At Death's Doorstep

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Yuuki shock her head no, "I cant leave you.." when the drone landed it had a sheild of some sort with a message attached. "See its just the fucked up people again" she said with a sigh of relief. Then looked up at Kei again. She simply studies his face for a few moments before finally saying, "Kei I wouldn't be alive if it wasnt for you. Why should I live on when the person who saved my life has to die..." she stated before adding her weight onto the bomb. Making it so she couldn't move either. With tears falling fast and fast down her face she cried, "Kei I already told you im not leaving you." She stated
Kei was relieved that Yuuki wanted to stay. "Your stubborn." Kei hugged Yuuki tight, he reached up brushing the hair out of her face. "And I love that about you." Kei moved in and kissed Yuuki while they kissed kei grabbed the shield and jumped off the land mine placing the shield right infront of the blast.

The blast was so intense it sent Kei and Yuuki flying. The only thing that was in Kei's head was how soft her lips were.
Yuuki turned bright red when Kei talked about loving her stubbornness. When he kissed her she wrapped her arms around his neck. After the bomb went off and they went flying she held on to him tighter landing on top on him. "A-are you ok Kei?" She asked looking down at him her face bright red.

*in hq*
The host's jaw dropped as Kei kissed Yuuki and they managed to excape the bomb, "excuse my language but holy shit everyone these two are unstoppable!" He exclaimed and the crowd let out a slow applause that got more intense as it went.

*in game*
Yuuki started to smile as she studied Kei's face realizing that they were ok. Biting the lower corner of her lip she looked into his eyes turning a dark shade of red.
Kei nodded letting Yuuki know he was ok. He smiled as Yuuki turned bright red. "What? Could it be that the Bold Yuuki is actually all shy." He sat up looking at the damage, the shield was smoldering with all kinds of shrapnel sticking out of it. "That was close. But Yuuki." Kei grabbed her hand and got serious. "That was reckless off you Yuuki, what if we didn't get that shield thing? You would have been hurt or killed."

Kei looked into her eyes and pleaded. "Yuuki please promise me something." Kei's gaze intensified "next time I'm caught in a trap or something if your able to escape, do it." Kei grabbed his chest. "I couldn't forgive myself if you got hurt for my sake."
Yuuki bit the corner of her lip when he mentioned her leaving, "then we're just going to be more careful cause im not leaving you Kei." She said softly before kissing him stifling any reply he had after that.
Kei was surprised at her response, even more so by her kiss. He decided right the and there that he would get stronger and protect Yuuki with everything he had. Kei pulled back from Yuuki. "Ok well be more careful." Kei stood up and offered his hand th Yuuki. "Ok let's get outta here."
Yuuki blushed and took his hand, "alright." She smiled then realize that the sun was almost completely gone. "It looks like we should set up camp here soon. At this rate we wont be able to make it back to the house." She stated looking back at the explosion spot she realized all the weapons and medicine kei threw at her was now obliterated.
Kei turned to see what Yuuki was starring at. His expression changed as he saw everything they had collected so far had been destroyed. "Damnit" Kei uttered under his breath. "Yeah your right I'll um, I'll go look for some firewood, you should see if there is anything we can use around here."

Kei left without hearing Yuuki's response. He continued to curse in his head as tears started to role down his face. "Damnit, I'm so stupid, I didn't think about the guns,knives or ammo. Now we're defence less." Kei sat down at the base of a tree. He burried his head in his knees. "Damnit we need weapons. Or else. We're gonna die."
Yuuki watched as Kei left biting the corner of her lip she looked at the sheild. "Maybe I could make a weapon from this..." she noted and picked up one of the shards.

*in hq*
"Well folks were just about done for tonight, you can stay in tune over tv at home, but first lets change the maze one last time!" The host called and the crowd cheered in responce. He walked over to the red button and pressed it.

*in game*
Just as Yuuki got the blade done the ground started to shift, "oh no.." she stated to herself and took off in the direction Kei went, "Kei the maze is changing!!" She called and found him by a tree. With little to no time she grabbed him and locked her arms around his waist and the maze changed.
Moments after the maze stopped Yuuki looked around her arms still locked around him, "where are we?" She asked to no one in particular. She could tell they were in an abandoned town by the boarded up windows and no one around for miles. Off in the distance she could hear other players coughing and moving around, "Kei lets go!" She said amd grabbed his hand heading to a building.
Kei was surprised by the rumbling, then suddenly he heard Yuuki's voice. Kei grabbed her and held on. When all the shaking stopped the maze had changed only this time they were in some abandoned ghost town. Kei agreed with Yuuki as the ducked into the nearest building. Kei quickly blocked the doors and windows. "That should hold, but damn this place really does change quickly."
Yuuki leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, "you got that right." She smiled a little before looking around, "it seems this used to be a house.." her voice trailed off as she saw family pictures on the wall.

(Inside the house)
Kei looked around. "Yeah, looks like someone used to live here." That's when Kei got an idea. "We should look around for weapons, I don't want to go any longer without something to protect us with. Let's try the kitchen first."
Yuuki nodded and took Kei's hand before walking towards the kitchen. In the kitchen there wasnt much left except canned items and a few utensils on the floor. "Maybe theres some weapons else where.." she trailed off seeing the food and her stomach growled

Kei pulled back on Yuuki's hand. "Maybe we should take this opportunity to eat while we can. Kei left go of her hand and searched through the canned goods. "Ok so I have good news, bad news and worse news. Which do you want first?"
Yuuki blushed a little as Kei grabbed her hand but brushed it off as he asked her about the news, "might as well go bad first." She sighed. It seems like this place was always bad news first anyways.
Kei smiled then picked up a few cans. "Ok so bad news is all the labels are ripped off." Kei juggled the cans, "so these could be anything, strained beets, creamed corn on even pumpkin pie filling." Kei stopped juggling then placed the cans on the counter. "The worst news is we don't have a can opener, and the good news is that at least we have food."
Yuuki smiled, "if that's the worst new im ok with this!" She laughed for the first time in awhile and walked over to Kei and hugged him from behind.
Kei felt Yuuki's arms around his waist, he put his hand on hers a stood still for a while. "Ok let's smash these open and see what we're gonna eat." Kei took one can and shook it, it sounded like a bunch of little objects bouncing around. "This one sounds promising." Kei looked around the kitchen and saw a brick. He took it and slammed it against the top of the can. It dented the can slightly, he continued for a while until there was a little hole. "Ok dinners ready"
Yuuki smiled, "sweet!" She let Kei have the first taste to make sure it was editable. Turns out it was a can of chicken soup. She smiled a took a drink or two of the can then let Kei finish it off. When they were done she wondered out loud, "I wonder if there's bed rooms still intact.." She stated nit even noticing how bad that could sound.
Kei blushed and almost chocked on his soup. "Im, I'm sure it's fine your probably exhausted." Kei grabbed the brick and continued up the stairs. As they walked the stair case cracked and moaned giving the illusion that they really did enter a haunted house. Kei poked his head in the first room, it was dusty, Cobb webs everywhere. Kei saw there was a mattress but upon further inspection stooped. He turned around and burried Yuuki's face in his chest. "This room isn't any good let's go."

Kei gentle pushed Yuuki out of the room, he looked back at the blood stained mates with a blood covered doll sitting in the window. "Let's check another room."
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