Bleach: A New Dawn

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Kimi sat in the Squad Three training grounds, legs crossed with her hands on her knees. Her eyes closed and breathing relaxing…It wasn't helping to release the urge of fighting, atleast Yoshi-ito's urge to fight. She decided she needed a mission, at the very least fight a few hollow. She hopped up to her feet and walked out of the training grounds. Once at Yu's office she knocked on the door, and once permitted to enter she did so with a bow. "Good afternoon Captain, I hope I am not a bother at the moment. I was wondering if you had any assignments for me currently?" she asked as she slowly began to raise, a rather cheesy and awkward smile on her face as she wondered if it was alright to stop bowing.
Yu looked up from his desk after hearing a knock instead of the door barging in, so he allowed whoever was outside in. The female had a much nicer greeting than Ginko, and didn't seem to stab themselves like Shizuka, so far Yu pegged her as a normal one. So when she asked for a mission, Yu scratched his head as he opened a drawer for an available missions, but literally draw after draw just had drawings from Amaya. "Well.... I gave the main one we had to Shizuka and Ginko, so is clearing out some hollow around district thirty okay? I'd say taking out thirty should suffice. Feel free to take someone with you if you want, just remember to write down their name in a report. So that's all I have, if I think of anything or receive anything, i'll let you know." Yu said about to dismiss her when he remembered something. "Oh and I think its obvious, but if something is way out of your league, don't risk it. Retreat." Yu concluded dismissing her as he returned to his paper work, kind of missing the days of being a lower ranked shinigami.
"Affirmative, captain," Kimi replied shortly, not wanting to keep the Captain from his work longer than he needed to be. So after a final bow she turned and made her way out of the office. She made her way to district thirty, soon coming across the rather large amount of hollow. First thing first, she began raising her spirit energy to lure the hollows towards her as she didn't want to risk hurting citizens and destroying property. As most came towards her she unsheathed her Zanpakuto and held it in front of her horizontally.

"Hado number thirty two, Ōkasen!" she called out as the yellow orb widened to the length of her blade before shooting out at the hollows colliding with them. It killed a few of them, but a few wasn't enough when most were still charging. Let.Me.Out! a voice called out making her wince. "Alright!" she replied as she held her blade out, "G-G-Garner and reap, Yoshi-ito!" she said as she activated her Shikai. She never really liked using her Shikai. If Yoshi-ito didn't get satisfied then he'd just keep asking for more and bothering her, to the point even meditation couldn't push him away. She held onto her staff and chain tightly, swinging her blade above her head. She looked over all the hollows not too far away from her.

She threw her blade forward letting her chain wrap around a few hollow. "Hado number eleven, Tsuzuri Raiden!" she said with the electricity running through her chain then into her blade shocking the hollows trapped. She then made the hollow lighter, picking them up and slamming them into other hollow shocking those ones as well. As they dispersed other ones got closer causing her to pull her blade back and begin to do a few flips backwards to avoid their attacks. She couldn't do many powerful Kido while this close to buildings and risk hurting innocents, so she wasn't just avoiding attacks but leading them into a clear area. Once doing so she called out, "Hado number twelve, Fushibi!" The net then entangled each hollow in the area. She held her palm forward as a red orb began charging. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado number thirty one, Shakkahō!" The red orb then shot into net resulting in a large explosion. Kimi covered her face with her arm, next jumping away so she wouldn't get caught in the blast radius. Once the dust settled she took a small walk around, killing each hollow she didn't beforehand. It seems as if our missions has resulted in successfulness, Kimi thought as she turned around and began making her way back to Squad three to report the success.
Kagiko stood in s large lab located within the SRDI with other Squad 12 members checking out data for a large variety of things, mostly looking for disturbances...yet he was looking for particular ones, usually that of Garganta's. There was data popping up all over the place with these things due to how many hollow used them yet the SRDI were looking for ones used by Arrancar, mostly so the Gotei 13 could respond immediately to their appearance...however this depended entirely on the situation, their enemy knew the Shinigami would be looking and would no doubt try use this against them. Kagiko looked at the screens and rubbed the back of his head then yawned "These Arrancar sure take their time don't they? I was hoping to snatch myself a new test subject...Oh well...can't always get what I want. I assume you all can handle things here...alert me when something decent shows up, and make sure Squad 13 are dealing with those hollow appearing in the human world, something is causing an unusually large amount to run from Hueco doubt the Arrancar." With that said Kagiko turned and made his way out of the large lab and made his way towards his office, once there he opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind him he walked over to his desk to see an envelope on his desk

