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By the way, anyone feel free to bug Sieg if you want too.
I have a feeling Kairi and Oka will get along really well, hehe
Well she wouldn't provoke it, ask maybe. :p
Go ahead if you want, well when there is a chance.
Play nicely you young whippersnappers.
Alright, going to post soon. Didn't post yesterday as my DC jack was getting fucky (AGAIN) and I had to keep the laptop in an awkward position for it to be able to charge.
Alright, going to post soon. Didn't post yesterday as my DC jack was getting fucky (AGAIN) and I had to keep the laptop in an awkward position for it to be able to charge.
For a second I thought you said it was getting funky XD In which I would have stated that every now and then a DC jack just has to dance to the groove.
Guess who got into a car accident...This guy.
Friend of mind got hit by a truck last week. Hang in there man, just keep your head up. You honestly seem to not be fazed by it so that a good sign at least.
Well damn, seems someone already nabbed the last Veteran Captain. I guess I'll have to settle for a Rookie. Take a look at what I have and let me know what all I need to change. If possible, I would like for his speed to be retained.

Ozaki, Heizo



Thirteenth Division

Captain - Veteran

Zanpakutō Sealed Appearance

Zanpakutō Shikai Appearance
Seemingly a mix between a Gladius and the legendary Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. It's an odd sword to use without a shield as was intended. It lacks a hilt and has a noticeably shorter handle than the Katana. However, it's of similar blade length measuring 65cm.

Prior to chanting his Kaigo, Heizo embeds his zanpakuto within reiatsu. Causing it to take on the shape of a katana with a square hilt.

"I accept, Omoni."

As Shikai is activated the sword of reiatsu shrinks and changes shape. Morphing into its Shikai appearance the reiatsu surrounding it is soaked into the blade.

Zanpakutō Bankai Appearance
Enveloped in a darker, more dense, blue reiatsu. Heizo holds Onomi pointed toward the ground at chest level. Reciting his Kaigo once more.

"I accept, Futan no Claidheamh-mòr"

As Bankai is activated the sword of reiatsu extends toward the ground, growing in width until it stops near Heizo's feet. Morphing into its Bankai appearance, the great sword's blade begins at his hip. It's grip being considerably longer than its Shikai predecessor. Allowing for a double handed grip.

Shikai Abilities

Omoni (重荷, Heavy Burden)

Heizo's zanpakuto Omoni acts as a sponge, absorbing his reiryoku. The greater the amount the more dense Omoni becomes. The denser Omoni is, the more it weights. Additionally, the more poured into Omoni the sharper it's edge becomes. This affect is noticeable as Heizo's blade will shift in color as more reiryoku is absorbed. Low amounts will paint it a light shade of blue which will get darker as more is imbued. Upon turning dark blue and then finally black, the sword will weight the same as an average house. (A few hundred tons)

The inverse will happen when reiryoku is removed from Omoni and returns to Heizo. Due to the nature of the ability and the properties of zanpakuto, little to no reiryoku is lost between exchange. However, exchange takes a moments time to occur. Spanning a few seconds, it's long enough to take a step back before commencing with another attack.

Bankai Abilities

Futan no Claidheamh-mòr (Burden's Great Sword)

Similar to it's Shikai ability, Futan no Claidheamh-mòr absorbs raw reiryoku, but it's also able to absorb reiatsu. Where Omoni acts as a sponge, Futan no Claidheamh-mòr acts as a bottomless chasm of the sea. Causing a constant a whirlpool to exist. Anyone within 100 yards has their reiryoku lightly sapped from them. Anyone with skill in reiatsu use can detect this slight drain. While small, if exposed for long periods of time, it can moderately deplete one's reiryoku reserves.

Within 30 yards the affect becomes even more prominent and noticeable. Those who have not mastered their reiatsu control will struggle lightly due to the substantial drain of their reiryoku. Faulting by overcompensating or not utilizing enough, their reiatsu efficiency will begin to suffer.

Upon making contact with Futan no Claidheamh-mòr, either through deflection or wounding, a considerable amount of reiryoku will be absorbed. After a dozen or so moments of contact even a captain can begin to feel fatigue due to the affect. Heizo is no exception to this, for as long as he holds his zanpakuto it will constantly sap his reiryoku at the same rate.

Mimicking the attribute of its previous Shikai, Futan no Claidheamh-mòr will become heavier and sharper with each passing moment that it collects more reiryoku or reiatsu. To the point that once a threshold is passed Heizo will be required to use both hands in order to wield his zanpakuto any longer.

