Battle of the Bands (MaryGold x lxngdon)

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Jace tickled his baby's stomach and she giggled with delight. "Yes, Mommy, I'll be very good with whatever puppy and kitty you and Daddy pick!" he said in a high-pitched, girlish voice, the voice he had given to Luna until she could speak.

One of the directors of the shoot called all the models and other workers back onto the set and Jace sighed, sitting up because that meant that Embry had to go back to working with the people she hated. He rubbed her knee and gave her a soft, sweet, tender kiss to the lips.

"I'll be here," he promised before delivering another kiss. "I'll throw grapes at the back of Erin's head if you want me to."

He was joking, of course, but if the photographer stepped out of line again Jace would most definitely step in and defend his wife's honour. He wasn't going to allow her to be insulted or degraded by anyone, much less her ex-boyfriend, or his own ex-girlfriend.

The director called for the models again.

Jace sighed. "You'd better go," he said, standing up to help Embry to her feet. "See you on the other side of hell."
Embry released a low groan from her mouth when hearing the director call. She had been enjoying herself considerably conversing with her family. Yet, duty called, even if that duty included working with the two of the most angering people she had the unlucky displeasure of meeting.

She managed to curve the ends of her mouth into a tiny smile, and squeezed her husband's hand once. "I guess so, that is if I don't burn to a crisp during the journey." She let go of his hand and hurried over onto the set before the director had to call once more.

The stylist came over once to straightened out her outfit and fix her makeup before leaving her alone with Alexa. Again. Luckily sticking with the taller blonde didn't last long, as torturous as it was, she was able to pair up with other models and did her single shots as well.

"I think we're just about done." Erin said after some time had passed, he was glancing at a computer scree where the pictures had taken were projected.​
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Jace sat on the couch and quietly entertained Luna while he watched Embry work. She was gorgeous and photogenic so it was no surprise that she had secured a place in this shoot, but Jace wished she hadn't had to work with Alexa or Erin. They were horrible people who had only ruined her life from the moment she had met either of them.

By the time they were done, Luna had started to grow crabby due to hunger so Jace was cradling her in his arms, bottle-feeding her with a mix of breast and formula milk he had heated in the microwave in the back of the studio. The baby was contentedly guzzling down her food when Embry came back.

"Hey, gorgeous," Jace said quietly so as to not disturb their baby, whose bright blue eyes were fixed on her mother. "You did good, princess, you really did."

She had produced wonderful pictures, yes, but the best thing about the shoot was how well she had worked with the terrible people she had been stuck with.
"Thank you," smiled Embry, keeping her voice low as well and slumping her shoulder that had grown more than a little tense from irritation and annoyance. She was relieved to be done, and frankly, tired. She was more tired from the people she had to work with and endure their quiet nasty comments than the actual work part. He patience had grown, however.

She flashed a little at Luna and tossed her hair over her shoulder in a huff. "I'll be right back, I just need to change back to my own clothes." The blonde ran her fingers down the fine leather jacket she was wearing. It was absolutely gorgeous and she couldn't wait until the clothe lining was released into malls and stores.

"I'll come back for ring." She added before heading off to the changing room. Her bare ring finger had been bothering for the longest.

I was going to ask if you'd be joining the rest of us for drinks. But the little one around, I guess not." Erin said with Alexa at his side just as he passed Embry, who gave him a slightly dirty look.
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Jace scowled at Erin and his patronising comments and once Luna was finished with her bottle, packed up her things and stood to wait for his wife with his baby sleeping against his chest. He chatted with Hillary until Embry came back out. He then handed her her wedding ring, which had been safely and securely stored in his pocket.

"Bye, Hill," he said to his sister -- quietly, so he didn't wake up their baby.

"See you, Jacey."

Jace carefully put Luna in her carseat and drove himself and his family back to their home. Once Luna was sleeping in her bassinet in her nursery, he whipped up a chocolatey dessert with ice cream and topping and set it before his wife.

"You have no idea how many times I wanted to punch Erin in the face. He made Alexa look like an angel."
"Haha, ugh." Embry laughed dryly, it was difficult for her to be sarcastic on any subject including those two. It was probably because her anger was too real and to deeply rooted, especially with Erin. And she had every reason to feel that way and hold resentment toward him.

It also didn't help that he was effortless in being a grade A asshole. No, it came naturally to him. Then again, he had been looking down on people all his life, getting underneath their skin with ease. It had to do with his upbringing, but that didn't make it okay.

"As satisfying as it would have been, I'm glad you did not." She picked up the plate he set for her and ate a spoonful of the sweet goodness. She instantly melted, happy, content and relaxed to be in the comfort of her home and alone with her family. It certainly helped that she chocolate in her mouth.​
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"Yeah, I don't particularly fancy going to jail," Jace said, coming around the bench to stand behind Embry and gently massage her shoulders. "I wouldn't be able to see you and Luna whenever I wanted. That would be my absolute nightmare." And he wasn't exaggerating -- having his wife and child taken from him, the two people who mattered most to him in the world, would completely destroy Jace. He wouldn't be able to go on.

