Black Fall - Superhuman OOC (Closed)

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ok I will wait on the GM to see if that power is allow before I make my C/S
well it was nice talking to you I need to sleep before work.... hate working thirds lol well night yall
My problem with those who are super durable is that they tend to shrug off everything. I'd like an example of what he can or cannot take.

And sorry I haven't been posting. I've been busy with Thanksgiving and such and such.
Nah lightening is mine :3 and I'm still around, and no worries I can be patient :)
well lets see bullets can hurt him it just takes more just the same with blades I mean his skin isn't impenetrable it just takes more force. like small caliber handguns eh, but the higher ones can go through him. now the elements I will need help for the info like fire how much does it take I know it should be me but going by comic books like you said they shrug off alot
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Hm, well you could go with him being able to handle specific damage better. Like...he can take physical punishment quite a lot but elemental and mental attacks are something he can't defend against.
I'm going to be completely honest here when I say that I lost interest in the RP. It wasn't you guys, I just felt as if... meh.

Sorry to disappoint you all, but I think I should say this before anyone makes anymore posts.
It's okay. It was good as long as it lasted.

Thanks for telling us.
Sorry for disappointing you guys. Maybe some day I'll fix up the OP a bit and try again.

Til then, hope to see you guys again.
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