Beautiful Darkness

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Anrar barely heard her words at first, his mind racing with every possible escape option available to him, but when Fred spoke about walking with him to his home and touched his shoulder, he started as if she'd shocked him. He looked after her as she weaved her way to the door and managed to catch up just before she walked outside, his hand shooting out to grab her arm in a grip that was both firm and unyielding, but not intending to harm. When their eyes met, his had darkened still further, something dangerous glittering below the surface. He spoke quietly, voice almost a hiss.

"Winifred, you can't walk me home. When we go out that door, I need you to run, to run and not look back."

He knew she wouldn't like it, would instantly be suspicious and probably think he was crazy, but if it kept her alive, Anrar didn't care what she thought of him. He finally gave her a smile, a grim look with a tinge of sadness behind it. "I can't tell you why you need to do this and I don't expect you to trust me, but if you could ever do anything for me, this is it. Run and no matter what you hear or think you see, don't stop until you get home."

The blond didn't wait for a reply because she was either going to listen to him or she wasn't, before he headed out the door himself. His senses were immediately assaulted by a feeling most humans never sensed unless it be to think they were being watched, or the chill they got when they walked in the dark, thought they saw a shadow move in a way it wasn't supposed to. Subtle things to a human, but blaring alarms to someone like him as he scanned the street and finally pinpointed the group of three who waited for him; two men (one a vampire and the other the elemental) and a woman (also a vampire).
Fred screamed in surprise as he grabbed her arm, "Hey! What's the idea? I'm not that kind of girl!" A hand raised to smack him but stopped in the air at his words. "Run..?" she asked seeing the darkness in his eyes. "Are you fucking crazy?" as he walked out the door she just watched at first. Something was up, drugs? An enemy? Just trying to freak her out? Taking a few steps towards him she noticed something, people standing off in a group, there was something... off about them. Pausing she pushed the thought from her mind, "Alex! Is this some sick joke? Its not funny!" She moved closer, grabbing the collar of his shirt, "Hey! What's going on?!"
Dammit. He was hoping she'd run or maybe curse at him and leave. He really should have known better. He took his eyes off the three for a moment to look down at the woman at his side and he reached up, untangling her fingers rather gently from his shirt. He opened his mouth to speak, probably to deliver a lie - because how could he tell her the truth? - but didn't get the chance as two blurs slammed into them both and while Anrar knew exactly what was happening, Fred wouldn't. She'd just know that one moment she was in front of the bar and the next she was in some back alley, being held in a vice-like, colder-than-death grip by a black-haired male with extremely pale skin and a dark kind of lust in his eyes.

"Well, well, aren't you a pretty little snack."

The vampire looked away from Fred, unconcerned by anything that she'd do, to look at his female counterpart and the elemental she'd dragged with her. The male water-controller was holding Anrar immobile against the brick building with his arms pinned near his head with nothing but a hand on his chest, as if there were invisible restraints and the male vampire smirked, elongated canines just visible. "He's the one, Jonas?"

The blue-haired male laughed. "Oh, yeah, he's it. We've been looking for you for a long time, StormSky." His hand pressed harder against Anrar's chest and the blond grit his teeth in pain, dark eyes flashing with anger and warning as his arms flexed, wrists jerking. "You're going to wish you were still looking." he spat back and the female vampire, a lithe, gorgeous creature with red hair and even redder lips chuckled and brushed her fingers down his neck, ignoring the way Anrar jerked away from her touch. "Oh, I think not."

She glanced at the male vampire holding Fred and curled her lip in disdain. "Why did you bring that, Marcus? Just kill it. It's of no use to us."

"Ah, ah, Evangeline, don't be so quick to discard her." Marcus whipped Fred around to face him and looked her over again with a grin. "She might be useful to us yet, this one. Tell me, human, what is your relationship with Anrar?"

"Nothing!" Anrar snarled the words instantly. "Just let her go! She has nothing to do with this!"
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She looked up at Alex waiting for a response, a good reason, when suddenly she was had someone holding her, "Hey! Let go you perv! I'm not some slut!" She attempted to pull free, elbow, anything to get herself out of this crazy guy's grip. Watching the two with Alex made all of this even more confusing. None of this made sense, why wasn't he fighting back? He's just standing there against the wall, "Get away from him freaks! Don't touch him!"

