Bioshock:Fervor || Sign Ups || Character Sheet || OOC



Original poster
B I O S H O C K : F E R V O R

Welcome to my Signs Up || Character Sheet || OOC Thread. Please review the information below before creating a character. Click on the Character Sheet tab for the information required.

  • womenssubwaycar.jpg

    On March 13th, 1929, a group of passengers aboard a subway train stopped at a lighthouse completely inside the metro. From the train's interior, the passengers heard the song, Bye Bye Blackbird by Gene Austin come to a dim, as the train's operator told the group, "Thank you for your patronage. Don't forget your belongings and watch your step when exiting the subway." Outside the train's windows, the passengers spotted the lone, lighted lighthouse, and believed the place their destination. After all, the train's sign located above the central door read Lighthouse in bright neon red colors. Behind the train, pitch black darkness consumed the visibility of the passengers, leaving only the lighthouse as the single luminary and welcoming source. With no where else to go, one passenger, a woman, headed towards the lighthouse.

  • The roleplay follows the history of the United States, with a few deviations. The great depression of 1929 resulted in complete economic collapse in the United States. As a result, many citizens of the U.S. turned to anarchy, leading to a rise in gangs and a decline in government protection. Without a central and government backed currency, chaos ensued in the states. Those who wanted to survive either joined gangs, headed to the borders, or fled underground; hoping to find a place of refuge.

    The second difference is that John W. Davis won both the 1924 and 1928 elections; integrating socialist policies and intense regulation of businesses borrowing some inspirations from Karl Marx's communist manifesto. This led to many corporations being owned by government officials, provoking business leaders to demand for government reform, or the impeachment of John W. Davis. However, some business tycoons simply disappeared, and many people believed the government secretly eliminated those individuals.

    During Calvin Coolidge's temporary presidency after the death of Warren G. Harding in 1923, he engaged in a multitude of scandals that benefited the Ford family's financial endeavors and hindered labor unions to the Ford business. As the Ford scandal surfaced, many turned to demanding policies in the regulation of companies and the investigation of private government ventures. Only one candidate, John W. Davis fit the bill.

    One final note, after the scandals surfaced, the Ford company disappeared completely, and the projects that Coolidge funded were never released to the public.


  • The setting will take place in the underground city of Fervor, which uses Art Deco architecture, similar to the buildings of Rapture, but with underground themes, such as caravans, caves, lakes, lava, mines, and much, much more. For genres, expect horror, ribofunk (basically bio-engineering and DNA splicing), and dark humor. You can also include other themes and genres depending on how your character interacts with others, as the genres I've listed are just the basic premise, tone, and setting for the roleplay.

    Art Deco Architecture Example

  • All roleplayers will create one main character, a passenger on the train. As the roleplay progresses, I'll allow roleplayers to create other characters, if they can handle the workload. For now, all NPCs will be played by the GM.

    For the roleplayers' main character, they'll be able to flesh out anything about their history and personality as long as it makes sense in the 1900s America setting. The minimum age is 20 and the oldest age is 50 for characters. More details will be given, when I flesh out the character sheet. Do note, that your characters will obtain Plasmids (essentially biological spells) and Gene Tonics (Passive spells) early on in the roleplay, but not at the start of the roleplay.

    Please leave the Genes section blank in your character sheet.

    Character Sheet​

    First Name and Last Name​

    Put Photo Image Here​

    (Photo: Optional. Can be Black/white or colored, but must be realistic face/style. Please use a 1920s style of hair.)

    • Name: (Choose a suitable name for your character, and please state the character's full name, the one put on birth documents.)

      Call: (Write any other names you think others may call you, or you'll ask others to call you by).

      Age: (Choose an age from 20~50.)

      Sex: (Choose male or female.)

      Details: (Describe your character's appearance. Listing any features not shown in the photo, or any corrections to the photo. Example: Scars, tattoos, etc.)

      Attire: (Describe your character's current apparel according to the 1920s.)

      Belongings: (List anything your character owns. Be realistic with carry weight. And since everyone is starting on a train no one has any guns on hand.)

    • Occupation: (Choose a plausible occupation that exists in the 1920s.)