"Hm?" Kagiko looked at the envelope for a little while before eventually picking it up and opening it to see that it was a request from an academy graduate to join Squad 12, this made him scratch his head a little as he spoke "Someone actually wants to join this Squad? Well I shouldn't complain, guess they heard good things about the Squad...and they seemed to have handled themselves well in the academy so I guess they would be more than fitting in the Squad." Kagiko thought to himself a second as he put everything back in the envelop then put the envelop into a pocket within his uniform "It's not often someone requests to join Squad 12 like this...and I have a feeling it's a nice day out" Kagiko said looking around at the windowless and dark room which made him sigh "I could do with the light and fresh air, it isn't healthy being cooped up in here" Kagiko then turned and left his office and the barracks shortly after as he made his way towards the Shino Academy to go greet this Kame Mihara.

After a short stroll Kagiko arrived at the Shino Academy, a place he hadn't actually seen before "Looks like a nice place...kind of wish I had gone here at some point" Kagiko shrugged this thought of as he walked into the Academy, asking people where Kame Mihara was only to be directed to her room. Kagiko stood outside her room then knocked on the door yet got no response "Perhaps she went out for lunch? wait it out" Kagiko sat down next to the door, resting his back against the wall as he pulled his hat over his eyes and soon enough fell the middle...of an Academy
Amayi Cho

Sighing, she sat down. Ayami had her eyes closed as she placed her hands on the object that laid on her lap. It was a sword sheathed in a scabbard. Nothing fancy or special as there were no decorations. Slowly Ayami started to breath slower while she focused her mind on the sword. Luckily she was in her own small cell, where nobody would hopefully bother her while she would perform Jinzen. It wasn't however that she did out for a wish to just become stronger and achieve a better relationship with her blade. Her very first encounter with the Zanpakutō wasn't really one she cherished.

Then she heard something.

''My, oh my. Seems I might get another chance for a conversation? How is the weather over there?~''

Amayi's nose wrinkled as she had heard the sarcastic tone in the voice. But she just kept on focusing. Last time she hadn't been able to face that annoying voice and it had always made her wonder. Why would one make blades with annoying spirits in them? Why not just weapons that had some power sealed in them, without annoying personalities? If she would ever meet the one that had smith her blade and sealed the annoying voice in it, she wouldn't think twice before loosing her cool to tell what she had on her mind about it.

''Aawww, are you just going to try to figure my name with just meditating? Come on, give me some fun!''

Though she was on the verge to pick up the blade and throw it out of the small window, Amayi kept focusing. She had to focus and then she could do something more satisfying than just throwing the sword out of the window. Then she slowly opened her eyes. Still in her room. Biting on her lower lip, Amayi started to grow frustrated.

''Aaawww, it didn't succeed. How sad am I? Well, probably not as sad or frustrated as you are, princess.~''

That was it. The cold anger started to boil up as Amayi narrowed her eyes. ''Why don't you step up and stop acting like a scared brat.'' Her tone was cold and she only realized a second later that she had let some of that cold boiling anger slip up. Closing her eyes again, she heard a soft chuckle.

''If you insist, princess. If you... insist.''

When she frowned and opened her eyes, Amayi found herself somewhere else. A soft gentle breeze passed her and she wasn't sitting any longer in a meditation sit in her own small cell. Standing on top of a hill, Amayi realized where she was. Holding the scabbard in her left hand, she slowly looked over her shoulder.

''Well? What do you think? Pretty isn't it? I must say it lack something to make my blood keep running. Though it is quite nice around here.''

Turning around, she noticed it was a suit of samurai armor that had spoken to her. There was no sign of life, nobody in the armor. But he was holding a sheathed sword in a scabbard in his left hand. Truth be told, she found it quite ironic. Weren't samurai not supposed to be disciplined warriors? As she considered herself cool and a level-headed person, she had a Zanpakuto that was more the embodiment of rude and wild. Perhaps there was some poetry beauty to it, but even if there was. It was lost on Amayi. ''Now your name.'' Amayi said on the same cold tone as before.

