Beast Within (IC)


Mina Panja
Mina was curled up into a ball, falling apart rather quickly in self-doubt and self-hate and anything else that she tended to carry with her without mentioning to anyone. Clear as crystal tears cascaded down her face and stained the clean sheets below her and the lone green skittle... that set her off in the first place...

A flinch racked her body as rough, calloused hands gripped her delicate soft ones. Mina wasn't paying attention to her surrounding so it scared her for a second until she realized Grayson was sitting next to her bed. Her whole body was tense with stress which Gray could probably feel just by touching her hand. In return to his touch, she tried gripping his hand in return as hard as possible but it probably felt like a feather to him. What made her condition worse is it was probably common knowledge in the guild that whatever happened on that mission wasn't the only reason Mina was crying for. While Mina was well known for loving everyone, acting as a mother would, being extremely competitive, studying for days until she understood something, braiding hair extremely well, loving spicy food, cooking spicy food (often too much for most to handle), and just positive things in general... She also had a habit of carrying people's burdens for them. She won't talk about what's wrong but instead, acts like nothing is wrong so no one worries. Mina is the one to cry when she hears someone's horrid past as they stand there completely fine as it's the past and will remain so.

You can only deal with that for so long before the dam cracks and the flood follows.

Grayson's silly song calmed her down a bit but her body still held some tenseness to it. Her breathing was a bit heavy from all the tears that had escaped Mina's chocolate brown eyes and her voice shook a bit while she spoke.

"I could-could have done better! Aaquil, Hiroki, and you wouldn't have gotten hurt if I had of been better! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Her guilt wasn't quiet either. Everyone most likely heard it as tears blossomed in her eyes a bit but she blinked them away. "I'm sorry!"
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The forest filled with the sounds of night… the melodic chirp of a cricket, the deep guttural thrum of the bullfrog. Overhead, shadows cast shapes across the pale face of the moon,and through the canopy of trees, those shadows grew and stretched along the root choked ground. White lacecap flowers and purple wisteria wove in between those roots, a jarring contrast to the bright crimson splattered all over.

Ro stood at the center, hands still clenched around the handle of the blade and lying prone before her, the figure's pale eyes like faded amber stared into oblivion, a slash of red along the white column of her neck a sickening cheshire smile.

Ginger curls splayed out beneath her body, dyed deep burgundy where the blood sprayed its violent medium. Slain and slayer's visages, streaked by tears, were identical in every way but for the life the latter still carried within her veins. Overhead, flakes of white began to fall… softly at first, then in great gusts, but as they lay upon her skin, no cold touched her, for this was not snow. Craning her neck towards the trees, her heart sank to see them, great orbs glittering like stars among the deep green, white feathered wings spread out, a perfect circle above her. And from each taloned claw of the snowy owls, figures hung at the end of thick cords of gossamer thread. Upon each familiar face, an 'X' had been carved into their skin, their eyes open, unseeing… Ronin, Sadie, Lucia… Selene, Gray, Aaquil… Mina, Adrian, Trigger…

Her mind began to spin as she took in each one… cooling skin like wax, mouths gaping, open, empty… Bending down beside her own fallen form, Ro touched the end of the blade to the pale apple of her cheek, and digging deep, she dragged a diagonal, first right… then left… a perfect 'X'... like the others.

The scream erupted, even before Ro had fully woken, sharp with terror, punctuated by the sound of glass, shattering, as inexplicably, the jar on her nightstand burst, salt, like sand, pouring to the floor. Straightening upright, she bolted out of Ronin's grasp, skittering back like a frightened animal, staring in horror at her hands where they quaked before her eyes.

Ronin's body jerked from the mattress, his skull barely managing to avoid contact with the ceiling overhead. Scream. Screaming. Ro? He couldn't be sure, but the action was all the same, and with the scream meant danger. A shatter had cascaded from the opposite side of the room, and as his eyes snapped open he could begin to piece together what might have had happened. Ro had screamed, most likely bounced herself against the bedstand and knocked the jar off the table. Realizing that she was no longer beside him, however, his head darted back to see her, cornered like a wild creature. "Europa?" He called out, gentle and tentative.

Ro's eyes raised from her hands at the call, and frantically, she pushed further away, scrambled, as her eyes filled both with fear and a welling emotion. In her mind, she could almost see it… the X mark, carved into his cheek, the soft muted shade of his eyes fogged over with… "Y-you were dead." She breathed out, before sucking in a sharp inhale, "Y-you were dead. You were all… everyone… I… I…" Staring at her hands again, she shook her head, "What did I do…?"

"I was what?" Ronin called out, slumbering yet wide awake all in the same moment. Staring at her in this primal form, Ronin scooted back with his hands up in the air to show his intentions. "It was a dream, Ro. None of us are dead. Hell I'm surprised Ricardo didn't strangle someone in there, that Gray kid knows how to…." Realizing now wasn't the best time(nor would it ever be) Ronin lowered his hands, expression soft. "I think you slammed your leg into the night stand or something. I can clean up the mess just...lie back down and breathe for a second."

"A… A dream." Just a dream. It made sense… it made so much sense, and yet the images in her mind felt carved there, unshakeable. Tears burned hot, as her gaze shifted to the shattered jar and her chest tightened… She hadn't hit the nightstand. She knew she hadn't. Had it happened in her sleep?, she distinctly recalled the shattering sound as her eyes had opened...

Sucking in a sharp breath, she pushed forward and threw her arms around Ronin's neck, and for a solid minute, clung to the man for dear life.

Ronin couldn't comprehend the sudden grasp upon his neck, and for a moment, he expected that he was about to lose any oxygen that lingered in his lungs. However, she simply clung to him, her body trembling against his with the ferocity of a giant's tremors. Slowly, he placed one arm about her waist and patted the top of her head. "Breathe. Breathe. Europa, shit, I'm gonna have to medicate you, this has been a hell of a night and I don't think you've slept at all...I will knock you out if I have to."

"...It was so real…" She whispered, sniffing softly as she buried her face in his neck, "It felt so real. I… I know it was just… just a dream, I do. But…" Pulling back, she brushed her cheeks with the back of her hands, "I don't wanna sleep. I don't. I… I can't. Please… I just… I don't wanna close my eyes."

Pushing upright, shaking hands driving back the mess of ginger curls, she stared at the salt, still sifting from the shattered jar, gaze shifting to the marks on her wrists, "I wanna train."

"Ro I have no idea what time it is, neither of us are going to be well rested to train." He straightened from her form and peered up and down at her, concern flooding his features. Despite the dull expression stretched along his demeanor, he found bile piling in his throat. She needed to sleep well, rather than worry about such a horrific nightmare and desiring to train. Ronins eyes fluttered sleepily and he tried to contain a yawn. "We can; but it's gonna be a little bit rough on the both of us."

Of course. He didn't sleep either. She had been so trapped by her own thoughts and fears that it hadn't even occurred to her, aside from the brief time she had been in the infirmary, Ronin hadn't slept any longer than she had. A twinge of concern rippled over her features, her expression softening as she shook her head, "...N-no. I… God, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I...I didn't even think… You… you stayed here all night, and I…" Moving to the bed, she collapsed onto the side of the mattress, rubbing her forehead, "I got one oar in the water, I swear. It can wait. It… it was just a dream. You should sleep. Really sleep."

"Ro…" ronin slowly laid himself back beside her, hands cupping his head as he puffed out his chest. "Just breathe. Don't throw yourself into something that's only gonna make you regret it in the morning. You don't have to sleep but...I do want you to be rested and well for tomorrow, cause hell, for all we know we are gonna have a family of chimeras at our door steps." Stifling a scoff, he let his eyes fluttered close. "Is there anything else I could do for you? You know, besides kicking your ass at four am in the morning."

"I know…" With a sigh, she curled her arms behind her head, and breathing in and out, deliberately, she shook off the vestiges of anxiety. As Ronin continued, she canted her head to the side and a small glint of a smile curved at the corner of her lips, "...Yeah right. Like you could kick my butt…" Turning onto her side, she studied him a moment, before laying her head in the crook of his shoulder with a small sigh, "...Just… stay?"

"Do you not remember when I did just hours before?" He commented with a light smirk, shifting slightly to get comfortable on the bed without having to fear about his feet dangling off. "I'm way too sleepy to really move, Ro. Unless I happen to fall off the bed during the night, I'm way too lazy to move."

"Mm… I don't recall. You must be bushed if you're imagining things, like that." There was a glint of teasing in her eyes, but it flickered away as quickly as it appeared. Shifting, adjusting more comfortably against his side, Ro concentrated again on breathing, in… out… Just a few more hours, and she'd be back to normal, "...Get some sleep." She murmured, with a nod, "I'll be alright…"

"You must be getting dementia, cause I don't know how you could possibly forget something as wonderful as that take down." Easing into the fabric of the mattress, a gentle breath escaped him and eased pressure from his chest. "Goodnight Ro. Just...just tap me if you need me, alright?"

"...Take down… That love-tap? Sugar. You wish I was that easy to take down…" Swallowing the nerves that threatened to choke out her will, she nodded again, "'Night Ronin."


At the growl that escaped Juniper, Gus's brow rose slightly, before he shrugged, "Didn't mean to suggest you were, friend. It was... how do you say... a bit of joking?" For whatever reason, the concept of interest in another person seemed to greatly disturb Juniper, but then... Gus could only imagine this was because he seemed to make a great point in being something of a loner. It wasn't Gus's business, and he'd long surpassed the point of exhaustion... leaving him with little room for philosophical thought or psychoanalyzing.

"I think I will go and sleep in my own room..." He mumbled, fingers brushing hair back from his forehead, before he slid off the infirmary cot. His eyes drifted to the bed beside his own to see Gray had taken to comforting Mina. A good thing, he thought... for he wasn't in much of a position for that, either. With a nod, he made his way across the room to the door, but slowed as he neared the bed occupied by the young Columbian woman. With a small smile, he bowed his head to both her, and Trigger, "...Glad to see you are alright, Bella. Trigger."

Rubbing the back of his neck, he turned away, continuing out of the infirmary.
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Kook | Interactions: Selene @KatSea | Location: Selene's Office

"Nnnnnu!" Kook objected. He was never scared! Ever! Especially not of some dumb chompy Wendig--

Chomp. Heh! What a damn fun and funny word. If one were to spell it backwards, it'd be "Pmohc" and that sounded like some kind of Aztec temple. An Aztec name! Would that be his name if he was born as an Aztec? Would he watch or partake in those ritual sacrifices for the sun god?? Should've just settled for offering rocks or banana to the deity, not hearts. Real hearts are red and fleshy and wet and syrupy and ungodly-like and so achingly human--

He looked at Selene again, head cocking to the side like a puppy. Her? Scared? Not brave?

That was a no-no. Never as a guild member. Never as his friend.

"Guh!" He knocked at his own temple with two fingers. His head. The mind. Then, he swirled his hands around in a circular motion, as if he was mixing a massive batch of some sort of concoction. A potion--no, the potion of human emotion. So many ingredients. Fear and happiness and anger and wonder and purity and corruption and--

He kinda wanted another Honey Bun--

--And doubts. All of that and so many different endless things making up the human mind. Arms held out and curved before him, he picked up that messy pot, looked at Selene again, then jolted wildly with a loud thunk sound effect. Then he swung his fist down. "GAHHHH!!" Smash. Smash it. Smash that stupid fear pot! SMASH IT!!

"Are you all healed up, sweetheart?"




Kook nodded. "Guh." Yep. Plenty healed. He hated every breathing second of it. Leaning forward, he pressed his gloved palms flat against her bare ones and pushed, guiding her to lay back down in the canopy. Once he was certain that she got the message--SLEEP IS GOOD FOR THE BODY SO DO IT--he reclined along her desk and got comfy. One leg raised lazily to nudge the canopy, making it swing back and forth gently like a giant crib. "Guh, gu-guhhh. Guh, gu-guhhh. Guh, gu-guh, gah, geh, gu-gah..." Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep blonde haired Selene.
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Lucia Rivera

"Mama, you cannot blame yourself that was neither of our faults. Neither of us saw what had happened...neither of us realized it was! But it is alright, I am better than ever knowing we are home safe and sound. As, as bloody as I left the snow...I still had so much fun with all of you lovely people...even if some of us did get hurt. But that's the job, otherwise none of us would do it if we were afraid of such a thing. Who in their right mind would do it?" She smiled, curling Trigger's hand in hers and tracing her lips down her knuckles, a maternal action she had learned but never adapted to when she was a child. She lowered her madre dulce's hand back to her side, skimming her thumb against her palm before releasing altogether. "So never blame yourself when that happens. The moment I climb out into the wild, it is my responsibility. Now, do not fret." Flaunting her palms in a dismissive manner, threatened to remove one leg from the bed to rise. She refused for Trigger to place herself in such an uncomfortable situation while she curled up with only the best luxuries that her wondrous guild could offer.

"I can't be too much for ya, madre. Im too small!" She exclaimed cheerily, about to swing her second foot over the bed to plant herself firmly on the ground. If she had to, she would use what was left of her petite strength and hobble the woman over to the mattress. "Well, as glad as I am to hear you'd give more than the world to me, I have both feet down and I am determined to-" Her response was muffled by the sudden clash of the soft fabric to her face, sending her reeling back into the mattress. For added dramatic affect, her legs swung briefly into the air before plummeting back onto the mattress. Gasping for breath as she pulled the pillow down to her chest, she whispered. "Mama shot me! I've been shot!" Slowly retracting her body onto itself, curling up cozily under the sheets, she glanced up to Trigger with glazed, slumbering eyes.

"Te quiero mamá." She whispered, honest in the language of her comfort. "Very very much." Tempted to over her cover, to wrap her in warmth and soothing fabrics, she retracted her hands and placed them underneath the covers. She snuggled underneath, calming her breathing. Even the gentle, familiar voice greeting her did not send her sights aside to the prosperous land of slumber.

"Buenas noches tonto." She mumbled affectionately, letting her eyes flutter close as the comfort of her mother drove her into a realm of color and new lands to discover.

Al menos estamos en casa. Nadie necesita saber mi miedo para no volver. Dios cuide de mi madre y mi hermano, amados compañeros tontos y adorados.


Te quiero mama - I love you mama.

Buenas noches, tonto - Good night, silly.

Al menos estamos en casa. Nadie necesita saber mi miedo para no volver. Dios cuide de mi madre y mi hermano, amados compañeros tontos y adorados. - At least we are home. No one needs to know of my fear of not returning. God watch over my mother and my brother, my beloved silly and adored partners.

