Aye Yo Check Out Dis Shiz



Original poster
thanks for stoppin' by~ checkout these tumblr-lookin'-arse shiz

Ch 6 Forest

Ch 1
Saving Akira

Dog Meeting

Complex 53 Under Attack

Confrontation with Enemy Dog Pack




The Night shall rise and The Morning shall fall.

G o d s


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Hopping the Train/Leaving the City

Wandering Stars Pack is "Born"

Entering GladdenWood and Meeting the GladdenWood Pack

GladdenWood's Dark Secret

Escaping GladdenWood




Darling little
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The Flood

Wandering Stars Separated

Wandering Stars United at the Beach

Pack Relaxing at the Beach, Watching the Sunset

The Pack Continues on Their Journey

  • Countless moons ago,
    there were 3 clans. Oak Clan, Birch Clan and Willow Clan. All three live within the Great Forest, there were times of peace, times of war, but in the end there was a balance that was held. Until the harsh winter, known as The the Time of Frost, hit all three clans and changing history forever. Prey was scarce, cats were starving, becoming thinner and weaker by the day, more and more fights over food and territory broke out. The leader of Oak Clan, Silverstar, stepped forward and suggested that the clans merged. Together they could all hunt and cross territory lines without fear of being attacked.
    Birch Clan agreed to this, but Willow Clan rejected the idea. In the end, Silverstar's idea proved right, Birch and Oak lived on as single, strong clan, renaming themselves Storm Clan. Willow Clan, however ,did not survive and every cats' life faded away. Storm Clan is now the only clan within the Great Forest, they continue to thrive to this very day, many, many moons after. Storm Clan is living proof of strength and power, that the forest was meant to be ruled by a single clan.
    Or so this is what is told from the stories of Storm Clan's history, but perhaps not all what it seems to be.
    After all,
    the winners of war are the ones who re-tell history.
  • Countless moons have passed since the time of the The Freeze and Storm Clan continues to thrive. However, this current peace that goes on within this single clan will crumble around them. As the truth of Storm Clan's history begins to reveal itself, cats loyalties will be tested. There will be those who will lead a new path, but not without leading a trail a bloody paws behind them.
  • Leader: As the name suggests, the lead the clan, their word is law so long it follows with the warrior code. For cat to become a deputy, they must have at least mentored 1 apprentice
    Deputy: The second in command and successor of the leader should said leader passes on, steps down or is absent. Deputies are chosen my the clan leader and a second requirement for a cat to become a deputy, they must have at least mentored 1 apprentice.

    Warriors: The fighters and protectors of the clan. Warriors can mentor up to 2 apprentices at a time.

    Medicine Cat: Healers of the clan, are also soothsayers. Being able to communicate with Star Clan and even cats of the Dark Forest. They are also able to for see the future and past, often these telling are given to them by the spirit cats of Star Clan or Dark Forest via dreams. With that being said, not all dreams are clear, as they can be riddled with symbolic scenery. Medicine cats are only given 1 apprentice at a time and their is only 1 medicine cat per clan.

    Queens: Females who are either pregnant or nursing. She-cat warriors become queens during these times and are sent to temporary retirement, till they are finished nursing and raising their young. Some she-cats stay as permanent queens.

    Apprentices: Cats between the ages of 1 to 6 moons (months) old. These young cats have the "kit" removed from their name in placement of "paw" and are then given to a warrior or medicine cat as their apprentice. They will train till they are 6 moons old, if not older depending on whether or not their mentor or even the leader sees them fit to take the next rank. The leader of the clan, after seeing the apprentice fit to move onto a higher rank, will bestow onto them their warrior or medicine cat name. Thus removing "paw".

    Mentors: A warrior, medicine, deputy, or leader cat who takes a younger cat under their wing for training.

    Kits: Cats below the age of 1 month, they are not permitted to leave camp till they are of at 1 month old and with a mentor.

    Elders: Cats who are retired warriors, leaders, deputies and medicine cats. There is no exact age that a cat is deemed an elder, but usually its when they are too weak to hunt or fight. They treated with much respect within the clan.

    Gathering: A time once every full moon cats of all clans come together in one particular area. This is a peaceful night and time to discuss issues among the clans. However due to Storm Clan being the only standing clan,

    Moonstone: A stone at the center of a grand ravine that glitters and shines. Medicine cats go to this moonstone once every crescent moon to speak with Star Clan and essentially "dream walk".

    Passing of Time: Cats use seasons, the sun, and lunar cycles to tell the passing of time. "A moon" equals a month (ex: This cat is 8 moons old = This cat is 8 months old). Seasons are to describe years as well as when they were born (ex: Hawkfeather is 6 summer's old = Hawkfeather is 6 years old and was born during the summer). The is used to describe the passing of a day or week (ex: It was 3 suns ago = It was 3 days ago).

    Mates: Some cats mate for life others do not, even after they've had a litter together.

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Wandering Stars Oversees Farmland at the Top of a Hill

Entering the Farm Town

Confrontation with Farm Dog Pack

Making Peace with Farm Pack, Settling into Farm Town

The WolfDog

Of Gods and Men
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Wandering Star Pack Member Meets a Wolf for the First Time

Farm Dog Pack vrs Wolf Pack

Wandering Stars Leaves Farm Town

  • crystal-druzy-and-geodes.jpg

    Witches of AppleGlen

    My love, you've seen this kind of town before, it's a bit smallish, mundane fill with well to-do folk, all fitting comfortably in their roles predetermined by their society by un seen and unspoken laws. A mundane town, even those who are wealthy, living lavished and luxurious lives and mundane within their own right. There is so much more to this life, such more. I can show you, let me show you.
    - Javier

  • 7b0a331815102d7856bdc54163c195df.jpg

    There is a wide array of potions used for a variety of reasons, many potions are used as an ingredients for spells, curses and enchantments. A rule that stays true for all potions, and all magic, is that one must take something from the earth, be it organic or not. Such as herbs, water, blood, fat, flesh, bones, and any sort of liquid or fluid from plants.

    Take note that, potions have their limits, particularly a time limit. Depending how strong the potion, it can last from only a few hours to even a few days, eventually the magic of the potion wears off of the user unless they take the potion regularly.

    There is line between spells and curses, though this line has been known to be a bit blurry

    Spells are positive or "light" magic, that is cast upon a living thing. Showering said living creature with good luck, fortune ect...

    Curses are negative or "dark" magic, uses to bring misfortune onto living things or people.

    Enchantments are spells or curses placed upon objects or areas. It isn't uncommon to use the word enchantment, spells and curses interchangeably. ...

    Many if not all witches are gifted the common powers, also known as the Elements (wind, water, fire and earth/plant manipulation). Witches can also shape shift into an animal form that is the shape of their familiar. They also have the ability to fly, but only with the assitance of some srt of broom or tree branch. All witches have a "true form", which is a sort of humanoid demonic a[appearance. Every which has their own unique set of abilities....

    The ability to possess an object or animal.

    Animal control
    The ability speak, control and see through the eyes of animals.

    Hair control
    The ability to use one's hair as a weapon or tool.

    Dream walker
    The ability to astral project into another's dreams or nightmares, as well as bring others along to said dreams.
Can see or foretell the future via symbolic premonitions. The visions Seerers receive are not clear, as they are made up of symbolic flashes of images, the future can only be hinted at in these visions and can only be interpreted.

Shadow walker
The ability to travel and hide among the shadows of living creatures or anything that is to represent living beings (such as dolls, stuffed animals or taxidermy animals)

The ability to raise and control the dead.

Age Deceiver
The ability to take on the appearance of an elderly person or child.

Views on gender an biological sex mean little to witches, as it is not uncommon for witches to identity much out side the binary

Sex & Sexuality
A very sex positive culture, it is generally acceptable for very intimate expression between witches (be it sexual or platonic), sex in front of youngsters, those below the age 18 years is forbidden.. The same rings true for nudity, of course nudity is only permissible without the prying eyes of humans, it is is mostly done within the privacy of homes or the woods. As for sexuality, again the witch culture is rather open minded to this, hardly anyone will blink twice at mention of sexuality that isn't heterosexual....

Cradle Witch
A witch who is born from witch parents.

Sanguine/Blood Witch
A witch who was born human, but learned the art of witchcraft. These are the most common of witches.

A group of witches who work or even live together, lead by the head witch.

Head Witch
Leader of a coven/hive.

Second Hand
The second in command of the coven/hive.

Witches who are taught by more experienced members in witchcraft.

Night of Salem/Salem's Moon
Once a month when the moon is full, witches, regardless of type and coven, come together within the woods. It is a gathering with a roaring bonfire at its center. The purpose of the gathering is to simply allow witches to be among each other without fear of being prosecuted for being witches. This monthly tradition has been passed on since the beginning of the first witches and has spread across the globe to all witchfolk. On this night it would not be uncommon to witches wander about in the nude or wear revealing attire. It is also not uncommon sexual escapades to occur, however these are done away from gatherings were children are present.

How to Become a Witch
Aside from simply being born into being a witch, there is one other way for witchood. Signing your name in The Book of Flesh. This item looks to be an old leather book, its brown cover worn, tan pages wrinkled and torn at the edges. The Book is about half the length of a horse's skull with quite a bit of weight to it, yet even the smallest of children can still somehow hold and carry it. The Book is as old as time itself, or so it is believed, and within it are countless signed names of human turned witches are written inside. This book is everywhere, yet nowhere all at once, appearing only when it is called by ritual and the calling of the deepest desires to write one's name within it. The ritual to summon the book must be held at night near candle or firelight. A fresh apple must be placed in the center of a symbol in the shape of goat's skull or pentagram, while all participants must disrobe themselves and chant these words. "Ahtha Kanta Morra." The apple with then decay in a puddle of rotten mush, emerging from the putrid liquid will rise the book. Pricking ones finger with the needle sharp quill that lay within the books pages, the signer must write their name in blood. After the signing, the book will close itself before igniting into blue flames, disintegrating till there is nothing left, even then the fire itself will die on its own. Those who have signed their names to become witches in The Book will then be official taught and mentored in the ways of witchcraft.

Inheriting Leadership
For a witch to become the official leader of a coven they must got their a ceremonial rite of passage. There ceremony must partake in a forest, with all adult witches (those 18 and older) from all nearby covens present to witness the act. The new head witch is to stand within a circle as one of the elder witches reads from a book,

All witches are human, be they

Male Witches
Male witches have two full sets of sex organs, with a phallus and scrotum along with a vulva and clitoris set beneath it between the thighs.

Female Witches
Female witches have the typical human sex organs, however female head-witches develope a sort of pseudo penis when they take on the role as coven leader. Their clit enlarges and turns into a sort of retractable shaft after ceremonial rites.....

Witches are "created" one of two ways. Being born from one or two witch parents, inheriting their powers from birth, or by turning via rituals.

Familiar Forms
All witches have some sort of animal familiar spirit within them, this animals spirit gives them the power to disguise themselves as a mundane animal such as cats, birds, wolves, foxes bats and so on.

Bestial Form
Also know as "a witch's true self". A witch's true form is not their human form, it is a sort of demonic being that can take on many forms,some more monstrous than others.
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  • Gods of Blood and Flesh

    "Long ago, before man stood at the top of the food chain, there was a hoofed creature that devoured men, women and children alike. They lurked within the wilds, peering from behind trees, watching and waiting for the next fool to set foot in the wilds of their forests. There were times were one could hear them howling and baying in the night, some described it as a sort clash between an elk and wolf, other a shrieking cry of some unholy beast.

    Long before the humans ruled, there were the wendigoes."

    A herd of man-eating beasts, known as Wendigoes, seat themselves at the heart of an ancient forest known as Orchard Glade. This herd, BirchWood, has existed within this land for countless centuries and generations, ruling as kings and queens of this forest. They have fought rivaling herds that tempted to take their home, all battles ending in their favor, victory seems to run in their blood as well as their loyalty and trust in each other. However, an event has changed the herd forever. An event of which has never happened before, parricide. During a harsh winter, food was scarce and the herd was faced with starvation. The then alpha of BirchWood, Gulwick, refused to allow the herd to migrate for the winter in search of more prey. Gulwick's son, Alden tried to reason with his father, if they did not leave and follow the path to where their prey had migrated to, then it would spell doom for them all. The alpha was a stubborn and prideful stag, seeing it as "giving in" and "being weak" to allow the cold to chase them out of their own home. Their people have fought battles and survived harsh seasons before, they could do so again, or so this is what he thought. But this winter was the coldest in Orchard Glade history, even the human village had moved on for the season.
    Growing frustrated and not wanting to see his herd wiped out, Alden challenged his father for the rank of alpha. He hoped the battle would force his father to see that his stubborn ways could ultimately kill his own family, that if Alden won, he would lead the herd to where the prey ran to for the winter. In the heat of the fight, long and bloody, Alden did the unthinkable. He killed his own father. Under wendigo law, this gave him the right to rule as the new alpha of his herd. The herd was barely given time to mourn over their former leader's death as Alden gave the immediate command for them to move on for the winter. Once the harsh season was done, BirchWood, the human village of Wolfcote and all the forest animals returned to Orchard Glade.
    Five years has passed since then and it seems that the herd's hardship are not done. Ill feelings still bubble towards the new alpha by some for his murder, not only this but the traditions of BirchWood are being challenged by a few individuals as well. This list of problems only grow by the passing days…

  • A wendigo who takes a younger wendigo under their wing to teach them the ways of their kind, such as hunting and fighting. What a mentor teaches is based upon the gender of the mentor and the apprentice.
    Doe or Luna Mentor: Teaches skill in hunting, carrying for the young, assisting in birth, gathering herbs (healing purposes), fruits and vegetables, weaving baskets. Does and luna mentors only teach doe and luna apprentices.
    Stag Mentor: Teaches skill in hunting, fighting, how to properly patrol the territory. Stag mentors only teach stag apprentices./size]

    Ranks are broken into 5 groups in total.
    Alpha: the leader of the herd (this rank can either be inherited from parent to child or fought over via challenge by a delta or the beta)
    Beta: second in command and adviser of the alpha (earned via appointed by the alpha)
    Delta: the main body of the herd, made up of stags. Hunters, fighters and guards.
    Omegas: second to the lowest rank, lowest being apprentice. Omegas are made up of does and lunas, they too are allowed to hunt, but their job mostly consist of caring for the young, the elderly and a slew of other domestic affairs.
    Apprentices: the lowest rank as they are young wendigoes ranging between the ages of 10-17 years who are in the process of learning to be a productive members of the herd under the watchful eye of a mentor. The rank of an apprentice are also given to humans who have been turned to wendigoes, their training lasts from 6 months to a year before they are viewed as independent. Till then, their sire (the wendigo responsible for turning them) are their mentors. Those who were not bitten by a wendigo (thus not having a sire) and were turned via starvation and eating the flesh of another human are given mentors, either bestowed upon them by the alpha or volunteer.
    Elder: a veteran member of the herd, starting at the age of 60 and beyond. Elders are retired from their duties and given the utmost respect, despite whatever past rank the once held.

    Courting: Wendigoes have various ways of attracting potential mates or simple bed partners. Food or flowery offerings, adorning one's self in paints to enhance their appearance. These are more passive or neutural ways of attracting mating partners.
    Dominance: Expressing dominance and strength is typically viewed as a stag's way of courtship, however this in all truth is expressed by many wendigoes regardless of gender. Dominance is expressed in many ways, wrestling or sparring being the most common as wendigoes (usually stags) use this as a way to dominate a potential partner into submission or showing off ones strength to attract a spectating potential partner. A "game" of chase is also used in expressing dominance, one wendigo giving chase to another. Dominance is also used as a means of humiliating or putting another in ones place via sexual acts such as mounting (with or without penetration) being one example.
    Partners: Mating partners can be permanent or brief. It is not uncommon to see wendigoes with one or more mates, just how it is normal to see a wendigoes with no mates who simply have casual encounters with others. If a fawn or fawns are a result of casual sex, it is expected of the parents to take part in the fawns life to assist each other in raising the child.

    Baying: A sort of howl used with communicating with other wendigos and creatures. Baying can be a means of a mating call, to locate others, or for simple enjoyment/bonding with others like a rallying cry.
    Chuff: A low or soft huffing noise. This is used in a way of greeting others.
    Purring: Can be either loud or soft, commonly used in a calming and affectionate manner, such as a mother or father purring to their young. Purring is also done between mates/friends/family.
    Growls/Snarls: Can be used in a playful fashion, but mostly used for showing aggression or agitation.
    Grooming: A common part of herd life, mostly used between lunas and females. But it is not an uncommon sight to see males being groomed by their mates or for courting. Grooming can vary from stroking/petting/braiding hair or bathing each other to licking another herd member's cheek.

    Dominance continued: There are multiple ways of a wendigo to express their dominance. The most common is baring ones teeth or grabbing the back of another wendigo's neck, exposing their throat. Another way of dominating is through sexual means such as mounting. Sexual dominance is shown between mated pairs or between unmated wendigos. It is a sign of courtship, aggression (can be use to embarrass or shame the one being subdued) or playfulness. Sexual dominance is used for various places and occasions, ceremonies, rituals, or done in public in front of the herd to 'make a point', (within the absence of youngsters).
    Submission: The many signs of submission is averting one's gaze, baring the neck, lowering of the ears, tail tucked, exposing one's stomach or getting into the lordosis position.
    Though there are general formalities, language, and behavior among wendigos, every herd as their own unique set of rules and customs.

    Many wendigoes view humans as inferior compared to the wendigo species. They are also seen as the best kind of prey, their flesh, blood and bones being the best tasting and holding the most nutrition. Humans are also sometimes 'played' or toyed with by some wendigoes, some taking pleasure not only torturing but also sexual escapades which are frowned upon in BirchWood's culture. In said culture, it is forbidden to speak with a human, unless said wendigo plans on killing them soon after. "Observe and interact in silence" is the motto.
    Views on human turned wendigoes are mixed, some positive, some negative, others neutral. Some born-wendigoes view turned wendigoes as inferior (this view is mostly held by older members), others view them as simply another fellow beast.
    Turned wendigoes are seen as apprentices and their sires as mentors who are fully responsible in showing their prodigies the ways of the beast. After six months to a year of training the turned creature will be viewed as an independent "adult" wendigo.

    Though many of the BirchWood wendigoes do not see themselves as literal gods, they do see themselves as superior humans and thus view the humans treatment of their kind as gods as a sort of compliment. They take in appreciation of the offerings and use the humans' faith to their advantage.

    Once every month, under the night of the second full moon, many of the adult wendigoes (ages 18 and older) take part in a special event. Ceremonies and celebrations of the Night of Song varies. Fawns and those who have yet to have a rite of passage stay behind at the denning site with a small group adults who are either chosen or volunteers to stay behind to supervise.
    Mating Ceremony: This ceremony celebrates the permanent binding of two or more wendigoes who wish to be each others life partners. The ceremony is decorated with various types of colorful plant life and bonded couple or couples are given gifts. These gifts vary from food to items. The mates, after the ceremony, then stow away into the night, to find a den to copulate and solidify their bond with a bite on the shoulder or neck area.
    Rite of Passage: A coming of age ceremony. For fawns who've reached the age of 13 years, they will partake in their first hunt with the herd or group of adult wendigoes. For apprentices it is a means of becoming and adult at the age of 18 years, they will be given a task by the alpha to prove themselves capable herd members. For human-turned-wendigoes it is a means of gaining complete independence and celebrated via a feast.
    Joining the Herd: A wendigo that has recently joined the herd will partake in the Night of Song to fully mold themselves into the ranks of the group.
    Hunting: A simple hunting trip used as a way from herd members to bond. Hunts consists of chasing down large, challenging prey, like bears, mountain lions ect… Hunting ceremonies can also target human prey.
    Bonding: This would mean a night of relaxation, this is (aside from Hunting) the most common and reoccurring of ceremonies. Bonding nights consist of herd members doing whatever they wish and simply behave as natural and feral to their hearts content. This ranges from a small band of wendigoes decidedly to go out for a hunt, or perhaps to lounge about in each others company enjoying a nightly groom. Spars also occur, though typically and traditionally stags only participate in such actions. Sexual actively may also occur on these nights, either hidden away from main group activity or brazenly out in public within the main group.
    Gathering Night: One the night of the first fullmoon, wendigoes of all ages of the herd gather to bond and listen to any sort of news or announcements from the alpha.

    Nursing: Some do not mind nursing young in public, while others are a bit more modest. The sight of a nursing wendigo, is rumored to be a sign of good health and fortune. Public nursing is a more common sight during ceremonies or rituals if youngsters are permitted. Nursing is seen as a special bond between fawn and mother (or in some cases wet-nurses). Some adult wendigos enjoy suckling milk as a form of bonding or pleasure.
    Nudity: Clothes are seen as unnecessary and a hindrance to the wendigoes, for one, they mostly roam about in her beastial form. When they're in their human form, they still go about in the nude, seeing clothes as something humans only wear. A wendigo wearing clothes is seen as an odd ball.
    Sex: Sex is used and seen by the BirchWood herd as a means of reproduction, pleasure, ceremonies and rituals. Sex in front of youngsters is taboo and forbidden, however, in the absence of the young public displays of sexual intimacy are permitted.
    Wendigoes are able to change their form at will unless under a full moon, then they have no choice but to shift. When under the full moon, the beast takes all control.

    When shifting to their beast form, wendigoes look to be tall satyr-like beings, but instead of goat or sheep characteristics, they have deer-like appendages instead. Some wendigoes are covered in smooth fur, similar to the fuzziness of a peach (or velvet), that comes in various colors and patterns. Some wendigoes only have fur past their lower abdomen, while the upper part is mostly skin. The fur's thickness on some parts of the body, such as the neck or chest can vary. During the warmer seasons, most of their fur is short, but during the colder seasons it grows much thicker in some areas (such as the neck and chest.) Their heads and face maintain a human appearance, however one will soon notice the antlers that sprout from the top of the head. In replacement of their human ears, they have deer ears and their mouth harbors sharp canines made for ripping into flesh. Their legs are digigrade with cloven hooves for feet. Their claws are retractable, changing from normal human-like nails, to sharp talons at will. Wendigoes also harbor deer-like tails just above their rear end.
    Blood & Gore Warning, Variant 1
    Semi Nudity Warning, Variant 2
    Semi Nudity Warning,Variant 3
    Semi Nudity Warning,Variant 4

    Semi Nudity Warning, Example A
    Some Blood Warning, Example B
    Stags (male wendigoes) tend to be larger than females and lunas in terms of height and muscle mass. Their sex organs are similar to that of a human male's and their antlers are usually larger than that of females and lunas.
    Does (female wendigos) tender to smaller and feminine in body frame than their male counterparts. Some carry antlers that tend to be smaller than stags, some carry no antlers at all. Does sex organs are similar to a human females along with a set of breasts on their chests. Does also have a second set of mammaries just above their sex organ which enables them to nurse more young at once.
    Nudity Warning, Example A
    Nudity Warning, Example B

    The term luna is a sort of second gender bestowed upon wendigoes who carry dual sex organs and are capable of bearing young as well as impregnating other lunas and females. Lunas can either be identified as male or female, depending on the luna themselves. This second gender is noticed at an early age as one can see a second sex organ. All lunas are immediately designated to the rank of an omega by default due to their second sex. Their antlers vary in size, some do not have antlers at all. Lunas more than anomaly just for being born with two sexes, they can only come into the world being born as a wendigo. It is not possible for a human-turned-wendigo to become a luna. Unlike does, lunas do not have a second set of mammories on their lower halves.
    There different body types to lunas, Type A's and Tybe B's. There are lunas who bare a phallus with a vulva set beneath it, said phallus is in place where the clitoris would be. This luna body type (also known as Body Type A) has an internal sack that behaves similar to that of a set of testicles as well as ovaries. The internal sack is dormant till "activated" through sexual activity, operating in a way depending on the role of the individuals participating in mating. Such as when a luna is mounting, the internal sacks work like that of a set of testes and produce sperm. If the luna is being mounted, the internal sacks reacts in the same way ovaries would (when in estrus) and releases eggs for impregnation. The shifting of sperm to egg or egg to sperm happens within a minute or less while in the process of penetrating or being penetrated.
    The second form of genitalia that other lunas possess (also known as Body Type B)is having two full sets of sex organs, with a phallus and scrotum with a vulva and clitoris set beneath it between the thighs. Body Type B do not have an internal sack and instead have fully functioning ovaries (internally, like human female's) and fully functioning set of testicles (externally like a human male's).
    In terms of body types, A or B, it does not matter nor depend on whether or not the luna will be able to produce breasts during puberty. Some lunas, regardless of body type, are capable of having breasts (of any size that one would see on any human female/wendigo doe). While other lunas are born with no breasts, either flat chested of able to grow peck muscles. The physiques of type A's and b's vary.
    (if confused or curious with more questions on lunas, please do not hesitate or feel embarrassed to ask~)

    Another way referring wendigo young, who are under the age of 12. Fawns from the time they are born to a year, find it difficult to control their form shifting abilities. Often newborns and one year olds stay hidden at home during daylight hours in the town or are only seen in the forest while on an outing with parents or baby sitters. Between the ages of 12 and 17, young males are referred to as bucks. Females between the ages of 12 and 17 are referred to as jills. Once they become 18 or older, males are called stags, while females are called does.

