[AU RP] [OOC and Signups] Avatar : A World Unfolding

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Forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong spot but I figured the Character Index was only for accepted characters. If anything needs to be changed just let me know and I'll get on it right away. Hope to be able to enjoy this with you folks!​


Lashong Ra Dadah

"Even the most brilliant gem was once covered in soot."

Personal Information
First Name : Lashong

Middle name : Ra

Surname : Dadah

Nickname(s) : "Sure Shot Shong"

Nationality : Fire Nation

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Age : 20

Bending : Fire

Appearance : Normally keeps the hood down (see above) and puts the hood up during rains and other times where he tries to hide in crowds.

Height : 5' 11"

Build : Lean but very tones upper body.

Weight : 162 lbs.

Affiliations : None [/spoili]


Detailed Information
Personality : Shong is a very stern individual with his dark glare and by the books personality. He always seems to have a plan for even the most miniscule of tasks as he likes to be in control of almost everything he does. Tends to be a control freak as stated previously, but prefers this to not having any kind of plan or order to his life in the grand scheme of things. While he comes off as being very cold and callous, he is a strong believer in philosophy. Even though he spouts many a phrase worthy of a philosopher, he degrades himself saying he is a fool who only uses the words of the wise to make himself appear greater than he deserves to be. This humility causes him at times to inwardly doubt himself during times of stress but his will to survive more than supplants that feeling so far in his life.

Background : Lashong was raised to a hunting family out in the mountains of the Fire Nation. His mother and father were skilled tracking and trapping creatures such as the Puma Goat and Dragon Moose for trade in the city for their work as domesticated animals for carrying supplies along trade routes. Shong was taught early on how to follow tracks and listen for subtle sounds of the animals and the habitat surrounding them in the mountainous regions of their home.

Shong was not allowed to do anything related to hunting or tracking without his parents' constant supervision, which made him quite agitated as a younger man. At the age of 8 he decided to go out at night to try his hand with the art. Carrying a small lantern at his side with his bow draped over his shoulder, he traveled to a more open valley spot to try and start his first solo hunt. He looked for quite some time to at least get the first glimpse of a track or maybe even a tuft of hair only to find nothing in the limited amount of sight he had to use.

As he began to leave the valley, a strong grunt around him made him jump to look and see what made the threatening noise. It turned out to be a Puma Goat slowly climbing down the mountainside. The eyes of the beast were nearly shut, focusing strongly on the thing in sight. Lashong slowly dipped his shoulder like his father, dropping the bow to his hand as he went to load an arrow on the string. The beast quickly turned and left in a hurry as a larger ruckus behind Shong made it flee. A grab at the shoulder pulled Shong back into his mother's hands as his father stood in front with his bow pulled all the way back. After a strong berating, Shong kept the message of his parents clear to never attempt something that reckless again.

After years of training and learning with his parents he eventually became a strong hunter with a knack for tracking, much like his mother was. His aim with his bow was sure and straight as he never riddled his kill with unnecessary shots, keeping the pelts and meat fresh and clean. Shong decided he wanted to try his hand at hunting outside of his homeland and took on the idea of heading to Republic City. After some initial displeasure from his parents they decided it was for the best that he strike out on his own and find his place in the world as a true hunter.

At 19 Lashong arrived in Republic City with mild success to his name as a hunter, striking out with large parties to gain supplies for the many stores and shops in the capital. While on his own time, he began reading extensively on old haiku and other forms of art and philosophy. Taking a strong liking to the writing and the messages behind them, it became a hobby that now occupies quite a lot of space in his now expanding mind.

Theme song : [/spoili]


Combat Information

Talents : Stealth, Aim, Medicine, Cooking, Acrobatics

Skill Points : 0

Skill Ranks:
Acrobatics : 1 + 1
Martial Arts : 2
Strength :
Close Combat Weapon Use :
Aim : 1 + 4
Stealth : 1 + 2
Cooking : 1 + 1
Music :
Plastic Arts :
Engineering :
Medicine :
1 + 2
Spirituality :

Passive Abilities :
Bending Rank :

Bending Skills: Heat Control - Shong can use his fire bending to normally just increase the temperature of his drinks but he can also use it to heat the tips of his arrows, causing them to ignite flammable items should they come in contact with them.

Other traits :



Appearance :

Description : A standard Fire Nation style short bow. Lashong has it draped over his left shoulder so that he can quickly dip his arm, have it slide into his left hand and pull back on the string with his right. (He is right handed)

Appearance :

Description : The ragged and dirty quiver he leaves hanging off his right hip. The quiver is separated in two different slots. The right slot has dull tipped arrows used for hampering enemies or animals. The left slot holds the lethal, sharper arrow heads.

Appearance :

Description : A simple dagger that Shong has hidden in the side of his boot. Normally used for skinning animals that he hunts but he can use it for self defense in times of desperation. [/spoili]​
Also, does anyone object to their character being present at a pro-bending match at Republic City?
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Awesome. Happy to be a part of the squad here.