Grayson Williams

Patiently Grayson listened, refusing to lose any merriness to his tone. No. He wouldn't let a bad guild mission get to his head. He had had worse. There were possessions where he would end up losing consciousness and needed someone to drag him back home. The succubus incident had been a bit of a bummer, too. He could have easily perished, not realizing the woman lying beside him was a soul sucking maniac who lusted for this man's...well, he'd rather not think about that. Long story short, he had no reason to be down. He was up. He was on his feet. He got to see Ricky the man, the whisper, the legend. Adrian was here too, lingering in the corner and chuckling at his actions. Lucy was eagerly sleeping and Trigger was there to watch over them. Things were good. Things could have been worse. And to be fair. Grayson loved the fact he was home safe and sound. Something to be grateful for, beyond the sore.

He was happy, sure. As he always had been. No damned demon was gonna make him feel upset. Nope. No way. Nada buddy. Best payback is to be super and spry, biatch.

"Not your fault. No one really knew any of this was coming, ya know? Things happen and hey! We learned something today, you can fist fight a demon! Medium demons can't be banished, which, I had no idea about before. You know how cool that is? We can learn to adjust and be prepped the next time. So don't think of it as us being mortally wounded or some bull. We are all okay! We are all here now, our victim is safe and the demon is way down in the dumps if you get my drift. Everything is wonderful and good, and we need to just rest for a little bit to ensure tomorrow remains the same, okay? Now, someone very teeny and very wise informed me that whatever happens, happens. The moment we walk out, we know wha we are doing. So, don't blame yourself. It's on me for what happened, ya know? But we lived! And that's awesome! You know how many people we get to tell this story to? Because that's all it is now, just a memory, fluttering by and no longer. We always got tomorrow, but hey! That's awesome and we get to live it. So buck up, buttercup!" He tapped her nose with his thumb, before retracting himself back into his lap and giving her a shrug. "It''s nothing to fret over now. besides, you are probably exhausted and need to sleep, okay? Sleep is good! Sleep is God's gift to fools and wise men alike! So, cherish it and embrace it before demonic Bethany rips it out of your fragile grasp." Cooing, Grayson slowly hopped to his feet and gave his back a brief stretch.

"So. and out. One minute at a time, alright? No need to fret. We are alive and honest to God I think most of us are happy! Just...I just embrace the gift of laziness...Maybe when you are feelin alright your room would be more comforting, ya know? I don't know how Lucy Lu is sleepin in a cot's nothin like a familiar place. So...just, feel cozy! Make yourself feel good, cause you deserve it too, ya know?" He craned his head to the side with a confused demeanor. "I think I did the comforting stuff right..."
Mina Panja
Mina knew Gray was right but the feeling still remained. She'd let it be for now though, let it fester, and keep it hidden. That was how she worked but despite this, it's not like his words did nothing to her. Her tears stopped and she felt a bit better, the exhaustion hit her rather hard. She giggled a bit lucidly in the exhaustion when Gray booped her nose.

"Can you stay with me... until I fall asleep?" She requested while gripping Gray's wrist more tightly. Her brown eyes closed slowly. Mina's head was at the opposite side of the bed as her body was curled into a ball. The pillow was near her feet as she was laying on the bed completely wrong but it didn't look like she was awake enough to get the pillow.

Juniper Steele
Juniper growled again and glared the deepest holes into Gus' back as he left. He recollected his bloody shirt then waited a few minutes so he wasn't inevitably following Gus. After that, he immediately left and made sure not to trip over anyone or anything. Getting to his room wasn't difficult, especially for someone of his height. The inside was dark, the way he liked it.

"Finally..." His deep voice called while closing the door and discarding the shirt into a basket. A picture frame was laid facing down on his dresser and several instruments lay in a corner. His room wasn't the most boring but anyone else in the guild couldn't actually see it because he left the windows closed and the lights off at all times.
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Selene Montgomery

"Oh! I see, you were not scared, good! You are a mighty brave man, Kookie." She complemented with a grin, only for her expression to shift into confusion as another strong 'guh' entered the atmosphere. He appeared to be tossing imaginary items into a pot, stirring them around and around before grasping the handles and tossing it to the ground. She blinked, each movement of his display confusing and somewhat troubling to the young woman as she placed her arms around her waist, a small shudder traveling down her spine as she pulled the blanket closer to her chin.

She stared for a moment, the confusion clearing much slower than she would have liked to admit. Smash! That's right! Kook had always been an enthusiast of smashing doubt and fear(as much as Selene hated recalling the first few times, freaky centipedes and all). She bobbed her head, as if to understand, somehow a pot needed to be smashed for Selene to overcome an obstacle. Okay! Whatever Kook said(She may not have always understood the language of Goos and Gahs, but when he had a point to make, she took notice). "So...smash the doubt? I..." A gentle yawn broke through the already broken dam. "I...I gotcha honey. I'll smash it to pieces and make you proud..."

"Hmm?" A small squeak of question escaped her as he pushed her back into the canopy, reclining himself on her desk(its okay! She'd be sure to organize it in the morning) and finally...

She blinked. Rocking her to sleep. As if she were a child again. A wave of warmth crashed over her chest, realizing that the small and almost silly gesture filled her with upmost thanks and content. She curled her fingers around her blanket, staring up at him from the safety of her rest. "Goodnight, Kookie. Be sure to sleep, okay? And have wonderful dreams! Be sure to take care of yourself and wrap yourself up in blankets because you deserve it after a long..." Another yawn, her head hitting the fabric of the canopy and her eyes fluttering close with the texture of the soft...inviting...

Selene would deny her gentle snoring in the morning, but she had a feeling Kook could keep a secret.

Grayson Williams

"Er, yeah I can stay here!" He offered cheerily, the sands of slumber entering his own eyes. He couldn't wait to get back to Cebbie and have the small, chubby corgi curl at his feet, but he was more than happy to stay until she felt safe enough to go to sleep. Wriggling the pillow from her side and making sure that she could rest her head, Grayson plopped back down to sit by the bed and leaned his head against the mattress. Silence overtook him, thoughts being created at the speed of light, bouncing and boiling against his brain. I wonder if tomorrow we can just have a sleep in day. I haven't seen Hiroki in here...either...Thats weird. Delilah and Hiro haven't even come in to get their wounds checked up. Delilah must have decided to patch them up...oh God. No. No. I Dont wanna think about that. No. No no. Nooooooo...Dear God above why did that image implant itself into my brain? Okay, its fine...its fine. I dont need to worry about those two. It's fine. It's absolutely fine.

"Sweet dreams, Mina." He mumbled wearily, pulling the nearest cover from his cot and stringing it across his shoulders. Curse the Maine cold! Why couldn't Bethany have stationed them in Florida? Or California? Or even the land of all monsters? Why not Australia? Oh dear God it's midnight thinking. Horrid...horrid flashbacks to college. Dear God where is the red bull. Where is my monster. Heh. Monster. Sponsored drink of the Broken Beast Gu-....I need sleep. Dear God above almighty.
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To say she slept was something of a gross overstatement. While no more dreams haunted her, Ro could not bring herself to close her eyes, the images of the last nightmare clinging to her mind with such voracity she had doubts they would ever fully fade. Eventually, dawn brightened the skyline and she rolled upright, carefully, so as not to disturb Ronin, tiptoeing from her room.

Ro had no shortage of friends in the Guild, but there was one person who had always been something of a comfort. Selene's gentle, serene perspective on life was a great encouragement when it was needed…

Along the hall, she paused outside Selene's door, before knocking softly, "Sel? It's Ro…"

Selene's body stiffened in its cocoon as her eyes fluttered open to greet the day with a disappointed groan. She had been relieved to note that she was free to move about in her canopy, her blanket neatly tucked to her chin. She had never felt this cozy in her lovely little home, her hair tangled in her demeanor despite the fact. Brushing the mane from face, she pushed herself up from the canopy and used the back of her hand to contain a yawn.

Kook was gone, having most likely snuck out during the night to go sleep(or go cause mayhem, regardless Selene hoped he took care of himself). Running her knuckles along her eyes, a gentle knock took her from her tranquility and her head shot up. Ro? That was bizarre, she figured that Ro would have made sure to catch up on sleep after the rescue of the demonic capybara(she still couldn't believe that was a sentence).

"Sweetie? Im coming." She vowed, pushing herself off the sheet and hobbling lazily towards the door. However, on her way, her bare foot caught against the edge of her desk and a sharp pain shot through her toe. "Ow!" She grumbled, a string of converted curses flooding from her lips. They tended to consist of "fudge" and "Chicken suckers", until she finally hopped towards the door and carefully pulling the door open for her friend. She let her foot rest against the safety of the soft carpet, she tried to smile despite the bright blush blossoming against her cheek.

Grimacing on the other side of the door, Ro waited until it opened, a soft frown crossing her lips as she stepped back, "...Are you okay? I… I didn't wake you up, did I?" Rubbing her arm, flinching sightly, she bit her lip, "I'll come back. I can just… I'll come back later."

"Ah...just...was an idiot that's all. It's alright love." Selene's determination to keep a warm smile upon her demeanor overtook any remaining sparks that threatened to puncture a nerve in her toe. She gently grasped her friends hands in hers, squeezing them and glancing up at her with inquisition in her eyes. "What's up, sweetheart? I am here twenty four seven, as my job description requires. Please do come in, are you okay sweetheart?"

Staring at her hands, locked in Selene's, Ro blinked, surprised to find her eyes oddly damp, "I… I dunno what I am right now, Sel. I… I didn't sleep so good… and I'm just… I'm feelin' kinda funny's all…" Looking up, she sniffed, fighting the emotions bubbling over, "Kinda… kinda just needed to talk to a friend."

"Is...did something bad happen on the hunt last night honey?" Concern escaped her in waves, her grip upon her friend's hands tightening. Once she realized her grasp was not considerate of Ro's current state, she let it loosen and merely focused on her friend's expression. "Would you like to sit down? Maybe some tea or coffee? I have so many blankets in here...I can make you feel nice and toasty and protected. What's wrong, sweetheart? Whose butt do I gotta kick for you?"

Laughing softly, Ro shook her head, "Oh, oh, no. No… It was fine. It was hard, but… We ended up in the best shape outta the teams. I got Ronin all healed up, and Sadie, she was peachy… God, Sel. It was so bad… Lucy had… she was missin' half her shoulder. And Gray and Quil… Everyone was such a mess." Rubbing her hand over her face, she stepped inside, "They're okay. I… I know they're okay, but I was so scared. And… and then I had this dream. This horrible, awful dream...."

"Holy...oh my God." Selene's teeth threatened to pierce her lip at the mention of Lucia missing nearly her entire shoulder. Just picturing that image was enough to drain the color from her demeanor. "Im...Im so sorry to hear that sweetheart! I hate to admit it, but I've been in and out of sleep the last few hours I...I didn't realize any of that happened. Im so so sorry. Please, come take a seat." Stepping aside for her, she gestured towards the canopy and went to the other side of the room to go gather more supplies of warmth and comfort. "Please take your time sweetheart. I am here to listen."

Sitting down, Ro's frown deepened, as she shook her head, "...I know… I know it wasn't real, Sel. But it just… felt real. I woke up and couldn't shake it. And… and something weird happened. Ronin said I… I kicked the nightstand or something, broke the jar I keep there, but I…" Biting the inside of her cheek, she trailed off, "I… must've though. I had to…"

"But what?" She mused, attentive as Ro spoke. She rounded around the corner, firmly pressing warm blankets to her friends shoulders before hopping down on her desk. She sat, legs crossed, waiting to her friends further symptoms. "Night terrors aren't uncommon in the guild, you know? He's probably right."

"When I woke up… I heard the glass break, but I know I wasn't anywhere near the nightstand." Rubbing her arms, Ro shivered slightly, "I've had bad dreams before, but nothing quite like this… it… It was terrible, Sel."

"Perhaps...did you say Ronin was there?" Selene blinked and felt a minor recoil sling in the back of her skull. She did not want to think about what they were doing, and scolded herself for even letting her mind wander down that road. Both Bethany and Simeon and hiroki and Delilah scarred her. "If Ronin was there, Perhaps he accidentally knocked it over? And if I may ask, what was the dream about?

Sitting up a little straighter, Ro felt heat flood her cheeks as she shook her head, "He… when we got back, I was feeling kinda shaky about everything, so he stuck around and fell asleep. Then Ricky asked for my help and the infirmary was such a mess and… and I asked him to stay, cause I didn't wanna be alone." Biting her lip, she lowered her gaze, "It… I don't even know how to describe it, Sel. I… I was back home, and… and everyone… everyone was dead. I… I think I killed them. Except… I was dead, too… or at least… someone who looked like me. And they all had these marks on their faces. Like… like what the witch carved on Ronin."

"Uh Huh." Selene cooed, her tease meaning to let the poor woman relax, but she slumped down on her tone as she continued. It made sense. Europa truly did have a night on her hand the previous day. Selene felt guilt spread through her chest for not being awake when this had gone down, but she kept it down as her friend continued.

"Are you sure the witch didn't cast a spell on you? Sometimes they can make people react poorly after a fight. That might be all that the nightmare is…" Selene pondered, tapping her chin with her thumb. " did people die? And, are you sure everyone was? I am certain this is merely an after effect of what happened...perhaps I should have Ricardo inspect you just to be sure."

"I don't… I don't think I was hit by anything, but there was… When I hit her with the rock, and she died… she disappeared and there was this strange powder in the air." Knotting her fingers together, she blinking, "Oh goodness gracious… What if I was, Sel??"

"Oh! Oh my goodness! Oh sweetie I don't think you were poisoned. When a witch dies, or rather, I suppose faint is one way to explain it. When they are 'killed', witches can reanimate via a familiar. She most likely didn't poison you, and is just looking for her familiar. If she did place a spell on you, she would have had to get in contact with you or said something. It is just possible that you had a bad night...and d you are still worried, I'll have Ricky check on you. I can also do a minor healing rune for you, dear if you are really worried."

"...She's… she's not dead…" Ro murmured softly, paling slightly, "Oh dear God. I didn't even think… I'm so dumb sometimes. And I'm supposed to be good at them…" Looking to Sel, she shook her head, "I think it was just a dream. I… I'm just tired. I didn't sleep."