    Stags go through a period once every two months that occurs for a week. Depending on the individual, behaviors vary but general, basic behaviors consist of needing to roam and mark territory. The first 3 days of rut the stag will express a change of behavior, the next three days will be the ruts highest point and the last day is the rut slowly ebbing away.

    Lunas and does go through a period once every month that occurs for a week. Depending on the individual, behaviors vary but general, basic behaviors consist of needing to nest in a safe environment. First 3 days of heat the doe or luna well express change in behavior, the next 3 day will be the heats highest point and the last day is the heat ebbing away.

    After a luna or doe has given birth, their typical heat cycles can take up to a month when it returns, sometimes it can even longer. The longest being 3 or 4 years.

    Females and lunas are able to lactate without becoming pregnant. This usually happens through various reasons, such as being in the presence of young fawns that are still within nursing stages (newborn to 3 years of age). Or through means of persistent suckling, tugging, or kneading of the breasts and nipples. Lactation may also occur while in heat or when sexually excited outside of estrus.

    Wendigos teeter on the line of human and beast. Though their brains are very similar to humans, there is a more primal side to their consciousness. It's not uncommon to see an annoyed wendigo mother (while in human form) snarl at her young for being disobedient. Or a herd member expressing dominance to another by grabbing the back of their head, exposing the others neck.

    Despite human lore, wendigoes are not mindless vicious beasts out for blood and meat, however there is a sickness that is known to drive a wendigo insane, called Black-Moon. A wendigo afflicted with this illness transforms without choice under a new moon, they will become rabid and attack and or eat any living thing insight. Black-Moon is responsible for portraying the wendigoes vicious character in human lore. (Though even if Black-Moon didn't exist, there is the wendigoes would still be consider dangerous monsters due to their taste for human flesh.) This illness is contagious via bite and can only be cured with a white rose known as, Lunar Rosa, a very rare plant.

    Wendigoes are capable of turning humans into their kind. There are two ways for a human to turn into a wendigo. The first is for the human to starve and eat a large portion of human flesh. The second is to be bitten by a wendigo. The transformation process takes three days. The first day: After the bite, or eating human flesh, the victim will feel a strong craving for raw meat and blood. Second day: The victim will feel a sort of itchiness over their body and may express animal-like behavior. Third night: The victim has their first transformation, that will be very painful.

  • Wolfcote is a small human village of simple people that live simple lives, for the most part. This village has the typical village-related problems, with an addition of being the occasional target of the BirchWood wendigoes. No one knows who showed up in Orchard Glade first, the humans or the herd of antlered beasts. But one thing is for certain, the man-eating creatures are the rulers of this land and the humans are fully aware of this.
    The last thing the humans want is their village to be slaughtered. So to keep the beasts at bay, they would give offerings to the wendigoes. Going as far as making shrines within random areas of the forest. These offerings are a variety of things, from flowers, toys, carvings of statues of small and large figures in the beasts likeness, livestock (living or dead) and even the occasional human (typically one who committed an atrocious crime or a stranger passing through the village).
    Some humans do not agree with these practices, and this is a very small minority. Were as the majority see it a means of survival. The majority also outright worship the wendigoes, seeing them a powerful creatures that rule the wilds. Even as so far as calling them 'gods' of the forest, merciful and merciless, cold and loving. These worshipers are called Cervians and their faith, Cervia. The Cervians ultimate goal is to appease the wendigoes, but also to be a seen as a "chosen" and be bitten to be turned into a wendigo.
    The religion of Cervia is a faith that worships the wendigoes of the forest as gods, building shrines in their honor. Some of these shrines are even made for individual wendigoes, there are also Cervians who have favorite gods whom they worship more to. The Cervia faith believes that sacrifices, dead or living, are one of the ultimate expressions of devotion. People of the Cervia faith, Cervians, give names to the wendigoes, as they do not know the creature's true names since the creatures never speak to the humans of Wolfcote.
    If one could describe the Cervia faith, is that it is a faith wrapped in the idea that one should not dread nor fear of being killed or eaten by a wendigo, if anything it should be embraced with joy. One should sacrifice blood, flesh and materialistic things to their gods so that they one day may be blessed with being "chosen" and their human village will be left in peace. "Chosen", being turned into a wendigo and thus a god of the forest.

    Always bow within the presence of a god
    Always offer a gift to a shrine, even in passing
    Killing a god, especially a god-child (fawn) is punishable by death and will be used as a living sacrifice
    If a god wishes to take your life, you may try to escape, but if they capture you then it is your fate to feed your god
    The bodies of the deceased will be cleansed and offered to the gods
    If a god chooses you to be their prodigy, you must accept the "change"
    Show your devotion to your gods by praying and giving offerings.

    Shrines can vary from small shelters or a statue made of either wood or stone, made in the shape of a deer's skull or a wendigo. All these shrines serve a purpose, a means of appeasing the wendigoes. The offerings left at the shrines can vary, from flowers, small wood or stone carvings, fruit, meat and much more. The shelter-type shrines are often used as a resting place for the wendigoes.

    Chief: The equivalent of a pastor or priest of the Cervia faith. They are not only seen as the religious/spiritual leader, but also viewed as the leader of the village as well.

  • Forest: The forest of Orchard Glave is a beauty to behold. Its vibrant colors, the wild animals that roam its ground, all majestic and almost enchanting. Be warned, not all is wondrous and bright, there are dangers known and unknown of the place.


    A quiet open field, filled with grass 12 inches in height filled with a brilliant arrangement of flowers. Deer often enjoy grazing here.
    Hot Spring:

    A place commonly used by the wendigoes to relax and bathe. There a multiple, smaller springs that surround and link to a larger spring. The smaller springs are encircled by rock formations (a sort of wall-like barrier for privacy) used by individual or smaller groups, while the larger, main spring are often used by larger groups.

    A still lake filled with various types of fish and attract various types of wildlife, namely water fowl and those who come for a drink or hunt said fish.

    Calm most days, but a force to reckoned with during storms as it is known to flood and transform into a powerful, sweeping current.
    BirchWood Denning Site:

    Home and resting place of the BirchWood herd. They sleep within the strange stone carved shelters made by ancient creatures unknown. These ruins are old, worn, over grown with vegetation, but still hold strong and safe for the wendigoes that live within them. Some wendigoes have small, individual 'dens' of their own, while others share and sleep together in groups.
    Meeting Grounds:

    A place were the herd gathers to for The Night of Song and Gathering Nights. The giant stone head that lay at the clearings center is rumored to be the head of the first wendigo, but this information is unfounded and is just a rumor.
    Wolfcote Village:

    The human village that resides somewhere within the forest. There is nothing noteworthy of little village as they only have small wooden houses and some farmland. They are, for the most part, hermit-like people who keep to themselves, hardly ever coming in contact with other villages (if any other village are aware of this place). They are not people of trade, unless they are trading amongst themselves, as they hunt and grow their food by themselves.
    Wolfcote Graveyard: An empty field surrounded by short grass withint he forest near the village, with stones decorated with engravings of various designs. These stones are to represent those who had once lived in the village and passed away. Wolfcote do not bury their dead, as they offer the bodies to their gods, so to commemorate the memory of the deceased they carve designs into stones and place it in this field.
    BirchWood Graveyard: A small piece of the forest filled with barren trees. This is where the members of BirchWood bury their fallen herdsmen and women. For every barren tree, a wendigo's body lays beneath it.

  • No one, not even the wendigoes themselves, know where they came from. Who was the first wendigo? Were they born? Perhaps created and if so… who or what created them?
    There an ancient tale, passed on from generation to generation, told through bedtime stories and gossip about the first wendigo, the grandfather of the flesh eating beasts. The Ice Gale, a monster as tall as a mountain with a ghoulish face, eyes burning like dancing flames in a sea of black. His body covered in a thick coat of pitch black fur, with antlers branching from his skull like mighty, dead oaks. Wherever he went, a monstrous ice storm would follow him, some say he controlled it and caused frozen destruction wherever he went. Devouring all and any in his path, his most favorite were humans.

    The second story is that of a woman, who had devoured her lover, consuming their flesh, blood and bones so that they remained with her for all eternity. Her cannibalism turned the woman insane, her madness driving her deep into a forest and lived like a wild animal, adopting the behaviors of the wolves, wildcats, and cervine to survive. In doing so, her body changed, growing fur, fangs, claws, and finally antlers. Many believe her to be the mother of wendigoes.
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  • ╔═══━━━━─── ◥◦◤ ───━━━━═══╗
    ◦Gods of Blood & Flesh◦
    ╚═══━━━━─── ◢◦◣ ───━━━━═══╝

    A land known as Thalduin, is home to vast stretching forests, dotted with many towns and villages. Thalduin is also known as "The Land of No Kings" as the name suggests, royalty does not rule here. This once vacant country has been colonized by people from across the globe, creatures included for the last five hundred years. Said creatures, are the fearsome, man-eating beasts that go by many names, one most commonly is, Wendigo. These creatures, the wendigo, have existed since the dawn of man. No one, not even the wendigos themselves, know of their origin. They call Thalduin "The Land of No Kings" but in truth, there are kings and in the eyes of some worshipers, they are gods. The rulers of the wild forests, these beasts, these wendigos lurk within the shadows of the wilds of the land. Any fool who is willing to challenge, will be found at the receiving end of the beasts bloodied antlers and trampling hooves.

    Note: AmberValley is where the majority of rp will take place, later in the rp's story line this may change. The former alpha of ShadowOak can be of any gender and age, they can either be exiled or remained within the herd but as a lower rank. If no one takes an interest in being the former alpha they will be either an npc that's been exiled from the herd or killed off.

  • tenor.gif

    Though every herd possess their very own unique set of rules and customs, general formalities, languages, and behaviors are shared among the wendigo as a whole.

    This ritual is a task that the herd Alpha sets for the youth of the herd who have reached the age of eighteen to prove themselves on what rank they are to be designated in. If they are successful, the Alpha announces their rank, and the Wendigo in question will take on their new role, and duties.

    Important Note: In many wendigo herds, these ranks can be fought for. Example// A gamma who wishes to become a delta, must fight a delta and win, earning them their new rank.

    Leader of the herd. Can be inherited via birthright or fought for.

    The adviser, and second command to the Alpha.

    The hunters, fighters, and defenders of the herd.

    (note, not all herds carry the gamma rank) A lower ranking delta, typically used as hunters, fighters as well as scouts. Gammas are also viewed as the defenders of fawns and omegas when deltas are off hunting. The role of gammas is automatically bestowed upon juveniles (juxi, jills and bucks) till they reach the age of 18 where they are given a task by the alpha to prove where they stand in terms of rank within the the herd.

    The lowest rank, the omega's duties consist of domestic affairs (cooking, cleaning, nurturing the young, the sick and elderly).

    Beasts without a herd, they are often nomadic save for those that live in human populated areas.

    A sort of howl used to communicate with fellow wendigo, and non-wendi's alike.
    Baying can also be used as a mating call, to locate another, or for simple enjoyment/bonding with others. Akin to a rallying cry among wolves.

    A low or soft huffing noise.
    This is used in a way of greeting others.

    This sound is made by a frustrated a wendigo seeing and being unable to reach prey or item. Fawns and does tend to make higher pitched chirps, while lunas and stags tend to have lower pitched chirps.

    Bleats / Honks
    Used as a means to express excitement or when startled.

    Can be either loud or soft.
    Commonly used in a calming, and affectionate manner.
    Such as a mother, or father purring to their young. Purring is also done between mates/friends/family.

    Growls / Snarls
    Can be used in a playful fashion,
    but mostly exhibited via aggression, or agitation.

    Male wendigos.

    Female wendigos.

    Wendigos who are born dual sexed. They are often referred to with male/masculine pronouns and are viewed as "men" by many, but it is not uncommon for a luna to refer to themselves neutrally when it comes to gender. They are both and neither.

    A gender-neutral way of referring to both does and lunas.

    Wendigos who have reached the age of sixty years or older.

    Wendigos below the age of of thirteen years.

    Does who are within their adolescent years (thirteen through seventeen).

    Stags who are within their adolescent years (thirteen through seventeen).

    Lunas who are within their adolescent years (thirteen through seventeen).

    A gender-neutral word given to lunas who are parents (note: Lunas can and are also referred to as fathers or mothers).

    A human-turned-wendigo. This word is often used towards freshly turned wendigos, it can also be used as a slur towards these types of wendigos, it all depends on the context of what is being said and how it is said.

    A wendigo who has taken a changling under their wing to teach them the ways of their kind.

    The main living space of a herd. Densites can be a literal den, house or even a town.

    There are multiple ways for a wendigo to express their dominance. The most common is baring ones teeth, or grabbing the back of another wendigo's neck in order to expose their throat. Another way of dominating is through sexual means such as mounting. Sexual dominance is shown between mated pairs or between unmated wendigo. It is a sign of courtship, aggression ( can be use to embarrass or shame the one being subdued ), or playfulness. Sexual dominance is displayed in various places, and used in numerous occasions, ceremonies, rituals, or done in public in front of the herd to 'make a point', (with the absence of youngsters and humans of course).

    The several signs of submission consist of averting ones gaze, baring the neck, the lowering of ones ears, tail tucking, exposing ones stomach, or assuming the lordosis position.

    If a wendigo chooses another wendigo as their mate, and doesn't take 'no' for an answer the chosen can spar, wrestle, or challenge each other to a chase ( the chooser gives chase to the chosen ). If the chooser wins the battle, the chosen has no other say than to accept. Omegas are also given this chance to fight for their right to refuse, but often it is not in their favor.

    In ancient times it was common practice for stags, does and lunas to have multiple mates that come and go. This tradition is still fairly common when it comes to the roaming or loner lifestyle, however, in herds there is a more complex dynamic. Polyamorous and open relationships are fairly common as well as monogamous relationships. The type of relationship a wendigo seeks depends on the individual wendigo and the culture they live/grew up in.

    A common part of herd life that is mostly used between lunas and does. However, it is not an uncommon sight to see males being groomed by their mates, friends or while being courted. Of course there are males who sit on the ousts of these social norms and take pleasure in being groomed by anyone. Grooming can vary from stroking/petting/braiding hair, or bathing each other. It can also include licking another herd member's cheek, body and coat (similar to cats' social grooming).

    To be allowed to groom or be groomed by the herd alpha, or even the alpha's mate(s) and or offspring, is seen as an honor in many herds.

    Since the beginning of wendigo kind, gender roles were essentially non-existent. The natural laws of the beast, aside from the roles given to ranks, was that those who were dominant in personality ruled and protected while those who were more submissive in nature were subservient and the nurturers. However, when wendigos began to integrate into some human societies they adopted certain human customs, including the idea of gender roles. Human-turned wendigos also brought their human customs into herds as well. And thus within the passage of a few centuries some herds took in a more gendered culture, females and lunas were given the role of omega by default on the basis of their biology. They were care givers, nurturers, wet-nurses, mid-wives and given any other domestic related duty from the age of maturity to death. In some herds, they weren't allowed to attend hunting trips, or permitted to be trained in fighting.

    As mentioned before, only some herds have taken the idea of gendering certain duties and even ranks, but many herds still hold old wendigo traditions.

    Also known as '"the turned" or "changlings", humans that were turned into wendigos are viewed in various ways depending on the herd and the individual wendigo in question. Many, if not most, wendigos see the turned as no different from a born-wendigo and will treat them as such, while others may look down on them for not being of "pure-blood". In general wendigo culture, it is expected of the sire of the freshly turned wendigo to care for the changling, teach them the ways of the antlered-beast till they are deemed independent enough to live on their own, mentoring them the way they would a fawn. A wendigo without a sire to teach and care for them, is viewed similar to that of an abandoned fawn, orphaned. It is not uncommon for an abandoned changling to be taken under the wing of an adoptive sire or herd.


    Tend to be larger than their female and Luna counterparts in terms of height, and overall muscle mass. Their sex organs are similar to that of a human male's with a layer of fur protecting the sex organ. Stag antlers are also usually larger than those of a female or luna.
    Semi-Nudity Warning ( Example A )
    Partial Gore Warning ( Example B )

    Typically possess a smaller, and more feminine body frame when compared to the males of their species. Some are able to grow antlers that tend to be smaller than stags while others do not develop any at all. The sex organs of a doe are similar to a human female, right down to the very same set of breasts on their chests. Does also have a second set of mammaries, known as "teats", just above their sex organ/vulva which enable them to nurse more young in a single sitting.
    Nudity Warning ( Example A )
    Nudity Warning ( Example B )
    Does who take on the role as herd alpha, develop a sort of pseudo penis. The clitoris becomes a sort of phallus that behaves like any other stag's or luna's. The fem-phallus is sheathed between the folds of the inner and out labias, it unsheathes when aroused. Every doe, particularly does who are more dominant in nature/personality are able to develop this pseduos penis if they take on the role as she-alpha. Former she-alphas still maintain their clitoral-phallus, once it is developed it will stay permanently.

    A second gender bestowed upon males who carry dual sex organs, and are capable of bearing young as well as impregnating other lunas and does. This second gender is noticed at an early age as one can see a second sex organ. Many lunas are immediately designated to the rank of an omega by default in most herds, but not all, due to their second sex. Lunas vary from presenting as masculine, feminine, or androgynous in physical appearance. Their antlers are typically smaller than those of a stag, while there are some who do not possess antlers at all.
    Lunas are more than just an anomaly for being born with two sexes, they can only come into the world being born as a wendigo. It is not possible for a human-turned-wendigo to become a luna. There are two distinct anatomies that lunas may possess. **NSFW Image Reference Link** Type A or Type B

    There are lunas who bare a phallus with a vulva set beneath it, said phallus is in place where the clitoris would be. This luna body type ( Also known as Type A ) has an internal sack that behaves similar to that of a set of testicles as well as ovaries. The internal sack is dormant until "activated" through sexual activity, operating in a way depending on the role of the individuals participating in mating. Such as when a luna is mounting, the internal sacks work like that of a set of testes and produce sperm. If the luna is being mounted, the internal sacks reacts in the same way ovaries would (when in estrus) and releases eggs for impregnation. The shifting of sperm to egg or egg to sperm happens within a few moments while in the process of thrusting, or being penetrated.

    The second form of genitalia that other lunas possess ( Also known as Type B ) is having two full sets of sex organs, with a phallus and scrotum. A vulva and clitoris set beneath it between the thighs. Type B do not have an internal sack, but instead have fully functioning ovaries ( Internally, like a human female ) and fully functioning set of testicles ( Externally like a human male ). Unlike does, lunas do not have a second set of mammaries upon their lower halves.

    In terms of body types, A or B, it does not matter nor depend on whether, or not a luna will be able to produce breasts during puberty. Some luna, regardless of body type, are capable of having breasts ( of any size that one would see on any human female/wendigo doe ). While other lunas ultimately do not develop breasts, and are either flat chested or solely able to grow peck muscles. Despite the size of said breasts or pecs a luna can, and will be able to produce milk ( Unless they have a medical condition preventing otherwise ) from their nipples as a means of providing for any future children.

    ((Do note that how a herd breeds can also depend on what is a seen as typical body types))

    Wendigo young who are under the age of thirteen are referred to as fawns. Called as such from the time they are born to upon reaching thirteen years of age, most find it difficult to control their form shifting abilities between the ages of newborn to age four or five. Fawns are similar to human children in terms of growth, in and out of their wendigo forms. Fawns are able to walk around the ages of 14 or 15 months, and if they are to bear antlers when older, it is possible to see the first signs when they are born via small nubs at the top of their head, beneath the skin. Those who will bear antlers may not show signs till they are older, late bloomers being between the ages of 8 and 10 years of age.

    Females, as well as lunas are able to lactate without becoming, being, or ever having been pregnant.
    This usually happens through various reasons, typically in the presence of young fawns, such as hearing a fawn cry, or whimpering for an example.

    Wendigos are able to change their form at will unless under a full moon. It is only then that they have no choice other than to shift, and don their fur. When under the full moon, the beast takes all if not most control. When shifting into their beast form, wendigos resemble tall satyr-like beings, varying from goat, sheep or deer-like characteristics. Some wendigos are covered in smooth fur similar to the fuzziness of a peach or velvet, while other's coats may be as thick as an elk's. Their pelts come in various colors, and patterns, many of which may share similarities to mundane mammals (fur like a bear, lion, wolf, mule deer ect...). Others may only have fur past their lower abdomen while the upper part retains mostly naked skin in comparison. The thickness of fur upon some parts of the body, such as the neck, or chest can vary in density.

    During the warmer seasons most of their fur is short, but during the colder seasons it grows much thicker in some areas ( such as the neck and chest ). Their heads, and face maintain a human appearance, however one will find it impossible to miss the antlers that sprout from above. In replacement of their human pointed ears ( some wendigos in their human form may have elvish ears) they have deer ears, and their mouths harbor sharp canines made for tearing into tough flesh. Their legs are digitigrade with cloven hooves instead of feet. Their claws are retractable, and can change from normal human-like nails to sharp talons at will. Wendigo also harbor deer-like tails just above their rear end.

    A continuation on the wendigos' antlers, these bones that sprout from the beast's head come in different shapes and sizes, as various as there are different types of antlers and horns found on hoofed animals. Some wendigos carry the typical, and most common, deer-like antlers, some carry ram-like horns, some are tall spires like that of a grant gazelle. Many wendigos come in these varieties due to where their ancestors hailed from or inherit similar physical characteristics (in terms of fur, fur pattern and antlers/horns) from the wendigo that bit them.
    Blood & Gore Warning - Variant 1
    Semi Nudity Warning - Variant 2
    Semi Nudity Warning - Variant 3
    Semi Nudity Warning - Variant 4

    Wendigo whom develop antlers/horns may shed them. Most typically toward the end of Winter, however with others it can vary. The antlers/horns tend to not shed at the same time. They drop one usually a day/week before the other. And, even though they can re-grow a tad different in appearance after a certain point the shape stays relatively the same. The points, and number of prongs upon them will be the same once they reach of age (18 yrs). Unless something changes that, such as damage to the head, a sudden loss of minerals, breaking them when they are in velvet, ect.

