Bar Night: A Night with the Divine

Before he knew it, there was a chilled bottle in his hand and a glass of ice in front of him. Naru lifted his head, smiling softly at The Bartender in thanks. There was no point in dragging out the conversation any longer, considering how busy she already was with the other patrons.

And just what about the others? He asked himself that as he twisted off the cap to the whiskey and poured himself a generous amount. Eyes shifted across the room slowly and the storm god was able to pick out a few familiar faces. There was Vis "The Hippie" as some of the other gods affectionately teased. Then there was Khaos, for most parts the most gentle god of them all and the kind, if shy, Christian. Naru also caught sight of Sawyer and made a mental note to stay away from that trouble maker.

Tonight was not about playing around. Tonight was about finding a love worth while.

Naru was about to take a sip of his drink when a nearby voice caught his attention. His hand paused halfway to his mouth with the glass carefully gripped and his gaze shifted toward the source, alighting on a lovely young woman - a mortal. "Thank you," he muttered, just barely forcing out a response considering how distracted he was with studying her.

Golden hair like the sun at noon, skin kissed many times by the summer. And yet her eyes contrasted her warm theme, speaking of the cool embrace of a white capped lake. The Bartender had explained that there would be humans here tonight, but Naru had not been expecting any interaction with them. Perhaps he'd been too skeptical, too pessimistic...although he wasn't about to admit that just yet. This woman before him was certainly beautiful. But how charming, he wondered, was she on the inside?

Trapped in his musings, he almost didn't hear her question. Almost. "This place is very old," he replied, pausing to finally sip from his glass. Instantly he felt the tingle of electricity crackling across his tongue and it brought a smile to his lips. "Almost as old as some of us here tonight," he continued. "But I've only had the chance to visit a few times. My job keeps me busy... What do you think of it? This place, I mean."
The longer the spirit rolled around, the thicker the grass became, soon buds sprouted and rose up to meet her. They bloomed into intricate white flowers that, despite being white, appeared vibrant. He smiled back at her, raising his cup in salutations before taking a drink. The spirit rose between the flowers and spiraled around her before zipping back to Vis and dancing around the stem of the flower in the grass under him. He reached down and twirled his fingers, the spirit swerving between them for a few moments before Vis returned his hand to his lap. He took another drink from his cup and looked around some more. Naru seemed to be getting into conversation with a rather attractive human woman. He eyed the Charles fellow and offered him a smirk before moving along through the others. Sawyer was doing her thing, he made a mental note to keep an good eye on her. Oh how she loved her trickery, sometimes it could cause a rather large fuss at social events such as this. He smiled, then took another drink from his cup.
Damien nodded at the bartender and looked back around the room. It really was starting to fill up now. More people, especially interesting ones with strange entrances, were starting to mull around the room and mingle with others there. There didn't seem to be anything here that would be profitable for him, but he had only just arrived. And a drink or two wouldn't really be a bad thing while he was here.

"Bartender, could I have a scotch?" he asked. Once his drink was in hand, Damien walked away from the bar to sit at a table alone to observe. He'd move in at some point once he had a target in mind, unless one moved towards him first. But he needed to have more information about who was present before he would make a move.
Christian looked at the white flowers with a few blinks. She reacted to touch one, but as soon as it did, frost set in on the flower. She took a heavy sigh, placing her hands in her lap. She'd raise a drink but as soon as she would touch the glass, the liquid would easily freeze. She was pretty stuck on the matter of trying to get a drink. She looked over at Vis to show some kind of gesture, but she didn't know what she could do. "It's nice to see you Vis. Those flowers are very lovely." She called over to him coolly and she could feel ice on her breath. She could of slapped herself. Of course they were! The god of nature created it! She looked toward her spirit and then glanced around the room some. This was why she wasn't social, she always made a fool of herself or messed things up.
More people were trickling in, and she made her judgement of each person who walked through the door. Most of them were negative thoughts like how dumbfounded Damien looked as he stepped into the bar and just stared at the place and how awkward Charles looked when he tapped the shoulder of anyone close to him. But don't get Sawyer started on how the goddess of winter tiptoed into the bar, much like a mouse would, and positioned herself in the corner. Please, sitting in the corner at a party? How cliche is that? Soon, her attention was brought to the crack in the wall, spewing water. It doesn't take a scientist to know who that is. Sawyer rolled her eyes. But I will admit it, he is a rather attractive god. As far as gods go that is.