      Expertise: (List anything that's not part of your occupation that your character excels at. Example: Cooking, Hunting, Fishing, Pistol Shooting, etc.)

      History: (Summarize your character's history in at least a paragraph. Listing important events that your character participated in, such as World War 1, if your character was between 18 and 45 in 1917~1918. You can write more than a paragraph too for your history.)

      Mindset: (Describe your character's ideologies, personalities, and belifs with five words. And tell me the word your character best identifies as in most situations. Example: Friendly, or aggressive. You're free to explain in depth why a word represents your character's mindset too, but it's optional.)

    • Plasmids: (Blank for now)

      Gene Tonics: (Blank for now)

      Fortitude: (Blank for now)

      ATP: (Blank for now)

    • (A section to list any additional details to make your character seem more human. This is optional. Some examples include Likes/Dislikes/Quirks/Hobbies/Etc.)

  • 1. Follow the Iwakuroleplay guidelines.
    2. Post at least once a week.
    3. Please write at least two paragraphs and no more than five paragraphs, so there's some substance, but it's not overbearing.
    4. Be respectful towards others and remember to include others in the RP.
    5. When coding, please make sure the text isn't too small, and the background doesn't distract from the post. Just show me a preview of your coded post, or feel free to not use codes at all.
    6. My word is law.
    7. I will add new rules, and some rules may be subject to change according to majority opinion.
    8. Intermediate level or greater for grammar and comprehension.

  • A small disclaimer, this RP isn't for the faint of heart, as there'll be heavy, intense scenes of horror and gore. You might not initially feel terrified due to the RP's start; however, I'm still placing this warning, since it'll get dark at some point. If you have questions, concerns, or comments about the roleplay, please list them down here. I've chosen to hide a majority of the plot, mainly to keep the story a secret, leaving it up to the characters to locate the pieces in the RP that make up the story.

  • Character Sheets
    Out-of-Character Chat Thread
    In-Character Main Thread
    Information Journal (Lore)

@oerba @TheDevil'sGame @Mocha Kitty @Uncle Legens Legentis

You do not need previous knowledge of Bioshock games/lore/books to roleplay. If this RP interests you, would you kindly create a character.

I'm only accepting up to seven roleplayers for this roleplay. Currently, we've room for three more.

Thank you for reading my Sign Ups || Character Sheets || OOC thread. [/hr][/hr][/hr]
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This post is to provide information about the mechanics in place for the roleplay.

Information Journal: GENES​

  • Plasmids are unique serums containing packed processed stem cells known as SOMA, which when injected into the user's bloodstream allows for genetic modification and mutation of the user's genes. The result depends on the serum, but in general, the user will obtain a single, incredible power from a plasmid. They require ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, which acts as the catalyst for utilizing the user's plasmid power. Plasmids can be purchased at varying ranges usually between a three hundred dollars to two thousand dollars.

    Plasmid Appearance


  • SOMA, known as processed stem cells, includes addiction modules known as toxin-antitoxin system, which cause an individual to crave the consumption of SOMA. Without SOMA, cells in the body will be begin to kill any cells not infected with SOMA, since they will associate those cells as toxins. As a result, the brain becomes addicted to SOMA in order to prevent the destruction of the body. With the brain sending these messages, individuals lose focus on other important tasks leading to these individuals to act crazed, and insane. They'll do anything for SOMA. However, it takes a few years of repeated SOMA usage before an individual becomes completely crazy, since the body at first finds SOMA similar to its own stem cells.

  • ATP, or adenosine triphosphate is a complex organic chemical used in intracellular energy transfer. Essentially, ATP acts as the catalyst by transferring energy to the cells that participate in the plasmid's active function. As a result, a plasmid user becomes fatigued depending on how much ATP they use to actively perform their plasmid abilities. However, the body recycles its own body weight equivalent in ATP each day, meaning the body regenerates ATP slowly. Unfortunately, the slow regeneration of ATP is not enough to cast plasmids more than a few times, so to solve this issue scientists have engineered Ribo Shots.

