El Cartel
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Disney Roleplay Idea's !

Beauty & The Beast
p l o t

A classic story that teaches us to look inside ourselves, for each person holds not only Beauty but a Beast. Every month, one by one, another rose petal falls from a flower hidden and locked away in the very core of a old and priceless mansion. The rose holds such beauty that can be seen by any admirer. But as they say, everything is not as it seems and every rose has it's thorns. In this story, lies a curse that holds the power to destroy the life a man forever. Then again, said curse was placed upon him for a very good reason. So he, a man who only thought to see others for their value and outer appearance and beauty, could learn to see that that isn't all the matter. It would have been such an easy task to see another for their true self. But, this was not to be anywhere near easy. With the snap of a finger, the once handsome but prejudice man had been turned into a animal-like creature, one incapable of love. A Beast.
Now, he was on the outside looking in. He had until the last petal to find someone to see him as a man and prove that they could , in fact, love him for who he is and not what he was or else perish. To him, that was utterly impossible. For who could bring themselves to love such a hideous creature. Who could bare to look inside a beast ?
To this day, the very same man has been looked upon a castle, waiting for his last breath to come. Waiting and waiting for the last petal to fall.
c h a r a c t e r s & s e t t i n g s
The story would and will follow parts of the original storyline, but adapted into chapters set by me. It will revolve around Beauty, Beast and most of the original cast/characters- This being:
The Candelabra [ Lumière ]
The Clock [ Cogsworth ]
Mrs. Potts
The story will develop inside the mansion [ various rooms ] and outer mansion grounds [ Forest, Garden ]
g e n r e s
Romance; Drama; Comedy; Tragedy * [ Questionable ]
t y p e
This will probably be a private group roleplay if anyone takes interest. Revolving around 4 - 5 people.
Comments, Questions-- Anyone interested ? :'D