Battle Through Another World (Peregrine x CelvestianNesy)

"Then off you go!" the goddess said, voice filled with a trace of playfulness. There was a trace of excitement in her eyes, something far more raw and vigorous than the placid serenity she'd viewed Nesy with so far.

Then, her hand swept outwards, causing the space in front of her to shatter like a mirror breaking. The broken fragments surged towards Nesy like the rush of the tide, surrounding him in an instant, swallowing him up. Around him, everything began to twist and warp, the stars, the darkness, his board of choices, even the figure of the goddess herself was broken up into impossible shapes, swirling into incomprehensible patterns. However, from between these fragments of the goddess' realm, a darkness began to creep. It spread rapidly, swallowing up every trace of color and light, until nothing was left but pure darkness.

Outside the chaos Nesy would be experiencing, the goddess watched the twisted space she'd created, her smile spreading further and further as the storm around Armen shrunk away into nothingness. Only when it was gone did her eyes move away, her head tilting back to stare up at the swirling heavens that surrounded her. For a second, her eyes fluttered closed, and her arms spreading slightly as though reveling in something beautiful.

It's finally going to begin.

For Nesy, there would be nothing left but darkness, all surrounding, all consuming. No trace of light existed, no echo of sound or brush of sensation. The body the goddess had crafted for him to use in the starlit realm was gone again, leaving behind only that same bit of mind, or soul, that the goddess had drawn to her realm. All that existed was the void, and Nesy himself.

But into that nothingness came a familiar presence.

Relax, came the voice of the goddess. Your new body is being formed, but it is going to take some time. After all, I'm having to completely re-craft it, to rather exacting standards. Until it is more complete, it will be incapable of properly merging with your far more complete soul. For now, relax, and experience. Maybe you'll be able to learn something.

Her presence faded away again as quickly as it had come.

In the unknown, unmade darkness of preexistence, it seemed as though there was nothing. There was no impression of time, no notion of movement or change. Unforgiving in its endless emptiness, it swallowed up everything. Even thought.

But it was only in that emptiness, with a mind that somehow resembled the moment between waking and sleeping, when thoughts flowed smoothly without notice or interruption, that it was possible to notice something moving.

Perhaps if Nesy had a body to support it, it would have been something to see, to hear. But, with nothing but his own mind, protected by the goddess from the infinite blackness, it was a sensation that couldn't be categorized in any of the usual senses. Instead, it was more like a kind of knowing, a certainty without any evidence to back it up.

What was worse, if he tried to focus on that mysterious something, the certainty would disappear as quickly as it came, leaving behind only vague guesses and more endless darkness.

Yet still, it was everywhere. It filled the space, darting and flowing, twisting and pulsing, sometimes seeming to fold in on itself in a way that defied description with language. Yet, within that infinite darkness, something began to form. A slowly growing lump, which drew the uncertainty in towards itself, binding and congealing, solidifying, growing.

Gradually, more familiar shapes began to form from the lump. Bits began to partially detach, stretching and shaping, until they began to take on a familiar form. Arms and legs, fingers and toes, a head, still bare of hair or features. As his body grew, so too did Nesy's perspective begin to shift. It shifted inwards, so that it was no longer observing the body from outside, but instead came to rest inside it. The darkness, too, seemed to have stabilized. No longer could he sense the swirling, shifting uncertainty that had once surrounded him. They grew further and further away from his senses, smaller and smaller. Eventually, they faded away altogether.

In exchange, the darkness began to fade. It was replaced by a shifting yellow light, flecked with swimming darkness. A quiet sound began to fill the space. The whistling of wind funneled through a narrowing space, the sound of something scraping on gravel. A persistent, calm heartbeat.

There was rock under his back, one sharp edge poking up into his spine. Cold nipped at the tips of his fingers. A strong wind tugged at his hair, flicking it across his forehead.

Like waking up from a long dream, Nesy's fingers twitched, and control of his own body was restored to him.
Nesy's eyes widened, seeing the impossibly warped reality that he had just experienced. Everything seemingly broke apart into a million pieces. A rush of energy filled Nesy's body, his heart began to beat out of his throat. Nesy, braced for the worst. Here we GOOOOOO! - his mind thundered with worries but those dissolved into nothingness. A female's voice filled his mind but disappeared as soon as it appeared. All Nesy heard was nothing, all he thought was nothing and there was just the void and him.

There was something in the deep black void, but he couldn't know what it was. He only sensed it, but he couldn't see it. Nesy was completely uncertain what would happen and the thoughts filled with curiosity. What was this? Is this death? Is this life? What is it? The thoughts flowed naturally through his mind but were blown away again. Nesy swore he sensed something that drew him closer towards something unexplainable. There were thoughts that conflicted with his scientific methods and it felt impossible, yet the uncertainty grew even more potent.

Then, the thoughts snapped into place again after a round of silence. His mind continued to fluctuate between conflicting ideas, "how the hell did my body disintegrate into small little pieces?! Maybe this is for my good, is it?!" His thoughts continued to ramble on and on while trying to think of a way to assess the situation. How can she make matter from nothing and how is she doing this?! Is that divine being mad? No no no no, she is a god damn genius!

Nesy had an idea... "Maybe she literally used the matter from her realm and applied it to mine... Could this be correct?" Nesy continued to launch into an analysis of what she said. Of course, if matter did not work the same way on Earth, then it means that she had to replace his body with the existing matter from the new universe! Nesy had to fucking sort out his priorities right now because if he does not do that then he will be blitzkrieged a hundred times over.

