Big Things Come in Small Packages (Irysse & wowsuchpotato09)

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Krystian was fast, but the cloaked figure was faster. The boy just barely dodged the sharp blade of the pursuer, getting a long, thin cut on his right cheek as he did. He quickly countered by kicking the person in the stomach and sending them back. Without a second thought, Krystian pulled out his own dagger to plunge into the person's heart, but the obscure figure easily knocked it out of his hands. During this, the character's hood fell back to reveal the face of a young boy about the same age as Krys and Adelaide.

"Oops!" the boy smiled darkly, revealing small but noticeable fangs. "Did I do that?"

The boy's eyes were a deep violet that seemed almost black had it not been for Adelaide's light. His hair was a dirty blond color and was tied back in a thin ponytail that ended at his mid-back. His skin was a deathly pale but his face was somehow full of life.

"Who even are you?!" Krystian growled, stepping closer to Adelaide.
"Who, me?" The character spoke with a light, feathery voice while looking around as if thinking there are others. "Just a passerby." He smirked playfully and averted his gaze to Adelaide.

"Aw, what a cutie are you?" He stepped closer threateningly. "Gonna show me what's in that nice little satchel of yours?"
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