Slowly the right hand of the armor went up and the head trembled. No, he was shaking his head lightly. ''Now now, where are our manners? If you want my name, what do you offer in return?'' He asked as he placed his right hand on his hip.

Thinking about it, Amayi wasn't in the mood for any riddles and talk. But to straight forward attack and force him to give his name wouldn't probably work. Without any information on how to tackle him down in a fight, she could end up farther from where she wanted to be. ''And what would you ask from me? My name?''

''That sounds lovely, but I can't do anything with that. In contrary what you hope to do when you learn my name for example.'' There was another soft chuckle after the answer of the Zanpakuto and Amayi slightly narrowed her eyes. ''What about if we start to let our blood pumping a bit? I would love doing that.''

Great, she thought. A mindless brute that loves fighting. How ironic. Though Amayi placed her right hand on the hilt of her katana, she didn't make any attempts on pulling the blade out of the scabbard. ''I wouldn't like to fight and face somebody who I would need later to rely on. Why not try to sign our-''

''Blah bla bla! Nice words, but no thanks.'' The right hand waved at her, as the Zanpakuto turned half around. ''You may speak of that you don't wish to fight, but ain't your Shinigami system based on fighting and swinging with weapons?'' Was his question. ''Or are you just a loyal dog that pretends to be different?''

Amayi stayed silent. She wanted to say no, but wasn't she? The whole system of the Gotei was based on that if you could beat your lieutenant or captain that you could take their place. If you could beat or kill them, you could claim their place and little would argue against that. But what form of promotion was that? Where was the reward for merit? For intelligent behavior and working your way up on base how you would lead others? No, the current system was one that promoted the savages and suppressed those who would use more than just brute force.


''Perhaps?'' The Zanpakuto repeated slowly and then he nodded. At the same time, they draw out their blade. The Zanpakuto dropped the scabbard, but Amayi held it firmly in her left hand. Then at the same time they rushed towards each other. Exchanging blows, the steel of the katana's clashed against each other. Both singing their deadly song as they were being swung and thrust in hopes to topple the other.

Staying cool, Amayi noticed how he was merely playing with her. Quickly moving a step aside, she prevented that his blade would stab through her abdomen. Now! With a quick slash, that was aimed for his blade, her katana slammed against the weapon of her opponent while she raised her left hand. A loud thud was heard as the samurai armor was stumbling backwards. Not wanting to give him a breather, Amayi kept up the attack.

With quick strikes and stabs, she managed so far to not allow him to strike back. Then when he blocked another strike from the right, their blades locked. ''Got you now.~'' He said, his free hand grabbing her wrist. She felt the pain as he started to tighten his grip on her wrist. Dropping her scabbard, Amayi narrowed her eyes. Grabbing the forearm of his left arm, she knew that trying to yank his hand off her arm or her arm away would be futile. His strength easily surpassed hers. ''Heheh, great ain't it? Pain. Can be such a good teacher.''

Deciding on something risky, Amayi tried to lean backwards and using her weight to try to pull him in. But he used his own weight to keep standing on his feet, yet had to take a step forwards. ''Bullshit.'' She sneered as she suddenly moved forwards with her left leg pulled up. Surprised by her movement and thinking she was trying to give him a knee in the stomach, the Zanpakuto released his grip on her arm. But instead of blocking a knee, Amayi planted her feet against a knee of his own. The knee of the leg that had taken a step forwards.

Using her weight again to lean backwards, Amayi would roll on her back as she would use the momentum to throw the Zanpakuto over her. Once she had managed to pull the move off, she swiftly moved on her feet and turned around.

Her lips curled down as she noticed that the Zanpakuto had managed to land on his feet and already turned around. Her action was based on how the instincts of another would work. But even if her move had worked, she had mistaken that he was more flexible than she had predicted him to be. Twirling her blade one round, she firmly grabbed the hilt and held it in front of her.

The Zanpakuto lowered himself a bit and then vanished. Amayi's widen as she then turned her head. The blade of the Zanpakuto was nearing her face at a fast speed as he was wielding it with both hands. Just in the nick of time, Amayi managed to duck and prepare her blade for a quick counter attack to drive the Zanpakuto backwards.