  • Ribo Shots are syringes filled with sugar ribosomes. Sugar ribosomes are necessary for ATP production, and when injected fully into a person's bloodstream result in an immediate recovery of ATP. The importance of sugar ribosomes over other compounds is due to the individual ATP in a person's body expanding, as the other compounds connect to more sugar ribosomes. For example, a typical ATP unit will only have two sugar ribosomes, but when the body inserts a Ribo Shot, their ATP can hold several times the norm in sugar ribosomes. This allows the body to feel refreshed and energized within seconds, since the more sugar ribosomes in ATP, the more easily ATP is able to spread and distribute energy to the cells in the body. However, repeated usage in a short time frame causes the removal of magnesium, the element that aids the body in the proper guidance and distribution of ribosomes to cellular function. Typically, this occurs for the average human after the use of five Ribo Shots within several hours. Without magnesium, further Ribo Shots simply add useless sugar ribosomes that gather as waste. Ribo shots are sold for seventy five dollars at dispensers.

    Ribo Shot Appearance


  • Without Magnesium in one's body, the individual will experience a list of symptoms: "Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include hyperexcitability, muscular symptoms (cramps, tremor, fasciculations, spasms, tetany, weakness), fatigue, loss of appetite, apathy, confusion, sound and light sensitivity, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, poor memory, and reduced ability to learn. Moderate to severe magnesium deficiency can cause tingling or numbness, heart changes, rapid heartbeat, continued muscle contractions, nausea, vomiting, migraines, personality changes, delirium, hallucinations, low calcium levels, low serum potassium levels, retention of sodium, low circulating levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH),[2] and potentially death from heart failure.[3] Magnesium plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism and its deficiency may worsen insulin resistance, a condition that often precedes diabetes, or may be a consequence of insulin resistance.[4][5]"

    Shortened Symptom List: Magnesium Deficiency results in fatigue, mental breakdowns, and weakness. Please do note that your character when undergoing Magnesium Deficiency will not have all the symptoms, nor will they start with the drastic ones. It's all uniquely dependent on the character undergoing the deficiency.

  • Due to the side effects of Ribo Shots, engineers and scientists built magnesium stations for the citizens to replenish any lost magnesium. Along with stations came Magnesium pills in packet form which also provides Magnesium, but doesn't fully recover the deficiency compared to a station. A magnesium station sucks out any excess sugar ribosomes in the body and transforms them into magnesium via stem cells inside the machine's central processing unit. The individual then orally ingests the Magnesium serum, or inserts it into their bloodstream by needle. Magnesium pills can be purchased for seventy five dollars, while Magnesium stations cost only a hundred dollars for a single-time use.

    Magnesium Station Appearance


    Magnesium Pill Bottle/Box Appearance


  • Gene Vitality Packs, GVP, utilize a branch of stem cells known as gene replicons that focus on replicating the live stem cells in an individual's body to replace the dead stem cells. Gene Vitality Packs can fully cure, or heal any wound; however, the harsher the wound, the more gene replicons needed for the body. For example, if an individual loses a limb, they can simply use a Gene Vitality Station to fully grow any missing limbs; however, they cannot cure death, since upon death there's no live stem cells to work in order to replicate live stem cells containing a similar genetic code to the dead person. Gene Vitality Packs contain a few band-aids, a syringe to inject the replicons in the body, and alcohol for the wound. The stations work by shocking the body to stimulate a nervous response which allows shots that form a ring throughout the station to insert in the proper areas of the human body with minimal pain. Gene Vitality Packs cost seventy five dollars, and Gene Vitality Stations cost two hundred dollars.

    Gene Vitality Pack Appearance


    Gene Vitality Station Appearance


  • Gene Tonics are similar to plasmids in that they contain SOMA; however, when injected the effect of the tonic cannot be turned off and on via ATP. Therefore, the effect remains permanently on the individual, until they decide to extract out the tonic at a Gene Bank. Gene Tonics can affect any skillset known to mankind, such as improving intelligence, athletics, engineering, biology, and much, much more. Tonics give you the skillsets needed for any occupation. Similar to plasmids, they can be purchased at varying ranges from three hundred dollars to two thousand dollars.

    Gene Tonic Appearance (They look like Plasmids, but take on different colors)


  • Is a man not entitled to the sweat of their brow? The blood in their veins? A man's work and determination stem from their fortitude, and without fortitude, a man no longer has any drive to live. Gene Vitality Packs restore fortitude, so do not fret when faced with adversity. Take courage in your actions and push forward against the rabble.

