Assassins {With AshenAngel}

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Bailey gave him a nod. "I didn't bring much with me, anyway," he said. "Besides my weapons. I have a safe house nearby with most of my stuff." He was hoping to pass there so he could collect some stuff.
"Alright." Archaeo stated as he unlocked the car and got in, removing his gun from his bag and sliding it into place in his belt. The holster of the old revolver had been lost a couple generations back in the family free, therefor the assassin wore clothing that allowed him a safe place to keep the gun. "The safehouse isn't just a trap to kill me, right?" He asked him warily, not quite ready to put his complete trust in Bailey's hands.
Bailey looked at him. "We did promise not to kill each other until this was over. I keep my promises." His tone was completely serious. "You can stay back if you don't trust me."
"Just tell me where to drive and I'll take you there." Archaeo replied evenly in response, holding the man's gaze for a moment before he put the key into the ignition and turned on the car.
Bailey looked away. He sighed softly, and told him the address. "I suppose I'll have to shut it down after," he said to himself. There was no knowing of what would happen after this thing was put down. They could easily turn on each other.
Archaeo remained silent as he drove off towards the safehouse. He figured that Bailey was thinking out loud, and it would be incredibly annoying and rude to interrupt. He slowed to a stop outside the house, showing that he had no intentions of going inside.
As soon as Archaeo had stopped, Bailey opened the door and got out. He shut the door without looking at the other man and walked towards the small house they had arrived at. It was practically indistinguishable from the others surrounding it. But Bailey had been there many times before and knew exactly what to do. Still in sight of the car, Bailey stopped outside the door and lowered his head for a retinal scan. Then the computer asked for his name. Bailey glanced back to the car before doing so. "Zenith." The door clicked and Bailey headed inside.
Archaeo sat behind the wheel, growing impatient with the other assassin. He blew out a sigh and sat back in the seat, his gaze traveling over the neighborhood. He would never be able to live in a neighborhood like this. He was always one for privacy, living in the middle of nowhere. That was the kind of life he liked. No road access, surviving off of your own wit and abilities... Yes, that was what he liked. He had plenty of money, enough to get him through hell and back unscathed, but he didn't neccessarily have a legitimate way of using it. He was perfectly happy with his standing.
Bailey came out a few minutes later, practically armed to the teeth. He had no idea what that thing was, and wanted to be prepared. After seeing what that thing had done, he did not want to be next.

He opened the door and climbed in. He had left his sword back at the safe house, not wanting it to impede his movement. He closed the door and sat back, not saying anything.
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