Angels, or Demons?

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The attack aimed for Samael would fall short, halted by the hand of a shadow erecting itself from the ground directly behind him. In fact it was indeed his shadow. The shadow congealed and morphed slowly into the form of a man, matching his owner in height. This man was known as Lucifel and served as the Shadow Supporter of his master coming to his aide independent of his will. Lucifel gazed blankly at the would be assailant before his face contorted into a sadistic and smug smirk. Having caught the angels hand with his own while his other was secluded in his pocket, he would swiftly and rather easily deflect the angel's attack upwards with the flick of his hand. The angel's face overcome with confusion and awe at how easily he was discarded. In a burst of rage he started to attack again but was interrupted by a hand grasping his mouth with an adamantine grip. His face once again riddled with shock however this was immediately replaced with fear as an ominous source of darkness spilled from Lucifel's hand. The next instant the entirety of the angel's face was blown away by a sudden burst of blackness. The burst completely obliterated the angel's head, leaving him to fall lifelessly to the floor below. Lucifel chuckled as he shook off his hand casually a dark aura emitting from it loosely, now dissipating into nothing. Looking over his shoulder he spoke. "Hehehe, and that's one down master." Placing both hands into his pockets he looked on towards the scenery and people around him, scanning to see who qualified as an enemy to his master.
He smirked as the Angel was put to rest in mere seconds, His shadow Lucifel was like his best friend. They have battled through alot and this mere fight with angels weren't going to bring them down, Samael chuckled and shifted a bit. " You see this man Angels..this man behind me is worth more than your life. " He begins walking forward his sword slowly begins to glow. " But in the end he may be the one who will kill you all " he said pointing at one angel specifically, " Now come forth Lucifel and slay them with no mercy " He dropped his sword and raised his arms to about his chest pectoral height. His sword changing into a weapon known as a Gale,The Gale is a set composed of 6 projectiles and a floating ring. The ring floats at the back of its wielder, enabling the wielder to control the projectiles. Each projectile is composed of 3 shards grouped together, making a total of 18 shards. When the Gale is idle, the shards will regroup into 2 groups of 9 shards aligned vertically floating on each side of the wielder. The projectiles are commanded through gracious movements of the wielder in order to attack. He smiled and pointed at another angel and said " Test run " The piece floating around the gale swooped off and veered towards the angel. Which he blocked one but the other had got the jump on him, Impaling him and lifting him into the sky. They ripped through him viciously and violently causing mass harm to his body, Letting him drop out the sky to the floor they returned as easy as they left.
[[Hey, all, I posted a discussion thread with my reasons of being super inactive D: Please check it out and tell us all about your abilities and personality, characteristics, appearance, whatever. :) ]]

Pizza was no longer frozen with fear. He blinked back into reality and he still sees the same things: fighting, fighting, and more fighting. Angels and demons and some supernatural humans. With wings. Why doesn't he have his wings yet? And why is he fighting with a crowbar of all the weapons in the world?

Then right at the moment, an angel fell beside him. Pizza jumped in surprise. The angel looked very beautiful, but seeing the vicious fangs (wow, they had fangs?!) and the large sword by her side, he backed off a bit.

Wait, the sword! He needed just that!

"You're mine!" he cried as he struck the angel's head with the crowbar. Pizza gave a kick to the angel's stomach as the angel was about to strike him down with the large sword, and seeing a knife carelessly left on the floor of the plaza, he picked it up and pierced it through the angel. The blood was different. It was an undescribable color, something like blue, and green, and all the gross colors of ooze put together. "Blech."

Pizza picked up the sword and it shrunk down magically to something that matched his size. It became lighter and he could swing it around freely. He hits another angel behind him by accident/purpose.