But, of course, that wouldn't happen and they were just being dramatic. But, the experience with Erin that day had been awful. God, he was such an annoying person. How did anyone ever put up with his constantly demeaning tone and haughty attitude? He clearly thought he was better than everyone else, which he was not.

"I don't even understand how you dated that guy," Jace remarked, continuing to gently rub his wife's tense shoulders. His tone wasn't patronising, just disbelieving because Erin was honestly one of the worst people he had met in his life. Along with Alexa, whom he couldn't understand why he had ever dated. She was awful.

"But, of course, I'm not holding anything against you." Jace could never do that, not to his beautiful and perfect and amazing Embry. "You're wonderful and I love you." He kissed the top of her head.
"I love you too." Embry smiled, turning in her stool to face him. She pulled him closer so that he was standing between her knees. Lacing her arms around his waist loosely, she pressed her forehead onto his chest and breathed in slowly. "You know, you make sound a lot better than I really am."

He made her feel magnificent, more than what she was. And only he could make her feel. With words alone or simply a touch or smile. It was a powerful thing, love. "What do you want to do now that Luna's napping?" Inquired Embry, swinging her dangling legs back and forth.

"I would say we could go work in the music room, but ..." She tilted her head toward Luna's nursery door. Sure the music room was soundproof, but they also wouldn't be able to hear if their baby was crying. And she was a bit too tired for that. "We could watch Sweeney Todd and cuddle?"
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"Don't be ridiculous, you're absolutely perfect," Jace gently and playfully chastised his bride. He would never stop complimenting his beautiful wife because he believed that Embry was the most amazing and perfect human being on the planet, and he could never flatter her enough. And he wouldn't even stop if he could.

"That sounds like a solid plan to me," Jace said, happily contented with Embry's suggestion for how they spent their evening. He quickly washed her bowl, got two cans of soda for them and lead her upstairs to their bedroom, which was luckily across the hall from Luna's so they could hear if their baby made even a small peep. They also had a monitor for downstairs, but Jace set it on the bedside table since they couldn't be too careful.

He put the film on, changed into a tank top and sweatpants and slipped under the covers, before holding his arms out for his perfect Embry.
Embry happily fell into his arms after changing into more comfortable and appropriate clothing for the activity of movie watching and cuddling. Shorts, a loose T-shirt and comfortable, soft fluffy socks which were always perfect for the occasion. She had never felt more warm and content.

She wrapped both of her hands around her cool fizzy drink and wiped away the condensation before sipping from it. She leaned back, her head on his chest and smiled. "This is one of my favorite movies. Johnny Depp is the best. I could watch him all day."

"Oh and this one also has Snape, Bellatrix and Pettigrew." She chuckled, recalling the Harry Potter actors.​
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"Do I need to fight Johnny Depp to keep my lady?" Jace joked as the movie began. He kept one arm draped around Embry's shoulders, holding her to his chest, where they both belonged, and kissed her on the side of the head. With Luna sleeping soundly in the room opposite, a good film on and plenty of soft blankets, everything was perfect.

"Because I will. I'll fuck that fucker up." Jace meant his words in jest, of course, he knew his wife loved him as he did her. She was the most important thing in his life and that would never change. He had sworn that in his vows.

"You know I'm the best husband ever, you don't need to leave me for Johnny."
"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it." Embry said with a mockingly dramatic tone and a shake of her head. It was all too amusing, even as a joke she couldn't ever see herself with anyone but him. He was the most magnificent person and she loved him. Only a fool would leave him or would take him for granted. Unfortunately, she had the great pleasure if knowing one of those people.

A soft chuckle escaped from her lips. "You're the bestest husband in the whole world." She outstretched her arms to make her point, laughingly. It was, however, the absolute truth. Turning her head for a moment, she leaned up and pecked his cheek sweetly.

"Besides, only you can accept and deal with my chocolate addiction."
She added with a playful little smile. "I love you more than chocolate itself."
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"Well, shit, now I know your love for me in undying." Jace chuckled and kissed Embry sweetly on her soft lips, the he would love for the rest of time. She was so beautiful and so perfect, he couldn't imagine how he could have ever lived without her. God, he loved her so much.

"I love you more than you could ever know," he said, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her tightly. "And that will never change." After everything they had been through, Jace would never let her go.

"Besides, only you can handle my blinding ego," he joked, though it was true. "And my annoying shower singing. Also, I kind of fathered your child so you're sorta stuck with me."
"I can live that," Embry said with a genuine smile and lifted her left hand and spread her fingers, making her wedding ring very evident. She twisted the beautiful ring on her finger very much happy with it, with their marriage. She had never been more happy and proud to be the wife of Jace and mother of their child and the ring said it all with one look."I promised to after all."

"Truth be told, I don't think there's a part of you I don't love." She looked at him with nothing but pure adoration and affection. Never, not even once in the beginning of her gray messy life did she think she'd ever receive someone so good. She didn't know what she had done to deserve it because she was no saint, but here she was.