And no, can't say I have any issue with that set up.
Nopers Karan would probably have a good time there
No complaints here
That sounds fine. I'm sure GG would check it out or be forced to by her parents. Fun times.
(Since Iwaku doesn't like videos to start as a specific point, skip to 21 seconds.)

Forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong spot but I figured the Character Index was only for accepted characters. If anything needs to be changed just let me know and I'll get on it right away. Hope to be able to enjoy this with you folks!​


Lashong Ra Dadah

"Even the most brilliant gem was once covered in soot."

Personal Information
First Name : Lashong

Middle name : Ra

Surname : Dadah

Nickname(s) : "Sure Shot Shong"

Nationality : Fire Nation

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Age : 20

Bending : Fire

Appearance : Normally keeps the hood down (see above) and puts the hood up during rains and other times where he tries to hide in crowds.

Height : 5' 11"

Build : Lean but very tones upper body.

Weight : 162 lbs.

Affiliations : None [/spoili]


Detailed Information
Personality : Shong is a very stern individual with his dark glare and by the books personality. He always seems to have a plan for even the most miniscule of tasks as he likes to be in control of almost everything he does. Tends to be a control freak as stated previously, but prefers this to not having any kind of plan or order to his life in the grand scheme of things. While he comes off as being very cold and callous, he is a strong believer in philosophy. Even though he spouts many a phrase worthy of a philosopher, he degrades himself saying he is a fool who only uses the words of the wise to make himself appear greater than he deserves to be. This humility causes him at times to inwardly doubt himself during times of stress but his will to survive more than supplants that feeling so far in his life.

Background : Lashong was raised to a hunting family out in the mountains of the Fire Nation. His mother and father were skilled tracking and trapping creatures such as the Puma Goat and Dragon Moose for trade in the city for their work as domesticated animals for carrying supplies along trade routes. Shong was taught early on how to follow tracks and listen for subtle sounds of the animals and the habitat surrounding them in the mountainous regions of their home.

Shong was not allowed to do anything related to hunting or tracking without his parents' constant supervision, which made him quite agitated as a younger man. At the age of 8 he decided to go out at night to try his hand with the art. Carrying a small lantern at his side with his bow draped over his shoulder, he traveled to a more open valley spot to try and start his first solo hunt. He looked for quite some time to at least get the first glimpse of a track or maybe even a tuft of hair only to find nothing in the limited amount of sight he had to use.

As he began to leave the valley, a strong grunt around him made him jump to look and see what made the threatening noise. It turned out to be a Puma Goat slowly climbing down the mountainside. The eyes of the beast were nearly shut, focusing strongly on the thing in sight. Lashong slowly dipped his shoulder like his father, dropping the bow to his hand as he went to load an arrow on the string. The beast quickly turned and left in a hurry as a larger ruckus behind Shong made it flee. A grab at the shoulder pulled Shong back into his mother's hands as his father stood in front with his bow pulled all the way back. After a strong berating, Shong kept the message of his parents clear to never attempt something that reckless again.

After years of training and learning with his parents he eventually became a strong hunter with a knack for tracking, much like his mother was. His aim with his bow was sure and straight as he never riddled his kill with unnecessary shots, keeping the pelts and meat fresh and clean. Shong decided he wanted to try his hand at hunting outside of his homeland and took on the idea of heading to Republic City. After some initial displeasure from his parents they decided it was for the best that he strike out on his own and find his place in the world as a true hunter.

At 19 Lashong arrived in Republic City with mild success to his name as a hunter, striking out with large parties to gain supplies for the many stores and shops in the capital. While on his own time, he began reading extensively on old haiku and other forms of art and philosophy. Taking a strong liking to the writing and the messages behind them, it became a hobby that now occupies quite a lot of space in his now expanding mind.

Theme song : [/spoili]


Combat Information

Talents : Stealth, Aim, Medicine, Cooking, Acrobatics

Skill Points : 0

Skill Ranks:
Acrobatics : 1 + 1
Martial Arts : 2
Strength :
Close Combat Weapon Use :
Aim : 1 + 4
Stealth : 1 + 2
Cooking : 1 + 1
Music :
Plastic Arts :
Engineering :
Medicine :
1 + 2
Spirituality :

Passive Abilities :
Bending Rank :

Bending Skills: Heat Control - Shong can use his fire bending to normally just increase the temperature of his drinks but he can also use it to heat the tips of his arrows, causing them to ignite flammable items should they come in contact with them.

Other traits :



Appearance :

Description : A standard Fire Nation style short bow. Lashong has it draped over his left shoulder so that he can quickly dip his arm, have it slide into his left hand and pull back on the string with his right. (He is right handed)

Appearance :

Description : The ragged and dirty quiver he leaves hanging off his right hip. The quiver is separated in two different slots. The right slot has dull tipped arrows used for hampering enemies or animals. The left slot holds the lethal, sharper arrow heads.

