Avatar: The Legend Reborn

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Last updated: 7/11/2015!


[ Admin: Prince | Genre: Fandom, Dark Fantasy | Status: Closed ]

◊ Introduction ◊

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived in harmony. But then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but with her on their side, the world had only hope. A hundred years past and the former Avatar did with it. My brother and I founded the Rising, a united a rebellion against the Fire Nation and Phoenix Kingdom. And although our numbers are great, we have a lot to prove before we can save anyone. But I believe we can save the world...

vatar: A Legend Reborn was created with the goal of changing the popular motif that a single person with gifted power can change the world into one where the combined efforts of many bring to fruition a shared goal. Although I do sincerely love Avatar, I feel the message that a single individual whom can dictate the fate of everyone doing so for the better of mankind is far less endearing than that of a whole world filled conflicted people being bound together in a unified struggle to overcome oppression, preserve their culture, and secure their way of life. That is the essence of this roleplay. No single person can do it alone, and I even communicate that in how the rebels have no single leader, but many with entirely different perspectives and a single combined motivation. In short, the legend of four elements has been reborn and the story is being retold... without an Avatar.

The characters within this roleplay may come from a variety of paths, several walks of life, whether they travel the road of strict tradition or an avenue of self-fulfillment. Although unique bending styles and techniques have been formed, the most powerful and most capable bending styles are those practiced by the fundamentalists and masters that have tirelessly worked at them for a lifetime. Even Phoenix King Ozai, the central figure of oppression and power, is so because of his years of practice and dedication towards bending - not just natural talent. No one is truly born a master and with no Avatar, there is no one alive with the potential to master an element in a decade or less, and even then there are different degrees of mastery. Cultural ties and adherence to strict tradition will also often be symbols of power, and that is simply how this world works.

This world is also not one of constant war. Although small skirmishes and police brutality do exist, there is no huge conflict. That happened in the past. The Hundred Year War did not last a Hundred Years; it lasted just over twenty-five. In this world, the Fire Nation won. The Phoenix Kingdom was built on a treaty that gave birth to a Kingdom of flame that outshines all others, and the Fire Nation was the spark for that kingdom. The Phoenix King rules over all, including the Fire Nation. That is the nature of this roleplay. The Southern Water Tribe has no interest in resistance, the Fire Nation is the enforcer outside the impregnable palace of the Phoenix King and the portions of the world still resisting are deprived through trade or oppression, if not both. This roleplay is not about a war of mass destruction. This roleplay is about rekindling a resistance. It is about starting a war in hopes of bringing down the Phoenix King and making sure he never returns from the ashes.

Alternate Universe

This roleplay is obviously an alternate universe, but from where does that start? What is the first and most fundamental difference? Well, it's rather simple:

Avatar Aang died in the storm as he left the Eastern Air Temple instead of being suspended.

The question now becomes: how did the death of Aang change the world? Well, it did in quite a few ways. First and foremost, the dating system changed. In canon, the dating system is rooted in a single epoch: the genocide of the Air Nation. In this world, that didn't exactly happen. The Air Nation, under intense pressure and with only a few thousand left of their nation, conceded to the Fire Nation and sent forth representatives to prove that the Avatar was dead. They willfully handed over the half-frozen corpse of Aang and all children that could have possibly been of age to be the Avatar; all of whom were executed simply to make sure the Avatar was, in fact, dead. Alongside the most fundamental changes, what else happened in this world?

Well, Fire Lord Sozin started his campaign with brutal assaults on the Western and Southern Air Temples, leaving them in ruin and their people massacred as he attempted to kill the Avatar. He was capable of doing this with use of his incredible naval fleet and a surprise attack on the otherwise peaceful nations. With the Southern Air Temple being used as an access point through its newly built docks, Fire Lord Sozin was capable of using the power of Sozin's comet to conquer the Southern Water Tribe easily, but at the suggestion of the Fire Sages, killed no child younger than four years of age, although they did slaughter all other Waterbenders. The Air Nation surrendered far before the use of Sozin's comet, having known that Avatar Aang had perished in the storm. The remaining Air Nation was taken prisoner by the Fire Nation, held within the Southern Air Temple as if it were concentration camp, thus intimately changed the course of history.

The Fire Nation began its campaign by pressing North. Fire Lord Sozin was in control of the East, West and South with the largest and most powerful navy in the world as well as the most prosperous Nation of the era. In a short decade, the only Earth Kingdom City that had not fell was Ba Sing Se and the Fire Nation had yet to successfully assault any farther North or through the mountains due to an alliance between the Northern Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom that made the waterways and land North of Ba Sing Se almost untouchable. But, a stroke of luck fell onto the Fire Nation. Within the battered remnants of the Southern Water Tribe was born Kiareu, the Avatar of her generation. Three years into the stalemate, she was identified as the Avatar at the age of thirteen and taken by the Fire Nation. The entire period while Avatar kiareu was being trained was considered a cold war where the Fire Nation attempted to put a chokehold on the Earth Kingdom. They had few outposts in the Northwest aside from the destroyed Taku and could not match the might of Waterbending sailors in their home water.

By order of Fire Lord Sozin, the Avatar was not only trained in all four elements by masters acquired at times through force more than persausion, but had her brainwashed so thoroughly that she believed she was truly spreading prosperity to the world. In addition to that, Sozin was capable of using Chi Blocking via acupuncture to prevent Kiareu from entering the Avatar State, thus keeping her out of contact with her former selves. In short, Fire Lord Sozin procured the perfect weapon to conquer the rest of the world. Unfortunately, he did not live to see the task completed. It was not until Avatar Kiareu was twenty-six, thirteen years after she was found, that she aided the Fire Nation in finally breaking through the Northern Water tribe. At that point, Fire Lord Sozin had died and his son, Fire Lord Azulon, had taken his place. It was at this time, what would have been 26 AG, that marked the new epoch: the birth of the Phoenix King.

Now this year was 0 APK (Age of the Pheonix King) and the Fire Nation effectively controlled all four nations. The home of the Phoenix King was made Ba Sing Se, the most impenetrable city in existence - made even more so by leveling the ground to its Northeast so much that it could only be accessed by sea and expanding its borders to the mountains. Nearly a decade was put into creating the Fourth Outer Wall and the deep trench of seawater that surrounded it like a moat, but in the end, the Phoenix King succeeded in creating a Capitol more impregnable than the one before it. This would lead up into the world we know today. 84 APK with Phoenix King Ozai inheriting the throne from Azulon in 79 APK and the death of Avatar Kiarue two years prior to the beginning of the roelplay at the age of 98. Her death was kept a secret from the world, but as the Phoenix Nation scoured the remnants of the Earth Kingdom for the next Avatar, the secret escaped. Now is the first time in eighty years that the nations of the world have had a real chance against the Fire Nation.

The Nations
The Rising

Heads Ukoda, Uquolaan
Branches Jet, Master Zhing

"The Rising is not just a rebellion, my friends. No... when that treaty was signed, the Phoenix Kingdom tried to take a part of every nation and replace it with a warped perception of prosperity / We are those that refused! We are those that will not have our homes taken and our ways changed to suit them! We are those that will not give up any part of who we are! We will knock them down from the pedestal they have placed themselves upon and take back what was stolen from the world! We are the Rising, and we will make sure they fall!" — Uquolaan, Northern Water Tribe, 61 APK

[padding]The Phoenix Kingdom is like any regime in that there have been rebellions and resistance to it all throughout its existence. Few rebellions, if any, have ever provided a complication for more than a few weeks. Most were quelled within a few days of the mobilization of the Fire Nation Army if the Phoenix Kingdom Police force didn't suffice. Essentially no rebellion has ever lasted long enough to or left any impression on the Age of the Phoenix King. It is the goal of The Rising to change that. The Rising itself isn't just a rebellion. It is a unification of all those oppressed by the Phoenix Kingdom. Founded by two Northern Water Tribe brothers, Ukoda and Uquolaan, the Rising has gained allies all throughout the Northern Water Tribe and remnants of the Earth Kingdom in the six official years it has existed. The Rising has members from every nation, although some not from their homeland, and people from many walks of life. Although some only lend support, some have promised their arms. The Rising itself has even ended several rebellions so that they could add those rebels to their rosters instead of having them become Phoenix Kingdom prisoners. The Rising, although young, has spent its time making allies and growing in influence among those that with for liberation.

[The brothers that head the Rising are both powerful waterbenders, but to far different degrees with significantly different skills. Ukoda is considered one of the most powerful waterbenders of his time, practicing the chauvinistic and traditional ways of waterbending and warrior principles taught by his people. Additionally, he is capable sailor and effective tactician, but as his skills are set around war, so is his mind. Ukoda believes that just as it was sheer force that brought down the Northern Water Tribe, it will be sheer force that returns it to its glory, and many support him. In person, many consider him a brute and his attitude to be poor, but behind a podium or in armor, many consider him more charismatic than his brother. Uquolaan, often called Uquo, is a talented waterbender as well. Versed in the traditional ways of water bending from his tribe, he has found he has an odd affinity for manipulating the characteristics of water, making it less or more viscous as well as being able to change its form from water to gas and condense it into clouds easily. Uquo often uses these techniques as he travels. Uquo is the voice of the Rising, recruiting allies as he travels across the Earth Kingdom as he can. In person, many consider Uquo to be charming and witty. His ability to solve problems and his tactics are not weak, either, as he with just a small band of benders, has ended rebellions that could have cost the Rising potential allies.

While Ukoda uses his influence in the Northern Water Tribe and by extension the colonies within the Northern Water Tribe Colonies that support him, Uquolaan has spread out into the world. While the Rising was once a mere thought between he and his brother, it has become far more. It has become a culture of people that have been brought together under the oppression of the Phoenix Kingdom. Uquolaan has traveled the world and see how the Phoenix Kingdom has not only influenced his people, but all those of the world. Although the Rising was born in the Northern Water Tribe, it has grown into the Earth Kingdom and its limbs reach as far as the Southern Air Temples. Powerful allies like Jet and his Freedom Fighters, thousands of Earth Kingdom inhabitants, the former Earth Kingdom royal family and countless more that were sent into disarray when the Fire Nation Attacked have lent their support to the Rising. The entire west coastline of the Earth Kingdom is riddled with the Rising, and it has spread into the world without ever truly coming to light. Shadowy Inns and taverns act as secret safe havens, buildings that are never and establishments that have hidden intentions disguise the Rising and its presence within the world. In short, the Rising is far from short of natural talent and with its supporters are growing every day; it is only a matter of time before they take action. The Rising accepts anyone from any walk of life, any bender from any nation and refuses to discriminate against anyone wronged by the Phoenix Kingdom. The Rising is the source of hope for the world, and many believe their success - or failure - will dictate the fate of the four nations.[/padding]
Phoenix Kingdom

Phoenix King Ozai

"The Phoenix Kingdom has ushered in an era of prosperity unlike any other! My Grandfather, Fire Lord Sozin, saw a world that shared the same fortune and bounty that the Fire Nation of his era had to offer. My father worked to achieve that dream, and I stand here as the next Phoenix King to tell you, New Ba Sing Se, that their dream has been achieved! Never has the world seen such glory as it does today."— Ozai, New Ba Sing Se, 79 APK

Established by The Treaty of the Phoenix in 0 BPK, the Phoenix Kingdom spans the world over with representatives in every town as well as large embassies in every larger city. The Capitol of the Phoenix Kingdom is New Ba Sing Se and is currently ran by Phoenix King Ozai. The Phoenix Kingdom was originally founded by Fire Lord (soon-to-be Phoenix King) Azulon after his successful march into the Northern Water Tribe. Using Avatar Kiarue to overwhelm any forces his armies could not, Azulon used sheer brute force to conquer the world and spared no detail in securing it. New Ba Sing Se was created on the foundation of the city he formerly laid siege. It was fitted to become the new Imperial City and expanded outward so much that the Phoenix King used thousands of benders to carve the sea and mountains to fit the fourth wall of New Ba Sing Se. This alone is a testament to the Phoenix Kingdom mentality. Lavish spending, brute force and the creation of idols in their image.

The Phoenix Kingdom has one of two formal armies left in the world and it acts as a police force in every major city that assists as local embassies see fit to help. The actual army of the Phoenix Kingdom is fairly small as most soldiers either become Agents of the Dai Li, which now take any bender to be trained by masters and act as the personal guard and secret police force of the Phoenix King; or become part of the militant police force and set out to an embassy barrack to be used as they see fit. That said, the actual forces of the Phoenix Kingdom are spread relatively thin with a large concentration within New Ba Sing Se. This makes the Fire Nation often considered the actual enforcer of the Phoenix King as they wield the only other army and can be mobilized at any time outside the impregnable walls of New Ba Sing Se.

With a fortress so great the landscape was altered to fit it, an army of elite soldiers, a police force the world over and a secret police of the elite-of-elites, Phoenix King Ozai is easily the most powerful man on the planet. His entire family line have always been powerful benders, as are his children and brother, Iroh. The Phoenix Kingdom was built on the Fire Nation and its desire to bring its prosperity to the entire world. The Phoenix Kingdom has done that by ushering the world into an era of industrialization, dissolved all monarchies and consolidated power into a single facet. Whether or not the actions and behavior of Ozai and the Phoenix Kingdom are dubbed tyrannical or not, there is no denial of the power and influence the Phoenix Kingdom has had on the world and will continue to have.
Air Nation

"]It is said that we must forgo our Earthly attachments, my brothers... so we must let go of our past, both what we have lost and the tragedy that struck us. Let go, my brothers and sisters, and let us rebuild." — Monk Gan-roa, Eastern Air Temple, 19 APK

The Air Nation stands several thousand strong and is broken up into two groups. The fundamentalists that returned back to the Eastern Air Temple after their release and those that took advantage of the titles and advantages given to them throughout the world by the Fire Nation. Those in the Eastern Air Temple search through the remnants and ruins while they rebuilt their civilization and attempt to achieve enlightenment once more after the destruction of their culture. Although many Airbenders traveled the world, the second largest concentration of them is actually within the Fire Nation itself where they have been granted titles of nobility and work as secretaries of the Fire Lord. Iroh has provided them their own section of the city, known as the Little Air Temple, to practice their culture as they see fit, although most fundamentalists would call their practice a bastardization of their former nomadic culture. The third largest is in New Ba Sing Se where they have received similar grants, but none to the degree of those in the original Fire Nation.

Although the fundamentalists and the immigrant airbenders are almost two factions, they both identify with the Air Nation and both act to bring new life into the Air Nation. The fundamentalists hide away in the Eastern Air Temple, rejecting all of the outside world they can. Aside from the embassies created by the Treaty of the Phoenix, all those whom enter the Eastern Air Temple must adapt to the Air Nomad culture or be ejected from the community. This cultural rejection of others often leads to tension between even the fundamentalist Air Nomads and their more Western cousins. There isn't a huge rift between the two yet, but it does exist and with the numbers of those in the Little Air Temple and other Air Temple replicates growing larger every day, it does present a conflict for the future. The fundamentalists have, in almost every other respect, preserved the Air Nomad culture and have almost completely rebuilt their temple.

Much of the Air Nomad culture was destroyed. With only a few herds of flying bison left alive after their slaughter, the Western Air Temple being almost completely annihilated and the Northern Air Temple renovated into a bastion for the Fire Nation while they assaulted the Northern Water tribe, very little was left for the Airbenders. Ultimately, the Northern Air Temple became the schematics for later Little Air Temples, the Western Air Temple was left in ruin and the Eastern Air Temple was rebuilt by Fire Lord Azulon for the Airbenders. With the destruction and relocation during the war, as well as the peaceful tendencies of the Air Nomads, little to nothing stopped the Fire Nation assault. What was left over for them was "gifted" to them by the Fire Nation whom "preserved" Air Nomad texts during the war, most of which were historical documents or journals from former monks, masters and gurus. Much of the oral traditions and Air Nomad hierarchy was destroyed, leaving their remnants in relative disorder even with a rebuilt Temple and several Little Air Temples in major cities.

The Western Airbenders do not identify with a group name, but more so identify as an airbender of their temple. The largest replicate temple is the Little Air Temple in the Fire Nation made to promote peaceful relations between the new Fire Nation and the once-detained Air Nation. Many seeking to embrace the grants and prosperity of the Fire Nation decided to live in the Little Air Temple or other Air Temples scattered throughout the entire Phoenix Kingdom. The Western Airbenders have deviated from the Air Nomad lifestyle, often opting to teach their history from textbooks and teach more functional, technical airbending. Many of those that opted for this level of integration have become highly respected individuals and have even became close to the leaders of the Fire Nation serving as lighthearted and aloof secretaries, marketeers, accountants and a variety of other professions.
Fire Nation

Fire Lord Azula
Fire Lord regent Zhao

"Zuko, you must never forget that our grandfather Sozin wanted nothing more than to share the wealth and prosperity of the Fire Nation. He saw the beauty of our land and of our people. I know you never met him, but I did and he was a great man. He wanted nothing more than for the beauty he saw in his people to be seen by the whole world." — Iroh to Zuko, 82 APK

While Fire Lord Zuko is being tutored by his uncle Iroh, now the Fire Lord regent, and being trained alongside his sister by their prodigious cousin, Lu Ten, the new Fire Nation has prospered greatly. With the assistance of the Airbenders that were rewarded greatly by Fire Lord regent Iroh, the Fire Nation has become a peaceful, complacent place where an army of firebenders is constantly honed and improved using methods of enlightenment integrated from Airbender society. This new army is often considered far more effective and skilled than the one Sozin and Azulon used to take over the world, thus making the already-prosperous nation a huge player in the world as well as the cultural root of it due to the rule of the Phoenix Kingdom. Some say that the Fire Nation has gone soft in comparison to when Ozai led it, but the use of the Fire Nation Army to quell and uprisings has kept that word at bay for decades.

]The Fire Nation still acts as the root of almost all of the culture being forced onto other Nations. Their progressiveness, their prosperity and their pride have become worldwide traits. The Fire Nation brought forth industrialization to the entire world, but still acts as the leading nation for such progress. Although the Fire Nation is in fact sovereign from the Phoenix Kingdom just as all other nations are, the rest of the world sees the Fire Nation as nothing more than an extension of the Phoenix Kingdom. The Fire Nation itself struggles with its identity as most forget its accomplishments and favorable living standards prior to the Great War. The Fire Nation now is in many ways the shadow of the Phoenix Kingdom, only truly brought in when the Phoenix Kingdom requests its forces. Considering the Fire Lord is none other than the brother of the Phoenix King and someday will be the son of that said king, these relations are even easier to maintain. The solid bond between the Fire Nation and Phoenix Kingdom may leave the Fire Nation ambiguous in its own image, but its responsibilities are well known.

