Ren was silent and solemn for a moment.
"I'm leaving soon," he said. "I probably won't be back any time soon. Val and Miki and Kheire are all coming too. Oh, but that's... I would ask you if you wanted to come and take your mind off it, but..."
Vivi stood on all fours quickly, a drastic expression clear on her face.
"P-please! Take me with you! I-I dont and I cant stay here!" She practically begged, something she rarely did in a serious situation.
Ren was silent for a moment.
"Vivi... We're probably going to die..." he said quietly. "Are you sure? There's a lot to stay behind for."
The Nekomata did not care of that fact. Whether she lived or died did not matter to her any longer, so she let her fur bristle.
"Please. Let me do this. Ill try to keep us alive."
Ren's face softened. "Well, I can't exactly say no if you know how dangerous it is. We might be away a while though. You're okay with that, right?"
Vivi hesitated slightly. But this was to get it over with. She should accept she won't ever find a lover after Quin. Vivi nodded, muttering "I'll be fine...I just need to do a few quick things...can I possibly do some quick training...?" It was kind of a rhetorical question as she hopped off and ran to the dungeon room, turning human to enter the silk dungeon aligned door.
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She was greeted with the sight of a dark, cold, and moist rocky cave.
"J-Just like dealing with S-Susan!" Vivi reassured herself.
It was not that spiders were her enemy, just her experiences with Susan's spiders left her in a skittish mood. Shaking her head, she walked on, trying to ignore the damp scent of mud and remains.
After a 5 minute jog, she had picked up the scent of...'oh god, please let it be something else...' she mentally begged. Just as she suspected, up ahead were...millions of spiders...near mating. And now, very pissed.
"...oh shit..." she muttered as they all came at her at once, pouncing for an attack. Quickly, Vivi drew out her battle axe, swinging it left and right rapidly at the waves of dog sized spiders. However, she was unfortunately overwhelmed by the 3rd wave. With the first power the Nekomata could think of, she summoned 7 fire blasts and shot them down all around her, killing more than half of all the spiders. Vivi then jumped, throwing the spiders off of her while they were distracted and slamming her axe down repeatedly on the rest that were alive. Finding small, weak cores appearing, she picked one up and saw they were earth aligned. Only finding 4 in all the remains, the Nekomata stuffed them into her bag and continued on.
By now, the walk was taking a downturn, becoming slightly steeper with each step.
Not even that much far into walking, the ceiling got lower and the smell was of a stinky trash scent with rotten eggs became more noticable to her sensitive nose. Sniffing around for the location of the scent, she looked up, suprised to see giant moths tending to egg sacks above. Trying to keep from reacting too much, she held in her breath and kept herself invisible in the shadows, a perk of her darkness alignment. Letting out her breath silently, she crept along the walls and only took the shortest of breaths. Vivi was starting to get worried now, her exin was draining slowly for what felt like ages, and she would love to save it all for the boss fight. Taking her next step, the rock underneath gave out and almost had fallen if not for the fact she quickly jumped back. Apparently, she had already passed the moth hatching area, making her blush slightly in embarrassment for not catching that fact sooner. Shaking this off, she looked over the edge and found the floor to be squirming with...something? The Nekomata took the risk and jumped off, feeling a squish and crunch under her feet, causing a very sick feeling to spread within her. Vivi took a glance at the floor, and screeched loudly. Thousands of silkworms were around her, the cave floor covered in them. Hissing and growling, she summoned 12 fire balls and shot them all down in a row in front of her, creating a charcoal path. Keeping her rage down at the offending creatures, she ran right through, while occasionally shoveling silk worms into her fur bag with quick disgust. She stopped quickly once she hit the end, coming to a huge open area, also known as the boss room.
Immediately an enormous spider dropped down fro the ceiling, hoping to catch its prey off-guard, screeching the whole way down. The beast hit, knocking Vivi away with one of its legs.
Shaking off the suprise of the attack, Vivi sneered slightly, summoning five fireblasts and aiming it right at the spiders body, knowing her fireblasts did not have the best accuracy and would have a better chance hitting its larger part of the beast. Luck on her side, all five blasts hit their target directly.
The gigantic arachnid screamed in agony, wailing about its misfortune to meet one of its weaknesses; a fire alignment user. It rushed blindy at the feline girl, hoping to take her out with brute strength. Unfortunately for the monstrous spider, in its blind rush it missed and ran over its target, hitting the wall.
Inwardly facepalming at this creature's stupidity, she instantly forgot the feeling of being threatened and summoned six fireblasts this time. Throwing them all at the fallen creature, she grimaced. "So...boring." she deadpanned.
The lead spider made a feeble attempt at hitting the girl while on its last legs, both metaphorically and physically. It missed, of course, being the pathetic creature it was.
She walked more towards the weakened creature, raising her hand and slamming four fireblasts at him to end his suffering quickly.
The creature perished, leaving its silk core behind in its place. Across from the room where they stood, was an old looking chest, but not wanting to leave anything behind, she scanned the room for anything that could have been useful. Finding materials in the floor that looked to be pieces of armor, she went and picked it up, planning to take it to kheire to tinker with. Putting it in her fur bag, she went to the chest and found something that looked like metallic string and other materials. Thinking more into it, she grabbed it with a small smile and decided to give it to Kheire as a gift for his gloves. Something to repay him for helping her so much. With that, the Nekomata left the dungeon.
Later that day, Kheire improved her armor and thanked her for what he needed to improve his gloves.
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Back her from her dungeon, Vivi went straight to the infirmary after visiting Kheire. The Nekomata headed straight for the nurse, requesting that the body be stuffed and set in a coffin for display in her room. The nurse frowned slightly and said she could not do it herself, but could sent the request and body to a professional to do it. Vivi nodded and said she would go into town and give the money herself, but could not handle the body just yet.
The Nekomata took her leave after that, heading to town with all the money she had in her bag. Looking around, she remembered every little detail that his death. She sighed and looked down, deciding her feet were more interesting than her surrounding.
"You really do cry a lot, you know that? When will you just stop?" Renya had said, walking besides her.
Vivi winced and replied tiredly, looking up at the not so misty like woman, her tail starting to flicker, "Shut up, I'm not crying..."
"Not anymore. Get over it already, jeez. I know you want to cry." Renya snapped at her.
The Catgirl was about to reply, snapping straight up to look at the Selkie before bumping into someone.
"Oh jeez, please excuse me, I didn't mean to bump into y-" Vivi was about to finish before being cut off by the person she bumped into, who she recognized immediately.
Yulius looked up from his camera, wordlessly staring at the Nekomata.
"...Have we met?"
