Arcansia: A Far off Land (Interest Check)

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Okay so as you might not know. Arcansia is a rp that brings you into strange and fantasy like world known as Arcansia. The members are given kind of an rpg like format where they create a character from different kinds of backgrounds. Now here is the interesting part, Arcansia is not necessarily all fantasy and midevil, etc. Arcansia actually somewhat digs into both a modern setting and a fantasy like setting. Pretty much you can be a person from another world, a time traveler attempting to fix a mistake that was made in the past, an alien creature that ventures into the world, etc. So pretty much there aren't too many limitations. Also in Arcansia, members are given quests and objectives along the way, the players can either attempt to join other players or could embark on their own adventure, but alas at the ending or at a certain point the characters must meet each other (not like there would be an ending anytime soon) anyways just tell me what you guys think.
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