    Their antlers that grow back after shedding will experience a type of velvety-like material growing on their surface. This temporary "velvet" layer give the antlers nutrients assisting in the antlers' growth. As time passes, typically 3 weeks to a month the velvet will shed, and hang from each respective antlers via bloody/fleshy curtains before completely falling off.

    Stags go through Rut once every two months for three days. The symptoms of Rut include increased body temperature, arousal, panting, the urge to roam their or their herd's territory, and marking it with their scent. Other, more specific behaviors depend on the individual male.

    Does, and lunas possess a heat cycle that occurs once a month for three days if they are not pregnant. These monthly heats have symptoms that include, increased body temperature, arousal, light panting, and the need to nest in a safe area. Other, more specific behaviors depend upon the individual female or Luna. After a pregnancy it can take up to eight months to a year for luna or doe to return to their normal heat cycle. Some may take longer for it to re-occur.
    Do not think that all lunas and does are weak and submissive during their monthly cycle. There are Luna does who evolved to have high levels of aggression if approached by unwelcomed company.

    Heat and Rut Affects
    For some wendigo during the few days leading up to their Ruts/Heats may experience a shift in hormones that can be detected either by 'out of the ordinary' flares of emotion, or even by scent.

    When under high amount of stress, it is possible for wendigo's heat or rut to occur early, late, at random or temporarily cease altogether. It is possible for the stressed wendigo's cycle to return back to normal, the amount of time it may take can vary upon individual. Suede heat and ruts (also known as false heat/rut) occur when in the presence of a wendigo experiencing an actual heat or rut. As the hormones from the wendigo going through its actual cycle can affect other wendigos around them.

    Wendigos teeter along a line that separates Human from Beast. Though their brain from an anatomical stand point are very similar to that of a human, there is a more primal side to their consciousness. By extension it is not uncommon to see an annoyed wendigo mother ( while in human form ) snarl at her young for being disobedient. Or a herd member expressing dominance to another by grabbing the nape, and exposing the others neck.

    Despite human lore, Wendigo are not mindless vicious beasts out for blood, and meat. However there is a sickness that is known to drive a wendigo insane, called Black-Moon or Moon-Sickness. Wendigos afflicted with this illness transform without choice under a New moon, and become rabid. Attacking, and/or eating any living thing in sight. Black-Moon is responsible for portraying the wendigos' vicious character in human lore. Although even if Black-Moon didn't exist the wendigo would still be considered dangerous monsters due to their taste for human flesh.

    This illness is contagious via bite, and can only be cured with a white rose known as a Lunar Rose.
    An exceedingly rare plant.

    Wendigos are capable of turning humans into their kind.
    There are two ways for a human to be transformed into a wendigo. The first is for the human to starve, and consume a large portion of human flesh. The second is to be bitten by a Wendigo. The transformation process typically lasts about a month until complete.

    Week One
    The next day after the initial bite, the victim will feel a strong craving for raw meat and blood. Especially for human meat and blood.

    Week Two
    The victim will feel a sort of itchiness over their body, and may exhibit animal-like behavior/mannerisms.

    Week Three
    The victim experiences their first transformation at night, and the pain will be excruciating as their entire body breaks. Only to be reformed into its newfound Bestial form. Humans in their adolescent years and beyond have a higher chance at surviving the painful transformation, while children tend to not live through the shift.

    Mating with Humans
    Though mating with humans does occur within the wendigo population, it is mostly frowned upon, a sort of taboo along the lines of "having sex with your food". It isn't uncommon, however, for some wendigos to find a certain thrill with mating with humans. Wendigos and humans cannot bare offspring, it is impossible for them to produce children together.

    Along with being stronger and faster than humans, wendigos can heal quickly as well. With that being said, the process of regeneration is not instant, it does take time, albeit shorter than it would for a human to heal, that and the severity of the wound(s) depends on how long it will take to heal. (Example: A deep gash can take up to three days to heal completely, depending on how well the wendigo keeps the wound clean.)

    Sickness (such as the flu or common cold) is common among wendigos, no more so than sickness is common among humans, but wendigos immune systems tend to be stronger than that of an average human.
    Whenever a wendigo or wendigo herd inhabit a forest, their territory changes on a physical level over the course of a year. Trees, no matter the species, become twisted and cork screw-like, vines grow into spirals and swirls while flowers bloom in a higher abundance. The over all color palette of the habitat is more vibrant than of one that is wendigo-less, particularly during the spring and summer. During the fall, the trees' bark turns from brown to a near stark white, leaves arranged in nothing but warm colors such as red, yellow and orange. Winter seasons (if it snows) the trees turn a near pitch black, branches bare and gnarly, giving the appearance of outreaching claws. Not even the wendigos know why this unusual change occurs. What most wendigo are certain of, is that this change is as supernatural as themselves.

  • The Land of No Kings

    Though the country has been inhabited by people for five hundred years, there are still many areas within the vast stretching landscape that are unknown and even forbidden. There many town and villages that dot the land, all of which are mix of various cultures blending into one. Wendigo herds also also dot the vast stretch of wild land.

    Southern Region

    The southern region of Thalduin, is the smallest area of grand country, is made up of swampland. The bogs of the south are home to various living creatures, known and unknown the few villagers that reside in or near the boglands are typically fishermen.

    Western and Eastern Regions

    Stretching east and west are the ever-reaching green forests of this land. It takes up most of the country's landscape and is home to most villages as well as fear some creatures.

    Northern Region

    The mountains of the north are almost always covered in snow year-round. Aside from certain parts of the mountain being dotted by pine tree, there are portions which are vastly vacant and bare. Not many humans are brave enough to travel too far in the wilds of the mountains, as not many come back.


    Mule Deer
    Mountain sheep
    Brown bears
    Black bears


    Often jokingly nicknamed, chapple. This apple contains a small, minute amount of alcohol when fresh. A fresh chapple, when consumed, can make any creature slightly inebriated, relaxed if anything. However if the fruit has began to rot, or show signs of dark brown spots, the level of alcohol increases sharply.

    A root from a nantree (a plant that has grows in a twisting fashion). Like the tree itself, the root grows twisted and has been know surface from the earth. The root is bittersweet in taste and is often used by wendigo as a form of birth control. When consumed, the root can prevent a pregnancy, most of the time.

    There are 4 regions within Thalduin, WulvenPeak (Northern Region), HorseCreek (Southern Region) RoseVale (Eastern Region) and AmberValley (Western Region). All 4 of which are dotted with villages throughout the region, ranging from a little over 100 in population or something as small as 20 within each region. Villages are made up of merchants, farmers, hunters, blacksmiths and much more. Most villages are rather simple, with one or two wealthy families, one of which is seen as the 'head family' or leaders of the villages.

    AmberStone Village

    One of the many villages of the western region of AmberValley. AmberStone is a very quaint village, nothing truly noteworthy of it. Tall waves of grain fields, plenty land for livestock, most commonly sheep. Perhaps the most well-known spot in the village is the tavern, where many drink to their fill, weary travelers rest and eat. Music places nearly every day, but most certainly every night. This is a place of merriment and the occasional bar fight occurs.

    AmberStone, like any other village has a mix culture as various people from across the land and sea occasionally travel here, be it to rest or as a permanent resident to start a new life.

    The general customs and norms are:

    Gender Roles
    Women are placed to have more of a domestic duty, nurturing the children and tending to the house. While men are the hard laborers, the hunters, the blacksmiths and so on. Though this doesn't ring true across the board in this village, there are some who oppose these gender norms and 'go against the grain', these traditions held by the majority and those who go against these traditions are viewed as odd.

    Chiefs/Head Families
    Though there are no kings or queen in Thalduin, there are still rulers of sorts. A 'head family' are wealthiest families in the village, they tend to be descents of the village founders. The Head Family is lead by a chief, typically a patriarch, though matriarchs aren't necessarily uncommon either. Every village has a chief and head family that rule over the village the village's territory.

    AmberStone was one of the villages that was founded on the new land of Thalduin. At first, for several generations, everything was peaceful, the village prospered, the land was bountiful with game and was fertile. The humans of the AmberStone village became bold and decided to stretch their territory further, but they had made a grave mistake in doing so. Little did the humans know, that a wendigo herd had settled themselves within the deep forest, long before the humans had even settled the land. The humans crossed a sacred line and were punished for it gravely. Villagers were hunted and killed, tales of horror and blood spread throughout the region. At first the villagers of AmberStone gathered their spears, pitchforks, swords and torches to hunt down the beasts, but to no avail. Countless men were lost to the forest, either by wolves, bears or the wendigos themselves. The villagers had then set fire to the forest, in hopes it would drive out the man-eaters only to make matters all the worse, it scared off most of the wild game, which encouraged the wendigos to hunt humans and their livestock all the more, since they were easy prey.

    So the chief of the village, Avella Evertyne, had offered a peace treaty with the wendigo herd's alpha, Varek. Humans were forbidden from entering the wendigos' turf, never to set foot on that area of the forest. The wendigo alpha accepted these terms, and peace reined for 6 generations. Overtime, however, tales of the shape-shifting man-eaters has faded into nothing more than a myth to the minds of many within Thalduin, AmberStone especially. The thought of the shape-shifting beasts, taking on the guise of man is laughable to most. The peace treaty had nearly faded into obscurity, a wives tale, much like the wnedigos.

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    The herd of the ShadoWood a wendigos started as a small family unit of beasts that migrated from their homeland, somewhere on a continent of the eastern hemisphere, their country of origin was a Savannah-type habitat. Their original herd name was, GreyWood, they hid themselves on a ship headed to the new world in search of a new place to call their own. Along the trip, they came across another family of wendigos within the ship, the ShadoWind, a herd from the northern hemisphere, their country being made up of dense forests and harsh cold weather, the two herds became close friends. Once the ship docked in Thalduin, the wendigo families took to the new land, taking shelter deep within the western region. They found a place to call their own, and decided to stay together, renaming themselves ShadoWood. This was not only to the combination of both herd names, but because they hid themselves in the safe shadows of the many oak trees within their territory. Over time, other wendigos from all over the globe, found their way into the herd, creating a diverse family of wild beasts.
    Mating ceremonies are a celebration of the union between wendigos, a wedding of sorts. These ceremonies take place in the spring within an area of the wood, everyone and everything decorated in floral arrangements, a feast of meat. A heart of freshly killed animal is divided in pieces, each for the wedded wendigos to eat before leaving permanent bite marks on their mate's neck or shoulder. After the festivities, the newly mated wendigos will consummate their marriage into the woods for the remainder of the night.

    After the death of a fellow herdsman, a funeral takes places the day after once the body is cleaned. The corpse will then be decorated in bouquets of flowers, surrounded by the herd with close friends and family near the body. After speaking their peace and saying good-bye, the herd will collectively howl in a long mourning bay. The body of the deceased wendigo will then be buried within the herd's gravesite.

    This holiday happens midwinter, the meaning behind this holiday is to celebrate togetherness as a herd. Within the density the entire area is decorated form the snow covered grown to the trees in red, green, silver and gold. From wreathes to painted animal skulls, it is festive occasion that lasts from midwinter towards the end of winter.

    Not a
    Do note that this list can be expanded upon, but do so via discussing it in OOC chat

    Delta Occupations
    Head Healer
    Head Midwife

    Gamma Occupations
    Apprentice for any occupation

    Omega Occupations
    Assistant midwife

    Hobbies/Occupations With No Designated Rank
    Tattoo Artist

    Sex is used and seen by this herd as a means of reproduction, pleasure, ceremonies and rituals. Sex in front of youngsters is taboo and forbidden. The right to mate is an important aspect of herd life, it is not an uncommon sight to see wendigos fight over a possible mating partner or even dominating over another preventing them from breeding. In the end the alpha has the final say in these matters. Wendigos who are joining the herd, must be initiated permanently into the herd in order for them to earn this right. Wendigos who are simply passing through their territory are forbidden from mating with any of the herd members.

    Sexuality within this herd is as diverse as the wendigos that inhabit the wood. Hardly any prejudice will be seen here in terms of ones own sexual preference, with that being said, those who do show disapproval are those who were most likely not born and raised within the herd's accepting culture.

    Gender Roles and Identity
    In general, the herd takes on the wendigo's traditional views on gender, meaning it has little to do with the role one takes within the herd. Though, there are those, namely wendigos who were not born within ShadowOak who hold a different viewpoint,s that does and lunas should be designated to domestic affairs while stags are the protectors.

    When it comes to gender identity, it is as diverse as the wendigos themselves. While their sex is more so defined by doe, stag, and luna, gender in of itself can have a multitude of variations.

    Living in the vast wilds of the western woods, these wendigos got about their live bare, either in their beast form or human. They spend the majority of their days within their true, beastial form, very rarely every turning to their human guise.

    Inheriting Leadership
    It is believed as an old tradition that the alpha passes on his or her leadership down to their offspring (typically the eldest). However, this tradition can be challenged by someone who is not of the alpha's bloodline, though these challenges are rare and past brawls ended with the alpha as the victor.

    Nursing is seen as a special bond between fawn and mother (or in some cases wet-nurses). Some Wendigos enjoy suckling milk as a form of bonding either platonicaly or for pleasure. Public nursing is a very common sight within the herd as it is viewed as a sign of a prospering and healthy herd. It is viewed as an honor to have the herd alpha (be they luna or doe) or the alpha's mate to share milk with a fawn that is not their own.

    Rearing the Young
    As far as raising youngsters go, "it takes a village" is take literally and it is expected of both parents (if both are present/near the fawn) that they should take part in raising the youth, along with mentors and fellow wendigos in assisting.

    Fawns are taught early on the importance of hunting and fighting. Like the mundane wild canines and felines of the wilds, when youngsters reach of age ( 5 yrs) they can tag along in hunting trips, watching from afar with supervision of an omega or gamma. By year eight, the fawn(s) will be brought back small live prey, often wounded with a hurt leg so that it doesn't run off as quickly. Bringing back a live animal is to teach them up close how to catch and kill their own prey. During these times an older herd member (of any rank) will let the fawn experiment in their killing techniques.

    By age thirteen, the fawns are now adolescences and are automatically given the title of gamma. By age sixteen, gammas can go hunting on their own (with their parent or alpha's permission).

    Attitudes and Behavior
    "The herd is family and family means everything" is an old saying that rings true for many members of the herd.
    This herd of beasts can be rather territorial towards strangers who travel through their turf. These wendigos are more than willing to chase or beat loners and roamers off their land, should they see them trotting about in their wild terrain. "Roughing up" trespassers is a common practice, but it is not encouraged to take it as far as seriously injuring or killing a fellow wendigo. If a passing wendigo immediately shows signs of submission, they are sometimes treated with some politeness and mercy, they will be offered a place of temporary rest for a single day before being told to leave. However, it is not beyond them to help a wendigo in trouble if they need rescuing.

    Turned Wendigos
    While raising youngsters is a herd-effort, mentoring a changling is viewed as the responsibility of the sire who bit and turned the human. If the human turned wendigo is orphaned or was not bit and turned the alternate way (starvation and devouring human flesh), then a single wendigo within the herd is given the task to teach and guide the changling.

    Turned-wendigos are regarded within this herd as no different from born-wendigos, however there are those who hold negative views on turned-wendigos. Seeing them as something that could never understand nor feel at peace or harmony with their inner beast, because they are still "emotionally/spiritually" too human.

    Joining the Herd
    When a wendigo or wendigos wish to join the herd, they are given a place of temporary stay in a den separate from the other members. Through the passing days of their initiation, they are given a chance to grow accustom to the herd's way of life as well as "tested" by the herd members in where they stand on the social hierarchy. Testing if they are dominant or submissive and how well they hunt and defend themselves, these social interactions are crucial on whether or not they are a good fit for the herd. In the end, the alpha makes the final call if the wendigo can stay and should they prove themselves worthy of being a member.

    There is a code of law that the herd must abide by. This code was implemented by the founding wendigo families.
    Should a wendigo from another herd be found trespassing on another herd's territory, it is within that herd's right to do what they see fit to the trespasser, so long the trespasser is caught still on their land.

    Should a wendigo be killed on their own herd's turf by another wendigo from a differing herd, the killer shall be handed over to the victim's herd for the alpha to punish them however they see fit.

    Killing a fawn is forbidden.

    The role of alpha is handed down via birthright, but should an alpha accept the challenge of battle for the rank, the rights as alpha shall be bestowed upon the victor.

    It is forbidden to enter a human village.

    It is forbidden to attack or kill a human unless it is done in self defense.

    Honor the treaty.
    The treaty made several generations ago by the first alpha of the ShadoWood herd and the first chief of AmberStone village. This treaty was that of peace to end the bloodshed between these groups that resided within Amber Valley.

    "Let this be said on linen, written in ink. The wendigos of ShadoWood and the humans of AmberStone are not to cross paths nor shed each other's blood. The humans shall not trespass wendigo land and the cloven beasts are not to trespass on human land. Should there be any concern regarding the relationship between man and beast, let there be a peaceful meeting for discussion. A breach in contract could mean disaster and more needless bloodshed."
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art by this person~ NazNemati

Bloody Red Queen ♔♥

art by this person ~ Punziella
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  • ((WIP))
    ╔═══━━━━─── ◥◦◤ ───━━━━═══╗
    Pr⟐ngH⟐rn ○ V∆lley
    ╚═══━━━━─── ◢◦◣ ───━━━━═══╝
    Welcome all to Pronghorn Valley...
    Somewhere in the vast west of modern day North America, smack dab in the middle of nowhere, sits PronghornValley. Known to few humans, rarely marked on any current map, you'd best find it somewhere on a vintage guide from the 1800s. Very much an "off the grid" place, and the inhabitants like to keep it that way. Pronghorn is home to the typical wildlife, harsh terrain and weather, but there is something hidden here. Creatures of myth and folklore, wendigos, call this place home. These beast masquerade as humans, living along side the unsuspecting folk from bustling cities to the quiet and quaint suburbs. However there are small pockets of remotes "towns" that are safe havens for these beings to roam with little to no fear of being noticed by the eyes of men. Pronghorn Valley, harbors such a town.

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    Though every herd possess their very own unique set of rules and customs, general formalities, languages, and behaviors are shared among the wendigo as a whole.

    This ritual is a task that the herd Alpha sets for the youth of the herd who have reached the age of eighteen to prove themselves on what rank they are to be designated in. If they are successful, the Alpha announces their rank, and the Wendigo in question will take on their new role, and duties.

    Important Note: In many wendigo herds, these ranks can be fought for. Example// A gamma who wishes to become a delta, must fight a delta and win, earning them their new rank.

    Leader of the herd. Can be inherited via birthright or fought for.

    The adviser, and second command to the Alpha.

    The hunters, fighters, and defenders of the herd.

    (note, not all herds carry the gamma rank) A lower ranking delta, typically used as hunters, fighters as well as scouts. Gammas are also viewed as the defender of fawns and omegas when deltas are off hunting. The role of gammas is automatically bestowed upon juveniles (juxi, jills and bucks) till they reach the age of 18 where they are given a task by the alpha to prove where they stand in terms of rank within the the herd.

    The lowest rank, the omega's duties consist of domestic affairs (cooking, cleaning, nurturing the young, the sick and elderly).

    Beasts without a herd, they are often nomadic save for those that live in human populated areas.

    A sort of howl used to communicate with fellow wendigo, and non-wendi's alike.
    Baying can also be used as a mating call, to locate another, or for simple enjoyment/bonding with others. Akin to a rallying cry among wolves.

    A low or soft huffing noise.
    This is used in a way of greeting others.

    This sound is made by a frustrated a wendigo seeing and being unable to reach prey or item. Fawns and does tend to make higher pitched chirps, while lunas and stags tend to have lower pitched chirps.

    Bleats / Honk
    Used as a means to express excitement or when startled.

    Can be either loud or soft.
    Commonly used in a calming, and affectionate manner.
    Such as a mother, or father purring to their young. Purring is also done between mates/friends/family.

    Growls / Snarls
    Can be used in a playful fashion,
    but mostly exhibited via aggression, or agitation.

    Male wendigos.

    Female wendigos.

    Wendigos who are born dual sexed. They are often referred to with male/masculine pronouns and are viewed as "men" by many, but it is not uncommon for a luna to refer to themselves neutrally when it comes to gender. They are both and neither.

    A gender-neutral way of referring to both females and lunas.

    Wendigos who have reached the age of sixty years or older.

    Wendigos below the age of of thirteen years.

    Does who are within their adolescent years (thirteen through seventeen).

    Stags who are within their adolescent years (thirteen through seventeen).

    Lunas who are within their adolescent years (thirteen through seventeen).

    A gender-neutral word given to lunas who are parents (note: Lunas can and are also referred to as fathers).

    A human-turned-wendigo. This word is often used towards freshly turned wendigos, it can also be used as a slur towards these types of wendigos, it all depends on the context of what is being said and how it is said.

    A wendigo who has taken a changling under their wing to teach them the ways of their kind.

    The main living space of a herd. Densites can be a literal den, house or even a town.

    There are multiple ways for a wendigo to express their dominance. The most common is baring ones teeth, or grabbing the back of another wendigo's neck in order to expose their throat. Another way of dominating is through sexual means such as mounting. Sexual dominance is shown between mated pairs or between unmated wendigo. It is a sign of courtship, aggression ( can be use to embarrass or shame the one being subdued ), or playfulness. Sexual dominance is displayed in various places, and used in numerous occasions, ceremonies, rituals, or done in public in front of the herd to 'make a point', (with the absence of youngsters and humans of course).

    The several signs of submission consist of averting ones gaze, baring the neck, the lowering of ones ears, tail tucking, exposing ones stomach, or assuming the lordosis position.

    If a wendigo chooses another wendigo as their mate, and doesn't take 'no' for an answer the chosen can spar, wrestle, or challenge each other to a chase ( the chooser gives chase to the chosen ). If the chooser wins the battle, the chosen has no other say than to accept. Omegas are also given this chance to fight for their right to refuse, but often it is not in their favor.

    In ancient times it was common practice for stags, does and lunas to have multiple mates that come and go. In the modern times, this tradition is still fairly common when it comes to the roaming or loner lifestyle, however, in herds it is a bit more dynamic. Polyamorous and open relationships are fairly common as well as monogamous relationships. The type of relationship a wendigo seeks depends on the individual wendigo and the culture they live/grew up in.

    A common part of herd life that is mostly used between lunas and females. However, it is not an uncommon sight to see males being groomed by their mates, or while being courted. Of course there are males who sit on the ousts of these social norms and take pleasure in being groomed by anyone. Grooming can vary from stroking/petting/braiding hair, or bathing each other. It can also include licking another herd member's cheek, body and coat (similar to cats' social grooming).

    For countless centuries all females and lunas were given the role of omega. They were care givers, nurturers, wet-nurses, maids and given any other domestic related duty from the age of maturity to death. In some herds, they weren't allowed to attend hunting trips, or permitted to be trained in fighting.

    However, within the past 80 years times have changed. And with the progressive passage of time there have been herds emerging who allow females to become hunters, and fighters if they so desire. Unfortunately the same does not ring true for lunas in most cases, as they are still mainly forced to remain within the permanent role of omega. By stark comparison stags are given the freedom to choose which path they wish to take, though there are some challenges for them as well, an omega stag is frowned upon in many wendigo herd cultures as these stags are viewed as "weak" and "emasculated".