"Uh, yes actually. I met you for a good 5 minutes before passing out..." Vivi tried to hide her embarrassment, looking at Renya for support but only getting a dead straight look. She pouted slightly and continued, honestly at a lost of words, "So..."
The androgynous man gave her a blank look and followed her eyes, catching sight of the other with wide eyes. "...If this is a joke this isn't funny." his hand moved for a very famliar sword at his side.
Vivi tilted her head to the side slightly, Renya looking up to acknowledge her 'brother'. "What are you talking about, Yuli?" Renya gave a smile and walked closer to Yuli.
"It's me, Renya." She spoke out of character that even Vivi found strange.
Yulius' knuckles turned white as he gripped the rapier, sending a glare at the blonde and the changling with his sister's face.
The Nekomata took a step back, hissing slightly as 'Renya' started to give off a different scent. Renya contorted into a black massed goblin like creature, going in to attack the both of them.
The rapier was readied and the Scylla's legs distorted, splitting into several squirming tendrils with small humanoid constucts emerging from them that charged the fake.
The troll growled and pressed harder against Yulius, not caring for a weapon as it just wanted to kill the damn bastards who ruined its plans. Vivi stared at the two for a good moment, in shock from the sight. 'that's...not Renya...? No...Renya...Renya is dead...then...who is this? a parasite...?' she thought to herself, having a mental war. Summoning her battle axe out of habit, Vivi growled darkly, having enough.
"I'll fucking KILL YOU FOR IMPERSONATING HER!" Vivi charged at the troll like creature, slicing it horizontally with just one move. Vivi panted as she stared at the thing who twitched occasionally, eventually turning to ashes.
Yulius let go of the sword's handle, watching as his puppets returned to him before he regressed to having two legs. "Thank you for dealing with that. I suppose." he said grudgingly.
Vivi turned and looked at Yuli, no signs of sadness as she went towards him. "...You don't need to be a dick, sheesh. Want to go to a cafe and get a cake?" she offered, hoping he would agree. "I don't have much to do, is honestly not my best as you can see. I just want to forget this happened and accept her death, ya know?" The Nekomata continued.
"I quite literally just met you. I'll pass."
Vivi groaned and countered, "Just bond with me, will you? I...want to know how you dealt with her death."
He scowled, looking back to his camera.
"You don't talk to other people much do you? I'll help you for Renya's sake so get going."
The Nekomata pouted but nodded anyway. "I don't have much time for friends since everyone I interact with either dies or is too busy to actually say a couple sentences for me. So cafe it is?" she questioned, near begging for a friend as she started to walk towards the cafe.
The Scylla shrugged, following the shorter female.
Vivi smiled happily and had to keep herself from running off, wanting to walk peacefully this time. She looked to fully study the Scylla this time, noticing the rapier at his side. "...You loved her?"
"She was my sister." he said plainly, as if it answered the question.
She shook her head, "No no, I mean, did she mean a lot to you? I know she was your sister."
"She was my sister." Yulius repeated firmly, "If you had a sibling you would understand."
Vivi finally understood what he meant, nodding. "Ah." she was going to ask another question but decided not to, not wanting to press any more Renya questions on him. "...what's your favorite pastry?"
"Can you stop with the pointless questions? Sparing a person's feelings doesn't do anything." he snapped, stopping in his tracks.
The Nekomata stopped as well, facing the irritated man, her left ear twitching. "...Okay. Would you rather we continue walking in silence or me fail at starting a conversation with a person that could honestly be my first acquaintance?" she commented straightly, already saying 'fuck it' in her head and going straight in to figure out what this guy wanted.
"You wanted to know something related to Renya. I wouldn't have come this far if that hadn't been the point, so get to it."
Letting out a sigh, she continued. "Okay okay. I just wanted to know how growing up with Renya was like. She seemed so cold and distant the first time we met..."
"I wouldn't know the answer to that. I've only been with her for five years."
"Well something obviously must've happened in those five years. How did you guys get along?" she smiles slightly to herself, continuing to walk towards the cafe that was now just a block away.
"I don't need to answer that question right?"
She pouted. "Noo..."
Yulius' eyes bore holes into the back of the Nekomata's head.
"If the question isn't important then don't ask. Anything else?"
Vivi rolled her eyes. "Glaring at me all day isn't really important if you don't kill me now."
"If that is all then you have wasted my time. I'm leaving if you have nothing else to say."
"W-wait, no! bluuh, I still have more questions about Renya! I didn't get to know her much during the times we interacted, and I'd like to know more about my friend."
"I only know the Renya that clung to her older brothers at night. I don't know what your Renya was like so I can't help you." He looked at the gaudy building that was surely getting closer
"I want to know your Renya. I want to know the Renya you lived with for 5 years and saw go away to an academy that later I met." she said as she reached the entrance to the cafe, giving Yulius a determined look. "So please, tell me more."
"You don't need to know about her!" His voice rose to a shout and some people turned their heads to watch them before continuing on with their lives.
She stood her place in front of him. "I need to know. I need to know how my friend lived her life, and how I can remember her as. Not just a friend that I dare say I used to have feelings for."
"What?" his incredulity was clear to the ears, "Get your own idea of her. I'm not helping you with this, even if you wished for it."
"Did you see what came up when I tried getting my own idea of her? how I tried to do things my way? I made that...thing happen. I tried to deny her death, and make a version of her I thought she was. I don't want that, I want to know more about what she was. I already accept her death, but I just want to know I should remember her."
"Remember her however you want. It doesn't have anything to do with me. I'm not letting you do the same to my Renya like you did with your's."
"I'm not stupid to make the same mistake again. I wont take your Renya away, I never would. I know it still hurts you, I can tell how you carry her rapier on you..."
He scoffed, "It's almost as if you believe you understand. This rapier is just a weapon. Nothing else. If someone else would take care of it I would gladly give it to them."
"...If it's just a weapon to you, then can I have it? To remember something of one of my loved ones?"
Yulius' face was akin to that of someone who ate a lemon, "...Why do you think someone like you could care for her weapon?"
"...I know a swordssmith who can help take care of it. He can polish it and help me take care of it. That sword is something sacred, and I refuse for it to rot or be damaged."
He sneered. "You could not have answered that any more incorrectly. I guess it's true you can't expect someone who isn't a craftsman to understand a weapon."
She sighed, not wanting to tell the truth. "I just want to keep and protect that sword. I wouldn't let anything touch something of Renya's. I even refused people to go into her please, out of everything, can I have the sword and keep it in memory of Renya if I may not know more about her?"
"You're digging yourself a deeper hole. My sister isn't something to be worshipped, get that in your thick skull and make sure it stays there."