Under the leadership of Iroh, the Fire Nation has made even greater leaps and bounds in medicinal and educational fields. Iroh, although once considered to be a great leader and general, is now considered one of the greater politics for the people. The Fire Nation itself is virtually devoid of poverty and each generation has gifted the world with more brilliance than the last. Not only that, constructions like tanks, advanced ships and even war blimps from the genius of the engineers raised in the prosperity have given the militant nature of the Fire Nation even more power. Iroh has also made efforts to integrate the Little Air Temple more into Fire Nation culture, and has created a bridge between the two. Although the fundamentalists will forever reject this, most other airbenders worldwide see these actions as penance and the actions of a new era.

Within the last few months, the disappearance of Iroh and the apparent failure of Zuko as Fire Lord forced the hand of Ozao to appoint Admiral Zhao as the new regent and replace Zuko with Azula as the upcoming Fire Lord. What this means for the Fire Nation is currently unknown, and how this will affect the airbenders within the Fire Nation is also a mystery. The greatest mystery, however, is the complete disappearance of General Iroh and his son Lu Ten, as they both seemly vanished with no mention or reason. While it was the manipulation of Azula that earned her the throne, it is believed that Zuko failed so greatly to run the Fire Nation that assassins had taken the opportunity to try and kill Azula. While in truth it was a forlorn friend and member of the Rising, the fact is that Zuko has now become a royal disgrace.
Earth Kingdom

"The Earth Kingdom is a tough place, kid. If you think a few bandits is bad, you ought'a just go turn yourself in to those dogs right now 'cause a Phoenix Kingdom cell 'll'be the safest place for ya." — Jet to a wannabe Freedom Fighter, 79 APK

The Earth Kingdom and its social hierarchy was essentially dissolved by the Phoenix Kingdom, and was continually oppressed by such. As the Earth Kingdom is the single largest territory and Earthbenders technically outnumber all other benders, those of this land are often the ones that stand up and from time to time create small rebellions that are ultimately quelled by the Fire Nation Army. That said, the Earth Kingdom has no rulers or formal government. It is mostly a loose coalition of farmers and Earthbenders that make crude towns and settlements, while paying taxes and living under the harsh rule of the Phoenix Kingdom's militant police. One could consider the system of the Earth Kingdom to be a feudal one, but even then there is almost no real social hierarchy. Of all lands, the Earth Kingdom is the most war-torn and the most oppressed.

Towns and villages are often riddled with bandits and thieves that the Police Force ignore. Whether it is because their forces are too thin or they simply have no desire to help the Earth Kingdom is unclear. There is no true force leading the Earth Kingdom and its great numbers. Most live in fear of crime or the Police - sometimes both. There are places in the Earth Kingdom where the line between the two is so blurred that it's pointless to discriminate. The few good people of the land that actually try to make an honest living often have to work even harder to pay extortion fees, taxes and then live off whatever they can at the market. This chaotic oppression has created the tyrannical perspective of the Phoenix Kingdom and the mentality of the Earth Kingdom inhabitants that the world is an abysmal, corrupt place.

With the death of Avatar Kiareu, the Phoenix Kingdom has created free clinics with trained medics and even physicians in larger areas for the sake of possibly cultivating the next Avatar. Each new birth is recorded, each individual given a number, and it claimed to be an act of the Phoenix Kingdom trying to promote prosperity and health within the Earth Kingdom. The truth, to anyone informed, is obvious, but the amount of money being spent and troops being sent on this task make it one of the largest actions ever made by the Phoenix Kingdom, and required every Earth Kingdom ambassador to explain to their respective people what "great things" the Phoenix Kingdom was doing for their people.
Water Tribes

The Northern Water Tribe
Chief Arnook

The Southern Water Tribe
Chief Kiroka

The Northern Water Tribe Colonies
Chief Khandu

"Whether we all agree or not, we are brothers and sisters of the Water Tribes. Nothing will ever change that" — Ukoda, Southern Water Tribe, 71 APK

[padding]The Northern Water Tribe Colonies are the remnants and of the colonies and alliance made by the Northern Watertribe and the Earth Kingdom during the twenty-five years of war before the creation of the Phoenix Kingdom. Seeing an opportunity to create disharmony in the powerful Northern Watertribe, Phoenix King Azulon spared most of the colonies and forts of the time if they surrendered after the fall of Ba Sing Se, and later bound them together in a far lower taxing range than the Northern Water Tribe itself and paid them well for their assistance in creating the fourth outer wall of Ba Sing Se. Ozai even went as far as granting the title of Chief to the representative of the colonies. This caused those in despair and those more willing to forfeit their culture to leave the Northern Water Tribe to take refuge in these colonies. Waterbenders from these colonies still hold an incredible endurance and level of skill as they helped carve out the waterways for Ba Sing Se for nearly a decade. Additionally, traditions such as the exclusion of women and need for betrothal necklaces have died out in these colonies. The Northern Watertribe itself considers these colonies as debauch as their Southern sister, but does keep trade routes and open negotiations with them.

While Chief Khandu does technically lead the Northern Water Tribe colonies, the trade business - ironically wealthy due to a monopoly and the same reasons as the Southern Water Tribe - of Ukoda has allowed him to gain so much influence and integrate The Rising so deep into their society that a divide amongst the people exists there. While the Western colonies generally support, and quite fervently so, Ukoda, the Eastern colonies tend to be in favor of Khandu and the Phoenix Kingdom in general. It is believed this is actually due to those in the Eastern colonies being from families that worked for and were greatly rewarded by the Phoenix Kingdom during the construction of the fourth outer wall. Those in the Western Colonies are thus closer to Ukoda and often are hostile around boundaries to even other colonists as they try to keep The Rising a secret. As each colony is essentially ran like a state that pays taxes to their capitol colony that then pays the Phoenix Kingdom, this setup has gone on for years without major conflict and without forcing the hand of any official. Despite that, the Northern Water Tribe colonies are still as tense as the Northern Tribe itself, and many consider the hostility there to be an extension of that.[/padding]

[padding]The Southern Water Tribe has not given birth to a waterbender since Avatar Kiareu as Fire Lord Sozin had wiped them out. The tribe now exists as the largest commercial fish distributor in the world, but aside from that has no real notable traits. Few waterbenders in recent decades have came down in search of talent and to extend former waterbending culture, but most efforts have been fruitless as the Southern Water Tribe shares the prosperity of the Air and Fire Nation. The boats and fishing techniques of the Southern Water Tribe are always evolving and becoming more finely tuned. Remarkable advancements in technology have been made in the Southern Water Tribe, and a direct line of trade have made industry from the Fire Nation easily accessible to assist in the mutual trade.[/padding]

The Southern Water Tribe is an example of capitalistic enterprise taking a stranglehold on government. The wealthy fishermen and transport owners have essentially bought out the Chief Kiroka, and thus use his political influence to create a better environment for them. It is true that there is a huge amount of profit and stability have flooded into the Southern Water Tribe, but at the same time, there is a lack of labor laws and inhibition that keep the progressive nature of the tribe from becoming a detriment. Many of the world's greatest engineers travel to the Southern Water Tribe from the Fire Nation in an attempt to make cold water vessels more advanced or use the more lax laws there to their advantage for dubious experimentation. Unlike the two divisions of the Air Nation, the two main water tribes do not identify with each other.[/padding]

The Northern Water Tribe was the last to fall and is the nation that has managed to preserve its culture as well as its animosity toward the Fire Nation the most. Although Chief Arnook was born in the Age of the Phoenix King, he is not blind to the abuse of power and consolidation of wealth found by the Phoenix Kingdom. Additionally, while he has not seen first-hand, he believes that the Earth Kingdom lives in squalor while the Phoenix Kingdom resides behind ivory walls. He believes the Fire Nation exploits the depleted and debauch Southern Water Tribe. Because the Northern Water Tribe is the hardest Nation to reach, the embassy and militant police there is the largest, but least used. Most of the police act as guards for the embassy and the Phoenix King allows the Northern Water Tribe to essentially run itself with its own policing and preserve its culture without interference, aside from the taxes imposed on every Nation. The Northern Water Tribe, to this date, has not provided any more resistance to the Phoenix Kingdom, but many believe the Phoenix Kingdom and Fire Nation will inevitably be forced to bare down on them again.

The Northern Water Tribe is also the birthplace of The Rising. It is here that brothers Ukoda and Uquolaan had seen the Earth Kingdom and the Northern Water Tribe Colonies through their family trade business. The Northern Water Tribe has become so poorly observed by the Phoenix Kingdom that the people there live their lives actively disgracing the Phoenix Kingdom. Those in the Rising rarely have to hide their status due to the lack of Phoenix Kingdom officials. As a matter of fact, the few officials within the Northern Water Tribe generally stay holed up in their embassy - for their own safety. The Northern Water Tribe, despite being beaten, has not truly accepted defeat, and even the Phoenix Kingdom knows this. The entire North has become a ticking time bomb, albeit most of it was defused with the creation of The Rising. Ukoda and Uquolaan now lead an organized resistance, allowing for the frustration of their people and their desire to remove the pathogen that is the Phoenix Kingdom to be channeled in a productive manner. [/padding]

Foggy Swamp Tribe

Council Members Due, Huu, Kim, and Yen

"The Foggy Swamp Tribe is a small, peaceful group of backwater people residing in the marshlands of the southwestern Earth Kingdom. They believe in equality for all genders and all benders and non-benders alike, but they remain uneducated about matters in the world at large. Though the Foggy Swamp can hardly be called a nation unto itself, it is the last location in the world to truly maintain autonomy from the Phoenix Kingdom. This is due to their being so deeply tucked away in the Foggy Swamp that neither knew of the other's existence. It wasn't until the Phoenix Kingdom began a deforestation project on the Swamp that awareness came. Because of the dense maze of flora and the superstitions about monstrous Spirits that protect the place, soldiers have not been able to access the Tribesmen easily enough to force their surrender. Unfortunately for the Swamp natives, their numbers are too low and their weapons aren't sophisticated enough to altogether halt the destruction of their homeland." — Thought Manifest, assistant designer

Within the swamp lands, familial units are broken down at around the age of eight. The next four years of their life will be spent with several families learning different trades until they become thirteen, at which time they choose what they want to learn. The foggy swamp, in that respect, doesn't have traditional marriage nor does it practice a completely solid image for a family. Everyone is kin, and everyone - women and men - can provide equally for the whole tribe. Although simple and only truly effective on the small scale of the isolated swamp - if considered effective at all - the culture of the Foggy Swamp is arguably the most unique. Recently, however, the weak communication skills of those within the foggy swamp has led to friction with the Rising. Normally, no one even takes notice of the Foggy Swamp, but the "living swamp" proved a complication for the Police Force and the inability to effectively recruit them as allies created a complex dynamic for the Rising. As of now, the Foggy Swamp is still a mystery to most and is at odds with everyone.
The Army, Police Force and more


The Fire Nation Army is truly the only Army left in the current world. In the years of relative peace, the Fire Nation has been given a chance to truly train their soldiers as an art form, only using them to quickly dissipate rebellions that the common Police Force could not. The Fire Nation Army is a body controlled entirely by the Fire Lord, and is considered the most feared force in the current world. Heralded as the army that conquered the world, most fear the wrath of the Fire Nation Army being brought down on them. They are highly mobile, very skilled and far more intimidating than even those of the generation that fought to conquer the world. Those that join the Fire Nation Army do so for honor, often to hone their skills and rise through the ranks by proving themselves. In the last few decades, the Fire Nation Army has become a purist meritocracy, where those with high ranks are often the most talented soldiers or most tactical minds. Titles within the current Fire Nation Army are rarely given out without reason. The Fire Nation Army is comprised of its main force, its Army, and a secondary Force, its Navy. Both are equally feared throughout the world.

This directly contrasts the Phoenix Kingdom Police Force. Although the Police Force out numbers the Fire Nation Army, they are vastly less trained and act as the more common brute force of the Phoenix Kingdom. Prone to corruption, greed, and even illegal activities such as underground fighting rinks, gambling and other crimes, the Police Force is the primary reason the Phoenix Kingdom has developed a poor public image. However, the Police Force is a necessity. Through sheer numbers, the Police Force essentially moderates the entire world and all four nations as we know them. The Fire Nation Army has nowhere near the numbers to truly moderate the entire world, even though they could defeat any other body of arms that might rise up. The Police Force often grants ranks based on favor, although skill is still a factor, and whom is allied with who. Even worse, it is often the ruthless whom excel, as those in power tend to favor others that will do whatever it takes. The Police Force is modeled, almost disrespectfully, after the Fire Nation Army. A rank within the Police Force is feared due to the corruption or deceit accompanied by its holder while a rank in the Fire Nation Army is feared for the skill required to attain it.

Army and Police Force (highest to lowest)

- General | The highest ranking officer, currently held by Fire Lord regent Iroh.
- First Lieutenant | Hand-picked by the General, the second in command of the Fire Nation Army.
- Major General | Soldiers of incredible tactical minds and skills, proven by combat experience.
- Brigadier General | The officer in charge of an Army Brigade of Specialists, assigned directly by the General.
- Colonel | The most senior field officers, often discussing tactics with generals or above.
- Lieutenant Colonel | An experienced field officer, often delegating tasks to others. Normally proven leaders.
- Major | The first field officer rank, placed in full control over a battalion. Earned by more than skill.
- First Commandant | The final junior officer rank, normally attaining experience or developing in combat tactics.
- Captain | The rank most Cadets eventually achieve after proving their capabilities in combat.
- Lieutenant | A cadet placed in the lowest rank of Officer, generally considered the weakest or without tactics.
- Cadet | An Officer in training. Can be placed as high as First commandant after training.

Non-Officer Ranks

- Sergeant Major | The Highest Rank of a non-Officer, often a combat-hardened soldier without a desire to lead.
- Sergeant | A rank achieved normally through displays of skill. Those in this rank are considered for cadet.
- Corporal | The first rank of leadership within the non-officer ranks, considered the stepping stone.
- Private First Class | The highest rank of private, generally earned through experience.
- Private II | The rank most high-potential soldiers attain right out of the academy.
- Private | The lowest rank within the entire army, common foot soldiers and often the youngest.

Navy (highest to lowest)

- Admiral | The highest ranking naval officer, equivalent to a General.
- Vice Admiral | The Naval equivalent of the First Lieutenant.
- Rear Admiral | A Naval Leader with proven leadership capabilities. Often left to lead defending fleets.
- Commodore | Used as naval specialists, Commodores are highly skilled and given special aquatic missions.
- Captain | Often owning their own ship and attaining a name, Captain's are the bulk of naval leadership.
- Commander | The first field Officer rank, normally earned through experience and in charge of at least one ship.
- Lieutenant Commander | The final junior officer rank of the navy, normally working under a Commander.
- Ensign | Generally the leader of a single deck of a larger ship. Ensigns are officers in need of leadership development.
- Midshipman | A naval cadet. Can be placed as high as Lieutenant Commander after training.

Non-Officer Ranks

- Chief Petty Officer | The highest rank a seaman can achieve without becoming a Midshipman.
- Petty Officer | The rank prior to Midshipman, often recruited to become Officers later in their career.
- Leading Seaman | A Seaman often proving his capable communication skills with his crew.
- Seaman | Trained in combat, but primarily trained in keeping a ship running; the lowest rank of the Navy.

Other organizations, such as the Yuyan Archers, Dai Li and Mercenaries still exist, but are kept more secretive. The Yuyan Archers are generally nonbenders that are highly skilled and trained in archery as well as stealth. The Dai Li are trained similar to Yuyan Archers, but are now open to all bending practices and teach stealth and subtly over raw power. Mercenaries, as always, are wildcards of their own - and all are forces at the hands of the Phoenix Kingdom.[/padding]

Secret Locations of the Rising
The Underground City


The Underground City of Omashu, often merely referred to as the Underground City, is a city found deep underneath the actual city of Omashu. The Underground City is hidden within and under the sewer systems of Omashu, using elaborate tunnels and ventilation techniques to keep the city highly active. Forges and fires exist in the city due to the running water from an oasis similar to the one that feeds Omashu itself and the highly oxygenated air caused by drafts made by hot air and the cool outside air of the cliff overhang. The Underground City, although remarkably large and hidden, is still only a fraction of the size of Omashu, but acts as a one of the primary headquarters of the Rising. Founded by disgruntled former-aristicrats originally as well as former criminals and the unfairly persecuted, the Underground City has became an unseen beacon for the Rising. As the fire that burns within Omashu heats the air for ventilation and provides the primary sources of the still-admittedly dull light, its source is changed seasonally to alter the hue of its fire, which has became a type of celebration to those living in and working out of the city, making the Rising itself a culture of its own as well as bolstering morale. The only methods of entering the city are through underwater passages via its oasis feeds and/or underground springs, the highly secretive sewer systems of Omashu or cave entrances scattered between one and two miles outside of Omashu itself.

To the Rising, Omashu is considered the "Gateway to the South" and is often a step between refugees, fugitives or merely members of the Rising before they reach the Patola Mountains. Of the outposts of the Rising, the Underground City of Omashu stands out as the only one completely created with the resources of the Rising. While many consider the frigid North ran by Ukoda to be the true head of the Rising, many see the Underground City as its capitol. Created in just a few years by hundreds of Earthbenders, engineers and funds from the former royal Earth Kingdom family, the Underground City proves to be the most elaborate outpost of the Rising. There are several secret ways to enter it, including cave entrances from any series of nearby oasis, the sewer systems of Omashu or even a cliff side entrance where running water is used to cleanse hot air of smoke and debris before it exits. Those whom have stepped into the other outposts have seen how the Rising can bring people together or rebuild what has beenn destroyed, but only in the Underground City can one truly see the identity and creative force of the Rising.
Patola Mountains

The Patola Mountains is a mountain range and series of valleys located in the South Sea north of the South Pole once considered part of the Air Nation. The Patola Mountains have such high peaks they were once believed only accessible via flying bison and were only made habitable through landscaped plateaus for housing and agricultural purposes. The Patola Mountains housed the Southern Air Temple and were large enough to become a home to thousands of airbenders, once thought to be the only possible people capable of calling such a place home. The Southern Air Temple was the first Air Temple assaulted, resulting in the utter annihilation of its Airbender residents. This same Temple, now under the occupation of the Fire Nation, was used as a detainment camp for all remaining Airbenders from the Western and Eastern Air Temples. At the time this Temple was used as detainment center, the Northern Air Temple had not yet been conquered.

