invisible due to being transparent, but are easily visible within the 100 feet)
  • She can, at will, command these spirits to do basic actions, such as move in a direction (usually forcefully) or retrieve something for her.
  • While in shikai, she is also capable of floating in any direction she choose, rather than walking, as she begins to take on the traits of a traditional spirit.
Bankai: The scythe does not change, instead, it is Julia herself, who changes. She takes on more features of her zanpakuto's spirit appearance, such as the skin being absent from some parts of her body (but still working just the same), her face changing slightly to look as if it had been crying blood (blood runs down from the eyes to the chin), as well as growing wings (they do nothing, they just look cool). Also, she becomes slightly intangible (as in, if you were to push her arm, you would feel her there, and she would feel you push, but you would slowly phase through, will describe how this affects combat more shortly), as well as emanating the cold that is commonly linked to the idea of hauntings or ghosts.
Bankai Special Ability: As above but with a bit more
  • Must train to obtain.
  • Every post she spawns in two spirits instead of the previous one per 2 turns (with the max now being 12)
  • She can seemingly animate objects with her spirits (one spirit per four cubic feet can be manipulated) Thus, these spirits must be inside of the object they wish to control, and so, can not directly attack enemies anymore.
  • Everything around her seems to slowly die, but isn't actually dying, just looks it... Shortly after she leaves bankai, all things in the area will return to normal, but also seem more alive than they had previously (perhaps because of the fact that they had only just seemed to be dying... This affects everything, but does not actually make them feel affected in any way, it's almost like an illusion)
  • As was explained with the bankai description, she becomes slightly intangible. This isn't a complete thing, so every cut will still cut her, but not as much, every stab will stab her, but not as deep... Basically, the blade phases through some of her, and only cuts until it phases through. It's not too much of a damage reduction, but it's a small bit
Chigo Zho
Name: Chigo Zho
Age: 250
Sex: Bewbs I mean female

Rank: Unseated
Biography: (Warning: Some parts are slightly messed up)[spoili]Born and raised in the 76th district Chigo came from a not so famous family. if anything they were probably the most feared and hated group in the district. So it came as no surprise when Chigo was pretty much hated as a child, she thought everyone were just assholes but that was just about 25 percent of the reason why. The 75 percent was due to her families tyrant behavior, yet she was too young to understand this. So she decided that if people were going to be assholes then she would treat them as such. So she started having her clan members following her around whenever she left and when someone gave a dirty look to her or she overheard something, she didn't hesitate to have her clan beat them to a pulp.

Eventual upon getting older she realized that she wasn't hated for no reason, but more so from her own clans ways on the district. Apparently they were tyrannical assholes that bled everyone dry of their money and personal belongings. Yet since she was raised by assholes she kind of had a bad mindset, she found it to be their problem and if they didn't like it to fight back. The strong devour the weak, so her clan was doing just that. This was the message she left this male peer with in hopes that this would prove to strengthen his resolve. Upon reaching her adulthood years or rather early adulthood years, she truly began to see just what her clan was doing to people, this came at the price of her family burning a single mother's home who had three children all because they didn't have anything of value. Even if she retained the mentality of the strong devour the weak, this was going way too far. Yet when she confronted her clan about this, she expected them to listen and react accordingly. What happened however was her being beaten and locked away for several days before being released. Yet she wanted an answer from them so she again confronted them and received another beating, was locked up and on the next day was beaten again. Yet despite bruises she had she needed them to know that what they did was wrong in every way possible, so she again confronted them. What happened was something she wouldn't have expected her own blood to do to her.

They tied her up and made her watch what they were doing the steps and everything. They built a spot for a big fire and got a giant black pot which they put over the soon to be flame. They filled the pot to the brim with water and proceeded to light the fire. They made her watch minute after minute of the water heating up, until it finally got to the point it was boiling. Chigo watched with wide eyes as they forced her up untied her and dragged her over to the pot. She saw every bubble forming and popping and they would grab both her arms and fight as she did, wouldn't be enough. They would dunk her arms up to her elbow into the boiling water, the reaction was what she expected. Searing pain that made her whole body scream despite being only her arms being the ones inflicted. Despite her loud piercing screams they held her there until it got to the point you could see her skin becoming red through the water, they pulled her out and locked her in her room. Locking her away didn't stop the screaming however as the pain still lingered, and she screamed all the way until next day where they would find her in a corner just holding out her arms which were now permanently burned. They then decided to treat it so it didn't become worse than it already was, but her arms would forever be the red color they arm now. So after treating it they simply wrapped it in gauze and left it at that. She however was not letting it go that simply, she was beaten locked away beaten locked away and then just got tortured and here she was still alive. So she decided that it was time for the strong to devour the weak, and so in perfect daylight, grabbed a butchers knife from the kitchen and one by one proceeded to stab her family members in the back with a smile on her face. Yet she didn't make it fast she would cut their ligaments so it would be harder for them to react if they even could and proceeded to do what they did to her and that was beat them to a bloody pulp before killing them.

