Black Waters

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"Well, I know the captain has some history with smuggling. It'll be hard, but we could convince her. The only problem after that would be getting her old 'buddy' to supply her with goods and clients." Briggs frowned. It seemed easy enough, but he knew it would be hard.
She nodded her head as she looked at him. "I see." she said softly as she sat there starting to finish off her drink. "First thing first is talking to the captain and convincing her. Then we can move on to her little buddy." Poppy told him.
He sighed. "Alright, so we'll wait until she's done with her little sailor boy?" He cringed slightly at the thought of what they were doing.
"Right." she said laughing as she sat there. "How funny would it be if we think she is doing something naughty. But in her drunken state she is just rambling about things?" she asked before laughing again. "I am sorry what I see in my minds eye makes me laugh. And what about you, you going to find a nice little lass to take to your room tonight?" she asked playfully.
Briggs laughed nervously. "You sound liking you're volunteering, there. But no, I won't go looking for 'action' usually just ends in a bad headache." He looked down at his empty mug, and sighed before filling it again.
"If I was volunteering I would of done something by now." she said laughing as she slapped him on the back. "I am going to go ahead and check on the captain then." she said starting to get up. "You have fun now." she said staring to leave the room.
Briggs raised an eyebrow. "You're not going to like what you see", he muttered to himself.

Lacy grinned as she straddled the sailor's hips. It took way longer to do this when she was drunk. Why, halfway through the hall she fell on her ass and couldn't get up for a few minutes. She growled when she realized the sailor had fallen asleep.
"I will take my chances." she said waving him off and laughing. She walked down the hallways to the ship and soon made it to Lacy's room just in time to hear the thud from her falling. Sighing she lightly knocked on the door. "Are you doing alright in there captain, mind if I come in?" she asked as she stood outside.
Lacy mumbled something unintelligible as she slowly tried to get up. "Go...go ahead", she said, giggling in her drunken stupor.
Poppy shook her head started to open the door up. Rising an eyebrow when she saw the sailor sleeping on the bed. "I guess he can't handle his drinks either?" she asked as she walked over to Lacy. "I'll get him to wake up and then get you into bed." she told her gently. "You are going to have a nice hang over in the morning, you know that right?"
"I'd rather have a nice orgasm before that", Lacy spat at the sailor. "Oh, they're going to laugh at me...I can't have that", she mumbled, falling onto the bed next to the sailor. "You're...very pretty, you know that? You could have any man you wanted..." she smiled, and snuggled close to her pillow.
"Hey now, their not going to laugh at you. Most likely at him." she told her gently. "He was the one that fell a sleep on the captain." she said with a small smile as she went to shake the sailors shoulders. "Come on now, wake up and get back to your own bunk." she told him before looking over at the captain once more. "Thank you Lacy." she told her with a kind smile. "You just relax on on the bed. I'll get him out here soon."
The sailor grinned sleepily, and tried to get up.

Lacy sneezed, and giggled. "Sneezing feels so weird...."
"That's because you are drunk." she told her shaking her head ever so slightly. She pulled the sailor up by the back of his shirt and drug him out the door. Closing it behind her and going back to their captain. Smiling softly she started to tuck her into bed once more. "You know I think we should try and go back to smuggling." she told her gently. "Maybe we can let bygones be bygones with your last little buddy." she said gently. "But we will talk more about this when you are more...sober." she said kindly.
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