Appearance :

Description : A simple dagger that Shong has hidden in the side of his boot. Normally used for skinning animals that he hunts but he can use it for self defense in times of desperation. [/spoili]​
You can add that to the Character Index by the way :)
Forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong spot but I figured the Character Index was only for accepted characters. If anything needs to be changed just let me know and I'll get on it right away. Hope to be able to enjoy this with you folks!​


Lashong Ra Dadah

"Even the most brilliant gem was once covered in soot."

Personal Information
First Name : Lashong

Middle name : Ra

Surname : Dadah

Nickname(s) : "Sure Shot Shong"

Nationality : Fire Nation

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Age : 20

Bending : Fire

Appearance : Normally keeps the hood down (see above) and puts the hood up during rains and other times where he tries to hide in crowds.

Height : 5' 11"

Build : Lean but very tones upper body.

Weight : 162 lbs.

Affiliations : None [/spoili]


Detailed Information
Personality : Shong is a very stern individual with his dark glare and by the books personality. He always seems to have a plan for even the most miniscule of tasks as he likes to be in control of almost everything he does. Tends to be a control freak as stated previously, but prefers this to not having any kind of plan or order to his life in the grand scheme of things. While he comes off as being very cold and callous, he is a strong believer in philosophy. Even though he spouts many a phrase worthy of a philosopher, he degrades himself saying he is a fool who only uses the words of the wise to make himself appear greater than he deserves to be. This humility causes him at times to inwardly doubt himself during times of stress but his will to survive more than supplants that feeling so far in his life.

Background : Lashong was raised to a hunting family out in the mountains of the Fire Nation. His mother and father were skilled tracking and trapping creatures such as the Puma Goat and Dragon Moose for trade in the city for their work as domesticated animals for carrying supplies along trade routes. Shong was taught early on how to follow tracks and listen for subtle sounds of the animals and the habitat surrounding them in the mountainous regions of their home.

Shong was not allowed to do anything related to hunting or tracking without his parents' constant supervision, which made him quite agitated as a younger man. At the age of 8 he decided to go out at night to try his hand with the art. Carrying a small lantern at his side with his bow draped over his shoulder, he traveled to a more open valley spot to try and start his first solo hunt. He looked for quite some time to at least get the first glimpse of a track or maybe even a tuft of hair only to find nothing in the limited amount of sight he had to use.

As he began to leave the valley, a strong grunt around him made him jump to look and see what made the threatening noise. It turned out to be a Puma Goat slowly climbing down the mountainside. The eyes of the beast were nearly shut, focusing strongly on the thing in sight. Lashong slowly dipped his shoulder like his father, dropping the bow to his hand as he went to load an arrow on the string. The beast quickly turned and left in a hurry as a larger ruckus behind Shong made it flee. A grab at the shoulder pulled Shong back into his mother's hands as his father stood in front with his bow pulled all the way back. After a strong berating, Shong kept the message of his parents clear to never attempt something that reckless again.

After years of training and learning with his parents he eventually became a strong hunter with a knack for tracking, much like his mother was. His aim with his bow was sure and straight as he never riddled his kill with unnecessary shots, keeping the pelts and meat fresh and clean. Shong decided he wanted to try his hand at hunting outside of his homeland and took on the idea of heading to Republic City. After some initial displeasure from his parents they decided it was for the best that he strike out on his own and find his place in the world as a true hunter.

At 19 Lashong arrived in Republic City with mild success to his name as a hunter, striking out with large parties to gain supplies for the many stores and shops in the capital. While on his own time, he began reading extensively on old haiku and other forms of art and philosophy. Taking a strong liking to the writing and the messages behind them, it became a hobby that now occupies quite a lot of space in his now expanding mind.

Theme song : [/spoili]


Combat Information

Talents : Stealth, Aim, Medicine, Cooking, Acrobatics

Skill Points : 0

Skill Ranks:
Acrobatics : 1 + 1
Martial Arts : 2
Strength :
Close Combat Weapon Use :
Aim : 1 + 4
Stealth : 1 + 2
Cooking : 1 + 1
Music :
Plastic Arts :
Engineering :
Medicine :
1 + 2
Spirituality :

Passive Abilities :
Bending Rank :

Bending Skills: Heat Control - Shong can use his fire bending to normally just increase the temperature of his drinks but he can also use it to heat the tips of his arrows, causing them to ignite flammable items should they come in contact with them.

Other traits :



Appearance :

Description : A standard Fire Nation style short bow. Lashong has it draped over his left shoulder so that he can quickly dip his arm, have it slide into his left hand and pull back on the string with his right. (He is right handed)

Appearance :

Description : The ragged and dirty quiver he leaves hanging off his right hip. The quiver is separated in two different slots. The right slot has dull tipped arrows used for hampering enemies or animals. The left slot holds the lethal, sharper arrow heads.

Appearance :

Description : A simple dagger that Shong has hidden in the side of his boot. Normally used for skinning animals that he hunts but he can use it for self defense in times of desperation. [/spoili]​
Shun to Lashong: "That's my gimmick. I can't let you live."
Everyone still on board?
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Yep just need to get to posting. I'll get one up today.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Sketching101
When they ask for your sword:

I'm going to get a post up tomorrow, sorry for the delay :(
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