Vivi growled. "I want a memory of her, not a god damn sacred ass weapon that I wish to perform rituals with in her name! What is so hard to get through your thick skull I have nothing of her! I have school books and equipment she used to own in battle! That's crap that belonged to others, but that sword is the only thing I have saw her own! I want something that is completely her, not her and thousands of others!" She nearly hissed, trying to restrain herself more.
"That's why you can't care for her weapon. You don't even see it as a real weapon anymore do you? It's just something Renya owned!"
Already annoyed with this, she finally spilled the truth, "I want to give it to a friend, alright!? that's the fucking truth! I want him to use it, because I have a feeling he needs it more than anything! Out of everyone, he's the swords expert, and I trust him with any weapon!"
"You know what? Fine. Here, you can take it if you agree to make a wish."
"FINE BY ME!" Vivi was nearly done with this stubborn bastard. Trying to be nice failed. Why couldnt she just have something of her friend's to look after and see be useful?
His smile was all teeth, "Just say, 'I wish if I lied to Yulius my loved ones would die.' do that and I'll give you her weapon."
Vivi crossed her arms. "I wish if I lied to Yulius, my loved ones would die." She grinned slightly, "Do that and I'll give you her weapon."
Yulius' pupils dialated, almost to the point his entire eye was black and his voice echoed through the crowded streets, "Give me the means to make your wish reality, and I will give you the world."
"I'll keep true on my part of the deal and give it to a person who has real use of it. You carrying it around on your hip means nothing to what we do. We put our weapons to use daily, and I'm sure he will use it for what it was crafted for."
Yulius closed his eyes, blinking rapidly for a few moments as his eyes went back to their normal color.
"You know, at this point I could just take the rapier and leave since that wasn't part of the wish. I could. But I won't." He handed the bone weapon to the cat girl, patting her shoulder with his other hand. "I'm not going to ask for your name in case you are wondering. Have a nice time in that cafe." He gave a second empty smile and left, leaving the blonde Nekomata alone.
Vivi pouted and took the rapier, hugging it close. Looking back at the cafe, she hid the weapon in her pen and went inside, buying a cheesecake and banana chocolate crepe.
Later that evening, she went to the local undertaker and asked for a body to be stuffed, saying it would be delivered soon. She paid him plenty, not caring for the money as she told him to keep the change.
Of all the places in Avalon to be, the base of Mt Vortigern was one of the least visited tourist destinations, and for good reason.
Miki stared at the mouth of the cave, "Master, are you sure we shouldn't have just taken the stairs?"
"Yep. Completely sure," Ren nodded. "It's like I said. If you don't wanna die, we need to go through the cave."
Vivi sneered slightly. "What are with monsters and caves…" she questioned to herself.
"The stairs are the fastest way up, but this way is the best, in my opinion. I vote that we follow Ren into the big, dark cave." Kheire offered his point of view.
"Uhm… No, I think we really should've taken the stairs." Val said, exasperated.
"No, really," Ren insisted, "just trust me on this. We need to go in the cave. If we use the stairs, at least one of us is probably going to get shot and it's probably going to be me."
"Don't worry Master, I will protect you." the gheist's eyes sparkled and he made a move to turn back to the stairwell.
"We'd all die! Get back here!" Ren hurried after him and grabbed him by his sleeve, dragging him back.
He obediently let the white haired boy pull him back. "If Master commands it."
"Don't try to make it sound weird," he muttered. "Everyone has their stuff, right? Keep your eyes open in there. I'm not kidding, if we all blinked at the same time, we'd die."
"Do not worry, some of us don't need to blink." the brunette said plainly.
"I don't," Val stated, an almost-translucent film closing over her eyes.
The nekomata groaned loudly. "So quite honestly, some of us will die and some will actually live, aka Bird Vag and the Rapier Wiener." She finished off, rolling her eyes.
Kheire quietly watched from the sidelines, feeling varying degrees of disappointment towards all of them.
"W-well, if we're okay… Let's go… get killed…?" Ren suggested.
"Birds don't have vaginas, they have cloaca," Val said.
"...How do you…?" the white-haired boy started, and then shook his head.
"I would not be shocked if I pulled down your pants and saw a bird poking out of your body where your vagina should've been." Vivi grinned, trying to spur her on.
"So… a co--?" Val tried to hide her amusement.
"A rooster," Ren cut in.
"...suuuuree," Vivi tried to keep PG for the innocent ones.
Ren sighed. "Let's just…"
Shaking his head, he made his way into the cave, walking a little slower than normal.
Kheire was waiting a short ways inside, a bit done with his fellow students.
Vivi shrugged and ran forward to walk alongside Kheire, trying to start a conversation to attempt and make friends. " fuckers got yourselves in a curse?"
"Yeah… My, um… My friends died. So now we have to lift this curse by getting strong enough to beat the one who placed it on us in the first place," sighed Ren.
Vivi sighed softly. "I can see the snake bites on you guys, very clever. I congratulate you guys. I volunteer to get myself killed so you guys can lift the most stinkiest ass curse out there." she blushed when she finished. "I...uh…crap…" the Nekomata groaned at her failed attempt of making friends.
Ren smiled brightly. "Don't worry. If we don't die here, we can definitely lift it. I'm sure of it. My friends up here are really strong."
Vivi smiled softly. "Ya...okay."
The path became progressively dimmer, to the point most of them could no longer see their hands in front of their faces.
Val blinked, waving a hand in front of her face, "Wow, it's dark in here. Someone, turn Ren on."
"W-what? No, don't!"
Kheire facepalmed and continued onwards, using Scanning Vision to analyze his surroundings.
Vivi looked around, her night vision kicking in as she walked up ahead. The dark and damp coldness was starting to get her adrenaline up, making the Nekomata more hyper and battle ready.

It was a long climb, but it was difficult to keep track of time throughout the trek,)
But eventually, the party reached the)l)l doorway to a large stone room.
It wasn't unlike a temple or a cathedral, but the amount of metal lying around conjured another image altogether: a dragon's lair.
Of course, the enormous black beast sleeping at the other end of the room might well have added to the connotations there.
"That's a bit bigger than I remember Cath Palug being," Ren whispered.
A single black-furred ear pricked up at his murmur.
"Okay, are you serious right now?!"
The dragon-sized cat leapt aside, and…
Vivi stared off where the creature was. "If the beast doesn't kill me first, I'll kill myself." She said, looking completely fucking done. With that, she pulled out her battle axe and got into a defensive position, ready to run at any sign of movement.
Val sprouted wings out of her back, holding them unfurled so she can fly quickly.
Miki drew his sword, letting exin flow into his runes as he scanned the room for Cath Palug.
