Avatar: A Legend Reborn

Hello if this is still open I am interested but I have sort of an odd character I made for original time line that I believe actually fits better in this time line, but I'd like to discuss it to see if it needs tweaking or is just not compatible, before I write whole bio down.
I've recently gotten over the flu and am dealing with my son having it, so apologies if I haven't made a proper introduction. Lots to deal with, you know? But things are finally getting better, so! I'm trying to get back on track with RPs this week.

I'll put some thought into how we'll give our introductions. Mayhaps we can all discuss this through a convo together? Otherwise we can discuss it here, whatever people are comfortable with. Either way, I'll be glad to summarize our decision and put it here so everyone knows what's going on. While I am quite nervous about leading, I want to be as helpful as I can be. :3

I wouldn't mind putting together any kind of intro :P So you guys can just decide and let me know what you chose.

You can be sure that I'll want to have and try to rescue Yoshino's Grandfather at some point :3
But straight at the beginning is a wee bit too soon.
@VincentSatoe Although I will say this roleplay is not closed, I'm not going to be able to fit in any more characters until I have another creative advocate (sub-Mod, basically) to take a leadership role. You may create a character to be accepted, but they won't be integrated until I have sufficient resources to do so.

@Nim There are plenty of setups like that already, actually! So no problem whatsoever.
Alright, so I have in fact replied. My reply won't provide the best example, but Capt. Blu will be replying and her reply with Tanvi should essentially set the bar/standard for what I'm looking for.

I decided we'll be telling stories on our way back to the Underground City to introduce Zarina and Suzzio to Uquo.
It's so sad that you aren't able to accept anymore characters, but the reasons are completely understandable. I love your idea for the alternative universe. I'll have to keep my eyes on this thread to see if, at any time, you start accepting characters again. I would love to be apart of this. Happy RPing everyone!
@WitchesRayvyn I would accept more characters if there is another group leader/creative advocate/sub-mod. I believe there is potential for one in someone I'm talking to now. Nevertheless, it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and design a character. As soon as possible, I'm going to begin creating more groups. I don't want to stifle other roleplayers and writers.
Posted! Sorry again for the delay, meant to have this up last night but family matters took up my time. Didn't mean for it to turn out that long either, but I did mention Tao liked to talk.~

If there are any complications with my post, please let me know and I'll change them
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Going to start working on my post today. :3 Then the rest of my group is free to follow! Wahoooooo.

And feel free to bring it up in PM if anything confuses you or if maybe I forgot something, gaiz.
Hey everyone, I'm really sorry for the delay. I caught the flu a few days ago and I've been bed ridden these since then. I've gotten better though, so tonight I'll have a post up. Sorry again. :/
I apologize for the delay as well, I always tend to have a hard time thinking up how my new character would talk to others, and that's usually a process that takes me like... a few days or so xD

Especially since I'm uncertain of how much nice Yoshino will be towards others...
But I'll probably have a post up later today or tomorrow.
I will need to do my post tomorrow, the fan on my laptop broke and it keeps overheating.
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With 3/5 people having delays, I'm going to extent this post cycle a week. I don't know the situation with Fluffy and his group, but I believe having the proper posting schedule is more important than punctuality at this point, so no worries! I know we're still in some beginning stages, so I'll be patient and work with you guys to make sure we keep things flowing well. However, if we can't get a full cycle done by next week, I might need to take another measure. I would like to keep this a weekly RP for my group! Anyway, I hope you guys work things out and if you need any help/advice from me, just shoot a PM!
We all appreciate the extension. I think if it's not real life, people are delayed by planning out their posts. Understandably, it can be hard to know what to say since we're starting this as a group that's already come together. Let me know if I can help in any way, Nim. n__n Or anyone else really.
Alright, alright, guys! I just want to take out a brief moment to tell everyone that I believe things are going great! We've managed to get through one posting cycle for each group, I'm working on my second cycle right now and we've overcome issues already such as creative blocks as well as pushed through technical difficulties. These might seem like small accomplishments, but they're really fantastic signs of health and potential for the long-term! I'm not saying issues won't arise, but I am boldly saying that if we continue dealing with them as we are now, we have the potential to go on and turn this from a good OP made by one creative fellow to a great RP made by a dozen! I have already received PM's from others interested, but I feel it is hugely important to work on this: the foundation. Guys, we are the foundation for this roleplay and as long as we stay strong like we are, we will build something strong that will last for future roleplaying generations. I've had conversations with people that aren't even interested, but have found our ability to work through issues and work together in different groups with relatively complex narrative mechanics enviable, which only lends to this notion. This isn't just out to one person and this isn't excluding anyone. This is to all us:​
Thanks for all of the patience and support. Things are slowly coming to fruition and like a fine wine they will only get better with time. Let's stick around to share that glass, shall we?

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Awww, don't worry, I don't abandon stuff usually.
I have posted for my group. I'm nonchalantly puppeting Suzzio. I feel if I silently disregard him now, it'll be easier for Manaxer to pick up later since I haven't 'done' anything other than use him generally.

