b*tch, bath, and beyond.


whenever i see you and you act like a bäkä
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
fantasy, supernatural, dystopian, sci-fi


"That day, the human race remembered the terror of being dominated by them, and the shame of being held captive in a birdcage..." — Over 100 years ago, a natural predator of humanity appeared: the Titans, giant humanoid but mindless monsters whose sole purpose of existence seemed to be to devour humans. There was an insurmountable gap in power between them and mankind, and as a result, humanity was rapidly exterminated to the brink of extinction. The survivors responded by constructing three concentric walls: Wall Maria, Wall Rose and Wall Sina, which graced them with a century of peace. However, one day a Colossal Titan far larger than any other seen before breached the outer wall, allowing the smaller Titans to invade the human territory and forcing the survivors to retreat to the inner walls. To make matters worse other types of titans that seem to be intelligent like the Colossal are making appearances, making any attempt to fight back futile. As resources greatly diminish and titan attacks become more frequent those within the walls begin wonder if their time is officially coming to an end. Only those brave enough to travel outside the walls are determined to fight back and find out what these new titans are and where they come from, clinging onto the hope that there are others out there. But whether they are friend or foe remains to be determined...

Titans are a species of giant, man-eating humanoids. The people inside the Walls are taught that they first appeared 107 years prior to year 850 and rapidly exterminated humanity to the point of near-extinction. Titans strongly resemble nude humans. They are typically bipedal, though a few are quadrupedal, with the limbs and features one would expect in humans; however, they were all deformed to some extent in body proportions (enlarged head, small limbs, etc.). The vast majority of Titans have exceptionally wide mouths with an array of entirely sharp (in certain instances), or entirely flat teeth (which is more common in most observed titans). The vast majority of Titans have a masculine body type, although all of them lack reproductive organs. Unlike other species, Titans do not mate, and their interactions are nil with organisms other than humans; their sole purpose in life is to seek out and devour humans. They do not derive any real sustenance from humans either, as many of them did not taste human flesh for a century after the Walls were raised; but it did not affect their activity or decrease their numbers. Some Titans do not react to pain, and all would move as long as there is sunlight. Titans di not possess a complete, functioning digestive tract; they merely have a stomach-like cavity that eventually fills up with what they swallow. After consuming a certain amount, they regurgitate the contents of the cavity before they continue eating more humans. Most Titans show no signs of intelligence and act like mindless beasts—easy to trick, distract, and deceive. However, some Abnormals are able to sustain some of their former intelligence.

The body of Titans appear to violate several known laws of science, spontaneously generating both energy and mass. Their bodies are incredibly light, granting them human levels of maneuverability. Their extremely high level of activity and body temperature indicates the need for a massive intake of energy to fuel them, yet they apparently never need to eat at all, though most Titans kill their victims by appearing to do so. They possess and use vocal organs, but they do not need to breathe for survival. Titans draw their primary source of energy from the sun, as they become inactive when deprived of sunlight. Titans possess incredible regenerative abilities. Although the capacity varies from Titan to Titan, all can regenerate lost body parts in a period of time ranging from seconds to minutes, even severed heads (unless the nape was severed with the head). One of the only sure-fire ways to kill them is by slicing an area one meter long and 10 centimeters wide on their nape. This is the location of the central nervous system of the Titan. Without a functioning nervous system to control it, the Titan will die. After death, Titan corpses rapidly evaporate to skeletal remains, then to nothing at all. How Titans react to pain stimuli varies from one to another: some Titans completely ignore agonizing injuries, even impalement through the heart, and attack nearby humans as normal. Others scream or writhe, seemingly in agony.

Ranging from 2 - 15 m in height, these Titans compose the vast majority of observed Titans. They all resemble humans but with varying levels of deformity. Their only common feature is their mindless nature. They mindlessly attack nearby humans, making them easy to deceive. However, they are still dangerous due to their size, physical strength, and sheer numbers.


An "Abnormal" is an uncommon type of Pure Titan that possesses unusual intelligence or performs unpredictable actions. Unlike the typical Titan that attack and devour humans on sight, abnormal Titans might choose to ignore single or isolated humans, and exhibit unpredictable behavior that could lead to greater damage as they disrupt important strategic locations. Some of these uncommon behaviors are speed-walking, running, performing great jumps, and even speaking human languages.

The Subjects of Ymir are descended from Ymir Fritz herself, the first human to acquire the power of the Titans over 1,800 years ago. After Ymir's demise, her daughters Maria, Rose, and Sheena Fritz devoured her corpse and gained her ability to turn into a Titan. As per their father's commands, Ymir's daughters reproduced to expand the bloodline and continue the race of humans who can turn into Titans. Currently, they populate the Walls of Paradis Island and the internment zones found in Marley and other nations of the world.

