Avatar: The First Fires

"Yeah, a pretty damn good fire-bender, too." It had been something that had first attracted her to Minoru. He was strong and he knew it and he had the self-control to use it without unwittingly harming someone. She pushed him out of her mind. Damnit, she'd have to get more throwing knives while she was here. No doubt they'd been stolen by now.

Kurai rubbed the back of her head. "Eh, I don't know ..." But the look of determination on the girl's face. She knew that look well. It was a look that spoke of endurance and strength. "Family, huh. I know better than to come between a girl and her family." She turned to retrieve her pack from Jin's saddle. "Name's Kurai and I accept your assistance. Why don't you tell me about your folks. Chances are, we might cross paths with someone who might know something."

News and gossip were mankind's illness. They spread like wildfire and if you wanted the latest, even the greatest of kings knew, the streets were the places to catch them.
19 cruisers and one empire-class battleship are more than a match for any force around Xiu Ying Tse.

Except, perhaps, for a cyclone. While the fleet was working it's way as carefully as it could through the storm, ships started knocking into one another. Not being designed to take a direct hit from a ship on it's own side, the boilers of the vessels exploded and they began to do what large hunks of metal naturally do in water.

Fei, rushed on by her father, was lucky enough to get onto one of the kayaks kept in case of sinkage. She wanted her dad to come with her, but once he was sure she was going to at least have a chance of survival he immediately turned to helping his men get off the boat.

Tiny wooden kayaks were also not built to handle cyclones, and so it was rather easily dashed to bits on the side of the very ship she was trying to leave. Fei clung to the wooden splinters she could, kicking towards where she thought shore was.

Hours passed, and Fei eventually washed ashore at the gates to some city, too tired to really handle everything going on. She walked around aimlessly, not entirely sure of what was going on, and bumped into some green scaly thing with people on it. "oh...sorry..." she walked around them took a few more steps away, before suddenly collapsing on the ground from exhaustion.
Suzumi bowed again as the woman introduced herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Kurai." She furrowed her brow as Kurai asked about her family, "Well, it's just my mother and brother, they were kidnapped when the fire nation attacked my village up at the north pole. My teacher was killed by those fire benders after he had hid me away. I assume my mother and brother are out on one of those prisons, I don't know which one it would be either. So what about this bounty..."

Suzumi began to ask but was cut off from a girl bumping into Kurai's mount and apologizing before taking a couple of steps away and passing out. Suzumi instantly rushed to her side, pulling a bit of water from her flask and splashing it on the girl's face. "Miss, are you okay?" Suzumi noticed she looked like a drowning victim. Without even thinking about her surroundings she pulled the water off the girl, drying her quickly.
"Not..really..." Fei tried to push herself up, really she did, but her arms kinda failed her there, and she ended up right back where she started. On the ground.
"I'm looking for my dad...he's tall, and strong, and has a scratchy beard.."

Fei thought some more, now that she didn't have to spend time worrying about whether she was going to live or drown.
"He's..not here, is he?"
Suzumi helped the girl stand up, thinking to herself, So she's looking for her family too... She helped the girl walk over and sit against a wall, looking at the clothing that covered her.

"No, I'm sorry but he isn't here...can you tell me your name? Or where you came from?" She crouched down next to the girl and shot a worried glance over to Kurai before letting her gaze go back to the girl, "My name is Suzumi Kiyomizu." She bowed her head briefly before tending to the wounds she saw.

"Miss Kurai, is there a healer around here? I don't know enough to help..." She frowned, looking between the girl and the woman with her.
Orion just watched as the scene unfolded before him, that nice girl he had been talking to just whisked away in a moment of chaos and moving ground. But when they vanished he decided to get some information from the guards instead of chasing directly after the two. Nothing wrong with knowing what he would be getting himself into, right? In trying to get information out of the guards however, he got sucked into helping with 'damage control' started by the battle Kurai and Minoru. All in all it was a relatively fair trade for what information they were likely to give someone they'd known for a while.

Using his talents he helped put out the fires started much more quickly than what would have been possible with just buckets. After that came all of the asking questions around among the city guard. While no names were given and possibly none truthfully known, he found out the two involved were both from the Fire Nation. Everyone with a brain knew this was not a good sign for the city's security if two could slip in unnoticed and wondered if the Fire Nation would use tactics like these to take out the city from within rather than their usual burning assaults. Therefore in the absence of the others, the Earth Guard and other checkpoints were strengthened beyond what they had been earlier in the day.