    There are still many wendigos who are for and oppose this progressive movement, typically the younger generation holds these new social dynamics in high regard as older generations do not.

    Also known as '"turned" or "changlings", humans that were turned into wendigos are viewed in various ways depending on the herd and the individual wendigo in question. Many, if not most, wendigos see the turned as no different from a born-wendigo and will treat them as such, while others may look down on them for not being of "pure-blood". In general wendigo culture, it is expected of the sire of the freshly turned wendigo to care for the changling, teach them the ways of the antlered-beast till they are deemed independent enough to live on their own, mentoring them the way they would a fawn. A wendigo without a sire to teach and care for them, is viewed similar to that of an abandoned fawn, orphaned. It is not uncommon for an abandoned changling to be taken under the wing of an adoptive sire or herd.


    Tend to be larger than their female and Luna counterparts in terms of height, and overall muscle mass. Their sex organs are similar to that of a human male's with a layer of fur protecting the sex organ. Stag antlers are also usually larger than those of a female or luna.
    Semi-Nudity Warning ( Example A )
    Partial Gore Warning ( Example B )

    Typically possess a smaller, and more feminine body frame when compared to the males of their species. Some are able to grow antlers that tend to be smaller than stags while others do not develop any at all. The sex organs of a doe are similar to a human female, right down to the very same set of breasts on their chests. Does also have a second set of mammaries, known as "teats", just above their sex organ/vulva which enable them to nurse more young in a single sitting.
    Nudity Warning ( Example A )
    Nudity Warning ( Example B )

    A second gender bestowed upon males who carry dual sex organs, and are capable of bearing young as well as impregnating other lunas and does. This second gender is noticed at an early age as one can see a second sex organ. Many lunas are immediately designated to the rank of an omega by default in most herds, but not all, due to their second sex. Lunas vary from presenting as masculine, feminine, or androgynous in physical appearance. Their antlers are typically smaller than those of a stag, while there are some who do not possess antlers at all.
    Lunas are more than just an anomaly for being born with two sexes, they can only come into the world being born as a wendigo. It is not possible for a human-turned-wendigo to become a luna. There are two distinct anatomies that lunas may possess. **NSFW Image Reference Link** Type A or Type B

    There are lunas who bare a phallus with a vulva set beneath it, said phallus is in place where the clitoris would be. This luna body type ( Also known as Type A ) has an internal sack that behaves similar to that of a set of testicles as well as ovaries. The internal sack is dormant until "activated" through sexual activity, operating in a way depending on the role of the individuals participating in mating. Such as when a luna is mounting, the internal sacks work like that of a set of testes and produce sperm. If the luna is being mounted, the internal sacks reacts in the same way ovaries would (when in estrus) and releases eggs for impregnation. The shifting of sperm to egg or egg to sperm happens within a few moments while in the process of thrusting, or being penetrated.

    The second form of genitalia that other lunas possess ( Also known as Type B ) is having two full sets of sex organs, with a phallus and scrotum. A vulva and clitoris set beneath it between the thighs. Type B do not have an internal sack, but instead have fully functioning ovaries ( Internally, like a human female ) and fully functioning set of testicles ( Externally like a human male ). Unlike does, lunas do not have a second set of mammaries upon their lower halves.

    In terms of body types, A or B, it does not matter nor depend on whether, or not a luna will be able to produce breasts during puberty. Some luna, regardless of body type, are capable of having breasts ( of any size that one would see on any human female/wendigo doe ). While other lunas ultimately do not develop breasts, and are either flat chested or solely able to grow peck muscles. Despite the size of said breasts or pecs a luna can, and will be able to produce milk ( Unless they have a medical condition preventing otherwise ) from their nipples as a means of providing for any future children.

    Wendigo young who are under the age of twelve are referred to as fawns. Called as such from the time they are born to upon reaching thirteen years of age, most find it difficult to control their form shifting abilities between the ages of newborn to age four or five. Fawns are similar to human children in terms of growth, in and out of their wendigo forms. Fawns are able to walk around the ages of 14 or 15 months, and if they are to bear antlers when older, it is possible to see the first signs when they are born via small nubs at the top of their head, beneath the skin. Those who will bear antlers may not show signs till they are older, late bloomers being between the ages of 8 and 10 years of age.

    Females, as well as lunas are able to lactate without becoming, being, or ever having been pregnant.
    This usually happens through various reasons, typically in the presence of young fawns, such as hearing a fawn cry, or whimpering for an example.

    Wendigos are able to change their form at will unless under a full moon. It is only then that they have no choice other than to shift, and don their fur. When under the full moon, the beast takes all if not most control. When shifting into their beast form, wendigos resemble tall satyr-like beings, varying from goat, sheep or deer-like characteristics. Some wendigos are covered in smooth fur similar to the fuzziness of a peach or velvet, while other's coats may be as thick as an elk's. Their pelts come in various colors, and patterns, many of which may share similarities to mundane mammals (fur like a bear, lion, wolf, mule deer ect...). Others may only have fur past their lower abdomen while the upper part retains mostly naked skin in comparison. The thickness of fur upon some parts of the body, such as the neck, or chest can vary in density.

    During the warmer seasons most of their fur is short, but during the colder seasons it grows much thicker in some areas ( such as the neck and chest ). Their heads, and face maintain a human appearance, however one will find it impossible to miss the antlers that sprout from above. In replacement of their human ears they have deer ears, and their mouths harbor sharp canines made for tearing into tough flesh. Their legs are digitigrade with cloven hooves instead of feet. Their claws are retractable, and can change from normal human-like nails to sharp talons at will. Wendigo also harbor deer-like tails just above their rear end.

    A continuation on the wendigos' antlers, these bones that sprout from the beast's head come in different shapes and sizes, as various as there are different types of antlers and horns found on hoofed animals. Some wendigos carry the typical, and most common, deer-like antlers, some carry ram-like horns, some are tall spires like that of a grant gazelle. Many wendigos come in these varieties due to where their ancestors hailed from or inherit similar physical characteristics (in terms of fur, fur pattern and antlers/horns) from the wendigo that bit them.
    Blood & Gore Warning - Variant 1
    Semi Nudity Warning - Variant 2
    Semi Nudity Warning - Variant 3
    Semi Nudity Warning - Variant 4

    Wendigo whom develop antlers/horns may shed them. Most typically toward the end of Winter, however with others it can vary. The antlers/horns tend to not shed at the same time. They drop one usually a day/week before the other. And, even though they can re-grow a tad different in appearance after a certain point the shape stays relatively the same. The points, and number of prongs upon them will be the same once they reach of age (18 yrs). Unless something changes that, such as damage to the head, a sudden loss of minerals, breaking them when they are in velvet, ect.

    Their antlers that grow back after shedding will experience a type of velvety-like material growing on their surface. This temporary "velvet" layer give the antlers nutrients assisting in the antlers' growth. As time passes, typically 3 weeks to a month the velvet will shed, and hang from each respective antlers via bloody/fleshy curtains before completely falling off.

    Stags go through Rut once every two months for three days. The symptoms of Rut include increased body temperature, arousal, panting, the urge to roam their or their herd's territory, and marking it with their scent. Other, more specific behaviors depend on the individual male.

    Does, and lunas possess a heat cycle that occurs once a month for three days if they are not pregnant. These monthly heats have symptoms that include, increased body temperature, arousal, light panting, and the need to nest in a safe area. Other, more specific behaviors depend upon the individual female or Luna. After a pregnancy it an take up to eight months to a year for luna or doe to return to their normal heat cycle. Some may take longer for it to re-occur.

    Heat and Rut Affects
    For some wendigo during the few days leading up to their Ruts/Heats may experience a shift in hormones that can be detected either by 'out of the ordinary' flares of emotion, or even by scent.

    When under high amount of stress, it is possible for wendigo's heat or rut to occur early, late, at random or temporarily cease altogether. It is possible for the stressed wendigo's cycle to return back to normal, the amount of time it may take can vary upon individual. Suede heat and ruts (also known as false heat/rut) occur when in the presence of a wendigo experiencing an actual heat or rut. As the hormones from the wendigo going through its actual cycle can affect other wendigos around them.

    Wendigos teeter along a line that separates Human from Beast. Though their brain from an anatomical stand point are very similar to that of a human, there is a more primal side to their consciousness. By extension it is not uncommon to see an annoyed wendigo mother ( while in human form ) snarl at her young for being disobedient. Or a herd member expressing dominance to another by grabbing the nape, and exposing the others neck.

    Despite human lore, Wendigo are not mindless vicious beasts out for blood, and meat. However there is a sickness that is known to drive a wendigo insane, called Black-Moon or Moon-Sickness. Wendigos afflicted with this illness transform without choice under a New moon, and become rabid. Attacking, and/or eating any living thing in sight. Black-Moon is responsible for portraying the wendigos' vicious character in human lore. Although even if Black-Moon didn't exist the wendigo would still be considered dangerous monsters due to their taste for human flesh.
    This illness is contagious via bite, and can only be cured with a white rose known as a Lunar Rose.
    An exceedingly rare plant.

    Wendigos are capable of turning humans into their kind.
    There are two ways for a human to be transformed into a wendigo. The first is for the human to starve, and consume a large portion of human flesh. The second is to be bitten by a Wendigo. The transformation process typically lasts about a month until complete.

    Week One
    The next day after the initial bite, the victim will feel a strong craving for raw meat and blood. Especially for human meat and blood.

    Week Two
    The victim will feel a sort of itchiness over their body, and may exhibit animal-like behavior/mannerisms.

    Week Three
    The victim experiences their first transformation at night, and the pain will be excruciating as their entire body breaks. Only to be reformed into its newfound Bestial form. Humans in their adolescent years and beyond have a higher chance at surviving the painful transformation, while children tend to not live through the shift.

    Mating with Humans
    Though mating with humans does occur within the wendigo population, it is mostly frowned upon, a sort of taboo along the lines of "having sex with your food". It isn't uncommon, however, for some wendigos to find a certain thrill with mating with humans. Wendigos and humans cannot bare offspring, it is impossible for them to produce children together.

    Along with being stronger and faster than humans, wendigos can heal quickly as well. With that being said, the process of regeneration is not instant, it does take time, albeit shorter than it would for a human to heal, that and the severity of the wound(s) depends on how long it will take to heal. (Example: A deep gash can take up to three days to heal completely, depending on how well the wendigo keeps the wound clean.)

    Sickness (such as the flu or common cold) is common among wendigos, no more so than sickness is common among humans, but wendigos immune systems tend to be stronger than that of an average human.

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    Pronghorn Valley is divided into four distinct parts. Jaggedthorn turf (forest and mountains), Cicada turf (hills and prairies) No-man's Land (a space between Cicada and Jagged territory), and the Barren Lands (desert).


    The northernwest parts of Pronghorn Valley are covered in forest, from the mountain tops to the ground below. Stretching outwards the forest fades into prairie lands. Along these prairies is where the Jaggedthorn's territory ends.

    The northeastern parts of Pronghorn Valley is covered in rolling hills of prairie land, speckled with few trees, small clusters of semi-forests. But perhaps the most notable sight within this territory are the towering rock formations. The prairie-lands fades into a vast stretching desert southward. Somewhere along the desert, the Cicada's territory ends.

    Found within the space between Cicada and Jagged turf. It is mostly made up of prairie lands, that bleed south towards the desert. Here is where many of the lone wendigos or herdless wendigos reside. Past No-man's Land going south is the Barren Lands, an ever stretching harsh desert where loners also reside, but it is also known as a place where exiled wendigos roam. The Barren Lands also go by the "outlands" and the "badlands". Both of these parts are lawless and dangerous, particularly the Barren region.

    The skeleton of a towering, ancient saguaro cactus can be found between the Jaggedthorn's and Cicada's territory within the center of No-man's Land on the side of a dirt road known as, Devil's Path. This ancient cactus has existed for possibly over two-hundred years and is used by the two herds as a peaceful meeting place.

    Various dirt paths snake their away across the valley, leading into and out of Jagged's and Cicada's respective towns. Some lead to places unknown, others are dead ends, but the largest and main road is Devil's Path. This dirt path is commonly used by the two herds while riding their motor bikes to and from places.

    Year round, human tourists from all over pass through Pronghorn Valley, be it thrill-junkies who enjoy climbing the mountains, adventurers, biologists, hunters or campers. With that being said, Pronghorn Valley itself isn't a complete tourist hot spot, as noted before very few maps have the area marked, but those curious to look for it will find it. And those who do know of it, may know that it is notoriously known for its dangers, hardly any human comes back out alive. Most humans believe its the harsh environment , poisonous reptiles, hungry opportunistic predators that are the reasons, while this is indeed true, the real threat are the wendigos that hunt the unsuspecting travelers.

    How a wendigo hunts a human or humans may vary upon the individual. Humans are viewed as the the ultimate and prized prey. It is the flesh and blood of man that is the most tempting and delectable to the beast's tongue. And because humans are more intelligent than the average game, there are wendigos who take enjoyment out of psychologically torturing their human prey before killing them. An old does' tale says that fear "salts" the meat.

    Pronghorn Valley is at such a distance from any human society that phones and internet do not function at all within the valley, giving and receiving calls on a cellphone is essentially impossible. However there are land lines that connect to all the phones within the two wendigo towns. These phones are used between the herds as a means of long distant communication. There are only two phones that are able to contact any landline from the neighboring herds, these phones can only be found within the homes of the alphas. Any other landline can only connect to the other lines within their towns. (Example: A house phone in Jagged Town can only make contact with another house-phone in Jagged Town. While the house phone in the alpha's living quarters can make contact with others phones within Jagged Town as well as phones in Cicada Town. )

    Interestingly enough radios can pick up and play music and news stations. Television within Jagged and Cicada can also function, if the weather permits it, but is limited to only a few channels.

    Humans and Wendigos
    The local humans that reside within Pronghorn are all worshipers of the man-eating beasts. Some are nomadic, while others reside in certain parts, scattered throughout the valley. Their relationships with the beasts is a unique one, the wendigos of Pronghorn tend not to hunt these humans and leave them be. Though it is not unheard of, nor uncommon, for these people to end up on a beast's menu. The humans themselves keep their respective distance, worshiping the wendigos from afar. Overall, this relationship is a neutural one.

    Cicada Herd and Jagged Herd
    Throughout these herds' history, there have been times of peace and times of war. In the recent forty-five or so years, the herds' have stood on neutral terms with each other, but with the over throwing of the alpha within the last three years and Jaggedthorn's changing culture, this has caused a rift. With Cicada still being strong believers of a more traditional life style and Jagged's alpha, with some herd members, pushing for a change in herd dynamics when it comes to gender, their relationship has becomes increasingly tense.

    Herd Wendigos and Herdless Wendigos
    The two herds of Pronghorn Valley, Cicada and Jaggedthorns, are both highly territorial and protective of their respective lands. Herdless wendigos aren't treated with much kindess should they be seen trespassing.

    There is a code of law that the two wendigo herds of the valley both abide by
    'The cross roads that sit beside Blanco Saguaro are a peaceful meeting place for herd alphas and their chosen members. Attacking each other in the presence of this great bone-white saguaro is forbidden.

    Should wendigo from a neighboring herd be found trespassing on another herd's territory, it is within that herd's right to do what they see fit to the trespasser, so long the trespasser is caught still on their land.

    Should a wendigo be killed on their own herd's turf by another wendigo from a differing herd, the killer shall be handed over to the victim's herd for the alpha to punish them however they see fit.

    Killing a fawn is forbidden.'

    Do note that though there are areas of of Pronghorn where it is more common to spot certain species of wildlife, it is possible to find them in other areas as well, albeit perhaps not as common.

    Mule Deer
    Mountain sheep
    Brown bears
    black bears


    Red Maple (aka Sangre)
    Lavender Faery
    Sleepy Blue
    Pink Trumpets
    Turquoise Dragons

    Brown bears
    Prairie dogs
    Blue Jays
    Mule Deer

    Gnarly Antlers
    Tall grass
    Sunny Weeper
    Fiery Kiss
    Snow Globe


    Barrel Cactus
    Teddy Bear Cholla
    Palo verde
    Palo Blanco
    Pink Fairy Duster
    Sweet Acacia

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    The wendigos of Jaggedthorn originates as far back as the times of the budding wild west. A small family of wendigos set foot onto the new land, hoping for a better life that they were promised through propaganda that painted the west in valleys of green and gold. What they were given instead was a vast and unforgiving desert, they trekked countless days and nights before coming across a herd of native wendigos. The native herd took the small family under their wing, leading them to their home, up into the mountainous region were trees grew tall and mighty. The herds merged, building and sharing knowledge to create a small town within the mountains. Jagged Town was born. Overtime, more wendigos of foreign lands migrated westward, some finding the town that sat on the mountains and thus resulted in a healthy mix of beasts of various heritage.

    Once a wendigo is accepted within this herd, or if a juvenile is given their official rank, they are given a tattoo of the herd's insignia somewhere on their body. [spoili]

    Mating ceremonies are a celebration of the union between wendigos, a wedding of sorts. These ceremonies take place in the spring within an area of the wood, everyone and everything decorated in floral arrangements, a feast of meat. A human heart is divided in pieces, each for the wedded wendigos to eat before leaving permanent bite marks on their mate's neck or shoulder. After the festivities, the newly mated wendigos will consummate their marriage into the woods for the remainder of the night.

    After the death of a fellow herdsman, a funeral takes places the day after once the body is cleaned. The corpse will then be decorated in bouquets of flowers, surrounded by the herd with close friends and family near the body. After speaking their peace and saying good-bye, the herd will collectively howl in a long mourning bay. The body of the deceased wendigo will then be buried within Jaggedthorn's gravesite.

    Sex is used and seen by this herd as a means of reproduction, pleasure, ceremonies and rituals. Sex in front of youngsters is taboo and forbidden. The right to mate is an important aspect of herd life, it is not an uncommon sight to see wendigos fight over a possible mating partner or even dominating over another preventing them from breeding. In the end the alpha has the final say in these matters. Wendigos who are joining the herd, must be initiated permanently into Jaggedthorn in order for them to earn this right. Wendigos who are simply passing through their territory are forbidden from mating with any of the Jaggedthorn herd members.

    Sexuality within this herd is as diverse as the wendigos that inhabit the town. Hardly any prejudice will be seen here in terms of ones own sexual preference, with that being said, those who do show disapproval are those who were most likely not born and raised within the herd's accepting culture.

    Gender Roles
    When it comes to gender, Jaggedthorn comes from a rather traditional culture. Males are viewed as the head of the herd, alpha, beta, delta, gamma all these roles are designated strictly to the males. Or at least they were, times have been changing in the past three years in Jaggedthorn. Females and lunas were once always placed into the role of omega, this tradition was so deeply ingrained into the herd's culture that the word "omega" and "fawn-bearer" were practically synonymous with each other. But since the beginning of the new alpha's rule, does and lunas were able to move up the ranking ladder, permitting them to strive for the role of gamma. As one can imagine, this sudden and recent change in herd dynamics caused quite a bit of disturbance and dissent, so much so that some members decidedly left, moving and joining into the Cicada herd, who still hold fast on these traditional values. With that being said, luna and does cannot strive any higher than gamma... for now.

    This cultural change was grand and yet minor. Even before fawn-bearers were allowed the gamma rank, they were more than encouraged to hunt. Hunting is part of a wendigos very being, denying that part of the beast is seen as usual and even cruel. Omegas were and are encouraged to go out take down their own prey independently if they so choose.

    As far as fighting goes, self-dense is always encouraged to be learned, but sparring for the sport of it is frowned upon within this herd when it comes to fawn-bearers as they are viewed too "weak" or "frail" to handle such things. The more acceptable instance of a fawn-bearer getting into a brawl is when in self-defense, defending a herdmember, defending one's home or kill, and attacking when ones person-hood is being invaded (non-consensual physical contact). Sparring is given some lenience if it is between omegas or gammas (if the opponent is also a doe or luna) in show of dominance.

    Rearing The Young
    Often newborns, and yearlings stay hidden at home during the daylight hours amidst the town, or are only seen in the wilds while on an outing with parents,or baby sitters. As far as raising youngsters go, "it takes a village" is take literally and it is expected of both parents (if both are present/near the fawn) that they should take part in raising the young.

    Fawns are taught early on the importance of hunting, fighting, and overall herd life, since an "actual school" for the maths, sciences ect... don't really exist within the town. Like the mundane wild canines and felines of the wilds, when youngsters reach of age ( 5 yrs) they can tag along in hunting trips, watching from afar with supervision of an omega or gamma. By year eight, the fawn(s) will be brought back small live prey, often wounded with a hurt leg so that they don run off as quickly. Bringing back a live animal is to teach them up close how to catch and kill their own prey. During these times an older herd member (of any rank) will let the fawn experiment in their killing techniques.

    By age thirteen, the fawns are now adolescences and are automatically given the title of gamma. The teenagers are now working members on hunting trips under the supervision of adults. By age sixteen, gammas can go hunting on their own (with their parent or alpha's permission).

    Nursing is seen as a special bond between fawn and mother/luna-parent (or in some cases wet-nurses). Some Wendigo, typically a mated pair, enjoy suckling milk as a form of bonding, or pleasure. Public nursing is a very common sight within Jaggedthorn as it is viewed as a sign of a prospering and healthy herd. Nursing wendigos (be it luna or doe) are also viewed as well fed and healthy.

    There is a time and place to be in the nude for this herd. Such places where it acceptable is when roaming the wilds, during a ritual or ceremony, and of course the privacy of one's own home. Public nudity in the town during broad daylight, however, is not permitted. This due to the fact that humans, on the occasion, can drive through the town.

    Attitudes and Behavior
    "The herd is family and family means everything"

    To the an an unknowing human passing by, they'd think that the town is inhabited by a biker gang, due to their "rough and tough" nature, not to mention the foul-mouths of certain individuals. Jaggedthorn wendigos are certainly more closer connected to their inner beast than most wendigos that live in cities or other highly human populated areas. Due to their location's remoteness, there's little to no concern about expressing one's beastly nature, same can be said throughout the valley of Pronghorn. Typically the only time any of these wendigos feel the need to conceal their claws and fangs is when in the presence of humans that enter their "quaint" town.
    Though it is not forbidden to shift into ones true beastly form entirely within the town, it is not encouraged to do so, at least during the daylight hours.

    This herd is not as aggressive as their neighbors, however they are a force to be reckoned with. Territorial beasts that are more than willing to chase or beat loners and roamers off their land, should they see them trotting about in their wild terrain. "Roughing up" trespassers is a common practice, but it is not encouraged to take it as far as seriously injuring or killing a fellow wendigo. If a passing wendigo runs through town they are treated with some politeness and some suspicion, they will be offered a place of temporary rest for a single day before being told to leave. However, it is not beyond them to help a wendigo in trouble if they need rescuing.

    Turned Wendigos
    While raising youngsters is a herd-effort, mentoring a changling is viewed as the responsibility of the sire who bit and turned the human. If the human turned wendigo is orphaned or was not bit and turned the alternate way (starvation and devouring human flesh), then a single wendigo within the herd is given the task to teach and guide the changling.

    Turned-wendigos are regarded within this herd as no different from born-wendigos, however there are those who hold negative views on turned-wendigos. Seeing them as something that could never understand nor feel at peace or harmony with their inner beast, because they are still "emotionally/spiritually" too human.

