Battlefield: A safe route (SignUps)

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Ok...ok, literally my first roleplay on this website. I wanna get it right. Take it easy on me, point out mistakes if I make any major ones.

Welcome to my very own Battlefield 1 War Story. I myself will be using my own charachter (Which I'll post later but I already have that up as a Charachter that you can look at) In this RP a large amount of people (Only including 4-5 actual people and the rest NPCs) will take over three enemy territories so a group of Behemoths can attack. Please remember BF1 is WW1 but this is my own, not real, fight. Yes I know WW1 was basically a bunch off Assholes fighting more Assholes but we all gotta have our Good/Bad guys right? The side we are fighting for is Britain (for this RP anyways)

Please join below:gangster:
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