And then Orion set out to try finding Kurai and Suzumi to see if the Water-bending girl he had met was ok. . . or even still alive.
Minoru chipped mug now lay cold as the rumors of the fight grew wilder. One account had an entire force of firebenders lay waste to the market, another had a strange woman take out a company of earthbenders. The truth disturbed Minoru more than if the city itself had fallen. Kurai, if that really had been her was no longer the woman he'd been married to, had never been the woman he thought he'd known. Suddenly he wished they had something stronger than tea in this teahouse.

He checked himself as two green and gold clad guards entered through the front door and cast their eyes around walking slowly down the length of the shop, and towards Minoru. He averted his eyes looking down into the pattern of leaves in the bottom of his mug. If he had been able too read them he might know what he should be doing, but all he could do was mark the progress of the guards by the sound of their boots.

They stopped to question the owner, and although Minoru couldn't hear them he could guess what they were talking about. It was time to leave. Dropping the price of the tea loudly on the table he stood and stepped out into the single isle between seats. He walked slowly and purposefully towards the door untill he reached the men.

"Where do you think you're going?" one of the guards asked in a sneer. "No one leaves until we've questioned them." He continued stopping Minoru by gripping his arm.

"I'd rather you harass my customers, they're all hardworking and loyal citizens..." the owner pleaded.

"Huh, as if refugees lift a finger to do anything, they already ran away once."

"Shouldn't you be looking for that firebender instead of scaring the people you're meant to protect?" Minoru cut in wrenching his arm free.

"And what do you know about the Firebender?" the guard asked him and his partner taking flanking positions, just i case."

"I know its going to take more than you two to catch him, even if he were in this little shop and I feel sorry for the men that do find him."

The guards looked at each other then took a step back their hands going for their swords. They never got the chance to draw them. Minoru grabbed the arm of the first one and pulled him forwards and off balance, then knocked the legs out from under him. The grabbing a pot of hot tea from the owner's tray smashed it against the face of the other guard before stinting out the door. The road in front of the shop ran parallel to the market. As Muniru ran he heard shouts of more men, then the ground in front of him exploded.

The rock hit him square an the chest and sent him flying over a cart and landing heavily on the other side. For a moment he was hidden by the cart, and in that moment he shot off into another alley way coming out near where the fight had begun. He could see the remnants of earthbender attacks in the torn ground and walls, so they had attacked Kurai too, no time to dwell on it, but if any earthbender showed himself he'd see what a firebender could do before any attack took place on the city.
Kurai tilted her head slightly at the girl. Weren't they a good walk away from the ocean to begin with? But then she watched Suzumi water-bend. That would explain why the Fire Nation would bother with her family ... She looked around. "You stay here and I'll go find one." She disappeared around the corner for a few minutes and then returned.

"I found one. I'll carry her." Without waiting for a protest or a consent from the girl, she picked her up and carried her down the street. Suzumi opened the door and they stepped inside. The healer's quarters were small. He was a refugee and he had quite a few patients to tend to already; he was muttering something about "thoughtless fights in the marketplace". But when he gave the girl in Kurai's arms a look over he pointed to a cot against the wall past the area the patients sat in.

It was a really tight fit but Kurai elbowed her way through everyone, ignored their protests and smirked at any sideways glances made at her. The healer took note of the halberd at her back but said nothing. Kurai lay the girl on the cot and dusted her hands. "Looks like we're taking a number."
"Tell the captain to slow the ship down so I can jump."
Iki-Ryo watched as the crew member bowed and left. He stretched in his new clothes for a bit and looked at them curiously. He was in Earth Nation's clothes, getting ready to enter the city the Earth benders and many other nations were at.
"The captain is slowing the ship." The same crew member came back saying. Iki-Ryo nodded his head and put on his air mask, and started for the edge of the ship deck. As the ship slowed, Iki-Ryo took a couple of deep breaths before jumping over the side and plunging into the water. He was surprised at how hard he hit the water, almost throwing him out of breath. Being a fire bender, plunging into a sea of water is like suicide almost. He hurriedly came to the service of the water and took a deep breath and turned his air mask on before diving into the water again and beginning to swim to the outside walls of the city.