  • Gene banks allow the user to change the existing plasmid and tonic infested stem cells for other versions, or completely inhibit the stem cells from producing their plasmid or tonic effect. However, they cannot remove infected stem cells, as they can only inhibit, or transfer stem cells. A small fee of fifty dollars is needed to use a Gene Bank.

    Gene Bank Appearance


  • Depending on a person's genetic makeup, they can only utilize and remember so many gene tonics and plasmids at a time. The average human can handle using three plasmids and three gene tonics at a single time. Gene limits can be improved through specific tonics; however, they're rare to acquire. In order to bypass the gene limits, people can use gene banks to transfer, or inhibit their genes for other ones.

  • Girl Scout Goodies are special vending machines that sell plasmid and tonics. So support your Girl Scouts, as their futures are important to our city, Fervor, and the community. Help these girls earn badges!

    Girl Scout Goodies Vending Machine (Replace Gatherer's Garden with Girl Scout Goodies)


  • The act of injecting one's self with plasmids, and/or tonics. Results in the body's appearance to become modified according to the plasmid, and/or tonic. Repeated splicing leads to distorting the body's appearance to the point where one cannot look human, even without actively using the plasmid, or passively using a tonic.

  • Organisms that are genetically modified in laboratories via SOMA injection. They are similar to their original counterparts, but may lack the necessary components. Think of them as clones, rather then the actual species, as a few biological components in their genes are missing. They can be in your foods, or even be the pet you just purchased from the shop. Do not fret, they're perfectly safe to consume and pet.

Information Journal: BESTIARY (Work-In-Progress)

  • Your typical Mook.

  • Big daddy.
  • Little sister.
  • Genetically enhanced creatures.
  • Beetles similar to sea slugs.
  • Flying drones.
  • Turrets.

Information Journal: OCCUPATIONS (Work-In-Progress)

Information Journal: VENDING (Work-in-progress)[/tab]
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Example Character Sheet

Dorothy Berns​


  • Name: Dorothy "Oswald" Berns

    Call: N/A

    Age: 33

    Sex: Female

    Details: A small scar between her eyebrows and a nick on her scalp covered by her hair. Her height is five feet and six inches, and she weighs about a hundred and twenty six pounds.

    Attire: Light-red and white striped cotton collared dress that drapes below knee length with a loose, straight fit. Thick, black cotton stockings. Low heel Oxfords. Cloche hat. White gloves. A ring on her left hand's ring finger. Earrings.

    Belongings: Light blue purse containing a locket with a photo of her husband and daughter; a set of keys; 14 dollars and 34 cents; Make-up; Mirror; Nail file; Nail Clipper; Pens; Journal; and Band-Aids.

  • Occupation: Telephone Operator.

    Expertise: Sewing, Entomology, Piano, and Babysitting (Caretaker).

    History: (Summarize your character's history in at least a paragraph. Listing important events that your character participated in, such as World War 1, if your character was between 18 and 45 in 1917~1918. You can write more than a paragraph too for your history.)

    Mindset: Persuasive; as a telephone operator, she knows just the right words to say to influence others. Agnostic; she's unsure if there are Gods or not, and believes that everyone has spiritual freedom in whatever they choose to place their faith in. Thorough; she scrutinizes every little detail in a situation, making her a cautious person. Well-mannered; she presents herself in a courteous and respectful manner towards others, except when she's condescending to colored folk and disrespectful to charlatans. Cowardice, when faced in a tough situation, she'll choose to escape the ordeal, or leave the problem towards other able bodies. Persuasive is the word that best identifies Dorothy's mindset, since it's how she distributes her information towards others.

  • Plasmids:

    Gene Tonics:



  • Will add later, since this is example sheet.




Code for Character Sheet (You do not need to use Code, but it's here just in case).

[CENTER]Character Sheet[/CENTER]

[CENTER]First Name and Last Name[/CENTER]

[CENTER]Put Photo Image Here[/CENTER]

(Photo: Optional. Can be Black/white or colored, but must be realistic face/style. Please use a 1920s style of hair.)



Name: (Choose a suitable name for your character, and please state the character's full name, the one put on birth documents.)