Despite his best efforts, however, he could not see a single trace of heat nor light nor sound from the beast. It was as if it had completely vanished from existence.
Ren slowly began to climb down the bricks, calling out to his friends. "Everyone! Stay in the light! Cath Palug goes invisible in shadows!"
"Perfect! We can have an invisi-orgy once I go invisible too!" Vivi yelled sarcastically.
"I can do that too! Doesn't mean we'll survive!"
"Sarcasm, Marshmallow Boy! Sarcasm! It's beautiful! Check it, please!" The Nekomata got more sarcastic and bitchy, annoyed about the creature being a legit pussy.
Kheire glided down into the darkened room.
A moment passed.
The pile of metal along the west side of the room sparked.
A few bolts of lightning leapt off in all directions in the shadows.
Val flaps into the air about 6 feet as she dodges a bolt, quickly falling back to the ground.
Miki evaded the bolts swiftly, zeroing in on the area that the lightning came from.
A spark struck the brick above Ren, causing him to flail for a moment and drop to the ground, winded.
Quickly coming to a realisation, he scrambled towards the others in a panic, only just escaping the shadows with a gash across his back.
Dammitdammitdammitdammitdammit, he screamed mentally. What do we do?
He looked around the room for something, anything.
Even the metal was useless. There was nothing in the room that could help.
...Wait. What about the room?
Okay, that was ridiculous and insane.
The only question was if it was insane enough to actually work.
Ren rummaged through his satchel, pulling out several stone tablets. "Kheire! Those other tablets I gave you! Get them ready, and these ones too, and use them all at once! I need Vivi to stay here and lure it out, you get ready to use the tablets! Miki, Val, take these and cast them on that pillar and that pillar! On my signal, everyone shoot fire magic at them!"
He handed them an ice-aligned tablet each.
Kheire pulled out the paralysis tablet from his storage amulet and prepared to use it near Vivi but out of the way, near a pillar.

Miki took the item and moved out of Vivi's way to use it on Ren's command, the other two following his lead.
The moment she stopped, a gust of darkness leapt from the shadows, slashing at her with claws the size of her arm.
"Kheire!" yelled Ren.
Kheire activated his paralysis tablets, all of them shining with magic before disintegrating in his grip.
An invisible pressure froze the beast in place for a single moment, an instant before making contact with the Nekomata.
"Fire magic!" Ren instructed, jumping to add his own contributions as the other tablets turned the pillars to ice.
The pair shot plumes of flames at the frozen structures. The two shattered under the force and heat, causing the ceiling above to cave in.
Vivi yelled from her spot, jumping to a standing position, "HA, SUCK IT BIATCH!"
"Vivi, move!" Ren cried, using a third ice tablet to freeze the monumental block of stone as it landed directly atop Cath Palug with a crash.
"OH SHITE, YEET!" Vivi jumped out of the way with cat-like reflexes, getting to a safer spot.

Cath Palug was not happy.
The ice was not broken, and with a slow but sure movement, it began to stand up straight, bringing the entire frozen lump of debris with it.
Its body sparked.
Lightning bolts flew in all directions, but none were aimed at its prey.
The air began to tingle and burn, and the ice began to melt.
Ren nodded. "It's working! Val, electrocute it! Miki, I need your help! Kheire, hit it as hard as you can! Vivi, you too!"
Vivi gripped her axe tightly, jumping forward and summoning a wind plate to help quicken her attack. With that, she raised her axe over her head and slammed it down with all her strength.
Val was a bit nervous about her skill with lightning, as she hadn't really used it much, but she did her best anyway. She flew quickly to it's back and punched it, but with lighting involved.
Miki ran towards Ren, shifting into his weapon form as he was told.
Ren caught Miki's handle, downing a strength potion and wreathing his sword form in light.
"Ready?" he asked, drawing back for a strike. "Land on your feet, Cath Palug!"
An astoundingly bright blade of light slashed across the monster's body, slashing it cleanly in two with a roar.
The light remained on the blade even after it was vaporised entirely.
Vivi stared at the fallen beast, looking fucking done.
Ren blinked. "Well, uh… Wasn't that meant to be stronger than King Arthur?" he mumbled, holding Miki out for him to reassume human form.
"That was a human king, right?" the brunette brushed off his clothes.
Kheire looted the corpse of Cath Palug while everyone was still brushing themselves off, not willing to let such good, quality materials go to waste.
Vivi sighed, turning towards Miki and walking up to him as she took out her weapon pen. "Oi, Sword Cock."
Miki looked up from hearing her call, "Yes, Miss Neeakomi?" he looked back at the carcass.
Vivi pulled out the preserved and well crafted Swordfish Rapier, gently handing it to Miki with a soft smile. "This belonged to a dear friend. I trust you to hold on to it," she winked, continuing, "also, my name is Vivi. Vivi De La Moon. Neeakomi is just a made up name I did under suspicion you were dangerous."
"Oh, I knew. The others said your name frequently." was his automatic answer as he gripped the handle. "Dorm Advisor, are you going to contract that?"
Kheire shook his head, shoving things into his storage amulet.
She raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. "You do you then, but take care of it for me? Put it to good use?"
"It is a sword. What do you want me to do with it? Should I feed it Cath Palug's organs?"
"Haha, very fucking funny Saber Dick, just take care of it god damnit." she rolled her eyes, gathering her things and jumping out the entrance. "YEET!" was her final cry.
"Stay safe," Ren called, "Miss Neeakomi!"
He looked back at the body of Cath Palug, sighing in relief.
Then he smirked.
"Hey guys. I guess this is why you shouldn't send a cat," he said, "to do a dog's job."
"...Master Ren it's time to stop talking."
"I thought it was funny," he mumbled.
Kheire threw a useless organ in Ren's general direction.
"Hey! That's not a tomato!" he complained.
"Close enough." Kheire replied while approaching the door the beast was guarding. "Now what? Do we knock?"
"Do we knock a hole in the wall instead of going through the door?"
"We go through the door ourselves," Ren sighed. "Quietly."
Miki cracked open the door, wincing at the grating sound it made. "Lead the way, Master."
He nodded quietly, leading down the hall that looked suspiciously like a catacomb. The hall slowly began to get narrower and narrower as they went, and it wasn't getting any brighter.
"This dark hole just seems to get tighter the deeper we go." Kheire ran his hands along the walls, touching the ceiling as it closed down on them.
"Don't make it sound weird! I've had enough of that already!" Ren chided.
"What do you mean?" Kheire had no idea what Ren was on about.
"So much for staying quiet."
"Says you!"