He reached the walls as quickly as he could and shot his grappling hook over the wall. He climbed up it quickly and silently, checking for any guards men. Iki-Ryo looked for any passing pedestrians before jumping over the wall and landing on the inside with a silent thud. He got to his feet and looked around thoughtfully before beginning to walk on the path through the city.
"I'm Fei Long...I'm from the south. Really, I'm just tired is all.." she fidgeted as Suzumi went to work on the healing, and blushed a bit as they took her to the healer. Protesting or complaining as the woman took her to the healer came to mind, but really it was so nice to be treated well that she didn't want to spoil it.
"You would...do this much, even for a complete stranger? You're both really nice...still, I need to get back to my family. What town is this?"
Suzumi nodded to Kurai as she hoisted the girl up and began to walk with her, Fei Long asking questions as they went towards the healer's house.

"Well, Miss Fei, we can't just leave you to suffer here, it's no place for a refugee like you." She stopped inside the healer's hut as Kurai took Fei and laid her down on a cot towards the back.

"Looks like we're taking a number." Kurai said, Suzumi finding it very flat and monotone with a threadbare tone of care tossed in. Suzumi frowned, thinking for a moment before walking back to sit with Fei Long.

"You're in Xiu Ying Tse, it's a refugee camp set up in the Earth Kingdom, you must've been swept up in the cyclone that was offshore recently..." Suzumi nodded, patting the girl's hand. She stood aside as the healer scurried past her, tending from one wounded person to the next. It seemed that the marketplace attack had been a bigger deal then Suzumi had thought previously. She looked at Fei one more time, "I'm going to go out and look around, I'll be back in ten minutes to come and collect you okay?" She smiled softly before stepping out of the healer's hut past Kurai and headed over towards the marketplace, she had every intention of keeping her promise to Fei Long, but she realized she probably should have let Kurai know where she was headed.

The marketplace was torn up pretty bad, a couple of fires still raging but various refugee water benders were around helping, she recognized the guy from the beach and ran forward to greet him. "Oh, um hey, sorry about running off earlier, I just...I needed to look for someone that I thought might have been in here..." She shook her head and smiled, "But I've got an acquaintance over at the healers, if you'd like to come with me I'm sure any help you have would be wonderful..."
They were relentless, and there was a city full of them. As Minoru ran across the street to bent, buckler, shot up in wall and threw itself at him. The refugee quarter was crawling with then and everywhere he turned the very ground was out to get him. A spike rose in front of him and he jumped sideways. Right into the closed window of a healer's shop. Rolling on the floor he snaked through the crowd even before the patients turned to see the door explode inwards showering them with splinters as a dozens earthbenders rushed inside.

"It wasn't locked you know." the healer bellowed. as Minoru vaulted the small counter and wrenched open the back door. Only to have his arms grabbed and bound and to be kicked to his knees.
Orion was searching for the Water Bender when she suddenly somehow managed to find HIM!

"Hey! It's you!"

A relieved expression crossed over his face upon recognizing the girl from earlier that he thought had been kidnapped. Usually he was so laid back but today's events had been rather. . . erratic. To say the least for the clean up job he had gotten lasso'd into by the native Earth Benders. But they couldn't really be blamed since his abilities were naturally desired for putting out fires. Just seconds after the satisfaction of having found Suzumi alive and well passed, her words about someone at the healer's finally registered in his head. Recollecting himself into the state which he normally behaved the Surfer decided to let some of the questions he had for her go at least until things outside of himself settled down some more.

"I wouldn't mind coming. Lead the way there!"

Part of him wondered how she had managed to get away from the woman who seemed to whisk her off so dramatically after starting those fires. Just what had that fight been about anyway? So many rumors were blowing around town that it felt like he would never be sure. Not that it really bothered him to be without every bit of knowledge. Did his friend know though? But since asking about such a thing might bother her he decided to again let it go until later if a 'later' needed to even come.

". . . By the way I kind of failed to introduce myself earlier. My name is Orion."

The Surfer spoke as he walked with her toward where Fei Long was being healed when suddenly up ahead a commotion started. Minoru's actions were hard to miss after the spike suddenly jutted up out of the ground. Given that he had lived here for over a year Orion knew that a local healer's hut was not very far away. Meanwhile several Earth-Bender guards rushed past them in the same direction.

I'd almost bet it's one of the two from earlier. . . just causing trouble no matter what. But wait, didn't she say a friend of hers was in a healing center?

Orion looked over at Suzumi, wondering if he would need his surfboard for other reasons today.
Kurai had just pulled up a crate to sit down beside Fei after Suzumi disappeared when Minoru appeared--only to be arrested by the soldiers! She watched the scene unfold and sighed a bit. "He always did know how to make an entrance." She smirked. But then she realized that, arrested, they would keep him here and she couldn't return him to the Fire Nation. There was also a brief side thought of him potentially being interrogated once they got him there but eh, that wasn't important for now.