Shifters are Subjects of Ymir who have the Power of Titans. This allows them to transform into intelligent Titans with specific characteristics and unique abilities, known as the Nine Titans. In order to transform, a shifter must suffer an injury that draws blood (often self-inflicted) while having a solid goal or belief in mind at the moment of injury. Being injured by another person is also sufficient. Once the transformation is initiated, a burst of energy is released, followed by the generation of the Titan body and a release of hot steam. After transforming, the human body rests within the nape of the Titan's neck as the center of control. The human body is also merged with the Titan's flesh inside to varying extents, most frequently on the upper area of the cheeks below the eyes. When a human with the power of the Titans transforms for the first time, they can often lose control of their Titan form and can become a danger to both enemies and allies. If a Titan form is pushed to its limit, the human will emerge from the nape of its neck, sometimes in a semi-conscious or entirely unconscious state. If a Titan form is not exhausted, then its human possessor can emerge from the Titan form in full consciousness. In some cases, a human is able to partially emerge from their Titan body without fully leaving the nape. After the Power of the Titans is used, the area around the emerging human's eyes is temporarily marked by dark lines. The design of the marks appear to vary on some cases depending on which Titan the human is in possession of. The amount of time the human possesses these marks appears to depend on how long, skilled, or overworked they used their Titan forms, ranging from several minutes to several hours. The ability to transform into a Titan can be hindered by injuries inflicted on the human body. A human can transform into a Titan with injuries as severe as a missing limb, but only if a previous transformation has not occurred recently. If a human emerges from their Titan form and receives a severe injury, this person cannot transform into a Titan again until said injuries have healed.

Those with the power of the Titans can regenerate their bodies, as long as they have the will to live. They are even able to grow back their entire head in the event of a partial or complete decapitation. Regeneration from severe injuries such as lost limbs can strain their powers and prevent them from transforming for a period of time; healing takes much longer as a human than as a Titan. The time it takes to regenerate depends on the extent of the injury and how focused the individual is on healing that area. This healing is not absolute, however, and can be overwhelmed if the injury is severe enough. It is also possible to intentionally delay the healing. The only surefire way to kill a human with the power of the Titans is through severing the brain's connection to the rest of the body, although it is possible to survive even this by transferring the mind to the rest of the nervous system.

Those who inherit the Nine Titans are able to see the memories of previous inheritors to some extent. Touching objects or people can help trigger these memories. Blood relations between inheritors play a significant role in passing these memories. Both the Reiss and Tybur families kept their Titans—the Founding Titan and the War Hammer Titan, respectively—within the family, and because of that, they were able to access memories going back by several generations, up to at least the Great Titan War. Other inheritors are shown to be able to see the memories of the previous inheritor at the very least. Sometimes, the new inheritor will have dreams of a previous one. The Attack Titan is unique in that its inheritors can receive memories from the future as well as the past. The user of the Attack Titan is able to see events that their future self will experience, and even peer into a future inheritor's memories to some degree.

All Titans can harden with enough practice and training. This hardened material is shown to be so strong that not even the Colossus Titan can kick through it. Hardened materials on Titans are shown to be penetrated by Thunder Spears, sheer strength (presumably by another Titan), or the power of the Founding Titan. Titan hardening performed around humans, has only been shown to be broken by the Jaw Titan's jaws, or the power of the Founding Titan, with things such as Thunder Spears merely bouncing off of the titan crystals. This skill has shown to be easier to learn based on the Titan.

The first Titan, Ymir Fritz, was killed thirteen years after acquiring the power of the Titans. Because it is impossible for anyone to surpass the Founder, each person who gains the power of the Titans is fated with the "Curse of Ymir", which limits their remaining lifespan to only 13 years after first acquiring it. During the last years of their life, their body will weaken until they perish.

The power of the Titans can be transferred to a new host, should the current host be devoured by a Titan. This allows an ordinary Titan to become human again and possess the power of the Titans, and inherit one or more of the Nine Titans' abilities as well as the memories of the previous inheritors. This has been the case with the Founding Titan for over a thousand years. If an individual with the power of the Titans dies before it can be transferred, the power will be passed on to a baby among the Subjects of Ymir, who is born after the said inheritor's death, regardless of distance or relation to the previous inheritor.


The Nine Titans were nine Titan powers that had been passed down through the Eldian people for nearly 2,000 years after the death of Ymir Fritz, with each having their own name. They are called the Founding Titan, the Attack Titan, the Colossus Titan, the Female Titan, the Armored Titan, the Beast Titan, the Jaw Titan, the Cart Titan and the War Hammer Titan. Around 2,000 years ago, Ymir Fritz obtained the power of the Titans and became the first Titan, which is the Founding Titan. Thirteen years later, she died and her power was then split into three by her daughters who devoured her. Eventually, the powers split into the Nine Titans, which were subsequently inherited by nine of her descendants. The Nine Titans soon destroyed the ancient nation of Marley and conquered the entire continent to build the Eldian Empire. As family relations play a significant role in passing and inheriting memories from the previous inheritors of the Titans, the Nine Titans normally resided within noble families during Eldia's reign. Examples include the Fritz family with the Founding Titan and Tybur family with the War Hammer Titan.

The Founding Titan, by screaming, can turn Subjects of Ymir into Titans, control the minds of Titans, and alter the memories and bodies of Subjects of Ymir, but only if the inheritor has royal blood or is in contact with a Titan of royal blood. It is connected to all Subjects of Ymir and Titans via paths.

The Armored Titan is covered by hardened, armor-like skin, except in key areas necessary for movement, it also possesses the ability to harden its arms and feet into sharper claws which can be used to climb structures such as the Walls.

The Attack Titan can receive memories from both past and future inheritors of the Titan. Guided by these memories, it always moves ahead, fighting for freedom.

The Beast Titan can take on the physical characteristics of different animals that vary between its inheritors.

The Cart Titan is quadrupedal and has great endurance that allows it to stay transformed for long periods of time, as well as transform in rapid succession without needing to rest, hundreds of times per day even.

The Colossus Titan is enormous and can emit immense amounts of steam from its body like a blast furnace, at the gradual cost of its muscle tissue. The user is able to control the Titan's transformation power and blast radius.

The Female Titan can inherit abilities much more easily than any of the other Titans. It can also harden areas of its skin for extra offensive and defensive capabilities. It also has the ability to summon pure titans with its scream.

