And Just When We Thought It Couldn't Get Worse...

Another snicker slides through Dante's lips. "Well that wouldn't be any fun at all, now would it?" He asks rhetorically, his fingers playing with the ends of her hair. "No, I think it'd much more fun if we put on a little... Show for Asura. Yes, let's call it a show. Ah but don't worry, I won't let her get the chance to hurt you." Dante turns Fallen's head slightly and looks directly into her eyes. "I would gladly sacrifice my body to protect you milady." Leaning closer, he presses his lips to hers, embracing her in a gentle kiss. After a few moments, Dante pulls away, smiles, and rests his head back on Fallen's shoulder as if nothing had ever happened. "What do you say? Are you willing to play my game?​"
A sense of shock filled Fallen for a second but she let it quickly pass through, "Sure I'll play this game...But let me tell you now, I don't like losing very much." she spoke soft and slowly.
"Exellent. Then Let's lay down some ground rules and determine the objective and prize for the winner." Dante ponders what the rules should be for a moment before continuing. "Well the rules will be simple. Once we start the game, you cannot, under any circumstances, be alone with my sister. There's no telling what she'll try to do to you. And the only other rule I can think of is that you have to pretend that you're undyingly in love with me." He says slyly, his smirk returning instantly. "As for the objective, it's to piss Asura off to the point where she almost kills me of you. If we succeed and one of us nearly dies, then you'll never have to associate yourself me ever again. If Asura wins and accepts that we're "together" then you have to go on a proper date with me up in the surface world. Deal?​"
"Hmm..." Fallen tilts her head and taps a finger to her chin as if pondering his words, "I suppose I could play along with this game." she smiled a little anxious to get the game started. All she had to do was to act like she was madly in love with this effortlessly handsome boy. How hard could it be?
"Wonderful. Then the game starts now. Let's go." He stands, pulling her up with him, one of his arms remaining around Fallen's waist. "Shall we venture back to the dorm?" Dante asks, his unfaltering smile broadening slightly as he motions toward the path before them.
"Yes back to the dorm sounds lovely." Fallen says, walking down the path with Dante. She spaces out quite often on the trip back, thinking of how she was gonna play this girl who was in love with him. Does she act all over him and talk non-stop about him. Or is she crude and advances mostly to the physical stuff...No, neither would work, she'd end up annoying herself before anyone else. Fallen's only choice she concludes is to be herself, maybe she would end up "falling in love" with the boy for real, but for now she just had to play like it had already happened. A kiss here and there, and certain touch every now and then to show she was connected to him in a special way. Next thing she knew they were at the front door of the dorm.
Dante places one hand on the door knob and slides the other from Fallen's waist to her hand. "Stay close to my side and wear a gentle smile. When we see Asura, contort your expression to one that shows you've one, then quickly shift back to a smooth expression and gentle smile. If she says anything, ignore her. I'll take us right to your room so you can change But walk slowly so as to piss her off." He instructs, demonstrating how thought out his plan for this game really is. However, Dante knows full well that by carrying out this plan, it'll probably make his younger sister more curious than angry. But for their game, isn't it funner this way?
Fallen nods, "Gotcha." she smirked, part of her felt her gut twist at the thought of doing this to his poor little sister. But the other side of her felt she deserved this, plus since when has Fallen been involved in such a fun activity?
Dante turns the and leads Fallen inside. Glancing quickly around the room, he finds Asura exiting the kitchen with a soda in hand. He smiles lightly but continues to press forward, saying not one word to his seemingly shocked sister. Instead, he leads Fallen to her room. Once inside, Dante drops her hand and takes a seat on her bed, leaning back using his own arms for support. "Go ahead and change. I'll close my eyes if you want me to." He says smugly, his smile finally reappearing.

Asura stands wide-eyed in the doorway to the kitchen with a coke in hand as she watches Dante and Fallen stride into the dorm, hand in hand. "What the hell? Dante what are you doing?​" She asks yet receives no reply. Confused, she makes her way to Dante's room, figuring they'd be able to talk once he went there for the night.
Fallen rolls her eyes, she's seen pretty much everything in her 16 years on this Earth, and done quite a few things she never imagined she'd have to do before, a lot of this which occurred in the past 6 months. She simply strode over to her closet untying the top of her suit with on swift pull, Fallen quickly pulled on her bra and a white tank top as well. Brushing her hand down her shirt for a moment she turned back to Dante, "Now what?" she raised her eyebrows not letting herself think over what she'd just done only knowing she'd freak herself out.
Dante shrugs, looking Fallen over for a moment. "Well, we could hang out here or down stairs. Or we could make a scene in front of my sister. She's probably in my room right now waiting for me. And of course there's always the option of taking a nap. All of those are fine with me." He replies, holding back his laughter towards the end. The sun manages to slide it's way into the otherwise dark room, cascading onto the ground through the drawn curtains. Fallen's room is nothing special, just like the one Dante himself claimed, just in a different location. Even though she hasn't been here long, Dante notices that Fallen's scent already lingers within her room, the smell he knows he's already grown to love.
Fallen thinks over the options she's been presented while chewing on her bottom lip, a habit she's had for a while now. "Any of those sounds nice to me, except the nap maybe, just because if I sleep now I'll be up all night..." she sighs, bending down and picking up her bag, she quickly sorted out the remainder of her clothes and put them into drawers or on hangers in the closet. "Sorry I'm not a girl of making decisions." Fallen adds as her eyes take a brief scope of the room before landing on Dante once more, her hands placed on her hips.
Dante's smile turns sly. "Then Messing with Asura it is. As I said, she's most likely in my room... Now how to execute this...." He thinks to himself for a moment. "Shall we take the whorish route or the 'pretend she isn't there' route? This question involves an answer. Whichever you're more comfortable with, my dear." In his mind, Dante begins to imagine a scenario for either answer. Making quick mental notes, he effortlessly retains the images from each scenario, deciding which parts of each will bother or agitate Asura more.
"Well..." Fallen begins smirking at the thoughts of each of the options, wondering if this game really was something she wanted to get into. Could be fun though...And plus she was an aspiring actress when she was still on Earth, nothing like a little practice. Still she was playing herself, only the added fact she was madly in love with this boy... "I wouldn't want to perceive myself as a whore. It's just not me, I'd prefer to keep some things behind closed doors..." Fallen giggles lightly, twirling a piece of her hair around her index finger. "So perhaps the 'pretend she isn't there' route would be more accurate."
Dante nods and wanders over to where Fallen had put away a flannel shirt. He then Strides over to her, and puts it on her as if he were dressing a doll. After buttoning the shirt roughly half way, Dante inspects her once more and his smile broadens. "There we go. Now, when we get down there just follow my lead and ignore Asura. She'll probably be on my bed so ignore that corner of the room with your eyes." With that said, Dante grabs Fallen's hand and leads her from her room to his. He tries not to walk too fast so as not to come across suspicious when they arrive. Just before they reach Dante's room, he drops Fallen's hand and raps his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to his side. He then guides her directly inside, ignoring his sister's widening eyes, and abandons Fallen in the center of the room long enough to close the door and return to her. Once within a respectable distance from her, he leans down and begins to kiss her, gentle at first but soon growing more needy, as if attempting to fill a hunger inside his heart. Giving Fallen a slight push, he has her back up until they reach the bed. At that point, they fall back, Fallen on the bottom and basically pinned, with Dante unwilling to seize their kissing for the time being.