"I have to go," she said once the men had left with Minoru. "I'll be right back. Suzumi should be returning soon." She followed the party down the street, to a simple, five story square building surrounded by a tall wall of its own. She couldn't scale that thing without a grappling hook or Jin's help. She would have to try tact, instead. She started to walk past the two guards at the wall but they stepped in her way.

"Who are you? And what's your business here?" asked one of them.

"My name's Kurai and I'm a bounty hunter. You have a quarry of mine and I need to see him."

"Bounty hunter, huh." The two guards stepped out of the way and one of them threw his thumb over his shoulder. It was a big city and bounty hunters were commonplace. "Go ahead."

Kurai smirked. "Thanks." Inside, the lobby was full of people grumbling on benches on either side of the small waiting area. Then there was a wall of metal bars behind a desk where a man in a green and gold uniform, flanked by two more guards, sat scribbling and listening to a man talk about his cabbages being ruined in that fight down at the marketplace. Minoru wasn't here, of course. If they suspected he was a Fire Nation soldier (and that armor of his had given him away), they probably took him in the back somewhere as soon as possible.

Abandoning tact (just for a little while!), she pushed the disgruntled merchant out of the way and leaned on the desk. The man didn't even look up. "What's your complaint?" he muttered.

She tilted her head slightly and brought her fingers under the man's chin so he was looking up at her. "You stole my bounty. Fire Nation soldier about yay high." She brought her hand a little above her head. "Cute, cocky, likes to play with fire a little too much for anyone's good."

The man blinked. "Yes, him. But we have him in custody. He's no longer your concern." He went back to scribbling.

Kurai sighed and turned around. "What a shame!" she said loudly. "I guess the Shin Long family will be most disappointed to know I can't fulfill my contract to them."

Everything suddenly stopped at the mention of the name. The Shin Long family were famous! They were a family of diplomats, nobility, of the Earth Kingdom! The man behind the desk had also stopped. "Wha--what did you say?!"

Kurai turned again and blinked. "Oops. I didn't mean to say that out loud. Forget I said anything ..." She started for the door. The man started to gesture and two guards from outside were suddenly blocking the way.

"Please, wait!" The man clapped twice and one of the guards flanking him went to one of the doors built into the bars behind him. "Come, come. Take her to the Captain at once."

Kurai followed the guard and smiled at the man behind the desk. "Thank you." Suckers. They found the Captain coming out of a room in the back and Kurai got a glimpse of Fire Nation armor before the Captain, a large man in a uniform more decorated than the other guards blocked her view. "Hello, Captain. You have a quarry of mine and I want him back ..."

A few minutes later, Kurai, with the help of some "official paperwork", talked the Captain into handing Minoru's custody over to her. She would be solely responsible for him, provided she took him out of Xiu Ying Tse as soon as possible. "Of course, Captain," she said as two guards walked past to bind Minoru and bring him out to her. "I, on behalf of my gracious employers, thank you for your cooperation."

The Captain nodded and Kurai and Minoru received an escort out of the headquarters, to the street before they were left alone.
No one seemed to notice as the caravan of Sandbenders entered the marketplace. It was a highly unusual sight within the city, but instead people seemed to be more concerned with the scene of destruction that had recently played out. Groups of shoppers and sellers were scattered around the area in clusters, gawking at the disarray. Several of the stands and stalls that had been filled with merchandise were now heavily damaged, and some were even burning. A group of waterbenders, no doubt refugees, were tending to this problem using their abilities, but it was obvious the sense of disruption wouldn't be extinguished nearly as easily as the flames. Tenzing could overhear snatches of whispered, frenzied converstion between onlookers, and from this he gleaned that some kind of altercation had broken out in the market, evidently not too long ago.

His attention was briefly called away from the devastation around him by the unruly behavior of his mount. The traders from the Hami tribe had negotiated with another group of traveling merchants to let them use their giant sand scarabs to transport their cargo into the city. It couldn't be helped, as their sand sailers were completely useless outside of the desert, and they had no other way of moving their wares. Luckily, the merchants had been happy to loan them the beasts, in exchange for a generous portion of the desert dwellerss cargo, of course. The beasts had been an insufferable nuisance ever since. It was all Tenzing could do to keep his own mount under control, seeing as it constantly tried to scamper off in search of some dung to eat. Combined with their incessant chittering, this made the creatures nearly impossible to stand. What he would have given to have had a sky bison at that moment. The bison he had ridden in his youth had always been gentle and submissive creatures, showing a remarkable degree of intelligence that made them ideal companions.