Before she could spit out another remark she was spun around. There was fear in her eyes as he looked her over, but she pushed the feelings deep down so he wouldn't get the benefit of her being scared. "What? No his name is Alex. You've got the wrong-" He cut her off before she could finish her sentence, her head cutting back to look at Alex, "You know these people? What are you in the mob?"
Marcus raised a brow. "The mob?" The three laughed as if she'd told the funniest joke in the world and Jonas was the one who spoke to her when they'd stopped chuckling. "No, sweetheart, we aren't the mob. In fact, I find that a bit insulting, don't you, Evangeline?" He looked to the female vampire and she smirked. "Extremely." she purred before looking back to Anrar, her smile cruel. "Why don't you tell her, Anrar? Tell her why she'll die tonight."

"You won't touch her." the blond hissed back and Jonas, who still had his hand on the other male's chest, hissed himself and almost jerked back as something orange, glowing spread under his palm. He glared at Anrar and a blue glow that was clearly water immediately came to combat the orange, pushing it back and keeping the struggling blond where he was. The blue bands of water, forced now, were visible to Fred in that moment, though, and it she was looking she'd see them pinning Anrar's wrists, wrapped around his legs and chest, keeping him trapped.

"Having difficulties, Jonas?" Marcus questioned, unconcerned and the water elemental cursed. "He hasn't completed his transition yet. Nothing I can't handle."

Anrar smirked. "The last person to say that ended up dead." he informed and was ignored as the three looked back at Fred, Marcus keeping a good hold on her even now. "Now, what do we do with the human? If he cares for her, we can use her."

"I still say she's better dead." Evangeline intoned before she turned her attention back to Anrar, trailing her fingers down his face and then neck again, moving his hair back despite the way he jerked back from her, starting to look both panicked and furious at once. It only made her purr with laughter. "You did say she was nothing to you, right? Why defend her then? She's just a human, just one of many, Anrar. Certainly she's not worth so much trouble."

"Leave her alone. I told you, she has nothing to do with this." Sure, he didn't know Fred, they weren't friends, but she was in this mess because of him and he'd fight to keep her alive.
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"You're right. Calling you guys the mob is an insult to them. You're all fucking crazy!" Pointing to Jonas she snapped at him, "Let me go or else!" It was pretty much an empty threat but if she needed to she could maybe break a nose, then again, that isn't much, one on three. Its now or never, Winifred. She thought to herself seeing this to be the best moment.

Turning her attention back to Marcus she knocked the ball of her palm up into his nose. If she could she was hoping her small stature would be enough to knock Jonas off his feet and leave Alex alone. With a running start she jumped onto Jonas, nails digging into his forehead and her legs wrapping around his waist, while her other hand clung to his shirt. "Leave him alone!" she growled, "Run, Alex!"
If they thought a small human was going to be easy prey, all three were shocked by Fred and if Anrar had been in a better mood - and he did have them - he would have been amused by their shocked expressions. Marcus wasn't seriously injured and what was injured healed rather quickly, but Jonas was a different story. He was 'human' in every sense but the one aspect of himself that let him control and create water. He felt pain and stayed injured just as long as a human would and he yelled out at Fred's attack.

The water elemental lost the control he had on Anrar, giving him a chance to shove Evangeline away, but two of the people they were fighting were stronger, faster and far deadlier when it came to physical contact and the redhead screeched as she rose and caught hold of the back of Fred's neck, yanking the human off Jonas and tossing her aside like a rag doll. Anrar was dealing with his own problem in Marcus as he avoided narrowly being grabbed and lashed out only to have his wrist caught in a vice-like grip.

"Really, StormSky, I expected more considering all I've heard of you."

The blond's teeth bared. "You caught me at a bad time." he quipped back before his free hand came up, glowing a dark orange and the vampire screeched at the heat the clamped down on his throat, releasing Anrar...into Evangeline's waiting arms. She laughed, her arm around his neck and his hands clawing at them, unable to break her hold and unable to muster up the energy for another attack like the one he'd given Marcus. They really had caught him at a very bad time...for him and Winifred. He stopped struggling for the moment and Evangeline let him breathe, her purring voice soothing and mocking. "Good boy. Now, what to do with your little b***ch."