With the intent to mingle with the oh so impressive manipulator of storms, she snatched up the full glass next to her, put it up to her lips then frowned deeply as she stared at the frozen liquid hovering just above her awaiting lips. Anger flared deep in Sawyer's soul as she smacked the glass on the top of the bar, eyes darting from person to person to find whoever dare trick the goddess of tricks. Only if I could read the minds of the damn mortals. She stared hard at some of them with false hope that maybe a sentence my float from their cerebrum to hers.

Of course it didn't, but Sawyer was going to blame the failure on the one who possessed everyone's dreams. She gave Khaos a quick wave, more caught up in the recent development with a human and Naru, her target, than putting on a nice face for a fellow goddess.

Placing a pleasant smile on her face, she fluidly slid off the bar, making a B-line straight for Naru and Sarah. Suddenly, she leaned against the counter next to Naru, giving him a girly wave and beaming grin.

"Naru, it is so nice to see you! It has been what... centuries?" Sawyer looked over at Sarah then leaned over the stormy god, offering the mortal her hand. "I'm Sawyer Rhona! And terribly pleased to meet you! I've always enjoyed meeting friends of Naru." She then gave the two a sly smirk. "You are just friends right?" A soft giggle erased the smirk as she waved her hand in the air, as if brushing the question away. "Well, that isn't really my business now is it?"
Eyes became large at the sight of the drink. It certainly wasn't what she was expecting, but that's why she always liked The Bartender; so full of surprises. "Well now, that is what I call a drink..." The drink eclipsed her head in full. 'There is no way I can drink this all on my own,' just thinking about it made her head swim. And drunken dreams were always... Well weird. "Anyone one to help me with this one?" she called out through the room, not loudly, but it did echo, which is shouldn't have. "Bartender, will there be music and dancing tonight? It wouldn't feel right without." Soft jazz was playing, but later the music would probably pick up.

Khaos saw that Sawyer had cared to notice her for a moment, giving her a wave and friendly smile, which Khaos returned before the trickster went off to play her games. Khaos shook her head lightly, an amused smile on her face. The two were rather much alike in their love for games and trickery. Khaos played with dreams, and Sawyer played with people, same difference.

She tried to take a sip of her drink. The liquid was chilling and went down rather smoothly, but had that familiar burn once down. It was sweet and sour, and strong. And too much for her. She decided to recruit someone to aid her in draining the glass, but she figured it would take an army, or a few drunkards to down that thing. She swiveled in her chair to spot the crowd. A human, another she knew from their dreams, was sitting at the bar alone. Her smile grew large and she found herself a seat next to him. She was a little unclear on his name, but she knew him by his dreams. They regularly involved computers, and his mind would often work over programs and systems. His were complex and fun to twist. Some times she would trap him in circuitry, where his world became the motherboard. Other times she would do a man-against-the-machine kind of ordeal and have cords strangle him. Though not always did they involve computers, some nights she would put him in a white room, void of color. There, his thoughts would bounce off the walls and talk to him. Khaos began to giggle, thinking of all the pain she had put him though. Though not all his dreams were bad.

"Taking your eyes off the screen for a moment? It must become boring though, sometimes we all need a challenge," Khaos said as a familiar friend, as if they had known each other She knew him, but he might not have recognized her.
Sonder knew she was late, and did so purposely. Why arrive on time when you can be late enough for everyone to get a good look at you? She walked in with her usually confident demeanor, and looked at her options. "Hm," She thought with great interest. "Who here will be my next toy? Perhaps I should shoot for a mortal, they're more fun. We'll see..." Sonder then walked to Vis and greeted him with a smile. "Hello, Vis. It's been awhile. Done anything bad? Haha!" She knew it was a bad joke, the point precisely. She was playing everything out through her head. It was now time to look for a suitable mortal. Sonder looked around once again, one in particular striking her interest. Damien. He was attractive, and seemed easy to get along with. Sonder walked to the mortal and said with charm, "Hello, there. I am called Sonder. How about you?"
He had just taken a sip of his scotch and set it aside. It wasn't his favorite drink, but a tumbler of scotch always seemed to show wealth and power, at least in his experience. Damien was starting to compile a list of traits for each person to find someone to approach with some profit of some sort involved when he was approached instead.

"My screens?" Damien was confused, but smiled confidently instead. He didn't recognize anyone here, but his work is vast. An employee of a client, perhaps? He didn't let it faze him, though, and opened up his body language. "You seem to know something about me, and yet I don't know your name."