It wasn't long until they were crammed into a space barely big enough for one person, and Ren, being the smallest, was forced into a solid wall by the bustle of movement as everyone tried to get sufficient space to breathe.
"Whoa, whoa! Stop, stop, we're here!"
"Master, you're standing on my foot."
"I have nowhere else to stand!"
He shifted back against the wall a little, pushing a brick behind him a little out of place, a faint orange light coming through.
"Oh thank God," Val gasped. She was sweating profusely and felt nauseous from this, "This is a dumb hole. A fucking asshole. A shit hole. Full of shit."
Kheire looks at Val with concern, rubbing her back gently.
"I'm going to be fair here. I've been in worse holes," Ren said. "Giant insect stomachs smell really bad."
As he said that, the brick dislodged a little more, letting the faint scent of incense through into the cavern.
Kheire muttered that there are worse stomachs to reside in.
Miki elbowed Ren in his attempts to move away from Val. "Sorry."
"Ow!" Ren spluttered, his flailing dislodging the block entirely and knocking it to the ground on the other side.
It was then the wall began to shift, taking itself apart piece by piece. The sudden expanse of space caused Ren to stumble backwards, trip over the brick, and land firmly on his back on soft red carpet.
"Master, are you okay?" the brunette stepped out into the new area, looking around at his surroundings.
The warm, dark room was dimly lit with candles, incense definitely burning. There was a long open couch in the middle of the room, and behind it was a pair of closed curtains. Cushions were strewn here and there, and a few doorways led to what seemed to be extensions.
Kheire poked around, looking at the different-looking household items. "Where are we?"
"Well, um…" Ren mumbled, getting up, "...see… about that… uh…"
Footsteps approached the room just as he began to speak.
As such, he was interrupted by the appearance of a scaled, tailed, winged, fanged, horned, and entirely naked young woman clearing her throat.
"Look who's back," she smirked, looking over the group. "And you brought friends."
"L-L-Lild…?!" Ren lit up like a lighthouse.
Kheire was conveniently looking away and chose not to turn around from the tone in Ren's voice. Misteloph was whispering in his ear about keeping his eyes safe from the impure dragon lady.
"Master Ren…?"
"Th-This is indecent conduct in front of children!" Val stuttered, not sure where to put her eyes.
The dragon woman gave her a bemused look. "Come along now. You were the ones who broke into my chambers without telling me you were coming. Of course I'm not going to be prepared."
"Y-yeah, but why are you…?"
"Naked in my own room? With the curtains shut and the doors locked? Oh, jeez, I wonder. Are you going to introduce me?"
"Ah. Um. Right," Ren nodded. "Everyone, this is Lild Avanors, Pillar Princess of the Dragonkin of Vortigern."
"Miki. What is your relation with Master Ren."
"Let me see… Depending on your point of view, he's either my adopted son, adopted little brother, or my favourite body pillow of all time."
"Don't make it sound weird!" Ren cried.
Between them, the group seemed to be capable of reacting with stares and gaping mouths that occasionally tried to formulate words, making them seem not entirely unlike goldfish.
Kheire, behind all of them, was just listening in as he continued to look around.
"Don't touch anything," she warned him. "I don't want to have to kill you. I am a dragon."
"Relax, I'm not going to break or steal anything." Kheire waved her off, still not looking at her.
At the word dragon, although there's no way Sam could've understood that, he popped his sleepy head out of Val's bag and squeaked.
"Oh, would you look at that," Lild said, crouching down to eye level with Sammy and sequencing a number of snarly sounds.
Sam cocked his head, attempting to replicate the sounds, but completely ununderstanding.
She raised an eyebrow, trying a vastly more complicated series.
Sam crawled out of the bag and crawled onto Lild's back, very confused.
"Your friend can't talk," she observed.
"Oh, yeah, see, I don't really know dragon, and I saved him when he was still an egg, and I've never met anyone to teach us." Val said, shyly.
"Is that so? Well, aren't you in luck. Come to think of it, why now of all times to show up? I smell a curse on you kids."
"Yeah," Ren nodded. "We have to get strong enough to defeat someone really strong, or else we'll die."
She thought for a moment. "I can help you deal with that. Elian and Iselotte should agree, so there's no problem."
"Uh," Ren spluttered, suddenly overcome with what seemed to be abject terror, "do we have to ask them?"
"Well, I'm not training you guys. What could I teach you? Besides dragon speech, that is," she said. "How long do you have?"
"About… four weeks…?"
She sighed. "You took too long to get here. Honestly. You guys better be prepared to die if you want to master combat in a month. Which means, Ren, that you're going to have to put in a lot of effort and hard work."
"Nope!" cried Ren. "Nope nope nope! I don't want to! You can't make me!"
"Really?" she questioned, bending down to eye level. "Not even on pain of death?"
"Uuuu… But effort and hard work are my two least favourite things!"
"Suck it up, buttercup," she ruffled his hair. "You're gonna have to break my bad habits. You kids can deal with a little risk, right?"
The party had quickly found themselves in a fairly difficult situation.
Specifically, if anyone saw them, Lild calmly explained that both all of them and she herself would all be put to death.
As such, each of them had needed to find spots to sleep in Lild's chambers.
"Master, I'll be right here next to you. If you feel the need don't hesitate to use me if someone," Miki looked at Lild, "does something weird. A few quick stabs and I'll take care of it okay?"
Ren laughed nervously. "I-I'm sure nothing like that will happen. Thank you, though."

Of course, that didn't stop Ren from waking up to a bang on the door suspiciously close to a certain dragon lady.
"Uh. Lild."
She stirred a little, opening her eyes slowly. "Hm?"
"I didn't go to sleep in your bed."
She took a moment to process this. "So you didn't. Look at that. Force of habit, I guess."
Another, louder, series of thumps.
"Someone should get that," he pointed out.
"Go ahead."
"I can't. You're squeezing me."
"Oh well. Someone else can do it, then."
"Lild, if we die because someone gets worried about you not answering your door, it's going to be your fault."

Val was already awake between her negative feelings about this whole affair and a little dragon deciding he was too excited to sleep. With every squeak he made, the more she felt like lighting something ablaze. Valentina loved Sam, she really did, but she really, really just wanted to sleep.
It didn't seem like her wish was about to be granted any time soon. The thumping on the door suddenly returned, much louder, more rapid, and unceasing, as if some enormous woodpecker had decided that the best use of the talents it would be using for the rest of its life would be as the world's most irritating alarm clock.
Kheire's face was blank as he sat curled up in his cocoon in the corner. "'Tis a visitor, come knocking at your chamber door. Only this, and nothing more." He turned in his cocoon to try and block out the noise.
Lild sighed. "I'm going to kill him."
