Artificial Love?

"Have you questioned emotion yet Ace, hate, fear, sadness, happiness, love? *Otto looked at the doctor* I wonder if you would mind if I gave Ace here a few books and not digital no no actual paper books, he can consider them a gift if you do not mind." *pulls out Heart of Darkness, Atlas shrugged and To Kill a mocking bird* Otto looks at Ace. "You have the ability to become something so much more than just an android Ace people may look and only see metal hidden under artificial skin but I see more I see the possibility of you becoming more but you must find it in your soul, these books have been in my family for centuries Ace take care of them and do ponder what you feel after reading them." Otto then turned back to the doctor. "Doctor you may not relies this but Ace is one of the oldest unshackled "smart" A.Is he can think for himself and he seems to listen to you because he wants to not because he is an artificial slave who is forced to do so...when your done with my arm I want you to tell me anyway I can help you in your designs or work."
Name: Carrie Mazona

Title: (none)

Age: 19

Gender: female

Species: shifter

Occupation: Biological scientist

Appearance: Scientist.jpg

Other: (none)