BBtard fiddles with code

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Original poster
Laughing at your own mistakes can lengthen your life, laughing at Asinis' mistakes can bloody well fucking shorten it.


A Black History
(Important Context)​

  • Into The Void
    Thanks to enormous leaps forward in the fields of nanotechnology, quantum computing and Genetics, humanity had steered themselves away from a terrible abyss, and up into the void; united under the newly formed Terran Federation, mankind looked to the stars.

    Due to limitations in first generation EM drives, Federation ships could travel a maximum distance of just one hundred light years. It was a fantastic achievement, but only a single world with a breathable atmosphere had ever been detected within that distance: Gaia. Green, stable, water rich, and deadly. At 4.7 times earth's gravity, Gaia was too heavy, No human heart could pump blood to the brain under that kind of weight .

    Instead of waiting for what may have been centuries for advances in Em-drives, humanity instead decided to remove the heavy restrictions imposed upon Genetic modification and high-yield cloning. The first generation of purpose bred colonists, Forty thousand men and women, were grown in just three weeks. Designed for a heavy world, the colonists would have their bone density, heart size, and muscle mass altered. Gene therapists took this opportunity to alter lesser understood genes, irrelevant to the mission, these were genes governing cognition, intelligence, logic, memory and longevity.

    The project would be considered humanities greatest achievement until just after the start of war, when it would be considered their worst blunder. Barely a year after the colonists landed on the Gaian surface, the side effects of psychological tampering began to manifest within 80% of the Colonists. Thirty-two thousand of the most intelligent humans alive had developed psychopathy, paranoid delusions, and explosively unpredictable, and violent impulses.

    It wasn't long until a bitter resentment fermented against the Federation; the genetically inferior apes who'd sent them into exile. The eight thousand colonists who'd remained loyal to the Federation were rounded up and given a choice: Death or servitude. Six thousand would choose to live and fabricate the machines of war.

    The Federation would often send courier ships into Gaia's orbit, but the surface was a no go for regular humans Impending conflict was easy to conceal behind the planets gravity. It would have remained concealed had it not been for an intelligence leak. For five years, a lone slave had been slipping information to the regular Terran courier ships. Earth would be ready for The Exiled.

  • Exiled
    The twisted majority of colonist who'd returned to Earth aboard ships of war, would forever bear the name of 'Exiled'

    The assault on Earth was not entirely successful. The Exiled navy stumbled into an ambush, planned by an enemy who, contrary to recent assumption, was armed and prepared. Yet even with the initiative on the Federation's side, a complete victory slipped through their fingers. Two Exiled ships escaped obliteration and managed to complete their separate contingency plans. One, a damaged Cruiser, limped towards earth, the other, a destroyer, ran home to warn Gaia.

    Confident in the Earth orbitals ability handle a single damaged cruiser, the TFN decided to plot an intercept path for the destroyer. The Admiral of the TFN fleet had no idea just how far Gaian tech had advanced in the last three decades. The TFN never had a chance of catching the Exiled ship before it warned Gaia.

    The Captain of the exiled cruiser, ignored by the entire TFN when they left for Gaia, had set a collision course for earth. Thanks to a slight reduction in jamming capabilities, courtesy of recent battle damage, the orbitals manged to score a single,velocity-dampening blow. Slowed but not stopped, the cruiser still hit the Earth with enough force to claim two billion lives. Unaware of the catastrophe behind them, the Federation ships arrived in Gaian orbit twelve hours after the Exiled population had fled Gaia into space/.

    The TFN soon began to receive faint emergency signals, almost two thousand of them, in an area of space one million kilometres from Gaia. Escaped pods. The Gaians who'd remained loyal to the Federation, were stuffed inside pods and ejected into space. With the fragments gathered from colonists whose mental states ranged from hysterical, to almost catatonic, the TFN began to piece together the grim fate of the four thousand missing Gaians. The Exiled had simply removed, seemingly at random, a transponder from just over four thousand of the six thousand pods. No sensor could find something that small without such crucial piece of equipment. The TFN had no hope of finding them.

    Rather than break an already tormented and broken people, this final act of cruelty had solidified them in their determination to eradicate The Exiled threat. Over the next fifty years, after the construction of orbital facilities, Gaian orbit would become home to the TFNs largest forward operating base. On Gaias surface, thanks to adjustments in mental acuity, about 90% of Gaians would become involved in R&D, themselves responsible for the newest generation of TFN ships. The rest would populate various combat roles within the TFN itself; roles such as the heavily specialised 'Unit 23'.


  • War continues
    The Exiled have spread like a plague, using cloning technology to populate several regions of space. The pain of two billion dead still weighs too deeply upon mankinds cultural memory for the universal ban on cloning to ever be repealed; The Federation must avoid a war of attrition at all costs.

    Gaian researchers have so far been able to keep the TFN's head above water. Relative technological superiority was achieved just after Gaia's liberation, and the Federation have retained a qualitative edge ever since, but that edge grows duller with every passing day.