Slowly, she got up, swung open the door, and roared in the face of an unfazed man in light armour.
"Quiet down, sister," he frowned.
Her eyes narrowed and her expression quickly shifted to one of an utterly bewildered attempt to deal with stupidity.
"I… You…! It's two in the morning, Elian."
"You wanted help."
"For tomorrow, bare minimum. Why are you here n… Oh."
"Yeah. I'm not about to train up the products of your mitosis for the hell of it."
"This is not how you one-up Iselotte."

"As riveting as it is watching you all sleep, are we going to train soon?" Miki voiced his thoughts from behind Lild, inspecting the newcomer over the woman's shoulder.
Elian met Miki's gaze, and then gave Lild an ambiguous look.
"Don't give me that," Lild said.
"They're fine with it, see?" he retorted.
"That one is a ghiest."
"So he doesn't need t--"
"It was a rhetorical question. Do you want to do it now or in broad daylight?" he said. "Get them up. We're going to the waterfall."
Val prayed that Lild would answer in a way that would allow them to sleep, or even just Val, but she wasn't stupid. She knew that this was the best decision, even if her body really didn't want to move.
Sam and Zeph, however, were ready to get out of the room. Zeph, being a bat, was royally pissed when she found out she couldn't leave the room, and Sam was just always ready.
"Where are we going? What's happening?" Ren crawled about a bit, raising his head to look at the two dragons.
"Training. We're headed to the waterfall," Elian said sharply.
Ren rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.
"If we go now I can carry him the rest of the way there." The ghiest volunteered.
"I'm not going," Ren said firmly. "You can't make me."
"Ghiest, pick him up," Elian shrugged dismissively. "Someone wake up the bird and the bee over there too."
Miki looked down at Val, cupping his hands over his mouth, "Master, what are you doing. Stop stripping in your sleep." in a complete monotone in hopes of doing something.
"I'm not asleep, you know," Val muttered, sitting up with a baby dragon tangled in her hair.
"I would like to point out that I am not a bee, and that my insect-like traits originate from a moth." Kheire voiced his opinion on the matter as he rose from the cocoon.
Elian hammered a fist against the doorframe. "Nerd!" he yelled disapprovingly.
"How are we getting to the waterfall?" Miki pried Ren's body off the bed with some difficulty and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of rice.
Kheire was muttering about how just because his body isn't incredibly masculine and he enjoys intellectual pursuits just as much as those of a physical sort, it doesn't automatically make him a nerd. He did this while cleaning up his cocoon and definitely not pouting.
Standing while throwing her backpack on, Val made a clicking sound to signal her pets/torturers to come to her. It didn't really work, but once she acted like she was leaving them behind Sam squeaked in fear and ran behind her. Zeph just came along for the bugs.
"I hope you kids are good at climbing," Elian said simply.
Kheire waved his many different appendages, hoping they wouldn't be forbidden.
"Val, you can leave Sammy with me if you like," Lild offered. "I can get to work on teaching him a little speech while you're off with Elian."
She seemed nervous at this, but it would be nice for Sam to learn some way to talk, and Lild seemed trustworthy, even if Val only thought this because of her treatment of Ren and Sam, respectively. She agreed, and Lild moved to pick the small dragon up to stop him from swooping out the door at the last second. Sam was not happy with this.
"Come now," the dragon lady said softly. "You're safer with me than you are with him."
"With who?" Elian and Ren said simultaneously.
"Who knows?" she said, continuing to try and ease the baby off of Val's backpack.
Sam was attempting to scream a word in his weird vernacular that Val had figured out was his name for her.
"Here, here… Are you hungry? Val will be back soon, so how about a midnight snack?"
Now, that's a word Sam would understand in any language. He crawled slowly to Lild, opening his mouth wide.
"There we are. Let me see…" she tried offering a bowl of fish slices and seeing how well that went down, while meeting the eyes of the three children willing to move and gesturing for them to go.
Val grinned, tip-toeing out slowly, her back facing the door.

The waterfall was… unconventional, to say the least. Water was deliberately being made to flow down a ledge into a ridiculously deep pit, with everything being smoothly and carefully carved out to preserve its momentum.
Elian took the group a good way down it before saying anything at all.
"I suppose at least some of you are wondering what this is," he speculated.
"Do you want us to climb it?"
Elian raised an eyebrow, shaking his head and patting Miki's shoulder. "Would I want a bunch of kids to climb a several hundred meter smooth surface with massive amounts of water flowing down it at high speed?"
And, with a single shove, threw him down it into the mist below. "You're a sharp kid."
"Uh oh," Ren mumbled, but was not even close to fast enough to avoid Elian shattering the entire ledge they were on with a single stomp.
Val instinctively sprouted wings and flew, "What are you doing?"
"Nice try."
An arrow shot towards her left wing quicker than lightning.
Val crashed towards the water, her wings crumbling to ashes as she goes under.
Ren quickly reached out and grabbed her just as she broke the surface, dragging her up against a current.
Kheire slid down the wall towards the bottom, thinking that this should be fun.
Elian floated down, flapping his draconic wings, just enough that he was in view.
"To clarify," he called, "this is a water processing plant. Climb. No magic, no special tricks. If you fall and get dragged down, then… Well, you'll be in trace enough amounts to not make anyone who drinks you sick, let's just say that."
With that, he flew off again, leaving them with a thought.
"By the way, I'd get out of there before the workers start their shifts if I were you."
Ren scowled. "Son of a…"
Kheire was trying to stay stable as the water pushed against him. "How are we supposed to do this? Wings are out, meaning pretty much everything involving magic and anatomical advantages must be out too."
Miki scrambled to get a stable hold on the solid slab. "That type of person is always... interesting."
"Of course you would think that, Miki." Val pretty much growled. She then proceeded to completely transform and launch herself towards the wall, murmuring curses under her breath, figuratively and literally.
Then her claws chipped and broke at the ends.
"Fuck!" She screamed and pushed herself and landed back on the ground.
"Val, stop!" Ren cried. "You're hurt and you're making it worse!"
She just made a sound that was a mixture of a whimper and a snarl, her broken wing lying at an awkward angle and her hands and feet bleeding.
The small boy hurried over, doing his best to heal her wounds with magic.
"I'm sorry, I need to calm down," Val stated, letting her bird monster form go, where it became apparent how tired she actually was.
"It's okay. He's Lild's brother, but he's never really been a nice guy, especially to kids," Ren explained.
"I wished we still had that sticky potion..." Val sighed.
"Somehow I'm not sure he'd let us do that…"
He frowned, suddenly deep in thought.
