


Original poster
After the spread of a deadly disease, thousands are dead. Though this disease has ceased spreading, many of the dead ended up becoming what are considered zombies; mindless undead who crave the flesh of those still alive. Nobody was taking this all too well, especially Tela, a teenager who would be in his senior year of high school if the world wasn't like it is now. He wasn't able to talk to many people before the apocalypse, but now said communication is nearly impossible. As of now he was alone, away from his sister, and it terrified him.

The boy hid in an empty gas station. With the destruction of society he didn't need to pay for anything or talk to cashiers, therefore he took whatever he felt the need for. The fight against the zombies he has recently experienced kept playing over and over in his head. He was idle, his steps slow and silent. He probably wouldn't be leaving there for a while.
Lola had been wandering aimlessly for what seemed like days, sleep deprived and hungry. She hadn't seen a single person - living person - in weeks. Not that she wanted to, anyway. Most of them would just kill her or rob her of her supplies.
Clouds were rolling in, promising a hefty storm. Standing in the middle of the road just a few miles away from the city, Lola looked up at the sky becoming darker as small droplets of rain gently landed on her face. She glanced over at the gas station in the distance. It wasn't safe in places like that. Dark and forgotten places seemed to be the undead's favourite spot to hang out. As the rain started pouring, Lola reluctantly headed towards the gas station, holding her backpack over her head.
The closer Lola got to the gas station, the eerier it looked. Approaching the door, her bare feet tip toed inside. Her heart was racing as she clutched her pocket knife shakily, holding it out in front of her.
The sound of movement in one of the aisles made Lola's head snap in that direction, her eyes widening in fear. Suddenly, she steps on a sharp piece of glass, piercing through the sole of her foot. A whimper escapes Lola's mouth before she drops her knife and it lands on the floor with a loud clatter echoing through the station. She's stunted still, staring in the direction of the noise, hoping that it was just her imagination.