Birds of a Feather

Despite feeling healthier than she had ever done previously, Tamsin still wanted to collapse against Xent. It was only sheer force of will that kept her moving, as well as a desire to get as far from Verniok as possible. In time, she did speak, "I don't understand what happened." She muttered, "I thought you were...and I was-" She knew she had been dead, but here she was. It made no sense.
He shrugged a little bit, not fully sure of what happened either, he pulled out a phoenix feather and looked at it curiously, "Perhaps faith has given us another chance." He said.
Perhaps it was best that they didn't know. Tamsin already felt guilty, and knowing that the phoenix had saved them would only add to that, "What should we do now?" She then asked, hoping he would have some idea, as she was still reeling from what had happened.
He looked at her softly, and sighed a little bit, "First we get home and rest, god's only know that I need it." He said, then looked at her, "As for you ... you may need to rest as well ... and after I suppose we have to look outside the city." He said, leading her to the gate.
"Yes. You're right." Tamsin agreed, still reeling from what had just occured in that cavern. "We can do some thinking later." For now, she was eager to get some rest, glad to be back within the confines of the city.
He nodded and they both hobbled back into the city, and into Xent's home, he collapsed on top of his bed, passing out as soon as he hit the mattress.
Perhaps it came as no surprise that Tamsin also lay down, though she was not immediately taken by sleep. She lay awake, ocassionally checking Xent was still alive and well, otherwise just thinking about the events of the past few days.
Xent sighed gently in his sleep, breathing slowly and subtly, his chest moving up and down between breaths.
It took a while, but eventually Tamsin succumbed to sleep, mainly thanks to the peace brought to her by watching the steady breathing of Xent. Some hours later, she woke, immediately tensing and positioning herself ready for the coughing fit that did not come.
Xent woke up whenever Tamsin shifted and looked at her softly, and cocked his head. "You okay?" he asked.
She sat up, brushing hair out of her eyes as she looked over at Xent. "I'm fine. But it's weird, I feel...healthy." Tamsin offered a wry smile, then reciprocated, "Are you alright?"