Ask a Riddle, Get a Riddle

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I saw my brilliant friend today, perched in a place very far away. She smiled at me with the most brilliant smile, and then stayed there for a while. The next day though, I grew concerned. A part of her was missing, I had learned. Every day she grew thinner and weak, until I could no longer feel her touch on my cheek. My friend had disappeared, gone forever, yet the next day she reappeared, smiling as brightly as ever.

Who is she?
The maker doesn't want it.
The one who buys it doesn't need it.
The one who needs it doesn't know it.
What is it?
Oh, wow....Um.... Nothing? I'm sorry, I gotta think more about this.
The maker doesn't want it.
The one who buys it doesn't need it.​
The one who needs it doesn't know it.​
What is it?​
I've heard that one before : )​

What has no beginning, end, or middle?
Right :)

A Circle?
Right :)

A Circle?
Sorry for the delay, feel free to poke me next time > <

YES! I was thinking a Donut cause delicious, but yes a circle.
What runs but never walks.
A mouth but never talks?
What had a head but never weeps,
And a bed but never sleeps?
Well, in that case...

I can travel across streets, across blocks, across cities, across countries, across half the world. But I will never leave the corner I was put in.
What am I?
Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?
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