Athens Online {SAO, IC}

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Original poster
. A t h e n s O n l i n e .
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Iza quickly slided through the menu with ease, typing in her password and username quickly.

Before she had even blinked, she was slowly being inserted into her virtual self, Strength. It felt almost refreshing, being reborn into a body that can be recreated countless times. The world quickly loaded around her, and thus here she was, in Federation City. Federation City was nestled in the mountains and served as a beginner's first questing area. The sunlight was unusually harsh, beating down and making Strength sweat slightly.

She seemed to have spawned in the center square, an area in the shape of a circle that stood as the starting point for every character. Usually, there were more people logged on, but today it had seemed deserted. The usually busy market had a minimum of ten people striding around, taking their look at the merchandise available. Even then, Strength noticed their were even less shopkeepers than there were shoppers. Oh well.

Stepping out into the street, Strength flicked her eyes across the landscape. It felt nice to see Athens again. The sleek, metal buildings and the strangely modern landscape. Cicadas chirped wildly in the distance, forming a soft, vibrating hum. Time to have some fun.​
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