    Joining the Herd
    When a wendigo or wendigos wish to join the Jaggedthorns, they are given a place of temporary stay in the town's motel. Through the passing days of their initiation, they are given a chance to grow accustom to the herd's way of life as well as "tested" by the herd members in where they stand on the social hierarchy. Testing if they are dominant or submissive and how well they hunt and defend themselves, these social interactions are crucial on whether or not they are a good fit for the herd. In the end, the alpha makes the final call if the wendigo can stay and should they prove themselves worthy of being a Jaggedthorn, they will be tattooed the herd's insignia somewhere on their body. Once they are tattooed, they will be then given mating rites to breed and or be bred.


    Set on the grand face of Jagged Mountain, lays the town of Jagged, home and "densite" of the of the herd that shares the town's name. Here one can find "mom & pop" shops, from souvenirs to mechanics, from boutiques to grocery stores. The town also holds a small neighborhood nearing only a few blocks away from the shopping center, made up of quaint little wooden cabins and trailers. There is a single dirt road, Devil's Path, that leads in and out of the town.


    Surrounding the town, as well as covering a vast portion of the mountain's surface and its bottom, is a forest. The forest is filled with wildlife, towering pine, cedar, aspen and fir can be found here as well, including various bodies of water (small lakes, rivers, creeks). The forest stretches beyond the mountain, however they become more and more sparse till they bleed out into the prairies where Jaggedthorn's turf ends. Some flower beds can be found here and there, as well as small remnants of human travelers past and current.


    Deep within the woods, east-side, sits the Jaggedthorn's burial site. The area is a grove of trees which grow various shades of crimson color leaves. When a wendigo is buried within this grove, it is said that their body becomes a seed and over time, a tree will sprout from the earth. These trees are known as Sangres and can only be found within the grove.

    ◢◦◣Jagged Mountain's ⟐ Hidden World◢◦◣


    The waterways are like the veins pumping blood through the mountain's body, creeks and rivers from the forest above lead to small and shallow ravines that guide to the inside of the mountain. The water that flows within the mountains also spill into Pronghorn Valley itself, filling the rivers, lakes and creeks scattered throughout. These water ways offer life, but they can take life away as well. During the monsoon season, the waterways will flood and has been known to create deadly currents.


    A large waterfall, on the outter eastern side of the mountain, it spews out water from countless stories high to the lower lands below in a large, churning lake that breaks off into rivers that flows into the valley.

    The tunnels and chambers run through the mountain, like an ancient labyrinth holding bits and pieces of the past on nearly each wall, such as cave paintings, spear heads or rusty compasses from the old days of the frontier.

    Within one of the chambers, is a large open space that harbors a body of water. Sitting in pools above the main body, is warm and steamy water, while the larger body below is like a cool lake. The springs are used as baths or a place to warm-up during the colder seasons.

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    Much like the Jaggedthorn's history, wendigo migrants move westward in hopes of a better life, they came across a native tribe in the prairie lands and merged with them through peaceful means. With that being said, the Cicada's founders were thieves and muarders, notirously known in history for attacking and robbing wagons as well as successfully thwarting the construction of a rail way that was to be placed cutting through the Valley via violent means.

    Once a wendigo is accepted within this herd, or if a juvenile is given their official rank, they are given a tattoo of the herd's insignia somewhere on their body.

    Mating ceremonies are during the winter, the union is to tie two or more wendigos together spiritually as permanent mating partners. A feast, made up of the parts of of a buffalo, will be laid out underneath a grand rock formation that takes the shape of an arch. Decorations consist of the dried limbs of a dead tree, as well as hooves, horns and antlers of deceased game. Using the blood of the fallen buffalo, the wedded wendigos dress themselves with it, drawing patterns and designs onto their bodies. The "newly weds" will then drink cups filled with blood and give each other bite marks, either on the neck or shoulder. After the ceremony, the mated beasts will solidify their union via mating within a cave for the remainder of the night.

    When a Cicada wendigo passes on, their body is to be cleaned before their funeral. During said funeral, the body will be offered gifts in the form of flowers and animal bones. After close friends and family have said their peace, the body will be taken by the chosen deltas of the herd into a towering rock formation known as, Spirits' Keep. The rock is hollow and holds the many skeletons of fallen wendigos from times long ago from top to bottom. The body will be placed within a sort of "pocket" within the walls of the Keep and officially laid to rest.

    Sex is used and seen by this herd as a means of reproduction, pleasure, ceremonies and rituals. Sex in front of youngsters is taboo and forbidden. The right to mate is an important aspect of herd life, it is not an uncommon sight to see wendigos fight over a possible mating partner or even dominating over another preventing them from breeding, in the end the alpha has the final word in these matters. Wendigos who are joining the herd, must be initiated permanently into the Cicadas in order for them to have such a right. Wendigos who are simply passing through their territory are forbidden from mating with any of the Cicada herd members.

    Sexuality within this herd is as diverse as the wendigos that inhabit the town. Hardly any prejudice will be seen here in terms of ones own sexual preference, with that being said, those who do show disapproval tend to be those who were not born and raised within the herd.

    Gender Roles
    When it comes to gender, this herd is very traditional dating back to its very founding and beyond. Males are viewed as the head of the herd, alpha, beta, delta, gammas are roles designated exclusively to the males. Females and lunas are always placed into the role of omega, this is so deeply ingrained into the herd's culture that the word "omega" and "fawn-bearer" are practically synonymous with each other. With that being said, this does not mean that omegas (females and lunas) are not permitted to hunt or fight. Hunting is part of a wendigos very being, denying that part of the beast is seen as usual and even cruel. Omegas are encouraged to hunt, though it is preferred for them to almost always hunt or roam with a stag by their side.

    When it comes to fighting, it is believed that omegas should only fight when defending themselves, their "den", a fellow herdsmen or warding off a pursuer(or a wendigo that overstayed their welcome). Sparring omegas are looked down upon, unless its an omega asserting their dominance over another omega. Omegas are not permitted to spar with a higher ranking herd member.

    Omegas within this herd are not permitted to own a business, however they can be a co-business owner.

    Please do note that not all Omega Cicadas are fainting-violets or dainty flowers, the lunas and does of this herd can just be as dangerous, sturdy, brutish and rough as their stag counterparts. Even with their traditional views in place, a descent amount of stags are wary to push their luck with their omegas lest they want a could lashing (verbal or otherwise).

    There is a time and place to be in the nude for this herd. Such places where it acceptable is when roaming the wilds, during a ritual or ceremony, and of course the privacy of one's own home. Public nudity in the town during broad daylight, however, is not permitted. This due to the fact that humans, on the occasion, can drive through the town.

    Nursing is seen as a special bond between fawn and mother (or in some cases wet-nurses). Some Wendigos, typically a mated pair, enjoy suckling milk as a form of bonding, or pleasure. Public nursing is a very common sight within the Cicada Herd as it is viewed as a sign of a prospering and healthy herd. It is also seen as the nursing wendigo (be it luna or doe) that they are well fed and healthy.

    Rearing the Young
    Often newborns, and yearlings stay hidden at home during the daylight hours amidst the town, or are only seen in the wilds while on an outing with parents,or baby sitters. As far as raising youngsters go, "it takes a village" is take literally and it is expected of both parents (if both are present/near the fawn) that they should take part in raising the youth.

    Fawns are taught early on the importance of hunting and fighting. Like the mundane wild canines and felines of the wilds, when youngsters reach of age ( 5 yrs) they can tag along in hunting trips, watching from afar with supervision of an omega or gamma. By year eight, the fawn(s) will be brought back small live prey, often wounded with a hurt leg so that they don run off as quickly. Bringing back a live animal is to teach them up close how to catch and kill their own prey. During these times an older herd member (of any rank) will let the fawn experiment in their killing techniques.

    By age thirteen, the fawns are now adolescences and are automatically given the title of gamma (if male) or omega (if female or luna). The teenagers are now working members on hunting trips under the supervision of adults. By age sixteen, gammas and omegas can go hunting on their own (with their parent or alpha's permission).

    Changlings and Mentoring
    While raising youngsters is a herd-effort, mentoring a changling is viewed as the responsibility of the sire who bit and turned the human. If the human turned beast is "orphaned" or was not bit and turned the alternate way (starvation and devouring human flesh), then a single wendigo within the herd is given the task to teach and guide the changling.

    Turned-wendigos are regarded differently within this herd comparing to born-wendigos. If a turned-wendigo wishes to join the Cicadas, they must prove that they are no longer deeply connected to their "human-side". When an opportunity arises to hunt down a human, they must not hesitate in killing and devouring them before a witnessing Cicada herd member. When this act is done, they tend to be treated no differently than a born-wendigo.

    Joining the Herd
    When a wendigo or wendigos wish to join the Cicadas, they are given a place of temporary stay in the town's motel. Through the passing days of their initiation, they are given a chance to grow accustom to the Cicada's way of life as well as "tested" by the herd members in where the stand on the social hierarchy. If they are dominant or submissive, how well they hunt and defend themselves, these social interactions are crucial on whether or not they are a good "fit" for the herd. In the end the alpha makes the final call if the wendigo can stay and should they prove themselves worthy of being a Cicada, they will be tattooed the herd's insignia somewhere on their body. Once they are tattooed, they will be then given mating right to breed and or be bred.

    Attitudes and Behaviors
    Like the Jaggedthorn wendigos, Cicadas are a rough and brutish herd that doesn't take shit from others, to put it lightly. However, they are a bit more extreme than their neighbors. "Join or GTFO" is the motto of this herd. They do not treat loners or wendigos who are simply passing through their turf with kindness. Within the town, they are bit more civilized, stressing on the "bit" part, out in the wilds is a different story, it is not unheard of a Cicada wendigo chasing out another off their land if they are not a part of the herd, the chase can escalate quickly to seriously injuring or outright killing the trespasser. If a wendigo is seen passing through town, they are warned to hurry and finish what their doing and leave. Wendigos not of the Cicada herd, unless they are joining, are treated coldly and with suspicion by many.

    Cicada Grove, is the town and "densite" to the herd of wendigos that shares its name. In comparison to this herd's neighbors, Jaggedthorns, this town is a bit more ragged and rough in appearance. It looks far more aged and weathered, but this is mostly due to being exposed to the harsh elements due to its lack of surrounding trees. But like Jagged Town, Cicada Grove also holds the typical privately owned shops. There is a neighborhood less than a mile away from the town where the herd members reside in their shacks and trailers.

    Small clusters of trees, or mini-forests can be found sprinkled throughout this land, but for the most part, the Cicada Herd's territory is majority made up of open grasslands and hills. There are pockets of water, ponds and small lakes with rivers and creeks here and there. Along with a few flowerbeds sprinkled about on this land, there are items lost in time that can be found here.

    Within the prairie lands are impressive rock monuments. Where as Jagged Mountain hides its beauty via being covered by trees, these rock formation show off their fiery sandstone surfaces for the world to see. They tower towards the sky, creating arches and caves that hold stories on their walls, painted by the ancestors of the land themselves.

    The prairie lands continue to bleed southward before slowly fading into harsh desert terrain, this is where the Cicada Herd's territory stops.

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    Before man built their towering sky scrapers, before there were kings and queens, when man were but simple creatures residing in their caves and huts, they were worshipers of wendigos. The Cloven Faith was a religion spread throughout the globe, taking on different forms in different cultures. Overtime, when man distanced themselves from nature, the faith began to shrink, nearly disappearing. But it does thrive in very, very, small pockets in the world. The followers of this nearly long forgotten faith worship in secrecy away from large human population, deep within the wilds of the world.
    The only humans that are local and native to the land of ProngHorn Valley are known as The Cloven, Cloven Folk or Cloven People. They are worshipers of the wendigos, some so devout they are willing to sacrifice themselves to appease the "divine beasts". The original Cloven People of Pronghorn Valley are the indigenous people of North America. Over the passing centuries, wendigo worshipers from across the globe migrated to different parts of the world to be near the man-eating beasts and continue practicing their faith. Due to this migration of peoples, The Cloven has a mixture of various cultures blending into one, each adopting and combining their own with the indigenous people.

    Their population is very small in comparison to the total number of wendigos throughout the valley. They live simple lives, some live as tribal people, others live in tiny villages made up of shabby shacks centered around a single church-like structure.

    Their way of living is also very simple, they hunt with ancient tools (spears, arrows, clubs ect...). Women stay at home, taking care of domestic affairs while the men are the protectors and providers, a very traditional hunters and gatherers way of living. Some dress in the hides of the animals they hunt, other made of cloth, mostly stolen from passing visitors who've met their untimely demise.

    These humans often keep to themselves, and when they are approached by other humans (travelers, tourists, campers ect...) their reactions vary from cold and suspicious or warm and welcoming, in a sort of unsettling way. It is not uncommon for these folk to take foreigners and use them as a sacrifice to appease the wendigos.

    These humans created small shrines and sculptures for the wendigos, they can be found littered throughout Pronghorn. It is not uncommon to see these strange people worshiping a shrine or give an offering to said shrine.

    Their relationship with the native wendigos of the land is rather "peaceful", as most wendigos hardly ever go after the tribes people when they stray from their campsite. This is mostly due to humans from the "outside world" traveling through the valley, as they make up the majority of the human death count.

    The local people see the wendigos as "divine beasts", guardians of the wild, the embodiment of nature itself.
    They view the wendigos as god-like beings, protectors of the land as they keep it "pure" by ridding of the humans of the "outside world" that enter the valley on occasion.

    Due to their, more or less, peaceful coexistence with the wendigos, Cloven Folk are scattered throughout the valley of Pronghorn. Some settling in No-man's Land, the Barren Lands, some even call the wilds of Jagged and Cicada territories home.

    With that being said, it is forbidden in their faith to take shelter in the wendigo towns, as these areas are viewed as holy land.

    'Always bow within the presence of a divine beast.

    Always offer a gift or prayer to a shrine, even in passing, show your devotion proudly.

    Killing a divine, especially a divine-child (fawn) is punishable by death and the killer shall be used as a living sacrifice.

    If a god wishes to take your life, you may try to escape, but if they capture you then it is your fate to feed the divine being.

    The bodies of the deceased will be cleansed, bathed in holy water, and offered to the divine beasts.

    If a divine chooses you to be their prodigy, you must accept the "change".

    Trespassers who are non-believers are to be offered to the divines as sacrifices.'

    These come in various shapes and sizes, some are even built to provide a place of rest for the wendigos.

    Can vary from living sacrifices (be it human or animal) or even items such as flowers, crafted figurines, cloth and so on.

    There are countless symbols, so many that it would take a book as thick as a dictionary to fill in all the information. But there are more common, notable symbols found throughout the land, left by the Cloven people.

    The Cloven people have many ceremonies and rituals, but not all are the same and they vary from group to group.

    Many wendigos look at the Cloven people with some respect, though they may not see themselves as "gods", they do see themselves as superior to humans. Most wendigos show appreciation for the shrines built in their honor.

  • The former alpha of the Jaggedthorns herd has been over thrown by a younger wendigo, a doe. The ex-alpha was then either banished to the Barren Lands, or still resides within the herd (depending on the rper who wants to take on the role of the former-alpha). Three years has passed since then and changes have been made to the herd's social dynamics, does and lunas were permitted to move up the ranking ladder to gamma. Albeit, only to the rank of gamma, but still this has caused quite a stir within the valley. Not only was there a change in regards to does and lunas being able to move up a rank, but the fact that the former alpha, a stag, was usurped in battle by a doe. Jagged's neighbors, the Cicada herd, still holds tightly onto their traditions and now look down on the Jagged wendigos, believing that challenging centuries of tradition will bring nothing but trouble and disorder.
    What was thought to be a normal day in the valley, turned to be something dark, worrying and suspicious. A body discovered by a trio of adventurous fawns, near the eastern part of the Jaggedthorn's territory, the fallen stag was one of their own. Not only that, but the way the body was found was a grizzly sight, one only hoped he die before they hacked off certain body parts. Could it be an attack from a lone wendigo? The neighboring herd? Maybe even one of their own...
    These will consist of mini plots/ideas to keep the rp interesting.

    Rouge/nomadic herd of wendigos trying to take and over throw the current alpha of Jaggedthorns as well as the Cicada's alpha, taking both territories as their own.

    The Cicada herd doesn't like how Jaggedthorn's new alpha is running the herd (clash of cultures) and some herd members stir up trouble and makes relationship ties tense between the two wendigo towns.

    A wendigo who is moon-sick is killing other wendigos (loners and members of the two main herds). No one knows who it is which causes tension within the communities.

    Human gets attacked and bitten by a wendigo of a differing herd, they run away and take refuge within the one of herds of Pronghorn, learning the ways of the wendigos.

    Issues rise when the sire of the bitten human shows up demanding that they return the changling.

    An extremist group of Cloven folk, are kidnapping fawns and the herds must work together to find them and bring them back safely.

    A bus full of college students shows up in Pronghorn Valley, crossing through Jaggedthorns' territory. There are wendigos of the herd that see this as a feast and perfect time to teach the young the ways of hunting men, but so do some of the wendigos from the Cicada herd. This results in discovering that some Cicada wendigos are crossing territories to hunt the humans, adding tension. Even more so when the group of humans cross territories.

    Neighboring herd members are selling drugs to wendigos outside of their territory and it starts effecting the Jaggedthorns negatively. Confrontation will most likely occur.

    Human documentary team sets off into Pronghorn Valley, to discover its secrets. They get more than what their bargaining for and meet their fate with the wendigos.

  • 1. ) - All Iwaku Site Rules Apply

    2. ) - No one liners. That doesn't mean you have to write novellas (though novellas are high encouraged :D ), but full paragraph or more is required within this rp. Mistakes happen when typing, those nasty typos can be a bit jarring for readers and embarrassing to writers. No ones perfect and that's fine :3 , but please do your best in writing proper grammar, punctuation ect...

    3. ) - Be active! As rpers, I'm certain we've all been in a rp where with withers away due to inactive members. For this group, I would like a post at least once a week. I understand that life can get in the way of the fun or even the evil creature known as Writer's Block taking a toll on ones motivation and inspiration. If life happens to come along that will hinder availability to post, please do say so either in OOC chat discussion or send me pm c: . Should writer's block rear its ugly head, don't be afraid to ask for help ^^.

    Sometimes we lose any sort of motivation to post, or just lose interest. If this should happen, please do let the group know or send me a pm. It's best to let the others know that you plan on no longer participating the group than just to disappear without a word.

    Should an rper be absent for over 7 days (in ooc and ic), their character will either be skipped over or temporarily npc'd. Please do not take offense if it is to happen to your charas, it is simply to keep the rp going and not have it be stagnant for too long.

    After the 7th day of absence, you will be given a pm by me in regards to said absence. I will give a 2 day wait for you to respond. After the 2nd day, you will be removed from the group and your charas will either be permanent npc's or written out of the story completely.

    4. ) - An unlimited amount of NPCs are allowed! Character bios for NPCs are not needed. Said NPCs are not to occupy IC posts on their own, but instead must have a Main Character present in order to be used. As far as 'Mains' are concerned participants will only be permitted to create a total of Five Characters (with one being either a fawn or an elder).

    5. ) - No GoddModding, Power playing, or Meta gaming. This means that your character is not permitted to be invincible, and entirely resistant to physical injury. They are also not allowed to "Know Everything" aka if you as a participant are aware of certain personal details about another character that your actual character does not know or could not know prior to said character sharing it IC, then that information can not be used.

    Anything beyond the realms of common knowledge for your character in specific like the deep dark secrets of another, and the like are a no-no.

    6. ) - If you wish to create a character that does not fit in the general description of a Stag, Doe or Luna, then please inquire about doing so to @Pangoblin prior to creating said character via PM or here in the OOC. Via an idea or even a character bio sheet prototype.

    [ For example: A very petite/feminine stag character or a very muscular/masculine doe/luna ]

    7. ) - Please take note that this rp has a sort of Game of Thrones-ish vibe to it.
    With that being said Sexual Content is allowed, and it can be descriptive as all hell, but please bear in mind that is not the main focus of the rp. Think of this as sort of story driven plot with some sexy/smutty scenes thrown in here or there for the fun of it.

    8. ) - When it comes to Sexually Mature posts be sure to label said posts with a courteous 'NSFW' Warning, as well as hide the content within Spoilers and/or Accordions. Be respectful, and mindful that not everyone lives alone, and can view such without prying eyes around.

    Also, if working on a sexual scene between characters then please post it via Collab posts as a way of not congesting the IC thread with multiple posts/pages of hidden smut. Instead, please work behind the scenes in PMs, Discord, Google Docs, etc to create a single collaborative scene, so that its submitted in one go, and the stories occurring between others can continue on comfortably.

    9. ) - Piggybacking of off the topic of respect from the rule above, this roleplay is very much open to Mature content, but regardless of that ask 2 Things of Everyone:

    One: If there is something you wish to try out regarding a sexual scene, like a specific kink for example,please always ask whichever rper(s) you are rping with first via pm.

    Two: Respect each others limitations/answers. We do not wish for anyone to feel uncomfortable for any reason. This is the main reason why explicit sexual scenes of any kind are to be placed in spoilers with warnings. Of course if the person(s) involved with the scene are willing to find a middle ground that's perfectly fine. So long as it's a civil discussion held between the parties involved, but if someone completely opts out then please act like an adult.
    Accept it, and move on.

    10. ) - No child, nor any underage characters below 18 years of age are to be used in a sexual manner. Now, this does not mean you cannot have a child/underage characters, but do not place them into any sort of sexual situations.
    Be it done blatantly, or even remotely implied.

    11. ) - Please do not roleplay with your Newly Created Characters ( Or NPCs ) without them first being accepted, and approved for active play by @Pangoblin

    12. ) This is a mature roleplay that encourages deep detail with intimate or graphic themes. There will be moments within this rp that may have horror/thriller elements. (ie people being eaten, cute animals being devoured) Granted I'm not going to allow "SAW" or "Final Destination" levels of gore, but blood and guts will show up here and there in this rp.

    13.) If you have an idea that can help with plot or expand the universe of this rp, please do say so in ooc chat or send me a pm to discuss it first. Never be afraid to ask questions about any thing :DD
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  • ╔═══━━━━─── ◥◦◤ ───━━━━═══╗
    ◦The City of Umbria◦
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    The grey dawn rises, the sun's pale light streaming through the window of an apartment flat, revealing a shape beneath creamy covers. A clawed hand reaches from the sheets, grasping a flat phone, lightly tapping the surface to reveal the time. Glowing eyes peeked before a low growl rumbles as the sheets shift and rise, falling around the being's waist as they lift the phone to their fuzzed face. Just below, another flat, a "woman" with finned ears and serpent's tail humming as she busies herself with scrambled griffin eggs. Her eyeless face turned to the television, showing another toothpaste commercial, another eyeless creature, a wide fanged grin splitting it's face on the screen as they showed off pearly-whites and holding up the latest brand named paste.

    Outside one can hear the restless city, hooves, paws, talons tapping and trotting the streets. Noises of all sorts from the inhabitants, snarls, roars and chirps, mixing with the growls of car engines. It would be another eventful day in the city of Umbria.

  • VOoRS76.jpg

    Welcome all to Umbria... a world much like and dislike our own. A world of monsters.

    Ever wondered where the stories of monsters and nightly creature came from? Where'd such strange imaginings of beasts that lurk within the shadows were born? They call came from a realm known as Umbria, the place where all 'mythical' creatures are born.