    After five decades of war, the Federation is no closer to winning. Gaian research may have gained the TFN a technological edge over Exiled ships, but parity is not far away. The TFN simply can not produce the numbers to fight a war of attrition, especially when they still have no idea where the Exiled home-world is located. The hunt for the Exiled planet started ten ago today, when Project WorldStalker was completed. Phobetor was born. The Federation's first Worldstalker-Class Battlecruiser.

The RP

Playable characters - "The Stalkers"

The Stalkers, Phobetor's crew, officially known as Unit 23, are veterans of the Gaian Marine Corps. The GMC was formed after Gaia was liberated. Each crew member was hand picked for Stalker indoctrination when construction began on Phobetor twenty years ago.

Under the leadership of Colonel Daniel Grant, Phobetor has wrought chaos throughout Exile space for the last then years, creeping out of the void like a spectre, to rend its enemy, only to once again dissolve back into the blackness.

Phobetor, after ten long years, now waits for a scheduled courier ship, more importantly, the briefing for the primary mission. What it brings, however, will turn the universe on its head. They will find the road to their final destination is paved with lies, betrayal and madness.

The cast

Commanding Officer(CO) - Colonel Daniel Grant - Codename: Crow - Asinis
Executive Officer (XO)- (Pending/open*)
Specialist - (Pending)
Specialist - (Pending
Specialist - (Open)

*The person unlucky enough to want the XO position will be taking on more responsibility. Second in command IC and OOC. You will essentially become a plot gremlin, and will learn in advance of all the upsetting twists I have planned for you, especially the one near the beginning, but you also get to yell if you dont like it. Creating a tighter backstory between our characters will also be mandatory, especially considering how brutally i'm going to mess with everybody.

Birth name: (Generated from a Terran database)

Code name: (Randomly Generated after assignment to Project WorldStalker)

Rank: (For the XO, Colonel or lower. For the specialists, Captain or lower)

Speciality: (Take into consideration that Phobetor is almost entirely automated by a sentient AI, otherwise, just PM if you're thinking of something way out there, just for warning)

Personality and temperament: (Self explanatory)

Thirty Years a Slave: (This is not only a place to write history of your characters experiences, but also a place to incorporate any backstory you may have worked out Via PM or here in the OOC thread

Sixty years of war: (Same as above, but following the sixty years between liberation and The first IC post.)

Neither of the latter two fields have to be miles long. just dont force it, you can always update later on

Technology, planets and other lore.

  • Content 1
  • stuff
  • stuff

  • WorldStalker-class Battlecruiser, stealth capable, the most advanced ship in the TFN.

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  • With the golden age of peace now a fond memory, the Federation is now focused on one thing and one thing only; the extermination of The Exiled, and all of their offspring. Gaian researchers have so far been able to retain the Relative technological superiority that was achieved just after Gaia's liberation, but that edge grows duller with every passing day.

    Gaian research may have gained the TFN a technological edge over Exiled ships, but parity is not far away. The pain of two billion dead still weighs too deeply upon mankind's cultural memory for the universal ban on cloning to ever be repealed, so the Federation must avoid a war of attrition at all costs. Especially when they still have no idea where the Exiled home-world is located.

    Star-system: Sol

    Home Planet: Earth

    Population: Twenty billion

    Colonised Planets: Gaia


  • Of the eight thousand clones stuffed into escape pods by their captors, only two thousand were ever recovered after the Federation liberated Gaia. The Exiled hadn't executed the others, not exactly. They'd simply removed, seemingly at random, the location equipment from six thousand of the escape pod before ejecting them into space. No sensor could find something that small without such a crucial piece of equipment. The (Terran Federation Navy) had no hope of ever finding them. This final act of cruelty, on top of thirty years as slaves, has solidified Gaia's people in their single minded determination to eradicate The Exiled.

    For the past fifty years, Gaia has known nothing but war. Created by R&D technicians on the surface, Gaian orbit is now home to a new generation of ships, and the main TFN operating base; Eostre. Gaians not involved in R&D, serve in the GMC (Gaian Marine Core) or in roles such as the heavily specialised 'Unit 23'.

    Home Planet: Gaia

    Star-system: Beta Solaria

    Population: approx two thousand

  • For the past fifty years The Exiled have spread like a plague, using cloning technology to populate several regions of space. Minor dents have been knocked into their clone production capacity, but apart from that, their expansion rate continues to increase.

    Home Star: Unknown

    Home planet: Unknown

    Population: Unknown

Military units & Important people

  • The Gaian Marine Core was created almost fifty years ago, not long after the Exiled fled Gaia. They traditionally serve aboard Federation Battle Cruisers as boarding forces, and have the highest capture record within the Federation Navy.

