Between two worlds

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Grace was stunned for a second then she shook the boy's hand."I'm Grace Nightingale." I say quietly. I have never been good with boys. They normally don't talk to me. I winced slightly as my arm throbbed. Something about this boy tickled my memory, but I cant remember what.......
Soul smiled, but pulled his arm away quickly thinking he had caused her pain. He then let his arm fall to his side. "Is there anything you need or want?"
Grace smile at his concern."Some pain killer would be nice..."she said softly "and you didnt hurt me". The air about him calmed her much like Mom."Are you new here?" Grace asked. Though she had seen him somewhere, this hellhole wasnt it. As she waited for his response, Grace put on her shirt standing. a sudden spell of light-headedness caused her to stumble and begin to fall......
I looked at the new guy while I was hiding, since I'm very nervous when meeting new people. I tend to hide behinde someone, before I got to this school I would always hide behinde my papa but since he isn't here. I had to find a new hiding place. But I started to think these thoughts again, the same thoughts I had when I met the cleaning man. I can't keep going on like this. I would think to myself. He didn't seem bad at all just like the other man, though more... clean looking. He didn't seem to have yellow teeth of snuff inside his mouth, or a dirty overalls. I got up behinde Grace's bed where I was hiding and looked at the man and then at Grace. Wondering what to do and what to respond.
Soul moved without thinking. He caught Grace by wrapping an arm around her waist and the other around her upper back, only slightly like he was hugging her from the side. "Yes I'm new. You should sit, at least until I get you those painkillers. Here let me help you." Soul said, as he gently nudged her into a sitting position on the edge of the bed. "And hello there little one, my name's Soul, what's yours?" He said this to Emma with a smile.
First I looked to the side and then at him again before responding.
-"Emma Angelus." I said and then my lip went upwards a little, like I was unsure or thinking.
-"I-I'm 7 years old and a half." I didn't know if it was necessary to add that part but maybe it was needed since I was the only one this young who've entered this school, why I was so young and could enter here was because of my rich lawyer as papa whom everyone, especially the principal took a liking to. But that part was surely not needed. I looked up at him.
-"Nice to meet you." I said a little low.
"Ah, and you too. Boy has this place changed. Used to be they would usually only let girls older than nine come here. But I do remember one who was even younger than me when I came when I was seven. Ah but listen to me ramble on. I have to get Grace here some medicine. I'll be right back, okay?" Soul left the room, and went into the nurse's medicinal closet, closing the door behind him. He emerged a few minutes later with two bottles and a spoon. He walked back into the room. "Sorry, but we seem to be out of pills, and I'm most certain you wouldn't want a shot, so Grape or BubbleGum?"
Grace laughed a little at the question." Never did like bubblegum. Grape it is". She laughed more, but then became quiet. The way Soul had caught her. Grace had never been held that way. The she Also it stirred a deep feeling in her Grace had not felt in a while. She beat those feelings back down as she watched Soul pour the medicine. The way his hair brought out his eyes and his strong grip. Grace shook her head, dispelling the thoughts. She looked over at Emma. " Hey Emma, why dont you come sit in my lap?" 'what did I just say!?' Grace thought, but then it hit her. Why Emma felt special to her. Grace was draw to protect her, Because Emma stirred up the mother instinct in her......
Soul laughed to himself at Grace's question to Emma. He poured the medico one and held out the spoon, he didn't know if he was holding out to her to give her the medicine, or to give her the spoon so she could give it to herself. But presently he was holding out the spoon, trying to figure out where the nurse was. He hadn't seen her since he had arrived in the room. Took his free hand and ran his fingers through his hair, brushing it away from his face. "Bubble gum isn't the best, admittedly. But other people seem to prefer it."
I looked over at Grace with a smiled, but then I felt this feeling probably everyone have felt and will feel.
-"Where is the toilet?" I then asked.
-"I-I need to pee." I grunted and hold my hands on my skirt and started to jump a little. I was still new and couldn't every place in this huge school, I just hoped I wouldn't get lost again. But on the other hand, what if I could meet the cleaning man again? Then I would be able to ask him questions. But now, it was critical.
-"Pleeaaasee!!" I said and started to breathe a little faster.
The sisters had been talking quietly between themselves about Soul being human, and a former student, Emma's cleaning man, and debating if Grace would be displeased to see them. But when Soul came out to retrieve the pain medicine they decided it was a seamless opportunity to follow him into the other room.