Tenzing bitterly reflected to himself that it would never happen again, however. The herds of bison had all been slaughtered along with the monks and sister airbenders who raised and nurtured them at the temples during the Fire Nations initial assault against the Air Nomads. What a shame that such beautiful beings had been forever removed from this world, never to be seen or cherished ever again. Tenzing felt a pang of regret deep within his soul, only for it to be quickly replaced with a dark surge of anger.

His thoughts were torn violently from the past and into the present when he heard the word "Firebender" muttered by someone in the crowd. His blood ran cold and he struggled to catch his breath. At the same time he pulled tight on the reins of his scarab, which had started to wander off during his reverie. He could hardly believe the Fire Nation had managed to penetrate this far into the Earth Kingdom already. Given its military might and the strength of its defenses, he, like so many others, had believed it would be years before the armies of the Fire Lord would reach this far east. If his ears were to be believed, it seemed at least one had managed to infiltrate the city. Unless, he or she was quickly apprehended, things would likely dissolve into chaos within the city walls, leaving it vulnerable to attack from the outside.

Tenzing deftly leapt off the back of his scarab, handing the reigns over to another member of the caravan. He swiftly walked off without saying another word, knowing the Sandbenders would not leave one of their own behind, even one with a history as complex as his. He noticed a small group of Earthbender guards marching just outside the market area, and he silently fell into step behind them, keeping a safe distance and using any available cover to avoid being seen. Before long, they came upon a small building with a sign that declared it was a place of healing. The soldiers entered, and before long the sounds of conflict erupted from within. He drew closer and watched from the shadows near the door as the guards attempted to take in a man who was offering a good bit of resistance. He was quickly subdued however, and they roughly escorted him out of the building and down the narrow street. Tenzing ducked away to prevent being discovered, and he was just about to follow them when a strange woman exited the building and took off after them. Judging from her posture, she was intent on settling some business with the guards, business that undoubtedly had to do with their prisoner. Tenzing decided to follow her, and once she entered another larger building that had every appearance of being a prison, he stopped outside and took position on a nearby roof top, leaping from the ground with an agility none but an airbender could possess. He decided to wait until one of them reemerged, and from there he would determine if they had anything to do with this rumor of firebenders within an Earth Kingdom city.

Surprisingly, both the woman and the man who had been arrested left the building a short while later. Tenzing crouched low to the roof so as not to be seen, watching closesly to see what would be their next move.
Blindfolded and bound, beaten and bruised and now in the custody on an unknown jailer. But even in this state the feeling of the sun on his skin was like a breath of fresh air. The earthbenders had once again shown their inexperience when dealing with firedenders and bound his hands in front of him. Obviously they expected that the rope tied to his wrists and in the hand of his keeper would hold him. "They try so hard." he muttered to himself before falling into a rhythmic breathing.

In. 2.. 3.. 4.. out.. 2.. 3.. 4.. in.. 2.. 3.. 4...

FIRE! He pulled on the rope bringing it up to his face like the once revered dragons let his breath become flame. The ropes fell away as Minoru suppressed a whimper of pain.

Kurai felt the wake of heat from behind and turned in time to catch his eyes as he tore the blindfold from his eyes. A look of renewed shock passed over him, everything fell into place. She wasn't a traitor, she was something far worse, and she would face justice when he returned home. But that would have to wait, he was hurt, he was exhausted and he needed to prepare. Without a work he took off, without looking back he ran around a corner, without remorse he plotted her execution.
Kurai turned, met Minoru's eyes, and reached for her halberd--only to stop short and clench her teeth. Stupid cramp! Next time she got someone from a jail, she was going to tie their ankles, wrists, eyes and stuff a gag down their throat for good measure! Fortunately, none of the guards had witnessed it or she would never let it down. However, she would have to worry about her estranged husband and any witnesses.

Her stomach growled. Correction. She would have to worry about her estranged husband and any witnesses after she got something to eat. Oh, and went back for Jin and Suzumi. It took a lot of energy to roam the countryside, fight a fire bender and evade earth benders. She walked around the streets for awhile until she came to an inn that doubled as a restaurant. It wasn't as busy as most other places and she took that as a good sign. She was able to get a room for the night and then order a whole list of food to satisfy her cravings. Pickled rice, curry melon, poultry soaked in orange sauce, and several other dishes. To drink she ordered some jasmine tea and rice cakes.