The Jaw Titan is the swiftest of the Nine Titans and has sharp, hardened teeth and claws capable of breaking almost anything.

The War Hammer Titan can materialize various weapons and structures from its own hardened flesh. It can be controlled from afar through a cable of Titan flesh while the user remains hidden within a hardened crystal casing.

Paradis Island is a massive island on which the three Walls are located, and Eldia's last territory. It is just off the coast of Marley and is surrounded by the ocean. Marley uses the island as a dumping ground for its Eldian criminals, turning them into Pure Titans as punishment. In this context, the island is often called "Heaven". Late into the history of the Eldian Empire, Karl Fritz, the 145th monarch of the Fritz family, chose to abandon the conflict over the Nine Titans between the subservient Eldian families on the continental mainland and moved the capital of Eldia to Paradis Island, a remote island at the time. In the King's absence, the Great Titan War continued to cripple the Eldian Empire as the eight Titan families would engage in an endless cycle of conspiracy and betrayal. As Eldia lost more and more territory to the Marleyans, the King gathered as many Eldians and members of the royal family as was possible before raising three Walls around their last piece of undisputed territory in the year 743.

The military also known as the Armed Forces of Eldia are a full-time professional armed forces of Eldia on Paradis Island originally trained to deal with the Titans within and beyond the Walls. It is divided into three branches: the Survey Corps, which explores outside human territory to hostile areas in a bid for expansion; the Garrison, which patrols and maintains the Walls, keeping Titans out and acting as the first to engage the Titans if the gate is destroyed; and the Military Police Brigade, the top-ranking soldiers who serve as the personal guards for the king and maintain order within the Walls. Additionally, the Training Corps oversees the education and training of the recruits in order to join one of the aforementioned branches.

Marley is a nation located beyond the Walls and across the ocean from Paradis Island. Marley was once conquered by Eldia in ancient times, but during the Great Titan War, the Marleyans rose up and subjugated all of Eldia's territory with the exception of Paradis Island. In the present, Marley sustains its global power using the power of the Titans possessed by the Warrior Unit, but it is losing its status due to lagging behind other nations in technological progress.

The Marley government has a vast knowledge of the Titans to the extent that they are able to make use of Titan-related technology, as they possess insight into the origin of the Titans. For example, the Marley government are known to create Titan serums to transform the Warriors and Eldian criminals into Titans. An academic discipline known as "Titan biology," headed by Marley's Titan Biology Research Society, was founded in dedication to the research of Titans. It is the Society that put forth the theory that all Subjects of Ymir are connected by unseen paths from which the flesh and bones of Titan are sent to them, and that all the paths cross at a single "coordinate," the Founding Titan.

After the Great Titan War, most Eldians who were stranded on the continental mainland were left at the mercy of an unforgiving Marleyan nation, which was nevertheless aware of the military potential of their genetic trait. To exploit it, the Eldians were segregated from the rest of the population into designated areas such as the Liberio internment zone under the watch of the Public Security Authorities. These ghettos act as a reserve pool for Pure Titans. In wartime, internees were brought out to be turned into Titans and released onto battlefields as living weapons.To justify its exploitation, Marley indoctrinated both its citizens and Eldians with a revised history which demonized the latter group. As a result, the Marleyan populace saw the Subjects of Ymir as evil due to their ancestor Ymir Fritz's deal with the "Devil of All Earth." On the other hand, average continental Eldians have become convinced that they are genuinely indebted to their "merciful" Marleyan overlords, and that the only ways to redeem themselves would be through loyal service to the Marley Motherland and the extermination of "bad" Eldians on Paradis Island.
[div=background: #BG-COLOR; width: 530px; height: inherit; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; margin: auto;] [div=background: #TITLE-COLOR; width: 530px; height: 45px; line-height: 40px; font-family: palatino linotype; font-size: 19px; color: #FONT-COLOR; text-align: center;] CHARACTER NAME [/div] [div=width: 365px; margin: auto; margin-top: 3px;] [div=border: 1px solid white; width: 120px; height: 120px; background:url(IMAGE-ONE); background-position: center; background-size: cover; display: inline-block;][/div] [div=border: 1px solid white; width: 120px; height: 120px; margin-left: -1px; margin-right: -1px; background:url(IMAGE-TWO); background-position: center; background-size: cover; display: inline-block;][/div][div=border: 1px solid white; width: 120px; height: 120px; background:url(IMAGE-THREE); background-position: center; background-size: cover; display: inline-block;][/div] [/div] [div=background: white; width: 364px; height: 215px; margin: auto; margin-top: -3px;]
[div=border: none; width: 359px; height: 200px; padding: 5px; overflow: hidden; margin-top: -10px; margin-left: -9px;][div=border: none; width: 120%; height: 200px; overflow-y: scroll; margin-left: 7%; padding-right: 5px;][div=border: none; width: 100%; min-height: 315px; padding: 0px; font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; color: black; text-align: justify; line-height: 11px;]GENERAL:
full name:
preferred pronouns:
relationship status/crushes:
titan shifter?:
titan type:
--- refs: (photo links)

✯ like headcannons, but longer and descriptive
✯ feel free to add more

--- aesthetics: (photo links)

--- significant traits: (e.g. clever, reserved, intelligent, etc.)