With a fast thrust, the samurai armor chuckled as he leaped backwards to avoid the fast thrust. Panting, Amayi noticed some strands of hair falling to the ground. Her eyes quickly went to the right as she noticed the small change. If she had acted a second later, then the blade would have cut more than just some hair.

''Well? Shall we?''

Amayi lowered her head and sighed. Then she smirked. ''Sounds... fun.''

One hour later.

Amayi opened her eyes and sighed softly. Back in her own small room. Looking down, she noticed that she wasn't covered in sweat, dirt and a bit of blood. For almost a hour long had she tried to subdue and outmatch the Zanpakuto. But even when she had managed to surprise and drive him into defense, it was always a moment where he managed to turn the tide again. Realizing the ugly truth that she had to train harder before she should attempt another time, Amayi decided to get up. Buckling her scabbard, Amayi decided to go for a small stroll.

Walking a bit around the barracks, she thought about her last duel. Her smart and wit were good enough to pull surprises, but her strength was lacking. Her speed not good enough. Raising her head up, Amayi considered to use her Kidõ next time. But first things first.
"Ah, just the person I wanted to see," Hikari said once he came upon Amayi in the barracks. He was now walking beside her, looking down at her with a smile. "I hope you aren't busy, otherwise I might have to postpone this mission," Hikari said as he reached into his Haori, next pulling out a report and giving it to her. It stated something about hollow gatherings, and they were piling up by the day, obviously needing to be taken care of as soon as possible. "While I usually send many of us on missions at once, I'm limiting it to just me and you this time. I want to see what you can do, atleast outside of sparring, to see what you need work on in more serious fighting. As well I think this can be a good experience for you. But keep in mind that you shouldn't become relaxed on this mission even if I am watching your back the whole time."
Juki sat in his office at his desk reading reports from Squad 12 about some odd disturbances that they felt should be attended...they did indeed seem troubling but also this would be a good mission for a new Captain, however Juki would need to assemble some sort of balanced squad that would be able to handle whatever this disturbance was. Juki looked over a list of Shinigami in each division and began narrowing down who would be sent on this mission. With that done Juki sent out hell butterflies to The third division Captain Yu, the third divisions Shizuka, the 7th Divisions Zheng, the 11th divisions Shoske and it's Lieutenant Nishiki. Juki requested that they came to his office to take on an important task he had for them and that they had no choice in the matter as they seemed the most suited Shinigami for the job
As Yu was finishing up with his paper work, a hell butterfly came in through the window with a message from Juki about something important. Yu out of sheer happiness to get away from paper work flipped his desk as he shunpoed out the window arriving at Squad one within a few seconds. Knocking on the door he entered and stood in the office as he waited for whatever was going to happen. Now that he thought about it, maybe he should have left a note in his office instead of making it look like it got attacked by someone.
In squad seven the sound of foot falling onto the dirt could be heard, the grunts and groans of many shinigami could be heard. It was just another daily training routine that Zheng forced upon his squad members due to being the highest ranking officer of their squad and wouldn't put up with his squad being the lowest performers of the Seireitei. In the span of three months he had been promoted from sixth, fifth, fourth, and eventually third seat of squad seven, pretty impressive feet if he may say so himself. He had taken it upon himself to make his squad the strongest unit in the Seireitei, much to the complaints and annoyance of his squad mates. The group of shinigami panted exhaustedly from the many laps that they were still running, many of them had taken their shirts off just to cool down. At the head of the group Zheng ran shirtless with beads of sweat dripping down his head, but his breath unlike the others wasn't labored. "Come on! Just twenty more laps and you'll be done!" The entire group groaned in dismay. "Oh quit your bellyaching!" A hell butterfly landed on his right shoulder and it played Juki's voice. He was supposed to report to him for a mission. Signaling the rest of the squad to stop running, he turned to them. "Today's training is going to have to be cut short. It seems like I have a mission. The commanding officer until I return will be Hue." He pointed to a short, chubby shinigami who was on his knees vomiting his breakfast. "...See ya." He shunpoed off and soon arrived at the Head Captain's office. On his way he had put his shirt back on as to not offend him with his bare torso. He bowed his head to Juki. "Good day sir."
It was midday when Kame returned from her run, legs burning and sweat dripping down her face. No matter how much she had pushed today, her mind just wasn't in her workout. It didn't feel right to cut it short but she found the letter continually pushing its way into her head to be taking up all of her energy. It wouldn't hurt to check anyway, as she'd been gone for a good hour or so. She knelt down and unclipped the weights she wore on her body, feeling immensely lighter at once. The distance she'd covered today would have been nothing for the Shunpo technique but the goal of the run had been to train her body, nothing else.