Somewhere after the eighth one she killed she was abruptly stopped by a shinigami who saw the look in her eyes and could get the idea as to why she was doing this. While he stopped her from her further massacre, he didn't just leave her there instead he took her to the academy where she would be put to the test to become a shinigami. The lessons with her upbringing were rather difficult to understand, she got the jist of zanjutsu and could care less for Hakuda. Kido while she could do some, she found it a bit hard to remember how to do them perfectly. What's he did excel at was being one of the fastest students to hear her zanpakutos name. So after she got a good understanding of most the subjects they drilled into your head they sent her off to join a squad.[/spoili]

Zanjutsu: Hōzuri - Shitonegaeshi – Hōzan Kenbu
Hakuda: Tesshō
Hoho: Shunpo
Kido: Bakudo [1 – 21] Hado [1 – 31]

Zanpakuto Name: Sekai bokumetsu
Zanpakuto Type: Dark/light
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance:
Inner world: Reveal later
Sealed Zanpakuto: Its a green katana.
Release command: It needs to end, Sekai bokumetsu
Shikai: Its the Javelin Horn in the appearance
Shikai Special Ability: Its practical use for the dark side is using balls of dark matter to lay waste to her foes, this can be in the form of orbs of varying sizes or she can fire it off in a beam. Alternatively she can change it to the light horn(Not its weight) and have more passive abilities such as slow regeneration or thicker skin.
Dark Javelin Horn: Fires off orbs of blunt dark matter from either side of the horn the stronger she is the faster and bigger the sizes can become.
Light Javelin Horn: Radiates a golden aura that slowly regenerates small wounds. It also gives her a little bit of an energy buff. Sadly doesn't heal burns she tried( duration is three posts)
Dark Javelin Horn: By pointing the Javelin outwards she fires off a two foot radius beam of dark matter from the tip of the weapon
Light Javelin Horn: Her eyes turn a golden green color which is the only sign of knowing that her skin becomes a bit sturdier to cut or hit.(duration three post)
Bankai: (not obtained but its both the dark and light Javelin Horns.
Bankai Special Ability: [Usually just an upgraded version of Shikai]
Must train to obtain.

Yu Hardt
Name: Yu Hardt
Age: 269
Sex: Male

Rank: Unseated
Biography: [Personality and History]Yu's family wasn't a wealthy one, as they were simple farmers, they grew their own food and lived quite happily. Every now Hollows would attack the district he lived in and all his family and him did was pray that they would be okay. This continued for several years, it was almost like a routine to him. Help out his family, then hide away when the hollows attacked. One day, the hollow numbers were much larger than they usually were, and they started to lay waste to everything in sight. They eventually made their way to Yu's family house, they destroyed most of the land, even destroying the house entirely. Luckily his family got out of the house before its destruction, thankfully Shinigami would come and save his family and himself before the hollows could get to them.

After that day, Yu didn't want to hide anymore, he wanted to be strong like the Shinigami that saved his family were. He told his family what he wanted to become and at first they didn't like the idea, but they gave him their approval. So he left to join the Academy, where he listened to everything they told him. He trained as long as he could in order to get stronger, he didn't want to be weak and unable to defend the ones he loved. So he would practice while everyone took breaks he didn't want to slack at all, he wanted to be able to protect his family and everyone else from the Hollows he simply wanted to be strogn enough to never let anyone down.

Years after years in the academy, Yu became better and better as he was one of the best at using kido. He eventually surpassed all in his class at using kido, he was said to be quite gifted at using Kido. He was also quite above average at everything else the taught, not disappointing anyone besides himself, as he felt it wasn't good enough. So even after he graduated from the academy, he still trained to the best of his abilities each day. He first went back home to tell his family he was alright and he would soon become a shinigami that they would be proud of. He then went off back to the seireitei in order to join a squad and hopefully find a squad he believes will help make him even stronger.

Zanjutsu: Hōzuri - Shitonegaeshi – Hōzan Kenbu
Hakuda: Tesshō - Taketonbo - Chōhigezutsuki
Hoho: Shunpo
Kido: Bakudo [1 – 21] Hado [1 – 31]

Zanpakuto Name: Seimei no haishi
Zanpakuto Type: Kido/melee
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance: Reveal later
Inner world: Its a simple forest. Justa forest that has no end.
Sealed Zanpakuto: sword in appearance
Release command: Lets start the hunt Seimei no Haishi
Shikai: A black metal wolf head covers Yu's right fist and a blade stick out of its mouth, while another black one covers his left hand but instead of a blade it just has an an adjustable man that can clamp down on something with its incredibly sharp teeth.

Shikai Special Ability: Is able to conjure up kido wolves that can attack and explode in a big ball of kido. The more he makes the more taxing it is, he can also combine kido with his blade to give it more cutting power and fire off kido beams.

Wolf sickness- By covering his blade in this purple kido he enables himself slightly more cutting power. Yet if he's able to cut someone and inject the kido in them he can make them slobber out their spiritual energy, theoretically making them weaker the more they slobber.
Howl- With his left fist he opens the wolf's mouth and can fire off a beam of kido. Only notable thing is he can adjust the size of the beam by adjusting the mouth.
The hunt- He conjures up to five wolves which upon commands Yu makes will hunt down the target or explode.
Wolf instinct- By infusing his zanpakutos energy within himself he gains a better sense of smell, yet this also makes him a little more crazy in the off chance he sometimes views people as food. This is taxing to do, so he uses it more so for missions involving finding people..(Duration 3 post)
Bankai: [What does your Bankai look like? Image or text will do]
Bankai Special Ability: [Usually just an upgraded version of Shikai]
Must train to obtain.