After the release and reintegration of airbenders into the world conquered by the Fire Nation and newly established Phoenix Kingdom, efforts were made to rebuild the Eastern Air Temple and create several smaller Air Temples, notably called Little Air Temples, in major cities such as the Fire Nation Capitol and New Ba Sing Se, using designs from the mostly-intact Northern Air Temple. This ultimately led to the Southern Air Temple becoming vacant, and with it being poorly habitable for anyone aside from Airbenders, the Fire Nation essentially left it alone. Even with the newly carved staircases and access to the mountain tops, there existed no purpose for the Fire Nation or Phoenix Kingdom to keep this piece of territory, and with their forces thin as it was, there was no upkeep on the Temple. When Airbenders returned in secret to the Temple in search for lost culture, they found the Temple a perfect place to live without the oppression or influence of the Phoenix Kingdom, and thus the first true inhabitants of the current Patola Mountains came to be.

Since the first new inhabitants of the Patola Mountains and Southern Air Temple, hundreds have amassed. Most disgruntled Airbenders with intense grudges against the Phoenix Kingdom and Fire Nation for the near-genocide and almost complete destruction of the Air Nomad way of life. The Southern Air Temple receives almost no traffic (the only way to even reach the valleys is by ferry) and for decades was only inhabited by the Airbenders that called it home. Eventually, the Rising stumbled upon the lively mountain range while looking for an effective way to house refugees and fugitives from the Phoenix Kingdom. Uquolaan, having considered the valleys of the Patola Mountains, was surprised to find Airbenders now inhabiting the area. Ultimately, Uquolaan was capable of forging an alliance between these Airbenders and thus integrated them into the Rising. The Southern Air Temple is a secret and completely non-combative outpost of the Rising that houses any enemy of the Phoenix Kingdom or ally of the Rising. This has led to the vast expansion of the Patola Mountains with the integration of several other benders. While the Airbenders, for the most part, are the only true inhabitants of the Southern Air Temple, hundreds of refugees have made its misty valleys home, and conduct trade with the Air Temple. The Southern Air Temple, as part of the agreement, delegates and regulates all those within its territory, which generally involves resolving petty disputes. The downfall is that those imprisoned are often executed by The Rising, as the secret nature and seclusion of the outpost is paramount. While this does conflict with the Air Nomad way of life, it has become standard that the Air Nomads of the Patola Mountains and their leadership, while still peaceful, are far more stark than their predecessors.
Treetop Village

The Treetop Village began as a small treetop hideout near the village of Gaipan in the Earth Kingdom and has now became a network of towns and outposts - all considered to be part of the Treetop Village - spanning from the shores of the Mo Ce Sea to the Great Divide. Unlike any of the other outposts, the Treetop Village is essentially its own regional presence with a single capitol located near the Great Divide, which is how the outpost itself has attained its name. The entire western region that divides the Northern and Southern halves of the Earth Kingdom is essentially under control of the Rising using small treetop hideouts scattered throughout the area to house members of the Rising that assist in overseeing safe shipment of goods or people, transport of Rising-related objects and at times sabotage those of the Phoenix Kingdom. This area specifically is tense and requires careful forethought due to its vicinity to the outskirts of New Ba Sing Se and many trade ports with the Fire Nation.

Although the Treetop village is a massive effort maintained by hundreds, the original treetop hideout was started a band of misfits and rebels known as the Freedom Fighters all led by Jet. Although the Freedom Fighters of this world were established before Jet, it wasn't until Jet came to leadership that they aggressively expanded. Turning from a few hideouts that assisted nearby towns into a massive effort to help everyone possible, the Freedom Fighters eventually allied themselves with the Rising and made their Treetop Village their main outpost Once the Freedom Fighters merged with the Rising, they branched out entirely and assisted with the transport routes used between the Underground City and New Taku Jet also proved to be a capable and charismatic leader; through his passion and even aggression he was capable of uniting hundreds of people and earning the respect of Uquolaan. It took time for Jet to temper his rage, but once he accepted his role as a leader, he created part of the Rising culture Uquolaan had aspired for.

As the influence of the Rising and the Freedom Fighters grew, Jet was capable of allying himself with the Zhang and Gan Jin tribes of the Great Divide that were outcast there by the Phoenix Kingdom for being cowards when they fled to Ba Sing Se during the Great War. While the Zhang Tribe had become powerful earthbenders out of necessity, the Gan Jin tribe had tamed the canyon crawlers and together with Jet they were capable of improving standards of living for both tribes while also opening up travel through the Great Divide. After seeing the success with the formerly warring tribes, the Beetle-headed Merchants and other sandbenders of the Si Wong Desert pledged their assistance to the Rising and allied themselves with Jet. Thus, Jet brought together emissaries from the Si Wong Desert, the Great Divide and his own local area to establish safe passage for the Rising and bring together multiple cultures in the mixing pot that is the true Treetop Village. The Location of the Village most specifically is very near the Southwest border of the Great Divide near the Northern tip of the Si Wong Desert, making the outpost a stop between the Underground City and New Taku as well as a cultural center for those Jet had brought together.
New Taku

Taku was once one of the richest and most prominent towns of trade and commerce in all of the Earth Kingdom. Although many towns, such as Omashu and Ba Sing Se were left standing and even renovated during the war, Taku was essentially destroyed. All of its vast riches were taken, many of its former inhabitants slaughtered and its lands used as a camp of high value during the march through the Earth Kingdom due to its strategical placement. Taku stood as a phantom of its former self, littered with debris from both the ruins of its former glory and the Fire Nation camps that were made there. Some considered Taku to be one of the most ghastly sites left by the entire campaign, and for decades even the Fire Nation didn't return there due to simply not wishing to face what they had done. No one had ever hoped Taku would attain the status it had now, even when the Northern Water Tribe Colonies were established.

Despite the advantages Taku had, no colonists wanted to rebuild it. This made it, despite its ghastly nature, a perfect outpost for the Rising. As a matter of fact, many consider it the 'first' outpost of The Rising. Established to extend the influence The Rising by Ukoda, Taku became the first and for a while only place The Rising convened outside of the Northern Water Tribe. Taku continued growing as the familial trading and shipping business Ukoda and Uquolaan came from expanded, and their funds soon became met by those that donated to support the Rising. Even if it was mere local support, this was the first step the Rising took in attaining support outside the frozen walls of their Northern homeland. Ukoda continued to expand his influence in the Water Tribe colonies, essentially using his trade influence and financial capabilities to run the Western portion of the colonies, some whom even sided with him over Chief Khandu. It is this secret alliance with the Rising that created the civil rift in the colonies.

New Taku, as it has been dubbed, still remains a secret as no one visits, and the area closest to the shoreline is left in intentional ruin. The Fire Nation, whom have no purpose to travel there anyway, consider the entire town a bad omen, and the ruins to be haunted. The entire area is shrouded in ghostly superstition met by the traditionalists of the Northern Water Tribe. While it is assumed that Uquolaan has the most influence over the other three outposts despite Master Zhing and Jet being their respective branch leaders, Ukoda essentially owns and leads New Taku. In this sense, New Taku is the bridge between The Rising of the Earth Kingdom and The Rising of the Northern Water Tribe, and is the city that brings the two together. Although one does have to travel through the Northern Water Tribe colonies to each the port to the Northern Water Tribe from Taku, travel is generally safe and the colonies of the surrounding areas are allied with The Rising. New Taku, formerly a phantom of the Fire Nation, is now one of the most powerful statements The Rising has made in its existence; they have rebuilt what the Fire Nation destroyed.

Character Roster


Group One
[Suna | Tanvi | Kara-Giri | Makki | Jin]

Active Charater List

  • [Male | 24 | Earth Kingdom - Sandbender Tribes]


    Suna is a cunning Earthbender with an indomitable will and a calm albeit troubled frame of mind. He utilises sand as his weapon of choice, being able to make weapons out it and crush rock and earth to make more sand. Like a Waterbender or Airbender, Suna isn't a melee fighter, and chooses to wait and strike rather than be fully offensive or defensive.

    Personality-wise, he can be a silent jerk to others but kind to his female compatriots. His male compatriots, he acts as a stereotypical male - insulting them when insults are due. He could be, if he wanted to, serious and very observant. Suna's life and experiences moulded him to be a dirty fighter - one who is very confident, sometimes overconfident, in his skills in the battlefield, in the marketplace, and even the ladies. When he isn't fighting, he spends his time sewing, which is calming. He doesn't care if people think it's a girly hobby, but it reminds him of his family - any chauvinistic male who insults him for doing this will get what's coming for them. Some would even say his sewing is better than his Sandbending, as he can make the finest rugs, clothes, curtains, and other fabric-based products. It is unknown why, but Suna shares a connection with the different fauna of the world. Even the most dangerous or vicious of beasts do not want to kill Suna right away, as the young man has a sort of allure when it comes to animals from the smallest to the biggest. Of course there are some animals or beasts that, when hungry or provoked by Suna, would attempt to kill him. Suna is very partial to meat and desert foods, such as Camelephant meat and Cactus Juice, but has since learned to be exotic due to his time travelling. He is undoubtedly street smart and knows his stuff. Usually walking with both hands in his pockets or whistling various tunes, it is no doubt that Suna has a sort of cocky, badboy vibe. In spite of changing for the better, Suna shows a lot of his delinquent side. His biggest negative trait, however, is his materialism and apparent greed - overpricing his fabrics and stealing big bags of coin from Phoenix Forces. He doesn't admit this to anyone, but he has stolen from people of the Rising once or twice, to appease himself of his needs.

    Though Suna can be cynical, insensitive, rude, violent, greedy, flirtatious, and willing to kill and steal, Suna is a good person at his very core. He would never betray his friends or the Rising, or sell them out to the Phoenix King for money. He wouldn't steal from his friends and hurt them, and hates when the innocent are oppressed. He is a familial young man, and misses his mother dearly. As a leader, he takes his job very seriously but is still prone to brutal honesty and criticism. This benevolence is put to the test when it comes to the Phoenix King and his forces, however, as he finds it hard for anyone to be good to come out of that kingdom, as he has a deep-rooted hatred for the Phoenix King.



    Sandswimmer: Whereas Toph found herself learning most if not all of her Earthbending techniques in the hands, or rather, claws of large Badgermoles, Suna found himself under the tutelage of Sandsharks, creatures native to the Si Wong Desert. Actually, he's only ever met one. He did not learn Earthbending from it, but it was through observing it, and riding along its large hide did the great predator of the Earth Kingdom accept the young man as if it was its mother of some sorts. It was also through the creature that Suna was able to master the art of travelling, hunting, hiding, stealth, and speed. Because of his beast of a friend, the Sandbender can move as fast as an average sandsailers both above and underground and has the potential to outrun even the speediest of benders.


    Earth Disintegration: Suna possesses the ability to freely manipulate sand and is more comfortable using sand rather than large boulders and rocks, as sand is adaptable and can freely be shaped. If he wills it, Suna can crush rocks and boulders into a countless mass of pebbles, little rocks, and sand-sized grains to use in place of sand, as he utilizes speed more than the average Earthbender's strong style. He is proficient at crushing a large boulder into a countless mass of grains and sand-sized pebbles. He has developed many "capture and crush" tactics, but can also fight formidably if need be. Much like a waterbender, Suna can create tsunamis, waves, spikes, and tentacles of sand, pebbles, and soil - compacting it further to achieve a harder, more dangerous form. In spite of never having Waterbending or Airbending training, he lives by many Waterbending and Airbending principles such as adaptability and change, waiting, tiring opponents out, since he was born and raised in a very harsh environment. Many of his unique traits that are equal to the Waterbender and Airbender peoples are a result of his upbringing. In light of his stealth tactics, Suna can even break rocks and sand apart into dust-like particles to make a dust cloud. The dust cloud is a less subtle substitute for Naomi's mist technique.


    Shequan: Also known as Snake Boxing, or Fanged Snake Style, Shequan is one of the five archetypal animal-based fighting styles of Chinese martial arts. Shequan makes use of flat palms with all fingers pointed forward, ever moving in unpatterned, erratic, serpentine fashion with bent elbows. Strikes are painful whipping motions that cause the force of the strike to travel up the arm and exit through the fingertips. Users of the Snake Style aim for all of an opponent's weakest pressure points much like Chi Blocking, although not completely. As this fighting style's efficiency is centered around speed and precision rather than power, Suna uses this style as his most dangerous weapon being an agility and speed-based combatant. Unlike normal snakes, Suna's arm movements mimic a Sandshark's movements when swimming, hiding, hunting, and diving in and out of the sand. Suna incorporates Shequan in his Earth and Sandbending whenever he fights long range.


    Southern Dragon Style: Suna's close-quarters style revolves around yet another archetypal animal-based Chinese martial art. Here, the user bends his fingers to imitate a draconic talon which can then be used to strike both hard and fast at the head, chest, and stomach, whilst still being able to strike certain pressure points. Southern Dragon Style also makes use of heavy legwork which is described as following a zigzag motion that mimics the imagined movement of the mythical Chinese dragon. This also allows Suna to use floating and sinking movements which are very important in generating power and stability, making his body calm and relaxed. Unlike traditional Earthbending Hung Gar, which emphasizes standing strong in the midst of adversity, Southern Dragon users stand strong and stable whilst pressing on and disrupting an opponent's balance. Footwork is then manifested in zigzagging steps, strong stomps, and powerful lower kicks. This style has less erratic and irregular hand strikes than Shequan, though prides itself in equally erratic footwork.

    Charismatic Marketeer: Suna makes use of his silver tongue mainly to goad people into buying his usually overpriced fabrics, which is understandable since he makes high-quality products. His selling ability isn't limited to things he makes, as he can talk about objects and people efficiently. He has a keen eye, observing objects and people. His ability to masterfully "describe" objects and people is what makes him such a good salesman. As a black marketeer for various people who aid The Rising, he is also a great contraband dealer, selling weapons and armor to people who are in line with the Rising's cause.

    Sewing: Suna prides himself in his ability to sew things together - a skill he uses both to calm himself and to appear sensitive to women he fancies. A skill learned from his mother Bast, he is often found sewing rugs, mats, carpets, curtains, and even dresses to give as gifts to people.



    Sobek: Suna's father is is a grizzled survivalist of a man. As an assassin, he was a dangerous mercenary and assassin during his time due to both his proficiency in Earthbending and combat skills. Fleetfooted and silent, Sobek wielded many bladed weapons with earthen handles. Though he knew of the Rising, Sobek did not care much about their existence. He harbored a strong dislike for the Phoenix King and his regime, but it wasn't enough for him to join the revolution against him. What drove him to attempt to assassinate Ozai was a very large amount of money offered to him by a wealthy bidder, perhaps from the Rising itself. He met Bast along his travels. As a father, Sobek was a strict albeit friendly and loving man who disciplined Suna as best as he could, in spite of the rebelliousness that grew within his son. He held within his mind many pieces of marketing information that he needed to know when he quit his job as an assassin. After Suna's abandonment, his psyche and emotional state heavily deteriorated since he could not bear to lose his son. Because of the emotional and mental trouble, his business failed and he and Bast ended up near bankrupt. He then died miserably.


    Bast: Suna's mother is a silent woman who was as dangerous as her husband in her years as an assassin. Unlike her husband, whose finesse with the blade and Earthbending was somewhat unmatched, Bast did not wield a blade in the heat of battle or in the dead of night. She was a more "hands-on" type of killer - making things look like accidents, suffocations, Earthbending burial from out of the blue. In short, she hated being seen. It was both fortunate and unfortunate that Sobek saw her in one of their missions, prompting them to fall in love. While attempting to break in Ozai's castle, both she and her husband were found out by the more skilled benders and soldiers under the Phoenix King's control. When they escaped, it was Bast who forced Sobek to quit this life of darkness due to her spilling the beans; she was with child. As a mother, she taught him everything he knows about sewing, which was her passion since she was a little girl. She was beaten and was then either dragged seemingly dead to the Phoenix King's courts or killed on the spot. Suna doesn't know a thing.


    Ghashiun: A character from the original series and Suna's childhood best friend and one of his Sandbending teachers whom he had a falling out with. Ghashiun grew up from a gung ho youth to a rebellious thief and liar. Ghashiun was just as low here as he was in the series; he was low enough to try to turn Suna's mother Bast in to the Phoenix Kingdom for a petty bag of gold pieces. Suna's rage ultimately led to his downfall, proving to both himself and Ghashiun who the better Sandbender was. A bladed pillar of compacted sand through his stomach was what ultimately killed him.


    Sha-Mo and Yulduz: Ghashiun's father and mother from the original series, respectively. Yulduz later dies of a serious illness. Sha-Mo acted as one of Suna's Sandbending teachers and taught him the many differences of Sandbending to traditional Earthbending, the principles of Sandbending and how similar it was with Airbending and Waterbending, and the art of desert-based combat. He believes his son, Ghashiun, was unjustly murdered by Suna and thus forbade Suna from ever seeing him and his daughter ever again.

    Haruki: Sha-Mo and Yulduz's adopted daughter whom Suna had a crush on when he was a boy. Though they never got together, Suna wished they could have. Along with Sha-Mo, she ended up hating Suna, believing he killed her brother.

    Smellerbee: A character from the original series. Smellerbee is currently a prominent figurehead in the expanded guild of Freedom Fighters under Jet. She is arguably his second-in-command, or at the very least, one of the most important people fighting for the Rising. Proficient in bladed weapons, she is Suna's recruiter, mission handler, and go-to-girl. She briefs Suna and his team of any covert missions, Phoenix Forces trade markers, and informants that need to be met.