Kame swiftly strode through the academy's halls, stonewalling the outgoing few who greeted her. She specifically had made it a point to distance herself from her peers. They were filled with naive ideas and already had been influenced by the Seireitei. No, Kame's friends remained in Rukongai's 72nd District. So it was to her surprise she found a man wearing a conical straw hat slumped outside her dorm room. A visitor? She'd never seen him before - the tall, lanky man was not one of the recent graduates or a teacher, that was for sure. She dropped the weights she was carrying in her arms with a loud crash, sure the noise would suffice to awake her visitor. It was only then that she noticed the haori he wore on his back signifying his rank of Captain. Although it was draped in many bells there was no mistaking the number twelve Kame had gone around him to inspect - this was the man come to accept or reject her application.

Though it burned her pride to do so, Kame forced her head to perform a stiff and jerky bow. Contrary to her show of respect however, her fingers felt drawn to the handle of her blade. Gone was the lethargy and anxiety from the morning, replaced only with a desire for revenge. Although she had not seen her assailants' faces, one thing remained crystal clear in her mind - the Division that this man overlooked was responsible for everything. To not strike him down where he stood right now would almost be tantamount to treason towards herself, her goals, the very reason why she even applied to the academy in the first place. Kame bit the inside of her cheek, the only indication of her intent and the iron taste of blood served to satisfy her fantasies for now. Five years. You have waited five years, you can wait another five years. She chided herself before introducing herself to the man before her. "Captain... Zero? My name is Kame Mihara." Unaware of her outdated information, she awaited his response.
It was midday when Kame returned from her run, legs burning and sweat dripping down her face. No matter how much she had pushed today, her mind just wasn't in her workout. It didn't feel right to cut it short but she found the letter continually pushing its way into her head to be taking up all of her energy. It wouldn't hurt to check anyway, as she'd been gone for a good hour or so. She knelt down and unclipped the weights she wore on her body, feeling immensely lighter at once. The distance she'd covered today would have been nothing for the Shunpo technique but the goal of the run had been to train her body, nothing else.

Kame swiftly strode through the academy's halls, stonewalling the outgoing few who greeted her. She specifically had made it a point to distance herself from her peers. They were filled with naive ideas and already had been influenced by the Seireitei. No, Kame's friends remained in Rukongai's 72nd District. So it was to her surprise she found a man wearing a conical straw hat slumped outside her dorm room. A visitor? She'd never seen him before - the tall, lanky man was not one of the recent graduates or a teacher, that was for sure. She dropped the weights she was carrying in her arms with a loud crash, sure the noise would suffice to awake her visitor. It was only then that she noticed the haori he wore on his back signifying his rank of Captain. Although it was draped in many bells there was no mistaking the number twelve Kame had gone around him to inspect - this was the man come to accept or reject her application.

Though it burned her pride to do so, Kame forced her head to perform a stiff and jerky bow. Contrary to her show of respect however, her fingers felt drawn to the handle of her blade. Gone was the lethargy and anxiety from the morning, replaced only with a desire for revenge. Although she had not seen her assailants' faces, one thing remained crystal clear in her mind - the Division that this man overlooked was responsible for everything. To not strike him down where he stood right now would almost be tantamount to treason towards herself, her goals, the very reason why she even applied to the academy in the first place. Kame bit the inside of her cheek, the only indication of her intent and the iron taste of blood served to satisfy her fantasies for now. Five years. You have waited five years, you can wait another five years. She chided herself before introducing herself to the man before her. "Captain... Zero? My name is Kame Mihara." Unaware of her outdated information, she awaited his response.
Kagiko had fell asleep outside Kame Mihira's room waiting for her. While he was sleeping however someone had taken advantage of this and drew a curly moustache on him, something he wouldn't of noticed due to being a heavy sleeper...most the time, it wasn't until a large thud of something heavy hitting the floor awoke him causing him to jump up onto his feet and look around for what caused this sound. Looking down he saw some weights on the floor, Kagiko then looked up to see Kame who was bowing, this caused him to rub the back of his head as she introduced herself however she referred to him as Zero...clearly they were very slow to update around here.