Shuto Tsugi
Name: Shuto Tsugi
Age: 255
Sex: Male

Rank: Unseated
Biography: Growing up in the 76th district was an odd experience for Shuto, normally one growing up in these violent districts would come out of it looking like a thug and violent in some manner. One would also expect to be bullied by those that are older, Shuto was an exception as he was born looking menacing. He was pale, skinny had un natural eye color with his being orange. It was almost as if his existence should be questioned, yet despite everyone avoiding him he always had his little sister who would stick to him like glue. She knew that despite his looks he was an actually really sweet guy, if he saw someone get hurt he would always ask if they were okay. Hell he even once had a gash in his arm yet he saw someone fall and instead of his arm he went over to help the man up. Despite the fact the entire district resented him even his own parents, he still retained his kind nature.

One day however his sister got sick so he decided to take care of her, he would change her rags, feed her, give her water whatever he could to help her get better. Yet after two days of nothing changing he decided he had no choice but to visit a doctor to get her medicine. When telling her he would be back with her medicine she would giggle and say he was just like a shinigami, going around helping people. He simply smiled and took off running, he knew there were no doctor not in any of these districts so he would have to get to a somewhat tame district to find one. In the hopes of finding one he ran hours on end just to reach district 50 in which he sought out a doctor and told him about what was wrong with his sister. The man understanding gave him the medicine which Shuto used his own savings to purchase and took off running back to district 76, only to be meet with misfortune.

He collided with a female who decided to rob him of the medicine and would part after leaving him with a message that would be etched into his brain. The only time he felt anger and fear was this moment as he walked back to his sister and had to tell her that he was robbed but would try methods the doctor suggested would help. Yet she knew by the tears in his eyes that there were no methods but she knew he wanted to help her so badly so she just agreed and went with it. Just as they both knew, no matter what he tried her sickness would not show signs of getting better and of course came the day where she passed away in her sleep. So he was destroyed when he had to bury her, for once in his life he was empty void of feelings he acted almost like everyone thought he was, a husk. Yet he discovered a will she wrote and upon reading it he would start crying, it would state that she knew everything about the medicine and that he was grasping at any chance of a miracle. Yet she loved him for it and knew that he was the kindest person anyone would ever meet, and so she requested that since he already acted like one that he should go become a shinigami. He couldn't just ignore her last words and in doing so he departed from the district and took off to join the academy.

Once there he practically terrified the other students and somehow shocked his tutors that his hakuda……. was somehow the most gentle punching they ever felt. So they decided to not teach him hakuda as he would probably heal people by punching them. They did not he was pretty good at picking up learning Kido and with enough practice his zanjustu was pretty great. Their only regret was that he could punch and mean it. So when they let him graduate he was shocked to see people applauding him, he was use to being shunned. He already knew which squad he wanted to join as it'd give him the most chances to help out other like his sister wanted him to.

Zanjutsu: Hōzuri - Shitonegaeshi – Hōzan Kenbu
Hoho: Shunpo
Kido: Bakudo [1 – 21] Hado [1 – 31]

Zanpakuto Name: Shizukana nokori
Zanpakuto Type: Reiatsu
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance: Reveal later
Inner world: Reveal later
Sealed Zanpakuto: A purple katana
Release command: All things come and go, so allow these souls to carry on to the next life. Shizukana Nokori
Shikai: In appearance
Shikai Special Ability: Its a dangerous shikai to say the least when it cuts instead of blood pouring from the wound it's your reiatsu. Because of what it can do its limited in what it can do. This being the fact it can only do one thing and that's kill you. With your pouring reiatsu he has to write out your name your full name first and last, if he's able to do this then land a hit to you, he can suck your soul into the shikai and leave you nothing more than a soulless body. Of course this can also make the shikai useless in a way with the fact being if he doesn't know your name then you will be fine even if he cuts you. He also has to stay in one spot and write it out, and who's going to allow someone to write out your name with your own reiatsu? It also depends on the size of the wound if it's a tiny nick then he's going to have a hard ass time writing a name from a small amount of reiatsu. So pretty much he has to create a large enough wound, somehow prevent you from getting to him, and write out a first and last name. And to top it all off he then has to cut you again just for it to work.
Bankai: [What does your Bankai look like? Image or text will do]
Bankai Special Ability: [Usually just an upgraded version of Shikai]
Must train to obtain.

Nene Sanada
Name: Nene Sanada
Age: 247
Sex: Female

Rank: Unseated
Biography:Born into a rather prosperous family, things would usually be pretty swell for a kid. Not quite so for Nene as she was born as blind as a bat. Yet to be honest she didn't care at all, if anything it made her life easier as she had people caring for her pretty much every second of the day. Despite this Nene wasn't stupid in the slightest, she eventually taught herself to have a vague feel of the area around her and could walk literally by herself without help most of the time. Even with her studies even though she couldn't see any of the problems, as long as she had an understanding of them then she could do them for the most part within her head. So what most would think was a difficult life was actually pretty simple for her. She just couldn't see all this beauty that was their world everyone kept going on about.

So around when she was about 165 her cousin who was a shinigami decided to come home for a few weeks. At the time Nene and this woman never meet so she really had no say when the cousin learned about her blindness and decided they wanted to fix it. So when she was told to sit still one day she got a little nervous and uncomfortable and sat up at the last second. What had happened was the cousin was intending to place a kido seal on her forehead so she could see with the help of kido. I mean it worked it's just that the kido seal wasn't on her forehead but instead her left breast. So when all these color flooded her vision and see could look around and see people she honestly didn't care that much. What see did however find interesting was the kido seal, so when asked how they did it, they simply replied they learned when becoming a shinigami. So thats when Nene decided thats what she would do from now on. So just like that she set off to join the academy.

