Angels vs Demons vs Humans

Zariel smiled at what the girl said. "Well that's cool. I guess you get the best of both worlds in a way."
Cayden watched carefully from a distance to try to identify all the angels and demons. He was clearly out numbered but he. Couldn't just let them go free. He calls his CO and tells him the situation. He is given orders to retreat and fall back to a very safe distance and watch them for as long as he could. He would be sending some reinforcements later to help him take them down.
"Ehh..." Haven replied shrugging. "Both worlds are nice." She said.
Zariel nodded. "I sometimes wish I blended in as an angel just so I'm not chased, and sometimes about killed in every encounter." She looked around with the feeling that someone was watching them but didn't see anyone. 'Hmm... Maybe it was just a by passer... Or the wind...' She looked back at Haven. "My names Zariel...Hmm...Nice to meet you." Zariel gave a demonic smile which reviled her fangs.
"I'm Safe Haven, but you can just call me Haven." Haven said giving a fanged smile as well. "The perks of being a Hell's Angel." She said touching her fangs. She accidentally cut herself.
Zariel smirked. "Ah and a demon." She noticed the blood and blinked trying to ignore it. For the smell sometimes would get to her and make her grow in hungry. But she noticed that Haven's seemed to not really do that. 'Maybe because she is half demon? Or I'm just not hungry...'
Haven stuck her finger in her mouth. "Well, that was an accident. Sorry if I effected you with that." She said.
"Your fine. As long as I don't think about it I do okay." Zariel said with an admitting tone that said 'yeah a little it's okay though'.
She stopped bleeding and she took her finger out of her mouth. "I think we are being watched." Haven said.
"I was thinking the same thing." Zariel looked once more in the direction she thought someone was watching them from.
Haven pulled out a demonic sword and pointed it in the direction that they felt the person was.
(Pic of sword below.)

"Nice sword." Zariel continued to look in the same direction. She let her hands beside her be in a ready position in case they would have to fight. Her nails grew as if they were claws.
"Thank you." Haven thanked Zariel. She continued to walk till she heard gun shots. Bullets started to fly towards her and she cut all the bullets in half before they could touch her.
Zariel followed behind Haven. She then heard gun shots but before she could Haven had cut them all in half. "Nice trick." She looked to see if see could spot the one who may have shot them.
"Thank you." Haven said smiling. "Now watch this." She said as she swung her blade in the direction the shooter was and a huge gust of wind flew towards him.
"I take it you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve." Zariel smiled. She watched as the gust of wind went in the direction of there shooter.
Zariel smiled. And waited to see who might be relieved.
Name: Shadow
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Looks: Slim and tall, in black robes, with small, dark red horns protruding from his head. White hair, red eyes and large, black wings. Long legs too, and a golden ring etched with runes on his index finger, right hand.
Orientation: Heterosexual
Species: Demon
Name: Phenex
Gender: female
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: demon