Assassins {With AshenAngel}

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Bailey got out off the car and tugged the sword and sheath off his back. "Any where I can hide this?" He asked. He definitely did want it confiscated, as much as he'd like to have it close to him. It meant something to him. He knew where to hide his gun but a sword was much more noticeable.
Archaeo scratched the back of his head with that question. An idea came over him as he looked over at the man and his sword. "You could pass yourself off as a war vet. Slide it down your pant leg and cover the handle with your coat. The way it'll mess up your usual steps will make it seem like you have a prosthetic leg. And they won't give you any trouble about your scar either." He explained, a sly smirk faintly visible at the corner of his mouth.
Bailey thought about the plan. He supposed it would work, but...
"I like the plan, but I am only twenty," he said with a chuckle. Then his face fell. "Unless... You have plans for that...?"
"You were in a very bad car accident a while ago, and in order for you to live, they had to amputate your leg?" He gave option number two as soon as he thought of it. Perhaps this one would fit better than the war vets.
"Yeah that works better then the war vets," Bailey chuckled. He frowned as he put the sword in place. "God this feels so awkward. But oh well." He sighed and tested out a few steps.
Archaeo smirked and started to walk towards the hotel. "You coming?" He called over his shoulder as he adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder.
Bailey rolled his eyes. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He hobbled after him, cursing every now and then because of the sword. He couldn't wait to take the damned thing out.
"Maybe a little bit." Archaeo admitted, grinning fully as he held the door open for the guy. He would have laughed had he not been plagued by darker thoughts.
Bailey shot a glare at him, but there wasn't much he could do. His plan would work anyway, although he wasn't sure if it would be worth it. He cursed the sword again as he walked through the door. "Should of had crutches."
Archaeo walked up to the desk with a smile as he dipped his head in greeting to the woman working the counter. "Hello. We'd like to get two rooms please. Preferably close to one another." He spoke with a lighthearted voice, the notes of his British accent slipping through once again. Sometimes he could hide it, sometimes it was blatantly obvious. He watched the woman typing into the computer.
"How long do you plan on staying with us?" The woman asked as she met his gaze.
"Just one night." He replied, and she told him the price. He handed over a credit card, which the woman swiped without a second thought. When his card was returned, he received two room key cards. The room numbers were on the receipt. He handed Bailey the card for room 109, and headed off to the elevator. Hundreds were always on the second floor.
Bailey glanced to the room key, thinking. He stumbled after the other man, still cursing his sword. Quite suddenly, he fell. As he unsteadily got back up, he shot a look at Archaeo. "Don't you dare laugh." His leg was a bit sore, and the wound on his arm was beginning to throb.
"Now why would I do such a thing?" Archaeo replied innocently as he stepped into the elevator and held the door for him. He didn't feel up to laughing, anyways.
Bailey narrowed his eyes at the man, before hobbling into the elevator. "I'm sure there are plenty of reasons for you to laugh," he muttered as he leaned against the wall. He waited for the doors to close before speaking.

"What are we going to do now?" Bailey asked. It had been bothering him the entire trip. "And how exactly are we going to get it?"
"I'm not sure. I doubt that that thing has any contacts we can coerce information out of." Archaeo sighed. A thin frown had replaced his smile. "If you're feeling up to it tomorrow, we could head back to the estate and look around for any clues. Maybe we can find something that will get us some answers. As long as there isn't a massive police presence, that is." He spoke thoughtfully. There wasn't much that he could say for certain, other than what the enemy was. But even that was a bit hazy. He wasn't sure what the hell that thing was. Just that it was a target.
"Yeah," Bailey said, frustrated. He raised an eyebrow. Really? "Why would I be up to it?" He asked. He thought it was a stupid question. Bailey just shook his head. "Of course I'm going." Then he paused. He remembered the body they had seen when they had bolted. Archaeo's partner. "If her body is still there, what will you do?" He asked softly, wondering if it was a touchy subject.
"I'm not sure." Archaeo sighed, thankful that the elevator doors opened onto the second floor. "Meet me at five in the lobby." His voice regained it's strength. He quickly stalked out of the elevator and began searching for room 110. He needed some privacy, some time to think to himself.
Bailey watched him, trying to read some emotion. Anything, really. Then with a sigh, he pulled the sword out of his pants and strapped it to his back. Then he walked out, feeling much more comfortable without having a limp. He went to find room 109.
Finding his room, Archaeo made his way in, locking every lock on the door, and shutting the curtains of the windows in the sleeping area. He set his bag down by the bed, and fell onto it. He was beat. But he couldn't settle down just yet. He sat up and removed his gun from its hiding spot. He began to clean it, and reloaded it. He tucked it under the pillow, and got changed into some more comfortable sleepwear- a grey cotton vneck and a pair of black sweatpants. He turned off the lights, set his alarm for four, and went to sleep, his hands cushioning his head and within centimeters of his gun. Visions of his dead partner plagued his sleep, causing him to jerk awake more than a few times throughout the night. The last was at three thirty, where he just gave up entirely on sleep and began getting dressed. He kept the vneck on, and swapped the sweatpants for a pair of dark wash jeans. His fancy leather shoes were replaced with black steel toed boots. He was definitely done playing butler for a while. He combed his hair, or at least attempted to. Somehow he still managed to get bed head, despite his lack of sleep. Dark rings were under his eyes, but he couldn't do anything about them. He brushed his teeth and re-packed his bag. He tucked his revolver into the bag, as it was too big to conceal with this outfit. He headed downstairs once his alarm clock finally went off. Breakfast wasn't out yet, he was two and a half hours early for that, but there was always coffee and tea out. He began to make himself a cup of tea in a foam cup. It had more caffeine than coffee, and he was British, so tea was always his go-to morning beverage. He quietly drank it as he waited for Bailey to come down.
Bailey never slept well. It was always the same nightmare, night after night. The day he had gotten his scar. He slept fitfully, and he never felt truly rested. When he had come into his room, he had taken care of the wound on his arm before putting his weapons in a safe place. He hadn't brought much with him, so he didn't have a change of clothes. When he finally got into bed, he knew his internal alarm clock would always wake him when he needed to. At 5am sharp, Bailey took the elevator down with the sword once again in his pant leg.
Archaeo stood once he saw Bailey get out of the elevator. "You have everything you need?" He asked him as he headed towards the door, his backpack once again slung over his shoulder.
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