I also tried to give you guys a bit 'meatier' of a post to convey the Underground City a bit more as well as a personal approach to it.

[Female | 41 | Southern Air Temple(Originally Fire Nation)]

Zhing-Taoh is a firebending master, raised in the Fire Nation Capital, but who now resides in the Southern Air Temple, situated in the far flung Patola Mountains. Far away from the Phoenix King's interests, and subsequently left unchecked by his forces, the Southern Air Temple, the mountain range on which it sits and the surrounding islands all act as The Rising's most secret haven, though the Temple itself is no doubt the epicenter. There she guides and teaches many of the younger and more recent arrivals to "The Temple", instilling in them her unique philosophical outlook, with a strong focus on personal freedom, and a general disdain for forced organization, or authority in general. This initially put her at odds with the Air Nomads who had already been residing there, though, now, she has all but become the rebel outpost's mascot, and, ironically, one of it's de-facto leaders.


Firebending Master: Zhing-Taoh has, since a young age, exhibited a strong talent with bending, as well as an admirable perseverance in regard to her training. At the age of 24, Zhing had already been ordained a master of her art and is considered one of the most powerful firebenders of her age.

The Dancing Dragon: Master Zhing has found the lost original civilization of firebenders, and has had the pleasure of studying under the firebending masters Ran and Shaw, learning the truth behind fire, and it's integral connection to all life. During her time with the Sun Warriors, she was able to master the ancient form of The Dancing Dragon, a flowing yet powerful and direct approach to firebending. Her combat techniques are defined by flowing movements and strong, singular punches and kicks, as opposed to the flurry of jabs and sweeps usually employed by firebenders. Master Zhing is also disinclined to utilize jets of flame for propulsion, and has not trained in the creation of lightning. This is not because she is unable to learn such techniques, but, rather, unwilling, seeing such applications of bending as out of touch with the teachings of the Sun Warriors

Fire with Fire: One of Zhing's most notable skills is her incredible ability to redirect and disperse fire, even explosions, with the use of her bending. An effect of her training with the Sun Warriors, Zhing-Taoh is able to feel an empathy with the fire itself, allowing her a greater control over it, even when wielded against her.

Relations & Relationships

Jikyan: Zhing-Taoh's partner and confidant, Jikyan is a powerful airbender who stands as a voice for those of his people sickened by those who have chosen to abandon their heritage in favor of privilege within the hierarchy of the Phoenix Kingdom.

Zen-Laan: Zen-Laan fled the Earth Kingdom years ago, fearing for his family's security in the war torn province of his birth. Zen-Laan is one of Master Zhing's most trusted friends, as well as a highly skilled bender.

Galerru: One of her greatest assets, on or off the battlefield, Galerru has supported Master Zhing since her arrival at the Temple. Like all Air Nomads, she has exhibited talent with airbending since a young age, but also boasts a particularly strong connection with the spirits.

Iroh: Although the Fire Lord Regent is certainly no friend of the defected firebending master, fate has, on more than one occasion, seen Zhing-Taoh and Lord Iroh seated within the same room, though those days are now long past. Master Zhing holds a bitter disdain for the Fire Lord and his crusade against the majestic dragons, yet, through her encounters with the man, has gleaned a certain notion of reason and respectability not normally found in those inhabiting the upper echelons of the Phoenix Kingdom.


Master Zhing has changed much over the years. Beginning life and living out her youth in the lavish court of the Fire Lord, a stark contrast to her current home, Zhing was brought up to cherish and respect the majesty of royalty. Being a prodidous talent in the bending arts, young Zhing was soon taken from her home to be trained as a soldier in the Fire Nation Army, much to the joy and excitement of her parents. She was less enthused.

Though the separation from family and home still pained her, Zhing-Taoh grew to enjoy her training, transitioning from a merely talented individual into a skilled and studied practitioner, ravenously soaking up techniques and lore alike. As time went on, her skill would increase at a rate that astounded her masters and frustrated her peers to no end. By the time Zhing was fifteen, she had already been in five Agni Kais, not to mention countless sparring sessions that were more akin to true battle than training. Around this time, Zhing began to question what the nation had in store for her, what her destiny was, and if the two were one and the same. She had a feeling they were not.

As she grew, Zhing-Taoh was pressed into true military service, sent to participate in a joint effort with the Phoenix Kingdom Police to put down spats of rebellion and insurrection in the provinces around Ba Sing Se. The young bender found the operations they engaged in and the tactics they employed highly distasteful, at times even vicious and cruel. Though her many years in the service of the Fire Lord and his nation gave her pride, from the very first day she set foot in the "Earth Kingdom", serious misgiving began to surface in her mind.

Now a grown adult, and with years of recognition and a lifetime of training to her credit, Zhing-Taoh was christened by her masters "Master Zhing", one of the youngest firebending masters in recent memory. With the title came a certain amount of freedom and time to set aside for herself, and so the young master eventually decided to, as much as possible, leave the ugly business of putting down riots to others, and, instead, pursue one of the few things that had made her truly happy: studying ancient lore. Using her new-found influence along with the modest amount wealth of she had obtained over the years, Zhing scoured the Fire Nation's libraries, absorbing their scrolls and tomes as if they were the most exciting and enthralling tales one could imagine, though most bore but simple and mundane knowledge that seemingly didn't apply in this world. She delved deep, and soon these ancient writings became her obsession. Her entire life became devoted to studying long dead gurus and poets, drifting further and further from the ridged teaching of her youth, and ever more toward philosophy so old and rudimentary that it had been lost to this world, so lost it would be labeled radically new were she to apply it in her age.