Kido Spells

Bakudō #37. Tsuriboshi (吊星, Suspending Star)

Creates a ball of blue energy which fires out six ropes from its center. As the ropes attach themselves to nearby sturdy objects, the energy in the center solidifies into a flat elastic-like cushion, which catches falling objects.


Bakudō #63. Sajō Sabaku (鎖条鎖縛, Locking Bondage Stripes)

Raising his/her palm up to the target, the practitioner closes his/her hand into a fist and calls forth yellow energy, taking a form of very thick rope, which binds the upper body of the target.


Bakudō #73. Tozanshō (倒山晶, Inverse Mountain Crystal)

As the spell ignites at a single point, blue energy extends upward to four points and forms an inverted pyramid, which solidifies into a barrier around the caster. The spell is usable around other already active spells. It can be used to trap others inside of it.


Bakudō #81. Dankū (斷空, Splitting Void)

A defensive wall is created to protect against an enemy's attack. The practitioner creates a translucent barrier in the form of a large rectangular wall. According to 6th Division Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, it can stop Kidō-based attacks with power up to level 89.

Other Skills

Expert Reiatsu/Reiryoku Control

A result of his zanpakuto's nature. Heizo is very proficient with his use of reiatsu/reiryoku. With his Shikai fighting style dependent on his reiatsu and his Bankai endlessly devouring his reiryoku. Heizo only uses what's absolutely necessary when it can't be avoided in order to preserve every ounce. When using his Bankai he constantly struggles with trying to regulate how much reiryoku leaves his body while at the same time using reiatsu for Shunpo in order to move and fight. Alongside this even still, he uses reiryoku to substitute the raw strength he lacks when his zanpakuto becomes too heavy to lift, inadvertently causing it to grow heavier even quicker.

Immense Speed

Due to the immense weight of his Shikai at times, Heizo developed tremendous raw strength in his legs to counteract its affect on his body during movement. After hundreds of years of training his natural acceleration has come to replace an absolute need for shunpo. Allowing him to move fast enough to close gaps of space between between him and opponents as well as keep up with other Captain's shunpo while carrying a small one to two ton car in his hands.

In battle he can strike swiftly and in rapid succession even while holding the equivalent of a automobile. When his sword isn't being weighted down by his reiryoku it can be difficult to track.

Immense Spiritual Power

Despite his ability to skillfully suppress his reiatsu and the need to conserve reiryoku, Heizo has a grand reserve of spiritual power. Impressive by even Captain standards, it allows him to wield his Bankai without collapsing from fatigue only minutes into battle. Opting to not make use of most of it, Heizo appears to have the least among Captains as he rarely, if ever, makes a show of it or uses it outside defensive purposes. On the contrary, his sword which is the hub for most of it, is thought to posses more than him.

Immense Strength

A consequence of his zanpakuto's particular ability. Heizo possesses monstrous strength in that he can swing his Shikai, weighing the same as a small house, with ease as if it were an ordinary sword. In battles that demand the most of him and force the use of his Bankai, he's still able to swing his sword with the blinding speed of a Captain even though it's many times heavier. Of course there is a limit to his strength which is superseded with the use of his reiryoku.

Kido Master

Heizo is quite knowledgeable and skilled in the art of Kido. An extension of his reitsu control, he's able to cast high level Kido without the use of an incantation, as evident by his use of Dankū and Sajō Sabaku. Preferring defense and support spells however, he's not one to use Hado.

Master Swordsman

Heizo after centuries of training, a few decades of which were when he was human, is among the most proficient swordsmen in the Gotei 13. That being said, this is mainly attributed to the diverse forms his zanpakuto takes with which he has mastered to use. In single mastery, many rank above him as their zanpakuto keeps to a consistent design. In diversity, Heizo excels as he has experience fighting with a Katana, Gladius without its shield, and a Great Sword.

When fighting opponents who use the same or similar weapons he has the upper hand due to his unique deep personal experience with the weapons. Coupled with consistent precision, and many years of battle and diligent training. The task of using Zanjutsu in battle requires little effort on Heizo's part.

Shunpo Master

A master of the craft despite already being naturally fast and necessitate of conserving reiryoku. Heizo relies on the technique only in order to move effectively when using his Bankai. Due to the staggering weight of his zanpakuto while in its Bankai state, Heizo's natural raw strength simply isn't enough to keep up with his opponents or other Captains. Paired with this is that Heizo prefers evading while waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

When using Shunpo alongside his Banki Heizo isn't noticeably any faster than most other Captains. However, taken into consideration the weight of his zanpakuto, if he were to use Shunpo while his zanpakuto were sealed he would be the fastest in the Gotei 13, if not close second.


