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He sighed exasperatedly "Is this really the best time for flirting Deslin?" He looked at his brother "you should look in the corner. You see the guy in black, almost obscured by the shadows? He's some form of bookkeeper. People keep coming up and giving him money. I think that's where our quest starts." He moved away from the other two and went up t the bar "hey Bartender! What can you tell me about the shady guy in the corner"

The bartender was a short, stocky man, with an impressive grey moustache stretching across his face. His cheeks were red, presumably from all the work he had been doing "They call him the Man of Shadows" he sighed "he's a gambler, setting up fights between gamers and putting odds on who will win." Jaime nodded "and do you want him gone?" The bartender looked surprised but modded eagerly.
"It wouldn't hurt," she said, already walking to a table.
Deslin rolled his eyes at his brother. "Come on Jamie Lyn, have a bit of fun eh? It's only the first day!" His brother seemed not to listen to a word he said and proceeded to walk to the bar. Deslin, in turn, followed the lovely lady on her way to a table. "I guess Mr. High and mighty will take care of that while we treat ourselves to a drink aye?" He said taking a seat next to her
"I suppose," she answered, moving over a little. "As long as I get the room I could care less."
"Amen to that," he said with a light chuckle before asking for a waiter passing by to get him a mug of ale. "And the lovely lady will have...."
"Whiskey," she said dully, "and don't be cheap."
"Me?" He asked surprisingly. "Cheap? Sweetheart, I'm a lot of things. But, cheap, isn't one of them." He said smirking, maintaining eye contact with her. "Bring a round of whiskey for both of us, cancel the ale," he said to the waitress. Whiskey was always his favorite drink, as expensive as it usually was.
"A drink-off?" she asked, an eyebrow raised. "Are you sure you can handle it?"
Jaime glanced over at the other two, seeing they were already ordering drinks he rolled his eyes. This was typical of his brother, refused to think ahead "this is why I always best you at chess" he muttered under his breath, before moving over to the man in the shadows. He didn't look strong, but at the same time Jaime didn't fancy his chances of killing him in suck a closed and crowded space. No, there had to be some way of using his wits to outthink the man. There was always two ways out of these early tasks.

After thinking for a few seconds he smiled. He knew how to get himself the room tonight. He walked confidently past the front of the table the man was sat at, pretending to slip just in front of him, sending the man's drink flying "you buffoon!" The man stood up, he had a hood over his head but his long, greasy black hair was still evident. He had a styled goatee that made him look more evil and devilish than he was.

"I'm sorry, friend" Jaime tried to act cool "it was an accident. Here, let me buy you a drink to make up for it" the man looked at him suspiciously for a moment but then agreed and sat back down. Jaime started talking to the man "hey, you wouldn't know where I'm meant to find a shady bookkeeper around here would you? Gorat said he hasn't been paying his protection fees and I've been sent to teach him a lesson" the man went pale. He quickly stood up and excused himself, running out of the establishment as Jaime smiled and collected his reward of a room, before heading upstairs.
"You bet your ass I can," he said with a wink as the waiter brought over a tray of 10 shots. He evenly dispersed the shot glasses between them when a thought came into his mind. "Look, I already know I'm gonna drink you under the table. So why not make it a little interesting?" He said eyeing the woman across for him. "If I win this drink off, you come with us throughout this game. Help us make through it alive," he said awaiting her response.
She pursed her lips, thinking for a moment. "Okay, but if I win, you'll have to stop flirting with me." She put out her hand.
"Hm," he said pretending to think harder then he really was. "Alright, you got yourself a deal," he said grabbing one of the shots in front of him and holding it up to toast.
She picked up her own glass, clinked it with his and tilted her head back, wiping her mouth as she put the empty shot glass on the table again, no emotion showing on her face.
Delsin repeated the same action. The whiskey tasted exquisite. Surprisingly enough, he was actually excited for this. He wanted more already. His face was emotionless except for the smirk that usually adorned his face. He picked up another shot glass and downed it, even easier then the first one. He licked his lip clean, set the glass down, and awaited her return
She took two glasses and sipped them, one after the other and stacked them on top of each other, licking her lips.
"Getting more bold and risky eh? Alright," he said picking three up, dumping them into one singular cup, and downing all of it with a wink
There was a twitch visible in her jaw, she stood up, walked over to the bar, vaulted over the side and picked up a full bottle of whiskey, chugging it until there wasn't a drop left. She raised a eyebrow in warning.
Delsin was very surprised at her brash actions, but he kind of liked it. It was entertaining to say the least. He walked over with an eyebrow raised and chuckling. The girl looked in pain and disoriented. He put a hand on her shoulder and gave a slight push, seeing if she toppled over at the light pressure
She hadn't shown it before but her head was light and she had trouble standing. When he walked over she was leaning against the bar and at the light push she fell onto the ground, letting out a slight groan.
"Well," he said with a chuckle squatting down next to her. "Think you know, what this meeeeeans!" He offered his hand to help her up, and said, "You are now stuck with us for the rest of this game."
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