"Oh so you're Kame Mihara! it's a pleasure to meet you and well...Zero was the previous Captain of the 12th Division, I'm it's new Captain. Kagiko Shuiji" Kagiko said with a smile unknowing his face had been vandalised. "So you're interested in joining the 12th Division? got to say we don't get many people willingly join like this...usually they are forced into the Squad through being bullied so someone wanting to join is a nice change, which is why I came here personally to great you" Kagiko continued to smile, trying to ease the situation for her as most people were usually nervous at first but regardless it was always nice to try show some warmth.
Shoske was relaxing in his barracks, taking a break from training and looking up at the sky. It had been a while since Shoske had gone on a mission or even leave the Soul Society. He got up off the hammock which he was relaxing on and began to walk around his barracks, his hands in his pockets and enjoying his walk. He walked by the training grounds, watching as new and old faces trained diligently to climb up the ranks. Shoske smirked, hoping that someday some of these people would challenge him to a fight, a day he looked forward to. Along with fighting Seki Ren to gain the 3rd Seat position from her. Suddenly, a Hell Butterfly landed on his shoulder relaying a mission from him to the Head Captain. Without hesitation, Shoske shunpoed off away from the barracks and made his way to Squad 1 barracks, heading into the Head Captain's office. Two people were there as well, one a captain and another he didn't know. He wondered how hard this mission would be. He bowed to the Head Captain "Shoske Saito, reporting sir"
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"Jump! Crouch! Push-up! Jump! Punch! Punch! Punch! Come On! Show me that Energy!!" Nishiki stood in the middle of the outside courtyard with a small group of Squad 11 members, yelling actions at them while doing them herself in an energy-filled exercise session. The large grin on her face displayed just how much fun she was having, which was a common occurrence these days, especially when she was doing things with her Squad or with Shiro. Becoming Shiro's Lieutenant was by far the biggest achivement of her lifetime, or more so that's what she believed.

As Nishiki was in the middle of yelling out more actions while facing her small group and completing them herself, a hell butterfly fluttered in front of her face, attracting her attention and making it clear that it was here for her. "Keep that energy up!! I want you to keep moving until you feel like your body's going to give up on you!! And even then you'd better not stop!! Keep going until you collapse!!" Stopping her movements, Nishiki held out an index finger for the Hell butterfly to land.

'... The fuck does he want? Why not call in Shiro?... Ulgh... Guess I have no choice but to go.' The butterfly flew off of her finger once she received the message. Running into the barrack building, Nishiki ran straight into Shiro's office before snatching a pen and a piece of paper, scribbling down a note to say where she was going to stick it on the front of the office door. "That should do~" Looking back at the paper, Nishiki smiled before turning around and walking out of the building. "Good Work You Lot!! You're Doing Great!" She grinned while praising all of the members she walked past, making sure to make them feel appreciated and an important part of the Squad, since they were of course~

Leaving the Squad Eleven gates, Nishiki was certainly in no rush to get to Squad One; it wasn't something for Shiro so why should she rush? Along the way, she waved at some people that she knew from her Squad and even took a little time out of her walk to have a laugh with them before continuing to her destination. Eventually Nishiki made it to Juki's office and knocked on the door, however there was no doubt that she was late or more the last one to make it to the meeting, not that she cared anyway. Hopefully that damned Ristuna wasn't there, she always just got on Nishiki's nerves, especially at Lieutenant meetings.
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Neil sat on a stool with a little stand with a sign that wrote justice on it. Behind it he and his large size somehow sat above the entire stand itself. Suddenly he cleared his throat and then standing up towered over stand as he placed his right foot on it. "My fellow justice friends!! I ask thy if you have the courage and the love for justice!!! To go along with me and purge the evil ones that denounce justice!! I talk about hollows! Come! And together we shall make this world a place where Justice is found in every corner, even by the squirrels! So who is with me on this en devour!!!"
Shizuka stood in the 3rd division courtyard, a place she liked due to the fact that wildlife existed around here...something she had a soft spot for. She often fed the birds and such around here so they would continue to visit as it was the only thing that kept her happy other than killing someone. As she watched the birds chirp to eachother as a hell butterfly then appeared, this landed on her nose as a message was delivered to her, she found the hell butterfly to be a beautiful thing and was rather surprised to see it land on her nose causing her eyes to widen a little until it flew off, her eyes then returned to their cold state...she was being called to the 1st Division for something...hopefully a mission. This lead to Shizuka shunpoing off instantly, making her way to the 1st Division Barracks, she had showed up just behind a women and instead of knocking entered behind her, seeing her Captain she went and stood just behind him and to his right, just visible as she looked off to the right, not making eye contact with anyone.


