Bite me!

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Raul sighed. The rules of the vampire world real bored this teenage blood-sucker. He did want to take over the throne, but why did he need a human turned vampire to do that? Couldn't he just find another vampire girl and make her his bride? Why did it have to be a human turned vampire? He glared at his Father, the current king of vampires.

"Father, are you going to tell me why I need to make a human woman turned vampire into my bride in order to succeed the throne? That sounds absolutely absurd..."

His father sighed and handed Raul his backpack.

"Son, Vampires can't mate with other vampires, the child wouldn't be animate...meaning it would be a still born. Dead upon birth. Living blood flowing through us makes us able to move around. Your mother was human before I turned her into a vampire...Now enough of this talk and get into the car, or you'll be late for school..."

Raul groaned in exasperation, taking a seat in his father's new Mercedes Benz. Hopping in, his father quickly took him to his destination. Raul was old enough to drive, yet his father didn't want him driving his brand new car. Hopping out of the car in front of the school, the beautiful beast waved goodbye to his dad and made his way to the front doors. As he did so, human females began to approach him in hoards. He sighed. This was another burden of being a vampire. Humans were inexplicably drawn to you. He put his fingers to his temples, rubbing his head. Frustration coupled with annoyance kicked in as he forcefully tried to get out of the huge gathering crowd of women around him.
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