Arranged Marriage

She smirks, watching as his flesh began to melt. She yawned when he tried to hurt her. "You couldn't hurt me if you tried, puny human," she said, pulling his hand off with little effort. She still held onto it and then tossed him into the wall. "Enjoy your curse human, I'll be enjoying the soul of your only heir," she said smirking as she walked towards the entrance.
Riddick crashes against the wall, he doesent hear her final words as the hit renders him unconcious. His few slaves tend to his wounds. Admireing his bravery in the face of such a foe.
When he wakes, the demon is gone and his hand, although badly burned was healing. To his surprise, Diana was there, two demon warriors with her. She looked at his hand and took it in her gentle ones and the burns seemed to fade, all aches and pains faded and all he felt now, was tired. She looked sad and she was large now and had a healthy glow. "I thught you would want to know the child is a boy," she said softly, standing up. The woman were at her side and had grabbed her arms, pulling her back slightly. "Goodbye," she said softly. To his surprise, she was wearing the necklace he had givien to her, but before he could say or do anything, she was gone.
He groans in frustration, he cannot even be bested properly. No the demon bitch just HAD to gloat one more time by sending his Whore of a wife in to heal him. He doesent love her, not by a long shot. However he believes that he should leave her the hell alone. This is not an opponent he can himself best yet.
She felt sorry for him and any fool that follows after him into battle. Months passed and her sister, Annaise bore twins, both girls. Diana was close, only three months until the baby comes. She sighed to herself, holding Dina, her youngest niece, while Annaise feeds the oldest, Flora. She smiled down to the beautiful girl and stares into her beautiful bright blue eyes. Annaise's husband ruled a kingdom that was very far away, and protected by Libitina. Said demon goddess had visited and had seen the children, giving them gifts. Flora would be strong and would one day lead the strongest army the world would ever see. Dina will be a powerful Alchemist and will be able to extend her life for far longer then normal humans.

Libitina did not look at Diana's stomache. Unlike Anna's children, Libitina would use the boy in Diana's stomach to kill his own father. Unknown to Diana. She spent her days in the library, alone, or helping her sister with the babies.
Said father has delved deep into black magics to increase his own power, he wants his child back and will stop at nothing to get it. His features have been distorted, twisted from what used to be handsome. Now he just doesent care..His face is morehawklike then human.
Each time he would summon dark magic, he would have to sacrifice a witch or wizard to obtain the power. "Sir, we've brought you another witch," his newest general said, pulling in a cage. Inside was a girl a little over 13, hiding in a corner. She was obviously blind, her eyes cloudy. She looked around but her eyes fell on the hawk like man. "You do not have the blessing to be using dark arts. You will die before you reach the level of power you desire and the goddess will make sure of that," the girl said, her cloudy eyes turning white as her shackles broke and the cage was ripped open. Another woman stood there, her black soulless eyes and blood red lips swirling with power. "Why do you disturb me, human," the woman said, the girl bowing to the woman completely and whispering prayers.
He growls out at the sight of the goddess, his hate for such beings has truley grown and flourished. Supirsingly he keeps his voice level."You should know as well as i. Such beings should not interefere in mortal affairs. Aparently what you did was unprecedented, i could find not a single record of intereference in the past. Why now? Does my wife remind you of your own rather sordid past?" He asks with some derision. He knows hes flaunting her authority, and that she will very probably attack."You come and go as you please, And have destroyed a lifetime of work. So yes i will die eventually, but dont expect me to stay dead!"
(This is a different goddess, she is the goddess of Magic)

"You have mistaken me for my sister, mortal. I am Tera, goddess of Magic," the woman says. The child behind her stands and keeps her head low as she stands behind her goddess. "You have been tampering with the gifts I have given and killed many of my children, why? Are you so angered by my sister that you wish to kill her?" she asked. "Our creator could not kill her so what makes you think you can?" she said, stepping down onto the ground.
The man lowers his head slightly, although not his guard as he replies."She has taken everything from me, laid curses upon me. I wish the one thing i am not powerfull enough to take, revenge." He says simply."Im Beginning to notice a trend. Countless others are raped and murdered dailiy, why does a goddess care if i kill someone. Where were they when I was beaten and tortured for my fathers amusement? I do nto worship, i do not fear. I simply am." He finishes never takeing his eyes off her.
"The gods stay out of the mortals ways so long as nothing harms our offerings or blessed ones. You were harming her offering and now you have received her curse. The difference between god and humans is not so great. You say your father tortured you? We were all tortured, we were all burned, stabbed, beaten and sometimes killed by our creator. My sister is one of the few that have beaten him so taking your revenge onto her will not be easy, but I can help if you have something to offer me?" she asked looking at him. "Nothing is done without a price. The magic you have stolen is eating you alive and will consume you," she said pointing to his chest, were, through his clothes, she could see a bruise forming.
He considers her offer carefully, he is aware that this being is more powerfull than he could dream of becoming. His pride will allow no other outcome."What must i do, All i am is what i have....allow me to borrw your power, and whne i have triumphed i will sacrifice myself to you. My very life and soul sent to you to revitalise you." He offers. Its all he has.
"I do not desire your life, I desire someone connected to you," she said looking at him. "I will give you my power and control of my army. But I forbid you from killing my sister. You may take your child back and kill your wife but harm my sister and I will destroy your soul from inside of your body," she said. She puts her hands together and a black fog encapsulates his body. All the power he had stolen was let loose out of his body and his body reverted back to his old form. But his body was filled with power and suddenly a burning sensation filled him, his body being covered by the magic goddess's marks. Each mark meant something.

Once the fog dissipated she stood there still looking as powerful as before. "Come, it is time to train you," she said holding out her hand.
He stands, in a rather considerable amount of pain from the forced assimilation however he bears it well."There is no one left connected to me. Who will you take goddess," He asks her with a certain tone hat says he wants an answer before he will moove.
"A child if you have one or a wife or I'll just take your soul," she said simply.
He nods."I have a wife. You may have her. She was the one who started this whole thing. Her and her WEDDING parties. You may have her after my son is born. Is that acceptable?"
"Is she an offering to another goddess? If she is then I can not take her," she said to the mortal infront of her.
He shakes his head."My child is and the goddess in question is the one you granted me the power to fight. Should i loose simply claim my soul." He says quite simply. If he wins she gets some of the spoils, if he looses she gets his soul. Win win for her.
"Alright. Now, so you don't kill yourself with the power I have given you, you need to train and to craft a weapon that can actually harm her," she said to him.
Riddick nods. His mind set as he follows the goddess, one question permates his mind however."Goddess, are we mortals such playthings to you? Do you even expect me to win?"