An Old Friend or New Enemy?

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Unaware of the verbal battle going on about her status, Kassandra was getting a new gown fitted around her. There was the maid who'd been assigned to her, Yaria, along with a pair of quieter maids that she was ordering about. She saw the looks they were giving her body, but they were too polite and well trained to say anything. Her bones were fairly stark through her skin, and it was clear that she'd lost a lot of weight in a small amount of time. The gown they were fitting her had a fair number of pins in the back keeping it shaped properly.

"These gowns are sort of emergency stock for ladies who encounter dirt, or perhaps over-enthused wine pourer. Now that we have your measurements, we can get you some new, fashionable gowns. Of course, we'll leave some room for them to be let out..." After setting a pair of shoes for Kassy to step into, Yaria turned the young woman toward the mirror.

Kassandra was dressed in green again, but this time the gown was made of much finer cloth, threaded with gold. The gown fit her properly, and she was wearing borrowed jewelry and matching slippers. Her hair was done into a braided bun, with small gold pins. She looked like she belonged in the palace, nothing like the mouthy servant girl she'd been when she showed up.

"Well... I suppose I should find Ser Gerald, then. Thank you for your help, all of you." She smiled at the maids, truly grateful. They murmured their thanks and left, but Yaria stayed.

"I'll lead you back to where you need to be. I'm sure you'll make a favorable impression now that you're dressed properly to your station, Lady." Yaria led her through the halls, though Kassy felt her memories coming forward as they walked. The palace hadn't changed at all, and she knew she'd be finding her own way around shortly. She could hear a lot of talking as they approached, but she couldn't make out any clear thread of conversation. Hopefully her debut wasn't coming at a bad time...
The other members of the Royal Council arrived in time to hear Avram reiterate his plans to put the last remaining Donogale back in her rightful place. There were certainly some mixed reactions to the revelation to say the least. General Ballor's face was even redder than Oliver's, and he was so furious that Avram could barely interpret the avalanche of words flooding from his mouth. Though there was good reason for him to be upset. Avram was putting the crown in a lot of danger with this move, making Ballor's job as Supreme Commander of Sarvayl's armies that much more difficult. But as far as the prince was concerned, war was inevitable. It had been on its way for some time and they were going to have to utilize force before all was said and done anyway. Only now the crown had a wildcard to play.

Yaryk, the capital's Archive Keeper who rarely seemed to leave his study these days, simply sifted through a large stack of papers set neatly in front of him. That seemed to be a habit of his even when he wasn't looking for anything in particular. Though more and more Avram was beginning to think it was a nervous habit, especially given the unbreakable concentration he had on that enormous volume now.

Ballor continued his tirade without stopping to breathe. At least now he was speaking a little more clearly. "My liege, understand that I serve you and your family as loyally as any other. But this is a brash decision even for you. We already have half the realm angry with us and prepared to raise a rebellion at any given moment. We don't need the wrath of the northerners to come down on us as well. We might as well reinstate the Prime Order while we're at it!" Ballor forced a smile as if that was some grand joke. Avram merely raised his eyebrows and half grinned in response. The general's face went from bright red to a sickly pale in mere moments. "That was meant in jest, my lord. Surely you don't actually mean to-"

"I do, General," Avram promptly cut him off. "The Prime Order was the epitome of security around the kingdom. It only fell apart after Lord Donogale was removed. Now it has reason to return under his daughter." Ballor looked as though he might be sick, but he said nothing this time, probably because none came to mind. That sat well enough with the prince.

As more voices went up to offer their opinions, a knock came at the chamber door. One of the guards peaked his head out for a moment then swiftly turned to Ser Gerald, who simply gave him a brief nod. The door swung open and there stood the very woman that had sparked this discussion. Was this really the same woman who was dragged into court earlier today? Seeing her in her prior state, Avram never would have assumed she was a Donogale. Looking at her now, however, he could barely understand how he missed it the first time around. Every one of her features gleaned with her ancestry. She shared her father's powerful jawline as well as the beautiful eyes of her mother. It took Avram a moment to realize that he was standing now. "Kassy... er... Lady Donogale. Thank you for joining us."
Kassy curtsied deeply, years of formal upbringing coming back to her in seconds. It was good that they did; every pair of eyes in the room was boring into her. Some people looked stunned, and others looked downright upset - angry even. She hadn't been returned half a day, and apparently other people hated her? Well, that was quick. Her gaze flickered back to Prince Avram. He was much taller than she remembered; when they'd been children, she'd been a bit taller. Now he'd overshot her by nearly a foot, and there were other changes besides. He'd grown handsome, but that was no surprise. Avram had little noble girls giving him flowers since childhood. She hadn't gotten around to liking boys before they'd been exiled, but suddenly she wondered if she would have been drawn to him if they'd been older...

