Are you the one I've been searching for??

  • Thread starter Lovely Lotus Blossom
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Lovely Lotus Blossom

Original poster
Hello my name is Lotus and I am 26.
I am a Power tumbling coach so that keeps me very busy. On top of coaching I am a full time student who is also planning her wedding. (EEK!!!) So I have a very busy life. (But don't we all) I am an avid reader so sometimes I loose myself in a book series and it takes me a minute or two to rejoin the real world. (sigh) So I am looking for someone who is patient and wont mind if I drop off the inter web for a couple days. I am also looking for someone who is fairly literate and can match what I give you if not give me more. I'm not only looking for a partner that reply to what I have given them but also help the develop the story. Now for the good stuff


Mast X Save (I have a plot)

50 Shades of Grey
Christian X OC

Any Elven or mythical type role play (Really craving right now)

Intertwined souls (I have a plot)

Twilight ( Yes I am 26 and love twilight although I could do with out the sparkle I like more traditional Vampires)
Edward X OC
Jasper X OC
Carlisle X OC
Jacob X OC
Edward X Angela

Royal Love Triangle ( I have Three different plots for this)

Forbidden Love ( I have a plot)

Stalker Victim

Mounty X School Teacher

Cowboy X School Teacher

Doctor who
10th Doctor X OC Companion
OC Doctor X Amelia Pond
OC Doctor X Clara Oswald
OC Doctor X OC Companion

Assassin X Assassin (I have a plot)
Assassin X Regular person (I have two ideas)

Sailor Moon
Usagi (sailor Moon) X Mamoru (Tuxedo Mask)
Oc Sailor Scout X Tuxedo Mask
OC Sailor moon X OC Tuxedo mask
Ami X OC

Country superstar X hometown Sweetheart
Country Superstar X Small town girl/guy

That's all the cravings I have right now. I am open to hear yours as well :)
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If your still looking I would love to do a doctor who plot.
Hey, forbidden love or a reverse roll of 50 shades of grey would be nice, if not just normal rolls
Are you still looking for a Twilight OC x OC plot?
I wouldn't mind country superstar X sweetheart or cowboy X school teacher as long as you're okay with playing male!
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