"You are not dumb sweetie. I think you are right that you are just tired. I understand. It was a rough day on you and everyone else. Please feel free to take a nap in the canopy. And if you need anything from me please let me know. Coffee? Tea? More blankets?"

Looking up again, biting down on her cheek, Ro considered the question, "Could… could I just rest here, a little while? I think that might help…"

"Sweetie you don't ever have to ask. You are always welcome." With a merry bob of her head, Selene scuttled to grab her as many comfort items as possible. Soon she returned with two blankets, a pillow for her head and a pillow to hug. She neatly pulled the blankets to her chin, tucked one pillow under her head, and handed her the second one. Her thumb came to rest at her forehead, brushing stray locks from her face. "Let me know if you need anything else, sweetie."

Smiling faintly, Ro stretched out her fingertips to brush Selene's hand, "You're the best, Selly. Thanks. I… I'll be alright. Just… knock me upside my head if I start dreaming."

Selene blinked at the administered nickname, but a full blown smile stretched across her features, her fingers gingerly intertwining with her friends. "I know that already dear. Just...deep breaths in and out. I'm not leaving you. I'll stay right here if I have to." She leaned down to place her lips on her friends forehead, pulling away and brushing her thumb against her palm. "I'm here. No nightmares gonna get you. I'm gonna beat them up before they even come into your head."

Ro beamed at Sel's words, giving a nod, "I can see 'em shakin' in their boots already. Thanks again, Sel…" Rolling slighly onto her side, Ro hugged the pillow tightly. For roughly a minute or two, she contemplated just how she was ever going to manage to fall asleep…

Then she was out.
Last edited:
Delilah Wickerson


"Glad you could keep a promise. My dear. I...I am so sorry. Hiro. I am so sorry."

"To hell and back, Jigoku no hi."

"To hell and back."


"It wasn't supposed to go like this. I promised you it would never..."

"We are going to fix it. Trust me. Everything is going to be fixed...When this is done, we will not have to worry any longer. Remember our promise?"

"To hell and back."

"To hell and back."


"I can't do this any more. I can't. Oh, God. I can't do this any more...I'm so sorry I...This wasn't supposed to happen. It was never supposed to happen."

"You must remember, this is not your fault. It was never your fault. I decided when I met you we would be bound together. You are my priority. This will be fixed. I promise. Our promise."

"A vow..."

"I will not leave you now. Not now not ever. I will protect you from any hell that may come."

"Come what may."

"Come what may."

"To hell...."

"And back."


Bethany Fuller

Bethany woke up without the familiar warmth that cocooned her in the early hours of the welcomed morning. Her eyes fluttered open with major protest from her slackened muscles, each and every blind awakening a new pain behind her retinas. No noise. No noise. No Simeon crying? No! This can't be right...I slept like a child last night, Morgan hasn't made a peep and...oh God...this isn't good...Bethany jolted from her reclined state, sheets pulled up haphazardly to her chest in blossoming anxiety. No, nothing could have happened! Morgan was safely tucked into her crib and Simeon crawled in beside his wife...arms firmly around her, promising to protect her from the monster in her closet.

And yet.

No crying.

No baby fussing.

No Simeon.

Bethany's heart lurched against her rib cage, the grogginess invading her system slain by the new found worry that accompanied a new mother in the first good night of sleep. "Honey?" She called, her foot steps weighed with each and every step, gravity threatening to slam her form down to Earth...

"Bethany?" A soft murmur emerged from the small corner of the room, where Morgan's crib tucked lazily against. Bethany's head shot up, eyes darting to meet the form lying in the baby's crib. She had forgotten how large she had made her baby's crib, mostly to take into account her stuffed monkey and possible need for parent intervention. Surely enough, her husband managed to cram himself inside, the child tucked safely within his arms. Her soft crown of blonde curls bounced lazily against her father's chest, a gentle coo escaping her every once in a while. For a moment, Bethany wanted to burst out laughing at the spectacle. She wanted to point at her husband and note that only a gnome could cram himself into such a small surface area. Yet, relief clammed her throat, and she found herself gliding next to her child's crib. Lumbering, Simeon's free hand reached out to meet hers, fingers lacing seamlessly through his wife's. "Ah...didn't mean to disturb you." he whispered cautiously, pressing a kiss to his child's head. "She was getting fussy about any hour ago and wouldn't go to sleep until I held her...didn't want to wake you.."

"You could at least have tapped me before you left." She grumbled, her hand dragged from the edge of the crib to meet her husband's lips. A teasing glimmer shone bright in his eyes.


" God...not in front of our baby!" She exclaimed, her voice still a hushed whisper as she forced herself not to laugh. Two more kisses greeted her knuckles. Then two more...Her form became hovered over her husband, mischief remaining in his gaze.

"You don't want to tap you in front of our child? See, that's why I didn't do it..."

"Hush hush." Bethany grumbled, tugging gently at her husband's hand. "It's still early enough where you can..."

'Come back for snuggles?" Simeon smirked. "We need to keep our daughter in good hands though, don't we? Come on...just..."

Despite the desire for Simeon in that moment, despite her own judgement that her normality lied on a strong and unbreakable foundation...she knew off the bat that something didn't feel right. Something wasn't put together in the grand scheme of things as they should have been. It wasn't the injured guild members, she knew off the bat. She adored her children. To the point where her own heart would rip itself to shreds with the outcome of each mission they had encountered. But they were healed. They were returned. Everything was as it should have been.

Except it just...wasn't.

Simeon seemed to have sense the shift in tension against his wife's shoulders, but before he could uncurl himself from his child...

A knock at the door would confirm the worst.


The guild's main vehicle was missing from the garage. The sudden snow fall from the night prior had hidden a majority of the tracks imprinted within the material. Tanks of gas were missing as well, including a spare tire and oil. The door was shut, everything in order, no sign of issue. Despite the missing car.

The Wendigo body was missing, too. The morning shed light to the empty slab in the main hazard room, any other materials on the man missing as well. Clothing. Even blood appeared to be scrapped up.

Delilah and Hiroki were missing, too.

Bethany wanted to say they were abducted. That was the only answer she could have. Bouncing Morgan miserably in her arms, she stared from the hazard containment room from the outside, a soft sigh escaping her husband. "No one reported any sounds until this morning. It's as if they just...vanished. My guess is the injuries left option to remove..."

"You think they are okay?" She whimpered softly, pressing her lips to her daughter's head in an attempt to comfort herself, rather than the sleeping child.

"I don't think...I don't think anything bad happened to them." Her husband reassured, a soft click clacking against his teeth. "We are gonna conduct further searches into the room...we don't think this is a coincidence. They seemed to have left in a hurry. All personal items were gone. Weapons, gone, spell books, gone."

"You don't think..."

"I think they left willingly. Why is another question...and I'm afraid I might know the answer." His thumb buried itself deeply into his temple. His tongue felt like cotton lodged in his throat. "I am going to look through the initial reports...and...once I think, I think I can prove what is happening, we need to have a discussion. With the guild." His eyes fluttered close in concentration, a wince expressing itself along her features. "I pray Im not right."
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Mobley Eats

She wasn't a fighter. Not by any stretch, but between the terrifying incident with the witch, everyone returning injured from their own hellish missions and the dream, Ro's mind was trapped in a state of anxiety that had not abated, even after her earlier rest… And the perpetual thought in her mind was that she needed to do more. To be more.

And so after waking in Selene's room, rested, but far from refreshed, she set out to find Ronin, to train… meeting the man in the training room with a sheer determination the southern ginger wasn't particularly known for.

Ronin desired to fall under the stubborn urge to crawl back into bed, considering the briefing wasn't until later in the day and that Bethany encouraged that he'd be mentally ready to go out at some point during the next few days. Besides, the witch yesterday had left him feeling sore and anxious over the fucking chimera lurking nearby the guild. Whoever thought that was a good idea was about to get their ass beat in the arena…

Trudging to the training room, somewhat sleepily, Ronin ignored any possible presence and plucked his shield from the safety of its corner of the room. Strapping it to his forearm and grasping the handle of his blade, he turned to see Europa. He blinked sleepily. "You look much too happy for this."

Blinking, looking up from where she'd been stretching minutes before, Ro frowned in thought. She wanted to be happy. She did. It was something she'd always wanted to invest in before, training, but she never had… Yet her excitement was undermined by a sense of foreboding she just couldn't shake. She'd been told time and time again she wasn't fully prepared for what the world had in store for her…

Forget that. She would be, now…

Rising to her feet, biting the inside of her cheek, she looked to the weapon in Ronin's grasp before moving to the wall to find one for herself. In her mind she remembered the flash of steel in her hand.. The curved handle. Shivering, she plucked a dagger with a straight hilt, before turning to Ronin with a nod, "Let's do this, then."

"Take it easy there, you look like you're a leaf off a branch." He mumbled, approaching her and placing his hands on her shoulders to help them sink. Taking a step back, he tapped the tip of his weapon against the wooden tile. "Your form isn't quite right, either. Let yourself be a little loose, grab a shield if you need one. Now, let your feet spread a little bit and give yourself some room. When you give the go ahead, we will try this, okay? Defeat comes when you can pin the other to the floor for fifteen seconds. Sound fair?"

Concentrating on his instructions, Ro shifted her stance and gave a firm nod. Her eyes drifted briefly to the shields, but she gave a shake of her head as she let her shoulders relax slightly, holding the weapon up at the ready, "Sounds fair…" she noted, "Ready when you are."

Without waiting for her to finish, he raised his weapon and slammed it down against the knife she held, directing her weapon down towards the ground before swinging around her. Slinging the blade around her neck and hovering it centimeters from her skin, he offered her a gentle smirk. "I can beat you really fast, sugar plum. Try to keep me amused for as long as you can. Come on...get out."

Her eyes widened as he suddenly bolted forward, and with a small gasp, she stepped back, as the knife nearly flew from her grip. Breathing in, a small flicker of a smile touched her lips as well, and ducking back away from the blade, she swung her own up, swiftly.

Ronin avoided the blow narrowly and threatened to skim the metallic blade across her flesh. However, he removed the katana from her throat and with his foot to the small of her back, he pushed her to the mat and twirled his weapon in his grip. "Come on, fight me like you mean it."

Hitting the mat, Ro glanced back over her shoulder, her expression shifting as her eyes narrowed just slightly… not angry, but there was a glimmer of challenge to it, and pushing herself upright, she swung hard again with the dagger.

Ronin caught sight of her initial swing, attempting to deflect the blow with the brunt of his weapon. However, she was swifter than anticipated, and his weapon barely managed to block the strike. Trying to swing his weapon downwards to send her weapon down, Ronin missed his mark by mere centimeters and pulled the blade back to his side, holding his shield before his torso.

As he accounted for his miss, Ro swung suddenly, not with her knife, but instead her fist, aiming for the mark on his chest… the same place he had unintentionally bruised the night prior.

Ronin flinched as her fist came in contact with his chest before the shield could have blocked the area. Grimacing, he used that opportunity to drop the katana, grasp her by her wrists, proceeding to shove her onto the mat and placing the heel of his shoe onto her stomach. "Ow, that fuckin smarted, Europa. Not bad."

Even as she hit the mat again, Ro couldn't help the grin that split her lips, and dropping back as his foot forced her down, she gave a small, innocent shrug of her shoulders, "I may be a good girl, Ronin… but I ain't beyond a little vengeance." Without warning, her foot shot out, aiming for his other leg, to take advantage of his current shift in balance.

"Ah sh-" The curse came with the sudden flare of pain administered to his knee, causing him to crumble on the other side of her. Gasping briefly for breath, he rolled over to her side, firmly wrapping his arms around her neck and pinning her in a choke hold, as light as he could manage. "Look, I said I was sorry, but fucking A…"

With a small squeak, Ro gripped his arm, to try and shove him off, laughing dryly, despite the discomfort of the position, "You amused yet, Darlin'?"

"Not yet, you sound like a freaking mouse." Rolling his eyes, he attempted to flip their positions, pinning her to the floor and keeping his arms loosely around her neck. However, the discomfort of his position didn't serve well, and he found that his grip loosened too much to keep a decent grip upon her. "Fucking butter neck." A slight tint of red entered his cheeks. That sounded a little too Ro for his taste.

Grinning wider, Ro squirmed free as he adjusted his stance, and her arm swung out to grab the dagger that she's discarded when he flipped her. Twisting, she swung the blade towards him, in a swift upwards slash.

Ronin had to admit, he wasn't ready for the dagger that was about to slash him across his torso. Having a part of his shirt torn was bad enough, but having his katana on the ground beside him had been a mistake. He figured his strength would have been good enough, and thus he assumed poorly. Rolling aside and guarding himself with his shield, he scooped up his weapon and struck towards her, catching her dagger against his blade. Attempting to wriggle the weapon from her grasp, he thrust his blade and narrowly missed the opportunity to flip his opponent's weapon. "Shit."

Dodging around the attack, Ro swung again, a brow raised half in amusement, but not without a flicker of determination, as her own weapon clashed against his once more.

Seeing an opportunity as her blade struck his, he lowered the tip of his weapon and, with a simple flicker of the wrist, he managed to pry the blade from her hand and let it scatter to the floor beside them. He held up his weapon towards her throat with a playful smirk.

The dagger flew, but swinging to the left to dodge, Ro reached past his hand to grab his wrist, diving beneath his arm and tugging it at the elbow to bend it behind his back, with a small smirk, "Nice try…"

Ronin's teeth grit as the much smaller woman managed to do something he wouldn't have thought possible, pinning his wrist behind his back and leaving his hand scrambling for the handle of his weapon. "Oh, saucy don't you think?" Rolling his eyes, he slammed his shield backwards and wriggled out of her grip.

Her knee had shifted for the back of his and she laughed softly as he wriggled free instead, ducking back away from his shield, "Gotta be quick there, sweetie!"

"Yeah yeah yeah." He grumbled, swinging around and bouncing back to ground himself. Seeing an opening, he lunged for her, shield first, hoping to knock her off her feet.

With another quick dodge, Ro bucked her arm forward towards his chest again, an open-palmed strike where she'd punched earlier.

The breath was taken out of him briefly as her palm snaked past his shield, slamming into his chest and leaving a bruise he would have had to hide later, snaking his sword around her neck, he pulled her into his chest. The shield separated the two as he pressed the blade to her skin. "You come here often?"

Yanked close, Ro smirked, slightly flushed, as she looked up at the man with a small, sly shrug of her shoulders, fingertips tracing the outline of the shield, "Not often enough…" Came the teasing retort. Her hand reached the lower rim of the shield and shoving it up towards his chin, she dropped, sliding free of grip and sword, towards the floor.