Well, they were older now, weren't they?

"I appreciate the invitation and the kind treatment, Prince Avram." She stepped into the room, her poise and face betraying nothing of the nerves she felt jangling in her body.
Beside the Archive Keeper, a young woman, barely sixteen, sat taking notes. She was Kijani Ryane, the only daughter to a pair of Northern nobles. She didn't seem to be listening intently, but her hand was moving, taking neat, rapid notes on the conversation at hand. There were those who couldn't attend; her notes would be transcribed and sent off to keep other nobles informed. Being an Apprentice Keeper wasn't the most exciting job, but Kijani did enjoy it. She got to read all the books she wanted, she got a small stipend every both, and best of all, she got away from her parents. She had begged for the opportunity to work, and though her mother had scoffed at her daughter 'soiling her hands with labor', Kijani had been able to counter with reasoning that she'd make much better social contacts being housed in the palace. Her father, as always, had no argument at all, and pretended the women didn't exist. Kijani had won in the end, and got sent off. The job had mostly been late night reading, more writing than she'd ever done in her life so far, and... honestly a lot of boring political nonsense. This whole business with Lady Donogale was the most exciting thing to happen in weeks, though Kijani wasn't without sympathy. She hated being the heir, and not being able to choose her own life. Maybe one day... maybe.

"Well, at least she's pretty..." Kijani murmured, mostly to herself. Imagine being important and not even getting to be pretty. People would talk...
Ser Gerald stood up to stand next to Prince Avram. It was a precaution he always took when a someone who was not a member of the Royal Council entered their chamber. He did not truly find this girl dangerous, though now even he had to admit that she looked less like a girl and more like a woman prepared to sit a high seat of power. Still, there were greater threats to protect the royal family from than the last surviving daughter of a family that no longer had any influence in the realm.

Ballor's mouth formed a tight line to go with his hardened frown, but he said nothing to the newcomer, which was probably for the best. There were a few acknowledging words from the other council members, some of them even respectful. Gerald himself simply gave a half smile and said, "Welcome, my lady. I believe we have already been acquainted." Most women would would crumble from the pressure of facing the entire Royal Council at once, but Gerald had known many northern women over the years. They were made of much sturdier bones than women of the capital, and this one in particular had been through hell and back. She seemed so unfazed by the number of important in the room that for a moment Gerald wondered if she was even aware of where she was.

Avram was suddenly unsure of how to proceed with this meeting. Luckily he did not have to, as Yaryk broke the shocked silence after a pause that seemed to last an eternity. "I suppose we should get started then. Our guest can have a seat and wait until we are ready to discuss the issues concerning her," he said almost nonchalantly. He reached a hand out to his apprentice, beckoning for another set of documents. What was the girl's name again? Kijoa? Kamina? Avram would have to do better with that. "Ah," the Keeper began again, "the royal wedding." Avram groaned with displeasure. This was among his least favorite topics of discussion. "I know it seems tedious, my lord," the elderly man continued, as if expecting this reaction from the prince, "but your sister arrives tomorrow evening, and your bride will be here in a fortnight. The shear number of people who will follow them will almost double the population. Every merchant caravan will be looking to make a profit here." Unfortunately Avram was already too aware of that.

"I will have security around the city doubled well before the Eburharts arrive, your grace," claimed Telemon Langford, the Commander of the City Watch, "and on the day of the wedding it will be tripled." Avram had no doubt the young commander could handle the situation as well as any other man. He would be working closely with General Ballor on that matter. And though Ballor was certainly a hot head and disagreeable at times even Avram had to admit that the man was more than capable of keeping a city safe.

