Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer!

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It isn't, can't you see it's violet?

If we read a book too many times, does it run out of letters?
to match your face

why is my face.
Well, why not?

If we shine a light into a windowless room through the door and then quickly close the door, will the light stay inside?

did the orange swim through the mountain on a banana slug?
Only on Tuesdays.

What does a mirror's reflection in a mirror show?
a mirror

what has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?
Man - after I captured one and am using it for my experiments. (Actual answer also man.)

What makes a stupid question stupid?
when it's nonsensical, blatantly obvious, or not a question at all.

Yes, please. I take it with lemon juice.

What if silence is actually a morse-code and we speak to separate longer and shorter periods of silence?

why is the polka flying sideways underneath the bubbly fritter mashing pod king?

why is this game called ask a stupid quaton get a stupid awnsre
Because Thor did not want to think for a day. And you do not mess with Thor.

Why can't I see my face like the mirror can see my face? ; ___;
becuse hulk gose smash i go smashy smahy samshy

why do i love hulk
Because I asked him to very nicely.

Where did I put the things I lost?
It is shaped, sir, like itself; and it is as broad as it hath breadth: it is just so high as it is, and moves with its own organs: it lives by that which nourisheth it; and the elements once out of it, it transmigrates. [...] Of its own colour too. [...] And the tears of it are wet.

What's past the end of the universe?

What's before the beginning of time?
A spacemark, and immediately before that, "of".

If something gradually changes, when does it cease to be itself?
When it gradually changes.

What happens when you breathe out?
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