Ronins jaw straight up into his teeth, a quick flash of pain disorientating him from the mission at hand. Seeing her slide, however, gave him a chance once his vision cleared and his mind became fruitful once more. Hooking his foot around the back of her leg, he pulled her back towards the floor underneath him. He pressed the blade to her chest. "One...two...three…"

As she toppled back and the point of his sword angled towards her chest, a brow rose, "Well, gee. Looks like you got me…" She murmured, before swiping her feet to the right, swiftly, taking the man down to the mat. As soon as his back hit, she was moving, knees hooked around either hip, fingers cuffed around his wrists, pinning them to the floor, "Come here, often?"

If Ronin wasn't so infuriated or in shock, he would have been able to detect the faintest hint of red flooding his cheeks. Somehow the woman's strength was sturdier than he had initially expected, her fingers digging into his wrists as he struggled. "You better start counting because Im not staying here all day." He grumbled, finally finding a loosening in her grasp. He wriggled his shield hand free, slamming it towards her before crawling from underneath.

Buckling back, Ro grinned, and shaking her head, launched forward again, tackling the man back to the mat, this time leaning her full weight against him, "I don't think so, sugar. One… Two…"

"You like pinning guys or do you just have a fetish for blondes?" His brow perked up as she began counting, and for a moment, he thought he was going to lose. He thought she was going to pin him down and hold him there and claim she reigned victorious. As proud as he was of her, and as proud as he would be, there was an inner pride that demanded to be filled. His fingers looped around her wrists, and with his weight, he rolled her over onto her back and pinned her down, his knees upon hers and hands wrapped firmly around her wrists. "One….two...a three…"

"You'd be the first, darlin'" Ro remarked casually, but her expression shifted as his fingers gripped her wrists, "No, you don't!" Then he did, and with a gasp, Ro's back met the mat, eyes widening slightly, as she squirmed under his solid grip, "Ronin!" She half whined.

"Ten...eleven…" He cooed down at her, smirking at her haphazard struggle to reign supreme over him. "And fifteen. Sorry, sugar." Shifting to his knees, he released her from the pin and rested the back of his head in his hands. "That was a damn good fight, I will admit. I wasn't expecting you to even be able to pin me. Nice work." He offered her a hand to stand, eyes twinkling mischievously.

Shaking her head in disappointment, but unable to mask the smile the flooded her features at his praise, she wrinkled her nose, reaching up to take his hand, "Guess you underestimated me, hm?"

"I suppose so. It was a fool's move." Once he had a grip around her hand, he pushed her back towards the mat and decided to shift himself, back pressed against her stomach as he laid perpendicular to her. He made sure that his hands were lifting him from the ground, propping him up and erasing any fear of crushing her. "Now, before we leave...I should nap, but you can try and get out if ya want…"

Breathing in sharply, Ro gave a small squeak, that turned swiftly into a laugh, despite the color that flooded her cheeks, "You underestimated me once…" Swinging her leg around his, Ro slid first back on the mat, then forward, rolling out from under him, then over him, she angled herself in the opposite position, arms holding her upright to hover just over him, "Why would you do it a second time?"

Ronin blinked as the woman snaked through his hold, positioning herself on top of him and giving him an image of surprise. He chuckled, placing his hands on her shoulders and in an attempt to push her off of him. "Whatcha gonna do now? I don't think you are gonna get revenge on me anyhow…"

"No?" Reached for his wrists, Ro adjusted her weight and shoved them up over his head, leaning close enough that her nose could've brushed his if she'd wanted, a grin meeting her lips, "One. Two…"

"Hey! This is way too kinky for my taste." He grumbled, balancing his knees against her torso and using this to flip her off of him, taking the chance to bolt up to sit. He brushed his hair back with a laugh. "You can't beat me, sugar plum."

Flopping back on the mat with a breathless laugh, Ro shook her head, "Then I guess it's a good thing we're on the same team, Sweetpea." Tipping onto her side, elbow resting on the ground, she looked over at him, "Thank you, Ronin. Not just for this. For… for last night. You didn't have to stay…"

"Eh, it's no problem. Don't mention it." Stammering back to his feet, he placed his hands on his hips and let his back creak as he stretched. He placed the shield back in its proper place, tucking the katana behind it as he swung around to greet her again. "Anytime you need me, just give me a knock or somethin. But not while Im sleeping. I'll kill you if you do that." He gave a subtle wink, despite the stone demeanor, turning his back on her once again.

Pushing herself upright, she grinned as she moved to tuck her knife back into place, "I mean… you could try to kill me. But we both know now I ain't such an easy target…" With a wink, she reached to gently punch his arm, "I've got a mission later… You gonna miss me, proper?"

"Fair enough. Besides. I'd feel guilty. And have quite a few hunters coming after to kill me. Wouldn't want that now would we?" With a smirk, he bumped her shoulder in return, a shrug gracing his form. "No. I know you are gonna come back safe and sound, so I have no reason to worry or miss".

Chuckling, Ro nodded, brushing back her hair, "I am coming back safe and sound, cause you and me, Ronin? We're not done. Rematch…" Fingers pointing to her, then him, she grinned, "And next time, I ain't goin' easy on you."

"Oh, I thought that was all you had sugar plum. Please do surprise me when you get back." He turned back to face her, hands stuffed in his pockets. "Meanwhile I think Bethany is gonna have to have a chat with some of us sure to relax before hand."

Yeah…" With a nod, she brushed her fingers along the hilts of the other knives in the rack, pausing as they touched the edge of a curved variation. For a moment, her chest tightened, "You, too, sweetie. Need you rested up for when I take you down…"

"Oh, don't worry. I can take you sleeping." He reassured her, quirking a brow. "Now then, I think we can call this session ado. Good luck, Europa."

With a small smirk, she shook her head, pulling her hand away from the curved handle, "Now, now, Ronin. Not that kinda rematch." With a flicker of mischief, she turned away from the wall of weapons, "See ya soon, sugar." And giving his a nod, she started for the exit.
A Source of Light | Interactions: Aaquil and Sadie @Elle Joyner

In the still quiet of the house, Mercedes raked her fingers through her hair, dragging back curls as if the motion would clear away the thoughts, weighing down her mind. Her conversation with Shawn hung still, clinging to her thoughts, a persistent reflection she could not shake. She had spent a good few hours tossing and turning, and when that had proven fruitless, she'd gone back to researching the burrowing rune. By now, she could've drawn the thing in her sleep, but it was better than mulling over things she didn't want or need to think about…

After a while, however, concentration had caved to exhaustion, and she had gone to bed. She hadn't been out for more than an hour when she'd woken to a frightful memory. Gray mouth moving, empty hollow eyes voids, their warmth and affection faded by death's grip. A warning… repeated over and over..

Pulling herself from bed, Mercedes had dressed and found herself pacing the hall, uneasiness curling along her spine… It was a time she would have given anything to pick up the phone and call Uncle Marcus… hell, even Siege… but she knew it wasn't possible. Not anymore…

Sinking down the nearest wall, Mercedes dropped her head into her hands, her knees curling to her chest as she rubbed the weariness from her eyes.

Aaquil faced similar difficulties with obtaining a decent night of sleep. He did not suffer from nightmares, as he had to have been unconscious to experience such a thing. Rather, meeting his head to the pillow did little to subvert him into the land of dreams. Peace evaded his mind. In its place were the mocking little streaks of moonlight peering through his blinds, raking the floorboards of his room. They were lifeless. Harmless. Light.

Light couldn't move. Not this one.

And yet, for some sadistic reason, his brain had twisted the laws of reality. A blink. A hitch of the breath. A twitch of his toes. The slightest movement and his peripherals betrayed him, sending him images of that same moonlight creeping towards him. Soon, the creeping would evolve into floating. Then, a mad dash. Straight for him. Seizing him by the ankles. Dragged asunder…

He was slipping on sandals in an instant, exiting his room with nothing but pajama bottoms and goosebumps decorating his skin. The hallways proved to be darker than his room, providing a slight sense of comfort for him. His shoes padded lightly along with him, taking to anywhere and nowhere at all with no set destination in mind.

That was until he noticed a figure on the floor. A humanoid one. "Hello?" he called out, braving a few more steps forward until more darkness peeled away and recognition washed over him. A natural but concerned smile pulled at Aaquil's lips as he towered over Sadie. "Dear Sadie? What are you the doing here? And at such the late of hours?"

The voice came so suddenly, that Mercedes nearly jumped, grateful it was Aaquil, who was generally soft spoken and gentle, and not someone more excitable or loud. Lowering her hands she looked up with a small, delicate frown, "...Hello, Aaquil. I Rather rough go at trying to sleep. What's got you up, dearest?"

His response fell from his lips naturally, though the pit of his gut twisted somewhat in guilt. "I am not the very tired, unfortunately." Slowly, he lowered into a crouch, arms crossed over his knees as he peered up into the woman's eyes. "May I be of assistance or comfort to you in any way?" he asked.

Looking at him as he sat before her, Mercedes smiled warmly, or at least as warmly as she could manage. For a moment, the words hovered on her lips, just as they had with Shawn earlier the evening before… but they didn't come easily, then, and they weren't coming at all, now, "It's really… nothing. You… you're sweet to worry, but I imagine it was just from the long night in the infirmary. How are you feeling, by the way? Better?"

Aaquil's grasp of the English language was not his strong suit. He knew this. He was well aware of his flaws and shortcomings. However, even with this barrier intact, it did nothing to inhibit his view of her aura. Her overall demeanor screamed of something troubling her mind, but if she was not going to be straightforward about it, then it was not his place to push. "As long as you are sure, Dear Sadie." However, he shot her a meaningful look. "Physically? I am the much better. But, I am afraid there is a fallacy that only you can fix for me," he said.

"Of course, of course…" She tried to smile again, but it was strained, as she brushed a piece of lint from her patterned pant leg. Looking up again, she nodded, "Oh, good! I'm glad to hear that. I was worried about all of you. It was so terrible, seeing everyone hurt like that." Fingers running through her hair again, she nodded, "What can I do for you, Aaquil?"

"It was very much the unsavory and worrisome of sights," he whispered, a hint of exhaustion from before sneaking into his bones. However, he brushed the feeling off in purchase of smiling brightly for the woman. He stood once more and held a hand out to her. "I believe that I have not received the cuddles of healing from you in quite some time… May you be willing to rectify this issue for me?"

Blinking, Mercedes looked up at him, before a smile formed and reaching up, she took his hand, straightening up, "That sounds like something I can definitely help with. And you're right, dearest, it has indeed been some time." There weren't many people Mercedes would consider doing anything of that sort with - largely because most people had other intentions… but Aaquil was a good, honest man, and comforting as anything, "...Shall we?"

Although it shouldn't have been possible, his smile brightened even further as she accepted his hand and once she was at full height, he offered his arm. "Wonderful! Would you the prefer my room or yours?" he asked lightly.'

The warmth of his smile was enough to draw Mercedes from her thoughts, and taking his arm, Mercedes glances down the hall with a small nod, "Yours, please…" Her own had been rather ransacked, after her difficult evening - books everywhere, a pillow throw rather violently across the space - feathers strewn from it's fluffy white corpse. She had no real desire to explain her actions...

Aaquil nodded. He lead her back to his chamber, only to slow to a stop as they took the first step past his door, instantly reminded of how vastly dark it was. There were still the strips of moonlight dotting his floor and creeping along the edge of his bed, but it was easier to ignore this time around with Dear Sadie's company. "I the apologize for how dark my room is," he said, a hint of sheepishness in his tone, "I hope that this is not the unfavorable for you?"

Shaking her head, Mercedes smiled faintly as she stepped inside, "It's quite alright, darling. I've never been afraid of the dark. Everything bad has always happened to me during daylight hours, anyhow. Besides, it's a good sight nicer than my room, right now. I've been doing some private research, and there are more books than floor, at the moment."

Aaquil beamed, threatening to peel away the shadows with how bright his smile was. "Wonderful!" He bounded over to his bed, though he refused to sit down. He merely stood next to it, gaze switching between her and the mattress, bouncing jovially on the balls of his feet. "It is only the nicer because you cannot the see my room," he teased lightly, "I'm certain your abode is the most welcoming, no matter the state that it is in."

Chuckling softly, Mercedes shook her head, "I wouldn't be so sure of that, dearest. I… have never been very good at settling in. Though, I do have a plant… So that's something, I'd wager. Hm." Finally crossing the floor, she looked at him with a small smile, and dropped down onto the mattress, patting the space beside her.

Aaquil crawled in after Sadie immediately and flopped next to her, a giggle working up his chest as the springs bounced shortly. He rolled onto his side and enveloped the woman in a snug, warm embrace, a long sigh of content escaping him. "Plants are the very good to have, yes? You are sustaining a life—the most wondrous of thing our world the has," he reasoned, sounding completely confident and certain of his words.

With a small laugh, Mercedes curled into the crook of his arm, giving a small nod, "You have a lovely way of looking at things. I suppose you're right. That, and the lavender reminds me of home in Savoie…" With a small sigh of her own, she bit her cheek, "It's a hard notion to grasp when we are so far away… home."

Aaquil hummed as he listened patiently, fingertips running up and down her forearm soothingly. Instinctively. "Ah, yes. France… A wonderful and the most beautiful of places. You miss Savoie, yes? What of it specifically?" His last question was voiced with an underlying caution, hidden by the perpetual lightness of his personality.

"The lavender fields behind my… my grandmother's home. They stretched as far as the eye could see… miles and miles. When I lived with her, I would spend hours, playing in the fields. The walls of lavender grew higher than my head, and sometimes I would get lost… but I knew if I could see the tower in the east wing, I could find my way back." Breathing in, she shook her head, "I have not been back for some time…"

"That sounds the amazing," Aaquil breathed, his bright smile softening in awe. He could only imagine the beauty of those fields. The man shifted, only a little, enough to peek down at her with the visage of a curious puppy. "Why do you not the visit, Dear Sadie?"

Falling quiet for a moment, she let her eyes drift, staring up at the blank slate of the dark ceiling, "It is only memory, now. I have not been there since I was seven. My… my last few days there, they were not good ones."

Aaquil also gave pause, watching the emotion shift in her gaze carefully. Slowly, he settled back into her and resumed his hold, pouring as much support into the touch as much as he could. "...May this be the why I saw you in the halls, Dear Sadie?"