Unfortunately the topic of his wedding went longer than he would have liked, though it was rarely ever short to begin with. It was not that he was uncomfortable with the idea of marrying. But there were far more important things to discuss, like the fact that they were on the verge of a war in the near future. Bloody hell, that was the only reason Avram even agreed to this marriage in the first place.
Without barely pausing, Kijani handed over a stack of documents to the Keeper. Travel dates for the upcoming princess and her retainers, orders upon orders of food and decorations for the wedding, guest lists, fitting schedules, so many notes and numbers... Kijani was smart but all of that started to make her head spin after a while. Hopefully her own wedding would have a lot less to deal with; she was very aware that other noble families didn't actually like her parents. They respected the power they held, and the sway of the Ryane name in the North. But she heard it from children and servants alike, that Delilah and Eugene Ryane were the worst sort of nobility. Hateful to everyone, including each other, including their own daughter. Perhaps if Kijani married, no one would actually come to her wedding at all? That would suit her.

After politely greeting and making eye contact with everyone in the room, Kassy settled into a chair at the edges of the room, choosing to listen and catch up on what she'd missed in her years away. Things had certainly changed. To think Avram was getting married! He didn't seem too pleased on the topic though, which meant it was likely an arranged marriage. Hopefully he would learn to get along with his new queen, and it would be a good match. While it had been nearly a decade since they'd been friends, she hoped Avram would have a happy life. He deserved as much.

A tall Indian man with a commanding stare and an aquline nose stood up. "My agents have been put in place all the way from the Northern territories and at integral high traffic points through the kingdom. The general attitude of the impending nuptuals is one of cautious hope. They're quite aware that it is a purely political marriage, but as they don't seem to have any particular excess of love for Lady Euhart, there is no pressing opinion against it. They're hoping the marriage will cool the tensions, and with an heir, create a true alliance." Korman Pradush was the kingdom's spymaster of nearly thirty years. He was one of the few who was a staunch ally of women being soldiers, and especially spies. Two of his own daughters were in charge of small pockets of female information gatherers. He knew that women could glean more simply listening to servant gossip and making friends with chatty housewives. The rest of the kingdom was far more torn on the matter; there were no women in the army, though he'd seen more than one noble daughter eyeing the page's practices. They were watching the weapon forms more than the young men wielding them. Some showed promise, including the young lady Ryane. He'd spotted her practicing with the long cane used to pull books from high shelves; she'd be quite adept with a rapier.

"On our side of things, the kingdom seems much less trusting of some unknown noblewoman from the North. They think that the crown's blood should stay where the kingdom lies, that you should have chosen a queen from the available women here. As the event approaches, I will monitor the situation very closely, but aside from the displeasure about the amount of people that will be cramming the streets, nothing dangerous seems to be at hand."
Avram listened with intent when Lord Pradush stood up to speak, though the standing part seemed a little excessive considering how tall he was. He was well respected by most members of the council and had been serving for quite a few years now. Avram was still unaware of what had happened to the previous Spymaster, but then maintaining secrecy was always a major part of the job.

Unfortunately for the prince, his thoughts were distracted by the newcomer sitting at the edge of the chambers. What did Kassy make of this wedding? More than likely it was only a minor thought in her head. Avram could scarcely imagine the atrocities she must have experienced during her time in exile. But would she be unwilling to trust him now that she knew he would be marrying one of the northern families that led the opposition against her family? It just so happened that Avram was not the only one thinking this...

"I believe the matter of the wedding is not so unrelated to our new guest as it appears," Oliver piped up after Lord Pradush finished relaying his updates to the council. "As our spymaster just informed us, many around the kingdom are distrustful of a northern woman marrying into the crown. How would they feel to learn that there is a second one living under his roof, even if only temporarily?" He let that sink in for a moment before half grinning to himself and continuing along the same train of thought. "But that is not my main concern. Did it not occur to anyone to consider what the Eburharts might think of this? Here comes the former heir to the northern seat, thought to be dead by most, sitting in the capital while she watches the crown throwing its support behind her father's successor. Were I in their position I would expect she is up to no good. Even in my current position I am more inclined to agree with them."

Ballor was nodding his agreement, but it was Yaryk, surprisingly enough, who retaliated. "You have a right to be concerned, steward, but the Eburharts were loyal to the Donagales for generations. I don't expect it would be as-"

"Piss on that!" Ballor erupted, on his feet before anyone could silence him. "Of course they were loyal. But anyone with sense could tell you that when you have an opportunity to raise your family higher you bloody well do it!"

"That's quite enough," Avram put in coolly. He was not about to let another another one of these meetings turn into a shouting match. "Lady Kassandra is not here to take any power away from the Eburharts. If I have to explain that to them myself then I will do so. But she is here with us now and word is already spreading, so what's done is done. In the mean time I suggest we discuss our military strategies in the north." That at least was something he was good at.
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