Seeing everyone arrive Juki nodded then spoke "Well let's get right down to this. I have an important mission I need you all to deal with, I chose you individuals due to your skills and how I feel working together you will make a well rounded group to take on an enemy said their is one. This mission is more of a investigation mission but it is possible you may encounter some enemies, hence why there is a Captain and Lieutenant present on this mission. Now...I need you all to make your way south, heading for the outskirts of the Soul Society as something is causing a disturbance there...Squad 12 reported this as some sort of portal that they are unable to identify and as we do not know what it is I feel it'd be safer to send some strong Shinigami in case some un-expected enemies appear...although I am hoping this isn't the case. You are to find where this portal is and once done you will need to deal with anything coming out of this and also find a way to close it if it does not on it's own...if you fail to do this then you are best to request someone from the 12th Division come to your location to take the charge on dealing with the portal itself..that is all. You are dismissed"
On the very outskirts of the Soul Society a ripple in the air began to form, distorting the air and land around it. Suddenly it bursted open, releasing a powerful and scorching hot gust of wind came out. It's heat was so immense it immediatly ignited the area around into a blaze, a fire quickly spreading. 5 shadowy figures jumped out of the portal.

Big Togabito: Red
Regular Size Togabito: Yellow
Female Togabito: Purple
Left Twin Togabito: Blue
Right Twin Togabito: Green
The five of them looked around, seeing the flames quickly spread and heading towards the Rukongai districts "So this is the Soul Society huh. These people got it lucky, living in such a nice land. Look at this, they have a sun, grass and animals that don't get to kill them" "How about we change that and start killing some people" He chuckled, looking around. The larger one stepped forward "We can't, we were given a mission remember. We were given the chance to come into the Soul Society and actually leave Hell. Can any of you remember the last time you've even seen the light of a sun?" They all shook their head "Exactly, it hasn't been since we were all condemned in Hell. This is our first time being out of Hell. Andd if all goes well we won't have to wear these" He referred to the clothing and masks they wore. The other twin snickered "Oh you're no fun, c'mon. Let's just kill a few of them, it gets boring killing in people in Hell. They lose their fear after a while. But these are some fresh prey, I can feel my blood rushing" "No, we can't ruin this chance. I'll kill any of you who goes against orders. After we complete the mission, then you can all go on a killing spree and we'll return to Hell. Got it" The two twins nodded reluctantly. "Good. Let's start" The right twin's finger turned into a spike as he crouched down and began to write symbols on the ground. The others kept watch to make sure no one would interfere. "Finished" The right twin said, standing up as his finger returned back to normal. The larger one nodded "Good, let's move on to the next spot" They all vanished, heading to the next spot around the Soul Society"
Genesis Rain….three months ago she was just a nurse. Now an idiot and a Kid dragger her out of her comfort zone. Well the kid was her fault she tried to use the girl to get out of training but wound up being dragged into it anyway. For the last three months she tried to teach the girl, Sinai, some basic healing kido in exchange for hakuda lessons. At least that's what she told herself. Sinai herself and Gio had formed a little training group, trying to teach other and better each other. She wanted nothing to do with combat, but they drew her in. After years of avoiding her own zanpakuto they got her to release it. Both wound up on fire, so it was almost worth it. Being out of practice was an understatement. Now that the gang agreed to split for a bit and train on other things Genesis could really think of anything she wanted to work on… except her zanpakuto. So with a very strange guessing system she wound up at squad 13 to speak with the captain. With a soft knock she announced her presence
Rio sat at her desk, ordering then re-ordering her paperwork, always paying close attention to detail to ensure there were no mistakes. After filing away her stack of finished paperwork for the day, Rio lifted both of her arms into the air in order to stretch her body before letting her arms fall by her sides. Rolling the stiffness out of her shoulders that gathered from sitting in the same spot for quite a few hours, working non-stop, Rio stood up and pushed her chair back. Looking down, she lifted her arms up a little, gazing at her new Haori... It had been around 2-3 months since she assumed this position, however seeing the Squad Thirteen Haori covering her body was still new to her. She was just so used to looking up to others who wore Haoris that the idea of her being in a position alongside those she looked up to was unfathomable.