"I should be over all the butterflies, but I'm into you. I'm into you. And, baby, even on our worst nights, I'm into you. I'm into you" She song softly, singing it too soft for it to sound too much of a pop rock. She felt slightly embarrassed at her own cheesiness, but the song had never applied more than with Jace. "Let them wonder how we got this far because I don't have to wonder at all. Yeah, after all this time, I'm still into you."
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Jace chuckled when Embry started singing her band's most popular song, to him, which he loved. He loved the song, he loved her and he loved that she was singing it to him and applying those lyrics to their life, their romance and their love. It was impossible for Jace to love her any more.

"You're so cute," he said teasingly, tickling her sides and moving slightly down the bed so they were both laying on their backs, facing each other, Jace's arm still hooked around her dainty shoulders. God, she was beautiful.

"Two can play at this game. The death of a bachelor, oh, letting the water fall." He sang softly and quietly, the way he'd do if he were to sing Death of a Bachelor at a concert with only the piano. Delicate and gentle. "The death of a bachelor, o-oh, seems so fitting for, happily ever after, oh, how could I ask for more? Lifetime of laughter, at the expense of the death of a bachelor."

He finished the chorus of his own song with a kiss to Embry's soft lips. He would never tire of her, never tire of giving her love and affection because she deserved the world and there was no denying that.

A doting beam slowly spread across her face, directed at her husband once he finished the chorus to his song. She bit her bottom lip gently, clearly charmed, she sighed heavily. Even the tiniest gestures of affection from him were enough to warm her from the inside out.

Embry was practically melting.

"So, much for watching a movie." So much for watching Johnny Depp, Jace he could easily take her full attention away from anything and anyone. She turned onto her side opposite of him to take the television remote in her hand and use it to cut the screen off. Rolling back over to face him, she leaned in and pecked him on the lips.

"I love you so much. " Love was not a strong enough word to express what she felt for him, but it was as close as it got.​
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What had he ever done to deserve Embry Marceline Ashford? What had he done to be able to call her his wife, to call her Embry Lesecki? Jace had seen his parents and their love withstand so much. He had seen other couples and envy their devotion to one another. Never did Jace think he would able to have a life partner of that nature of his own.

But here she was, laying beside him, in their bed, in their house with their baby sleeping across the hall. With their careers and the legacies they had built on their names. With everything he could ever want from life. Jace felt blessed. He felt like nothing could go wrong.

"I love you, too." That was a gross understatement. "More than you could ever know."

Jace rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him. Her weight barely made a dent in his own. His tattooed arms came up to circle around her waist and press her close to him, and he kissed her softly on the forehead.

"You make me so happy."
"As you do for me."

Embry put her arms around him and snuggled into his chest. It was the greatest feeling in the world to be love and be loved. To have someone who genuinely cared about you and not use you to anything if the sort. And to be able to make that amazing, perfect person happy as they've made you.

Jace had mad her more happy than anyone, than anything.

She knotted her fingers in his shirt and pinched her lips. It was strange that her line of thought went from something beautiful to something horrible. Something she'd rather forget and never speak of, but the more she thought about it, the best it would be to get off her chest. Because they were married and shouldn't be keeping things from one another and frankly, she should have said something earlier.

"Jace ... "
She began, feeling a tightness in her chest and the nervous pitter patter of her heart against her ribcage. "I need to tell -"

Embry cut her own self off at the sound of Luna crying. She didn't know whether it was bad timing or good, but she felt relieved and upset to leave it there.

"Never mind."
She picked herself up."I'll get her."
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Jace's curiosity had been piqued when Luna cried out and Embry stood up to get her. Instinctively he followed, since she was his baby too and he needed to make sure she was okay, even though he knew, in the back of his mind, that she was probably just hungry.

Jace opened the doors for Embry and turned on the light in the nursery, illuminating the room and the painted ceiling that Jasper had worked so hard on. While Embry picked up the baby, Jace pumped out the pillows on the rocking chair so she could be comfortable while she fed the baby.

"What did you need to tell me?" he inquired as he sat down on the beanbag beside the rocking chair and put his finger in Luna's little fist while she fed from her mother.
Embry leaned back into the cushions of the rocking chair as she cradled a nursing Luna. A soft breath escaped from her mouth and she gently sunk her teeth into her bottom lip. It wasn't healthy for her to feel uneasy or nervous when she was in her happiest place, anywhere with her family.

"Its ... just that ... "
Luna wriggled in her arms momentarily. "I'll tell you later." She told him, setting her feet down on the stool in front of her. She did not feel comfortable revealing something about herself with her sweet and beautiful baby in her arms. And honestly, she was fine with waiting longer, it gave her time to think.

"But I will tell you." She promised, more to herself than him in spite of that being the last thing she wanted to do.

Embry rocked in her seat softly, and looked at Luna who paid her her no attention as she fed. The small baby, managed to squeeze a small smile out of her regardless of her grim thoughts. She couldn't help but love both Luna and Jace so much, the tiniest things they did made her grin like a fool, even if she didn't mean to or was in a sour mood.