However, he still felt a deep empty void inside but at the same time, it was all filled with peacefulness and tranquillity in a sense. He couldn't move or speak but he knew that there was a shape but could not see what it was. Nesy was unsure if it was his body or not that drew his senses even further in. "You are a good dude Nesy, show your strength!"



A flash of yellow penetrated through Nesy's eyelids and he could finally hear his slow heartbeat. His senses felt like they were all active at the same time, the howling wind, the sound of gravel and cold that nipped his fingers constantly. His chest descended up and down accompanied by a static noise that filled his ears. "...Huh..." A breath escaped out of him, while his eyes squinted to a bright light that filled his vision... His vision was not re adjusted properly but what might Nesy see?
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Nesy had been laying on a large, flat rock that almost resembled a short table. Around it, clumps of slightly yellowed grass grew, poking through the rocky ground with patient determination. Off to his left, a simple, two-track gravel trail traveled across the land, passing by the occasional piece of sagebrush or juniper. The trail looked plain and simple at first glance.

However, it was off to the right that the truly astonishing sight appeared. The ground tumbled away abruptly, only a few dozen feet away from Nesy's current position. A massive canyon cut through the land, rocky spires rising up from its cliffs like a forest of spears. At the very bottom of the canyon, it was just possible to catch the occasional glimpse of a river, winding its way through the red and yellow rock.

But even the majesty of the deep, mighty canyon was overtaken by the impossible city in the distance. A giant, red stone floated in the middle of the canyon, apparently supported by a raging dust storm that gathered around the base of the rock before vanishing deep into the canyon. A city had been carved into the rock, magnificent buildings of yellow and white stone that rose from its surface. Only a single, long bridge made of pure white stone connected the city to one edge of the canyon, distance causing the delicate structure to look like it could shatter any instant as it spanned the empty air between solid ground and the behemothic stone.

Over the sound of the whistling wind, which raced through the canyon and tugged at the branches of the bushes, came the distinct noise of wheels grating against gravel. Rising above the dip in the terrain, a group of wagons appeared in sight of Nesy. Each of the wagons was pulled by a creature that somewhat resembled a sikly-furred goat, if it wasn't for the fact that they were the size of bears, and had the long-nosed, dished faces to match. They were guided by a group of men dressed in simple, yellow-leather outfits.

The leader of the caravan came to a halt at the sight of the young man, sitting blankly on the rock. However, the wagons behind him didn't stop, and he only had a split second before he recollected himself. "Hey!" he shouted. "This ain't no time to be resting. Storm'll be here in a couple of hours."

The man was larger than the rest of the group by almost an entire head. Almost the enitrety of his face was covered by tangled black hair and beard, except for an unexpected bald spot that turned the crown of his head into a smooth, tanned dome. He pointed behind him vigorously.

Behind the group, black thunderheads loomed on the horizon. They almost looked like a tidal wave rushing forwards, lightning causing momentary flashes of illumination in the darkness. Underneath the storm, a strange, green haze seemed to fill the air.
Nesy's eyes adjusted to the sudden beams of light that temporarily blinded Nesy and was unable to process what was going on at the moment, but after his eyes finally were able to keep up with what was going on, he saw what seemed to be grass poking out of the ground, waving in rhythm with the breeze. His eyes would scan the ground and it appears he was on a flat surface made out of stone, on closer inspection, it appears that he was on a big half-boulder... "That's quite unusual isn't it?" Nesy exclaimed after his analysis was complete.

His head turned towards the terrain that suddenly went to an end which appeared to tumble from the edge. What shows itself was a sight of mountains and spikes alike that rose above the ground, stretching into the vast heavens. His eyes widened to the sight of the vast blocks of stone that curved itself into smoothened corners, with sediment layers that gave colour to the orange rocks, a rush of energy filled his chest while his eyes brightened up. "...Holy fucking shit! AM I IN THE WILD WEST?!" His voice filled the area, it bounced around the stone walls of the canyon. A surge of intense happiness filled him and all the tension washed away as if he had taken a break in the beach.

His eyes then pointed towards the absolutely large structure in the distance, what appears to be a little deeper in the canyon. "....Okay...So that's the buildings the goddess was talking about...." Nesy examined the structures in the far reach, what appeared to be carved stone buildings with many colours, from what appeared to be structurally instable things. But were they really stable? Who knew? Maybe those who literally built that god damned city does it!

Nesy's sightseeing came to an abrupt end as he shifted his attention back to the sound of gravel, his chest began to tense itself while an energy rushed through his marrow. "Woah..." He recoiled back at the sudden people who stopped in front of him, including that the weird creatures that drove the wagons... Oh my god...It seemed like a fucking abomination. Thought Nesy, while his head turned to the weird wave of...what was that? Flashes of light that loomed over the sky in the horizon while it seemed to be just hours away, his eyes widened while his pupils retracted. "Wha-" He had no time to speak, he had to act now.

"AA. Fine fine! Alright yeah! I'm coming with!" Nesy pushed the surface down with all he got, his feet balanced his entire body weight. "Alright." The dust puffed away as his feet touched the ground while his eyes trailed towards the bearded man. "Who are you?" A wave of curiosity overtook him while he approached the unknown man. His heart throbbed in his chest, blood ran through his veins while he felt the wind slightly pick up in velocity. The man seems suspicious... But he's the only one I can trust! Hopefully, there's some sense to him or at least try to reason with.

Perhaps calm down with the politics?
"..." I have so much to say...So much to tell... Thoughts thundered through his head. Now what may the man's response be? He'll find out soon enough.