Heizo, from his past life or possibly by his very nature is a dutiful and loyal person. Not hindered by challenge, no burden or task is seen as too much for him handle. However, being moderately intelligent, he doesn't naively believe he'll be able to fulfill every promise and duty. He simply knows he can fulfill the act of trying to which seems to be enough in most cases. Though, there are those that he is forever indebted to for their help or his failure. And just how an elephant never forgets neither does Heizo. Whenever possible he will try to make amends or to pay back what is due.

Overall, Heizo is friendly and encouraging to others. When in the heat of battle he's not against chatting with his opponent nor even offering advice, if they're doing an exceptionally lousy job. Many under his division feel comfortable coming to him to help solve their problems. Usually departing with a sense of hope and determination they didn't have before.

Inspiring all under him to do what they can with what they have. Heizo highlights
each person's importance to the Soul Society as well as their incomparable duty. Dispelling most feelings of superiority within the division as well as inferiority when compared to others. Heizo's personality and actions has shaped the Thirteenth Division into an effective support & backup unit. Though his efforts don't end there as he's taken actions to improve the quality of life for those living in the lower districts of Rukongai. Making personal visits and promising better things for the future he's earned the admiration of those who feel forgotten.

Being born to earth before his time in the Soul Society, Heizo lived a moderate lifetime as a human before perishing in a violent battle. Upon waking in the Soul Society and receiving a ticket for his assigned district, all Heizo remembered was being surrounded by fire. Things whizzing by him in the air as he was charged by a crowd of men who fell one after another in front of him until he too fell. Standing out among the smoke, shouting, and blood was the symbol of a flower.


Nothing more was ever recalled by him, but even after he accepted the fact he would probably never remember he still couldn't shake off the feeling of regret at a burden left standing.

It didn't take long for him to adjust to Soul Society life, but that didn't make it any easier. Being assigned to the lower 70 districts of the Rukongai among the slums of the west. Everyday was a struggle as Heizo along with the other residents were subject to rampant crime. Biding his time, at first Heizo was content with working to help with the ongoing construction in the lower district. However, as time passed and it became apparent the crime was resulting in halted progress of construction. Heizo began to lose his patience as well as his trust in the Shinigami who were suppose to be improving things.

One day while walking the road to work, Heizo spotted a group of thugs, trying to pass as swordsmen, harassing a family outside their shop. A young man of the family foolishly tried to threaten the men by brandishing a katana. However, unfortunately for him he had little experience with the blade and the thugs took it as an initiative to attack. Quickly slaying the boy, he fell to the ground to rest in a puddle of his own blood. Overcome by a calm rage, Heizo proceeded to pick up the boy's sword which immediately felt very familiar in his hands.

Akin to hold a pencil after years of not writing or riding a bicycle for the first time in a decade. There was an instant sense of experience from the blade as Heizo held it. One, which he felt confident enough in to take it up against the men. Laughing at the sight they taunted him, claiming he'd be next. In the moments that followed a deep desire overcame Heizo. One that rid him of his disposition for peaceful resolution.That replaced it with a notion to just cut the men in front of him down and have it ended.

Acting on it, he ran forward with the sword lowered by his side. When the closest man swung for him he shifted his weight and body, leaning out of it's path. The blade grazing his face before unleashing an upwards strike, he cut the man across the chest diagonally. This instantly caught the attention of the other thugs. They immediately stopped laughing and focused on Heizo as he did the same to them.

Surrounding him, they proceeded to attack together. Undeterred by this Heizo merely responded more aggressively. Ducking under a high swing he immediately retaliated with one of his own, but aimed toward the abdomen as it was closest to him. Following immediately after this, he leaned left and turned his body only to be sliced by the man next to the one he'd just cut. Taking no time to recover, Heizo retaliated with an upward slash at the man's right side before turning around to block the incoming blade aimed at for back.

With his sword leveled horizontally he turned it ninety degrees to face vertically before pushing the thug's blade aside. This caused it's wielder to stagger forward due to his bad footing. Quickly seizing the opportunity Heizo pulled back lightly and swung cutting the man's throat. Falling to the ground he gargled on his blood as Heizo stood to face the last man who he cut before and had injured. Holding his sword with his left hand now the man was shouting profanities at him. He didn't really register what it was as he rushed forward to deliver the final blow.

Once all three of them were on the ground he took a moment to realize what had actually happened. He hadn't really the time to process it all in the moment, but his body seemed to act regardless, purely fueled by mere thought. Realizing the stinging pain in his side he grabbed at it to see that he was bleeding. Looking up at the family before, they gave him a mixed look of gratitude and fear. Before he could say anything a voice shouted at him to halt.