Jonas had recovered quickly enough, his face bleeding, but he was on his feet and Marcus was the same, both of them looking worse for wear, but still able to fight. Fred, well, she was not held by anyone, in fact they'd let her be and now the three merely watched her and it was Marcus who spoke. "All right, human, you've got some courage. I can respect that. So here is the choice I offer you; you can live if you leave right now and say nothing to anyone about what you saw."

"Marcus!" Evangeline's voice was a hiss of disapproval, but the male vampire held up a hand for silence, smiling grimly at Fred even as his face started to heal over from the burns Anrar had inflicted. "What will it be, mortal? Will you live another day? He's not worth it, you know that."

"Fre, take the offer." Anrar told her quietly and Evangeline smirked as he jerked in her hold, and Jonas flicked his hand out, binding the blond once more, this time gagging him as well. The female vampire chuckled and her fangs brushed his neck, earning a muffled growl from Anrar and Marcus frowned, not even glancing back. "Evangeline. Control yourself."
Fred screamed as Evangeline threw her across the alley, her arm, cheek, and side getting scrapped up by the gravel. Groaning as she pushed herself up, she didn't see what had happened, looking up at Marcus all she saw was Alex in the woman's grip and she glared before glancing at Alex. Managing to stand up she grimaces holding her arm, she wasn't sure to fight or walk away. She couldn't leave him here with the three musketeers of freaks, but she didn't want to die. "Alex.. I'm sorry..." she turned away, beginning to limp out of the alley.

"Oh, but I forgot one thing... Alex close your eyes!" she called reaching into her jean's pocket and pulling something out. She spun back around and shot pepper spray into the eyes of Marcus and then shot it in the direction of Evangeline and Jonas, they were further away so there was no way of knowing if she'd get any spray in their eyes, or on them, the woman was fast. Hopefully she wouldn't accidentally get Alex in the spray. Doing her best to run at Evangeline she tackled the woman to the ground, she was strong but not as strong. If she got hurt, oh well, she had been in worse situations and had worse done to her. She wasn't going to let anyone take down someone innocent.
For a moment he'd felt relief, pure relief at hearing her words, seeing her turn away. He wouldn't be responsible for another death. He'd live. His captors didn't want to kill him, that much he knew, but Fred...they wouldn't care if her blood soaked the ground and the life seeped out of her eyes. But he would. He'd care more than he'd thought he would. So he felt grateful that she was leaving...and then that feeling fled at her next words and Anrar obeyed the command on instinct alone, his eyes shutting tightly. He felt something wet against his skin, but it was when Marcus screamed and he smelled the strange scent that he knew what Fred had done.

Anrar felt his binds loosen as Jonas struggled with one eye and the blond broke from the water-ropes, touching them and pulling at them as if they were solid things before he ripped the gag off and took stock of the situation. The pepper spray would keep Jonas busy longer than it would Marcus, but Anrar focused on Evangeline and Winifred. The redhead was not even phased by the human as she surged upward and reversed their positions, hissing viciously and giving Fred an eyeful of gleaming fangs and blood-red eyes. When she started to lunge for the blond woman's neck, though, something made her pause and she jerked her head up to look at Anrar.

No, not Anrar, at his bleeding wrist.

The blood ran freely, pouring almost in a dark trail down his skin and to the pavement and the vampire inhaled deeply, blood-lust igniting in her eyes. She abandoned Fred abruptly and with a whoosh of speed she slammed Anrar against the building and her fangs sank into his neck. The blond gasped in pain, his body shuddering at the agony that rippled through his system, but he didn't move. Evangeline, though, she pulled away from him with a un-earthly shriek, blood dripping from her mouth. It wasn't normal, though, sizzling and burning everything it touched, even the vampire herself. Marcus, finally healing from the spray, cursed as he saw her and rushed for the female as she writhed. Jonas looked up, furious and his eyes streaming, but he didn't go for Fred or Anrar as Marcus called to him.

"Jonas, help me with her! We'll deal with those two later!"

