Original poster
K I Z U N A - - " B O N D S "

You hear it in Naruto all the time~ but what are bonds, really?
Watching Yugioh 5Ds, main character Yusei Fudo is reunited with his childhood friend, Kiryuu, who has ended up on the dark side, as a Dark Signer. Jack and Crow, too, the other two of their childhood group called "Team Satisfaction" join the scene, seeing Kiryuu's new personality. It's a heartbreaking scene as Kiryuu challenges Yusei to a life or death darkness duel...
It reminded me of the group of friends I had when I was a child. Sure the group was always changing, but when I meet them now, even though we don't know each other as well anymore, there's still this strange comfort and serenity in their presence...
Anyhow, think on it ! What do bonds mean to you ? What kind of bonds do you cherish?