Upon entering it, she noted that she was being treated much differently than most of the others were. She could easily tell it because they thought she was blind, they weren't wrong but she wasn't going to tell them any differently. If they wished to treat her a little more special than others then who was she to tell them no. So while others were drilled vigorously, she would learn about kido all she wanted and would be commended for her proficient learning skill. She was of course bummed when she found out she learned all she could about kido they could teach her. They struggled to tell her they had to teach her to use a zanpakuto and fight with it, too which she just shrugged and nodded. When they began teaching her, they realized she had some way of seeing the world around her, cause no matter what they did she was able to follow their movements with precision. It wasn't until she was 221 that she caught a glimpse of try beauty. When her zanpakuto gave its name to her, she went to its inner world and was awestruck by the scene. Standing atop of a chess board while circling the sun in space, being capable of breathing and not burning to a crisp. This was the first time she understood the concept of beauty, and with help from her little zanpakuto grew to love playing games.

Gaining her shikai was pretty much the academies way of saying, that they had nothing left to teach her. So she was able to graduate and instead of joining a squad she wanted to get better use of her shikai. She came to find out despite the fact a child was her spirit, that this shikai was actually highly dangerous, she could quite literally endanger people with simple games. So she had to restrict herself to only playing the highly dangerous games with enemies, while the gentle ones she could troll people with all she wanted.

Zanjutsu: Hōzuri - Shitonegaeshi – Hōzan Kenbu
Hakuda: Tesshō - Taketonbo - Chōhigezutsuki
Hoho: Shunpo
Kido: Bakudo [1 – 21] Hado [1 – 31]

Zanpakuto Name: Fenikkasu Warau
Zanpakuto Type: Games
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance: Its a little child with red hair dressed up as a phoenix, who has the pudgy face of a child.
Inner world: Its a chess board circling the sun in space.
Sealed Zanpakuto: A purple hilted katana.
Release command: Press start, Fenikkasu Warau
Shikai: Its a glowing rubix cube that will flash different colors that are based on the zanpakutos mood, it can also shift into a sword as well.
Shikai Special Ability: Her shikai activates game modes, like easy, normal, hard. As games apply as the mode gets higher the more dangerous it is, that is the very essence of the shikai. She can call out a challenge with winner rewards and loser penalties, and you usually want to win as they are pretty fucking handy. Yet the loser penalties are something you don't want, sure easy mode doesn't have majorly affecting ones, but normal takes a massive step up with actual affecting ones, such as blurry vision or poor hearing. Hard loser penalties however you don't want. They are very dangerous, going as far as bones shattering, loss of sight, hearing, touch, and amplified pain. Best thing is she can't just instantly say death as a penalty. Yet its the fact she can make it so you eventually die from a loss of a hard mode that makes the shikai terrifying. Plus side is she uses her shikai on allies with easy mode as a joke, and will even use it to help them. Hell she could do hard mode where going blind is a loss effect and purposely lose it just so an ally can gain from it, since she is already blind.
  • The game modes are her main use, with each of them lasting as long as the challenge is. Only difference being the challenge gets harder with each mode. Also the fact the higher the mode, the more taxing it is to use again.
  • Her favorite part is DLC, yes thats correct DLC. She can ask her zanpakuto for a boost and it will give her a list of boosters, yet DLC's have a price. As such they while may be great boosters, you obviously wouldn't risk every bone shattering in your arms for a power boost. They usually last for three posts before losing effect
Bankai: [What does your Bankai look like? Image or text will do]
Bankai Special Ability: [Usually just an upgraded version of Shikai]
  • Must train to obtain.
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Ayami Cho
Ayami Cho
170 years old.
1.78m / 5ft 10.07874in
Weight :
64 kg


Amayi is a very quiet girl that likes to be on the background of a scene. This is because she doesn't want to stand in the center of attention and get noticed, as she finds it uncomfortable and also very dumb. In her logic, that would mean that people could learn things about her and the less people would know about her, the better. She finds it more comfortable by choosing if she will spill any information out by her own free will. Besides, she doesn't trust others at a normal rate, which furthers increase her dislike for much attention. She has the idea that if she will keep herself quiet and out of everybody's personal business that she be more on her own. And avoid being sucked into problems of others. Problems that will eat away her free time or worse, can ruin a day for her.

Other than her distrustful and what some would call introvert side, Amayi does have a loyal side. She doesn't promise or swears just for the fun of it. With a great sense of duty and loyalty, Amayi tries to keep her word. Though it is very rare for her to promise or give her word, unless she believes there is something to benefit for it. There is indeed a more selfish side to Amayi, though she has no great ambitions, she does try to grab more power and influence if the way is open to it. She also has a great dislike for those who act as 'knights of virtue and honor', something that can lure out some mean and low remarks from her if she can.

Born as a soul, Amayi's youth wasn't that great. Born in poverty, she has known nothing else but hard work to survive each passing day. There were several times when she was tempted to become a petty criminal, trying to steal for food and money instead of working hard for it. She had done several small jobs, but never something dishonorable. At that time, she had a strong belief that those who would stay and life a honorable existence would somehow sooner or later be rewarded for it. Only she would learn the hard way that it wasn't like that at all.