Call: (Write any other names you think others may call you, or you'll ask others to call you by).

Age: (Choose an age from 20~50.)

Sex: (Choose male or female.)

Details: (Describe your character's appearance. Listing any features not shown in the photo, or any corrections to the photo. Example: Scars, tattoos, etc.)

Attire: (Describe your character's current apparel according to the 1920s.)

Belongings: (List anything your character owns. Be realistic with carry weight. And since everyone is starting on a train no one has any guns on hand.)



Occupation: (Choose a plausible occupation that exists in the 1920s.)

Expertise: (List anything that's not part of your occupation that your character excels at. Example: Cooking, Hunting, Fishing, Pistol Shooting, etc.)

History: (Summarize your character's history in at least a paragraph. Listing important events that your character participated in, such as World War 1, if your character was between 18 and 45 in 1917~1918. You can write more than a paragraph too for your history.)

Mindset: (Describe your character's ideologies, personalities, and belifs with five words. And tell me the word your character best identifies as in most situations. Example: Friendly, or aggressive. You're free to explain in depth why a word represents your character's mindset too, but it's optional.)



Plasmids: (Blank for now)

Gene Tonics: (Blank for now)

Fortitude: (Blank for now)

ATP: (Blank for now)



(A section to list any additional details to make your character seem more human. This is optional. Some examples include Likes/Dislikes/Quirks/Hobbies/Etc.)


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Character Sheet​

Eric Langly​


  • Name: Eric Stanton Langly

    Call: Stanton, Dr. Langly, Mr. Langly.

    Age: 34

    Sex: Male

    Details: Small scar through right eyebrow.

    Attire: Often wearing suits and coats of the era, as well as a fedora to wear on special occasions.

    Belongings: Cigarettes and a new apparatus that they have been working on which are small mechanical gauntlets they use for their hand as they have suffered a stroke which has made it difficult to work with their hands though these gloves essentially make it capable for them to use their hands very efficiently.

  • Occupation: Robotics and mechanical engineer.

    Expertise: Seems to enjoy reading and absorbing information as well as figuring things out and finding solutions with machines and mechanisms.

    History: Helped develop tanks for World War 1 and while the American's adopted many designs from their allies he helped understand and learn what they offered and what they could accomplish. While he didn't participate in the world he was obsessed with the machinery involved with it. From the planes that were first introduced on a widespread scale to the zeppelins that towered the battlefield. Though as a child he was gifted with intelligence and curiosity though throughout his life he was not allowed medicine as he was raised with strict religious parents whom believed that God would be the one who would deliver cures. This resulted in numerous problems growing up for the young man and the loss of feelings in his hands due to Lyme disease. He eventually began to reject the ideas of his parents and family and secluded himself though once free he never allowed himself for medicines as he felt that if there was any strength obtained it was due to not messing with his body. Though with his numerous problems he started to create machines and things to help not only himself but others who required machines to live. This love for technology eventually came towards robotics which believes will be the new birth and explosion of knowledge.

    Mindset: Stern, progressive, curious, stubborn, solo. The word they most identify with is: Removed. They don't seem to get close though they are charismatic and are someone that can interest many. Though seems to keep their guard up and don't get close.

  • Plasmids: None, refuses to use them believing that altering the human body is a mad man's decision. Drugs and alcohol affect the body negatively and as an avid smoker he knows the negative effects it can have on the human body.

    Gene Tonics: None

    Fortitude: Believes they already have such a thing and do not require fortitude as they believe they wouldn't think it necessary and any human whom does subscribe to such a thing is a weakling.

    ATP: Refuses this.

  • Likes: Things that make him curious or involved even if he doesn't like such a thing if you can get him to think about it he will become actively involved. He also enjoys painting and reading as well as animals seem to interest him. Robotics are his love and capturing what nature is trying to perfect is his ultimate end goal.

    Dislikes: Smoking, he sees this as a flaw he suffers from and something that strains and stresses him more than anything. He also dislikes the use of Plasmids seeing it as something similar and refuses to be of any part with it.

    Quirks: He will scratch his eyebrow where his scar is as he seems to be lost in thought at times. It seems this mark is a reason he has to use the machines for his hands and it is something that seems to be a focus for him.