    Suna was born to Sobek and Bast, two Earthbending assassins turned fugitives after a failed uprising against the Phoenix King and his oppressive regime. After their failed attempt on Ozai's life, Sobek and Bast became two of the many criminals that the Phoenix King wanted dead or imprisoned. Indeed, the hunt for the Earthbending runaways was relentless, but the two assassins were too sly and crafty for the former Fire Lord's enforcers. Escaping to the Misty Palms Oasis, Sobek and Bast led completely different lives, turning away from their old profession and becoming carpet and fabric merchants instead. It was in these dull years of Sobek and Bast's lives that Suna was born, giving the young Earthbender a pretty boring childhood filled with naught but learning the simplest Earthbending techniques like how to geokinetically lift earthen materials, playing with the local children, enduring Sobek's physical training sessions, and even learning how to sew fabrics and sell them. In spite of the tediousness of those years, Suna learned many necessary traits in life, such as valuing hard work and family, whilst retaining the happiness of his childhood. At the age of six, Suna grew up to be an average Earthbender, but a proficient marketeer - being able to sell many of his parents' goods for a very high price. He was a child with a silver tongue for business, using his adorable youth to his advantage.

    One night, while Sobek and Bast were closing their shop, they witnessed a ruined sand-sailer traversing the great dunes of the Si Wong Desert, parking in the outskirts of the small desert town just in time to escape a Si Wong Sandshark. Benevolently, Sobek rushed towards the ruined sand-sailer and offered the man, his wife, and his two children, Sha-Mo Yulduz, Ghashiun, and the adopted Haruki, some food, water, and a place to spend the night. It was Sobek's kindness that garnered Sha-Mo's trust and almost instantly, the adults and their children became good friends. The next morning, Sobek offered Sha-Mo a thick and strong fabric for the Sandbender's sand-sailer. While the two fathers repaired the vehicle, the two sons were sparring in the centre of the town. The match was far from being stalemate, as Suna could not fight lest he chips pieces of the town buildings - relying on his innate speed and agility, as well as his basic melee skills instead. Ghashiun defeated Suna almost immediately, being experienced in the art of Sandbending combat. After the two men had repaired the sailer, Sha-Mo and his family left the Misty Palms Oasis. Visiting the Misty Palms Oasis then became a recurring event for the Sandbending family, as Bast's fabrics were the best in the town. These visits were also important, since Suna learned the ways of Sandbending in the heart of the desert from Sha-Mo and his son, and their tribe. He learned that Sandbending was akin to Waterbending or Airbending, using more fluid-like motions and following change-based principles when using the art. The child of the former assassins was quick to adapt to this desert-bending. Suna, whose Earthbending was unexceptional at best, excelled in this new type of bending.

    Suna, Ghashiun, and Haruki spent their seventh year venturing out into the desert, playing and sparring from days on end. Suna and Ghashiun's relationship flourished into a sort of rivalry, always knocking each other down using sand and other earth materials. They laughed about the most shallow things and helped each other grow in their combat skills. Suna also had a slight crush on his friend's non-bending older sister, but tried his best to hide it from them. It was, however, pathetically obvious. One day, after venturing too far out into the desert, the three children were attacked by a vicious Sandshark. While Ghashiun and Haruki ran, Suna stayed behind - unexplainably drawn by the beast's movements. In return, the Sandshark was drawn to Suna. For some unknown reason the Sandshark and Suna locked eyes as if drawn by each other's spirits. Ghashiun and Haruki could do nothing then, but stare in awe. What was happening was a phenomenon that none could explain. When they returned home, the three children talked to their parents about their experiences in the desert enthusiastically. This was the beginning of Suna's desire to sneak out at night only to meet his animal friend. These nights often had Suna hunting wild jackalopes to give to the sandshark for it to eat, regardless of its size. In return, the giant beast would allow Suna to ride on its back as it dove and swam underground - perhaps the best type of adventure, according to Suna.

    As the years went by, Suna's bending and combat skills were on par with his best friend's, being able to defeat Ghashiun on some occasions. It was even through Sandbending that Suna was able to further realise his normal Earthbending, combining the two styles and principles to compress and harden sand and systematically crush pieces of rock to create more makeshift sand, as well as form sand-made constructs. Also, thanks to his nights with the Sandshark, Suna also learned how to swim in sand and earth as if it was water. At seventeen years old, Suna was an able-bodied fighter, bender, and even the best fabric-maker and salesman that the Misty Palms had to offer, thanks to his parents and friends. In these years, the adolescent Suna became more of a rebellious teen rather than the obedient son that Sobek and Bast once raised. Due to the many nights sneaking out to meet the Sandshark, fighting Ghashiun, and being with Haruki, Suna found himself ditching his shifts and spending the nights in the desert. Suna's familial relationship wavered during these years as he yearned to be more independent from his parents who grew tired of him always spending his nights with Sha-Mo's tribe. After a heated argument with his parents, Suna ran away from home, grabbing his sewing tools and some fabrics, stealing some money, packing his clothes. Before leaving, he met up with Ghashiun and Haruki and they shared one last night together. He confessed his feelings for Haruki, but said he did not wish to stay. Suna attempted to get them to come with him but unlike the rebellious teen, Ghashiun and Haruki wished not to abandon their family.

    The seventeen year-old ventured throughout the Earth Kingdom, spending his days and selling his fabrics in Omashu, Kyoshi Island, and other small, unnamed villages. Of all the villages he's visited, his favourite is Gaoling because it is there that Suna's combat skills greatly improved. He became an avid fan of the Earth Rumble tournaments, cheering loudly for the Boulder, who was then the champion. He trained and honed his Sandbending for a year in order to be strong enough to fight in the tournaments and, one day, he defeated the Boulder using cunning evasion and surprise attacks with his sand, utilising its adaptability to whatever situation. Against the Boudler, who fought using basic "strongman" tactics, Suna's smart and impromptu way of fighting, as well as his sandswimming technique, earned him an Earth Rumble Belt and the winnings. The fans baptised him as the Si Wong Ghost, since Suna wore his white cloak as his wrestler's outfit. From ages nineteen to twenty, the Sandbender became Earth Rumble's youngest champion twice, as his skill was unlike any other. Being the champion of the tournament made Suna an arrogant fighter whom the ladies loved. Still, he could not let go of his childhood crush. It was during these years Suna began missing his family. Still, his pride prevented him from returning to the Misty Palms Oasis. The longer he stayed in Gaoling as the Earth Rumble Champion, the more depressed and detached he got. Upon reaching the age of twenty-one, he lost to another Earth Rumble participant, as his head was not in the game that tournament day. He still had some fans and amassed a small fortune due to selling his fabrics and winning the Earth Rumble two times.

    One night, after a fight in the arena, Suna walked towards Gaoling and encountered a man that looked extremely like his father, only slightly older. Upon seeing him, Suna's mind was filled with memories of his adventure-filled childhood, his nights with the Sandshark, the times he and his family bonded over their business, his training sessions with Ghashiun, his small encounters with Haruki, and his life in the Si Wong Desert. In spite of the harshness of the environment, the vision of his father reminded him of his home and his life back in the Si Wong Desert and, without thinking, followed him into the Foggy Swamp. As it turns out, it was an apparition that led him to the Banyan-Grove Tree. After about five days lost in the swamp, the Sandbender met a tribe of Swampbenders who explained that the Foggy Swamp was a place of spiritual escape as many of them had achieved spiritual enlightenment underneath the tree's leaves. They explained that enigmatic weather patterns and visions of the past, present, and future were commonplace in the swamp and seeing a vision of his father could mean that the real Sobek needed him. The Swampbenders taught Suna to sit down and meditate, to focus his emotions and spirit into the roots of the Banyan-Grove Tree. Since Suna did not have seismic sense, he could not see what was happening in the Misty Palms Oasis. He could only feel the despair of the people and the chaos that has befallen the little town. At once, he returned to Gaoling, packed his things as well as money, and left. With his mastery of Sandbending, Suna created a platform of makeshift sand from the rocks and flew forth to the Misty Palms Oasis.

    From a far off distance, Suna could see naught but the vastness of the sandy desert and the lowly town where he grew up. The day was peaceful but there was a sombre feel about it. Upon landing in the outskirts of the town, Sha-Mo's tribe, his two children, his mother Bast, and some locals were holding a funeral for Sobek. They burned incest and offered fruits and hunted Jackalopes to the spirits, burying them with the corpse of Suna's father. Suna ran to the group and asked them what happened, weeping on his knees. Everyone was also shocked to see Suna back, but the Sandbending prodigal son could not think straight. Embracing the crying boy, Bast and Haruki exclaimed that he died of depression because of Suna's departure. He abandoned his business, became violent with the Phoenix King's policemen, and drank his depression away, for what father can handle the loss of his son? Suna told them of how the roots of the Banyan-Grove Tree led him back home and it was unfortunate that, five days ago, his father was still alive. Later that night, Ghashiun, Haruki, and Suna hung out and out of sheer sadness, told the two of his parents' secret - that they were assassins who almost ended Phoenix King's Ozai's life. Now, they live in constant hiding. The Phoenix King's men still put up wanted posters of Sobek and Bast who looked nothing like their past selves as their skin had darkened and their hairstyles had changed as they lived in the desert. The Phoenix King would still pay a hefty amount for it, however. Upon hearing this, Ghashiun's eyes sparkled with greed - in the years without Suna, Ghashiun's life also went downhill as he became a thief. Thievery was looked down upon in Sha-Mo's tribe, but Ghashiun couldn't care less. He hid his pastime from his family and acted as if he was still an obedient son.

    A week later, Ghashiun arrived in the Misty Palms Oasis with a troop of Phoenix King Ozai's policemen in the dead of night. He had the wanted poster of both Sobek and Bast in his hands and demanded the money. Suna, who was out in the desert to find the Sandshark that he missed so much, returned home with a weary heart, since the his great beast of a friend did not show up. He witnessed the group of the Phoenix King's men break and enter his old home and tie Bast in metal chains so she could not bend. In the nick of time, Suna arrived and bent the sand around the enforcers, trapping them in the sand and freeing his mother. Ghashiun, who was obsessed with getting the bounty, attacked Suna and exclaimed his hatred for his former friend. Ghashiun was embittered by Suna's departure, his mother, Yulduz's death, and his family's financial problems - the factors why Ghashiun turned to thievery. Suna and Ghashiun battled each other while Bast fought the Phoenix King's men. His mother, who was then old and grey, still had her skills but could not hold her own against the battalion of benders that thrashed her with everything they had. It was a flurry of elements - one that she was overwhelmed by. With her body broken and battered, the men dragged her dying body and ran off with their Komodo Rhinos. Suna, who was too caught up in his emotions, was buried in Ghashiun's sand as he failed to rescue his mother from the wicked forces of the Phoenix King - throwing the bounty in a bag of cloth for Ghashiun to get. In a fit of thoughtless rage, Suna escaped his prison of sand with his own bending. It was then that Suna and Ghashiun fought for the last time. Sha-Mo and Haruki arrived in the Misty Palms Oasis at the exact time when Suna fatally struck Ghashiun down, proving once and for all who the greater Sandbender is. The sight of this broke their hearts and, no matter how Suna tried to tell them of Ghashiun's treachery, they did not listen. Ghashiun's final words were that of anger towards Suna, telling his father that Suna attacked him in cold-blood because he had a father, and Suna didn't. Sha-Mo and Haruki believed Ghashiun almost immediately, and exiled Suna, telling him that if he ever shows his face in the Si Wong Desert again, they will surely kill him.

    Suna ventured out into the Si Wong Desert once more to be greeted by his Sandshark friend. They exchanged looks before turning away from each other. Driven by hatred for the Phoenix King and sorrowful longing for his home in the Si Wong Desert, Suna found himself lost in the thickness of the woods that, unbeknownst to Suna, housed a group of Jet's Freedom Fighters. Upon seeing Suna stumble to and fro, possibly due to hunger and lack of rest, the merry men scaled down and engaged the Sandbender in battle. The Freedom Fighters were adept at their respective fighting arts, but it was through sheer cooperation and chemistry were they able to overwhelm the former Earth Rumble Champion. Though Suna put up a fight, his exhaustion had eventually taken a toll on him and was thusly captured.

    After a day, Suna found himself bound and interrogated by one of Jet's emissaries, Smellerbee. It was during this interrogation did she find out about Suna, his story, and most importantly, his drive and anger towards the Phoenix Kingdom. Because of this newfound knowledge, Smellerbee eagerly invited Suna within their ranks, knowing full well he and her leader Jet could use a man like the Sandbender. Through these roughhousers Suna's non-bending skills were tested. He remembered the martial arts his father taught him, and he learned how to incorporate his blows and kicks needed for Sandbending into mere hand-to-hand fighting. He was even taught in the ways of various weapons such as, swords and axes. His favorite weapon and most difficult to learn, however, was the bow and arrow, taught to him by Longshot, who handled archery training sessions as well as went on various missions. Smellerbee and Suna began training with her faction of the Freedom Fighters for about two or three weeks before he met their charismatic leader, Jet.

    Suna was also amazed when, after weeks of being with Jet and his people, he discovered that many Sandbender Tribes shared Jet's goal of bringing the oppressive Kingdom down. However, Sha-Mo's Tribe was one of the many that chose peace over war, which meant that Haruki would be gone from his life, forever. This troubled him greatly, but it was because of countless nights dining and training with Jet and listening to his philosophies did he accept that love was not an issue, because they were fighting for something far greater than themselves.

    One thing about Suna that Jet admired was his drive - Suna was not the strongest Earthbender, nor was he the best fighter. Suna was built for speed and cunning, rather than power. However, Suna had the potential to be a great leader and combatant, especially if rage was added into the concoction. Because when it came to one-on-one, unarmed, no bending combat, Suna could overpower Jet, especially if he was reminded of his past. As stated earlier, Suna spent a lot of time brawling. Jet wished for his new friend to focus the anger, for it was a deadly force for both Suna and his enemies. But, but focusing the unvented anger and bitterness of life towards a single target, Suna could become just what the Rising was looking for. That is why Jet referred another Earthbender named Dhune to mentor the Sandbender, as his calm exterior and collectedness could rival Suna's temper, which was as short as a Firebender's. The duo trained as well, but unlike Suna's past experiences in the field, Dhune taught him more on how to open his mental and spiritual side. Suna attempted to fast, much like how Dhune fasted, but was not as able bodied and strong willed in fasting as his fellow Earthbending compatriot. By age 24, Suna's state of mind and heart was far better than it was when he left the Si Wong Desert, though his temper and overconfidence was still sort of a problem. In the eyes of Jet and Dhune, Suna could become a leader. His skills in leadership only needed to be polished. Dhune, who was himself an Earthbender, took note of Suna's strange but nonetheless effective style of stealth and speed based bending, and remarked Suna's ability to break rocks and earth apart. Dhune challenged Suna to hone this talent more and, after about a month, Suna was able to master the art of Earth Disintegration.

    Currently, Suna is a part of their cause as a thief, weapons and contraband dealer, information and arms broker, con artist, and covert operationalist who, along with Dhune and two other compatriots, pick the Phoenix King's forces in the cover of the mist as assassins, interrogators, and even saviors.
    Suna's Sandbending, though skilled and unorthodox, can be easily disrupted by extreme heat or flames. He is weak against skilled Firebenders, as sand can be easily turned to glass and thus, unbendable. His counter for this is normal Earthbending. Waterbenders also weaken his Sandbending abilities, as wet sand becomes soft and virtually useless when he intends to create weapons of compacted sandstone. He can still, however, use wet sand to some degree and efficiency. Finally, it is futile for the Sandbender to use his Sandswimming/Earthswimming technique when battling an Earthbender with the ability of Seismic Sense, seeing as they can see Suna's position right away. Airbenders can also disperse his sand, but Suna's control over sand and little earthen materials is proficient enough to withstand the influence of air currents.

    Against traditional Earthbenders, Suna's Earth Disintegration can destroy rock and earth instantaneously.

    Suna stands at 5'9" and weighs 134 lbs. He is slender albeit with a toned physique. He sports a black Freedom Fighter outfit and light armor (shoulder and knee pads), Sandbender bandaged gloves, and a scarf made of Sandbender cloth. He carries his father's earth-handle knives for show, but isn't skilled in them. He usually uses them to peel fruit and vegetables and carve wooden images.

    He has standard green Earthbender eyes. His skin is pale despite his life in the Si Wong Desert.

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    [Male | 20 | Fire Nation deserter]
    Jinbo "Jin" Young is a sarcastic, borderline sardonic, and at times cynical airbender from the Fire Nation. While he seems calm and relaxed—and for the most part, he entirely is—he is also a spitfire known for his quick-witted comments, comebacks and replies. As is the nature of cynical skepticism, Jin can at times be dry and harsh, often with his humor, which may or may not be appreciated by others. While Jin prefers laughter, he doesn't mind distinctively pissing off others and moreover particularly doesn't care who likes him. Quite simply, any reaction will do. Jin was the little sibling to a very talented brother, although Jin himself never fell short in skill. Jin still receded into the shadows while his brother joined the ranks of the Elite of the Fire Nation Army; to be blunt, Jin was always "just the little brother."

    Jin retained this attitude for nearly a decade until his older brother returned, after of course being pronounced dead. As it turned out, his brother had defected from the army and became a fugitive. Jin ultimately convinced his brother to allow him to join him in their desertion. As brothers, the two joined the fire nation deserters that were inspired by Jeong Jeong the Deserter, and helped form a complex network of espionage within the Fire Nation itself solely to help others escape and desert. As a member of the deserters, Jin matured greatly and learned to temper his mouth. While he worked on becoming a manageable member of the deserters, his brother become a more and more important role within them.

    Ultimately, his brother became the spokesperson and figurehead of the deserters, as he was one of the pupil's of Jeong Jeong, a veteran fugitive, and well-liked by generally everyone. While Jin was living in shadow of his brother again, he was equally elevated by his brother. Utilizing his natural intelligence, skepticism, and his ability to put up a facade if need be, Jin became an asset to the deserters. Because he was the brother of one of their leaders, he had also earned a significant amount of trust. While his sarcasm and wit still prevail in his personality, Jin is also responsible with a significant amount of forethought, often considering how things will affect his brother. Jin is often given important assignments, much to the chagrin of others whom believe his attitude will foster problems, but has somehow yet to fail his brother once.