A few murders happened. Nothing strange in the poor districts, but Amayi was shocked. She wasn't sure how it had happened, but several of her closed friends had been murdered. Was her trying to strive to life with a high morality not good enough to protect those who she cared for? Didn't it help against unfortunate incidents like those? Hardened by the experience, Amayi became less naive as she started to despise such weaknesses.

For some time Amayi started to work just for herself. Nobody else wasn't allowed to bond or connect with her as she didn't want to suffer again from the loss and pain she had experienced and endured before. She didn't want to go through that phase where she realized how helpless she was, how naive her way of thinking had been and that she was weak. But for a long time Amayi wasn't sure how she could turn this. How she could try to get stronger. This eventually caused her to choose a new way of life. She chose to study and learn at the Shin'o Academy to become a Shinigami.

Problem was that Amayi didn't have a special Reiatsu. She did had some, but she had never made use of it. Never had the need been there that she would need to train it. In the six years that she had attended to the Academy, Amayi had managed to show that her primary battle skills weren't perhaps the best or the top. Her intellect and cunning however would provide enough for her to be a capable and supportive ally for most.


Ayami's skill in Zanjutsu is still novice. She has some talent for it, but currently isn't any better than the average person that wields a blade. Probably only knowing what the point of the blade is and such 'basic' information.
Hōzuri - ShitonegaeshiHōzan Kenbu
Quite the same as her skill in Zanjutsu.
Tesshō - Taketonbo - Chōhigezutsuki

The field where Ayami shines, though she hasn't a great deal of experience or practiced it to be better than any novice.
A novice in kidõ, Ayami has shown already in her past to favor Bakudo kind of spells above others.
Bakudo [1 – 21] Hado [1 – 31]

Zanpakuto Name:
Zanpakuto Type:
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance:

Inner world:

Sealed Zanpakuto:
A katana, as shown in her appearance.
Release command:
Not yet discovered.
A set of trench knives.
Shikai Special Ability: [Explain the basic principle of your Shikai. Can you create and manipulate fire? Can you create portals? You'll flesh out your Shikai within your abilities]
  • Your first ability goes here. You may start with four or less.
  • You're competent, not a captain.
  • Try not to have anything too strong right off the bat.
  • Make sure you add durations to abilities that are continuous.
Bankai: [What does your Bankai look like? Image or text will do]
Bankai Special Ability: [Usually just an upgraded version of Shikai]
  • Must train to obtain.


250 years old
1.73m / 5ft 7.7
Weight :
65 kg / 143lb


Mission gear ;

Captain of the Sixth Division
Born in what we know as the Scottish Highlands, Edmé was the daughter of poor farmers that had to struggle every day to fill the bellies of the family. A big family even as Edmé had eight other siblings. Even though she was a girl, the times were so dire that everybody had to help. But that hadn't ever been a problem with the young spirited girl. Eager to improve their situation, Edmé was happy to be able to support her family. Though she would slowly undergo a change. Something to be expected when siblings and friends would perish as living in poverty isn't ideal. Slowly she saw how more and more people were dying because of diseases and all the risks that life has in store.

Instead of remaining cheerful and optimistic, Edmé slowly would turn bitter. By the age of sixteen, she barely ever smiled and some would consider this as the reason how she died. Becoming a Plus, she was eventually send to Soul Society. It was all a new experience for her, giving her a slight hope that she would somehow end up reuniting with those that she had called family and dear ones when she had been alive. Yet she couldn't ever find a trace about them and ended up working in a bar in an eastern district of Rukongai. Working for several years, trying to understand more about Rukongai, Soul Society and all kind of terms that were just new to her, Edmé managed to find her way.

Eventually something caused her to say farewell of days of hard labor for a meager salary, signing herself up for the Shin'ō Academy. At first it seemed that Edmé wouldn't be a student with a lot of potential. She had failed her entrance exam once, but managed to succeed the second time. While some wondered if the silent and stern looking woman would manage to pass within the six years, Edmé's hard work started to pay off. She could graduate at the fifth year that she was in the Academy, but she chose herself to stay for another year in the Academy.

Graduating Edmé was eventually assigned to the Sixth Division. There she would further work on her skill and not really open up to other people. Resulting that many considered her to have an arrogant and prideful nature. Only a very few would know how untrue this would be, a shocking event eventually happened. Though she had served for 120 years without any sign of being ambitious, Edmé challenged the previous Captain of the Sixth Division - Lee Nomura - out for a duel. At first this wasn't taken serious, but it happened and resulted into the death of the previous leader of the division leader - showing the cunning side of Edmé, who made use of her captain underestimating her and his friendly nature. Taking with her victory the leadership of the division, Edmé's start of leading the division was rocky.

People didn't trust her and were more wary of her intentions after her 'grab of power'. Rumors even spread that she was plotting to challenge the Captain Commander as her ambition wouldn't know any limit. Instead however Edmé focused on improving the discipline and efficiency of the Sixth Division. Acting with a stern leadership, she started to dismiss the friendly and mild leadership that many veterans of the Sixth Division were used to under Lee's leadership. Some even requested a transfer and for years the Division was disliked with the manner of how the Division operated. There are still people who hold a deep dislike even to this day towards Edmé, who however doesn't seem to be bothered by the negative emotions she raises with even her name or presence by those.