    Hobbies: He enjoys talking and interacting as well as learning new things. He does paint, and read and also enjoys studying and learning about animals. He believes mimicking life will help advance technology in those aspects.

    Etc: Is someone who has gained wealth from his work on war machines though believes that there uses are clearly going to be more defined and important in the future. Believes he can cause significant change with machines and electronics becoming more important and seeing Plasmids and Tonics as something that is only regressing humanity's evolution that will require a mechanical future which will be something he wishes to look forward too. The death of the idea that humans are perfect and that they could instead create something perfect in its stead. And that is through machines. He also believes it is a German idea that is polluting the world and being avidly against them in the first world war he thinks following in their ideas that some humans are perfect is an absolute absurdity.

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Excellent character sheet. However, I do have questions and comments.

1. For the Genes section, you do not need to list anything in there at the moment. You don't need to necessarily delete what you wrote, but I recommend placing that information in the other section. The Genes section will be edited when plasmids are introduced in the RP.

2. Remember to keep to the time period for Robotics, so it's not anything too advanced. Here's an example:

3. For Occupation, just put one job, his current job; and the rest in Expertise section.

4. Flesh out the history section a bit more including other significant events, such as education, motivation, and friends/families. Unfortunately, I haven't put a history for my character, so I do not fault you for making it only about one event.

5. For the mechanical guantlets, I'm assuming it's like an exoskeleton thing. If that's the case, they would just be crutches with minor electrical components to stimulate his nerves. I'll allow it if in your history, you put how he got the gloves, or made the gloves.

Otherwise, thank you for your submission. Once those comments and questions have been addressed and fixed in your character sheet, I'll accept him.
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Reactions: TheDevil'sGame
I'm definitley want to join this rp, like, ugh! Your mind.

Just question(s): Will there be a list of what plasmids/ATPs/etc to choose from?

Can I reserve a space?
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I'm definitley want to join this rp, like, ugh! Your mind.

Just question(s): Will there be a list of what plasmids/ATPs/etc to choose from?

Can I reserve a space?

Yes, you may reserve a space. I'm not starting this roleplay until I've three roleplayers with finished character sheets. Currently, everyone but @TheDevil'sGame has not submitted a character sheet, so there's plenty of room.

I'm glad to see your enthusiasm for Bioshock.

For Plasmids/Gene tonics, I will allow roleplayers to create their own, but there'll be the typical stables of electro bolt and telekinesis. Just don't worry about the GENES part of the character sheet, until the RP begins. ATP is basically EVE, but the more scientific version of mana.

Feel free to make your character, and if you have further questions, let me know.
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Reactions: TheDevil'sGame
Ooooh a goddamn Bioshock inspired roleplay. This is rustling my jimmies in a very good way, count me in!

I'll get a sheet up asap if you still have a spot left for me!
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Ooooh a goddamn Bioshock inspired roleplay. This is rustling my jimmies in a very good way, count me in!

I'll get a sheet up asap if you still have a spot left for me!

There's certainly room left in the RP, as I've not heard much from the others. So feel free to create your character. Thank you for your interest.

Lucy Lanetty

"This is boring and forever-taking."


  • Name:
    Lucille Jean Lanetty




    Faint freckles across her cheeks; Pierced ears;

    Lucille's attire is usually of sophisticated and chic, wearing expensive dresses, shoes, and if possible: pearls.

    Due to recent events, she carries a large suitcase that holds many of her dresses, stockings, couple pair of shoes (one pair of flats, one pair of heels), few pairs of elbow high gloves, few necklaces and bracelets, and folded up identification papers. Lastly, she holds her wallet that carries as money she could carry and an engagement ring.

  • Occupation:
    Unemployed; relied on her family until she was to be married to a wealthy man.

    Talking in hopes to getting her way, usually in a pout.


    Lucille was groomed to be proper and polite amongst and to others for the family name sake and for her to find a rich partner to better their name and wealth. Throughout her childhood, she was watched under a watchful eye to keep her school grades in order, her back straight, keep her head down, and speak when spoken to, resulting her room to be in taters from tantrums that were kept quietly by the housekeepers.

