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It depends on what numerical system we use.

How long does it take to do nothing?
a hour
why does it take an hour to do nothing?
Because any less is just resting (which is something), and any more is being lazy (also something).

How come I've never seen any invisible people?
becuse they eat cheank wings

im bored are you bored?
bored dome is when stupid people came togeth amd fuck each other

why do peoe fuck
That is how more people are made.

If two people name each other in their will and die at the same time, who among them inherits whose assets?

If somebody revives a dead thread, does it then proceed to eat the brains of the live threads?

what's REALLY in Area 51?
Four letters, two digits and a space mark.

How is a raven like a writing desk?
because there is a B in both and an N in neither!

Would you rather have to run 1/2 a mile, wearing a coat made of pilchards through a flock of starving puffins; or climb up a telegraph pole which is coated in cheese graters and then jump off into a skip full of mousetraps wearing absolutely nothing?
I would rather not.

If a sheepdog is a dog for herding sheep, then is a dragonfly a fly for herding dragons?
it is a possibility!

would you rather be stuck underground or underwater?
underwaer! haha

if we think of things up like pink ponies and poop butflys would that ean we dram to muach and if my life was cap it would eacoll to what maybe its me or do i ask to maything mybe i do can someone aware the stupid qaston already
Parsing error, compiling stopped.

How do I know I'm not a brain in a jar?
push it push it real good (the song)

what is the song push itpush it real good called
Its title.

If I have a song stuck in my head, do I need a screwdriver or a crowbar to pry it out?
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