✯ tid-bits of info
✯ feel free to add more
[/div][/div][/div] [/div]
[div=background: white; width: 364px; margin: auto; margin-top: -20px; text-align: center; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; color: auto; font-variant: small-caps; text-transform: lowercase;]template by solstice[/div] [div=background: #SAME-TITLE-COLOR; width: 530px; height: 45px; margin-top: 4px; line-height: 40px; font-family: palatino linotype; font-size: 19px; color: black; text-align: center;] LYRICS, LYRICS, LYRICS [/div][/div]

full name: adelina schmidt
✯ nicknames: close friends are allowed to call her addie or even lina. her father gave her the name sunshine as a child and only he is allowed to call her that, will simply stare at you like you're crazy if you attempt to call her that. also gets dubbed the nickname "lioness" by her peers due to her mane like hair and fighting style.
age: sixteen
birthday: june 21st | cancer
gender: cisgender female
preferred pronouns: she/her/hers
sexuality: pansexual panromantic
✯ relationship status/crushes: single | cedric
✯ titan shifter?: yes
✯ titan type: attack titan
--- refs: x, x, x, x, x, x
✯ mental & physical disabilities:

✯ faceclaim: violet evergarden
✯ voiceclaim:
✯ height, weight:
adelina stands at a small 4'11 and weighs 105 pounds. her body is built up of well defined, lean muscles as well as pronounced curves.
✯ scars: adelina has very few scars, most of which are hardly noticeable. her father taught her from a young age on how to avoid getting heavily injured during a fight ad due to his teachings she tends to leave her altercations with no more than a few marks and bruises.
✯ body modifications:
✯ accessories:
in the future she starts wearing the necklace that once belonged to her father. x
--- aesthetics: (photo links)


✯ traits: very artistic, loyal to those she cares for, intelligent, very friendly, adventurous, massive goofball, goes with the flow, down to earth, knows she's attractive and will use it to her advantage if need be, selfless, cheerful, talkative, kindhearted, intimidating when angry, independent, can be a bit sensitive, hardworking, imaginative, knows how to talk her way out of bad situations, maternal, chaotic at times, patient, observant, trustable, leisurely, persuasive, very popular, protective of her loved ones, a helpless romantic, sweet, spontaneous, witty, she will easily stand up for herself if she's being harassed or made fun of, sociable, stubborn mull, outspoken, has a strong neutral mindset, assertive, can be childish around friends, leaderly, strong willed, immense guilt, resilient, opportunistic, wishful, responsible, incredibly energetic

✯ gives the best hugs, they're very warm and soft
✯ don't think that just because she's short she wont find a way to get up to your height and slap you
✯ has freckles going across her nose and cheeks
✯ whenever she gets embarrassed her face turns a bright shade of pin
✯ animal magnet wherever she goes there can't be some type of animal not to far behind
✯ a very light sleeper the slightest sound could wake her up
✯ only sleeps heavy when she's extremely exhausted, try to wake her up from this and she will hit you over the head
✯very strong legs, could probably break your jaw if she wanted to
✯ smells like strawberries and cream
✯ her hair is very soft and floofy
✯ yes you may touch it but only if you ask nicely first
✯ people tend to underestimate her because of her small size and easy going nature, she loves seeing the looks on their faces after she hands their ass to them
✯ gets drunk very easily and is her most chaotic in that state
✯ dont dare her to do anything if you're joking because she will stare you straight in the eyes and say "bet"
✯ will literal jump off out of a window if she got dared to
✯ honestly she'd probably jump out of it sober too just for fun 🤡
✯ very artistic she loves to paint and will make her own paint of out plants and other resources she finds lying around
✯ a good friend, she'll make you soup and sit with you when you're sick
✯ wakes up with really bad bed hair that takes her forever to fix
✯ gets distracted easily
✯ if she goes missing chances are she got distracted by a pretty bird she found and wont stop staring at it
✯ she likes to be carried because she lowkey hates walking, and because it makes her feel tall
✯ a fucking gremlin who comes off as a innocent angel
ties hoodie strings together with someone else's "it had to be done"
loves spaghetti thats like heroin to her
✯ has a ton of admirers in both marley and paradis and the attention sometimes overwhelms her
✯ if you try to get her to talk about her problems she'll turn it around and get you to talk about yours instead
✯ she can be pretty manipulative some times when she needs something but she tries not to be
✯ makes friends with almost everyone, people just tend to love her
✯ the type of person people tell their secrets to because they find her trustworthy and their right she'll take your secret to the grave
✯ her stomach is a literal black hold it's surprising how much food she can intake with such a small body
✯ will tell the grim reaper to fuck off if he comes to kill her
✯ if she could live a normal life she'd open up a paint and flower shop
✯ takes to much pride in her hair so she refuses to cut it to a shorter length
✯ tho this means that she has to wake up and style it out of the way every day but length
✯ will finish her food and than ask you for yours
✯ she's a tough girl. her previous combat skill acquired from her dad as well as all the training she's done with marley have made her into a very strong fighter. she could easily break your bones and if you test her you'll find out why she was given the attack titan
✯ gets sea sick will more than likely vomit the longer she's out at sea
✯ she really enjoys being warm and will often find herself in front of a fire with a blanket and a good book to read when it's cold out
✯ a cuddle bug she loves physical touch
✯ does a little shimmy in her seat whenever she eats something tasty because she just loves food that much
✯ very, very flexible
✯ does she have any bones in her body?? the world may never know
✯ has a knack for giving her friends nicknames
✯ she's a free-spirited person she just wants to live a happy peaceful life one day with her dad
✯ picnic!! dates!! give them to her now
✯ likes frogs
✯ she's pretty fashionable always seems to look put together
✯ please don't take her being nice as flirting, if she was flirting with you you would know because it would consist of pretty corny lines
✯ "is your shirt made of boyfriend material ;)"
✯ very selfless always puts others before her own and hardly takes time for her own needs
✯ don't talk about her height she will retaliate by kicking you in the shins to make you fall over
✯ sweet smile that hold a lot of lies
✯ she sympathizes with the people of paradis but she wouldn't say this to the other shifters
✯ loves to climb trees and will hang from a tree branch upside down to make herself dizzy
✯ the moment she met lukas she decided that she was going to adopt him as her brother. no take backs
✯ also forces him to give her piggy back rides
✯ honestly she just loves being carried in general, even if its just holding her on your side like a purse she's gucci
✯ do not touch her stuff and put it somewhere else she will freak out and dirty up her space just to fix it like she had it before
✯ give her validation please. tell her she's doing a good job and she just might cry
✯ already established that she's a chaotic drunk but probably a flirty drunk when she's around cedric. probably won't remember any of it the next day and will freak if someone brings it up
✯ she will eat a whole bunch of sweets and than one piece of broccoli and call it a balanced diet
✯ tends to keep her emotions pent up and is practically a ticking time bomb waiting to explode
✯ even if you don't like her chances are she's probably still kind to you and cares about you and your well being to some degree
✯ definitely a mediator she will calm down a fight when she sees one starting
✯ will bite off her own fingers before she admits to having feelings for someone
✯ adelina: "pfft i dont like cedric what do you mean??"
✯ also adelina: incoherent noises whenever she sees cedric
✯ has a very disney princess like singing voice and could probably lull you to sleep with it
✯ tell her about your dreams! she'll sit there invested the entire time and tell you to go for them
✯ big puppy dog eyes, could con you out of your life's savings if she wanted to
✯ if she were a dog she'd be a golden doodle
✯ likes to collect pretty tea cups
✯ will draw you a picture if you ask
✯ picks at her finger nails a lot when she's nervous
✯ probably drinks to much tea in one sitting but a little caffeine never hurt anyone