Blinking, swallowing a tightness in her throat, Mercedes considered the question, but rather than answer, she chose a different avenue, voice softening above a whisper, "Do… Do you believe in omens, Aaquil? Destiny? ...Prophecies?"

His lips pursed in thought. "...I believe that the world we live in is the vastest of thing. And in that vastness, anything is the bound to happen, things that we sometimes cannot the control or predict." He paused again, as if preparing to say more; however he changed his words at last second. "So… yes. I do."

"...My grandmother… she died, when I was a little girl. She raised me, from very early, and she and my uncle were the only family I ever knew. I… I was not ready to let her go, so after she passed, I went back to her home. She… she did not let go, either. She lingered. A ghost. She warned me… told me that… that I was destined to… to suffer much loss. And that I… I would not live to see my thirtieth year."

"I am the so sorry, Dear Sadie. About your grandmother," Aaquil whispered, only his fingers on her arm proving to be far gentler. He brushed stray hairs clear of her face, tucking them behind her ear. "...I am also the sorry that her ghost delivered you such a frightening of the lies. You did not the deserve that."

"You're kind to say so…" Reaching, her fingers curled briefly around his, "But I am not so sure it was a lie. I… I have lost everyone I cared for. My parents… my grandmother, my uncle… S-someone else. And I suppose that is what keeps me awake. Last night… so many of you hurt. I fear it won't be long before… before we are less fortunate."

He squeezed her hand, a silent promise that she wouldn't be without his care and presence for as long as he breathed. "As I the believe in omens, I shall continue to believe that this is a lie," he said, "You may the fear losing more of those you care for but I have no intentions of leaving you or the letting any of these grave things befall you. You are the surrounded by love, Dear Sadie. One ghost can not dictate all of our fates, no?"

With a small ghost of a smile, Mercedes shook her head, "Ah… But you never met my grandmother. She could be quite forceful. But thank you, sweetheart. Life has a way of making ghosts of us all in some way or another. I only wish to live whatever life I have the best I am able. I am not afraid to die… but to lose? That scares me a great deal."

"There is truth to your words," he admitted, a small sigh escaping him. He didn't bother to specify which part of her response was true, but he was already ghosting over the unsavory train of thought. With a gentle huff, the man snuggled into Sadie once more and declared, "Then fear the no more, Dear Sadie." He nuzzled the back of her head. "You shall never lose me, yes? At least this, I can the swear."

Looping her fingers through his, Sadie gave a firm nod, "Yes. Yes, of course… nor should you worry about me, dear heart… I do not intend to give in so easily to any certain fate. I've far too much to live for. And too much to learn. There is a great divide between the world I grew up in and this one. And I have still not experienced so much."

"Good," Aaquil muttered, "Strength is what we all have and the must keep. This is why we are together—we are the strong in our own ways and support one another. And as I said, the world is vast… There is always the more to learn, no?" However, his mood brightened a tad as he gently booped Sadie on the nose. "Although you are very much already the intelligent young woman."

Strength. This was what Uncle Marcus always said would keep… what would hold. In even the worst of circumstances, rely of strength. Back then, she had thought he meant her own strength. It had taken years for Mercedes to understand properly that one could rely on the strength of others, as well.

Wrinkling her nose, she smiled softly, "Too intelligent, I think. I do not indulge nearly enough in frivolous things. I had… what is it called? A snow fight… with Shawn last night. It was surprisingly enjoyable, if not a bit cold. And there are far too many other things I have not enjoyed, that life offers. I focused too long on this job. Far too focused…"

"That sounds like the most joyous of times! I am most glad that you participated in such fun activities with Dear Shawn." Aaquil's eyes glimmered with glee; he almost mistook his eagerness for envy, but knew that he never had the ability to carry such an emotion.

Then, his cheeks puffed somewhat in deep thought. "...If you are willing to consider, I'd be the more than happy to assist you with the enjoyment of life. Do you know how to tango?" he asked.

Chuckling, she nodded, "It was rather spontaneous. He also showed me how to make… ah… what did he call them… snow angels? It was a refreshing ending to a rather disappointing day." Shifting, she looked back at him, a brow raised slightly at his question, "The dance? I do not… I was in ballet as a girl, but I never learned much beyond that."

"Then it is the settled." Aaquil's grin widened with excitement. "I shall the teach you how to tango, just as how my mother taught me. In return, you teach me what you the know of ballet, yes?"

Laughing softly, Mercedes shrugged, "I can certainly try. It had been… a very long time since I have danced. I suppose I… I remember most of it. But I would like that, Aaquil. Very much. I think, sometimes, we ought to be required to take a respite from work… To draw from life, a little, instead of death."

"Yes! I already the know that you will be the best of tango partners," Aaquil gushed, a hint of heat flooding his cheeks from the excitement spilling over. He nuzzled his cheek against the side of her head, defying the impossible and growing even more relaxed than before. "I cannot agree the more, Dear Sadie. Life has the far too much to offer for us to not appreciate it."

"Then let's do that…" Sadie mused, with a small smile, "Appreciate. Enjoy. I'm sorry I've been maudlin. It's not usually like me, but I suppose I am a bit tired." Curling closer, she eased, letting her head drop to his arm, eyes fall closed, "Cannot possibly stay that way with you around though, can I. Thank you, Aaquil. I did not realize how much I needed this…"

"No, you cannot," he chuckled warmly, "And you have no need to the thank me. If anything," He just barely held in a yawn, a shiver of exhaustion racing down his spine, "I should be the thanking you for allowing me to cuddle with you, yes?" His voice wavered with grogginess, a sense of peace finally easing into his body.

Chuckling again, Mercedes shook her head, "I suppose we will just have to accept that we are both thankful and being thanked… and let that be enough." With a small yawn, she closed her eyes entirely, "I am far too tired to try and decipher whatever it is I just said. Don't let me sleep, too long."

"Do not the worry…" Aaquil slurred, his eyes falling closed as well. His mind and body were teetering on the edge, close to falling asunder into the clutches of sleep. With the warmth of Sadie's presence nearby and her company distracting him from previous thoughts, it was only a matter of time for peace to drape over him like a blanket. "I will the… the not l-let… let you slee…" His breathing slowed and leveled out.
"Yes, Nanda. I know. I am well aware. Two weeks… Si, Minha irmã. E seu aniversário será espetacular.. But that isn't why I… Si, Fernanda! Eighteen. Can you tell Mama I called? No. No Nana… I'm fine, doce menina. It was just a rough night and I wanted to hear your voices. Yes. Please. Have her call. I love you, too, irmã. Yes… yes. I know. Bye, Fernanda."

Hanging up his phone with a small sigh, Gus pinched the bridge of his nose. His muscles were still sore from the previous night's damages, and to add insult to injury, quite literally, the alcohol he's consumed had come back with a vengeance. Sporting a headache he knew deserved, he rolled free of his bed and made his way to the adjacent bathroom to shower.

A few minutes later, dresses, shaven and supplied with pain medicine, he made his way down the hall to Shawn's room, giving the door a tap with his knuckles.

Shawn's eyes remained glued to the ceiling, as they had been screwed to for the last hour and a half. Sleep was for the weak it seemed, his muscles recoiling in dull agony in protest to their owner's reckless, idiotic decision. One blink. Adjusting to the new found light seeping into his room. Shawn whimpered a swift groan, propping his weight onto his elbows as he shifted his will to sleep to his will to stagger. Perhaps he should have slept more soundly after his winter expedition with Sadie, but a sharp desire had overcome him. Sure, he had a few hours under his belt but...There was too much to think about, in his head. The injuries of the night previous. Gustavo wasn't even supposed to be out on a mission, and he still got himself in the arms of a risque succubus...the dumb arse. The Wendigo mission and demon adventure didn't seem to end cleanly, either.

He supposed Ro, Ronin, and Mercedes got lucky with their Their little, silly adventure on the quest for a demonic capybara and its dog chimera. Shawn blinked. That couldn't have been real.

A small smile splitting at his features, he groggily cupped the back of his head and stumbled to his feet. Fumbling with his shirt(adorned only in the cutest of Pikachu) and properly settling it over his stomach, he swiped back his mop of hair and cleansed his eyes of the sand of sleep. Dear God. He must have looked like a zombie crawling out of its grave…

A knock.

Shiteeeee. Who could have been checking on him so early in the morning? Surely Bethany didn't need him for a mission right now...he had been on one a few days ago. It wasn't like they needed him to slay a few little green goblins...or a banshee. He grimaced. Those things gave him the freaking willies. Concentrating on the greet, he stumbled, each step heavy and lumbering. Forehead colliding with the door, Shawn slowly turned the knob and thrust the door open, blinking in pleased surprise at the sight of his friend.

"Ya fuckin dumbarse." He grumbled, eyes inspecting his giant of a friend with a skeptical glance. Slowly, he gained the feeling in his arms to pull one arm over his friend's shoulders, tucking him down and pressing his knuckles into his hair. "You can't go one night without a lady, can ya?"

Rubbing the back of his neck, Gus had the good sense to look momentarily sheepish at the accusation, a small sigh escaping as his gaze drifted away from that of his dearest friend, "Don't need to tell me, Irmão… I know that it was dumb. One too many tequila shots and my judgement is… well, no good."

But Gus knew it took more than a few shots of tequila to throw off his judgement that poorly. He'd gone after Ginny because he wanted to keep his mind off of the fact that it had been so long since he'd had a nightly companion. He was losing it… he knew he was…

"How are you feeling, my friend?"

Releasing him after a few moments of irritation, Shawn patted down his hands and raised a brow in his direction. "Even with me there lad you still chugged quite a bit of the devils urine. I don't know why ya submit yourself to such things." Bobbing his shoulders upward, he inspected his friend with a weary eye. "Next time, if ya feeling lonely, just come to my room and I'll get a tub of ice cream for ya. It's not uncommon to feel a little frustrated from time to time…" his expression softened, a hint of a smile threatened to brush across his mouth. It hardened as soon as it had came, his hand drifting over his eyes with an exasperated sigh.

"I barely slept; Lad. Last night really stressed me out. I just pray that Bethany doesn't decide to send our asses on a wild goose chase. Today feels like a lazy day…"

A sigh escaped, and Gus chuckled, raking his hands through his hair to smooth it back from his forehead, "...Don't you worry about my loneliness there, Shawn. Besides… Ice cream would wreck my figure." With a smirk, he shrugged, hands sliding into his pockets, "Dunno that frustration's the right word for it. But it sure sounds less pathetic. At any rate, what's done's done… Moving on, right?"

Looking up, he frowned as Shawn's expression shifted, "...Sorry to hear you did not sleep. I hope you were not worrying over my pitiful self. If I caused you not to rest, Irmão, I am truly sorry."

"Look, as, Irmaro whatever, I need to make sure that you are well cared for. It's in the contract." Awkwardly, Shawn reached out to his adoptive brother's shoulder and gave it a tentative pat. "And that's bull. My figure it fine and I do it on occasion...nothin like a good tub to soothe the soul." Patting his stomach jovially, his demeanor became engulfed in an unstoppable beam. "So don't miss out cause you are worried your form ain't gonna attract the ladies. ain't doin it now. A little desert won't hurt."

"Er, listen lad, I'm gonna tell you now it's better that you express whatever you are feelin. It might effect ya when you work, and no one wants that." Folding his arms across his chest, Shawn inspected the worried expression splayed along his friend's visage. His brows pinched in concern. "Er, lad, don't worry about it. That wasn't the only thing. I saw some of the other injuries was concerning. Not to mention I uh...may or may not have dove into a good foot or two of snow. The cold don't help."

"The ladies love me…" Gus protested, his eyes narrowing slightly, "I have been… uh… trying… to exercise some self control. Last night was something of a… slip on my end, but it has been longer than I really care to admit. Also, you should never try to speak Portuguese..." Rubbing his neck again, he shrugged, and as Shawn continued, he nodded slowly, "I see, I see… It was quite jarring to see all of those beds filled. Bethany will, with hope, put some space between missions…" A brow rose, and a grin cupped his jaw up, as he looked at Shawn again, "...You dove into the snow? ...Why?"

"Oh? Self control? That's not like ya lad! Ya terminal?" Placing the back of his hand to his friend's forehead, he blinked in horrid concerned. "Oi! Warmer than usual lad! It's confirmed, ye be dyin. I will send the funeral services your way and tell your sister that ya loved her." Pinching his brow in confusion, his head tilted. "It ain't me fault I don't speak your language well Lad; who ever invented it didn't take pronunciation into consideration." Grinning sheepishly, he clamped his hand to the back of his neck and gave an awkward shrug. "I hope so too Lad. Um, if you must know, Mercedes invited me to go on a quick stroll to get fresh air. We both needed it. Uh, I proved I was more childish than she was and...made meself a snow angel."

Gus laughed, swatting the hand away from his forehead, "Told Nan that just this morning… but I am not dying if I can help it. Maybe I just… want a change. I have been something of a… what is the word? A playing boy? For too long. Maybe I am wanting something else…" And brow rose higher this time, as Shawn explained his adventure, and slowly, the corner of Gus's lip twitched up, "You went for a walk, did you… Rolled about in the snow. Heh. And you worry I am terminal?"

"You tired of being a playboy lad?" Shawn blinked, color flooding from his cheeks. "Oi uh...who are you and what have you done with Gustavo Aguilar?" Inspecting him from head to toe, Shawn peeked his head around each side of his friend. "Ya an incubus? Demon?" Beaming once more, he shook his head patiently towards his tease. "Mercedes was being a grouch...I needed to be a child again."

Chuckling, Gus shook his head, "You really need to work on knowing how to identify monsters. You are as bad at this as you are Portuguese. I am… Maybe I am a little lonely, Shawn. And these constant stands of one nights they are less than satisfying." A sigh escaped, before he smiled again, "You are always a child, Shawn. But if you need to roll in the snow with Miss Sadie, well… by all means. Don't let me stop you."

"Oi, is that so?" Shawn's demeanor grew solemn for a brief instant, scanning his features with a curious yet intent stare, his lips twitching upwards slightly as he finished his "scan." " are a skinwalker. Bat lineage. And to become killed your brother, uh, Santiago, your mothers favorite." He stifled a chuckle to contain his stoney visage, unable to keep serious as his friends accusation came into light. "Accuse me! I am not still a child...I just enjoy childish tendencies. Which is perfectly normal and healthy…"

"Terrible. Just… terrible." Shaking her head in feigned disappointment, Gus bit back a chuckle, "Everyone knows I am my mother's favorite. And while childish tendencies are normal and healthy, I am not sure rolling in snow is the best way to express them... But yes. Really. I...Do you think, Shawn, that I could ever be worthy of someone truly… Good?"