"Hello, Sonder," he responded slowly to the newcomer. Then he looked at both women."My name is Damien. Would you like to join us?" Damien stood and pulled a chair, offering it to her. "And may I get either of you a drink?"
"Yes," Sonder said politely. "I would love to." She sat down and observed him once more, noticing that he was more attractive than the other mortals she had been with. "I'll just have what you are, please. So, what brings you here?"
With a curt nod of his head, Damien went to get another scotch and returned, setting it in front of Sonder before taking his seat again. He took another sip of his drink and set it aside before leaning forward a little. "I'm here through random circumstance." It wouldn't be beneficial for him to mention how he found himself here. Finding a door in a tree and entering through it anyway wasn't exactly sane. "What brings you here?"
"Well," Sonder said. "it's kind of an event that we were invited to. I'm surprised they let me in here after the crazy guy... Nevermind." She took a sip of her drink, it was interesting. Sonder hadn't had alcohol before. "A 'random occurence,' hmm? What, did you jump into the ocean? SWIM BOY, SWIM!" She laughed, taking another sip of her drink after.
Vis gave her a mock smile, unamused by her bad joke. He took another sip of his drink and smiled over to Christian and smiled. "I call them, winter flowers." He called over to her before cocking his head as if to say 'come over here'. She looked out of place sitting there all by herself. Not only that but knowing the nature of some of these gods she would make for an easy target for pranks. The nature spirit rolled around in the grass beneath him, causing it to grow thicker. Smaller flowers began budding from a hedge that was growing around the base of the large flower Vis sat on, vines slowly crawling up its stalk. He wasn't sure he was all that necessary here, security at a meeting such as this? He pondered the thought for a moment before tilting his head and eying Bartender suspiciously. Was this some kind of plot to get him to attend a social event? His eyes narrowed a bit then, it must be, this is a room full of gods. One more god for security isn't going to make much of a difference, his presence in that sense was not a critical aspect and rather redundant. She had tricked him here no doubt. After a moment he sighed and sipped from his drink again. "Whatever, some time off is nice I suppose."
Christian looked at the spirit unsure, before getting up from her seat. She walked as elegantly as ever, taking a seat next to Vis if there was one open. She placed her hands on top of the bar, frost forming under the them. Around her the air was rather cold, looking back at the stool ice formed. It would be quite funny if someone sat there, since they would slip off the chair though that was not her intention. "Winter flowers." She muses. They were gorgeous and also fit the name, they deserved to be called winter flowers. "Such a fitting name.. so Vis, how have you been?"
Vis smiled. "I am glad you approve, I put a lot of time into them to be sure that they would do you justice." He took another sip from his drink and sighed. "Oh, you know, nature." He said with a shrug. "I'm fighting an uphill battle backwards with my legs bound." He scoffed. "Humans have always been a bit of a hindrance, but over the past couple hundred years they seem determined to kill me." He rolled his eyes, taking another swig from his cup. "Mmm, fun stuff." He said with a half smile.
"As they do, thank you. As the humans affect you, they affect me as well. I can relate with your feeling towards the humans. Though they aren't killing me." She says, with a cold and bitter undertone in her voice. "They just can't decide if they want it to warm twenty four seven and melt all the ice caps or if they want a forever winter. Neither one sounds appealing to me." She states with a sigh, the exhaling wind from her mouth being freezing cold.
This place certainly housed the strangest people, it became ever more evident when more people arrived, that coupled with the fact that she could very well swear this door had never been along that street before was getting her brain going, while she was a realist her curiousity drove her to question what she saw. The flashy way in which some people arrived in and how they played around made her wild imagination run wild, although her logical side pulled her back until she had gotten some real proof that something was this way or that. His words also indicated there was something more than she knew about, whatever it was it wouldn't serve much purpose getting all hyped, after all beneath the importance people put on others and themselves they were all worth the time to get to know them.

Now that's not to say all were perfect, for she had some experience with jerks, but everyone deserved a chance whether they be rich or poor, although in her own time she had also learned that for some reason rich and good looking people had a tendency to act like common sense and behaviour didn't apply to them, not that Sarah believed that every rich, good looker was like that but it had been apparent with a few people she'd got to know. Flicking back some hair she worked on her beer some. She had a tendancy to not heave her drinks, perhaps because when it came to stuff stronger than beer it didn't take too much to get her drunk and she hated hangovers, the main reason why she drank carefully.

