Original poster
These posters are scattered just about everywhere...
Looking for adventure?
Join the Killemall Pirates today!
Now open to any and all races, from alchemists to angels and everything in between! Come to the Chatterbones Tavern to sign up! And if you miss the meeting don't worry about it, just fly, jump, or flop onto our legendary air/sea ship Reverge! We're always looking for more crew members, so feel free to join in! We'll see you there!
Le Rules:
No godmoding
Smut goes to PMs
Don't kill another person's char without their permission.
Have fun.
Looking for adventure?
Join the Killemall Pirates today!
Now open to any and all races, from alchemists to angels and everything in between! Come to the Chatterbones Tavern to sign up! And if you miss the meeting don't worry about it, just fly, jump, or flop onto our legendary air/sea ship Reverge! We're always looking for more crew members, so feel free to join in! We'll see you there!
Le Rules:
No godmoding
Smut goes to PMs
Don't kill another person's char without their permission.
Have fun.