"I was not rolling...merely spreading my wings and making a glorious exhibition. And pulling Sadie into the madness with me. What can I say? I had a ton of fun...if not snow madness." Rapidly shaking his head at the memory, his head tilted in worry. "Of course lad! Why do you sound so uncertain about such a thing?"

"Oh ho… Pulling Miss Sadie into it, now? Shawn… I am the playboy, not you." Grinning, Gus shook his head, teasingly, "I am glad you had fun. You have been too serious, as of late. You are starting to remind me of Adrian." Making a face, Gus straightened, "And I am uncertain because… well… because I have made many mistakes. And I am not sure if… if she would… Ah. It is not important. I am just rambling. Come! We should go to find breakfast."

"It was completely platonic, lad. I would have done it to you!" Mirroring his expression, Shawn placed his hands defiantly onto his hips and propped himself to the tips of his toes, desperately attempting to match what height he had lost ground upon. "Hmm, I am no Adrian, I can assure you. I have been...restless, I suppose. Incredibly exhausted, but then again, I didn't sleep last night." His shoulders bounced. "I think it may be winter. If I concern ya a little too much, just give me a nudge and I'll be back to tip top shape in a matter of seconds. I can promise you that lad." Erasing any hint of possible emotion(other than radiating his own content), Shawn's brow raised. "Oh? She? You got a crush on a girl already lad? That was quick…"

Accepting this fate, despite the initial confusion, Shawn stepped out into the hall and gave his back a quick stretch. "Lad I think I wanna talk to Bethany at some point today...gently ask that she gives some of us hunters time off after last night. Not that I myself had any hardships...cause I have more common sense than most…"

"Platonic. Mhm. You and I would not wrestle in the snow, my friend. And not just because I hate the snow." With a shake of his head, he chuckled, patting Shawn on the shoulder, "But do not fret. I only tease. You are no Adrian. Your face does not break when you smile!"

Arm falling to his side again, his cheeks reddened at Shawn's suggestion, "A crush? You really are child minded. But it… it is maybe not as quick as it seems. Part… part of why I was perhaps a bit too eager last night… had largely to do with the fact that it… has been too long." Running his hands through his hair, he shrugged, "Maybe not a bad idea… A break. She will have no hunters left if we are all too tired to survive."

"Alright, sexual frustration towards the opposite sex, then? Of one individual lady…" He chuckled, hiding the noise behind the palm of his hand as his shoulders scrunched their defense in case he decided to friendly fire. "Perhaps you should take out your frustration until then by...I do not know, do you like any form of art? Poetry?" Perking up, he patted his chest in pride. "I always enjoy making clay and the such when I am frustrated...stress balls are your best friend." Tapping his temple, he merrily looped around Gus and made his way in front. "I doubt she would not do that. She loves us too much."

"Bah.. it's not…" Rubbing his hands over his face, Gus sighed, "It's not about… sex." And saying that out loud actually send a wave of discomfort into Gus's stomach. He hadn't said it. Not aloud … not until now, but there it was, and it scared him, "...Art? I know many arts… but I do not know. I tried to distract myself last night, and look at where I ended up. I am hopeless, Shawn. What is wrong with me?"

"Not about…" Shawn's demeanor darkened once more, a genuine scowl pinching at his brow. "Skinwalker I demand you tell me where Gustavo is." A cheeky grin pulled at his lips as he bounced his shoulder into his. "You ain't hopeless lad. You are just frustrated. I sense it. You are lonely, probably saw one chick flick and thought damn...I could hug some random lass in the rain." He shrugged. "Ain't nothing wrong with ya lad…"

"Shawn… You…" Chuckling, Gus shook his head. He wanted to let it go. To forget about it… but if there was one thing he could say for his relationship with Shawn, it was that he never kept anything from the man if he didn't have to, and this… whether he wanted to admit it or not, this was something big, "You are missing the point, my friend. It is not that I am lonely… It is that I… There is someone. I do not know what to do with these things I… feel."

"There is someone!" He proclaimed with a beam, swiveling on his foot to get a good glance at his friend. "Oh? Who might that be lad? And why would ya be so scared they wouldn't try and return the affection? Ya know...You ain't a bad lookin man."

A gentle tap from behind broke Shawn out of his thoughts, blinking to see a familiar face rounding behind him and Gustavo. Ricardo Rivera had his hair messily tied back, stray locks occasionally escaping as his hand lazily reached his demeanor to contain a yawn. "Hello, gentlemen. Couldn't help but hear you two in the hallway." Pleasantly, Ricardo held out his hand to the emptiness before him, expecting a confirmation of some sort. Shawn gently grasped his wrist; in which Ricardo responded in turn. "Excellent to have caught up with you, Gustavo. Shawn. I do not know if you are aware; but you are currently needed Gustavo."

"Si… And shh! Keep it down." Gus hissed, but not without a grin, as amusement returned to his eyes, "When I tell you who it is, you will understand my concern well enough, I think. A man of the cloth would have a difficult time deserve Lu--" Another voice interjected suddenly, and Gus lost the color in his cheeks as he turned to find Ricardo headed towards them. Softly, he swore, but it didn't appear that the man had overheard anything. Recovering as well as he was able, Gus nodded, before realizing Ricardo couldn't see the nod, "Am I?"

Using his free hand, Shawn ran his fingers across the creases of his lips to promise the secret would be kept under lock and key. It didn't take a genius to figure out who he had meant, and for a moment a roll graced his eyes. What was it with Gus and trouble? He wanted to laugh, the presence of Ricardo amplifying Shawn's humor towards the confession. Pressing his knuckles to his chest, he bobbed his head once and cleared his throat.

"What is the matter Ricardo?"

"Bethany and Simeon wished to see you." Ricardo claimed, voice gentle and attentive towards the two men. "They say it regards a disappearance and refused to say more than this."

"A disappearance?" Whatever humor or amusement remained in Gus dissolved at those words, a chill rolling through him as he looked to Shawn. He wouldn't leap to conclusions, but any disappearance that warranted a meeting this early in the morning could hardly be a good thing, "Right. Let us go, then." Breakfast and his abysmal lovelife would have to wait...

[Portuguese -
I'm sure your birthday will be wonderful.
Sweet Lady·]
Juniper and Danny
Juniper currently resided in his room as per usual. The shadows lingered within the darkness of his room as a familiar sinister quietness covered the inside and the outside. On the inside the rather closed off male laid on top of the sheets of his bed. His arms bent so both of his hands flanked the two sides of his head as his hair splayed beneath him. Juni was unnaturally calm in his slumber as his breath was slow and very much even. It wasn't often he could be found like this and waking him up would only cause problems.

Everything about the room was pretty much the same with the variety of instruments in the corner and the curtains were the same as always. The only difference was a bag of some kind under his bed, Juniper himself hadn't seen them yet as they appeared while he slept. To sneak into his room was hard as it was always dark meaning he knew when movement was there.

Danielle wasn't sure how to process the news that had been handed down to her by a linage of hunters. Pressumably from Bethany...begot onto that weirdo, er...Buggie? No...he was just a buggie lookin dude...why couldn't he just be buggie? He looked like a buggie...Rook? Yes! Rook...slimy bug. Perhaps from Rook it went down to Ricardo, a columbian flower in full bloom if Danny had ever seen one. The blind spots speckling him only adorned him in a gleam...a decorative shine of, and from Ricardo it went down to Danny, her lazy beams radiating across the hallway as she slugged past her target. Ugh, slug was such a gross word. She didn't like...leave a path of goo did she? That wasn't in her magic description, was it? from the feet was absolutely gross, but like, goo for a shield, or for a little slip in slide. Ugh. She'd kill for that magesty to be bestowed unto her unworthy behind. Yes. She would pray to the god of goo for that immediately. Pink goo...rainb-...

In short, Danny decided slugs were far superior, despite their fat, slimy little bags of slug flesh. Grinning sleepily, Danny slid her boots to a stop, realizing that her destination was approximately two and a half doors down from where she had intended. Slugs ruined everything, it seemed. Pouting, pink cheeks foolishly popped,she swiveled on her heel and approached the door in question. Juni! The old grouch...well, not old. Older than her. And in that retrospect, absolutely ancient. Still a grouch. But she thought she had broken down some of the icey walls he had conjured...just a lot of tapping. Mainly in the nose region.

Pressing her knuckles to his door, she hummed patiently and began to drum her fingers in nonsensical rhythms. "Little goose~ Little...flower! Yeah! You just a big old grouchy flower..up and attem!" A groan and part of a growl seemed to come from the room as Juniper rolled onto his stomach and hugged the pillow. His long hair was slightly tangled and his upper body revealed to the cold air.

"Go away…"

"Juni...pleeease…" She exaggerated with a roll of her tongue, eyes fluttering into the back of her skull as a brief twinge of exhaustion threatened to send waves of nausea through her. Oh, that was no good...that was cooky to say the least. Man, she missed the comfort of her cuddle buddies. Two colorful blankets adorned in cartoon characters...chibi was the style? Yes! That had to have been correct. And such a fun word to say. Chiii. Be. Chibi. She assumed it was due to their chubby cheeks which she desperately wished to squeeze.

Right. Juniper. Meeting. Ricky. She grinned and lazily bumped her fists against the door once more. "Meeting. Super important, dude. Ricardio said so." A grunt came from Juniper as he sat there in silence for a second then begrudgingly got up and made way for the door. His hair swayed slightly in his drowsiness as his large hand grasped the door knob while opening it and looking down at Danny in a rather sinister way.

"I can understand full sentences you know…" A glare that always adorned his face appeared while he continued. "I'm tired."

Beaming rays of cosmic sunshine towards the freshly awoken man, Danny bounced eagerly on the balls of her feet. Clasping her hands behind her back as she lazily swayed, her eyes struggled to remain open with each movement. "Dude, I know you can understand the English language as good as anyone else here. Which is an accomplishment on its's a bunch of garbled syllables, man." Expression lightening, expanding as her brows hopped, she let out a long, dainty yawn that took no consideration into her current appearance. Yes, she was aware she appeared to be silly, and yes, she would fully embrace it in front of her grouch of a friend. "Me too...I could go take a koala nap right now. Those suckers live the good life."

Cracking her neck from side to side, her eyes slowly pried open to inspect the much taller man in front of her. She eagerly(yet with the grace and speed of a full grown sloth) pressed her thumb to the tip of his nose. "Important meeting. Bethany said so~"

"Bethany says a lot of things, and?" Juniper quickly retorted in his shirtless glory while leaning against the door frame. A hand momentarily ran through his hair as he rolled his eyes. "Jij bent gestoord (You are insane)."

"Maybe English is your second lover." She mumbled sleepily, brow raised at his attire. Rather, lack thereof. She would need to cleanse her soul after witnessing the forbidden form. Sounded like a video game boss. Her features scrunched at the thought of Juniper being the long awaited villain in a nintendo game, and for a moment she wanted to giggle. Biting back whatever restraint she had, her shoulders bobbed simply. "Im. Port. Tant. Something about Hiro and his flowery lover, er, Samson's mis…" She paused, dragging her thumb along her forefinger. "Del." A hum was his response for a second while nodding but then realizing something.

"Then who is my first lover?" A brow raised while his arms crossed over that perfect chest of his. Juniper never really put himself out there when it came to possible suitors or lovers or anyone. He just kind of stayed in the corner awkwardly looking away.

"The jumbled garble you just mumbled, little dude." She claimed with a soft giggle, pressing her thumb up to her lips and let out a soft shush. "No worries~ Just...throw on some article of clothing. I think we gotta dress code here...I wonder if its just ones and zeros, would make sense with Bethy…" Her brow pinching, Danny squeezed the bridge of her nose. God. She needed a nap. She had slept fine, yet a pinch throbbed miserably at the back of her head. Ah...Fun times. Her body was supposed to help her, but she guessed it had a spiteful backfire to Danny's soul taking habitance. Screw you too, bag of flesh and red gooey gunk.

"Come on...please? I uh, won't bug ya for a, a week is weak...two. Two weak weeks."

"Weak weeks… I think I'd die without you." He spoke sarcastically while letting her into his room. He grabbed a shirt from within the dressed while throwing it on and sat on the bed to tie his boots. The gold hoops he usually wore also found their familiar place on his ears. Everything would have gone without a hitch had Juniper not noticed the bag of kit kats under his bed. His eyes narrowed for a moment before immediately getting up and dragging Danny behind him. "I have to do something first."

"You'd drop dead. Swarms of flies. Ew." Danny's nose scrunched in disgust, turning her head respectfully as he got ready to start the day. Her own fingers dug at her sleeves to tug them back over her shoulders, flabbergasted as to why she had to dress at all today. But she supposed if it made Bethany and Ricardo happy, then she would tug layers and layers over her form. Only if she could go back to bed when it was all over…

"Huh?" she mumbled lazily as he took hold, her head drooping back as her heels slid against the tile. "What? Let's just go Juni. I gotta date soon." With her pillows. Make that a double date with her bed and coloring book. His eyes glanced at her over his shoulder in complete seriousness. Juniper usually never had this look… A look of worry and confusion.

"Just come on." He snapped while pulling her along with her toward Hiro's room.

"Kay.' She mumbled in relent, chin resting against her chest as she fumbled behind him. She slowly wriggled her wrist from his grasp, rubbing her fingers along her palm. "The briefing room thatta way." She jammed her thumb in the opposite direction, only to blank for moments on end as to the direction he was going. It was someone's room. It was for certain someone's room. Who she couldn't quite recall, the edges of her vision blurring as another loud, ground shattering yawn escaped her. "Whatcaaaa doing?" The shadow of Juniper's figure disappeared before returning momentarily as his face just got more serious.

"I'm checking something…" He opened the door without knocking and immediately flicked on the bright lights much to his annoyance. Juni checked the whole room but found it more empty than his relationship status. "This is Hiro's room… but everything is gone." Juniper tended not to care about anyone but this seemed to upset him in some way. Nothing was in the room. Not even dust. He had been here multiple times and there was always stuff here that belonged to Hiro. It was like a perfect hotel room that people got when first staying the night. A pause of silence filled the air momentarily. Juniper flicked the lights off as the shadows around him flickered again and to undead dogs appeared. They were oddly alive looking but both held shotgun wounds in the head. "Raksha… Isabelle… I'm going to need you soon." The both of them barked in excitement while flanking Juni's sides.