The blue-haired male swore, but came forward and like the rushing of a breeze the three were gone faster than one could blink. Anrar slowly sank to his knees then, shaking as he brought his bloodied hand up to try and staunch the bleeding from the puncture wounds in his neck.
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Her head hit the ground hard as Evangeline flipped her over. A blood curdling scream left her lips as she saw the fangs and blood red eyes peer down at her. "Help!" she cried out as she shut her eyes and waiting for her death to come. Her eyes peeked open as the woman's weight shot off of her body. By the time she could see what was going on she saw the woman screaming and... burning? She must have hit her head hard.

Reaching a hand up to the back of her head she sits up and looks around to see if they were still anywhere close, "Where did they go?" she mumbled to herself before looking over at Alex. "Are you okay? Jeez..." Getting up she walked over to him and knelt down with a hiss of pain. "We should take you to a hospital. We can hail a cab and get you there in ten minutes." A hand moved his out of the way to see how bad the injury was, "Crazy bitch..." Tearing some fabric from her top and placing it into his hand she pressed it back against his neck, "That should help for now."

Standing back up she held her good hand out to him to stand, "You mind telling me what happened? I mean, who they were and what the hell they wanted with you? They looked like something out of nightmare.. Grimm story.."
Anrar trembled with a pain Fred couldn't even guess at, but he took her hand and stood, leaning against the wall for a long moment, holding the cloth to his neck and pressing his slit wrist against his thigh to apply some pressure to the still-freely bleeding slice he'd made into his skin to purposely draw the female vampire away. He grit his teeth and closed his eyes, breathing past the agony as venom swam through his blood, only slowly dissipating and when he felt he could speak without wanting to scream, Anrar did so.

"I..I can't go to a..a hospital." he rasped and took a deep breath before looking up at Winifred, his dark green eyes slightly glazed, but earnest nonetheless, verging on pleading. "I will...tell you what..what you want to know, but...don't take me to a hospital. Please." he whispered, knowing that would be the first place they'd look. He couldn't go home either, though. They'd found him. They knew his habits by now and where he frequented, that he could be sure of.

The blond shuddered again, feeling the bleeding start to slow slightly and the pain start to ebb away, but that did nothing for the fear and he sought distraction, looking to Fred with concern flickering across his face. "Are you alright?"
Ignoring his question if she was alright and kept her attention on him, "Do you think you'll be able to walk a couple blocks?" She understood that he wouldn't want to go to the hospital, figuring he just didn't have insurance so it was a pride thing. "You can stay at my place for the night, I have a first aid kit and a few extra supplies." Tightly she held onto his hand, maybe it was her fear or pain, but she wasn't letting go any time soon.

It was scary, what had just happened, they were both roughed up pretty bad but her main concern was hoping Alex wouldn't bleed out or pass out on the way there. "If you can talk while you walk then start talking." She managed out between a few winces as they began to walk, "Lets start with... Oh I don't know. Who are you really? Is your name even Alex? Its probably something stupid like Steve, right?" The further they walked, some people would stare at them and she'd meet the stares with a glare. "Almost there..."
Relief swept through the blond at her consent and though he knew it was stupid to let her take him back to her place, he couldn't bring himself to protest again. He was drained and scared and in pain, and it was hard to think anymore as he continued to bleed, but he was more than aware of Fred's hand in his own, a stabilizer for both of them. He didn't pull away from her, knowing she was in pain as well and merely nodded when she asked if he could walk. Yeah. He'd gotten a lot worse than this and had walked, had taken care of himself those few times. At least this time he had someone with him.

Wait. Was that a good thing now or still a bad thing? He wasn't sure.

At her words about talking he nearly groaned, but managed to keep it in and instead listened to what she wanted to know. Oh, he'd tell her the truth, but if he could it would be a vague truth because, really, there was a slight chance she could still walk away from all this. Maybe. A slim chance but it was still there and he wouldn't take it from her without her understanding what she was risking if he did.

"N-no, my name isn't...Alex. It's Anrar S-StormSky. I..I take different n-names every few...few months. My real one Anrar, though."