    The umbriac realm is the birth place of all creatures from human lore, from lycans to demons, wendigos to dragons. This strange place is vastly made up of wide stretching wild lands and oceans of various biomes, dotted with towns, neighborhoods and a single giant city.
    Human Realm
    The vast majority of the human population are unaware of Umbria and believe these creatures of myth and fantasy are just that, fantastical tales.
    Laws of the Realm
    [spoili]1.) Our most precious queen, her word is law.

    2.)The human realm is our hunting grounds as it has always been in our traditions.

    2.) The human realm is forbidden to know of our Umbria, should a monster reveal our realm the punishment is treason and possibly death.

    3.)Should a human fall into our world of Umbria, they are open to be hunted or turned by anyone. The alternative being, a human is to be placed under the legal guardianship of a responsible monster.

    4.)Creators who have turned a human are fully responsible for the changling(s), these sires are the legal guardians of the turned till they are deemed independent enough to go out into the world on their own. If a changling is orphaned by any means, another monster will be given the responsibility.

    As Ruler
    From the very beginning, monsters were all ruled by a single matriarch, she is given many titles, the three most common being, Mother of Beasts, Queen of Monsters, or simply Queen. Every passing of 500 years, a new matriarch, the daughter of the previous queen, inherits the throne. The Queen resides within the heart of the city, her tower being the tallest building within the monster-montropolis.

    All queens are socially viewed as women. Their anatomy however can be a number of things. The queen, typically, as the ability to change her anatomy, be it her chest or sex organs. She has the ability to impregnate and become pregnant.

    Being the Queen of Monsters her form isn't entirely all describable, many humans would label her as "Lovecraftian". One is for certain, her true beastial form has many eyes many limbs.

    When a queen becomes 500 years or older, her chances of bearing another queen spike to 90%. When a young queen, called a princess, turns 20 years old she shall inherit the throne from her mother.

    Sexuality and Gender
    Just as the realm of Umbria is filled with diverse monsters, there is a diversity in sexuality and gender as well, all of which are widely accepted among monster kind.

    Views on Humans
    "Humans are a blank canvas or a slab of clay. We, as creators, as arists, must take it upon ourselves to paint on this canvas, must shape the clay in our image. To turn a human, is to offer them a gift and thus gift to us to care for." - Unknown Umbrian

    "Hunting man is within the core, the very nature of many Umbrian creatures. Just as our ancestors have hunted in the ancient past, it is our right to hunt in the present day."

    Those who are unlucky enough to fall into the Umbria world are often treated with little kindness. Humans that enter Umbria are deemed as "fair game" when it comes to hunting, or being turned into a creature. Any human found within the realm of monsters is to be captured, either turned into a monster themselves (with or without consent) or be turned into a sort of slave/pet, being placed under the legal guardianship or ownership of a monster.

    Creators: Also known as "sires", are monsters that have the ability to turn any human into a creatures (such as lycans).

    Monsters: The term is less used as an insult and simply as a way of the Umbria creatures to refer to themselves, be it neutral or positive. Monster also referred to themselves as Umbrias/Umbrians.

    Changling: A human that has been freshly turned into an Umbrian monster.
    Portals are used by the inhabitants of Umbria to travel to and from the Umbriac realm and the human realm. Because of these portals, humans of the past and present have come face to face with these monsters and beast of another realm.
    Blue Portal
    Some portals open and close at random, these temporary and at times sporadic portals appear at random in certain areas of either realms. These portals are a light blue coloration.

    White Portal
    These pale portals are few and far between, far less common than their blue cousins. White portals are permanent, though they can be opened or closed via the right spell.

    Summon Portal
    Summon Portals are portals that open via a summoning rite, often from a sort of magical book. Summon portals come in two colors, gold or red. Gold Portals are often used by the natives of Umbria to enter the human realm, while red portals are used to enter to the Umbriac realm.

  • th

    A bustling city, bringing at the edges with all kinds of life, glowing bright neon when night falls.
    Despite being largely made up of untamed land, Umbria has variety of towns and neighborhoods throughout its strange world, but perhaps the most notable place is the city, the only city within the realm. Umbria City is a megatropolis, here is where you'll find the latest trends and topics. From the richest of the rich to the poorest of the poor, one can find anything and everything here.

    The City is divided into 3 official districts. The Gold district (upper class), the Silver district (middle and upper middle class), and the Bronze district (lower middle class and lower class).

    The richest of the rich live here, with their 5 star restaurants, award winning broadways musicals and plays, let us not forget the ridiculously grand sized estates and luxurious hotels. One can eaisly guess where to the CEOs and celebrities live.

    The middle and upper middle class reside within this district, most things are moderately priced. Nothing too extravagant in this part of the city.

    The poorest of the poor reside here, there are areas of the district that are deemed as "the slums". Shady dark alleyways create a labyrinth that even the rats find themselves confused in. The "bad part" of town was bestowed upon this district.


    Umbrians are creatures of a vast variety coming from all sorts of cultures, shapes and sizes. One thing that all Umbrians share in common, is the ability to shape shift into a human form.

  • 1. ) - All Iwaku Site Rules Apply

    2. ) - No one liners. That doesn't mean you have to write novellas (though novellas are high encouraged :D ), but a full paragraph or more is required within this rp. Mistakes happen when typing, those nasty typos can be a bit jarring for readers and embarrassing to writers. No ones perfect and that's fine :3 , but please do your best in writing proper grammar, punctuation ect...

    3. ) - Be active! As rpers, I'm certain we've all been in a rp where with withers away due to inactive members. For this group, I would like a post at least once every 2 weeks. I understand that life can get in the way of the fun or even the evil creature known as Writer's Block taking a toll on ones motivation and inspiration. If life happens to come along that will hinder availability to post, please do say so either in OOC chat discussion or send me pm c: . Should writer's block rear its ugly head, don't be afraid to ask for help ^^.

    Sometimes we lose the motivation to post, or just lose interest. If this should happen, please do let the group know or send me a pm. Please do not hesitate or feel bad in doing, this, it's always best to let someone known that go silent forever.

    Should an rper be absent for over 7 days (in ooc and ic), their character will either be skipped over or temporarily npc'd. Please do not take offense if it is to happen to your charas, it is simply to keep the rp going and not have it be stagnant for too long.

    After the 14th day of absence, you will be given a pm by Pangoblin, in regards to said absence. I will give a 2 day wait for you to respond. After the 2nd day, you will be removed from the group and your charas will either be permanent npc's or written out of the story completely, this could also mean that your chara will be given a death.

    4. ) - An unlimited amount of NPCs are allowed! Character bios for NPCs are not needed. Said NPCs are not to occupy IC posts on their own, but instead must have a Main Character present in order to be used. As far as 'Mains' are concerned participants will only be permitted to create a total of Five Characters (with one being either a fawn or an elder).

    5. ) - No GoddModding, Power playing, or Meta gaming. This means that your character is not permitted to be invincible, and entirely resistant to physical injury. They are also not allowed to "Know Everything" aka if you as a participant are aware of certain personal details about another character that your actual character does not know or could not know prior to said character sharing it IC, then that information can not be used.

    Anything beyond the realms of common knowledge for your character in specific like the deep dark secrets of another, and the like are a no-no.

    6. ) This rp will have a wide area of monsters and I am open minded for people to get creative! It can be a kind of creature that is known to us (like nymphs or harpies) or a completely made up beast. With that being said, please do understand I'm going to limit certain kinds of monsters/creatures, such as vampires and nekos, unless these two types are presented in a way that is unique. Get outside your comfort-zone! Explore! Explooore I say! >:D I'll have a list of face claims to help peeps out, if you wish to add to the FC's please do!

    7. ) - Please take note that this rp has a sort of Game of Thrones-ish vibe to it.
    With that being said Sexual Content is allowed, and it can be descriptive as all hell, but please bear in mind that is not the main focus of the rp. Think of this as sort of story driven plot with some sexy/smutty scenes thrown in here or there for the fun of it. This rp can and will have a very intimate/sensual writing styles.

    8. ) - When it comes to Sexually Mature posts be sure to label said posts with a courteous 'NSFW' Warning, as well as hide the content within Spoilers and/or Accordions. Be respectful, and mindful that not everyone lives alone, and can view such without prying eyes around.

    Also, if working on a sexual scene between characters then please post it via Collab posts as a way of not congesting the IC thread with multiple posts/pages of hidden smut. Instead, please work behind the scenes in PMs, Discord, Google Docs, etc to create a single collaborative scene, so that its submitted in one go, and the stories occurring between others can continue on comfortably.

    9. ) - Piggybacking of off the topic of respect from the rule above, this roleplay is very much open to Mature content, but regardless of that ask 2 Things of Everyone:

    One: If there is something you wish to try out regarding a sexual scene, like a specific kink for example,please always ask whichever rper(s) you are rping with first via pm.

    Two: Respect each others limitations/answers. We do not wish for anyone to feel uncomfortable for any reason. This is the main reason why explicit sexual scenes of any kind are to be placed in spoilers with warnings. Of course if the person(s) involved with the scene are willing to find a middle ground that's perfectly fine. So long as it's a civil discussion held between the parties involved, but if someone completely opts out then please act like an adult.
    Accept it, and move on.

    10. ) - No child, nor any underage characters below 18 years of age are to be used in a sexual manner. Now, this does not mean you cannot have a child/underage characters, but do not place them into any sort of sexual situations.
    Be it done blatantly, or even remotely implied. Adding onto this rule, please do not create characters that appear underage (under the age of 18) but then claim they are an adult. It just comes off as a sneaky way of putting underage charas in sexual situations.

    11. ) - Please do not roleplay with your Newly Created Characters ( Or NPCs ) without them first being accepted, and approved for active play dis person --> @Pangoblin

    12. ) This is a mature roleplay that encourages deep detail with intimate or graphic themes. There will be moments within this rp that may have horror/thriller elements. (ie people being eaten, cute animals being devoured) Granted I'm not going to allow "SAW" or "Final Destination" levels of gore, but blood and guts will show up here and there in this rp.

    13.) If you have an idea that can help with plot or expand the universe of this rp, please do say so in ooc chat or send me a pm to discuss it first. Never be afraid to ask questions about any thing :DD

    14.) Not all creatures have the ability to turn humans and there is more than one way for a human to turn into a monster (not just a bite or sharing blood! :O )

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    ◦Path of the Stars◦
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    The world as the animals' know it is changing. The humans have mysteriously disappeared, vanishing within one night without a trace of where they went or how they left. Automobiles are left unattended in the streets and roads, buildings vacant of any human life, nothing left in disarray, all neatly left abandoned. Perhaps those most affected by this sudden change, were the dogs the humans left behind. No dog remembers that night, any dog who may have witnessed this unnatural happening have only a blank slot in their memory. With the humans gone, animals of all kinds who were once ruled by humans are now left to their own devices, many still wait and hope for the return of their humans, while others immediately accepted their new life, roaming and living freely.

    No dog knows what lays ahead in the future, their fate is now held within their own claws and the path they take following the stars.

  • Bryton City, once a bustling metropolis now lays nearly dormant, a month after what the city dogs refer to as, The Vanishing, where all humans seemingly left without a trace. Cars line the streets, abandoned along with the countless buildings that are now inhabited by the animals of the city, namely the dogs who now rule it. There are those who still within or near the homes where their humans once dwelled, hoping for their return, some had moved on, while others who did not have human masters began taking advantage of the situation.

    Somewhere within this once great city, middle class apartment complex holds a sort of safe haven for dogs, many of which who were the pets of the previous human owners. Though this number is dwindling by the passing weeks, dogs leaving their flats due to lack of food and security, taking to the streets to join or form packs.

    The dogs of this apartment, known as Complex 53, work like a small community and less of a functioning dog pack. Some have known each other before The Vanishing, some newer faces, but they all work with each other during these strange times, watching each others backs, offering food. Not all were friends, but they did and do rely on each for a sense of security. However, this odd little 'community' will see that they must make a choice. The dog packs of the city are growing more bold, increasing their numbers, waging bigger brawls and battles for territory and food, making the city an even more hostile place to live. The little community is forced to make a life changing decision, join a pack, or perish.

    But... there is one last option. One that they will find within the stars, a path that will lead them out of the city in the unknown humanless world beyond.

    General Idea
    Greetings fellow rpers! Man, animal rps take me waaaay the hell back to my middle school days, and I feel nostalgic for one :D
    So, the over all idea of this rp is this. Our main characters will be dogs who form a pack and escape the city, going on various adventures to find a safe haven to call their own while using the stars as their guiding key.

    Do note that these are basic skeletons to help guide and inspire rpers what to write. This may change if enough people wish to add and remove elements of the story or scene.


    The Beginning
    Our characters are residing within a lower middle class apartment complex, some were once pets others were strays, they all know each other to various degrees. Some are friends others acquaintances, some knew each other long before The Vanishing, while others are newer faces who took refuge within the flats. They are not a pack, nor do they consider themselves to be one, there are those who are still loyal to the humans and believe that waiting for their return is the best option and those who think that maybe they should join a pack for safety. There is a total of 30 dogs that reside in this apartment.

    As the weeks pass by, the dog packs of the city are turning more and more aggressive and bold, fighting for territory with not only other packs, but also raiding buildings inhabited by dogs, forcing them to join or killing them outright. A nearby apartment gets attacked by one of these dog packs, they killed nearly every resident, save for one dog who manages to escape and take refuge within the small dog community in the apartment of our main cast. The survivor explains what happened and the community becomes worried that their building will be the next target. A meeting is held a dog announces that they will leave the city, suggesting the other do the same. There is dissant within the small community, some agreeing, other disagreeing and other unsure.

    The aggressive dog pack attacks the building killing some npc dog residents, while the main cast manages to escape into the night somewhere within the city. It is that night that they all decide that leaving the city is the best option and it is here they begin their journey.

    Important info on Bryton City:

    There is only two ways out the city, one being a massive bridge that crosses a vast lake, the other being a train that, oddly enough, still moves on its own. Main charas will choose either of these paths to leave the city.


    The Town of Gladden Wood
    Hopping off the train the dogs arrive in an empty small town ran by a large dog pack. The pack seems friendly at first but over time it is clear something is very wrong.

  • Dogs are capable of understanding the language of man, but how well is depending on how long the dog has been within the presence of humans and their own strange culture. A dog raised by humans (say from pup to adulthood) will understand the words and meanings of which humans speak. Dogs who have little to no contact with humans will have little understanding of their dialect.

    Brute: another word used for male canines.

    Fae: another word used for female canines as well as she-dog, she-wolf ect…

    Alpha: leader of the pack.

    Beta: second in command.

    Delta: the pack body, made up of hunters and fighters.

    Omega: the lowest rank, they watch over the pups while the deltas go and hunt/patrol. They are also used as scouts and spies.

    Gamma: young canines (juveniles) who have yet to receive their rank, whether be it bestowed upon them by the alpha or proving themselves with tasks or fights.

    Pups: youngsters that have yet reached their juvenile stage.

    Elder: retired pack members who are deemed too old to hunt or fight. Elders are often respected as they are seen to have be wise and experienced.

    Loner: a canine that travels alone.

    Pair: two canines traveling/living together.

    Pup: A canine who is between the ages of newborn and 11 months.

    Youth: An adolescent canine that is a year old.

    Young Adult: A canine who's 2 or 3 years of age.

    Adult: A canine who is 4 or 5 years of age.

    Elder: A canine who is 6 or older in years.
    Lunari is a religion that dates back to the olden times where dogs were once wolves. This religion holds the belief that the ancestors of all canines originated from the moon goddess, Albalapis.

    "Albalapis, also known as simply, "Alba", is the goddess and creator of all canine kind who takes the form of the moon, her true form said to be that of some sort of canid. She has existed and hung in the night sky since the beginning of time, but over the years, she grew lonely. So she created the first canines, the wolves. She loved the wolves dearly as they always sang songs to her. Alba then created foxes, entertained by their pranks, cleverness and charm. Then she created the coyotes, cross between wolf and fox, they sang songs higher in tone and were just as crafty as their fox cousins. But what made them truly unique, was that not only could they survive alone (like foxes), but also survive together as a pack (like wolves). One night, the goddess curiously observed the humans below and took pity on them. What sad creatures they were. They struggled to survive, felt loneliness and fear when the dark of night would cast itself over the land. So, she created a being that held all the qualities of foxes' cleverness, the wolves' singing spirit, and the coyotes' strength in independence and teamwork. But the most important aspect she put forth in this new being, was its unwavering loyalty and pure of heart. Albalapis, the goddess of the moon had finally created the dog and all of dogkind. The humans took in the dogs with open arms, to which all dogs rejoiced, pouring forth their love and devotion to their human masters."

    The other interpretation of this myth is that Alba did not create dogs for man, but instead created them for herself to be loyal companions to her and her alone. That it was dogkind's choice to leave the wild and the moon goddess' side, to be with humans. Many of those who believe this are wolves, foxes, coyotes and feral dogs.

    This story is interpreted and has been added onto in various ways. Some dogs believe in the lunari faith, others do not. The believers and worshipers of Lunari all have different interpretations and additions to the story. There are sects and congregations of dogs who are devout worshipers. A common addition to the story of Albalapis and the creation of canine-kind is that when canines die, they turn into stars. There is also another popular idea within the faith that there is a paradise on earth. What this paradise may or may not hold, is also left up to interpretation of the individual.

    It is because of the Lunari faith that many dogs who are pets revere their human masters, believing dogs were meant to be by humans side as loyal companions.

    Many dogs, whether they believe in Lunari or not, believe that stars are the souls of past canines. These stars also take the form of constellations that assist guide dogs to their destiny. Every constellation is different in the eyes of every dog, what one dog may see and arrow anther might see a bird.

  • 1. ) - All Iwaku Site Rules Apply

    2. ) - No one liners. That doesn't mean you have to write novellas (though novellas are high encouraged :D ), but a full paragraph or more is required within this rp. Mistakes happen when typing, those nasty typos can be a bit jarring for readers and embarrassing to writers. No ones perfect and that's fine :3 , but please do your best in writing proper grammar, punctuation ect...

    3. ) - Be active! As rpers, I'm certain we've all been in a rp where with withers away due to inactive members. For this group, I would like a post at least once every 2 weeks. I understand that life can get in the way of the fun (I should know being in college and working x.x) or even the evil creature known as Writer's Block taking a toll on ones motivation and inspiration. If life happens to come along that will hinder availability to post, please do say so either in OOC chat discussion or send me pm c: . Should writer's block rear its ugly head, don't be afraid to ask for help ^^. In fact I highly encourage people to ask for help when it comes to writers block int he group, post pictures or offer advice :D!

    Sometimes we lose the motivation to post, or just lose interest. If this should happen, please do let the group know or send me a pm. Please do not hesitate or feel bad in doing, this, it's always best to let someone known that go silent forever.

    Should an rper be absent for over 14 days (in ooc and ic), their character will either be skipped over or temporarily npc'd. Please do not take offense if it is to happen to your charas, it is simply to keep the rp going and not have it be stagnant for too long.

    After the 14th day of absence, you will be given a pm by Pangoblin, in regards to said absence. I will give a 2 day wait for you to respond. After the 2nd day, you will be removed from the group and your charas will either be permanent npc's or written out of the story completely.

    4. ) - An unlimited amount of NPCs are allowed! Character bios for NPCs are not needed. Said NPCs are not to occupy IC posts on their own, but instead must have a Main Character present in order to be used. As far as 'Mains' are concerned participants will only be permitted to create a total of Five Characters.

    5. ) - No GoddModding, Power playing, or Meta gaming. This means that your character is not permitted to be invincible, and entirely resistant to physical injury. They are also not allowed to "Know Everything" aka if you as a participant are aware of certain personal details about another character that your actual character does not know or could not know prior to said character sharing it IC, then that information can not be used.

    Anything beyond the realms of common knowledge for your character in specific like the deep dark secrets of another, and the like are a no-no.

    6. ) This rp is 95% realistic. 5% being a little bit of the supernatural aspects, but even these supernatural occurrences will will be left up in the air for speculation. As an example, in this rp, some trains and even subways still function as if someone is controlling them, though why or how they move is a mystery. Same with the humans, the disappearance of the entire human race will forever be unknown, dogs are allowed to bring up their own ideas of why or how things are the way they are, but there is no definite answer.

    7. ) - Dogs will be the main characters of this rp, however npcs can be any species. Later on in the rp, I am willing to allow other animal characters that are non-npcs, however these animals will only be those of the canine variety, such as wolves coyotes foxes. However in the first few or so "chapters" only dogs as main characters please and thanks. Another note on this, canines can only communicate with other canines, they can not communicate with any other animals (such as cats, bears, deer ect...)

    8. ) - No magical/supernatural abilities. This also includes psychic/medium type abilities (seeing in the future, or having dreams that for tell the future). I understand that a dog's senses are stronger than other, such as smell and hearing and thus can detect things that we as humans cannot, however do not use this as an excuse to suddenly "discover" or know something that others charas would not and could not know. not unless it is discussed in ooc first.

    9. ) - Small dogs/pups cannot hunt down prey that is much larger than themselves, this includes getting into fights with larger animals. Example: A corgi, shetland, or chihuahua cannot take down a deer by themselves. With that being said, small dogs can think of ways to take down animal larger than themselves, just not with their brute strength.

    10. ) - This may seem odd to many, but the dogs of this universe can have same sex mated pairs. Because I mean like... why not?

    11. ) - Please do not roleplay with your Newly Created Characters ( Or NPCs ) without them first being accepted, and approved for active play dis person --> @Pangoblin

    12. ) - This is a mature roleplay that encourages deep detail with graphic themes. There will be moments within this rp that may have horror/thriller elements. (ie cute animals being devoured, ripped to bits) Granted I'm not going to allow "SAW" or "Final Destination" levels of gore, but blood and guts will show up here and there in this rp. Dark details should have a reason to exist, if that reason if just to be gross or have fullblown shock value to just make people feel icky, I don't find that acceptable here. Sorry m8 :/ . Please do not for the love of every deity do not give detailed descriptions of birth or mating. Thats just nasty man :c

    13.) - If you have an idea that can help with plot or expand the universe of this rp, please do say so in ooc chat or send me a pm to discuss it first. Never be afraid to ask questions about any thing :DD

    14.) - This is the last rule ( I promise, I hope... >-> ), essentially expanding on what was said in one of the previous rules in a way. This rp, for the most part, is rather mature. I am all for philosophical questions, and complex ideas when it comes to our adorable doggo characters. Hell in one of the chapters at some point I plan on having a cult of extremist Lunari worshipers. There will even be questions of why the humans left and is being a pet right for or near-human intelligent doggos. This is all in fun still, so please don't take it all too seriously, i just find this interesting to play in the rp. :3

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  • ╔═══━━━━─── ◥◦◤ ───━━━━═══╗
    Crimson Night
    ╚═══━━━━─── ◢◦◣ ───━━━━═══╝

    There are creatures that lurk among the unknowing humans of this world. They have existed since the dawn of man, some say even before then. Worshiped as gods, feared as demons that prey upon mankind.

  • A land surrounded by ocean, bordered by white beaches and filled to the brim with lush green forests, speckled with towns and a towering city.

  • 1. ) - All Iwaku Site Rules Apply

    2. ) - No one liners. That doesn't mean you have to write novellas (though novellas are high encouraged :D ), but a full paragraph or more is required within this rp. Mistakes happen when typing, those nasty typos can be a bit jarring for readers and embarrassing to writers. No ones perfect and that's fine :3 , but please do your best in writing proper grammar, punctuation ect...