Desperate for more secret knowledge, Master Zhing sought out the ancient city of the Sun Warlords. Learning the Dancing Dragon from the statues there, though, being alone in her travels, she was unable to summon the Sun Stone. She surmised the tiles corresponding to the steps of the Dancing Dragon must unlock SOMETHING when pushed in sequence, but, after hours of pressing the entire sequence herself, she soon realized she would require a partner to make anything happen. As she was about to depart, Zhing was out in the courtyard packing her thing, when, looking up, she suddenly found herself surrounded by fifty or so tribals, some who were holding small fires in their hands as lamps; these were the Sun Warriors themselves! Talking to the young master, the tribe's chief laughed as he told Zhing how they took pity on her for not realizing that she needed a partner sooner, telling her they had been watching the entire time, viewing her frustration as high entertainment. The tribe ended up empathizing with the young firebender's sentiments gleaned through their short conversation, and deemed her worthy to be trained by "The Masters", Ran and Shaw.

After completing her training with the masters, who turned out to be two very old, wise dragons, Zhing decided to stay for an extended period, casting her responsibilities as a military instructor and commander to the wind altogether. Over the next eleven years, Zhing would truly learn the ways and teachings of her adopted people, all but completely assimilating into their culture. There she learned the ways of respect and harmony, and saw it as a stark contrast to the "prosperity" the Phoenix Kingdom sought to bring about through harsh domination. Once she had learned all she believed possible from her new brethren, she bid them farewell, promising to return before her death. As a token of their esteem and affection for the foreigner who had become as their own, the Sun Warriors bestowed Zhing with a beautiful white dragon. The young dragon, named Lo-Kai, had already formed a bond with Zhing-Taoh during her time there, and would grow to be one of her closest friends.

Now well into middle age, the much wiser, more balanced Zhing-Taoh left her adopted home and traveled north to the Western Air Temple, deciding to continue her learning by studying the culture of the Air Nomads in the world's air temples. Over the next two years, Zhing traveled around the rim of the world, slowly making her way from the first temple to the last. While passing through the Earth Kingdom, Zhing found that she had been officially discharged from the Fire Nation's Army, and that there was a sizable bounty on her head for desertion. Here, she also heard rumors of a growing group of rebels known as the rising, which intrigued her.

Finally finding herself at, to her surprise, a particularly bustling Southern Air Temple, Master Zhing quickly befriended many at what she soon found to be an out of the way refuge used by the Rising as a hideaway for those seeking permanent sanctuary from the Phoenix Kingdom. She saw this as providence, and set down in the new community. Now, with a burgeoning life in yet another adopted home, Zhing again sought spiritual enlightenment, this time from the wise monks and even the other refugees who have found their way to The Temple.
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To anyone interested, I have updated the OP. I've changed some aesthetics as I'm constantly trying to make information easier to attain, retain and find. Some changes include an updated Roleplay Status, a "cover" tab added to the characters portion of the OP, a couple fluff tabs for future updates.

So, now I'm going to ask you guys some questions. First, you see how I made a cover post for characters. The reason I did that is I feel one CS is a little too long for an OP, but a quick overview of groups is smaller in terms of space and you can simply click on the other tabs to easily see any and all CS's. My question to you guys is if you'd like to see a cover page like that for the Nations, which is also a very long, large series of tabs, that would act as a type of table of contents to them and shorten the overall length of the OP.

Secondly, I'm considering added in a "books" or "chapters" feature to the roleplay that will basically be me summarizing in a relatively lengthy post, most likely in pure prose as if I was writing everything from my perspective, the events that happen over a period of time. I don't know if this will interest you or if you guys think it would be interesting to new players.

On that note, if you're wondering why I'm still putting effort into the OP, it's simple. I want you guys to always have access to information for any type of creative reason you want. I will later also likely add links to things such as the Avatar Wikia and possibly places to easily watch the shows. Although the goal now is to get posting schedules down, I do eventually want to continue expanding, and if it's not too much trouble, some input on the OP from you guys would be great. I've seen a lot of OP's for even really popular roleplays, and they can be hard to read and navigate. I'm trying to avoid that, so throw me some suggestions if you have the time. The first thing new players or any player is going to see when looking at this RP seriously is the very first post, and I want it to leave the best impression possible.

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If you want to add information, that is certainly up to you. Personally, I welcome it. I love reading that kind of stuff. Same opinion applies to the chapters. Go right ahead, and if you do, I will be reading it. =)

As long as everything is organized I think it could go well.

Seems to me that you got the information portion covered. The only real suggestions I can offer on on the aesthetics or maybe something extra. Not sure wht it would be but we can work something out.