Kheire, meanwhile, is slowly working his way up the wall through sheer strength and will. "I think we can actually do it!" He tried to shout over the sound of the crashing water, before a spark of electricity threw him into the pool below.
"Don't compare us to you Dorm Advisor!" Miki attempted to mimic Kheire's actions with no real success. He tried a different approach, leaping from the waterfall to the adjacent wall with resounding failure as he was blasted off.
Kheire fell, electrocuted, with a discouraged expression. Misteloph floated beside him, the most social of his spirits and the unofficial leader. "I am sure you can figure this out. Stop and think about what you know and what you should do to learn more about your situation." Kheire nodded and sat down, bringing out Gemma from her core. "Do you think you could give me that new healing aura?" As he pet the leviathan, a blue glow formed a bubble around him before fading from sight. "Thanks, Gemma." After returning his little friend to her core, he decided to take inventory of his possessions.
Val decided to try the same thing. It was impossible to tell if she was just wanting to one up Miki or if she thought it was actually a good idea.
What a frustrating thud that was. Failure.
Ren, meanwhile, was simply wandering around the room, examining it.
Val was now going to run up the divider. Like an idiot. Back on the floor again.
Kheire tried to scale the wall with his crafting tools, Octavia cheering him on, 「You've got it! Climb and embrace your inner spider! I had a grandmother in a similar situation, only she was much smaller than I and trying to scale a water spout…」 Kheire smiled at her support before getting distracted and falling back to the bottom. "Sorry, Octavia. It was a nice try."
"M-Maybe be careful with the electrified parts," Ren suggested. "They use them to extract ions from the water to filter it properly."
"That's nice Master. Any other obvious thing we need to know?" Miki leapt towards the wall again, this time from a dry wall with unwavering results.
"Um… The dry walls zap you harder," he said. "And don't touch the metal micropellets."
"Why don't we all just run into each other, it'd work just as well," Val sighed.
Ren considered this for a moment. "Well, it would halve the jumping distance, so if we can deal with the electricity for long enough…"
"You know what, sure. Let's do it," Val laughed, even if just because she was too tired to care.
"Not like it can go any worse than it has so far."
Ren pulled as neutral a face as possible. This was not going to work at all. He didn't have to consider much to realise that was the case.
But screw it. Why not?
"Where should we all run?" he asked, trying to give the impression that he was one hundred percent behind this idea.
"Ren, you should probably ride on Kheire's back."
Ren was about to protest, but then realised that there was no way in hell he was skilled enough to do something ridiculous like this. "As long as I don't weigh him down too much."
Kheire, abruptly lifted Ren to carry him like a sack of potatoes. His spirits were giggling behind him, forcing him to try and fight the urge to grin. "This okay?"
Ren sighed. "Yeah. Thanks. Why was I even born with legs," he pondered sarcastically in Miki's general direction.
"Maybe to distribute weight to make you easier to carry? It helps." Kheire forced a straight face before grinning where the glowing marshmallow couldn't see.
"Of course. I'll make special effort to grow a handle for you guys in future," mumbled Ren.
"Can't you use your sari to get a better hold? Like if you tie it around Dorm Advisor?"
"I would really rather we did not do that," Ren said, in monotone comparable to the gheist himself.
"...Duly noted. Are we going to try this?"
"I'm up for it if you are." Kheire shrugged, trying not to jostle Ren too much.
Each of the three took various positions around the room, Val by the water flow and Miki and Kheire by the dry walls. Simultaneously, they ran upwards. Overcoming the electricity, they managed to reach where they needed to in an instant, all leaping off simultaneously.
They flew towards each other.
Their feet connected.
Their feet slipped.
All four fell to the ground with a crash in a pile of limbs.
"Ow," Ren squeaked.
"This, was not how I pictured being in a pile of limbs being like." Miki planted his face back into the water, not trying to dislodge himself from the others.
"Urf. Miki, what's down there, anyway?"
"The processor…?"
"What does it look like? I kind of want to know. If someone holds onto me, can I check?"
Miki pulled himself out from under the others and reached a hand out for Ren. "I'll help."
Ren dislodged himself and squirmed out of his sari, taking Miki's hand. "Could you?" he asked, his eyes lighting up.
The ghiest abruptly let go of Ren's hand, grabbing ahold of his ankles and practically throwing him over the edge. "Like this?"
Ren flailed in sheer panic, having no idea what the hell was happening and freaking out just a little bit, before stopping entirely and looking at the processor with curiosity.
After a few moments, he looked up at Miki and gave a thumbs-up.
He pulled the white haired boy up with more finesse and caution. "What did you see?"
Ren folded his arms with a thumb on his chin, a posture that looked plain bizarre with him upside-down.
"It looks like a metal ring being used as some kind of alchemical circuit. There are these two interconnecting vortexes of Exin that convert everything that passes through it into pure water. That's why they remove the ions and put them back in later, I think," he explained. "That's odd, though. If it has pure water constantly running through it, how in the world doesn't it rust?"
He blinked for a moment, and then an expression of realisation crossed his face.
"Oh. That's what it's for."
"What? Please don't be so vague."
"The, uh, you know!" Ren tried to spin around in Miki's grip, pointing wildly in all directions. "That thing! In the middle!"
"You are not making things any better Master."
"P-Put me down a second! I'll show you!"
"Oh, right." he lowered Ren onto the ground and looked at him expectantly.
Ren pointed at the divider between the two channels of water. "That thing! Why would you have to split the flow in two if it all ends up in one pool?" he said, then grinned. "Choose one of the following answers. A) It does something to the water on the way down that requires it to be split. B) It makes it more cost-effective to electrolyse the flow. C) It doesn't, that's stupid."
"D) Get to the point."
"No, come on, work with me here," Ren begged. "It'll be fun."
Miki sighed, "Fine. C."
He beamed. "Correct! So, this must be here for a reason, right? But maintanence. How does one raise a circuit up from twenty metres underwater when it goes all away around the outside wall, you can't touch the inside, and you can't turn it off while it's underwater? You'll need something to haul it up, of course."
He thrust a finger at the divider. "There's a chain or rope of some kind inside that stone thing! And it goes all the way up to the top!"
Kheire is sitting to the side. He raised his hand, "How are we going to get to it?"
Ren's chest puffed up with pride, feeling like a teacher. "I'm glad you asked. Miki, give me your shaft!"
"Wouldn't this count as magic?"
"Ah. Good point. Do you have those swords still?"
"This?" He unsheathed a plain looking sword, passing it off to the white haired boy.
"That's the one!" he said sunnily, taking it. "Who's strong?"
Kheire raised his other hand. "I believe that would be me?"