Damn, the world was spinning. Anrar shut his eyes for a moment and when he opened them, the world was slightly back in focus, but hazy and the blond pressed his hand a bit harder to his neck, realizing he'd lightened up on the wound and that was probably why it was bleeding faster again. Right. Focus.
It wasn't much longer before they made it to her apartment complex, stumbling inside and into the nearest elevator. Once inside she pressed for the third floor and slumped back into the elevator wall with a rough thud. A whine of pain left her lips as she slid down and sat for a moment. "Well... Anrar... I'm still gonna call you Alex. What were they? The punk.. he did something... you couldn't move." Once the elevator stopped she reluctantly and painfully stood up, grabbing his hand along the way, and guided him to a few doors down the hall.

The door had metal numbers '34', leaning into the door's frame she dug for the silver key in her pocket. The metal sliding inside the nob and with a click she nudged the door open with her foot. Inside there was an old green couch with a ragged mat in front of it, the kitchen just behind the couch in the corner with a same island fit for two. A large window let the moon light in, and lead to the fire escape. Next to the frig was a door, the bathroom, nothing fancy, just a sink, toilet, and shower for one. "Go in there." she said pointing to the open door to their right.

It was her room, a queen size bed with sheets decorated in dark purple violets. To the right of the bed was a dresser with a mirror on top, nick nacks scattered across the surface. "Sit on the bed and I'll be right in." she said with a closing of the front door. Limping into her room she dug into the top drawer of her dresser, pulling out a first aid kit and some extra gauze.
She could call him whatever she wanted for now. He didn't think they were going to be 'together' long enough for her to want to call him by his given name so Anrar said nothing of it and merely concentrated on getting to their destination without passing out. He watched Fred slide to the floor, but didn't dare follow because if he did, he wouldn't rise again and he knew it. Instead he slumped against the wall and mumbled something about 'answering that in a minute' before the elevator dinged and they both stumbled to Fred's apartment.

It was more or less what he expected, but something about the entire place made Anrar relax a bit, and when Winifred told him to sit on the bed, he nearly protested, not wanting to get blood on her things, but he was too out of it to really argue and so he sat as directed and resisted the urge to close his eyes, blinking rapidly and focusing on the woman who moved about around him. When she approached with her supplies, he let her start on his neck seeing as he couldn't do that effectively himself and pressed the gauze to his wrist. The cut there would be easy enough to butterfly bandage shut, but his neck... The wound there was in the distinct shape of an open-mouthed bite, rows of puncture marks in a ring with both bottom and top rows sunk deep where the canines were, the top especially. The most Fred would be able to do is clean and tape the gauze over it tightly to try and place enough pressure to help the wounds clot. Some of them already had, but not he deeper marks.

The blond sat still as she worked, but after a minute or two he finally spoke. Maybe it was to stay awake, but it was still a reason to talk. " asked about what they were...and what they did." It wasn't a question that really needed an answer and Anrar went on, wincing and resisting the urge to move his neck away from her. He could only hope she didn't see the other faint scars of the same exact nature already marking his neck and the beginning of his shoulder seeing as how she was busy with the current wound. He wore his hair long for more reasons than one.

"I told you I...would answer you questions, but...but I don't think you under-understand the weight and...danger the answers will bring."
Looking over the injury on his neck, she grimaced at the sight, "Jeez.. That woman must be one of those wanna be vampire cult chicks." placing a hand on the other side of his jaw to keep him from moving, she placed a few good layers of gauze down and tapped it to his neck. "I'll replace the gauze later tonight..." The hand quickly moved to his wrist and placed two butterfly bandages. "You can have the bed tonight... I'll take the couch."

When she was done with him she began rubbing a cotton ball with alcohol on it over her arm, wincing at the sting over her cuts and scrapes. "I got thrown... Ow... and threatened... Tell me now..." she managed out threw gritted teeth. "I could just put you... Ow... back out there..." she added on tossing the used up cotton ball into a trash can off in the corner. Beginning to wrap the gauze around her arm, glancing to Alex out of the corner of her eye. "You're like them... aren't you?"
Anrar felt so overwhelmed in that moment that he could have laughed and cried at the same time, especially at her vampire comment, but he did neither, simply making himself take a deep breath, wishing the world would stop spinning so much as he pulled his legs up, heels resting on the edge of the bed frame and his head resting on his knees. He looked oddly young as he let his injured wrist hang freely and bloodied hair brushed over his face, but his dark green eyes were far older and haunted as he regarded Fred. She wanted to know what he could tell her, but...she didn't understand. Not by a long-shot.