template by solstice
Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: armeen.

full name: kaiden lucifer maddox
nicknames: kai, kiki (a nickname given to him by his youngest sister, sylvia. no one else is allowed to call him this), dove (haven's nickname for him),
age: sixteen years old
birthday: october thirty-first | scorpio
gender: cisgender male
preferred pronouns: he/him/his
sexuality: homosexual demiromantic
relationship status/crushes: single | haven
titan shifter?: yes
titan type: female titan
--- refs: ref 1 - ref 2 - ref 3 - ref 4 - ref 5
mental disabilities: severe anxiety, anorexia, ptsd, depression

faceclaim: satoru gojo from jujutsu kaisen
voiceclaim: up until age 14/15 his voice claim is jim hawkins
from treasure planet, as he gets older he sounds more like yuji itadori
(but with a little bit of gojo sprinkled in as well)
height, weight: 6'8; 203lbs - lean and muscular
scars: ref 1 - ref 2 - ref 3 - ref 4 - ref 5 - ref 6 - ref 7 - ref 8
- facial scars
physical disabilities: n/a
body modifications: answer
accessories: answer
--- aesthetics: (photo links)

big general trigger warning

✯ born on the thirty-first of october, kaiden is the third oldest of four siblings (three minutes younger than his twin sister, eliana). until he was around 2 years old things were... okay-ish. his father had always been a cruel drunk and treated kaiden and the rest of his family horrifically, but it didn't get really bad until kai turned 3.
✯ their father, abraham, never truly cared about them and it showed in the way he acted. he had every one of them wrapped around his finger in some way or another and expected his wife, analise, to be the one to do the work and take care of them while he handled his own business. adette, their oldest sister, helped by getting a job of her own despite her age and did everything she could to help. that meant that she and their mother were out of the house often and it was during that time that abraham would handle his business of taking kaiden and eliana and pimping them out to people.
✯ this went on for years and it wasn't until kai was 10 that he was finally able to stand up for his sister and protect her from their father. he took the brunt of the abuse and never let him lay another hand on eliana again, despite how that meant even worse for him. however, after kai left on the paradis mission abraham started hurting eliana again. //wip


--- significant traits: highly intelligent, loyal, observant, hard-working, sarcastic, stubborn, anxious, sensitive, independent, creative, cruel, selfish, ruthless, artistic, intimidating, brave, questionable morals,