    Airbending Jin is an incredibly capable airbender, and for several reasons. Jin has a thirst for knowledge, and has had such ever since he was young. However, merely knowing something was not enough. He had to utilize it. Jin learned the aspects of airbending, its principles, and applied them. He acted and understood why he acted. He understood that airbending is a defensive, evasive bending style and that it uses negative jing, only ever counter attacking to disable an opponent. While he was not necessarily tactical, he sports an impressive level of applied intellect in real world scenarios. More importantly, Jin understands that true, powerful airbending is not just mastery or control, but seeking to find the perfect opportunity: the path with least resistance. While he has not immediately mastered this concept, his use of it—when successful—allow him to rival the masters of the temples. His airbending was honed even further through his training with Jeong Jeong and his brother. Jeong Jeong claimed that the power of fire was destructive in nature; that it would consume and burn without control. Due to a promise made to his brother, Jeong Jeong taught Jin as if he were a firebender. Thus, Jin was taught to bend the air as if it were a force that if left uncontrolled, it would endlessly destroy. As the sun, the greatest source of fire in the world, is also the source of life in a finely tuned natural and spiritual balance, air is also a necessity for life, and Jeong Jeong taught Jin to use air as if its incorrect usage could cost the lives of anyone around him. Jin was thus taught masterful control, and was actually considered a better student than his brother. Many instances of such include the initial training and emphasis on the fundamentals. Both were made hold a leaf that slowly burned and told to keep the leaf from burning for as long as they could. While his brother held it back with firebending, Jin used the air to slowly suffocate the flame so that it could burn only so little, yet kept the flame alive with air so that it did not die. Hours and hours, hundreds of leaves, sometimes only saving a few seconds for the leaf, but Jeong Jeong taught them both incredible control over their bending in the same way, using the same methods.

    Intellect Jin is highly intelligent, but in a somewhat specialized way. Jin understands complex theory and reasoning, but often has issues implementing it. If Jin was as capable at bending as he was "thinking about bending", he would be one of the greatest airbenders alive. Unfortunately, Jin lacks training specifically in airbending, thus has some difficulties immediately applying all that he learns. Jin has an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and retains almost everything he ever learns. Because it is difficult for him to apply everything he learns, he is often set back most simply by practice and execution. Once Jin has learned to use a tactic or technique, he is very effective at using it and choosing when to. While Jin is no tactician of the battlefield, his intelligence often allows him to see creative venues for possibilities or unseen opportunities. Lastly, Jin understands firebending almost as much as his brother, a firebending master. Taught by Jeong Jeong alongside his brother to firebend, Jin has become aware of how to use his intimate knowledge of firebending to his advantage, proving so in defeating his brother in their sparring matches.

    Spirituality While this particularly field is somewhat neglected by Jin because he has yet had a teacher that understood Air Nomad Spirituality, Jin has proven to be an incredibly spiritual individual. Alongside his thirst for knowledge, Jin is incredibly sensitive to the world around him. Jin can utilize Astral Projection through meditation due to his spiritual side, and has done so repeatedly to impress his brother and more over impress Jeong Jeong. While Jin understands very little about this, it is desire for him to explore Air Nomad spirituality in the future from true monks instead of the stand-ins at Air Temples. In addition to that, it has become a long-running joke that Jin is "more sensitive to the spirits than he is to people", considering his sarcasm often irritates those around him.

    Relations & Relationships

    Honzo Young, father
    Jinma Young, mother
    Zulon Young, older brother
    Ullom Young, older sister
    Donzo Young, younger brother
    Malin Young, younger sister
    Jeong Jeong, teacher​


    Jin was born the third child of Major Honzo Young in his marriage with Jinma Young, one of the many encouraged inter-cultural marriages of the time. Of his siblings, Jin was the only airbender, like his mother, and thus was unintentionally distanced from most of his siblings. Because he was an airbender, he attended schools meant to preserve the "air nomad culture" as seen by the Fire Nation, as well as attended Airbending classes alongside other Airbenders in the Fire Nation. Aside from his older brother, Zulon Young, he had very little personal relationships with his siblings, even in the home setting. While at home, Jin was often given chores that were made easier due to his airbending, then would retreat to study books or draw, rarely actually playing with his siblings.

    As time passed, Jin proved to be an impressive intellect among his peers, and often developed "faster" than them in terms of his bending and grades during school. Jin often distanced himself from his peers, however, and sought out even more knowledge and teachings from his mentors and instructors from within the Air Temple inside the Fire Nation. While Jin was proving to be a prodigy, his brother was as well. At just ten years old, Jin proved capable of Astral Projection and high-level bending. This same year, his brother was promoted to a Major just like his father, and was put on the track to an even greater military career. While both brothers excelled in their settings at the same time, Yulon was proving to be the "star" of the family, and all of his siblings were somewhat cast in his shadow.

    Two years later, tragedy struck. While Jin was in the Fire Nation Capitol being trained at the largest Temple in the Fire Nation, Yulon was killed in an excursion to quell an Earth Kingdom rebellion the local police could not handle. Grief-stricken and feeling guilty that he could not have been their for his family or brother and now feeling the lonely distance he had created for himself, Jin returned home and embraced his family. Jin was the "star" now, but it didn't suit him. He would have traded for his brother back any day. And, months later, that was somewhat the case. After the rabble died down, Yulon returned to his family to tell them he was alive and that they could not know any more. Honzo berated his son, claiming that desertion would mark their family forever, and Yulon merely said that is why he appeared dead. While he convinced his father to let him go and put everyone at ease knowing he was alive, he stirred something else up inside of Jin.

    Before Yulon left, Jin asked to go with him. Jin pleaded. He said that he returned to their family in grief, but not just for his brother, but for himself. Jin felt he had no place in the Fire Nation, and he wanted more. He felt that the Air Nomad culture here was diluted and he sought more knowledge. In the end, Yulon brought Jin with him and with no small amount of convincing Jin was allowed into the deserters. It was from this point on that Jin had to begin learning to temper his mouth and his wit; Jin had to mature and mature fast. He was no longer the prodigy to be pampered; he had to fit in and be respectful, even if it was an act. Still, this is what Jin searched for. Instead of those around him catering to him, he had to work to fit in, and he became part of something.

    While Yulon slowly became an important figure within the deserters, using the knowledge he acquired as an officer in the Fire Nation, as well as his own general skill and charisma, Jin became his shadow. Still, Jin was capable of making intelligent decisions and seeing a situation in ways that others might not, thus Jin became another important figure in the deserters in his own right. It wasn't until Jeong Jeong, the original Deserter, opted to search for a suitable apprentice, that Jin was of any true importance. Jeong Jeong did not associate himself with the deserters, but he was an important figure to them, and Jeong Jeong taught the original deserters. He swore he would never take another apprentice, but with so many deserters, he thought maybe one would understand true firebending.

    Yulon and one of the female firebenders were the only two he took interest in, and at first, Yulon declined - much to the surprise of everyone, including Jeong Jeong. Yulon said Jin and he deserted at nearly the same time, and that he had always tried to make sure Jin had a place near him. During their youth, Yulon was an entire eight years older than Jin, but he still set aside time to play with his brother. If Jin was bullied because other airbender children disliked his "advanced nature", Yulon intervened. Yulon had always been there for Jin, and Yulon didn't want to go through training that could be as intense and 'life-changing' as others called it if his brother could not join him. Now, if Jin was a firebender, this would have been the end of the discussion; Jeong Jeong would never have taken on a firebending apprentice he did not deem suitable. But, Jin was an airbender, so Jeong Jeong at the very least agreed to see Jin.

    And, at first, Jeong Jeong absolutely hated Jin. Jin was sarcastic, aloof and playful, all qualities that Jeong Jeong deemed unsuitable. But then, Yulon simply told Jin to stop, and that it was Master Jeong Jeong he was speaking too. In a moment, Jin was able to control himself, and become an entirely different individual. Yet, he retained a certain amount of his playful nature. When Jeong Jeong interviewed Jin, it became evident that Jin would be the one asking questions, and these were no simple questions at that. Jin knew some about firebending from his brother, and when Jeong Jeong asked questions about how Jin felt about it, Jin could only speak of his observations and anecdotes. Jin, however, asked what it would feel like, and when Jeong Jeong claimed that fire was all consuming, Jin could only compare such to the streams of air that were more easily used than others, stating that while a stream could be useful, it was also almost impossible to bend against, and asked of that feeling is what it was like to bend an element that would consume and destroy if left uninhibited.

    A level of intelligent insight from Jin impressed Jeong Jeong, although only to the degree of giving him merit. It wasn't until Jin debuted his ability of astral projection and asked Jeong Jeong, a master unlike those that the Fire Nation Air Temples, if he knew more about it. It was at this point that a flourish of questions and intrigue poured forth from Jeong Jeong, and the two discussed for hours what it was like. While the monks at the little air temple would have had Jin meditate for hours, Jeong Jeong saw more in this youth. Alongside his own thirst for knowledge and his capability to understand, and of course his spiritual awareness, Jin found himself and his brother accepted by Jeong Jeong. And, ironically, Jin slowly became his favorite student. While Jeong Jeong was somewhat dark and pessimistic in his perspective of firebending, Jin found it realistic and was able to apply what he learned, to the delight of Jeong Jeong.

    As the years past, Yulon became the figurehead of the deserters and Jin was essentially his extension. Almost anything that Yulon was told in confidence, Jin would learn of. If someone needed to get in contact with Yulon, Jin could do that, or carry a message. If Jin told gave an order from Yulon, it was as if the man said it himself. While this rarely presented a problem, some still disliked the apparent authority given to Jin in combination with the attitude he allowed to slip at times. Still, Yulon trusted Jin without a fault. And, now that the deserters is considering joining the Rising, Jin is essentially the representative of the deserters. After a few initial contacts with the Rising, the deserters of the Fire Nation were given supplies and assistance as well as a place for refugees in the Patola Mountains.
Inactive Character List

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    [Male | 27 | Earth Kingdom (Great Divide)]

    Duhne Zhang is a young and powerful Earthbender from the Zhang tribe of the Great Divide and originally served as one of the Freedom Fighters for Jet. In recent years, Duhne has became known as The Hundred Man Army due to his unique capability to create semi-sentient golems. A large bounty has been put on his head by the Phoenix Kingdom due to this, making Duhne one of the few widely-known members of the Rising. Despite his capabilities, Duhne is genuinely respectful, honest and even shows polite courtesy. Growing up in the Great Divide as part of the Zhang tribe before the Freedom Fighters or alliances, Duhne survived by earning his way through life with the help of others. For that, Duhne has became extremely appreciative and honest to others, to such a degree he himself is somewhat gullible.

    All in all, Duhne is a kind and gentle soul that was tamed by the Spirits of the Great Divide. Ever since his spiritual encounter, Duhne has been giving a great understanding of life through the Earth itself. He has the bloodshed, violence and tragedy of the world through the blood that has been spilled into the ground. When red iron mixes with brown dirt, he could feel the agony of the Earth as it wept for its children. Because of this, Duhne dislikes violence and killing despite his capabilities. Duhne, to an even greater extent, dislikes using his own golems as they can and will kill due to their semi-sentience. Although he can control who they fight, he cannot truly control how they fight - only how 'well' they fight. That said, Duhne is a man with a clear set of beliefs.


    Earthbending Duhne has been trained in the powerful and excessively forward bending style of the Zhang Tribe. Although Duhne has no real level of finesse, he has been trained to bend massive amounts of Earth and Stone at once. Alone, Zhang is capable of stopping rock slides and avalanches with relative ease. Duhne doesn't use fancy or complex techniques. He uses the basics, and he pours such raw strength into them that they are as fearsome as those of a master. Duhne can create barriers to defend an entire platoon. He can hurl boulders at such size and density that their sight alone is daunting.

    Canyon Spirit Teachings Duhne joined a spiritual sect of his tribe that believed through fasting and becoming one with the Great Divide, they could speak to the spirit or spirits that lived there. Duhne was one of few to successfully encounter this spirit and live through it. The result of this was a significant increase not only to the mental and physical fortitude of Duhne, but to his chi and chakra itself. Invigorated by his spiritual experience, Duhne became physically strong even while malnourished. The teachings granted him great focus and enhanced his bending, but it truly put him in touch with nature. Duhne can feel the earth wherever he is and communicate with it, even see its past and the blood spilled into it.

    Earth Golem Technique As a result of the Canyon Spirit Teachings, Duhne has developed a bending style that utilizes regular bending and the living spirit of the Earth. From almost any earth or stone, Duhne can create various golems in various sizes do complete various tasks. Most notably are the humanoid golems that act, joint for joint, precisely like a person would. They are capable fighters and incredibly durable, being made of earth and stone. More notably, even if destroyed, they can be reconstituted. Duhne can use one golem for each tattoo on his chest and back. This adds up to 98 total golems, however, the more golems in use, the weaker each individual one gets. Finally, Duhne can control two larger golems or combine them to a final golem that towers two stories high, and doing so creates black rings around his eyes.

    Hand-to-Hand Combat Originally a mere bender, after the Canyon Spirit Teachings occurred, Duhne had a desire for more. He explored the world and eventually came into contact with Jet. One of the first of the Zhang tribe to align with him, Jet had Duhne trained in hand to hand combat which subsequently empowered his golems greatly. Although he doesn't follow a set art, he was initially taught Sān Huáng Pào Chuí before making it his own. Duhne uses a very strong style with powerful thrusts and strikes that avoids moving and throwing around weight, which makes it not only hard to counter but very effective in combination with Earth bending in general. Although a simple style, Duhne has used his speed, strength and training to make it formidable through sheer practice and passes this trait on to his golems.

    Relations & Relationships

    Jet - Duhne holds Jet in high regard, despite Jet being junior and a nonbender. The time Duhne spent with Jet was that of watching a smart-mouthed kid that led a group of wannabe rebel punks become a group of organized freedom fighters under the guidance of a charismatic leader. Duhne became a martyr in a sense for Jet's cause as he used his golem technique to take the blame for several missions Jet conducted, and through that a strong bond of trust and respect was forged between them.

    The Freedom Fighters - More than any group within the Rising, the Freedom Fighters respect Duhne as a hero. At times, Duhne and his moniker "the hundred man army" servce as an icon for the Freedom Fighters. This respect extends to nearly every Freedom Fighter, and they tell stories of Duhne round campfires as if he were living legend.


    Duhne was born into the somewhat barbaric Zhang Tribe of the Great Divide. His parents were of the first generation punished by being forced into the Great Divide on their own, and both had to use their Earthbending to survive. Similarly, Duhne was born into a life where his Earthbending soon dictated if he lived or died. Duhne could remember children his age, some even his friends, being incapable of stopping the dangerous rocks from slipping beneath them or the Canyon Crawlers from viciously tearing them apart. Duhne could recall being told there was not time to shed tears for the weak. And, Duhne rejected it.

    Duhne went on to become a powerful Earthbender, even among the Zhang tribe. In his adolescence, he joined a sect of the Zhang Tribe that believed the Canyon was far more than just a place of death. They believed that the Canyon held a tremendous amount of life energy, and sought to come into contact with that energy by depriving themselves of all of their energy until the Canyon itself offer it some of theirs. Of the dozen or so sect members, only four survived the fasting and came in contact with the spirits. Almost immediately, those four separating, never speaking a word of their experiences.

    With his new spiritual side, Duhne fully believed that the Zhang mentality was wrong. He rejected that there would be no sympathy for the weak. Duhne set off to find a way to create a safer environment for his people, and through that he eventually came into contact with Jet and the Freedom Fighters. Duhne saw how Jet wanted to create a safer place for his people, oppressed by the corrupt Police, and he fought to overcome it. Duhne took it upon himself to help. Using his golems to overpower huge sums of Police, Duhne helped Jet reshape the central Earth Kingdom.

    Duhne became known as the Hundred Man Army by the Phoenix Kingdom, even though often times it was an entire team of freedom fighters that completed a task. While Jet was allowed to hide in the shadows, Duhne took the entirety of the blame. This allowed Jet to reach out and secretly create alliances with the Beetle-Headed Merchants, Tribes and the Rising. Duhne had assisted in in creating a large network that was eventually used heavily by the Rising, but this came at a huge cost. The bounty on his head became so immense that Dai Li assassins threatened his life, and almost killed him. Duhne decided it was too dangerous for him to live so close to the Phoenix kingdom, so he faked his death.

    Duhne took on a new role as a covert assailant and thief for the Freedom Fighters. Duhne learned to mold his golems into the shape of men far greater than he previously could, made them don clothes and focused on using less of them from afar. With this method, he could conduct stealthy night missions - sometimes without the need for even clothes on his golems - that resulted in the theft of supplies, stolen money or simply scared police from the Phoenix Kingdom without alerting flags as to who he was. Coupled with Suna by Jet to create a traveling group of traders as their cover, and actually act as a small-scale distributions of good and contraband, Duhne yet again became a beacon for the Freedom Fighters. He also became a mentor to Suna, who was slowly becoming a leader himself with his natural vigor. As new members were added to the group, Naomi for her utility and Rae-Lee to be trained by Duhne, the leadership role truly grew for Suna while Duhne acted as his spiritual adviser and the representative of Jet.

  • Tavora3_zpsca83eda9.jpg

    [Female | 41 | Southern Air Temple(Originally Fire Nation)]

    Zhing-Taoh is a firebending master, raised in the Fire Nation Capital, but who now resides in the Southern Air Temple, situated in the far flung Patola Mountains. Far away from the Phoenix King's interests, and subsequently left unchecked by his forces, the Southern Air Temple, the mountain range on which it sits and the surrounding islands all act as The Rising's most secret haven, though the Temple itself is no doubt the epicenter. There she guides and teaches many of the younger and more recent arrivals to "The Temple", instilling in them her unique philosophical outlook, with a strong focus on personal freedom, and a general disdain for forced organization, or authority in general. This initially put her at odds with the Air Nomads who had already been residing there, though, now, she has all but become the rebel outpost's mascot, and, ironically, one of it's de-facto leaders.


    Firebending Master: Zhing-Taoh has, since a young age, exhibited a strong talent with bending, as well as an admirable perseverance in regard to her training. At the age of 24, Zhing had already been ordained a master of her art and is considered one of the most powerful firebenders of her age.

    The Dancing Dragon: Master Zhing has found the lost original civilization of firebenders, and has had the pleasure of studying under the firebending masters Ran and Shaw, learning the truth behind fire, and it's integral connection to all life. During her time with the Sun Warriors, she was able to master the ancient form of The Dancing Dragon, a flowing yet powerful and direct approach to firebending. Her combat techniques are defined by flowing movements and strong, singular punches and kicks, as opposed to the flurry of jabs and sweeps usually employed by firebenders. Master Zhing is also disinclined to utilize jets of flame for propulsion, and has not trained in the creation of lightning. This is not because she is unable to learn such techniques, but, rather, unwilling, seeing such applications of bending as out of touch with the teachings of the Sun Warriors

    Fire with Fire: One of Zhing's most notable skills is her incredible ability to redirect and disperse fire, even explosions, with the use of her bending. An effect of her training with the Sun Warriors, Zhing-Taoh is able to feel an empathy with the fire itself, allowing her a greater control over it, even when wielded against her.