So he'd be cautious if truthful until she started to 'get it' and then he'd ask her again how much she really wanted to know.

At her words about throwing him out, he actually smiled just a little. "Might be the best thing for you, actually. Longer you're with me, the more danger you're in." he admitted simply, voice steadier now, before sighing and closing his eyes. " like a way. The 'punk' as you deemed him....was what's called a water elemental. He's...well, he functions like a human and can be injured like one, but he's not human. He can control and create water. That's what he used to bind me." His eyes opened again and caught her lighter green. Was she still with him? Most likely she already thought him crazy, but she'd wanted to know...

"The ones called Marcus and Evangeline were vampires. They heal more quickly, move faster than you or even I can see, and they would have killed you for nothing more than sport."
Fred shook her head slowly, "Lay back.. You've lost a lot a blood and speaking gibberish." Part of her knew that he was right, while the other wanted to just forget everything that happened tonight. The part of her that didn't want to believe it was weighing heavy, mostly because it was scary to know that someone would want to kill her. Kill her just because they could.

Taking a deep breath she pushed the thought from her mind and stood back up. "If you want to take a shower in the morning you can, or now. Depends on how much energy you have..." Limping to the doorway she pointed to the couch. "I'll... Be on the couch if you need anything. If you.. Need to stay for the day as well you can." Moving over to the couch she pulled the blanket off the back of her couch.

"Keep the door open or close, its up to you." she told him from the couch, leaning back with a groan and tossing the blanket over her lap. She knew she wasn't going to sleep but it was something to hope for. Letting out a sigh her head leaned back into the couch, "Night, Alex.. Arnad, Arnald, Whatever... Night."
Anrar sighed, resting his forehead on his knees as she told him he was speaking nonsense, wondering why he didn't feel pure relief. Oh, he was glad she didn't believe him, it meant she might go away from this intact, might go on with her life and forget this night, thinking of it as nothing but a bad dream. That would be good for her...and yet a selfish part of him wanted her to believe, wanted her to understand his world and accept it. There was a part of him, a great part that he could never let take over, that didn't want to be alone anymore and the blond struggled with that desire now as he worked not to argue with her, to insist that what he said was true.

It was better for her if he didn't.

Anrar merely nodded at her words about staying, about sleeping and when she left, he merely worked his shoes off and laid back on the bed, curling. He left the door as it was and smiled just a bit now that Fred could not see as she bid him a goodnight...and butchered his name. He called back to her lightly in correction, "Anrar," and then let his eyes close, exhaustion claiming him and his whirling thoughts. He could feel a familiar ache in his body, deeper than bruising, more demanding than any injury, but for the moment he pushed it away. He'd deal with it tomorrow. He'd have to. He couldn't push it off much longer, but for now...he just wanted to sleep.

So he did, his body staying tightly curled as if protecting him from all danger and his blond hair wild about his head by the time morning came around. Unfortunately, that moving had made his neck bleed sluggishly again and by the time the first rays of the sun started to creep over the horizon, the bandage there was seeping red, though, most of it was dried blood and he wasn't in any danger of bleeding out anymore.
Elana hadn't slept that night. Replaying the night over and over in her head. As the sun began to push through the curtains of her windows she pushed herself off the couch, her body aching from the results of yesterday, and limped her way to the kitchen. "Thank god I don't have work..." she mumbled to herself as she began to make some coffee. While she waited for the coffee to brew she moved to the bathroom and turned the shower on.

Uncoiling the gauze from her arm she was happy to see the bleeding had stopped. Checking in the mirror for her cheek she frowned, "That sucks." the scratches on her cheek were still a bit raw, having rubbed it at some point in the night. Dropping her clothes to the floor and stepping into the shower, hissing softly as the warm water ran over her body and rinsed the dried blood from her cuts.

After she was done she stepped out of the bathroom in a towel. Usually when she had guests over she wouldn't walk around in just a towel but she wasn't thinking about it and forgot to grab clothes.
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