"Checking something? But Hiro is looooong gone." She plopped her chin into the palms of her hands, observing the inner workings of Hirokis room. It reminded her of when she first moved in, the room glinting with a newly cleaned shine. It was pleasant to observe, but a small chill climbed down her spinal column. "Juni lets just go…" she mumbled, placing her palm flat down on one of the deceased hounds as they appeared next to her. "Good puppy. Good puppy." Stifling a yawn, she let her eyes droop down and her forehead met the hallway wall. "You aren't gonna find anything Juni bird. He wiped it cleeean."

"As good as Hiro is a scent is a scent and not even he can erase it. It'd take hours to wipe his scent trail." Juniper was a hunter of monsters and of animals. He specialized in the field. He turned out the door and headed to where Bethany expected them to meet, obviously about Hiro and Daliah. His hair swayed behind him a bit too menacingly as his demeanor got a lot more serious that usual, a seriousness that meant he'd be prepared to beat someone's ass if it came down to it.

"Or you know. Bleach." Danny cooed with a chuckle, not certain if they had covered all their tracks if this were the case. It didn't matter. She had a sinking feeling they were long gone...Noting that he had taken a turn, Danny lumbered behind him down the hallway towards the briefing room. Hopefully Bethany would be happy with her work! Danny loved seeing mama bear happy. She gave the best hugs too. Even if Danny clung like a baby lemur.

"Are you suggesting he rubbed the air of his scent on every inch of the guild?" Juniper entered the room without knocking and with Danny in tow.

Danny grinned, sleepily. "No doubt in my mind."

"Right." He sneered in response.
Dia Dulce, Collab @Mobley Eats, Trigger


Warmth flooded the Lucia Rivera's awakening form as hope blossomed for the day ahead. Having transformed her groggy intentions into cheery inspiration through weeks and weeks of training, internal protests, Lucia had finally managed a more positive outlook of being thrusted from dreams of cuddling harmless chimeras. Thus, as her eyes fluttered open, a new outlook expanding across her demeanor, despite the dull pulsation that broke through her muscles. Shifting her elbows towards her sides, she pushed herself up and brought her knuckles up to her eyes. She wasn't sure how long she had slept, but regardless of how much time had passed rejuvenation bubbled jovially in her chest. What a good morning to start on! She was grateful for the decreased flare in her shoulder, despite the continuous heart beat that threatened to crackle sparks through her nerves. Puffing her chest out in a stretch, a brief grimace flashed along her features.

"Ricky, hermano? Sigues aqui?" She called out in a hushed exclamation, taking into consideration her sleeping mother beside her. Yet, much to her surprise, Ricardo did not call out to greet his sister. Her brow pinched. He would not have gone to his room until he knew that his patients decided to return, so she figured that he must have been pulled aside for something or else. Color drained from her once rosy cheeks, only to erupt once more as she bounced to her other side, resting her knees to her chest and facing Trigger. "Madre dulce?" She whispered softly, poking triggers shoulder with the mere tip of her thumb. "estás vivo?"

Trigger had been slumbering peacefully in her chair. If she was anything, she was a woman of her word, so she stuck true to her promise of remaining by Lucy's side the entire night. Besides, she had to sleep in much more uncomfortable circumstances than this. This was fine. All was fine.

Until her shoulder was poked.

Instincts clawed violently to the surface, ripping her eyes open with a sharp intake of breath. In the span of one second, she had lurched forward, yanked a gun free of her hip holster, and aimed it between the eyes of--

Trigger froze.

"Oh… Sh-shit, lass," she breathed while hastily lowering the gun, expression pale and clammy. She ran a hand down her face while trying to catch her breath and center herself. Christ. Fuck. Goddammit. "Sorry about that. Sorry. I… Sorry."

A flash of metal overcame the sight of her mother before her, a gentle blink gracing Lucia's features as her eyes crossed to greet the weapon. Wide and nearly comical, Lucia purposely puffed her cheeks to further boast the false concern. "My apologies, mama!" Slowly letting a giggle escape her as the weapon was lowered from her demeanor. "I did not mean to startle!" Noting her mother's reaction almost instantaneously, Lucia's hand gently curled around Trigger's wrist to soothingly trace her thumb along her skin.

"Do not apologize! It is my own fault. You were resting peacefully and I committed the gravest sin of them all." Releasing her, Lucia clasped her hands in front of her patiently with a bright beam. "You look heavenly this morning, mama! Ready to start the day, fully loaded and ready. A good attribute in any hunter." Stepping back from her seat to plop down onto the hospital cot, she crossed her legs and balanced her hands on her knees. She bounced excitedly, although kept the velocity to a discreet pace. "I hope I did not inconvenience you with such a stiff environment to sleep...You were happily warm, at the very least?" Her head tilted to the side in concern, not unlike an observant puppy.

If Trigger was being perfectly honest with herself, she hadn't heard much of Lucy's reply, not with the lingering panic and guilt filling her ears like cotton. At the very least, her eyes still worked and they told her that her kid didn't seem hurt or betrayed. She had acted like usual, had taken her slip up in stride. Dammit… Trigger didn't deserve her kindness. Just didn't deserve her at all.

Regardless, the woman swallowed back as much emotion as she could and nodded, having pieced together enough chopped syllables of Lucy's response. "R… Ready as I'll ever be, lass. And I slept fine. Just…" She shook her head, forcing a grin. "It was fine." She stood up, holstering her gun once more and briefly stretching, eyes scouring their surroundings on pure instinct. There was no reason for it. She knew there wasn't. But she did it anyways.

"What'd you poke me for, lass?" she asked.

"You sure you are alright, mama?" Color draining from her features, she brought her knees to her chest and observed her cautiously. "I only tried to wake you up to check in...I suppose it was foolish. Everything appears to be alright! My brother has seemed to do you say, vanished?" Bouncing her shoulders eagerly, she slowly poked her foot out to poke at her knee, ever cautious of her personal space now. "You can go back to sleep! I just...wanted to check on you. Call it a nerve." Huddling back into herself, she kept herself beaming towards her mother. "Are you still sore from last night? Do you need to be tended to?"

Questions streaming from her, she caught note of tone and quickly straightened her spine, keeping herself up right and jovial. "Um, regardless, I wish to never cause you such distress again."

Trigger's guilt only doubled as she took note of the lack of color in Lucy's cheeks. Dammit… She had really screwed up just now. If she could, she'd gladly punt kick her instincts and paranoid square in the chin. However, she couldn't, so she settled on doing the next best thing.

The woman grinned as a foot nudged her, giving it a gently nudge back with her knee before leaning forward to push back Lucy's curls and peck her forehead. "No worries, lass. I'm just a light sleeper is all. Twitch in my sleep, aye?" She straightened her posture the same way Lucy did, slapping on as much of a confident air as could with perpetual disinterest radiating from her being. "I'm just fine and I've slept damn good knowing that you did too," Trigger said.

Feeling the gentle nudge to her foot, Lucia happily slumped into her mother's affection, her eyes fluttering close in content as a hum escaped her. She had not meant to react in such a way, but the moment she had been offered such affection her shields of social cues appeared to have been demolished, ruins in its wake. "I would hope you had a small twitch in your sleep...means you are dreaming good things." She claimed with a jovial beam, of eyes bright as they opened once more. She placed her hands in her lap, swinging her legs back and forth. "I am glad, mama. Last night was a tricky fix, yes? But you did so wonderful, and I am so proud." Propping her feet to the floor, she pushed herself to stand and wobbled briefly as gravity wished to strike her down.

"Do you wish to lay for a few more minutes? I do not wish for the bed to have been claimed fully by do the Americans say… butt of laziness."

"Twitching…" As if by some playful trick of fate, her lips did indeed twitch, just barely holding back a widening of her smile. "I'm not a pup, lass… But I really don't dream much. It's a tad boring up here, aye?" She tapped her temple. At Lucy's praise, Trigger just expelled another chuckle, somewhat eased by the usual jubilance radiating from her like an undying furnace of purity. Well… the kind of purity that made her want to hug the smaller woman, though the ex-mercenary would struggle to admit it out loud. "Damn tricky… but we won't let a creature get the jump on us again like that. I swear it."

However, she tensed a bit as Lucy swayed on her feet. She tried to shoot up and simply lay a supporting hand on the woman's arm and yet, her focus was so honed on that goal that she failed to keep Lucy's feet in mind. A brief yet sharp sensation shot up Trigger's leg, originating from her foot as her own came down upon it.

There was little reaction. A widening of the eyes and a clench of the jaw, just barely biting back an infant of a groan. Otherwise, she refused to reveal any discomfort and muttered in a semi-strained tone, "Don't go falling on me, lass."

"Oh! I can't imagine anything that's in your head would be boring. You are such an insanely bright woman." Crossing her arms along her chest to cradle her shoulders, she merrily gave a smile at her promise. "I believe you mama. Together we make a good team, yes? I do not think there is a monster out there who could smite you!" The slight stumble in Lucia's stance did not distract her from the caring attentiveness of her adoptive mother, bright color radiating from her demeanor.

Lucia barely noticed her heel sinking into Trigger, a quick shift of her feet back onto the floorboard solving all possible conundrums. "I would never mama! I don't think I would crush you but I do not wish to risk it…"

"Is this a bad time?" A gentle voice greeted from the other side of the room, a tap of a cane joining in the choir of noise.

Luckily, whatever pain had shot up Trigger's leg was momentary and had dwindled down to a throb that was easy to ignore. The strain ebbed away from her visage and she gave a light shrug in response. "You wouldn't crush me, lass. You've literally tackled me with enough hugs to prove that, aye?"

At the entrance of a new voice, Trigger turned around curiously but instantly knew it was Ricardio from the cane taps. She nodded in greeting, before internally smacking herself and muttering, "Not at all, lad. You need something from us?" she asked.

"And I will tackle you with several more! Only if you consent, of course. I would not wish to embrace you without your mutual is no fun that way. As much as I enjoy the "sneak attack." Maneuver…" Her voice dwindled with the familiar knocks and taps against the hard wooden floor, swiveling on her heel in pure content as her brother made himself present before them. Balancing weight into one foot, Lucia pushed off the ground and charged towards her surviving family member, looping her arms around the weary man and nearly tackling him into the cot beside them. A surprised groan escaped him as her weight was thrust into him, but without complaint he recovered and pressed a hand to the top of her crown.

" spine, please." Sliding his hand down towards her patched up wound, a grimace bestowed itself upon its features. His fingers barely hovered over the gauze. "You are well?"

"Never better!" Releasing the man, Lucia bounced back with a pleasant smile and gave her brother a quick look over. He did not beam as radiant as the young woman would hope for; but a healthy glow pulsed from his scar ridden cheeks. "What is the matter, dear?"

"I...relieved to say the least." Pressing his knuckles to his throat, Ricardo swallowed. "I believe you are both needed for a briefing. It regards teammates you had fought with the night before. I do not know much more than that. Are you both well enough to leave?"

"Yes please! It is much too stingy in here…" to prove her point, Lucia's nose scrunched. "Is everything alright; Ricky?"

"I do not believe that is my place to say or know for now. Take the time you need but...please come when you can."

Trigger's brow pinched. "A briefing…" As far as she was concerned, there wasn't much that she could deduct as a top calling for a briefing. Yes, they had apprehended a modified Wendigo and gained some questions in the process, but nothing to such a degree demanding a group meeting. Regardless, she'd rather figure out what was going on rather than dancing around her own thoughts. "We'll be there soon, lad."

With an appreciative nod, Ricardo drummed his palm against his sister's head before tapping his cane against the wooden tile, moving back towards the exit. He tipped his glasses briefly in a farewell to his sister, leaving her more deflated than she had been when he first entered. "That is weird for certain! Well, let us go discover what they have in store, yes?"

It couldn't have been anything major. Lucia was certain of this.
Bethany Fuller

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Simeon's fingers lingered a moment too short along her shoulder. The squeeze was a welcomed and warranted comfort, but the moment the office door flung open, any signature of affection was tucked neatly away. Bethany never did open her mouth to complain, her main concern glued to the employees ahead. First to enter were Grayson and Adrian, bedheads wildly sprung about their heads with a dull demeanor stretched across each of their faces. Jian and Mina were soon in tow after them, Bethany granting a simple yet weary smile to each of the members as they shuffled into their appropriate places. Her grip on Morgan lightened as she tucked the child's head into the nook of her shoulder, the baby's snores tussling against the collar of Bethany's shirt. Simeon's hand would soon slide back into its rightful place by Bethany's shoulder, the gentle attentiveness of the father accompanied by a tentative cup of his daughters head.

"As attractive as you are tense...relax, honey." Simeon's voice flowed, a gracious waterfall after a year long drought. Without her full permission, her shoulders slumped and her head came to meet his wrist. A nearly invisible, undetectable ruffle of her hair afflicted her form, the action causing a ghost of a smile to appear on her lips. Soon, Selene and Kook, Juniper and Danny, Gustavo and Shawn...Aaquil and Sadie, Ro and Ronin, Lucia and Trigger...

That had to have been everyone, right? The group appeared to be a lot smaller than usual...even without the presence of Delilah and Hiroki. A churning splash of acid plagued her stomach and with a nervous exhale, she stifled it down by pressing a kiss into her slumbering child's head. It was remarkable how quiet Morgan was when she had to be...but they again, she did tire herself out in the endless nights...Endless. Cautious not to even breathe a chuckle in fear of the dastardly consequences that surely awaited her, Bethany shifted in her seat to prop herself forward.

"Good morning, and I am sorry that we had you wake up so soon...We know that last night was difficult for many of you..." Her eyes flickered between Trigger and Lucia, over to Adrian, Grayson and Mina, and then one final glimpse over at Gustavo and Shawn, forcing herself to bite down a poorly timed chuckle. Bethany shouldn't have found her thoughts humorous, considering the matter at hand, but still, there was the smallest tint of a guilty smile at the corners of her mouth.

"It was not our intention to cause such disarray." Simeon continued, voice quiet and tentative, fully aware of his wife's control in the business ahead. The ghost of his touch lingered briefly, a tempting sensation to drawl Bethany away again. "There are pressing matters to attend to, however, and we are working as quickly as we can to solve any problems that might arise..."

"It has come to our attention that our...our friends here at the guild, Delilah and Hiroki, have seemed to have vanished into thin air over night. We have hoped no other pressing...rumors of such a disappearance have made ways..."