None-the-less, Rio gained a small smile. This item of clothing represented more than just the Squad she captained, it was a symbol of how far she had gotten in her life's journey and of just how much she had accomplished during that time. Walking around her desk, Rio strolled towards one of the mirrors hanging on one of the walls. Checking her eye-patch and hair while straightening out her Haori and clothing had became second-nature to her now. Making sure to be presentable at all times was imperative.

A soft knock on her door signalled that someone was in need of her. At this point, Rio's smile had slipped into a neutral line as she made her way towards the door before opening it.

"Yes?" She asked the woman who stood on the other-side of the doorway.
Whatever she had expected, it was not this. Kagiko Shuiji seemed more like a child than a captain, though perhaps that worked in his favour against gullible opponents. Kame was not one of them and although she was taken aback by his vandalized face she did not let it show. "Kagiko Shuiji." She murmured to herself. When had she last checked the ranks of the Gotei 13? She had been so engrossed in her own path that she had not thought it possible for the man Zero to fall from any other hand than hers. Now that she knew the main architect of her bloody past was dead Kame didn't know what to think. "Yes, of course. With your permission, I'd like to move into the 12th Division's barracks immediately, sir!" Kame had rehearsed what exactly she was going to say beforehand and now she was reaping the benefits. In truth she was hardly aware of what she was saying, too engrossed in wondering about the removal of Zero and the addition of Kagiko.
Whatever she had expected, it was not this. Kagiko Shuiji seemed more like a child than a captain, though perhaps that worked in his favour against gullible opponents. Kame was not one of them and although she was taken aback by his vandalized face she did not let it show. "Kagiko Shuiji." She murmured to herself. When had she last checked the ranks of the Gotei 13? She had been so engrossed in her own path that she had not thought it possible for the man Zero to fall from any other hand than hers. Now that she knew the main architect of her bloody past was dead Kame didn't know what to think. "Yes, of course. With your permission, I'd like to move into the 12th Division's barracks immediately, sir!" Kame had rehearsed what exactly she was going to say beforehand and now she was reaping the benefits. In truth she was hardly aware of what she was saying, too engrossed in wondering about the removal of Zero and the addition of Kagiko.
Kagiko continued to smile as he listened to her speak, she was certainly pretty formal and polite...was a nice change from the usually disrespectful Shinigami he met "Well on your profile alone I'd be willing to accept you into the Squad so you best pack your things up and make your way to the 12th division barracks...although going to warn you may get some odd looks...after all compared to them you look pretty normal" Kagiko said with a chuckle. "I'm not above helping you move your stuff if you need help...After all, it'd be a pain to do it yourself wouldn't it?" Kagiko said with a smile
Yu watched as several people came in, one he did not know, two from Shiros squad which made him groan a little in annoyance, and one from his own squad, that being Shizuka. Juki would then tell them about a disturbance and that he picked them as he felt this was a well rounded team and would work together. Yu slightly doubted this, as one was blood thirsty. while he was sure that the female was a pervert in some manner and the other two.... well he wasn't sure what they did but god knows the different personality's would match well. Oh well they were given a task and he was their superior in this so that just meant that he had that many more people to bring back alive. "Okay, we shall go check it out. Come on everyone lets not waste our time." Yu said shunpoing out of the barracks and heading south to the outskirts like he was told, he had to go a tad slower for some of the others, yet they still arrived where they were told to start searching. "Okay everyone look around. I want the two squad eleven members to pair up and my squad member and seventh to pair up while you look. If you see anything report it to me as soon as possible." Yu spoke as he began to walk around the area.
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