Above, on the top of a building, a Shinigami looked down at him with a solid face. Attempting to explain what happened, the Shinigami apparently wasn't in the mood to hear it as he dropped down and raised his sword. Commanding him to halt again, Heizo continued trying to tell him what happened while instinctively raising his own sword to the man. Either looking for a fight or taking that as a challenge he rushed Heizo who was taken by surprised at the man's speed.

Barely able to evade the flurry of attacks thrown at him, Heizo tried to remain passive until he was forced to take a hit or retaliate. His body taking the latter over the former there wasn't enough time to judge as he took advantage of an opening in the Shinigami's swing and cut him across the shoulder. Jumping back, it was evident that it was a deep cut. Though, less distraught by the pain the man in the black kimono was more shocked than anything. Taking the moment to try and apologize, Hezo didn't have the chance as another Shinigami attacked him from behind.

Similar to the first Shinigami's attack, he was only barely able to react and at that deflect the blade. Following up with a counterattack due to feeling threatened. He cut the Shinigami across the chest before looking around for more of them. Spotting none, he relaxed his guard a little, contemplating how to fix the situation at hand, but just as he did this his whole body tensed up. Out of his peripheral he noticed a black figure disappear from the background.

Turning to see what it was his sword felt strangely lighter and his chest began tingling. Just as he was registering this, the the black figure appeared to his left side saying "How did you two ever graduate? You can't take care of one lowly swordsmen. He even had his back to you." The latter sentence was directed at the Shinigami who had attack him from behind. Looking at the man first before seizing in pain and looking at his blood spilling. Heizo realized finally that his chest had been cut along with his sword which was now in two pieces. Falling to his knees he caught himself with his arms as blood streamed from the gash in his chest. The feeling was vaguely familiar as he marveled at how quick things has transpired, even more so about how casually.

Not known to him at the time, the man to defeat him was actually a seated officer. Upon being defeated, the family of the shop spoke up about what happened and spared Heizo punishment. However, as displeased with Heizo as he was with his own men, the seated officer told Heizo to leave the fighting to the Shinigami. In which he replied in kind with "Yeah, you seem to be doing a good job." while looking toward the fallen young man.

Laughing at his ignorance, the officer soon showed Heizo that the Shinigami of the Rukongai, did in fact, have some handle on the situation. Two Shinigami who had accompanied the officer soon began healing the boy of his wounds alongside the Shinigami Heizo had cut. "What's your name?" the officer asked of Heizo after things had been settled. "Ozaki, Heizo" he responded promptly. "Well Ozaki, if you want to help, enroll into the Academy. Otherwise, we'll just cut you down like the other trash." the Shinigami replied coldly, before soon departing.

Shortly after, two things changed in Heizo's life. The first was that he went and took the entrance exam to join the Academy. Barely passing, by the merit of his Zanjutsu, alongside others from the outer regions. He learned quickly and graduated in four years time. Second, Heizo set out to change the Soul Society. He wanted to change how the lower districts and the people within it were treated. Once obtaining a seated position he began aiming to become a Captain. Concluding that once a Captain he'd really be able to change things, he threw himself into training. Honing his skills and his use of the zanpakuto that was labelled "useless".

After decades of time and finally becoming a Lieutenant, Heizo eventually achieved Bankai. However, disappointed with his ineptitude in handling it, he resolved to take as long as possible to master it. After another decade of training and being satisfied with the level of mastery he had attained, Heizo took the Captain Proficiency Test and passed. Additionally having the personal recommendation of several present captains, he was assigned to the Thirteenth Division and has been managing it ever since.


Zanpakuto Spirit
Wields two Katana and an old musket rifle. Has a pole on its back for a banner, but none is present.



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hrm, don't know if it was on the profile or not, but how tall is Oka anyways? Kairi's 6'2 :P
Wow, my squad just likes to show its love by violence. Yall just insensitive to their love. I bet the man hunters will understand my squad members just showing affection through punching you..... Okay they might be idiots too.
hrm, don't know if it was on the profile or not, but how tall is Oka anyways? Kairi's 6'2 :P
I did not notice that, my bad, they are same height, lets just say at present shes on a slightly higher portion of walkway, as if they are at a intersection.

You can walk up the couple steps, stare her eye to eye lol.
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I did not notice that, my bad, they are same height, lets just say at present shes on a slightly higher portion of walkway, as if they are at a intersection.

You can walk up the couple steps, stare her eye to eye lol.

musters up a crappy french accent: "Ohohon~?"

Red has a point, you must now do et.
nah, too soon in the rp ;P
At least face her eye to eye! Then she won't seem as threatening.
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