"I'd say it's a bit weird," she answered with an askew smile, "but very nice anyway, or perhaps because of that." Compared to some other places she had been to and some which she had been to once and never returned to this place was indeed very nice, clean and nicely decorated and overall gave a much more civilized impression that often was more appealing to Sarah than smoke filled, loud place stuffed with drunks and so many others it was hard to move. "It seems normal at first glance but has some unusual customers, and an unusual quirk in that it doesn't seem to in one location, otherwise I would have seen it along the street earlier." She hoped he'd continue talking, sure to a degree Sarah noticed a persons looks but a husky or deep voice was attractive in its own way.

Sarah smiled back at the intriguing woman, "Sarah Hale," she said and took Sawyer's hand in a firm grip. "Nice to meet you too." The woman had an air of mischief around her and seemed like the kind of person that loved a good time and something in her behaviour told Sarah that Sawyer also liked to spice things up with her own flare. "We just met actually, so anything else would be quite hasty," she replied, having some experience with that kind of relationships, and in her mind it wasn't the best dating trick. Walking home with a guy you didn't know pretty much always ended up badly when the alchol left you the next morning, no it was always best to get to know a person to more than a name in her opinion.
Vis sighs. "Yes, all the while they slaughter me everywhere they go. Forests, animals, oceans, lakes, mountains, rivers, you name it they've destroyed it int heir idea of a better environment than I can create... I hope they kill themselves off. At least I know that the day I die is the same as theirs, for I sustain them. At least I will not go down alone." He said, taking another sip of his drink. "It's pathetically ignorant. They're suicidal, do they not realize that it is I who allows them to eat, breath, and drink? Surely they do, yet they continue to march against me at every turn." He chuckles. "Well, how have you been Christian? You are as beautiful as ever."
"Ah, see, someone finds me amusing." Charles told no one in particular, upon noticing Vis' smirk. He floated over one of the offered drinks and glanced around the chittering room. Gods and mortals were already splitting off in two's and three's, and he felt oddly out of place in the bar. He assumed the reason was his lack of experience in such a setting. At 21, he had just started in the real estate business, and once he had earned enough to be counted as well off, he tended to drink only in professional settings. Bars had never been a social event for him, and now he found himself in a luxurious bar in god-knows-where with beings who claimed to be immortal. Maybe he had fallen asleep at the wheel and this was just a strange dream.

His fingers drummed against the counter as he scoped out the Bartender. "So tell me more. Where are we exactly?"
"I know a lot about everyone, and it's not through gossip I learn, but from their very own thoughts and dreams," Khaos said with a grin. 'Damien... Damien, that sounds about right,' she thought at his introduction. Though there are so many Damiens, names hardly did anything for her. At the offer of a drink, she had to decline, remembering the massive one that still sat on the counter, "Thank you, Damien, but I have enough for a week at least." Amidst the conversation between the three, more like too, Khaos observed Sonder with questioning eyes. Sonder never had good intentions towards any one, and probably never will. Khaos remembered walking though the girls dreams when she was but a mortal. Never were they pleasant, and not even her touch could shape them in to good. She couldn't imagine toying with them now. But Khaos had no right to look down on her, they were not so different, after all. And Sonder had achieved greatness from the most lowly point; it was admirable. So Khaos would let her play her game, she had the right, and besides, Damien seemed to enjoy her company at the moment.

She cleared her throat only to tell of her leaving. "Damien, Sonder, it was very nice to see the both of you. I think I will leave you two to get to know each other a little better, since I already know so much." Khaos gave them a little curtsy before taking her leave. "And you can remember me by Khaos, Damien."

On her way back to her seat, Khaos spotted another familiar face. She would almost feel silly going from conversation to conversation, but she didn't want to spend the night alone. And besides that, who would she have to dance with? Khaos found herself a seat next to the solo soul. "We're at The Bar!" she cheered to answer his question, "The Bar of bars, with the drinks of drinks and the Gods of gods. There is no other place to be on a night like to night. It's just ripe with opportunities and chatter." Khaos placed a hand over his to stop the drumming. 'Oh, I remember this one.' "Opportunity is just what you're looking for, isn't it Charles? You know it when you see it." Khaos almost made it a point to be over familiar.
She blinks for but a moment; would of blushed if she was able to. "Haven't heard that line in a long time." She states to him, before giving a smile. "I have been fine in my solitude. Quiet and peaceful, but lonely. I have no real room to complain, so I been very good." She nods her head. "How about you Vis? You are also quite handsome as ever if I may say so."