These days there is a growing number of people in the Sixth Division that follow the stern leadership of Edmé and defend her name in her absence. One claims that she demands respect and loyalty with improving the efficiency with which the division works with, another claims it is that she deserves loyalty for making rational decisions and doesn't handle out of emotions. Though she has been captain for years, she isn't however counting herself as a veteran captain nor does she sport her abilities on part with a more veteran captain.


Expert level
Expert level.
Edmé forte is in Hoho, her only master leveled skill.
Being an expert, Edmé kido's skills seems to be focused largely on bakudō. The other fields of kido are rather lacking compared to her skill of bakudō. This is likely because of her more frequent use of bakudō over the use of other the other classifications.

Bakudo [1 – 90]
Hado [1 – 60]
Kaido [none]

Zanpakuto Name:
Hawln (meaning 'salt').
Zanpakuto Type:
Elemental - darkness.
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance:

Inner world:


Sealed Zanpakuto:
A wakizashi.
Release command:
"Lecht th' fire ay war, fur ruin."
("Light the fire of war, for ruin.")
The shikai of Halwn.
Shikai Special Ability:

  • Dreadful Sign;
    The sign is an ability that requires Edmé to get close and personal. Focusing her Reiatsu to attach to an target, she is able to slowly, but steadily leech the spirit energy of an opponent or grand them an 'ally' status for the Sphere of Ruin. The only way of removing the sign is by overpowering the control of Edmé.
  • Reiatsu of the night ;
    One of the special abilities is that Edmé uses her black Reiatsu as conduct to bring her victims into a paralyzed state. This is because the black colored Reiatsu starts to 'invade' the mind of her opponents, trying to leech away their confidence or reverse it - bolstering their confidence - in creating a morphed look of reality. The weakness of this is that Edmé needs to activate this ability close to an opponent and a very observant fighter can likely dispel these illusions.
  • Howling night wisps ;
    Forming balls of black energy, these wisps will start to create an irritating and menacing sound. The howling sound more like pained screams the closer one is to one. They can be attached to a surface and be manually detonated from a distance, creating a energy explosion.
  • Sphere of Ruin ;
    Creating a large sphere of black Reiatsu, Edmé envelops an area into darkness. This will not fully neutralize her foes ability to fight back as everybody that moves will create a certain light. The danger behind the ability is that it will start to leech the power of everybody that is present in the sphere and serving as a barrier, making it hard to escape as the 'shell' will also absorb attacks to a certain degree.. Allies can only be spared from this if they are marked earlier by Edmé's Reiatsu.

Hawln's bankai form.
Bankai Special Ability:
  • Terrifying puppet play;
    When using bankai, the power of the dreadful sign is much stronger. Those who haven't a strong will can even be forced to fight for Edmé, in a puppet-esque kind of manner. This will however require a great deal of Edmé's focus and it will be obvious that she is exerting control over a person due to the black markings that spread all over the victim's body. This ability to puppeteer is limited to two victims.
  • Will Breaker ;
    Furthering the ability of Reiatsu of the night, Edmé is able to create a of lot of pressure upon her victims. This is often described as a pressure that brings forth a lot of pain that even closes off the throat of a target. Though it won't be activated instantly as it will need to be build up.
  • Raging Wisps of Ruin ;
    Edmé is able to control up to three wisps to move around, instead of keeping them stationary or attached. This movement is restricted to 'simple' movements. The speed of the wisps isn't that impressive.
  • Bringer of Ruin ;
    In Bankai, the Sphere of Ruin is emphasized on the aspect of hiding away Edmé. She is able to create up to two afterimages that can move and talk, but won't be able to deal any kind of physical damage. The real Edmé is cloaked by the darkness all the time, unless she is a meter away from a person.

Kaikou Fujimoto

Name: Kaikou Fujimoto
Age: 190
Sex: Male
Appearance: Kaikou is a male standing on the taller side at five feet and nine inches. He has a fit build with calloused hands hidden behind gloves. Kaikou has messy auburn hair and brown eyes that has the slightest dark circle around them hinting that he stays up later than he should.
Rank: Recent graduate
Biography: Growing up in the Fujimoto clan, Kaikou was nothing special. Just like many others in his clan was he born for the simple purpose of providing soldiers to the Gotei 13, and just like many others was he trained in combat since he could walk. Unlike those many others though, he showed minor skill in combat. For that he was ignored completely by his father, a higher-up in the clan, and pushed to the background by others around him. Kaikou barely had a relationship with his father, and when they did talk it was mainly about his training and studying. What Kaikou did have though was a good relationship with his older brother, Keiichi, who was a highly respected fighter in the clan. Keiichi barely had free time, but when he did have some it was to play strategy games with Kaikou while the two conversed of who their mother might be.

One night of roaming the clan grounds, during curfew hours, Kaikou would take notice of someone leading a hunched figure out of the clan grounds. Out of curiosity Kaikou followed the two to an abandoned area deep into the west Rukongai districts. Into a cave and down into what appeared to be a lab where he spotted the higher ups of the clan conversing about what they were going to do to 'him'. Trying to move closer to hear, Kaikou would soon be spotted as he tripped over a rock. The higher-ups all turned to him, angrily, but before they could do anything a figure popped out of nowhere. Broken chains around their wrists and a white mask covering half their face, Kaikou was shocked to find that it was his Keiichi. Kaikou woke up not remembering a second after what happened. Before he could ask questions of what happened that night he was forced, with another group of people, to head off to the Seireitei. Whereas they got free passes to automatically join the Gotei 13, Kaikou had to go through all six years of the academy. Whether it was because of his family status or his bit of Hakuda training, he passed the academy and set off to join a Division.