Asura's eyes continue to widen at the sight of her brother's odd movements. "Dante? What the hell!?" She shouts, utterly repulsed. Yet she continues to watch them. Watching her brother's hidden aggression, Asura easily realizes this is a side of her brother she's never seen before. Yet why does she find herself unable to look away? They bed shakes as they fall onto it. Not knowing anything else to do, Asura moves away, ultimately falling off the end with a loud thud. Now angered, she jumps up to her feet, fists balled and her face steadily growing redder. "Dante, what the hell are you doing?! Do you honestly not realize I'm here? Dante!​"
At first Fallen's unsure what to do, Asura's screaming at yet Dante's not responding, jez when he said ignore her, he really meant it. Not wanting to mess anything up Fallen slowly let the hand she was able to move (the other was pinned down at this point against her stomach) crawl up and snake around the back of Dante's head, her small fingers intertwining in some of his hair. 'God does this guy ever come up for air?' she thought to herself sarcastically, having done this only few times before Fallen let a quiet moan-like hum escape from her lips trying to signal him to breathe a bit.
Pulling away for a moment, Dante glances sideways at his sister. "Oh hey Asura. I'm sorry didn't see you there." He pauses and smiles wickedly. "How inconsiderate of us. Did you want to join us? The bed's beg enough for three." His smile broadens and, with a light shrug, presses his mouth back to Fallen's once more. Dante lets out a soft moan and goes back to ignoring his Asura.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Asura asks, though she already knows the possibility of getting an answer is slim. She'd never seen him act this way. Especially not in front of her. And he's never asked her if she wanted to join in. "Dante, what's wrong with you? What has this bitch made you become?​" She whispers, figuring that this new-found side of him was all Fallen's fault.
Fallen's lips practically being held captive by Dante's, all she could do was slowly slide the hand on her stomach down to grip the end of his shirt. Keeping her eyes shut she listened to Asura's voice, her words drifting to her ears, though all she could really hear was the sounds of Dante's rapid heartbeat pounding in her head, she caught the words. 'What has this bitch made you become?' This angered Fallen slightly, so she pulled slightly deeper into the next kiss letting another humming noise vibrate off her lips and onto Dante's, she couldn't help but smirk a little.
Noticing Fallen's anger, he too smirks. His hands easily find their way to the buttons on her flannel and he unbuttons them like a pro. Figuring this would soon set Asura off, Dante breaks the kiss long enough to lift his own shirt off, exposing his bare chest. Next he undoes the button on Fallen's shorts. Yet no other articles of clothes are shed for Dante has already managed to hold Fallen's hands captive above her head. Slowly but deliberately, Dante begins to kiss down her neck, gently caressing her with his soft lips. He travels down to her collarbone and up again, eventually finding his way back to her lips, engaging her in yet another sweet kiss.

Asura is unable to do anything but watch in horror. Her mouth gaped open, she shakes her head, clearing her mind from the scene before her. "Fine! Continue to ignore me! I'll just leave you guys to screw each other. Have fun with your new favorite girl, Dante!" She shouts and sprints out of the room, leaving the door wide open. But she doesn't go far. Just into her room right beside her brother's. Asura slams the door behind her and ventures to the furthest, darkest corner. Hoping to be left alone for a little while, she curls herself into a ball and cries, desperately trying to forget Dante and Fallen for just a little while.
Fallen watches Asura leave from the corner of her eye, she breaks away from Dante's lips, her head tilts to the side a bit. "How was that?' she asks curiously in a hushed voice, she once again can't help but nibble on her bottom lip a little bit.

Hearing the slamming of a door Ray's body jolts a little, he looks down at Raylin careful not to disturb her he maneuvers out from behind her and makes his way to the kitchen. Sleepily he runs his fingers through his hair and turns on one of the stoves burners, placing a pot full of what on top of it, he begins preparing another concoction in a small pan, made up of tomato paste, bloods, various spices and a couple peppers. The sweet aroma of the sauce fills the air, he sighs lightly and peeks his head back into the living room watching Raylin's light breathing.