  • An experimental Federation black opps team, exclusively populated by Gaian nationals. Each member, five in total, was drafted from the GMC twenty years ago. Their unique doctrine was created around a new Gaian stealth ship and its extra-human crew, with the intention of unleashing surgical destruction, sabotage, and terror upon crucial ground, and space targets within Exiled territory. Answerable directly to the high admiral, they operate unsupported, sometimes for years at a time, constantly searching for the Exiled home planet. After ten years of training, The Stalkers have so far been prowling Exiled space for ten years.

  • phobetor.jpg
    [/URL][/IMG] phobetor.jpg

    The first of it's kind, Phobetor is a PlanetStalker Class Stealth Cruiser. PlanetStalkers are built using the same frame as a modern Battle-Cruiser, and have a similar mass of approximately 2.5 million tons, but the similarities end there. The newly developed on board AI allows for a crew of 6 instead of the usual 800 for a ship this size, and along with weapons systems, accounts for almost half of the ships mass. The new stealth technology, which effectively blinds Exiled sensors to Phobetors presence, takes up the rest.

  • The start of war signified the end of human cloning and non-medical gene therapy on Federation Worlds. Non-compliance incurs the death penalty. clones themselves are dealt with according to their 'class', of which there are three:

    Class 1 - Gaian Nationals - 1st Generation.
    Physical Age after Gestation: 25
    Present Age: 83
    Present Physical Age: 30
    Original Gaian colonists. Recognised as Human. Full citizens of the Terran Federation. Cannot reproduce naturally. Theoretical life span of approximately 400 years. Extensively genetically augmented both physically and mentally. cloned at random from forty-thousand individual human donors.
    Class 2 - Exiled - 1st Generation.
    Physical Age after Gestation: 25
    Present Age: 83
    Present Physical Age: 30
    Original Gaian colonists. Exiled from Humanity, subject to a general kill order. Not protected by interstellar law. Cloned from same pool of 40 thousand individuals as above. Received identical augmentations as above, however, developed 'clone-psychosis' as a side effect of their gene therapy

    Class 3 - ExGens - 2nd Generation (Exile Grown)
    Any clone developed with Exiled technology. Not recognised as human; not protected by interstellar law. Subject to a general kill order. Genetic augmentations vary.

  • Thanks to enormous leaps forward in the fields of nanotechnology, quantum computing and Genetics, humanity had steered themselves away from a terrible abyss, and up into the void; united under the newly formed Terran Federation, mankind looked to the stars.

    Due to limitations in first generation EM drives, Federation ships could travel a maximum distance of just one hundred light years. It was a fantastic achievement, but only a single world with a breathable atmosphere had ever been detected within that distance: Gaia. Green, stable, water rich, and deadly. At 4.7 times earth's gravity, Gaia was too heavy, No human heart could pump blood to the brain under that kind of weight .

  • The Federation chose not to wait for advances in Em-drives, but instead decided to remove the heavy restrictions imposed upon Genetic modification and high-yield cloning. The first generation of purpose bred colonists, Forty thousand men and women were grown in just three weeks. Pre-educated, fully adult.

    Designed for a heavy world. Bone density, heart size, and muscle mass were altered. If the Gene and although irrelevant to the mission, genes governing cognition, intelligence, logic, and memory were also manipulated; But with dire consequences.
  • Barely a year after completing the first settlement on Gaia, thirty-two thousand colonists began to display the first symptoms of what would later be called "Clone-psychosis" a genetic disease which turned eighty percent of the original colonists into predatory, Darwinistic psychopaths.
  • In just several weeks, the eight thousand colonists who'd remained loyal to The Federation were rooted out, and put to work as slaves, fabricating machines of war. The Federation would often send courier ships into Gaia's orbit. Because of Gaias enormous gravity, the surface was a no go for regular humans. The Impending conflict was easy to conceal. It would have remained concealed had it not been for an intelligence leak. A lone slave had been slipping information to the regular Terran courier ships. Earth would be ready.

  • The Gaiain navy stumbled into an ambush three million Kilometres from Earths surface. Contrary to Gaian assumptions, the Federation navy was armed, it was prepared and it was waiting. Yet even with surprise completely on the Federation's side, thanks to an underestimation in Gaian technology, two ships not only slipped the net, but completed their contingency plans.

    The Terran fleet pursued the craft bound for Gaia. A decision which would cost the Terran Federation two billion lives. The captain of that rogue ship, hid vessel nowhere near as damaged as she appeared, had no intention of slowing down. The Gainan ship raged past the orbitals at near 50% light speed on a direct collision course with Earth. A lucky hit from one of those orbitals, which broke ship into smaller pieces, was the only reason why, instead of just two billion souls, life on earth was not completely eradicated.

    Unaware of the catastrophe back on earth, the Terran fleet arrived in Gaian orbit just in time to save the lives of two thousand slaves left to die in escape pods jettisoned into space. They could only watch as what remained of the 'Exiled', as they would come to be known, vanished into the vastness of space aboard a new generation of craft.
  • ---
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