Zanjutsu: Hōzuri
Hakuda: Tesshō, Taketonbo
Hoho: Shunpo
Kido: Bakudo [1 – 21] Hado [1 – 31], although not very good even for his level.

Zanpakuto Name: Unknown
Zanpakuto Type: Unknown
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance: Unknown
Inner world: Unknown
Sealed Zanpakuto: Wakizashi
Release command: Unknown
Shikai: Unknown
Shikai Special Ability: Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
Bankai Special Ability:

  • Must train to obtain.
Name: Sayuri Minamoto
Age: 117
Sex: Female
Appearance: Sayuri Minamoto
Rank: 17th Seat of The 8th Divison
Sayuri was born into the Feudal Japan Era into the Minamoto clan arround year 1180. She does not remember the name of her parents or much of her life, only bits from it. She was born among the highest ranked members of the clan. Most of her early childhood was spent in Kyoto, and as far as she can remember, she was traeted with respect that bordered a religious one. She was kept safe from all harm by keeping her locked in all the time, something that ultimately turned to be her demise.

As she grew older, she was taught about how to be a model wife, while her brothers were instructed in the arts of swordsmanship and battles. She was very envious to them and after numerous heated talks, she managed to persuade her father to allow her to train with the sword. This was done under the greatest secrecy - nobody from the clan was to know about it, and they were successful in hiding it. Sayuri took on the lessons quickly and with much more enthusiasm than her other lessons.

As she grew older, she became part of an arranged marriage between the Minamoto clan and one of their rivals to cement an alliance. Reluctant to agree since it would mean the end of her swordsmanship lessons, she desperately sought a way to escape the arrangement, but to no avail. During one of their travels from Kyoto to meet her would be husband, their caravan stopped in the Hakkoda Mountains.

She was spending her time on the outsides of the village they were in, when she noticed something strange - at first she thought it was a fox. But there was something else to that particular fox - she felt an irresistible urge to follow it, and so she did. The fox was leading her further and further away from the village and into continously dangerous areas. Her childhood isolation from the outside world took its toll and she found her demise upon failing to notice a steep hill.

After she perished, she remained at the place of her death - her only companion now the fox that lead her to her demise. Feeling no hate or anger towards the fox, she instead found its presence liberating. She knew she was dead and felt some strange relief, that was quickly changed by indifference to her entire life. Feeling robbed of it, she decided to distance herself from all her feelings, something that made her Konso that much easier for her. She had no idea how much time passed between her passing and the time the Shinigami performed the ritual on her.

Her indifferent personality remained as she was now in Soul Society. After a few years there, she decided to join the Spiritual Arts Academy to become a Shinigami herself. Her indifferent attitude made her academy years difficult, but the teacher took a liking to her despite that, due to the effort she placed into mastering the subjects taught to them at the Academy. She was not sticking close to any particular teacher, instead prefering to learn everything on her own.

Unlocking her Shikai several years after the Academy was a great accomplishment for her and filled her with a great sense of pride. She spent the next decades to train all aspects of being a Shinigami. Her efforts doubled after she became a member of the 8th Division. The added benefit of the new experiences and interaction with more skilled Shinigami greatly improved her skills. In about twenty years since she joined the division, she made her way up to the 17th Seat. She faces the increasing assaults in Soul Society with her trademark indifference, but even she is going to change in the days to come.

Sayuri spent a considerable skill training her Zanjutsu skills, as her Zanpakuto is her primary means for combat. Her skills are based more on speed and flexibility, rather than brute strength. She is considered as having a decent skill in Zanjutsu and she works tirelessly to improve it.
Sayuri´s small physique seems to show a portrayal of her not being a capable hand-to-hand combatant, something she can use in her favor. It has to be noted that she can only hold her own for brief periods of time. Enemies with greatly superior physical strength can easily overpower her.
Her skill in Hoho can be categorized as a Practictioner. She can move at high speeds for a brief period of time, but she has to be careful as to how long she will maintain that speed - she is susceptible to fatigue after moving at such speeds.
Her Kido skills are considered to be basic ones, and she can use only low level spells from both Bakudo and Kido. Rather than on their power, Sayuri relies on the perfect timing.

Zanpakuto Name: Shaka
Zanpakuto Type: Physical
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance: Shaka´s appearance
Inner world: The Tempest, Shaka´s inner world
Sealed Zanpakuto: Shaka´s Sealed appearance
Release command: " Dance and deceive, Shaka! "
Shikai: Shaka´s Shikai form
Shikai Special Ability:

Shaka alters Sayuri´s Zanpakuto in only a visual way - Shaka starts to glow with a faint white aura. Tribal tattoos appear on Sayuri´s skin as the sign that her Zanpakuto is in a Shikai state.
  • Spirit of the Trickster
This is a passive ability of Sayuri´s Zanpakuto, Shaka. It offers a slight increase in her agility. The increase is only a slight one and once she reverts from her Shikai state to the sealed one, she will experience exhaustion.
  • Shadow Dash
A simple move that when executed with the proper timing can achieve devastating effects. It is a high-speed dash that allows for Sayuri to make a close-up strike on his foe. The downsides of this move are the tunnel vision effect that takes place and the speed at which the move is executed and Sayuri needs a short to medium distance to completely stop herself.