Ren handed him the sword and his sari. "If we lower you down to the column, can you use that and make a hole in it somehow? As long as it's big enough to fit a chain link through, it doesn't matter what size."
"I should be able to manage that, yes. Lower me when ready." He went over to the edge, wrapped the sari around his waist, and threw the other end to them.
Ren nodded, holding tightly. "Nothing has ever made me let go of this against my will. You're in safe hands. Go for it."
He hung off the edge with one hand before falling, trusting them to catch him or his wings to help carry him back up.
Ren held tight, pulling back enough to stop him from falling further.
"Okay, all he needs to do is make the hole and drag the chain out to us…" he mumbled to himself.
Kheire stabbed the sword into the mechanism, forcing a hole open big enough to grab the chain before tugging on the sari to let them know he is ready to go back up.
Ren got the signal loud and clear, hauling back up to the surface against the pull of the processor. "You alright? Did you get it?"
"Yeah, here you go." He handed the chain to the little one.
Ren grinned with something like pride. "Alright. Everyone together, let's pull the top half and then the bottom half."
On a count of three, the group did exactly that, and something came loose. Ren slowly hauled the chain out, though not for lack of haste. Rather, it seemed a six hundred metre chain was just very, very long.
"Miki, can you throw this chain at something small or far away if you needed to, do you think?"
The brunette nodded, taking the chain from Ren. "Where do you want it?"
Ren coughed, and cleared his throat. "Uh. Elian's arm."
"Got it." Miki took aim and threw the chain at Elian.

The dragonkin hadn't noticed what was happening until it already wrapped itself around his limb.
He looked at it in bemusement, then irritation.
"Miki, quick, let go!"
Miki released the chain as if it was on fire, giving a slightly confused look to Ren.
Ren bit his lip a little, then grabbed it himself just as it was pulled hard off the ground, lifting him up to eye level with Elian.
"What are you doing?" the dragon demanded.
"Sorry," Ren said meekly, before pulling himself up and launching his body from Elian's head.
Needless to say, Elian was less than pleased, furiously aiming an arrow at the boy in freefall.
And then he stopped.
Ren had thrown the chain upwards, looping it around ever so slightly so as to wrap around the top of the divider.
There was already a loop in it.
A knot tied itself.
Ren was also falling at a high speed towards the pool. Uh-oh. Um.
The processor was still there.
On the other hand, there was someone fast enough to plead to and still make it in time.
"V-Val, help!"
Val shot up from where she stood, berating herself for not already being there. Her wings unfolded, the hurt one opening painfully, but functionally. She almost fell out of the air when Ren's body collided with her, but she pulled out of the awkward maneuver without hurting herself or anyone around her. Well, except for Elian, he got slapped with a wing. This did not help their current situation.
Ren quickly found himself clinging to her, but he gave her a look of severe concern. "You're hurt. You didn't have to fly. Are you okay?"
"What did I tell you about worrying about me, Ren."
He pulled a face. "I can't help it when you do things like this!"
"We'll talk about this later, okay?" Val seemed preoccupied, "Right now, we have a problem."
"W-we do?"
"There is a lack of room to land," Val stated, and in reality, there was a lack of room to even fly correctly. Val was mostly gliding a little and kicking off a wall to just repeat it a moment later.
"That should be okay," Ren nodded. "Just grab the chain over there."
"Ah yes, thank you -----."
On the next cycle, she aimed them toward the chain, but about half way there she realized that they were gonna smack into the scary dragon man.
Elian seemed to have finally come to his senses, and was practically steaming from the head with anger, glaring so hard to felt as if he was going to split the pair into pieces with his eyes alone.
"Tch." But he moved. "No point shooting you two down now. Even if I did, you'd just climb anyway. It was a bloody stupid plan, and so was everything else you came up with down there, but I'll be damned if that walljump thing wasn't the most creative streak of idiocy I've ever seen. A win is a win."

The climb up was easy enough.
After Val landed and set Ren down, fussing over him for a moment, she calmly stepped over to Elian. She then feathered, her aching claws being put to good use by decking him in the damn face.
Elian's glare snapped back at her for but a moment. Then he sighed, and then he shrugged. "Yeah, I probably deserved that. I took you all for fools, honestly. But I'd give a few good men to have stupidity like yours in my guard."
"If you let Miss Val hit you in the face like that would that mean the rest of us can have a shot?"
"I'll take the one from the bird. That's it," he said firmly. "I'm a knight, not a punching bag."

The rest of Elian's training was a little more forgiving after that.
Akio arrived at the school gates along with his horse, holding all his possessions. He wears a mask that always smiles but eyes that always shift. He is caution about his next step being paranoid about his past experience of having a low guard. His happy griffin owl named Chieko sits tight on his shoulder. Akio let out a big sigh as his wings disappear from his back. "alright I guess" He opens the gates and walks in.
Akio arrived back at the school limping. Near collapsing of exhaustion, but he made it to his dorm in time. The ring he gained from the dungeon wrapped around his finger tightly.
Yui would be in the commons area, doing stupid shit like he always was. He was beginning to wonder if anyone knew would join the academy. He's always wanted to see a few new faces around. That is, if he got his lazy ass out of his room and actually socialized. He scratched his neck and sat down on the floor, slowly resting his back along it looking up at the ceiling.
After a good day of healing and studying, Akio decided to check out the commons with chieko on his shoulder with no weapons just a book in his hand and his mask that can never be taken off.
Yui would adjust his head towards the entrance, noticing an odd looking student. He hopped up to his feet and started to make his way over to him, wanting to know more about this mask he was wearing. It seemed quite odd to Yui, in fact, it was the first time he was really only interested in anything for a while now. He called out to the boy. "Oi. What's up with the mask?" Yui would now be stretching as he focused on the figure.
Akio looked at Yui with eyes that tell their own history. Chieko puffed and started growling. "My name is Akio son of Haru." Chieko tilted his head while Akio continues to stare into Yui's eyes. He bows a little "I would not to talk about my mask"
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"Your mask looks weird anyway." He'd flick him in the forehead before walking off. He'd mutter "I swear man this academy was already weird but it's getting worse and worse by the day." He'd be shaking his head as he walked off to sit down.
"Your mask looks weird anyway." He'd flick him in the forehead before walking off. He'd mutter "I swear man this academy was already weird but it's getting worse and worse by the day." He'd be shaking his head as he walked off to sit down.
Akio flinched a little but instead of paying attention to it he moved on. He went to go to introduce himself with someone that might be somewhat proper.
Akio flinched a little but instead of paying attention to it he moved on. He went to go to introduce himself with someone that might be somewhat proper.

Sure enough someone, hopefully proper enough, walked up to him. "Hello." She smiled.