Original poster
The Man of Bronze
Batman bin Suparman
Magnus von Magnusson
The Red Baron
Awesome McBadass-Powerfist
The One
Optimus Prime
Max Fightmaster
The Demon Lord of the Round Table
Master of the Past and Present
The White Devil/The Ace of Aces
The Terror of Death
Big McLargehuge/Punch Rockgroin/Bolt Fizzlebeef/Bob Johnson....
Raise of hands, who here would kill to have a name or sobriquet that badass? Additionally, what would YOUR Awesome-Name be?
...Bonus points to those who can name all the sources of the above names.
Batman bin Suparman
Magnus von Magnusson
The Red Baron
Awesome McBadass-Powerfist
The One
Optimus Prime
Max Fightmaster
The Demon Lord of the Round Table
Master of the Past and Present
The White Devil/The Ace of Aces
The Terror of Death
Big McLargehuge/Punch Rockgroin/Bolt Fizzlebeef/Bob Johnson....
Raise of hands, who here would kill to have a name or sobriquet that badass? Additionally, what would YOUR Awesome-Name be?
...Bonus points to those who can name all the sources of the above names.