✯ he is incapable of getting drunk (no matter how much alcohol he has consumed)
✯ desensitized to just about everything
✯ he is ambidextrous
✯ has incredibly soft hair (no, you aren't allowed to touch it)
✯ in fact, refrain from touching him altogether
✯ he needs reading glasses but it's rare that he ever actually wears them
✯ he has a photographic/eidetic memory
✯ smells like vanilla and peaches
✯ has crippling anxiety, very skilled at masking it
✯ sleeps once in a blue moon and when he finally does he sleeps like a corpse
✯ others will actually check to see if he's still breathing when he's asleep
✯ while he does tend to appear dead when he sleeps he will still wake up the minute anyone gets anywhere near him
✯ gets bored very easily, always has to be doing something
✯ a smug motherfucker and he knows it
✯ stubborn as hell and has a lot of trouble listening to others (especially those older than him / any and all authority figures)
✯ very physically fit / contortionist flexible
✯ whenever he experiences any trauma he can't help but laugh (honestly, laughing is his automatic response to things that make him uncomfortable, nervous, upset, etc.)
✯ hates having to rely on others in any way
✯ very observant and a fast learner (in very specific situations), he picks up on things rather quickly
✯ has a very complicated relationship with food
✯ could absolutely kill you from beyond the grave
✯ probably fucking hates you
✯ gives wonderful hugs but don't think you'll ever get one- it's more likely that he'd break your neck
✯ very good with animals and kids (both taking a liking to him very easily, despite how much it may bother him)
✯ touch him and he will break your bones
✯ he's incredibly skilled at fighting but chooses to hold himself back from his full potential when it comes to sparring with others, etc.
✯ he adores gardening and often helped his mother with their garden at home
loves flowers and could tell you about every kind of flower there is
✯ a talented guitarist! it's one if the few things that help him calm down
✯ doesn't like to eat around other people (he never eats with the rest of the group)
✯ at the end of the day, he likes to isolate himself from the group so he can journal in peace
✯ an incredibly talented artist- has multiple sketchbooks that he has filled/fills with his art
✯ has a vent sketchbook that he draws in when he's upset or simply needs an outlet for whatever he is feeling
✯ while he does have multiple journals, he carries only one journal with him at all times and has flowers pressed between the pages, given to him by his youngest sister (it's his most important possession)
✯ a very skilled chef / baker
✯ he taught his twin, eli, everything she knows about cooking and baking
✯ for the longest time he struggled with self-harm and because of that both of his arms are covered in scars. he hates when people so much as look at them so he tries to keep his arms covered at all times
✯ don't talk about the scars. ever.
✯ really, it's not like that's a complicated request
✯ he has worked very hard to recover from that, but that doesn't mean it's just gone. he still has those thoughts but he does everything in his power to redirect them into something else (often opting to paint on his arms. it's soothing to him)
✯ referring to kai by the nickname 'snowflake' will instantly put someone on his hit list and he will despise them until the day he dies
✯ significantly stronger than he looks
✯ he has abnormally long/sharp canine teeth

✯ more tbd

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✯ full name: alexandria lykaios
✯ nicknames: she only goes by lex and will flat out ignore you
if you address her by her full name.
✯ age: sixteen
✯ birthday: june 30th | cancer
✯ gender: cisgender female
✯ preferred pronouns: she/her/hers
✯ sexuality: bisexual biromantic
✯ relationship status/crushes: complicated, lukas
✯ titan shifter?: yes
✯ titan type: armored titan
--- refs: (photo links)
✯ mental & physical disabilities:

✯ faceclaim: nobara kugisaki
✯ voiceclaim: anne yatco
✯ height, weight: lex stands at 5' and weighs 100 pounds. her body
is sturdy, muscular, and has well defined curves. people back in
marley know not to mess with her, and eventually, so will the
eldians in paradis.
✯ scars:
✯ body modifications:
✯ accessories:
--- aesthetics: (photo links)

✯ like headcanons, but longer and descriptive
✯ feel free to add more

traits: genuine, ambitious, blunt, considerate, patient, intelligent,
adaptable, observant, reliable, confident in regards to her
appearance and skills, adventurous, decisive, focused,
independent, efficient, devoted to those she cares about, fun
loving, is actually quite the dork around people she feels
comfortable with, enjoys being a tease and flirting but won't
put up with being harassed, opinionated, intimidating, callous,
artistic, intuitive, competitive, has questionable morals, guilt
ridden, extremely bitter, can be a hard ass, bossy, stubborn,
cunning, selfish, distant, ruthless, argumentative, lost, pessimistic,
fearful, organized, vengeful

✯ tid-bits of info
✯ feel free to add more

template by solstice
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  • Love
Reactions: armeen.

✯ full name: his real name is haven ackerman, but after escaping
the underground, him, his sister, and uncle took on the last
name "wolfe" to protect their identities.
✯ nicknames: has been tagged with the nickname "golden boy" by
his peers. he plays along with it but it makes him a bit uncomfy
because he doesn't view himself in that way.
✯ age: seventeen
✯ birthday: june eighteenth | gemini
✯ gender: cisgender male
✯ preferred pronouns: he/him/his
✯ sexuality: demisexual (and very gay)
✯ relationship status/crushes: single, kai
✯ titan shifter?: no
✯ mental & physical disabilities: g.a.d, panic disorder, ptsd, adhd

faceclaim: yato from noragami
voiceclaim: shōya chiba
✯ height, weight: haven is 5'8 and weighs 138
pounds. he has a lean build and is smaller than some boys who
are his age which often leads to people underestimating him upon
first glance.
✯ scars: most scars that haven has come from his childhood in
the underground city. the causes range from street fights all the way
to his father's anger and sadistic nature. the most noticeable are the
cigarette burns reside on one of his cheeks, but that's only
because the rest of the other marks are hidden by his clothing.
no matter the weather, haven opts for long sleeves and pants so
that he can have a more average appearance; the long, judgmental
stares he used to get when he didn't made him too uncomfortable.
he tries to avoid looking at his reflection because it only reminds
him of his father and darker sides of his past.
✯ body modifications: n/a
✯ accessories: his mom gave him the goggles that he wears
around. one of the lenses is slightly cracked, but he refuses to
fix it or let other people touch them. x
--- aesthetics: (photo links)


traits: humorous, loyal, kindhearted, upbeat, idealistic,
easygoing, empathetic, curious, supportive, resilient, brave
but reckless, eccentric, talkative, smartest dumb ass you will
ever meet, emotionally driven & moody, one of the most dramatic
people alive, mischievous, secretive, easily startled, unpredictable,
sensitive, sarcastic, has an attitude problem when provoked,
dishonest, chaos incarnate, impulsive, insecure, self critical,
can be oblivious and has the habit of zoning out, loud, anxious,
a bit of a people pleaser

