Anyone interested in a Sci-Fi Roleplay?

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I have two ideas for a Sci-Fi setting.

-You wake up in a ravaged ship, memory fuzzy due to crop-sleep. An android (me) assists in your quest to survive in the destroyed ship, and discover what happened. There would be very little interaction with other people, save the android and video logs, and dangers would be few, but terrifying.

-We are both criminals sentenced to watching a planet die in about a month. As we do so, the ship gets hit by an asteroid, and we crash land into the planet about to die in an explosive manner. There would be exploration of an unknown world, and a race against time, with life on the line.

So, interesting?
Oooh first plot sounds really interesting!
I like them both, the second one seems a bit odd, but interesting none the less.

What sort of characters did you plan on using for the second one?
We are criminals of The Grand Galactic Meritocracy. They judge entire species by their natural talents, and place them accordingly in their council, so that they do what's best. Any species you can think of would be good, as long as you can think of a specific merit that species has to give them value to the Meritocrats. It has to be something that nothing else can do as good as them, from what the Meritocrats have seen, anyway.

Humans barely made it in. They are valued as the frontlinemen and frontiersmen, people they throw out so that more valuable species aren't wasted. The humans have value in their expendabilty and their adaptability. The Meritocrats met the Humans when they were colonizing most of the planets they came across, and they feared a costly war if they tried to force their way, so they brought the Humans into the Meritocracy
Good ol' humanity.

Sounds neat. Are you looking for specific alien races to play as or humans?
Just anything you want, just make sure they have a specialty the Meritocrats wouldn't pass up
Cool. When would you like to start @mahigan
After these questions :>

-You wake up in a ravaged ship, memory fuzzy due to crop-sleep. An android (me) assists in your quest to survive in the destroyed ship, and discover what happened. There would be very little interaction with other people, save the android and video logs, and dangers would be few, but terrifying.

By ship, you'd be meaning space-ship right?
Do you need me to make a character sheet?
Crop-sleep = cyrosleep?
Yes-Cryo sleep, we are on a spaceship, and no character sheet needed. Stupid Crop-sleep

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