    3. ) - Be active! As rpers, I'm certain we've all been in a rp where with withers away due to inactive members. For this group, I would like a post at least once every 2 weeks. I understand that life can get in the way of the fun or even the evil creature known as Writer's Block taking a toll on ones motivation and inspiration. If life happens to come along that will hinder availability to post, please do say so either in OOC chat discussion or send me pm c: . Should writer's block rear its ugly head, don't be afraid to ask for help ^^.

    Sometimes we lose the motivation to post, or just lose interest. If this should happen, please do let the group know or send me a pm. Please do not hesitate or feel bad in doing, this, it's always best to let someone known that go silent forever.

    Should an rper be absent for over 7 days (in ooc and ic), their character will either be skipped over or temporarily npc'd. Please do not take offense if it is to happen to your charas, it is simply to keep the rp going and not have it be stagnant for too long.

    After the 14th day of absence, you will be given a pm by Pangoblin, in regards to said absence. I will give a 2 day wait for you to respond. After the 2nd day, you will be removed from the group and your charas will either be permanent npc's or written out of the story completely, this could also mean that your chara will be given a death.

    4. ) - An unlimited amount of NPCs are allowed! Character bios for NPCs are not needed. Said NPCs are not to occupy IC posts on their own, but instead must have a Main Character present in order to be used. As far as 'Mains' are concerned participants will only be permitted to create a total of Five Characters (with one being either a fawn or an elder).

    5. ) - No GoddModding, Power playing, or Meta gaming. This means that your character is not permitted to be invincible, and entirely resistant to physical injury. They are also not allowed to "Know Everything" aka if you as a participant are aware of certain personal details about another character that your actual character does not know or could not know prior to said character sharing it IC, then that information can not be used.

    Anything beyond the realms of common knowledge for your character in specific like the deep dark secrets of another, and the like are a no-no.

    6. ) This rp will have a wide area of monsters and I am open minded for people to get creative! It can be a kind of creature that is known to us (like nymphs or harpies) or a completely made up beast. With that being said, please do understand I'm going to limit certain kinds of monsters/creatures, such as vampires and nekos, unless these two types are presented in a way that is unique. Get outside your comfort-zone! Explore! Explooore I say! >:D I'll have a list of face claims to help peeps out, if you wish to add to the FC's please do!

    7. ) - Please take note that this rp has a sort of Game of Thrones-ish vibe to it.
    With that being said Sexual Content is allowed, and it can be descriptive as all hell, but please bear in mind that is not the main focus of the rp. Think of this as sort of story driven plot with some sexy/smutty scenes thrown in here or there for the fun of it. This rp can and will have a very intimate/sensual writing styles.

    8. ) - When it comes to Sexually Mature posts be sure to label said posts with a courteous 'NSFW' Warning, as well as hide the content within Spoilers and/or Accordions. Be respectful, and mindful that not everyone lives alone, and can view such without prying eyes around.

    Also, if working on a sexual scene between characters then please post it via Collab posts as a way of not congesting the IC thread with multiple posts/pages of hidden smut. Instead, please work behind the scenes in PMs, Discord, Google Docs, etc to create a single collaborative scene, so that its submitted in one go, and the stories occurring between others can continue on comfortably.

    9. ) - Piggybacking of off the topic of respect from the rule above, this roleplay is very much open to Mature content, but regardless of that ask 2 Things of Everyone:

    One: If there is something you wish to try out regarding a sexual scene, like a specific kink for example,please always ask whichever rper(s) you are rping with first via pm.

    Two: Respect each others limitations/answers. We do not wish for anyone to feel uncomfortable for any reason. This is the main reason why explicit sexual scenes of any kind are to be placed in spoilers with warnings. Of course if the person(s) involved with the scene are willing to find a middle ground that's perfectly fine. So long as it's a civil discussion held between the parties involved, but if someone completely opts out then please act like an adult.
    Accept it, and move on.

    10. ) - No child, nor any underage characters below 18 years of age are to be used in a sexual manner. Now, this does not mean you cannot have a child/underage characters, but do not place them into any sort of sexual situations.
    Be it done blatantly, or even remotely implied. Adding onto this rule, please do not create characters that appear underage (under the age of 18) but then claim they are an adult. It just comes off as a sneaky way of putting underage charas in sexual situations.

    11. ) - Please do not roleplay with your Newly Created Characters ( Or NPCs ) without them first being accepted, and approved for active play dis person --> @Pangoblin

    12. ) This is a mature roleplay that encourages deep detail with intimate or graphic themes. There will be moments within this rp that may have horror/thriller elements. (ie people being eaten, cute animals being devoured) Granted I'm not going to allow "SAW" or "Final Destination" levels of gore, but blood and guts will show up here and there in this rp.

    13.) If you have an idea that can help with plot or expand the universe of this rp, please do say so in ooc chat or send me a pm to discuss it first. Never be afraid to ask questions about any thing :DD

    14.) Not all creatures have the ability to turn humans and there is more than one way for a human to turn into a monster (not just a bite or sharing blood! :O )

  • ╔═══━━━━─── ◥◦◤ ═══━━━━───╗
    ╚═══━━━━─── ◢◦◣ ───━━━━═══╝

    "Welcome to our quaint little town of Autumn Grove, known for our beautiful birchwood forests and nature preserve, all founded in the early 1800s~ Come enjoy our local shops, the downtown area for some nightly fun or our most popular tourist attraction, The Camping Grounds! We do kindly ask our visitors to NEVER stray away from the path, especially at night! We "Grovians" are very respectful and proud of our wildlife and would like our woodland neighbors to feel as comfortable as possible. It is for the safety of the critters and people~ Any inquiries about our nature preserve do head towards the "Dusty Things" antique and and gift shop. We hope you enjoy your stay here in Autumn Grove."

    Autum Grove is a town of nobodies, hardly found on any North American map, it often is forgotten about by the masses. A certain amount of residents like to keep it that way. The ones who change shape amongst the shadows of the trees, howling, snarling and running in the night.

    1. ) - All Iwaku Site Rules Apply

    2. ) - No one liners. That doesn't mean you have to write novellas (though novellas are high encouraged :D ), but a full paragraph or more is required within this rp. Mistakes happen when typing, those nasty typos can be a bit jarring for readers and embarrassing to writers. No ones perfect and that's fine :3 , but please do your best in writing proper grammar, punctuation ect...

    3. ) - Be active! As rpers, I'm certain we've all been in a rp where with withers away due to inactive members. For this group, I would like a post at least once a week. I understand that life can get in the way of the fun or even the evil creature known as Writer's Block taking a toll on ones motivation and inspiration. If life happens to come along that will hinder availability to post, please do say so either in OOC chat discussion or send me pm c: . Should writer's block rear its ugly head, don't be afraid to ask for help ^^.

    Sometimes we lose any sort of motivation to post, or just lose interest. If this should happen, please do let the group know or send me a pm. It's best to let the others know that you plan on no longer participating the group than just to disappear without a word.

    Should an rper be absent for over 7 days (in ooc and ic), their character will either be skipped over or temporarily npc'd. Please do not take offense if it is to happen to your charas, it is simply to keep the rp going and not have it be stagnant for too long.

    After the 7th day of absence, you will be given a pm the GM in regards to said absence. I will give a 2 day wait for you to respond. After the 2nd day, you will be removed from the group and your charas will either be permanent npc's or written out of the story completely, this could also mean that your chara will be given a death.

    4. ) - An unlimited amount of NPCs are allowed! Character bios for NPCs are not needed. Said NPCs are not to occupy IC posts on their own, but instead must have a Main Character present in order to be used. As far as 'Mains' are concerned participants will only be permitted to create a total of Five Characters (with one being either a fawn or an elder).

    5. ) - No GoddModding, Power playing, or Meta gaming. This means that your character is not permitted to be invincible, and entirely resistant to physical injury. They are also not allowed to "Know Everything" aka if you as a participant are aware of certain personal details about another character that your actual character does not know or could not know prior to said character sharing it IC, then that information can not be used.
    Anything beyond the realms of common knowledge for your character in specific like the deep dark secrets of another, and the like are a no-no.

    6. ) - Please take note that this rp has a sort of Game of Thrones-ish vibe to it.
    With that being said Sexual Content is allowed, and it can be descriptive as all hell, but please bear in mind that is not the main focus of the rp. Think of this as sort of story driven plot with some sexy/smutty scenes thrown in here or there for the fun of it. This rp can and will have a very intimate/sensual writing styles.

    8. ) - When it comes to Sexually Mature posts be sure to label said posts with a courteous 'NSFW' Warning, as well as hide the content within Spoilers and/or Accordions. Be respectful, and mindful that not everyone lives alone, and can view such without prying eyes around.
    Also, if working on a sexual scene between characters then please post it via Collab posts as a way of not congesting the IC thread with multiple posts/pages of hidden smut. Instead, please work behind the scenes in PMs, Discord, Google Docs, etc to create a single collaborative scene, so that its submitted in one go, and the stories occurring between others can continue on comfortably.

    9. ) - Piggybacking of off the topic of respect from the rule above, this roleplay is very much open to Mature content, but regardless of that ask 2 Things of Everyone:

    One: If there is something you wish to try out regarding a sexual scene, like a specific kink for example, please always ask whichever rper(s) you are rping with first via pm.
    Two: Respect each others limitations/answers. We do not wish for anyone to feel uncomfortable for any reason. This is the main reason why explicit sexual scenes of any kind are to be placed in spoilers with warnings. Of course if the person(s) involved with the scene are willing to find a middle ground that's perfectly fine. So long as it's a civil discussion held between the parties involved, but if someone completely opts out then please act like an adult.
    Accept it, and move on.

    10. ) - No child, nor any underage characters below 18 years of age are to be used in a sexual manner. Now, this does not mean you cannot have a child/underage characters, but do not place them into any sort of sexual situations.
    Be it done blatantly, or even remotely implied.

    11. ) - Please do not roleplay with your Newly Created Characters ( Or NPCs ) without them first being accepted, and approved for active play by the GM

    12. ) This is a mature roleplay that encourages deep detail with intimate or graphic themes. There will be moments within this rp that may have horror/thriller elements. (ie people being eaten, cute animals being devoured) Granted I'm not going to allow "SAW" or "Final Destination" levels of gore, but blood and guts will show up here and there in this rp.
    13.) If you have an idea that can help with plot or expand the universe of this rp, please do say so in ooc chat or send me a pm to discuss it first. Never be afraid to ask questions about any thing :DD

    14.) Be Gay Do Crime

  • AfraidUnsightlyGoldenretriever-small.gif

    Though every pack possess their very own unique set of rules and customs, general formalities, languages, and behaviors are shared among the wulven folk as a whole.

    This ritual is a task that the pack Alpha sets for the youth of the herd who have reached the age of 18 to prove themselves on what rank they are to be designated. If they are successful, the Alpha announces their rank, and the wulf in question will take on their new role, and duties.

    Important Note: In many wulf packs, these ranks can be fought for. Example// A gamma who wishes to become a delta, must fight a delta and win, earning them their new rank.

    Leader of the pack. Can be inherited via birthright or fought for.

    The adviser, and second command to the Alpha.

    The hunters, fighters, and defenders of the pack.

    (note, not all herds carry the gamma rank) A lower ranking delta, typically used as hunters, fighters as well as scouts. Gammas are also viewed as the defenders of cubs and omegas when deltas are off hunting. The role of gammas is automatically bestowed upon juveniles till they reach the age of 18 where they are given a task by the alpha to prove where they stand in terms of rank within the the herd.

    The lowest rank, the omega's duties consist of domestic affairs (cooking, cleaning, nurturing the young, the sick and elderly).

    Beasts without a pack, they are often nomadic save for those that live in human populated areas.

    A call used to communicate with fellow wulves, and non-wulves alike.
    Howling can also be used as a mating call, location, warning, or for simple enjoyment/bonding with others. Akin to a rallying cry among mundane wolves.

    A low or soft huffing noise.
    This is used in a way of greeting others.

    Can be either loud or soft.
    Commonly used in a calming, and affectionate manner.
    Such as a mother, or father purring to their young. Rumbling is also done between mates/friends/family.

    Growls / Snarls
    Can be used in a playful fashion,
    but mostly exhibited via aggression, or agitation.

    Male wulves.

    Female wulves.

    Wulves who are born dual sexed. They are often referred to either masculine, feminine or gender neutral pronouns.

    A gender-neutral way of referring to both faes and lunas.

    Wulves who have reached the age of sixty years or older.

    Wulves below the age of of thirteen years. Can also be used as term of endearment or insult.

    Wulves who are within their adolescent years (13 through17).

    A gender-neutral word given to lunas who are parents (note: Lunas can and are also referred to as fathers or mothers).

    A human-turned-wulf. This word is often used towards freshly turned wulves, it can also be used as a slur towards these types of wulves, it all depends on the context of what is being said and how it is said.

    A wulf who has taken a changling under their wing to teach them the ways of their kind.

    The main living space of a pack. Densites can be a literal den, house or even a town.

    There are multiple ways for wulven folk to express their dominance. The most common is baring ones teeth, or grabbing the back of another's neck in order to expose their throat. Another way of dominating is through sexual means such as mounting. Sexual dominance is shown between mated pairs or between unmated wulves. It is a sign of courtship, aggression ( can be use to embarrass or shame the one being subdued ), or playfulness. Sexual dominance is displayed in various places, and used in numerous occasions, ceremonies, rituals, or done in public in front of the packto 'make a point', (with the absence of youngsters and humans of course).

    The several signs of submission consist of averting ones gaze, baring the neck, the lowering of ones ears, tail tucking, exposing ones stomach, or assuming the lordosis position.

    If a wulf chooses another as their mate, and doesn't take 'no' for an answer the chosen can spar, wrestle, or challenge each other to a chase ( the chooser gives chase to the chosen ). If the chooser wins the battle, the chosen has no other say than to accept. Omegas are also given this chance to fight for their right to refuse, but often it is not in their favor.

    In ancient times it was common practice for wulves to have multiple mates that come and go. This tradition is still fairly common when it comes to a roaming lifestyle, however, in packs there is a more complex dynamic. Polyamorous and open relationships are fairly common as well as monogamous relationships. The type of relationship a wulf seeks depends on the individual beasts and the culture they live/grew up in.

    A common part of pack life. Grooming can vary from stroking/petting/braiding hair, or bathing each other. It can also include licking another pack member's cheek, body and coat (similar to cats' social grooming).

    To be allowed to groom or be groomed by the herd alpha, or even the alpha's mate(s) and or offspring, is seen as an honor in many herds.

    Hahahaha Since the beginning of wulven kind (whenever that is), gender roles were essentially non-existent. The natural laws of the beast, aside from the roles given to ranks, was that those who were dominant in personality ruled and protected while those who were more submissive in nature were subservient and the nurturers. However, when wulves began to integrate into some human societies they adopted certain human customs, including the idea of gender roles. Human-turned wulves also brought their human customs into packs as well. And thus within the passage of a few centuries some herds took in a more gendered culture, females and lunas were given the role of omega by default on the basis of their biology. They were care givers, nurturers, wet-nurses, mid-wives and given any other domestic related duty from the age of maturity to death. In some packs, they weren't allowed to attend hunting trips, or permitted to be trained in fighting.

    As mentioned before, only some packss have taken the idea of gendering certain duties and even ranks, but many packs still hold old wulven traditions.

    Also known as '"the turned" or "changlings", humans that were turned into wulves are viewed in various ways depending on the herd and the individual wulf in question. Many, if not most, wulves see the turned as no different from a born-wulf and will treat them as such, while others may look down upon them for not being of "pure-blood". In general wulven culture, it is expected of the sire of the freshly turned wulves to care for the changling, teach them the ways of the beast till they are deemed independent enough to live on their own, mentoring them the way they would a cub. A wulf without a sire to teach and care for them, is viewed similar to that of an abandoned cub, orphaned. It is not uncommon for an abandoned changling to be taken under the wing of an adoptive sire or pack.

    Brutes' anatomy is similar to that of a human male with the exception of a protective sheath and tuft of fur over their phallus.

    The sex organs of a fae are similar to a human female in their beastial, right down to the very same set of breasts on their chests. Faes also have a second set of mammaries, known as "teats", just above their sex organ/vulva which enable them to nurse more young in a single sitting.
    Nudity Warning ( Example excluding the antlers and hooves)

    A second gender bestowed upon males who carry dual sex organs, and are capable of bearing young as well as impregnating other lunas and faes. This second gender is noticed at an early age as one can see a second sex organ. Many lunas are immediately designated to the rank of an omega by default in most herds, but not all, due to their second sex. Lunas vary from presenting as masculine, feminine, or androgynous in physical appearance.

    Lunas are more than just an anomaly for being born with two sexes, they can only come into the world being born as a wulf. It is not possible for a human-turned-wulf to become a luna. There are two distinct anatomies that lunas may possess.

    There are lunas who bare a phallus with a vulva set beneath it, said phallus is in place where the clitoris would be. This luna body type ( Also known as Type A ) has an internal sack that behaves similar to that of a set of testicles as well as ovaries. The internal sack is dormant until "activated" through sexual activity, operating in a way depending on the role of the individuals participating in mating. Such as when a luna is mounting, the internal sacks work like that of a set of testes and produce sperm. If the luna is being mounted, the internal sacks reacts in the same way ovaries would (when in estrus) and releases eggs for impregnation. The shifting of sperm to egg or egg to sperm happens within a few moments while in the process of thrusting, or being penetrated.

    The second form of genitalia that other lunas possess ( Also known as Type B ) is having two full sets of sex organs, with a phallus and scrotum. A vulva and clitoris set beneath it between the thighs. Type B do not have an internal sack, but instead have fully functioning ovaries ( Internally, like a human female ) and fully functioning set of testicles ( Externally like a human male ). Unlike does, lunas do not have a second set of mammaries upon their lower halves.

    In terms of body types, A or B, it does not matter nor depend on whether, or not a luna will be able to produce breasts during puberty. Some luna, regardless of body type, are capable of having breasts ( of any size that one would see on any human female/fae ). While other lunas ultimately do not develop breasts, and are either flat chested or solely able to grow peck muscles. Despite the size of said breasts or pecs a luna can, and will be able to produce milk ( Unless they have a medical condition preventing otherwise ) from their nipples as a means of providing for any future children.

    ((Do note that how a pack breeds can also depend on what is a seen as typical body types))

    Wulven young who are under the age of thirteen are referred to as cubs/pups. Called as such from the time they are born to upon reaching thirteen years of age, most find it difficult to control their form shifting abilities between the ages of newborn to age four or five. Fawns are similar to human children in terms of growth, in and out of their wulven forms. Cubs are able to walk around the ages of 14 or 15 months.

    Females, as well as lunas are able to lactate without becoming, being, or ever having been pregnant.
    This usually happens through various reasons, typically in the presence of young cubs, such as hearing a cub cry, or whimpering for an example.

    Wulves are able to change their form at will unless under a full moon. It is only then that they have no choice other than to shift, and don their fur. When under the full moon, the beast takes all if not most control. When shifting into their beast form, some wulves are covered fur others on have noticeable patches here and there ( such as arms, legs, back, chest ect...). Some fur is smooth similar to the fuzziness of a peach or velvet, while other's coats may be as thick as a mundane wolf's. Their pelts come in various colors, and patterns, many of which may share similarities to mundane canines(such as wolves, foxes, domesticated dogs, wild dogs ects...). Others may only have fur past their lower abdomen while the upper part retains mostly naked skin in comparison. The thickness of fur upon some parts of the body, such as the neck, or chest can vary in density.

    Wulven feet are similar to that of a canines, paw-like with their ankles set high off the ground ,making them taller than the average human in their beastial form. Their hands can be also paw-like with retractable claws, some wulven palms are closer to human hands though they do tend to have a more beastly appearance. With their pawish feet and palms, these creatures are bipedal and much as quadrupedal, be it walking or sprinting. Their tails are known to be much like a wolf's or fox.
    Movement Example A
    Movement Example B

    During the warmer seasons most of their fur is short, but during the colder seasons it grows much thicker in some areas ( such as the neck and chest ). Their heads, and face maintain a mostly human appearance, with the exception of a flat or broad cat-like nose, however one will find it impossible to miss the wolfish ears pointing outwards on either side of their head. Their mouths harbor sharp canines made for tearing into tough flesh.
    Face Example

    Brutes go through Rut once every two months for three days. The symptoms of Rut include increased body temperature, arousal, panting, the urge to roam their (their herd's) territory, and marking it with their scent. Other, more specific behaviors depend on the individual male.

    Faes, and lunas possess a heat cycle that occurs once a month for three days if they are not pregnant. These monthly heats have symptoms that include, increased body temperature, arousal, light panting, and the need to nest in a safe area. Other, more specific behaviors depend upon the individual female or Luna. After a pregnancy it can take up to eight months to a year for luna or doe to return to their normal heat cycle. Some may take longer for it to re-occur.

    Do not think that all lunas and faes are weak and submissive during their monthly cycle. There are cub-bearing wulves who evolved to have high levels of aggression if approached by unwelcome company.

    Heat and Rut Affects
    For some wulves during the few days leading up to their Ruts/Heats may experience a shift in hormones that can be detected either by 'out of the ordinary' flares of emotion, or even by scent.

    When under high amount of stress, it is possible for wulves' heat or rut to occur early, late, at random or temporarily cease altogether. It is possible for the stressed wulves' cycle to return back to normal, the amount of time it may take can vary upon individual. Suede heat and ruts (also known as false heat/rut) occur when in the presence of a wulf experiencing an actual heat or rut. As the hormones from the wulf going through its actual cycle can affect other wulves around them.

    Wulvbes teeter along a line that separates Human from Beast. Though their brain from an anatomical stand point are very similar to that of a human, there is a more primal side to their consciousness. By extension it is not uncommon to see an annoyed wulven mother ( while in human form ) snarl at her young for being disobedient. Or a herd member expressing dominance to another by grabbing the nape, and exposing the others neck.

    Despite human lore, wulves are not mindless vicious beasts out for blood, and meat. However there is a sickness that is known to drive a wulf insane, called Lunacy . Wulves afflicted with this illness transform without choice under a New moon, and become rabid. Attacking, and/or eating any living thing in sight. Black-Moon is responsible for portraying the wulves' vicious character in human lore. Although even if Black-Moon didn't exist the wulf would still be considered dangerous monsters due to their taste for human flesh.

    This illness is contagious via bite, and can only be cured with a white rose known as a Lunar Rose.
    An exceedingly rare plant.

    Wulves are capable of turning humans into their kind.
    There is one way for a human to turn into a wulf and that is to be bitten and given wulven blood. The transformation process typically lasts about a month until complete.

    Week One
    The next day after the initial bite, the victim will feel a strong craving for raw meat and blood. Especially for human meat and blood.

    Week Two
    The victim will feel a sort of itchiness over their body, and may exhibit animal-like behavior/mannerisms.

    Week Three
    The victim experiences their first transformation at night, and the pain will be excruciating as their entire body breaks. Only to be reformed into its newfound Bestial form. Humans in their adolescent years and beyond have a higher chance at surviving the painful transformation, while children tend to not live through the shift.

    Mating with Humans
    Though mating with humans does occur within the wulven population, it is mostly frowned upon, a sort of taboo along the lines of "having sex with your food". It isn't uncommon, however, for some wulves to find a certain thrill with mating with humans. Wulves and humans cannot bare offspring, it is impossible for them to produce children together.

    Along with being stronger and faster than humans, wulves can heal quickly as well. With that being said, the process of regeneration is not instant, it does take time, albeit shorter than it would for a human to heal, that and the severity of the wound(s) depends on how long it will take to heal. (Example: A deep gash can take up to three days to heal completely, depending on how well the wulf keeps the wound clean.)