    Once she grew older, Lucille learned to gain control of her composure and rebelled by quietly dating a few boys and having interest towards girls, which neither lasted long; often she'd leave her suffocating home to explore the city to discover new shops and food stands only for her to return or be dragged back home; even going as far to passive aggressively antagonize few who were bold to disrespect her, only to have these actions quickly corrected and sought to never to be done again.

    Turning 24, her family arranged her to meet a man and implied her to become more than family, only doing what she was told, she was entirely bored with the relationship yet continued to pretend to show interest. They were the ideal young couple in many eyes with their bright eyes and happy smiles, yet behind closed doors the couple never spoke a word to each other let alone looked at one another.

    It came the time the couple finally married and travelled on their Honeymoon did Lucille feel the earth breaking after being found out she slept with another man and was quickly found out by her partner. Her name would be ruined, she'd be casted out, she'd have no money or home; she's never worked a day in her life, how would she survive? The only option she felt best was to pack her bags and purchase a ticket to the city.


    "This is boring and forever-taking."


  • Plasmids:
    Soon to be added

    Gene Tonics:
    Soon to be added

    Soon to be added

    Soon to be added

  • After having her affair, Lucille will most likely develop as time goes on, becoming more open with her feelings and very much more blunt given as she has the freedom to do so. Her words will most likely come out once she thinks them depending on the situation and setting.

    Likes (she will develop these as time goes on, she will not have these traits/(dis)likes once the game starts):
    Being dramatic
    Her appearance up to standard
    Lying in her favor
    Seeing people she dislikes in a crisis

    Being yelled at
    Oblivious people
    Her appearance not up to standard
    Missing/late breakfast


Great character sheet. I only have a few questions and comments for you.

1. Okay, so I'm assuming for expertise, she's used to socializing, and knows how to seduce someone with her words, or more like manipulate someone into doing her bidding?

2. For your history, it works; however, I'm curious to know her thoughts on World War 1, or if she just chose to remain ignorant to politics due to her status. Also, no characters will know about the city. Therefore, she'd either escape underground due to the anarchy above ground, or she simply entered the subway to escape her reputation. Lastly, how popular would she be? Like would people know about her scandal, or only upper class?

3. On the mindset part, please include four other personality traits. You can use eccentric as your main one, but it doesn't fully capture the whole character. For example, is she spoiled, condescending, cautious, or lascivious (Since she cheated on her husband)?

Thank you for your submission. Once those comments and questions have been addressed and fixed in your character sheet, I'll accept her. Excuse me, if for some reason I did not clearly state something properly.
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Reactions: Himilo

Great character sheet. I only have a few questions and comments for you.

1. Okay, so I'm assuming for expertise, she's used to socializing, and knows how to seduce someone with her words, or more like manipulate someone into doing her bidding?

2. For your history, it works; however, I'm curious to know her thoughts on World War 1, or if she just chose to remain ignorant to politics due to her status. Also, no characters will know about the city. Therefore, she'd either escape underground due to the anarchy above ground, or she simply entered the subway to escape her reputation. Lastly, how popular would she be? Like would people know about her scandal, or only upper class?

3. On the mindset part, please include four other personality traits. You can use eccentric as your main one, but it doesn't fully capture the whole character. For example, is she spoiled, condescending, cautious, or lascivious (Since she cheated on her husband)?

Thank you for your submission. Once those comments and questions have been addressed and fixed in your character sheet, I'll accept her. Excuse me, if for some reason I did not clearly state something properly.

I will edit as soon as I can, sorry for the way
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Character Sheet​

Eddie Puzzler​

Vintage Character Bioshock Rp.jpg

  • Name: Eddie "Faller" Puzzler

    Call: Faller

    Age: 28

    Sex: Male

    Details: Hes 6'1" tall, toned from working hard and has a tattoo of a large double edged axe across his back. He has numerous scars across his hands, legs and chest, though none are large enough to detract from him aesthetically, he has an extremely young looking face.

    Clothing Bioshock rp.jpg

    Belongings: He has a small briefcase with a wrist watch, spare clothing, small hatchet, whittling knife.

  • Occupation: Logger

    Expertise: Shooting, hunting, climbing, lifting, running and swimming.