    Relations & Relationships

    Jikyan: Zhing-Taoh's partner and confidant, Jikyan is a powerful airbender who stands as a voice for those of his people sickened by those who have chosen to abandon their heritage in favor of privilege within the hierarchy of the Phoenix Kingdom.

    Zen-Laan: Zen-Laan fled the Earth Kingdom years ago, fearing for his family's security in the war torn province of his birth. Zen-Laan is one of Master Zhing's most trusted friends, as well as a highly skilled bender.

    Galerru: One of her greatest assets, on or off the battlefield, Galerru has supported Master Zhing since her arrival at the Temple. Like all Air Nomads, she has exhibited talent with airbending since a young age, but also boasts a particularly strong connection with the spirits.

    Iroh: Although the Fire Lord Regent is certainly no friend of the defected firebending master, fate has, on more than one occasion, seen Zhing-Taoh and Lord Iroh seated within the same room, though those days are now long past. Master Zhing holds a bitter disdain for the Fire Lord and his crusade against the majestic dragons, yet, through her encounters with the man, has gleaned a certain notion of reason and respectability not normally found in those inhabiting the upper echelons of the Phoenix Kingdom.


    Master Zhing has changed much over the years. Beginning life and living out her youth in the lavish court of the Fire Lord, a stark contrast to her current home, Zhing was brought up to cherish and respect the majesty of royalty. Being a prodidous talent in the bending arts, young Zhing was soon taken from her home to be trained as a soldier in the Fire Nation Army, much to the joy and excitement of her parents. She was less enthused.

    Though the separation from family and home still pained her, Zhing-Taoh grew to enjoy her training, transitioning from a merely talented individual into a skilled and studied practitioner, ravenously soaking up techniques and lore alike. As time went on, her skill would increase at a rate that astounded her masters and frustrated her peers to no end. By the time Zhing was fifteen, she had already been in five Agni Kais, not to mention countless sparring sessions that were more akin to true battle than training. Around this time, Zhing began to question what the nation had in store for her, what her destiny was, and if the two were one and the same. She had a feeling they were not.

    As she grew, Zhing-Taoh was pressed into true military service, sent to participate in a joint effort with the Phoenix Kingdom Police to put down spats of rebellion and insurrection in the provinces around Ba Sing Se. The young bender found the operations they engaged in and the tactics they employed highly distasteful, at times even vicious and cruel. Though her many years in the service of the Fire Lord and his nation gave her pride, from the very first day she set foot in the "Earth Kingdom", serious misgiving began to surface in her mind.

    Now a grown adult, and with years of recognition and a lifetime of training to her credit, Zhing-Taoh was christened by her masters "Master Zhing", one of the youngest firebending masters in recent memory. With the title came a certain amount of freedom and time to set aside for herself, and so the young master eventually decided to, as much as possible, leave the ugly business of putting down riots to others, and, instead, pursue one of the few things that had made her truly happy: studying ancient lore. Using her new-found influence along with the modest amount wealth of she had obtained over the years, Zhing scoured the Fire Nation's libraries, absorbing their scrolls and tomes as if they were the most exciting and enthralling tales one could imagine, though most bore but simple and mundane knowledge that seemingly didn't apply in this world. She delved deep, and soon these ancient writings became her obsession. Her entire life became devoted to studying long dead gurus and poets, drifting further and further from the ridged teaching of her youth, and ever more toward philosophy so old and rudimentary that it had been lost to this world, so lost it would be labeled radically new were she to apply it in her age.

    Desperate for more secret knowledge, Master Zhing sought out the ancient city of the Sun Warlords. Learning the Dancing Dragon from the statues there, though, being alone in her travels, she was unable to summon the Sun Stone. She surmised the tiles corresponding to the steps of the Dancing Dragon must unlock SOMETHING when pushed in sequence, but, after hours of pressing the entire sequence herself, she soon realized she would require a partner to make anything happen. As she was about to depart, Zhing was out in the courtyard packing her thing, when, looking up, she suddenly found herself surrounded by fifty or so tribals, some who were holding small fires in their hands as lamps; these were the Sun Warriors themselves! Talking to the young master, the tribe's chief laughed as he told Zhing how they took pity on her for not realizing that she needed a partner sooner, telling her they had been watching the entire time, viewing her frustration as high entertainment. The tribe ended up empathizing with the young firebender's sentiments gleaned through their short conversation, and deemed her worthy to be trained by "The Masters", Ran and Shaw.

    After completing her training with the masters, who turned out to be two very old, wise dragons, Zhing decided to stay for an extended period, casting her responsibilities as a military instructor and commander to the wind altogether. Over the next eleven years, Zhing would truly learn the ways and teachings of her adopted people, all but completely assimilating into their culture. There she learned the ways of respect and harmony, and saw it as a stark contrast to the "prosperity" the Phoenix Kingdom sought to bring about through harsh domination. Once she had learned all she believed possible from her new brethren, she bid them farewell, promising to return before her death. As a token of their esteem and affection for the foreigner who had become as their own, the Sun Warriors bestowed Zhing with a beautiful white dragon. The young dragon, named Lo-Kai, had already formed a bond with Zhing-Taoh during her time there, and would grow to be one of her closest friends.

    Now well into middle age, the much wiser, more balanced Zhing-Taoh left her adopted home and traveled north to the Western Air Temple, deciding to continue her learning by studying the culture of the Air Nomads in the world's air temples. Over the next two years, Zhing traveled around the rim of the world, slowly making her way from the first temple to the last. While passing through the Earth Kingdom, Zhing found that she had been officially discharged from the Fire Nation's Army, and that there was a sizable bounty on her head for desertion. Here, she also heard rumors of a growing group of rebels known as the rising, which intrigued her.

    Finally finding herself at, to her surprise, a particularly bustling Southern Air Temple, Master Zhing quickly befriended many at what she soon found to be an out of the way refuge used by the Rising as a hideaway for those seeking permanent sanctuary from the Phoenix Kingdom. She saw this as providence, and set down in the new community. Now, with a burgeoning life in yet another adopted home, Zhing again sought spiritual enlightenment, this time from the wise monks and even the other refugees who have found their way to The Temple.

  • Tenten_zps52f15a1f.jpg

    [Female | 33 | Foggy Swamp Tribe]

    Tenten is an unusual woman with a caring soul, who's wandered far from her home, the swamp village. She was originally going to be named Ten, but her grandfather, now deceased, fancied something more catchy. So, the name Tenten came to be. Those she's met outside of her home have a hard time deciding if they like her or not. She has a tendency to behave like a wild animal in many situations, which can be unsettling. The rest of the time, though, she has this warm, motherly presence to her. Tenten, in fact, has an eleven year old daughter who she's out searching for. The mother and daughter had a nasty argument, then the following morning, her little Syd was gone.

    Due to the absence of Syd, she carries a heavy sadness in her heart. Sometimes, she has to seek out a private place where she can weep, but only when it's appropriate. Tenten seems to gravitate more towards children and teenagers rather than fellow adults. A fair number of them refer to her as the 'swamp witch', a nickname she embraces and humors the young ones with every opportunity she gets. She's a cheerful, playful sort until she's summoned to duty, where she transforms dramatically into a cold huntress with unbreakable focus.


    Tenten has impressive knowledge on the basic needs of survival. Being one with nature comes in handy. She works effectively on her own, or as a leader to a team; whatever gets the jobs done. Shelter building, hunting, creating fire pits, identifying plant species--just to name a few things she can do. On the note of food: Tenten's diet is mainly meat and bugs, which she'll assume everyone else likes too. If you ask nicely, she'll cook it for you so it'll taste better.

    You'll see her demonstrate the rigid style that the swamp tribe uses to guide skiffs, otherwise she waterbends more aggressively than most. At each hip, she wears a bottle of water, one of which has swamp water directly from home. She likes to manipulate the water into tentacles that act as whips, or a way to constrict her enemies. Water is also involved with her punches and kicks, to add damage or to form a shield. Additionally, she can manipulate plant-life that has swampy characteristics.

    Big hands and feet:
    Tenten uses this to her advantage. There's a lot of kicking involved in the way she fights, making for a painful and accurate strike from her foot. Her fists are forces to be reckoned with as well. Sometimes she likes using her water tendrils to reel enemies in for a good punch. On this note, she has no weapon expertise whatsoever. She melees with her bare knuckles by choice.

    Mother hen:
    You won't have to worry about her mothering you if it's unwanted, but it's generously given where welcomed. She has useful knowledge on remedies for sickness, she loves to hug, she's supportive, she'll pretend to be a parent to the starving orphans--Tenten has so much motherly love to give that it'll make you throw up.

    Relations & Relationships

    Syd, daughter, prisoner
    Fin, husband, deceased
    Zuzu, mother, an elderly woman living in the Foggy Swamp
    Moh, father, an elderly man living in the Foggy Swamp
    Lee, a female frog squirrel who follows Tenten everywhere

    I'll begin the story at a time when Tenten was fresh into her twenties. She'd fallen in love with a strapping young man named Fin, who served the tribe as a capable protector. The two were destined to grow old together. It was solidified when Tenten's mother pointed out how her daughter was getting more sluggish, as well as ill in the mornings. They were going to have a new baby in the family.

    A mere week after the birth of Syd, a guardian of the tribe approached Tenten. He reported that his comrade, Fin, was missing. The last time anyone saw him, they said he went to investigate a suspicious noise he'd heard, then he would catch back up with the group. All regret not volunteering to go with Fin, rather than keep walking home with only their hungry stomachs in mind. He not only never returned, there was no evidence as to where he went. Since this unfortunate event, he is assumed dead. Days upon days of not seeing her beloved eventually made Tenten accept he was gone.

    The grieving young woman struggled against a powerful depression that lasted for weeks. She was neglecting to feed her child, as well as herself. Though the swamp folk aren't the cleanliest, it was still obvious she paid no mind to hygiene whatsoever. Her heart seemed too broken to heal. She'd lost her grandfather at a young age, now the same happened with the love of her life. Of course, Syd didn't go ignored. She was taken into the hands of other tribe members until her mother was well again.

    Tenten's wounds were eventually healed by the swamp. Her father, one day sick of her melancholic laziness, forced her out of her hut so he could toss her into the water. She was unresponsive until lifeforms began to swim past her, the pure beauty of them reminding her of what good she still had in her life. It felt as if the creatures were empathizing while the water carried her, at some point soothing her enough to make her smile. The tribe then watched in awe as Tenten rose from the pool, tentacle shaped lengths of water spiraling around her as she looked down at her people. In that moment, she was finally awake. All this time, she felt like she was lost in a bad dream.

    Month old Syd was no longer suffering now that her mother was back. Overcoming that burden of sadness turned Tenten into a stronger person, the drive to live for her daughter more powerful than ever. While caring for her infant, she dedicated spare time to practicing her bending, survivalism, and self defense. There were plenty of eligible challengers, though many of them didn't agree with sparring against a twenty year old mother. Where this lacked, she took to the wilderness with creatures who made worthy opponents. A great many of them were accepted tribe members, in fact. The people lived peacefully as a community with plant and animal alike.

    From that point on, she aspired to be an active contributor to the tribe, just as her husband was. She wasn't about to don the armor that the guards wore, but she developed other ways she could help. At about the time that Syd was old enough to start training, she invited other kids her age to learn with her. Tenten was appointed one of the main 'teachers' to the village children, creating a much more social environment altogether in the community.

    The perfect, happy days weren't meant to last forever, unfortunately. Guards came with urgent reports involving deforestation of their beloved home. This was a cause for panic. Their numbers were so few, and their technology certainly wasn't anything to fear. They were doubtful that even when grouped together, they could make enough of a difference.

    Reflecting much of the father she never knew, Syd stood up with a crazy proposal to save the swamp. Tenten watched in amazement as her ten year old gave a speech about how someone should leave, get help, and bring the help here. Of course, everyone thought this was a bizarre idea. Before anyone could make a comment though, Syd pointed to her mother, and suggested that the two of them journey from the swamp to seek aid for their people.

    Tenten refused, though. She insisted that Syd remove herself from the crowd and to stop sounding so ridiculous. In all truthfulness, Tenten was afraid to ever leave the swamp. Fin left their safe zone one day, and never came back. What if the same happened to her or, goodness forbid, her little Syd!

    Syd was through with her mother's cowardice, however. That, and the strict rules Tenten had set for her. She wasn't allowed to cross a certain line of territory, and her taste for adventure was always dismissed as a phase. Syd felt the need to stand up for herself, foolish as it make make her seem. She confronted her mom with a passionate rage, ranting about how she should be ashamed for hiding when their lives could end at anytime for all they know. Don't you care, she asked? Don't you wonder what's out there? Tenten shouted back, accusing the girl of being irrational and of being a terrible listener like all the other kids. Did she not see she just wanted what was best for her? The fight ended with the two going separate directions. Syd retired to the hut, while her mother spent time with the wildlife and her frog squirrel companion.

    When she returned to the hut the next morning, Syd was nowhere to be found. It was to be expected, since she was taught so well. Tenten grieved until her head was clear enough for her to decide to leave. Her daughter was out there somewhere, and Syd was right... Someone should do something to help the swamp. She suggested that in her absence, everyone should put their heads together for ideas on how to protect their home.

    Combing through the swamp alone took a long time. Her closeness with nature allowed her to question animals on what they'd seen lately, and she constantly sought out evidence to a trail. Tenten didn't want to rule out that this could be Syd pretending to run away, just to get a rise out of her mother. All the clues eventually led her to a scary sight: where the swamp ended. She would need to find the courage to go... Out there.

    Tenten tightly embraced the goals she'd set and made that first step, in her entire life, out of the Foggy Swamp. The steps from then on eventually would take her to the Underground City. Before that, she had some embarrassing run-ins with villages of people who aren't used to seeing a tribal woman. She's guilty of robbery, biting an innocent old man, flooding an inn room, and kidnapping so far--all because she wasn't accustomed to the rules... Some were willing to forgive, some weren't. Let's just say she's had to do some trial and error before she finally understood how to properly behave. For the...most part.

    Information through word of mouth, and a few clues carelessly left behind by Syd herself, got Tenten to the Underground City. She was unaware that it was the headquarters of a resistance that was plotting against the Phoenix King. During her visit, she gained knowledge of Syd's whereabouts and what exactly was involved with this cause. She learned of the tragedies that have gone on outside of her peaceful life in the swamp. The exchange of stories made a mix of empathy and sympathy swell in Tenten's heart.

    Syd was once involved with the Rising, but is now being contained as a prisoner where she can't endanger anyone. She wasn't good at following instructions, her skills weren't as sharp as she talked them up to be, and she kept getting caught in her illegal acts. The young girl's foolishness got her into a dead end, something that Tenten wasn't at all surprised to hear of. As much as she missed her daughter, she would prefer her to stay where she was. It meant she would be safe. Most importantly, it meant she'd learn a thing or two about being a rebellious little monster.

    Since she wasn't going to pursue her child's freedom just yet, she agreed to dedicate her time to the Rising. She eventually found where she could fit in, filled with determination to help her allies in every way possible. Mostly, the children were on her mind. The idea that she could help make the world a happier, brighter place for them is all the inspiration she needs.

Unfinished Characters

  • pyro-jpg.58027

    [Gender: Male| Age: 32 | Nationality: Fire Nation]

    Name: Sen Zeshin

    Personality description:

    "I'm not sure what I am. I just know there's something dark in me. I hide it. I certainly don't talk about it, but it's there always, this Dark Passenger. And when he's driving, I feel alive, half sick with the thrill of complete wrongness. I don't fight him, I don't want to. He's all I've got. Nothing else could love me, not even... especially not me. Or is that just a lie the Dark Passenger tells me? Because lately there are these moments when I feel connected to something else... someone. It's like the mask is slipping and things... people... who never mattered before are suddenly starting to matter. It scares the hell out of me."

    Zeshin is a quiet, and serious man. Basic human interactions, are hard to understand for him, but he had learned to fake them very well. His ability to pretend as a normal human, had led him to the high and respected position of an Admiral in the Fire Nation navy respected by all of his soldiers. Although he acts normal most of the time, people say that in the midst of battle he completely transforms, having sudden rushes of madness and completely losing control over his actions, state in which he slaughters his enemies without a second thought.



    Zeshin have been studying and practicing firebending since he was 9 years old, first he was taught by his Father and later assigned to one of the most elite firebending academies in the Fire Nation. He spend most of his life, honing his firebending skills, and trying to achieve new heights in the art. Although his firebending isn't in any way beautiful, every master would agree that it's extremely powerful and sharp. After 20 years of training, he could do any orthodox firebending technique known to man, and is considered a great and powerful master by anyone who ever saw his art in action.

    Blue Firebending

    [work in progress]

    Intelligence and Strategic Mind

    During his academic days Zeshin didn't shine with his firebending as much as he did with another trait, much more important to the military than the bending, his intelligence and strategic prowess. He was believed to be the one with the most success in the military once he graduates. Although he didn't like games of the mind like Pai sho, when he wasnt practicing his firebending, he spend most of his time over the strategist table, where he was playing wargames invented both by himself and his teachers. In his late years of the Fire Nation Military Academy, nobody could challenge him, no matter what the game, he could beat anyone in the school, even his teachers.

    The out of mind experience

    The ouf of mind experience (as Zeshin himself describes it) is a state in which he is at his absolute best, and absolute worst. During the time in which it occurs, he is completely overtaken by madness and bloodlust, his instincts are at their highest but he doesn't have a real control over what he does, although he can stop it if he really tries, he chooses not to, because he had found out that it satisfies a hunger, that cant be relieved in any other way. He has learned to tame the hunger for long times, using meditation, but during battle he chooses to release his demonic side, and satisfy the need to kill. Enemies and allies alike, feel great unease in his presence while he is in this state. Many foes have chosen to run away or even take their own lives, rather than becoming his prey.