Then she sat down to eat, on a table all by herself to enjoy the fruits of her labor!
Minoru didn't go far, behind a refuse bin he crouched and watched her, his gut reeling to think he had grown to love her, to trust her. How many of the secrets he had whispered to her had she passed on? How many lies had she woven in her treacherous quest that threatened to bring Minoru's entire family into disgrace unless he brought her home in chains to stand trial for her crimes. The one thing he treasured had been stripped from him and he would follow its plunging course to its bloody end.

Step one was a new disguise and this was easy enough, he had a little money and clothes were cheep, a green tunic and cape, better to fit in with the crowd. Next was to follow her to the inn. Step three was harder, hood raised he again visited the apothecary and got something meant to help the troubled sleep, then a hard shoulder and a quick hand slipped it into the drink the waiter was carrying to her table. But he needed to stay close, and that he did at the table nearest hers hood turned half away, ears ready.
To say she devoured everything was a reasonable statement. She demolished everything that was on her plates and saved her tea for the very last. She drank every last drop of it, not even noticing the drug Minoru had placed into it. She burped, turned red when she did and gave a soft sigh. Should she head to her room for a nap or do something else? At this point, she felt she could take on the world. As she thought, her hand slipped down to her neck and played with the necklace she wore.

"What a beautiful necklace you have," the waiter remarked as he was clearing her dishes.

Kurai blinked and looked down at it. The necklace had been a gift from Minoru the night he had left her. Little had she known that would be their last night together, for several different reasons. A nap, a nap would be good, she finally decided. She stood and started for the room but then a patron nearby caught her eye. She looked down at the necklace. It meant a lot to her and for purely sentimental reasons. She would be doing herself a favor if she got rid of it now. Still, she felt a bit sick when she pulled the necklace off and made her way to the patron.

"Here, uncle," she said, beside the disguised Minoru. "You would find a better use for this than I could. A broken heart has no need for such trinkets." Despite her intention to stay strong, the back of her eyes burned and she couldn't stop the catch that caught in her throat when she said that last line. She didn't even wait for the man to accept her gift or not. She just turned and walked away.

Tears are for the weak. Tears. Are for. The weak. She yawned as she walked toward the back, slowly walked up the steps to the second floor where the rooms were. The food really had hit the spot. And she was more tired than she had first figured. It was a good thing her room was close by, because her eyelids were getting heavy and her feet felt like lead as she made it through the door. The room was small and simple but the bed was clean and comfortable and that was all Kurai wanted.

She climbed on top of it, wrapped her arms around the pillow to hug it close and drifted into a deep sleep.
It was strange that she should talk to him, and for a second he was sure she had recognized her. Further proof of her deception was the quantity and the food she ate. Here in the Earth Kingdom she ate thing she never touched in their previous life together. But her words, her words were what cut the deepest.

"Come one come all, the crescent theater's latest star romance sees a young water tribe gilt embroiled in a steamy and forbidden affair with a firebender from......."

Minoru folded the schedule and smiled as the well-dressed and quite new bride he had just recently gotten to know. "They say this is the best tragedy written in our century." he said pseudo-excitedly. doing his best to play the good husband to a virtual stranger....

...... During the final act the heroin stood above the cliffs looking over the endless ocean. In her hand she held a ruby, symbol of passion in the firenation and a token of the love of a man who was forced to marry someone else. To the moon, mistress of the ocean she spoke "You would find a better use for this than I could. A broken heart has no need for such trinkets." before casting it off the cliff before the final curtain was drawn.

Minoru felt something warn touch his hand and looking down saw Kurai's fingers curling around his palm and she lent against him.

It had all been a lie, and now to prove it. As a final gesture he removed her ring and slipped it onto a pocket before taking the necklace and following her upstairs.

She was sprawled on the bed fully dressed when he pushed open the door. She didn't stir as he opened the cupboard, dresser, bag, the draft had been effective. He everything has going well until a clatter sounded at his feet followed by the round of metal rolling on wood. He froze eyes darting to Kurai, then to the ring, then back to her as her arms moved... there was no time. With a wild glance at her belongings strewn over her floor he took to the window landing on the roof of a market stall before leaping down to the ground. That had been too close but at leas no one had noticed, of at least showed that they noticed his unconventional arrival.