Bankai: Sayuri is yet to achieve her Bankai.
Bankai Special Ability: -/-
Hansuke Araki ('han', which means 'companion', and 'suke', which means 'help or assist'. )



180 CM
86 Kilograms
Eye Colour
Hair Colour

Araki Hansuke remains unknown to many due to his inabillity to express and open himself to people, most of the time Hansuke deals with issues and battle on his own - stubborn enough to not call for help even if needed. But would rarely turn down the request to aid another. Many deem to experience a discomfort around him due to his uninviting behavior.

Origin : District 79, Kusajishi.

Raised within a violent district Hansuke had to both learn and experience the violence within battles. Already in youth he practiced the fine swordsmanship with a small group of friends consisting of seven individuals. They did not exactly know one another, they were merely available to eachother as a form of protection and training. With their growing talents the group of young adults became more and more violent, simply due to the benefits of battle. Becoming the aggressors gave them respect, just the wrong kind of respect.

As he became an adult Hansuke and his group became well known within the district, however this was far from a benefit. Shunned by the communities around they were more prone to find new foes than comrades. Their united bond between one another as swordsmen finally came to a justified end, after several hours in battle the majority of his comrades died whilst he managed to flee with his tail between his legs.

The rest of his life within Kusajishi was lived within the shadows and Hansuke almost became a mere folklore. Knowing his life could not be what it was, he made several attempts to become a shinigami.
After a few failures at his entry to the Shin'ō Academy he finally made it. A very strange individual who was never seen around his comrades, usually by himself studying for his own future which would hopefully lead to a more valuable life with a proper purpose within the ranks of the Gotei 13.

The category Hansuke finds himself the most comfortable with, ofcourse that is quite common. However he is quite known for his Hōzuri technique but also his Hōzan Kenbu - easy to discern this man is nothing but attuned to high speeds and precise maneuvers. Yet, he requires training to remove flaws. (Novice)
Hansuke was never a hand to hand combatant, and his hakuda is nothing he could boast about. (Novice)
Another category that is well executed by Hansuke. (Novice)

Kaidō - healing injuries and restoring reiatsu is his primary knowledge within the classes of kido. (Novice)

Bakudō - Barriers and seals is something Hansuke utilize due to it's synergy with his Zanpakutō, however - he could be better. (Novice)

Hadō - This is one of the categories Hansuke has almost entierly abandoned, basics are known but not any in-depth experience within the field. (Novice)

Zanpakuto Name
Totsuzenshi (Sudden Death)
Zanpakuto Type
Zanpakuto Spirit appearance

The only difference is that Totsuzenshi's blade is a hook sword.
Inner world

Sealed Zanpakuto
Release command
Feast, Totsuzenshi!
Within the Shikai state Totsuzenshi shapes into a black hook sword.
Shikai Special Ability
The primary attribute of Hansuke's Zanpakuto is to manipulate life, death. Totsuzenshi has a chance to steal energies from any victim sliced by her keen edge. Said energies manifest within her shell and is used to access various abilities. Depending on the hit, a certain amount of energy is plausibly stored (killing a target might steal more than a cut). Stolen energies are measured in 'levels', indicated by a growing presence of Totsuzenshi's reiatsu.
The maximum levels reach an impressive five, but currently his strength is enough to store two levels - giving him access to Maiden's Kiss and Harm.

Totsuzenshi is unable to activate abilities without any stolen energy, or if Hansuke lack reiatsu to trigger said abilities (in desperate times the wielder might inflict harm on himself to access Totsuzenshi's abilities). After each ability the measured levels reset to zero, if any levels remains as Hansuke's zanpakuto goes back to sealed form - they are forfeited.
  • [Level One, Otome no kisu (Maiden's Kiss)] The ability known as Maiden's Kiss is a healing ability. Hansuke himself is capable of either directing said healing to himself to regenerate parts of injuries and recover reiatsu or an allied. With each level gathered said ability grows in strength.
  • [Level Two, Gaiaku (harm)] Gaiaku is an ability capable of wounding the enemy with a violent release of energy which the blade has stored. Said release looks much like an emerald Cero, but is ofcourse the ability simply looks like one.
    This ability is capable of releasing at Level two to level five. Each level increasing radius, strength and harm.
  • [Level Three, Shi To Fuhai (Death and Decay, Must train to obtain)] The level three release of Totsuzenshi releases a sickly aura. The presence is intimidating by itself and many find themselves nauseous when close to Hansuke, infact - anyone close has a chance of getting harmed overtime.
    Shi To Fuhai is a reckless ability that creates an aura fifty feet (15meters) around him. The aura is centered upon Hansuke and moves along with him. Vegetation, structures, materials and weaker creatures find themselves decaying at a rapid speed. Stronger foes may be exposed to this aura for a longer time before becoming an actual victim to it (matching his reiatsu or surpass his means those targeted stalemate this technique). Can be released on Level three to Five - each level only affects duration and strength.
  • [Level Four, Otome no shidō(Maiden's guidance, must train to obtain)] The fourth and final skill is Otome no shidō, this ability is much alike motor-skill manipulation. The opponent has a chance to become under Hansuke's control unless the person's or creature's reiatsu is capable of repelling the attempt. The single target afflicted by this skill find themselves decieved by their body which now moves without their permission. Can be released at Level Four and Five - five only improves the chance (not it's short duration).

Bankai: Must train to obtain!
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