    Relations & Relationships
    Sen Kyoto - father(deceased)
    Sen Atsuko - mother
    Sen Zeshin - grandfather(deceased)
    Kamogawa Khan - best friend, "brother", prey
    Kyazaki Yao - firebending master, master at the Bluefire Academy
    Captain Djin - first man, mentor
    Around 500 soldiers and officers from Navy Division 7, containing 14 ships.


    Zeshin was born in a family with a strong military lineage. His family line predates even Fire Lord Zouzin, and all of his predecessors were well respected officers. His father was one of the most prominent Fire Nation Captains, and his grandfather was a legendary general, who led one of the biggest divisions during the siege of Ba Sing Se, his soldiers were one of the first to enter the impregnable city with the lead of the Avatar.

    With this kind of lineage Zeshin's future was determined from the first time he gazed light. His first memories were of his grandfathers military stories, and since he was able to read, he started to study military strategy and tactics. While the most of what he studied was Fire Nation military tactics, he was fascinated by the small amount of Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom war strategy he could find. Until this day he haven't stopped researching as much as he could. From young age he admired fire lord Azulan, and his battle plan for taking Ba Sing Se. He grew up gathering as much knowledge of the great generals of the past, and their ways in combat, as he could find.

    At the age of 9, when he could produce any promising amount of fire, he was put through his fathers strict and harsh training. His father wanted him to become the best firebender he could. Without thinking about any damage he could cause in the process his father was putting him through a hellish training everyday.

    At age of 12 when he was finally of age for a firebending academy, he was assigned to an academy that was famous for its strict dogma, and practice of the old ways of firebending, where he was supposed to learn how to be the best Fire Nation Soldier as he could. The academy he was put in was The Bluefire Academy. The main goal of the academy was to produce a firebender who could master the forgotten art of Blue Fire. For the public the academy was a prestigious school for young firebenders. But the darkness that was within, changed Zeshins life forever.

    During his first year in the academy Zeshin met his first friend. A young boy from a small family of a common soldier. His father had died in a small operation in the seas of the fire nation, fighting pirates. The boy was cheerful and full of energy. They became really close. The hopes of the Bluefire Master were very high for Zeshin but because during his first 2 years, he didn't make any big progress, they thought that his friendship is holding him back. The Master arranged a duel between Zeshin and his friend, where he told him to go all out, even cripple the boy if needed. Zeshin won convincingly, leaving no chance to his opponent, but he didn't follow the orders of his master. In the next morning the boy had disappeared. Zeshin was told that he left the academy, but he knew the truth, his friend was probably dead.

    The thought that he might be responsible for his only friends dead, was following him for the next 3 years of the academy, impregnating darkness in his hearth, darkness that led to countless sleepless nights. Combined with the hellish training that the master was putting him through, and punishing him heavily every time he couldn't complete a task or exercise, the darkness started to grow, reminding him of the unfair training his father was making him do every day although he was just a child. Soon enough the darkness have consumed him completely, and he was scarred, he felt a cocktail of emotions he couldn't understand, and one desire that he was terrified of, the desire to kill, the desire to kill his master, the desire to kill everyone at the academy who didn't wanted to be his friends because they were scared of him, the desire to kill his father. He was the hopeful of his generation of students, he was progressing faster than he ever did before, but he didn't feel happy.

    When he was 16, his father died, there was a big rebellion from the Phoenix Kingdom citizens, the biggest one until now, and his father was summoned to assist in the suppression. An earthbender managed to crush his leg and ultimately kill him. When Zeshin went to his own fathers funeral, he didn't feel anything, for the first time any emotion had left him, he was looking at his fathers own body, bruised and deformed, with missing foot, and didn't feel anything. He wasn't happy, nor he was sad. That's when he finally realized that the darkness will never leave him. That if he wants to continue his life, he has to learn to live at peace with his darkness, to control it, and make it a weapon. The hopes of the Bluefire academy to make him the perfect fire nation soldier, were finally realized. But he still couldn't produce blue fire.

    At 18 years old he left the Bluefire Academy, still not able to bend blue fire. He was the hope of his generation, and now he was the failure of his generation. His next stop would be the Fire Nation Military Academy, where he would get ready for his life as a soldier. Every other feeling left him, but he still could feel his pride for being a Fire Nation, he still wanted to live and die for his nation.

    He quickly became one of the best students in the academy, his knowledge of military strategy, combined with his intelligence and cunning put him at the top of all studies. In the academy he discovered his new fascination - War games. War games were, games played on the strategist board, recreating battles, and putting two tacticians in a battle of risk and domination. Zeshin was incredibly good at them, almost no student in the entire academy could challenge him. According to all of his teachers he was heading towards a bright military future, proving his name. During his first year of the academy, Zeshin put his firebending studies on the background, he was preoccupied with becoming a great leader and tactician. He thought that he didn't need the firebending, he had failed in his desire to master blue flames, and perhaps it was too late for him to keep trying. Other study Zeshin was enjoying a lot, was his meditation and spiritual studies, he could finally calm his mind and tame his darkness for a while, he knew that he won't be able to get rid of it, but he thought he will be able to conceal it, and even control it.

    During his second year, just when he was close to driving himself to the peace he so strongly desired, something that would change his life happened. A young boy, from a noble family, bended blue fire. The boy was in his second year of the Bluefire Academy and he managed to to what Zeshin couldn't do for six. For the first time in a long period Zeshin felt anger, he thought he had lost that emotion, but now it was stronger than ever. He quickly wanted to meet the boy, he wanted to prove to himself and everybody else that the blue fire is meaningless, that it doesn't make you stronger. He went to the academy, to meet the prodigy, and challenged him to an Agni Kai. His opponent was fierce, he used his fire in a beautiful way, almost like it was an extension to his body, but his lack of experience, finally became apparent, and Zeshin defeated him. He went back to the academy with the feeling that he had proven himself. He was the stronger one. Or so he thought.

    Year later, the young firebending prodigy, "the master of the blue flames", was accepted into the military academy, 2 years earlier than he was supposed to. And the first thing he did was find Zeshin and challenge him to another Agni Kai. Zeshin accepted without hesitation, thinking that, even if the opponent became stronger, he had grown too. This time he was crushed, the boy was so much stronger, like he had trained for several years, not just one year. But instead of ridiculing the person he just defeated, he offered him a friendship. The prodigys name was Kamogawa Khan.

    Although Zeshin didn't like Khan at first, his insistence, finally broke the trust issues, and they became friends. Not only any friends, Zeshin grew closer to Khan than he ever did to any other person in his life. He called Khan his brother. But one thought never left him during their time together, he was jealous, jealous of Khans abilities as a firebender. Khan had accomplished the one thing Zeshin wanted the most. Even though he didn't realized at the time, Zeshins darkness grew stronger by his jealousy, controlling it was even harder. Although Khan was a prodigious firebender, he was always second to Zeshin in any other study, his ability in War games was high but it was never enough to beat his brother. On the other side Zeshin was never able to defeat him in a firebending battle. As their friendship strengthened, the more the grip of Zeshins darkness loosened. For the first time in years he felt affection towards another human being. For the first time he felt like he can be normal again. Although he knew that his darkness would follow him forever, for the first time he thought it could be tamed.

    Once he felt like he can't control his darkened heart and mind, Zeshin tried to meditate on it, try to bend the darkness within himself, try to control it, and use it. Perhaps that was the reason he couldn't bend the blue fire before, he couldn't take control of the darkness, he couldn't channel it, and use it as a weapon. As the meditation became more intense, he started having visions. Visions of other dimension he thought. He was seeing a comet, splitting the skies, flying with an amazing power. He could feel something, he could feel the energy that this comet was containing. The more he meditated on his darkness, the more clear the visions were becoming, but he felt more disconnected from his physical form. His own darkness was consuming him, but the power of the comet was so tempting, he felt like it promises him a power that he would've never imagined having. Soon he felt like his whole being is turning into a trinity of power - His Spirit+His Darkness+The Comet. He felt like he could draw power from it, but he was losing himself in the process.

    In one of his more intense meditation sessions, he was lost into the visions of the comet, for almost 4 days, he forgot about the outside world, and his physical body was slowly losing its life. That's when Khan found him, worried about him. It took Khan a long time before he could snap his brother out of it, when he finally did, Zenshin was feeling eerie, like he lost a big chunk of his life. During his recovery, for days, when he closed his eyes he could see the comet. His darkness almost consumed his entirety, but a ray of light was there, to stop him from going completely insane, to stop him losing his life. That ray of light was his friend Khan.

    After his recovery, he could still feel the power of the comet he was seeing. He stopped doing the meditation sessions, because he feared that they would ultimately kill him. But he felt a strange power inside of him, one that he never felt before, one which nature was unknown to him. The Zouzins comet was a legend told by old and young firebenders alike. Legend of a comet that augments the power of any firebender. During the time of its arrival, firebenders experience a huge boost in power. Was it possible that he was seeing this comet? And he was drawing power from it ? He never confirmed that, but at the age of 23, he finally bended his first blue fire. He wasn't happy, perhaps the darkness was too strong for him to feel any happiness, or the comet was telling him it was only natural that he would do it. But now he had stronger spiritual connection with his own demons than ever.

    When Zenshin was about to graduate the academy, at age of 24, the academy was visited by General Iroh, scouting for new talents, he had heard about Zenshin, and his incredible tactical mind. Zenshin admired the general, and had studied many of his battles, so he wanted to meet him. They had a long conversation, and played a few War games designed by Zenshin himself. He defeated the general in all of them. Iroh was impressed with the talent that was sitting before him, so he offered him a low officer position in a division of the Fire Nation army of his choice, once he graduates. Zeshin chose the Navy, the one that he thought it had the biggest tactics and logistics of all.

    After 4 months Zeshin finally graduated from the Fire Nation Millitary Academy, he had done anything he ever wanted in life, but he paid the prize tenfold. Finally a master of the blue fire, becoming part of the Fire Nation Navy, and ready to do his duty for his nation, he had no regrets, his jealousy of Khan had disappeared, and their connection was stronger then ever. But it was the time they finally split up. They split up with the promise that they'll meet again as highly ranked Fire Nation Soldiers. Zeshin went on, not only keeping his promise, but he became one of the youngest people to ever become an Admiral, his prowess in logistics and strategy, had proven useful in countless operations against pirates and pillagers in the Fire Nation seas.

    Six years after they split up, Khan finally called for Zeshin. He wanted to talk to him for something very important that he "had been holding up for very long". Once they met Khan told him that he is going to leave the army. He told him that he was tired of the Fire Nations and Phoenix Kingdoms oppression, and that he will use his abilities to help the people. It was a shock to Zeshin, his own best friend, his own brother, with whom he swore that he will live and die for the Fire Nation, was talking such a non-sense. The only person that kept him from destroying himself was now going to fight his own nation, he was going to fight Zeshin himself. He was crushed and disappointed, but this didn't stop him from reacting fast and trying to arrest the traitor. He engaged in the first fight he had with Khan in years, he had forgotten how strong Khan was, he had forgotten about the monster he is facing. And he was destroyed, Khan was stronger than ever, and his determination was real, he fought to kill. But in the end he didn't finish the job. He left his brother lying on the ground, and ran away. Khan was a traitor now. It would've been easier if he didn't tell Zeshin about his plan, but he did, and now he was a prey for the Fire nation. And Zeshin couldn't forgive his brothers betrayal. He was going to be the hunter.
Deceased Characters

  • OkitaSoujifull817501.jpg

    [Male | 16 | Nomad (fugitive)| Airbender]

    Krane Elba is a confident and intelligent young airbender that was originally from the Fire Nation. Harped on for his attention to the physical beauty of the opposite gender and his inability to focus on the enlightenment of air, Krane never could quite follow the traditional methods of airbending. He didn't share their mentality, either. He loved the finer aspects of palace life, the influence he had due to his connections, but most of all, he found a personal amount of enthrallment by none other than Princess Azula herself. While she was undoubtedly manipulative and malicious at times, Krane spent his childhood with her and was able not only to outperform her in several fields, but was capable of easing her down from her moments of manic insanity.

    It was actually this influence over her in combination with his beliefs that caused him to become a fugitive. Krane is intelligent, easily on the level of the prodigious Azula, but he was not completely enamored by the life he lived. He enjoyed it, but he could see how the Fire Nation prospered off the toils of the Earth Kingdom and efforts of the Southern Water Tribe, even if the latter benefited as well. He believed that everyone should be able to live like them or at least live on a closer level. Upon sharing these ideals with Azula whom shared them with Lu Ten, Krane was ultimately attempted to be arrested. He fled for his life, leaving the Fire Nation and now firmly believing in their corruption.

    Krane has a unique variant of airbending developed by training alongside firebenders for a majority of his life, most notably Azula. Krane is quite capable with the airbending basics, but his most notable skills come from compression. Krane was able to replicate master-level firebending techniques through Airbending, most specifically jet propulsion and pressurized fire streams. Creating these techniques and mastering them himself, Krane has a unique fighting style using compressed air. His 'air beams' can slash through trees and solid rock. If charged into a ball, then shot as stream, they can even penetrate rock, metal and ice. Additionally, Krane can augment his own speed and force to amplify his regular techniques greatly with pressurized air and even isolate all damage to one point. This technique is further proven in his ability to create air slashes with a sword, techniques that the weaponless airbending masters would have never considered. Although he is far from a master, his destructive force may be on par with one. Krane once boasted to have developed the first advanced airbending techniques since former Avatar Aang nearly a hundred years prior.

    Karen Elba is his mother, and takes care of his siblings. Estranged.
    Tolaf Elba is his father, and serves as a secretary to Iroh. Estranged.
    Princess Azula was once a close friend and arguably a romantic interest.
    Prince Zuko found himself jealous of Krane for his skill and Azula's admiration.
    Lu Ten has a deep disdain of Krane, as he is a liability from a militant perspective.

    Krane is a third-generation airbender born in the Fire Nation. He spent almost all of his young life in the Little Air Temple within the Fire Nation Capitol, and for eight years was thought to be the only child his parents would have. The Elba family had served the Fire Lord since Ozai ruled, and was kept around faithfully by Iroh whom even moved them closer to the palace and allowed them more important duties. It made sense that the oldest son of the Elba family, Krane, would become a friend of even the Prince and Princess, albeit Zuko was far less enthralled by him than his sister. Zuko was a proud firebender, albeit not an expressively good one, thus an airbender hardly interested him. It remained that way until recent years when Krane and Azula became prodigious in their respective bending styles and particularly close. At that point, Zuko had became jealous of Krane as he almost always had the attention of his sister, whom only gave him attention to prove her superiority or torture him.

    Krane spent his youth playing with and training alongside Zuko and Azula. Trained by their older cousin, Lu Ten, both were pushed through hard, diligent training. Krane spent his time training within the Little Air Temple, but he spent almost as much time learning about firebending and being subjected to the same training Lu Ten put his royal cousins through. Iroh himself saw no harm in this. Educating the allies of the Fire Lord in firebending, in his opinion, would only prove to strengthen the bonds between the two as the styles provided a deep understanding of their culture. Although not a firebender, Krane understood how firebending worked as a martial art and as a bending style due to this, and attained the admiration of Azula due to his perfect execution of techniques despite the obvious lack of fire. Lu Ten also became increasingly aware of Krane and his relationship with Azula over the years.

    As those same years past, Krane took up duties within the city and gained an understanding of the internal affairs, realizing Azula and Zuko were quite ignorant to how the city was actually ran. He was incredibly close to Azula by this point; they spent a significant amount of their spare time together. So close, in fact, that they sparred intensely and both revealed their more advanced techniques, and even learned to fight against them. Azula could use her agility and knew to keep close to Krane while Krane developed a technique to ionize air to derail Lightning. They complimented each other well, and Krane generally only won due to his age. It could be speculated there would have been a blooming romance or there in fact was one at this point. One so much that Krane thought he could confide his feelings about the Fire Nation to Azula. Azula, however, hardly understood this and expressed her questions to Lu Ten.

    Lu Ten was enraged by these questions and the audacity of the young airbender. Lu Ten caught Krane unaware, arresting him for treason and intending to take him to Iroh himself to see what would need done. Azula, frantic in fear for Krane, turned on Lu Ten, disabling him with a bolt of lightning. It wouldn't matter. Krane was a wanted individual now and Azula had assaulted Lu Ten. This type of internal dispute would be solved simply by eliminating the problem. On that day, Krane ran. He fled the Capitol, he fled the nation and he became a fugitive. He didn't say goodbye to his parents. He didn't get watch his younger brother, Seru, or his younger sister, Tali, grow up. His old life was over. After his chase and a year of soul searching, Krane joined the Rising through Uquo himself. One might say Uquolaan reached out to him. The information that Krane possessed and familiarity with the Fire Nation made him an especially useful asset, as well as his airbending techniques. Krane has spent the last year of his life assisting Uquo with the resistance, and contemplating what he left behind.

Chi and Bending

Quick Introduction to Bending All of Avatar and bending as we know it essentially revolves around Chi and Chakras, ie the network of spiritual and physical energy in Avatar. Chi itself is the metaphysical energy of the Avatar world; Chi is the energy referred to in energybending and is the force from which all bending is made possible. Thus, when it comes to bending, the rules I have made are either to strengthen the importance of the concept of chi, ehance spirituality and give value to the chakras - or simply because I believe the mechanic is necessary to maintain a healthy roleplay. I do not require an understanding of chi or chakras for anyone to roleplay here, but I will be making my choices based on my understanding of them. Unlike the other parts of this roleplay, there isn't really meant to be a narrative here. I'm going to explain the rules, briefly explain why I have them, then move on. It is an important note that I'm not going to list out every bending form or technique, merely explain how I categorize them.

Energybending and Bloodbending are the only two forms of bending I strictly do now allow. Of course, I believe it is important to give everyone a chance, so if someone impresses me and earns my trust, there is a sliver of hope here for those that truly desire either one of these. However, I've already denied both several times, had people leave the roleplay due to my almost-immediate denial of them and even denied them to friends and confidants. In short, I suggest not wasting time in attempting to acquire these.

In short, no.

Metalbending is a slight exception to the upcoming Advanced Bending Forms. Metalbending has yet to be invented, Toph doesn't exist and it would take an incredible feat to get it from me. I'm still brainstorming ways to have it created that doesn't feel like a cheat or a work around. With that said, I really want to find a genuine and innovative way to reintroduce it if I do.

In short, in the future, but not now.