"Disappeared?" A sudden ripple of noise erupted from Grayson Williams across the way, once cheery and red face encased in confusion. "What? You don't think like, they ran off into the woods or somethin? Del and Hiro seemed to into sort of does one..."

"Not like that, mister Williams." Simeon interrupted the young man with a patient wave of his hand, once again directing his line of sight to his wife. "We would have been far more aware had it been simply a nighttime walk, but, as we have said, we have not drawn any conclusions as of yet, and neither should any of you."

"We believe it is a situation that will be solved with time. We are not aware as to where they may have went, or what may have occurred to have encouraged such a disappearance. We do not believe either of our friends are danger at the moment. We do not wish for any of you to engage with this at the current moment, and we promise to fill you in as more information comes in. We wished to inform you of this before word could possibly spread. Yes. At the moment, Hiroki and Delilah are not present. We do not believe this to be a major emergency. Do not actively conduct any searches, we do not wish for false information to be spread around. However! If they do happen to reach out to you, please let us know immediately. If anything, this is a simple misunderstanding and by the next few days, they will file back in. It is entirely possible that the missions that were conducted yesterday put them under a heavy amount of strain...perhaps more so than usual. I have had my fair share of days in where I would have preferred to have escaped for a little while..."

"With that being said..." Simeon lulled gently, an expression of tranquility coating his features. "While our friends are gone, business remains as usual. A bizarre and rash amount of monsters have been popping up over the country the last few months, and more and more reports have begun to flood in. As many of you know, missions do not tend to be done on consecutive days, but, with the sudden flurry of requests and reports, we ask that a few be taken into consideration today. Hiroki and Delilah's safe return are, of course, the guild's top priority. However, as it stands, we believe there is not enough information at hand to truly have hunters handle the situation. For the meantime, Bethany and I will man the station for determining their exact location. Selene Montgomery, Emily de Saint-Montpellier, Ricardo Rivera, Talat, Dondi Yilmaz, Shawn McConnell, Ronin Isaacson and Danielle McCarthy are to report to the office in a few hours for a briefing on a population solution. if there are any concerns, or perhaps last words Delilah and Hiroki may have said to you, please let us know. For the meantime, it is business as usual, and as you exit we will be sure to provide you with possible hunts for the next few days. You may take as much time as you wish to prepare, or if you are truly in need of a day, you may decline and report to your room for proper rest."

Once Simeon's voice subsided, any anxiety that bundled at bethany's shoulders simmered away. Their situation, while not pleasant or easily solved, did seem to be organized for the time being. She did not wish to install panic into her hunters' hearts, but she knew that there needed to be clarification. Truth, but not the entire truth. "Please do take your time to rest before you acknowledge the next few hunts. And...if there are any concerns, do let us know. We know this does sound concerning, but we wish to let you know that whatever is happening is being handled with the upmost care."

I pray to God we did this right. Oh, God. They needed to know. They will be back here in no time...everything is perfectly fine.

Everything is just fine.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Mobley Eats
"Well? Um, I don't know what exactly to tell you, Delilah, I wasn't expecting him to come anyway. I wasn't expecting him to even give us much of a look after we decided to bolt..." A flash of red danced across Hiroki's vision, Delilah before him wringing out her freshly cut locks, a pout decorating her lips as the realization of what she had once considered an accomplishment was now scattered at the bathroom floor below. God bless the Portland Mariott. Despite the groans that first escaped Delilah when she had saw the cost for a room for the night, it was well worth the expense.

"He's gonna come. He knows the protocol if something went wrong. Just...didn't think that it would." Delilah's fingers combed through the mess that cascaded to her chin, a gentle hum of disappointment crawling along her throat as her eyes flickered towards the dye. At least Hiroki always thought she could be cute as a blonde...

"Just sayin. We at least did as he told us to do. Got rid of that fuckin corpse. Thank God. It was starting to give me the creeps." Hiroki's shadow paced back and forth between the sliver of the bathroom door, tempo changing with each lap around the room. "Im glad we left the Jeep back as well...Christ. Was it really necessary to leave, Del? I trust you to hell and back but...I don't think anyone was onto us...I don't think anyone could have possibly been a concern towards what we were doing."

"Phillip told us to leave. We do as he tells us, alright?" Deflating in her defeat, Delilah placed the bottle of dye back to the sink and rested her head wearily against the marble. "Besides, that fucking Wendigo was...was sort of the signal that things weren't going well..."

"What do you think caused that, anyway?"

"Probably the witches. They've been real pains in the asses when it comes to trying to do what we need to. Didn't Bethany say they had been experimenting like crazy recently?"

"That's up her alley, not mine."

"Was there anything weird about that demon? Something off?"

"Just...wasn't a normal exorcism. It was medium difficulty which...A college student shouldn't have been able to summon that, Delilah. Something's off. And you are right. It's fuckin with us royally." Hiroki's sigh sent a shudder through Delilah's spine. She could hear he was as frustrated as she was. This wasn't supposed to happen. And if it was. If it truly was, Delilah shouldn't have felt fear about it. No. But Phillip knew something was off. That's why he contacted her. Something about the witches and the medium difficulty demons. Phillip knew it was time for them to leave. To finish what they could. Broken Beast guild wasn't safe. Someone was on to them, and Delilah was not going to let this chance slip away from her. If it meant she had to let go of people of importance to her, if just for a little while while things stabilized...

"Red? Tam?" A familiar voice drawled on the other side of the hotel room, his shadow soon gathering beside Hiroki's in the main space. It was unlike Phillip to even consider being awake at this ungodly hour, nearly four a.m in the morning, but Delilah was beyond relieved to hear his voice. Beyond relieved to know that her contact was here. Was ready to bring them back to the task at hand. Delilah's hand reached the knob, slowly twisting it open to gain a view of her friend. No words could describe the relief that tumbled down her shoulders. "Ah...Man, I can't lie to you dear. You look exhausted." His figure approached her, slow, graceful, a gentle smile at his lips. A hand was placed gingerly to her cheek, his forehead meeting hers as warmth spread through her in relief. "Sorry I'm late."
  • Spicy
Reactions: Mobley Eats
Juniper Steele
"Hiroki is gone." Juniper growled while entering the room with Isabelle and Raksha following behind him excitedly. For someone so cold and guarded his dogs were awfully happy to see everyone. They visited Bethany then Gus then Aaquil then Trigger and continued until everyone had been visited, but they stopped to stay with Simon. "His room is completely clean." He didn't really bother paying anyone else mind while looking directly at Bethany and Simeon. Juni leaned against the wall as he did so.

The two dogs ran circles around Simon for fun while yapping in excitement. Each had a bullet wound between the eyes that oozed creepily with blood. To put a species to each dog would most likely be Kangal Shepard Dogs, who knows how Juniper found them. They would probably be as tall as Juniper, or taller as they already reached to his waist, if they stood on their hind legs.

"We need to find them. Now." His voice was stern as he glared and crossed his arms. Juniper could be a bit demanding and... bratty when it came to Bethany and Simeon as they were in some way, shape, or form his adoptive parents. Truth be told they were the reason he was in the guild and some part of him was grateful but also resentful. He definitely didn't hunt down creatures for the hell of it otherwise he'd be hunting all the time.

Mina Panja
Mina had been waken by Gray, who had helped her sleep and stayed with her. She groaned and fought it for a couple of seconds before getting up, hanging off of Gray the entire time they walked to the meeting room. Her brown eyes, mostly brain, barely even registered the time of things they passed before entering into the group of people.

Once inside she leaned against Gray and him against Adrian and Adrian against Selene. They were all utterly exhausted by the last mission but at least a week of sleep should fix that, except they'd only get about a day before being shipped off to another.
Last edited by a moderator:
Trigger | Location: Guild Meeting | Interactions: Simeon, Bethany @KatSea & Juni @Kyatto

Trigger's brow furrowed the moment three words hit her ears in rapid succession: Delilah, Hiroki, and Disappearance.

...Well fuck.

This wasn't exactly the development she expected when Ricardo summoned her and Lucy to the conference room. Not by a long shot, and the woman usually didn't have a problem with those. Wow, Brigid, you pick now to crack horrible puns? Focus, lass. Biting back the urge to kick herself or roll her eyes, she honed in on the voices unleashing around her like the crashing waves of an ocean storm. Obviously, fucking of course, this wasn't good news at all. But above all of that, it was damn fishy.

No searches. No action could be taken... Trigger's muscles coiled tightly, expression a deadly cacophony of blank plastic. That would be a damn hard order to follow. She was good at that, following instructions, sticking true to the plan and objective at hand, she really was... but she was even better at looking out for her teammates. Nothing about this sat right in her gut.

"Hiroki is gone." Ah... the voice of her most loved guild member. Great. "We need to find them. Now." And there went the famous little growl. Gods, this lad grated on her nerves without even trying--it was like a natural born talent of his. Kids these days...

Allowing a few moments of silence to hang in the air after Juni's comment, Trigger merely raised a hand to indicate that she had thoughts to share, before saying calmly, "I know we're not all fluent in Brat Speak, so I'll clarify for everyone... If you ever need further assistance with Delilah and Hiroki's disappearance, don't hesitate to come to us. We may seem wiped out from previous missions and bit... emotionally attached, but we're professionals." A quick look cut Juni's way. "Even if some of us don't act that way, aye."

Having said her peace, she folded her fingers atop the table, eyes shifting about the room and ears tuned in to anything to gathered party had to say on the matter.
Aaquil | Location: Guild Meeting | Interactions: Kook

"W... W-what? Our dear Delilah and Hiroki have...?" Aaquil's breath caught in his lungs, as if the organs had suddenly solidified into twin icebergs. The weight of them nearly dragged him to his knees. No, through the floorboards. The Argentinian curled fingers into his top, fabric bunching around the pounding of his heart, as he fought fruitlessly against the questions racing through his skull. What became of them? Why did they leave? Were they in trouble? With whom? Were they physically harmed? Were they eating well?

Would they ever come back?

And yet, he couldn't voice a single one of these inquiries. "Oh dear... O-oh dear... Oh no, no, no, no, no please no..." Each inhale was the equivalent of swallowing down a flaming dagger, before chasing it with twelve pounds of vodka. It burned. It spiritually burned. And it felt as if the sensation had migrated to his eyes, wet and sore with the effort of keeping himself together. He was calm. He was centered. He didn't lose anyone. Not again. They were fine. They had to be.

Forcing the oxygen within him to cool and assuage the poison in his veins, Aaquil slowly pulled back to reality, catching the tail end of something that Trigger said. Perhaps there was an angry comment beforehand? He couldn't quite tell. It was all a conglomerate of sensory fuzz. He swallowed, the motion like sandpaper against his throat. "Y... Y-yes. The missions. I must... We must d-do our part. A safer world for dear Delilah and dear Hiroki is... th-the most of what we can do, yes?" Some breed of normalcy returned to his voice the more he spoke, though it was nowhere near the level he desired. He tried to shake off the last of his battered nerves, nails biting silently into the harsh material of the table.

"G... Guh?" Kook's confused response came from Aaquil's right. The masked man was perched in his seat, but unlike a human. His feet were in the seat, kneeling like a giant bird; internally, Aaquil wondered how the man was able to maintain balance in a wheel chair, but was too emotionally drained to delve too far into the thought. After another beat of confusion, a string of cackles escaped Kook, but they shook with an underlying anxiety. Worry. His gloved fingers drummed against his knees, the laughter dying far quicker than usual, until it was just a chatter of deep contemplation. "W... Where..." he whispered under his breath, raspy and gruff.

Again, Aaquil couldn't find the strength within him to be surprised. He'd never heard Kook utter a comprehensible word until now. "I... very much the wish to know the same thing, dear Kook," he sighed gently.

Kook just uttered another "Geh" in agreement, his form curling even further in unease.
Ro, Mercedes & Gus

The fight had left Ro feeling achy and exhausted, but there was a strange sense of accomplishment, as well. She hadn't won. Not really. But the very fact that she had held her own against Ronin gave her a pride she couldn't escape. The meeting, though, sudden and unexpected, had taken a lot of that air from beneath her, and as they waited for Simon and Bethany's announcement, a strong weight of nerves curled around her shoulders like a stole. Hanging close by the taller man, she listened to their fearless leaders as the words settled in, her stomach twisting beneath the words.


Hiro and Del? But...

Several voices interjected, filling the room with a cacophony of sound, even as Bethany tried to tell them that no efforts were to be made at the moment to find their friends. In truth, Ro couldn't rightly blame her friends for their protests and concerns, as it all sank in, questions filling her mind with dread. Why did they leave? What could possibly have happened? Were they alright? Would they be back? Was it something to do with the missions... or was it something else? Something worse? Did they have any answers, or were Beth and Simon in just as much the dark as the rest of them? Or was that why they didn't want anyone investigating?

Looking over to Aaquil, as he spoke, a frown crossed Ro's lips and looking up to Ronin, she shook her head, discontentment etched across her features, "We should be doing more..." She whispered, the corners of her lips turning deeper, "...They would, if it were us... They'd never just leave us out there, alone."

A gentle hand rest on her arm, on the crook of her elbow, as Mercedes nodded, with a reassuring smile, tight, tense, but warm. She, like the others, had her worries, but ultimately, they needed to trust those in charge. It was the name of the game to expect one's leaders to lead... and that was exactly what Bethany and Simon were doing, "I'm sure they have a reason for wanting our focus elsewhere, and I do not imagine they would allow any harm to come to Delilah or Hiroki. Just because we aren't pursuing this, doesn't mean no one is. Our services..." Her eyes briefly glinted towards Juniper, "Are needed, doing what it is we are trained to do, and I have no doubt in my mind this will all resolve itself within time."

"Miss Sadie is correct, I think." Gustavo interrupted, clapping a palm on the space between Shawn's shoulder blades. His friend, he knew, was close with Delilah and Hiro - probably more than most, even, and undoubtedly, all of this came as something of a shock to the Irishman, "If they left, it is, no question, for reasons of importance, and we should get on with work, until it is time that they should return."

Removing herself from Ronin's side, Europa moved to Aaquil's, and reaching out, gingerly cupped her hand over his, looking up at the Argentinian with a nod, managing a bright, if not weary smile, "...Del and Hiro? They're some of the best of us... Can't imagine they'd go anywhere without knowin' what they were doin'. They're gonna be okay, sweetie."
  • Sweet
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