Assassins Guild (thing...)

Arci sighed and looked at her. He picked up the bags and smirked. "Maybe you should work out more. I might not be here to help out next time. Although, maybe I'll have you as my official partner. Dunno yet." He began walking along the path, back to the guild. "Oh, Cutiepie. I forgot to ask but...Is there anything you want me to help
you with? I do owe you."
"Are you saying that I'm fat?" she asked at him while standing up, her hands on her hips "I'll let you know that I can take care of these bags but myself. It's just that they didn't want to go to the guild when I picked them up." she said defensively while walking out of the shop "candy traitors" she mumbled under her breath.

"As for the help..." she said, thinking harder, her brows furrowing "Uhm.. how about you keep it? I don't need any help at the moment" she stated rather confidently and proceeded to walk to the guild.
He chuckled and replied with "Alright. As you wish." Walking inside the guild, he sat the candy bags down and wiped the sweat from his forehead and fixed his hair again. "I need to rest....I'm gonna take a nap real quick..."