Advanced Bending Forms Are allowed, and are mediated by me. These include lightningbending, sandbending, icebending, so on and so forth. I believe all advanced bending forms are related to unique traits to the chakra and chi of their user, thus I do not allow multiple bending forms. For example, a lavabender cannot metalbend as it is my interpretation of Avatar mythos that the reason for advanced bending is an specialized chakra system. An example of this would be the Explosion Man, whose ability was described as channeling his "sea of chi" from his stomach and redirect it through his "light path" on his forehead. This is complex and unique technique of bending, and I believe that it is an example of how more natural advanced bending styles work. That said, the rule here is that to have an advanced bending style, you must justify it in such a way a believable difference in a character can be seen and you may only ever have one on a character.

In short, to these are available, but require a good CS and you may only use oneper character.

Advanced Bending Techniques Are also allowed, and I consider them separate from actual forms. Although I used the Combustion Man as an example in my former explanation, I did so only to highlight how specific his change in chi and chakra was to achieve the end result. Technically, any firebender could achieve the same result with the proper chi flow, tattoo and training, but at the cost of skill to their regular bending (the only two known users weren't seen greatly using firebending, if really at all). That said, the difference between a form and technique is that any skilled bender can learn a technique, but require intensive training to be good at it. This includes seismic sensing, combustion, healing, lightning redirection (not lightningbending, which I consider a form) and spirtbending. Although there could arguably be more, these are the examples I am giving. The rule here is that these require skill and practice, thus are directly influenced by said traits in a character. Some come with a drawback, combustion being a prime example.

In short, several techniques are available, but require talent and/or intense training.

Chi Blocking Is essentially an advanced technique for nonbenders. Chi Blocking requires an immense knowledge of the chi system and chakra paths. Whether it is used for acupuncture, botany or as a fighting style, Chi Blocking essentially requires the same knowledge, albeit practiced in different ways. To that extent, not all that manipulates Chi may be Chi Blocking per se, but will still fall into this category.

In short, Chi Blocking is rare and requires an IC trainer.

Aside from the Five Golden Rules, a standard I set in all of my roleplays, the rules for this roleplay are simple: use standard etiquette, keep in mind I focus on the narrative and story above individual characters and the general rules against powerplay, Godmodding, metagaming, etc. Things I really don't think I should have to state as "rules" but apparently do. Regardless, if you're going to take a leave of absence, tell someone - preferably your respective Creative Advocate. Lastly, I'm going to list this as a rule only to put emphasis on it, the system I use for bending in this roleplay is a firm and detailed understanding of chi and chakra from canon Avatar. That said, there will be no dual bending or anything of the like; that is not what this brand of roleplay is for.

A note about sexual conduct in the roleplay: we use a fade-to-black policy. I hopefully can trust the discretion of the roleplayers here, but the standard is to act with tact. Also, the rules of Iwaku do apply here, including those of teen and adult interaction. If you really want to "enjoy" your characters in such a Libertine fashion, please do so in PM.

The Five Golden Rules
#1 The Null Rhetoric Clause | Metaphors, similes, analogies and other figures of speech used in any description made by a roleplayer are not considered 'true' and can be contested and/or debunked by a Moderator or two-thirds vote of the present player roster. This applies to any background, history or description of an item, character or event not made by Staff.

- In short, no amount of clever wording or witty interpretation will result in an effect that cannot be overruled.

#2 The Interpretation Clause | Metaphors, similes, analogies and other figures of speech as well as general descriptions may be interpreted by a GM or other Staff differently and executed to different degrees. This rule is an extension of the first in fully describing what can be held true and to what degree in terms of player-generated content.

- In short, a GM or Creative Advocate can pick and choose which parts of that 'witty wording' is allowed, when and to what degree.

#3 The Rite of Creative Domain | Anything created by the players for the setting, or for their characters, is subject to use and subjugation by the Staff. This does not apply to specific characters or items, but it does apply to anything not approved into the setting and used as descriptors for their characters, items, or events, such as NPCs.

- In short, if you created a vague background, series of historical events, set of items or anything of the like, the Staff may use or edit at any time - as long as it does not, at that time, directly interfere with an approved player-character.

#4 The Rite of Retroactive Continuity | The staff/moderators have the privilege of going back and changing any aspect of this roleplay, including characters, events and even dialogue which have happened and/or were not created by /and/ subsequently accepted by Staff; anything that was accepted will require approval from its creator.

- In short, the Staff can edit anything created by Staff and anything that was 'indirectly' accepted into the roleplay. However, anything directly accepted as well as created by a player will requite consult.

#5 The Rite of Proactive Continuity | The staff/moderators have the right to end a plot arc at any time resulting in a time skip. These timeskips are subject to whatever additions, plot events, dialogue, decisions, so on and so forth that are required or saw fit.

- In short, the Staff can end an arc and skip it to whatever effects they like at any time they want.
Character Sheet Template


[b][Gender | Age | Nationality][/b][/center]

[b]Name[/b] is a quirky youth from the province. (Provide a personality description with a bold name and a short summary. One-to-three paragraphs will suffice.)


[indent]List any and all notable skills, bending or characteristics.[/indent]

[b]Relations & Relationships[/b]

[indent]List any and all family ties and notable relationships, be them with other player characters or NPC's.[/indent]

[Optional themesong]


[indent]Your biggest chance to either impress me or bore me. I favor depth executed in succinct paragraphs. Preferably around five for an "intermediate" history, ten for an "adept" and anything on is personal preference.[/indent]


[indent]Because I'm sure I missed something.[/indent]
Altered Timeline
Before the Era of Raava (before c.19,855 BPK)
- Tui and La manifest in the physical world, assuming mortal forms as koi fish.
- The Mother of Faces gives birth to Koh, the Face Stealer; however, they later become separated.
- Vaatu breaks through the barriers that separate humans and spirits, allowing both to travel between the spirit and mortal worlds.

Era of Raava (c.19,855 BG — c. 9,855 BPK)
c.19,855 BG — Era of Raava
- Raava, the spirit of light and peace, duels with her counterpart, Vaatu, the spirit of darkness and chaos. The first known Harmonic Convergence occurs.

9,876 BPK — Year of the Dragon
- Wan is born.

9,874 BPK — Year of the Horse
- Jaya is born.

Unknown date before c. 9,859 BPK
- Humans begin to build their cities on the shells of lion turtles to protect themselves from the dangers of the Spirit Wilds. Whenever the people have to venture into the wilds to collect food, the lion turtles bestowed upon the hunters the ability to control one of the elements either being fire, air, water, or earth.

c. 9,858 BPK — Year of the Dog
- Wan steals the element of fire from a lion turtle to incite rebellion and steal food from the Chou family.
- Wan is banished into the Spirit Wilds.
- Wan befriended the spirits and learned the Dancing Dragon firebending form.

c. 9,856 BPK — Year of the Rat
- Wan severs the link connecting Raava and Vaatu, in the process releasing chaos into the world.
- Wan and Raava begin their journey together to master the other elements.

c. 9,855 BG — Year of the Ox
- A large group of firebending settlers, led by Jaya, are killed by dark spirits during the battle in the Spirit Wilds.
- The second known Harmonic Convergence occurs.
- Wan and Raava become permanently bonded, making Wan the first Avatar.
- Wan defeats and locks away Vaatu in an elemental barrier in the hollow of the Tree of Time.
- Wan separates the two realms by sealing the two spirit portals located in the North and South Poles.

First Age of the Avatar (c. 9,829 BG —)
Before war (c. 9,835 BPK — 26 BPK)

Unknown date before 371 BG
- In the advent of the Avatar, the lion turtles collectively decided that their task as protectors of mankind was done and that they would no longer grant any more bending powers.
- The humans begin to wage war against each other, forcing Wan to intervene in order to maintain peace. His efforts, however, are of little success. The violent conflicts continue until his death and beyond. The next Avatar is born into the cycle after Wan's death.
- Wan Shi Tong brings his library from the Spirit World into the physical world.
- The four bending arts are proliferated across humanity, giving way to the establishment of the four nations.
- Humanity splits into the four nations, each divided by the respective elements. The Air Nomads learn the art of airbending from the flying bison, the Earth Kingdom learn the art of earthbending from the badgermoles (Oma and Shu being the first known humans to earthbend), the Sun Warriors learn the art of firebending from the dragons, and the Water Tribes learn the art of waterbending by observing the pull of the moon on the ocean tides.
- A group of waterbenders from the Northern Water Tribe construct a large city out of ice in order to unite the various tribes inhabiting the North Pole region.
Following a civil unrest, the Water Tribe —which was originally centered around the North Pole— splits into two groups: one stayed at the North Pole, while the other group went out to settle the South Pole. Relations with their sister tribe were later healed, and the two tribes would gather together at annual New Moon celebrations.
- A large group of waterbenders from the Southern Water Tribe, who are wandering through the Earth Kingdom, discover the Foggy Swamp and, comfortable with the large amount of water there, decide to stay, forming the Foggy Swamp Tribe. The Southern Water Tribe never learns of this offshoot and the Foggy Swamp Tribe itself later forgets its own origins.
- The Sun Warriors gradually fade into obscurity as their civilization declines, leaving many ruins across their island archipelago. The Sun Warriors are believed to have gone extinct, though in reality a handful hiding in the ruins would continue their culture for centuries. The art of firebending, however, was passed on to the other inhabitants of the islands. These would gradually coalesce into the "Fire Nation" Originally the Fire Nation was a spiritual people ruled by Fire Sages, much as the Air Nomads were led by their monks. Over time, however, one sage rose to prominence above the others, ruling the Fire Nation as a sovereign, and the office became hereditary, beginning the line of Fire Lords.
- The vast Earth Kingdom is gradually united under the political authority of the city-state of Ba Sing Se. The King of Ba Sing Se becomes Earth King, overlord of all of the smaller kingdoms within the Earth Kingdom, some of which retain their own hereditary lordship.
- Avatar Yangchen of the Air Nomads is born in the Western Air Temple, after the death of her predecessor. Her reign as Avatar is a peaceful one, due to her fierce dedication to keeping balance and serving the world. She dies around 371 BPK, and Avatar Kuruk is born in the Northern Water Tribe.
- Avatar Kuruk tries to kill Koh, the Face Stealer, as revenge for stealing the face of his fiancée Ummi. This event is confusing to place chronologically, as if Koh's description of the event is taken literally, it would have happened c. 800-700 BPK, over three hundred years before Kuruk's death.

c. 3,845 BPK
- The airbending Guru Laghima achieves weightlessness, and lives his final forty years without touching the ground.

338 BPK — Year of the Dragon
- Avatar Kuruk dies; Avatar Kyoshi of the Earth Kingdom is born.

c. 306 BPK — Year of the Dog
- Avatar Kyoshi kills the warlord Chin and founds Kyoshi Island; the War of Chin the Conqueror ends with the victory of the Earth Kingdom government. The 46th Earth King restores his reign over the whole Earth Kingdom, though civil unrest begins to spread on the continent. The day of Chin's death is remembered as Avatar Day in Chin Village and Kyoshi Day on Kyoshi Island.
- Sometime after this event, a peasant uprising in Ba Sing Se spurs Kyoshi to create the Dai Li. In the process, the Earth Kingdom is turned into a constitutional monarchy.

108 BPK — Year of the Horse
- Avatar Kyoshi dies at age 230; Avatar Roku of the Fire Nation is born.
- Fire Lord Sozin is born the same day as Roku.

92 BPK — Year of the Dog
- Avatar Roku is confirmed as Avatar at his sixteenth birthday, and leaves the Fire Nation to master the elements.

c. 84 BPK — Year of the Horse
- Fire Lord Sozin ascends the throne, following the death of his father.

81 BPK — Year of the Rooster
- Avatar Roku destroys the Fire Temple on the winter solstice while stuck in the Avatar State during his training.

80 BPK — Year of the Dog
Avatar Roku returns to the Fire Nation after twelve years of travel and marries Ta Min, a noblewoman from the Capital.

76 BPK — Year of the Tiger
- Guru Pathik is born.

59 BPK — Year of the Rabbit
Avatar Roku discovers the first Fire Nation colonies in the Earth Kingdom and confronts Fire Lord Sozin. Roku and Sozin engage in battle, resulting in Roku destroying part of the Fire Nation Royal Palace.

34 BPK — Year of the Dragon
Avatar Roku is killed while fighting a volcanic eruption at age seventy; Avatar Aang of the Air Nomads is born.

before c. 24 — 25 BPK
Aang receives his tattoos after inventing the air scooter technique, making him the youngest airbending master in recorded history.

c. 24— 25 BPK
- Aang and his eccentric childhood friend Bumi would slide down the Omashu delivery system for fun.
- Aang played with his friend Kuzon in the Fire Nation

(26 BPK - 0 APK War Years)

26 BPK | 0 BG
- Avatar Aang is confirmed as Avatar at the age of twelve, four years earlier than normal, because the monks were fearful of a possible war. The monks decided to send Aang to the Eastern Air Temple to continue his training. Distraught and confused by his destiny, he flees from the Southern Air Temple with his flying bison, Appa. Upon getting caught in a storm and being pulled underwater, drowning tragically and being found later by search parties from the Eastern Air Temple.
- Fire Lord Sozin begins his war on the other nations. He uses the power of a comet, later renamed Sozin's Comet in his honor, to launch a genocidal attack on the Air Nomads. Instead, he is informed it is "proven" the Avatar is dead and the remaining Airbenders are relocated, then forcefully detained in the Southern Air Temple, which is now essentially a large prison complex.
- c. Avatar Kiareu of the Southern Water Tribe is born.
- c. The city of Taku is destroyed by the Fire Nation.
- Azulon of the Fire Nation is born.
- The Southern Water Tribe is forced to surrender due to the power of the Fire Nation while using Sozin's comet. All waterbenders are either captured or executed, although the newborn Avatar Kiareu is overlooked.

13 BPK
- Fire Lord Sozin finds and commences the training of Avatar Kiareu, assuring she would not follow the same path as his former friend, Avatar Roku.

- Fire Lord Sozin dies at age 102; Fire Lord Azulon ascends the throne.

- Fire Lord Azulon forces a more reckless, time-pressed advance on the Earth Kingdom, including severing its ties with the Northern Water Tribe.
-Fire Lord Azulon successfully stops all import and export from Ba Sing Se and begins his march on other Earth Kingdom and territory (as well as Water Tribe camps.)
- Fire Lord Azulon and Avatar Kiareu successfully take over Ba Sing Se and execute the Earth King, ending the reign of the Earth Monarch.

- Fire Lord Azulon and Avatar Kiareu successfully breech the frozen walls of the Northern Water Tribe
- The Northern Water tribe agrees to surrender to the Fire Nation after the initial raids on their tribe.
- Pakku, considered the world's greatest Waterbender, is killed. Kanna never leaves the Northern Water Tribe as her grief manifested in her new desire to preserve the culture she hated.
- The Fire Nation creates the Treaty of the Phoenix, signed by the Air Nation, Earth Kingdom General (former Head of the Dai Li), Southern Water Tribe and now Northern Water Tribe
- The Treaty of the Phoenix ushers in the Age of the Phoenix King

16 APK
- Phoenix King Azulon released the detained Airbenders from the Southern Air Temple and in an attempt to integrate them back into society (and somewhat as an apology for the forty-years of detainment creates new jobs and titles for the cooperative Airbenders.

24 APK
- The Fourth Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se is finished and considerations for rewarding the Watertribe Colonies that assisted go underway. Ba Sing Se has become a beacon of prosperity as well as an reminder of the indestructible Phoenix Kingdom.

26 APK
- Phoenix King Azulon binds together the Water Tribe colonies in the Earth Kingdom to create their own territory. He grants them rights, titles and other treatment using the model created by the Air Nation restructure, which was found an effective tool for diffusing animosity among nations.

34 APK
Arnook, future Chief of the Northern Water Tribe, is born. He is the first chief born during the Age of the Phoenix King.

69 APK
- Mai of the Fire Nation is born to a Fire Nation nobleman and his wife.
- Princess Azula is born to Prince Ozai and Princess Ursa.
- Ty Lee and her six identical sisters are born into a noble Fire Nation family.

78 APK
Princess Yue is born to Chief Arnook of the Northern Water Tribe and his wife. A sickly infant, Yue is healed by the Moon Spirit, Tui, by having some of its life spirit infused within her.

79 APK
- Princess Ursa conspires with Fire Lord Ozai to kill Phoenix King Azulon in order to save Zuko and make Ozai Phoenix King. With Azulon's passing at age ninety-five, Ozai succeeds him as Phoenix King and Ursa is banished from the Fire Nation.
- Prince Zuko becomes Heir to the throne of the Fire Nation with his uncle, Iroh, as Fire Lord regent

82 APK
- Avatar Kiareu dies at age 98. Her death is kept secret from the public by Phoenix King Ozai. Not even his brother or son know
- The new Avatar is born in the Earth Kingdom... somewhere..

84 APK
- Knowledge of the death of Avatar Kiareu is leaked to the Rising and the roleplay begins.

- Because the Air Nation was spared, there was obviously no mass genocide in this universe.
- Because Sozin essentially conquered the Southern Water Tribe with the use of Sozin's Comet in this universe, Azulon was never accredited with incredible tactician due to what would have been his chief accomplishment.
- Because Fire Lord Azulon is now accredited with the fall of Ba Sing Se as his chief accomplishment as a tactician, General Iroh was never considered the brilliant tactician of his generation. Additionally, Lu Ten never died, thus never pushing Iroh to become highly-spiritual or have an immense change of heart.
- Because Ozai ascended to the throne too early for Zuko to take the throne (or Azula), General Iroh was made Fire Lord regent. General Iroh has made dragon-hunting a sport with Lu Ten, as his history and persona are significantly different now and Sozin was too busy to encourage the hunt for Dragons in his era.
- Because Pakku died and stopped Kanna from leaving the Northern Water Tribe by choice, Chief Hakoda, Katara and Sokka were never born as well as altering the bloodline of the Southern Tribe Chieftain.
- Because of the changes to the Earth Kingdom royal hierarchy, Toph is never born.
Reference Maps


This is a quick mock up of the current status of the Avatar world. Includes rough boundaries and a better view of what Ba Sing Se will look like with its fourth wall. It is poor quality, but I made it quick just for reference sake.

Although this maps lacks edition, it is an effective reference to places and the use of color to display geographic climate and references to most major cities and places (most of which still exist) are useful.
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