    Sickness (such as the flu or common cold) is common among wulvess, no more so than sickness is common among humans, but wulves immune systems tend to be stronger than that of an average human.

  • ....

    Founded in the early 1800s in the Northern parts of the US, Autumn Grove was settled by friendly pilgrims who mingled with the local native population. One of the founding families, whose bloodline still exists today, are the Emoures This family was a pack of wulven folk, unbeknownst to their human neighborhoods and since then has grown in numbers over the years, their kind being secret like all other wulves.

    Autumn Grove, for the most part, and unknown to many. Hardly ever found on any map, many people who pass by are quite surprised to discover such a place. Due to being heavily forested, the town has a large local nature preserve that is home to a variety of animals, the most common being wolves. (The wulven pack use this to their advantage, humans simply think the strange howls at night are the wolves making a fuss.) Local "Grovians" have their own tales and folklore, of forest spirits who protect the vast wilds and should one stray from the safe parts of the forest (camping grounds) will be devoured by said spirits. Though many wave this off as an old wife's tale, and those who do end up missing or mauled are said to be victims of the local apex predators (bears, wolves, cougars...)

    Being a small town, there isn't much to do. There's small local shops, neighborhoods that are split between the haves and the have-nots, library, bar (which is often filled with biker gang members). If one wants to do something exciting, that doesn't consist of risking your life in the forests, Downtown Autumn is the place to go. The downtown area has more "adult" actives going about, particularly at night.

    The town as a whole, though may appear mundane at first glance, has a historically known to have a bit of a gang problem. Two biker gangs reside within the town, once residing in The Grove and the other Downtown. It had been nearly a generation since the last drama between the two and a rumored peace treaty was signed to put an end to the bad blood.


    Mule Deer
    Mountain sheep
    Brown bears
    Black bears


    Often jokingly nicknamed, chapple. This apple contains a small, minute amount of alcohol when fresh. A fresh chapple, when consumed, can make any creature slightly inebriated, relaxed if anything. However if the fruit has began to rot, or show signs of dark brown spots, the level of alcohol increases sharply.

    A root from a nantree (a plant that has grows in a twisting fashion). Like the tree itself, the root grows twisted and has been know surface from the earth. The root is bittersweet in taste and is often used by wulf as a form of birth control. When consumed, the root can prevent a pregnancy, most of the time.

  • eF6K3Ya.jpg

    Mating ceremonies are a celebration of the union between wulves, a wedding of sorts. These ceremonies take place in the spring within an area of the wood, everyone and everything decorated in floral arrangements, a feast of meat. A heart of freshly killed animal is divided in pieces, each for the wedded wulves to eat before leaving permanent bite marks on their mate's neck or shoulder. After the festivities, the newly mated wulves will consummate their marriage into the woods for the remainder of the night.

    After the death of a fellow herdsman, a funeral takes places the day after once the body is cleaned. The corpse will then be decorated in bouquets of flowers, surrounded by the herd with close friends and family near the body. After speaking their peace and saying good-bye, the herd will collectively howl in a long mourning bay. The body of the deceased wulf will then be buried within the herd's gravesite.

    This holiday happens midwinter, the meaning behind this holiday is to celebrate togetherness as a herd. Within the density the entire area is decorated form the snow covered grown to the trees in red, green, silver and gold. From wreathes to painted animal skulls, it is festive occasion that lasts from midwinter towards the end of winter.

    Do note that this list can be expanded upon, but do so via discussing it in OOC chat

    Delta Occupations
    Head Healer
    Head Midwife

    Gamma Occupations
    Apprentice for any occupation

    Omega Occupations
    Assistant midwife

    Hobbies/Occupations With No Designated Rank
    Tattoo Artist
    Pack Historian
    Bar tender
    Shop Keeper

    Sex is used and seen by this herd as a means of reproduction, pleasure, ceremonies and rituals. Sex in front of youngsters is taboo and forbidden. The right to mate is an important aspect of herd life, it is not an uncommon sight to see wulves fight over a possible mating partner or even dominating over another preventing them from breeding. In the end the alpha has the final say in these matters. Wulves who are joining the herd, must be initiated permanently into the pecking order for them to earn this right. Wulves who are simply passing through their territory are forbidden from mating with any of the pack members.

    Sexuality within this pack is as diverse as the wulves themselves. Hardly any prejudice will be seen here in terms of ones own sexual preference, with that being said, those who do show disapproval are those who were most likely not born and raised within the pack's accepting culture.

    Gender Roles
    In general, the herd takes on the wulves' traditional views on gender, meaning it has little to do with the role one takes within the pack. Though, there are those, namely wulves who were not born within the pack who hold different viewpoints, that fae and lunas should be designated to domestic affairs while brutes are the protectors.

    In the privacy of one's own home or vast wilds of the forest, nudity is a common sight, be it beastial or human form.

    Inheriting Leadership
    It is believed as an old tradition that the alpha passes on his or her leadership down to their offspring (typically the eldest). However, this tradition can be challenged by someone who is not of the alpha's bloodline, though these challenges are rare and past brawls ended with the alpha as the victor.

    Nursing is seen as a special bond between fawn and mother (or in some cases wet-nurses). Some wulves enjoy suckling milk as a form of bonding either platonically or for pleasure. Public nursing is a very common sight within the herd as it is viewed as a sign of a prospering and healthy herd. It is viewed as an honor to have the herd alpha (be they luna or fae) or the alpha's mate to share milk with a fawn that is not their own.

    Rearing the Young
    As far as raising youngsters go, "it takes a village" is take literally and it is expected of both parents (if both are present/near the cub) that they should take part in raising the youth, along with mentors and fellow wulves in assisting.

    Cubs are taught early on the importance of hunting and fighting. Like the mundane canines and felines of the wilds, when youngsters reach of age ( 5 yrs) they can tag along in hunting trips, watching from afar with supervision of an omega or gamma. By year eight, the cub(s) will be brought back small live prey, often wounded with a hurt leg so that it doesn't run off as quickly. Bringing back a live animal is to teach them up close how to catch and kill their own prey. During these times an older herd member (of any rank) will let the fawn experiment in their killing techniques.

    By age thirteen, the cubsare now adolescences and are automatically given the title of gamma. By age sixteen, gammas can go hunting on their own (with their parent or alpha's permission).

    Attitudes and Behavior
    "The packis family and family means everything" is an old saying that rings true for many members of the pack.
    This packof beasts can be rather territorial towards strangers who travel through their turf. These wulves are more than willing to chase or beat loners and roamers off their land, should they see them trotting about in their wild terrain. "Roughing up" trespassers is a common practice, but it is not encouraged to take it as far as seriously injuring or killing a fellow wulf. If a passing wulf immediately shows signs of submission, they are sometimes treated with some politeness and mercy, they will be offered a place of temporary rest for a single day before being told to leave. However, it is not beyond them to help a wulf in trouble if they need rescuing.

    Turned Wulves
    While raising youngsters is a pack-effort, mentoring a changling is viewed as the responsibility of the sire who bit and turned the human. If the human turned wulf is orphaned, then a single wulf within the pack is given the task to teach and guide the changling.

    Turned-wulves are regarded within this herd as no different from born-wulves, however there are those who hold negative views on turned-wulves. Seeing them as something that could never understand nor feel at peace or harmony with their inner beast, because they are still "emotionally/spiritually" too human.

    Joining the Pack
    When a wulf or wulves wish to join the herd, they are given a place of temporary stay in a den separate from the other members. Through the passing days of their initiation, they are given a chance to grow accustom to the herd's way of life as well as "tested" by the herd members in where they stand on the social hierarchy. Testing if they are dominant or submissive and how well they hunt and defend themselves, these social interactions are crucial on whether or not they are a good fit for the herd. In the end, the alpha makes the final call if the wulf can stay and should they prove themselves worthy of being a member.

    There is a code of law that the pack must abide by. This code was implemented by the founding wulven families.
    Should a wulf from another herd be found trespassing on another herd's territory, it is within that herd's right to do what they see fit to the trespasser, so long the trespasser is caught still on their land and not of the Rose Pack.

    Should a wulf be killed on their own pack's turf by another wulf from a differing pack(for no justifieable reason), the killer shall be handed over to the victim's herd for the alpha to punish them however they see fit.

    Killing a cub is forbidden.

    The role of alpha is handed down via birthright, but should an alpha accept the challenge of battle for the rank, the rights as alpha shall be bestowed upon the victor.

    Do not kill a human of high status.

    Let it be known to those who reside within Autumn.

    The Grove Pack and the Rose Pack are to not needlessly shed blood.

    They are beasts in arms, they may cross territory lines, not to claim nor disrespect, but to meet peacefully.

    No pack shall hunt on either's territory without the permission of the alpha of said territory.
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TheCity ofBlood&Beasts


"For well over two thousands years, Wulves and Sangras have been at each others throats. My people, the Sangras, have enslaved you, Wulven folk. A shameful mark that stains the history of the Noiris, a Sangrian burden to bear. I, Savante Usika, offer my hand in peace. No more will the children of the night shed the blood of their brothers and sister, be they winged or sing to the moon. We existed peacefully before, it is time to start again. No longer as master and pet, but as companions, equals."
- Her Majesty, Queen Savante Usika

Over two thousand years ago, Sangras of royal lineage had taken it upon themselves to use the Wulven people as working hounds. Using them in battle, as guards, trackers, even for companionship or entertainment, much like that of a lap dog. Most Sangrians took advantage of this and soon the world became much less safer for the Wulves, captured, bought and sold like goods at the disposal and mercy of their Sangrian masters. Uprisinging and battles here and there, rebellious Wulves who refused to be collared, a glorified pet.

This blood shed continued, till the new Sangrian Queen, Savante, had taken to the thrown. She offered a peace treaty to all wulf folk, forbidding her kind to force collars onto their Noiri kin. This decision has been given mixed responses, many skeptical, cynical, others hopeful, indifferent or down right hateful of the peace treaty. To make a beacon of hope for those who are unsure of this treaty, the Queen has formed an alliance with neighboring wulf with her coven. Together, they are the living embodiment of the bright future for Noiri kind. Or least, that is what the Queen hopes for...

After all, countless centuries of bad blood, doesn't wash away over night...

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  • When humans came into being, a pair of siblings , twins, turned to the night sky praying to the moon.
    One, Sangr, prayed for the power of flight and immortality, to walk the earth and experience all in what it had to offer. The other, Wulvo, prayed to be closer to nature, to hear, see and touch what humans cannot.

    Their prayers were answered and the Noiri, children of the night, were born.

    Noiri are Sangras and Wulvens, children of the night, born from answered prays of the moon goddess. No one knowns the true story of their origins, all is known is that they originated from humans and one way or another, Sangras and Wulves came into being via a strange evolution. At first Noiri worked peacefully together, a kinship all thought was unbreakable. They were outcasts, monsters in the eyes of the humans, and with this commonality they found comradery, as countless thousands of years passed, something changed. The then Queen of the Sangras, Me'ani, made a declaration to domesticate all Wulven folk, turning them into loyal subservient Hounds. Though the Wulves fought back, they were overwhelmed, many if not most wulves were captured and enslaved. This continued on, with few rebellions here and there, for thousands of years. Now in modern times, change once again has begun. About a year ago, the current young queen, Savante, offered peace between Sangras and Wulves, though she will not put an exact end to the Wulves who were already in "appropriate care" of Sangras, she did demand it to be forbidden from capturing or kidnapping of any sort to enslave Wulves, forcibly taming.​

  • Sangras

    Creatures who take and give life through blood. Human folktales have many names for them, Blood-sucker, Nosferatu, Vampire. The first Sangra was one of the twins, Sangr, from an old Noiri story, they prayed to the moon in hopes she would grant them flight and immortality. The prayer was answered, but with a price, in order to survive Sangr must drink blood from other beings.

    Physical and Biological
    Sangras have a human-like appearance, with the exception of of their fangs they can unsheathe and supernatural powers. These creatures can eat human food, but it holds no nutritional value to their bodies, they simply consume it to live inconspicuously among the human population or for the taste and texture. They are completely reliant on blood to not only survive, but to keep their sanity as well. A Sangra starved of human blood will gradually over the course of 21 days will become delusional and feral, attacking anyone or anything that has blood pumping through their veins. Only when fully sated will their sanity and self control return.
    Powers and Abilities
    • Sangras are immortal, being able to live on forever till the world's end. They have the ability of flight via bat-like wings that sprout from between their shoulder blades.
    • They can shape shift into their truer forms, demon-like beasts with horns, pointed ears, tails and claws. Their complexion may also change with this form, from earthy tones to other worldly vibrant colors.
    • They are known to be much stronger and faster than the average human and are cable to hypnotize humans as well.
    • Fast regeneration is another power, but lack of blood can slow the process. Sangras are capable of regaining body parts if damaged, not including a decapitated head.
    Queen NSFW
    The Queen is a Sangra that is duel sexed as she harbors a vulva as well as a phallus that is in place of the clit, sheathed beneath the folds of her sex, appearing to be a slightly enlarged clitorous. She is able to bear as well as being able to have biological female Sangras become pregnant.
    Weaknesses and Drawbacks
    • The younger the Sangra, the weaker they are. Ex; A Sangra below the age of 100 yrs, is weaker than that of of a Sangra that is 150 yrs older.
    • Intense direct sunlight can burn a Sangra, turning them into ash, but there are temporary remedies to this such as sunscreen every few hours or so. The younger a Sangra, the faster they are able to burn to ash, the older they are the longer it takes and requires more intense sunlight. Which is why it is more common to find Sangras in commonly cloudy locations in the world.
    • Decapitation is certain death.
    • Moderate to large consumption of dead blood, though not fatal can make a Sangra incredibly sick, fatigue and nausea are the most common symptoms.
    Human to Sangra
    Sangras can be created via blood transaction from Sangra to Human. After biting and draining a human about a quart of their blood, the Sangra sire will then cut themselves allowing (or forcing) the human to drink the Sangrian blood. The full transformation takes about 10 minutes, sometimes longer depending on the individual. The human body will then convulse, eventually dieing before the body completely still, then they will be reborn awakening as a Sangra.
    Just as how human culture is diverse, the same rings true for Sangras, however there are common ideas shared by the general population as a whole
    Sangra who have created another Sangra. They are deemed as having full responsibility over their creations till they are no longer considered as fledglings.
    Fledglings and Newborns
    Newborns and Fledglings who are freshly turned, they are considered as such till they have reached 10 years of age as a Sangra. Fledglings are Sangras between the ages of 10 to 50 years. Fledglings and Newborns are given to older more experienced Sangras (should their sire is not present, dead or otherwise) to be taught the Sangrian ways till they are older than 50.
    Wulves and Hounds
    "Glorified Wild Dogs" is what many Sangras considered these beasts. Bad blood and distrust taints the common views on Wulves, that the wolfish beasts need to be tamed into obedient dogs. Wulves who have been "domesticated" by Sangras are often referred to as Bloodhounds, Hellhounds or simply Hounds. These "Hounds" are bought, sold and owned for a variety of reasons, laborers, hunting "dogs", spies, entertainment, or companionship.

    Selective breeding is a common practice among Sangras who are searching for specific fur types in Wulves that are owned as Hounds.
    Royalty: Reserved for those who are immediate family to the Queen (parents and siblings). They are the top of the Sangra hierarchy. The royal family rules over all of Sangrian kind. Historically speaking, in the past 6,000 years, they also ruled over Wulven folk as well.

    Dukes & Duchesses: Noble Sangras that are second in terms of power to the royal family. These Sangras would rule over a country or state.

    Marques & Marchioness: Noble Sangras who are third in power. Sangras who rule over cities and or towns.

    Commoner: As the name suggest, these are Sangras who are not of any noble standing.
    With the exception of royalty, any noble status can be earned or even fought for.
    "A blank canvas or full buffet". The main food supply for Sangras, many view them as nothing more than food and entertainment, though some Sangras are more empathetic.
    Also known as Houses. A group of Sangras (either related or unrelated) who live and or work together much like a tribe or pack. Not all Sangras live or belong to covens, many simply live on their own, it is more common to see those of nobility to be in covens, though commoner covens do exist.

    The hierarchy of a coven is as follows
    Leader: Head of coven.

    Second Command: Second in power, typically an advisor-like role.

    Subordinates: The body of the coven.
    Purebloods and Redbloods
    Purebloods: Sangras who are born as Sangras, from Sangrian parents. They are have a bloodline from the first Sangra. There are only three known Sangras in the world, one is the direct descendent of Sangr, and she is the current Queen of the Sangrian people. Only Purebloods are able to reproduce through sexual reproduction. For a Pureblood to be born, one of the parents must be a Pureblood and the other a Redblood.

    It is extremely rare for a pureblood to be born, which is why their known numbers are so few. A Pureblood can only have one biological child per partner, the succession rate being 1/1000.

    Redbloods: The most common of Sangras. Starting as humans, they are created only via the blood transaction with a Sangra (be it red or pureblood). Redblood cannot be royalty, but they can be nobility.
    The Queen
    The matriarchal ruler of all Sangrian people. Sangrian Queens are direct descendents of Sangr, the many great-granddaughters of the first Sangra that walked the earth.
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  • Wulves


    These beasts who sing their praises to the moon goddess are given many names, lycans, werewolves, skinwalkers. Their origins began with the twin, Wulvo, the sibling that prayed to the moon to be closer to nature. Their prayer was answered, but with a price, they will transform into wolf-like beasts whose human soul would be replaced with that of a wolf, making them wild.

    Physical and Biological
    • Wulves are beings that are able to walk on two legs as well as move on all fours.
    • While in their beastial form, their limbs are covered in fur, hands are turned paw-like with retractable claws and feet also becoming paw-like with their ankles set high off the ground(digitgrade).
    • Their heads and face retain their mostly human features with some noticeable changes. The bridge of their nose turns broad or wide, cat-like, scleras are ink black, sharp canines set in their jaws, ears are pointed and covered in fur and coming in various shapes and sizes.
    • Tails are much like a wolf or foxes to varying degrees.
    • Their fur comes in a variety of patterns and thickness all of which one can easily find on the different furs of mundane canines be it domestic or wild. Depending on the season, they gain and shed fur.
    • Wulves can control their shape shifting abilities, however on nights of the full moon, they are unable to control their shifting.
    • Despite the werewolf folklore, Wulves are not mindless monsters, no more than a wild canine is. Their human (civilized) brain shares as much control as their wild wolfish brain does, though it is not uncommon to see a bit of this wolfish come out while in their human form. Like a mother snarling at a disobedient cub.
    • Brute: A male Wulf. They are anatomically similar to that of a human male with the exception of their genitallia, as it is protected by a thick tuft of fur.
    • Fae: A female Wulf. They anatomically similar to that of human female with the exception of their genitallia. Their sex organ is protected by a thick tuft of fur.
    • Luna: A dual sexed Wulf. Lunas' sex is outside of the common binary and are rare to find. They can either identify as feminine, masculine both, or neither. Lunas may have breasts, pecs, curvy body, linear body as well any other variation of body types that exist with the humans. Their sex has both a vulva as well as phallus in place where the clitorous would located.

      There are two ways for Wulves to come into being, born or created.
    Powers and Abilities
    • Shape shift into a human form and beastial form
    • Fast regeneration from wounds
    • Super strength, speed and agility
    • Strong, almost kin-like relationships with canines
    Weakeness and Drawbacks
    • Wolfsbane: A flower that can weaken or even kill Wulves. These flowers are often grounded down into a paste and infused with a leather-like material that are used as collars to control and "break" a Wulf to be tamed by a Sangra. Once the Wulf is deemed trusty worth or tamed, the collar is removed. To ingest a single or few wolfsbane will make a Wulf ill, but a large handful if ingested an be deadly. The smell of this plant has a sort of bitter-dead odor to it making it disgusting to a Wulf's nose.
    • Decapitation is certain death.
    • Shot or stabbed through the heart with silver is certain death.
    Human to Wulf
    Humans can be turned into wolves via a bite. During the course of a month, the human will feel ill at first, then a craving for raw meat. After a month from the bit, during the next full moon the first transformation is a painful one, making even the most stoic and pain resilient human fall into a fetal position and weep. After this first transformation, all other transformations are painless, some even find it pleasurable.
    Pack Dynamics
    Alpha: Leader of pack.
    Beta: Second in command.
    Delta: Pack body, hunters, guards, fighters.
    Gamma: Adolescent Wulves in training, 12 yrs till 18 yrs.
    Omega: Lowest rank, they take care of domestic affairs, nurtures, caretakers, but they can also be used as scouts or spies.
    Elder: Veterans of the pack, 60 yrs and older.
    Cub: Wulves who have yet reached adolescents, newborns till 12 yrs. They are also referred to as Pups.
    Societal Hierarchy and Norms
    • Though there is no status in terms of royal, nobility and so on like Sangras, a Wulven pack is considered high ranked based upon the size of the pack and territory.
    • Physical closes is common among Wulves who are familiar with each other. It has often been described as skinship, from embracing, petting and grooming.
    • Wulves often jokingly refer to themselves as the "cavemen" of the two Noiri, as they are more intune with their feral/instinctive nature and thus are often viewed as "less civilized" top the Sangras.
    • It is hard to find a Wulf of power (such as politicians, judges, ect...) in human society, many jobs titles such as those are taken my Sangras. It isn't uncommon to find a wealthy or well off Wulf or Wulven family.
    Humans, for the most part, are simply viewed as source of food and entertainment, though some Wulves are more empathetic to their prey than others.
    Disliked, loathed, feared and hated by many Wulves. Though some are respectful and even kind to their Noiri kin.
    Human Turned Wulves
    Most wulves are accepting of those who were once human and now turned wulven, others are a bit more biased/bigoted due to certain turned wulves being a bit too attached to their human-side and not fully embracing their inner wild beast.
    The subject of hounds is complicated. Many wild wulves pity and seethe at the mere mention of them, others are indifferent.

    The opinions of the hounds themselves are also varied. There are many hounds who are content even happy with their life of being a collared Sangra's Bloodhound. Be it genuine or being a result of being brainwashed. Others despise it and seek absolute freedom.

  • Rank Name
    Alpha DMX
    Beta X gon give it to ya
    Deltas Who let the doggos out?
    Omegas I'm sorry Ms Jackson
    Elders Oooo
    Cubs I am fo reeeel

    Status Name
    Queen Caroline
    Royal Advisor Caroline
    Dukes & Duchesses Yea she's the reason for the word bish
    Marques & Marchioness bish

  • Hound and Hound Types
    Wulves who are or have been domesticated by Sangras and kept swervamnts or pets. They're also refered to as, Bloodhounds, Hellhounds (both neutral or affectionate) or Dog (often insulting)

    Guard Hound: Trained to guard or fight.

    Hunting Hound: Trained in hunting and tracking.

    Scouting Hound: Trained in the art of spying.

    Working Hound: Trained for labor such as a servant for cleaning, hauling and othe rminial tasks.

    Performing Hound: Trained for entertainment purposes such as dancing, singing ect...

    Familiar Hound: Trained to be a "companion" or "lap dog" for a Sangra(s).
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  • Lovely Craft

    There are beings that exist beyond our comprehension, horrifically beautiful creatures that has lived eons before the earth came into being.Acient divine beasts that bestow gifts unto to those who worship their greatness and power.

  • Ancient beings that have existed before time itself. To behold them means to weep or go mad from their beauty.

  • ....
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Other Alias:
Status/Rank(if applicable):
Job Title(if applicable):
Coven/Pack(if applicable):

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