✯ has a dimple of his right cheek
✯ gets sick v easily and had fevers pretty often when he was a
✯ this bitch is always at the center of attention. it gets overwhelming
to him sometimes though and makes him anxious.
✯ you have to genuinely try not to like him. it's hard to avoid
his energy; this is partially where he gets his nickname from.
✯ a garbage disposal for food. ever can't finish your meal? hand
it over to him and it'll be gone in seconds
✯ gremlin golden retriever sent from hell
✯ he isn't great with criticism and is overall pretty sensitive so even
though he might laugh and shrug everything off, he's still hurt by it.
✯ baking is one of his favorite pastimes
✯ if you wake him up from his sleep, you better pray that he doesn't
decide to murder your ass
✯ it takes him so long to finally relax enough to go to bed so for it to
be interrupted?? unforgivable
✯ thankfully it would take a level four earthquake for that to happen
✯ imposter syndrome runs deep in this one
✯ smells like cinnamon and vanilla
✯ will say that he's fine until the day that he dies so that he doesn't
have to bother anyone
✯ has been told he's too intense and annoying by other people in
the past so he's learned to mellow out his personality around most.
he does this because he's afraid they'll leave if they find him to be
too much
✯ writes poems when he's bored. sometimes they're good, other
times they're completely random and make no sense
✯ likes dancing but isn't great at it no dad moves for him though 🤡
✯ has lots of freckles
✯ wonders what it would be like to travel beyond the clouds
✯ collects rocks that he thinks look cool and gets excited when
he finds a new one
✯ what's going on in that head of his? the world may never know.
probably gets questioned a couple times a day about the random
shit he does without warning
✯ doesn't tolerate stress well
✯ definitely prefers fruits. you could not pay him to try new
✯ worries about whether he's living up to what his mom wanted
for him and mitsuri daily. misses her more than anything and was
super close with her
✯ childish™ and still teases mitsuri like a five year old
✯ yes, he did pull that prank, and yes, he is laughing at you as you
✯ it would be a struggle for him to stop being sarcastic even if you
paid him
✯ puppy dog eyes master
✯ a disaster but he's vibing
✯ if you have to ask where he is, you should be worried bc there is
a 95% chance he's off somewhere causing trouble since he was
✯ never knows what tf is going on
✯ pro hand whistler and thumb wrestler
✯ lots of people think he's a flirt but he's just genuinely being nice,,
broskis he can't flirt for shit when he actually likes someone
post time-skip though?? someone please stop him,, not giving
a fuck makes him way too good at taking advantage of his natural
charm when he wants to

✯ confident and goofy facade with ✨crippling anxiety✨
✯ gets hella hangry so i wouldn't recommend going near him when
he hasn't had food yet
✯ sometimes he knows the decisions he's making are bad but still
chooses to run the risk
✯ downplays his skills/smarts bc he doesn't really believe he's
good at what he does
✯ can't look in the mirror without being repulsed. the only thing
about his appearance that he's somewhat okay with is his eye
color since it doesn't resemble his dad's that much
✯ "do not harm but take no shit"
✯ when he's with his friends it's like he has endless energy
✯ please ask him for permission before touching him in any
way, he gets extremely uncomfortable when taken by surprise.
he's affectionate with a select few but it takes a while to
get to this point with him. (p.s. he's hella ticklish but you didn't
hear that from me)

✯ his socks never match colors
✯ could be described as a 'human heater' bc of how warm
he always is
✯ has very quiet footsteps so he scares people when he
walks into rooms sometimes
✯ a sentimental bastard if you will
✯ ok he might be dramatic but it's only a joke,, like he's
constantly worried about overreacting when he's actually
hurt by something
✯ doesn't want to justify everything he does but he feels
like he has to
✯ the idea of ghosts scares the shit out of him
✯ can't sleep when it's totally dark and needs to be
near a source of light or with someone bc he'll start
to panic otherwise
✯ has played the piano since he was a kid and he
sees it as an outlet
✯ "gay idiot with one brain cell ready to fight a god"
✯ talk to him about conspiracy theories!! he will go off.
he's pretty imaginative and good at improv so y'all will
be there for a while LMAO
✯ talented at faking accents
✯ acts on his emotions without a second thought the
majority of the time and gets in trouble from breaking
the rules a lot
✯ it's very easy to get him to laugh
✯ he's a hopeless romantic but scared to develop feelings for
someone again bc he doesn't want anything bad to happen
to them
✯ stims by humming and/or cracking his knuckles
when he's nervous
✯ easily startled, pls don't try to scare him for fun :(
✯ struggles with accepting compliments and not feeling
awkward about it
✯ used to get into a lot of fights due to his impulsivity and
loud mouth in the underground
✯ he's super expressive so you'll know how he's feeling
even if he doesn't admit it
✯ kind because he wants to be, not because he needs to.
he'd rather not be one of the millions of other assholes
in the world and would hate to make someone feel horrible
about themselves bc he knows what it's like.
✯ loves a challenge and can be seen laughing when
he spars
✯ pretty much the "looks like a cinnamon roll but could
actually kill you" meme. he knows many more ways to take
a life than he'd like to admit thanks to his father and associates
that were often present in his childhood. morally speaking, haven
won't do it unless there's a good reason; he tries to stray
as far away as possible from xavier's teachings. he was slated
to take over the organization if his father died which is why
there was so much pressure put on him from a young age.
✯ the type to bring the bug outside instead of killing it
✯ eryk is probably tired of him bringing street cats home
✯ frogs 🥺
✯ has a large amount of knowledge about different types of
mushrooms and other natural cooking ingredients bc of his mom
doesn't mean he can actually cook though 🤡

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  • Love
Reactions: angel doe

full name: lukas engel
nicknames: nutcracker (adelina's nickname for him), luk (his older brother's nickname for him, only he can use it)
age: sixteen
birthday: november 2 | scorpio
gender: cisgender male
preferred pronouns: he, him, his
sexuality: bisexual demiromantic
relationship status/crushes: complicated, lex
titan shifter?: yes
titan type: jaw titan
--- refs: (photo links)

✯ like headcannons, but longer and descriptive
✯ feel free to add more


--- aesthetics: (photo links)


--- significant traits: (e.g. clever, reserved, intelligent, etc.)