    History: Eddie was born a son to one of the largest lumbering company owners around, growing up learning all about the business, his father was a humble man, choosing to work alongside his workers when he could afford to and Eddie followed suit, doing smaller jobs like clearing away work areas when he was younger (Often referred to as a Bull Cook), eventually become a lead Faller (They have the most dangerous job of actually chopping the trees down), the work he did was always dangerous, including when, after falling a tree, one of the branches snapped off and fell on him, giving him numerous scars on his arms and chest. When the time of the war came around Eddie, as well as most of his fellow loggers, enlisted immediately hoping to see the world himself instead of through the papers.

    During the war he watched as most of the friends that had gone with him fell one by one, though most survived they were sent home in more pieces than they had arrived in, though he was troubled that he might endure the same fate he still threw himself into the fight with fervor, gaining a few field promotions and gaining the ironic nickname of Faller, since he preferred the use of a combat hatchet as opposed to a knife, though he wasn't as distinguished as some, he was often noted by his superiors as someone who got the job done and often with minimal casualties and maximum effectiveness when he was sent into forested areas, using his previous logging experience to help find the best places for ambushes or even counter ambushing an enemy element. By the time the war was over, Eddie had earned all the medals that adorned his chest.

    After the war, Eddie became a much harder worker, throwing himself into his work, often droning out everything around him as he'd climb a tree to remove branches that could cause problems. The war had changed him in ways that wasn't often seen, instead of becoming more withdrawn, he instead became more of a leader among the others that he had worked with, never sending a man to do a job that he himself wouldn't do, earning him the loyalty of most people around him, so when a local gang started causing trouble for everyone, Eddie once again took up his hatchet and led a small group of men to where the gang was located and removed them from being problematic in the future.

    A few months later, things seemed to escalate even more as the Puzzler Logging Company started getting more and more pressure from the larger crime elements, more and more people were getting hurt and the retaliation from Eddie and his "Militia" were only postponing the inevitable, no matter how many people they turned into fertilizer for the new tree crops. His father went to the city and started trying to negotiate with the crime syndicate, trying to talk them into stopping the takeover and the needless bloodshed. As the weeks went by contact between Eddie and his Father dwindled until they stopped completely, assuming the worst his fears were confirmed when he received an urgent letter stating that his father had been found in his room with knife wounds all over his body. After beating the information out of some of the gang members that were in the area, he received the location of the men he was looking for, so he packed his trusty hatchet that he had used to cut down all of those before and got on a train to where the men responsible were.

    Mindset: Brave, Indefatigable, Pushing ever onward. Word he identifies with: Driven.

  • Plasmids: (Blank for now)

    Gene Tonics: (Blank for now)

    Fortitude: (Blank for now)

    ATP: (Blank for now)

  • Likes:

    • Honest people.
    • Those that work for what they have.
    • Chopping down trees
    • Making small wooden figures.

    • Liars and manipulators.
    • People who are handed everything in life.
    • Alcoholics.
    • Procrastinators.


    • Chews on the end of his thumb when he's nervous.
    • When he's waiting his hands will constantly be looking for something to do, most often whittling a new figurine with his knife and a small piece of wood.

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Its a start but not quite finished yet...
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Its a start but not quite finished yet...

Just message me when you've finished the character sheet. I can't wait to read it.


Thank you for editing your character sheet. Just a few more questions.

1. I'm assuming when you put the create machines in your history section, you're also referring to your robotic, metallic hand/glove?

2. I'm assuming he went to university given his title Dr. as it's not stated in his history.

Your character is accepted if my assumptions are correct.
@BioshockRP Give it a look, there's plenty of room for improvement but i currently have blanks firing
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@BioshockRP Give it a look, there's plenty of room for improvement but i currently have blanks firing

Hello, sorry I didn't notice your message earlier. I've been busy, since I assumed, this wasn't going to get further traction. I'll still review your character in case, @TheDevil'sGame and another person still wishes to RP, so I can begin the roleplay.

1. For your history, I do enjoy the creativity of using logging experience; however, none of the characters know about the city. They're on the train to escape the anarchy and chaos occurring above ground due to a lack of government and order. However, we can say that he was given a tip that the man he's looking for his underground, and that's why he took the train down there.

Overall, everything looks good. Once you fix your biography according to my comments, I'll approve your character.