They stayed near the doorway while Grace chose her medicine and Soul poured. When Grace, the tough girl, invited Emma so warmly to sit on her lap Di looked on bewildered and Lizzy whispered "Just like I said." in her ear.
"Oh I'll take you Emma! Come with me." Di volunteered also thinking of the mysterious cleaning man.
I heard Di's voice and went to the other room and found her.
-"Do you know where it is?" I asked but it was of course that she knew, since they have been here longer than herself, only a day. I followed and just tried to hold until we got to the lady's bathroom, or the girls in this case. The teachers seemed to have their own special bathrooms but where they were is unknown for the students.



While Soul was taking care of Grace Mrs. Levander was now in the principal's office. He seemed to have calmed down now with some coffee and lunch. His hair wasn't as messy and he didn't look all too tired. What was hard for Mrs. Levander to understand is how this man could be so horrible to his students. How he could do that to Grace. It was so hard to believe, it would make more sense if he was possessed by a ghost or something and then turned back to normal on his "bad days". But sadly, that wasn't true. Why Mrs. Levander thought nice of Mr Henry is because of several reasons, one; he wasn't like this when she went to this school. Two; He've helped her several times through when she had bad days or didn't feel good, so he was little like an older brother to her. But now, it seems that they have got seperated more and more after all these years. He looked at her, his eyes where empty even though they shone.
-"What is it you want to talk about?" He asked and Mrs. Levander swallowed nervously and then spoke up. It has been some time now since they both have talked to each other in private like this. But she had to know.
Grace didnt take the spoon from soul. Instead, she leaned forward and took the medicine out of the spoon like a child. This was not what she would normally have done. When Emma left, now only Soul and Grace where left in the room. Grace looked over Soul with a curious eye. He really did stir up those long lost feelings of care and love. Could she be falling in love? She continued to watch him as he turned to put the medicine up.......
Soul turned at left to put the medicine back in the closet, then he put the spoon in the sink to soak in the soapy water. Then he went back to Grace's room. "So, how'd it taste? And is there anything else I could get you?" He sat, although it was more like leaning on, the end table that was beside the door.
"No thank you" Grace said. "And it tasted fine." SHe watched him as he leaned on the table. Souls perfect body stood out in the light that shone through the back window of the nurses office. "Hey, um Soul?" grace asked "Have we met before?" Even though Soul brought these feelings up in her, Grace knew she had seen him somewhere before. Maybe she could get him to tell her, if he knew. Maybe it was a fluke. Grace stood and managed to walk over to Soul leaning on the chair beside him. 'I wonder how Emma is doing with Lizzy..' She thought as she thought as her emerald green as meet his.........
The bathroom where empty and not many were inside the small room, just me. When I was done and have washed my hands I went outside and looked around. But.. Where is Lizzy? I thought to myself, a bit scared actually. Then she heard steps as it got closer and by the corner Mrs Levander came to where she was. Mrs. Levander didn't react very quickly but then saw her.
-"Hey, Emma! Why are you here all alone?" She asked and I just shrugged.
-"Lizzy followed me here but now she's gone." I answered.
-"Oooh...." She said with a bit troubled face.
-"Is something wrong?" She reacted to my question.
-"Oh, no. Nothing at all." Mrs. Levander said with a smile.
"I don't know, it's possible." Soul said as he stood straight and held out his arms just in case she fell while moving. He smiled and blinked. His ocean blue eyes meeting hers.
Di had some foolish idea that Emma had to be alone before the cleaning man, human or otherwise, would appear. So she and Lizzy had both hidden down the hall and around a corner waiting to see if he appeared. When Mrs. Levander's voice was heard speaking with the girl instead, Di threw up her hands in frustration and kicked the toe of her shoe against the yellowing wall. "That was useless."

Lizzy had been sitting against the wall and stood up poked her head around the corner where she could see the two talking
"Oh look Di, she's done." Lizzy said trying to sound innocent of leaving the girl alone. She led the way back towards Emma and the nurse.
"Mrs. Levander. I have a question for you. What makes the difference between a bad day and a good day for you know who?" She asked quietly.
Grace smiled gently, gazing into his eyes. "Oh well.." She didn't think it would have worked, but it didn't hurt to try. Grace took a step closer to Soul. He smelled of the sea, just like his eyes. Crisp, clean with a hint of salt. She was overwhelmed by him. 'What was i thinking, theres no way I could know him..' Grace thought to herself. As she was leaning forward off the chair, she tried to set her hands on the table........and missed completely. Grace realized this a split second late. She fell forward onto Soul, fearing the worse......
Soul caught her in his arms, wrapped around her tightly as their bodies pressed together from her falling and him catching. He smiled at her again. "You okay?" He said helping her to stand straight after holding her for a few seconds.
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