✯ tid-bits of info
✯ feel free to add more

template by solstice
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Reactions: buttercup

full name: fynn lorenz
nicknames: n/a
age: sixteen
birthday: september 30 | libra
gender: cisgender male
preferred pronouns: he, him, his
sexuality: pansexual demiromantic
relationship status/crushes: single, mitsuri
titan shifter?: yes
titan type: colossal titan
--- refs: (photo links)

✯ like headcannons, but longer and descriptive
✯ feel free to add more


--- aesthetics: (photo links)


--- significant traits: (e.g. clever, reserved, intelligent, etc.)


✯ tid-bits of info
✯ feel free to add more

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Reactions: buttercup

full name: valeria genevieve alastair
nicknames: val, v, lioness (or smthing along those lines idk yet. just some kind of clever lion related nickname)
age: twenty-six
birthday: answer
gender: cisgender female
preferred pronouns: she/her/hers
sexuality: pansexual demiromantic | polyromantic
relationship status/crushes: single | eryk
titan shifter?: no
mental disabilities: adhd,

faceclaim: yang xiao long
voiceclaim: answer
height, weight: 6'2; 228lbs - she's pretty much all muscle, has well defined curves. she knows she's hot and takes a lot of pride in her appearance.
scars: ref 1 - ref 2
physical disabilities: none at the moment
body modifications: answer
accessories: answer
--- aesthetics: (photo links)

✯ answer //wip

✯ wip
--- significant traits: answer

✯ wip

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full name: eliana saffron maddox
nicknames: prefers to be called eli, frequently called "ice queen" due to her turning down everyone who has tried to court her as well as in reference to her appearance (she really isn't fond of this nickname, though),
age: sixteen
birthday: october thirty-first | scorpio
gender: cisgender female
preferred pronouns: she/her/hers
sexuality: asexual demiromantic
relationship status/crushes: single | cora, julian
titan shifter?: no
mental disabilities: anxiety, ptsd, panic disorder

faceclaim: weiss schnee
voiceclaim: yui ishikawa
height, weight: answer
scars: ref 1 - ref 2 - ref 3
physical disabilities: answer
body modifications: answer
accessories: answer
--- aesthetics: (photo links)

✯ answer //wip

✯ wip
--- significant traits: answer

✯ has a very hard time saying no to people
✯ often taken advantage of because of this
✯ blames herself for things that are out of her control
✯ lots of survivors guilt
✯ frequently has nightmares
✯ "i'm doing alright!" she says with tears in her eyes
✯ a massive cuddle-bug
✯ hates popcorn
✯ she smells like peaches and coconut
✯ has a smile that really can light up a room
✯ and her laughter is absolutely contagious
✯ adores all things fluffy
✯ not a morning person, at all
✯ if you talk to her before she's had her coffee, be prepared to lose a limb
✯ she takes her brother's shirts all the time- whether they are ever returned? up for debate
✯ will put on a brave face around others because she hates worrying people
✯ makes the best tea and coffee you could ever drink
✯ a wonderful baker and chef- loves to cook !! (kai is the one who taught her just about everything she knows in this field)
✯ she gives really good advice
✯ can't seem to take her own advice, though
✯ her dream is to open up her own bakery/café
✯ a people-pleaser; she is terrified of rejection and will do absolutely anything if it meant she would be accepted and gain others approval
✯ an incredibly affectionate and loving individual, she believes everyone is deserving of love
✯ very polite and obedient, she rarely talks back; even to the most terrible of requests, she would always smile and agree
✯ she only truly acts like herself when she's with kai
✯ terrified of ending up alone
✯ she knows how to pick locks (she's also a very skilled pickpocket but that isn't something she's ever proud to admit)
✯ once people find out she's related to kai they typically leave her/distance themselves from her
✯ she loves to tinker with and fix things (and she's very good at it)
✯ just like her brother, eliana has abnormally sharp/long canine teeth
✯ she has dimples when she smiles

✯ more tbd

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✯ full name: her birth name is mitsuri ackerman but after fleeing from the underground, as well as from her father she and the rest of her family took on the last name "wolfe" in order to conceal their identities.
✯ nicknames:
✯ age:
✯ birthday:
✯ gender:
cisgender female
✯ preferred pronouns: she/her/hers
✯ sexuality: bisexual, demiromantic
✯ relationship status/crushes: single | fynn
✯ titan shifter?: no
✯ mental & physical disabilities: severe anxiety, ptsd

✯ like headcannons, but longer and descriptive
✯ feel free to add more

✯ faceclaim: rikka takarada
✯ voiceclaim:
✯ height, weight:
✯ scars:
✯ body modifications:
✯ accessories:

--- aesthetics: (photo links)


--- significant traits: (e.g. clever, reserved, intelligent, etc.)


✯ tid-bits of info
✯ feel free to add more

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reserved for elira's form