An Attempt to Return

Just enjoy yourself, ok?
*cleans up oro's blood with a mop*

Why can't you just explode like everyone else?
*A trio of M-3A2 Bradley IFVs roll up. They unload their 25mm cannons on Vay then pop him with their TOW missiles.*

That better for you, sweetheart?
*lands on top of bradleys smoldering slightly*

I was talking about from moe overload.

*points down at bradley*

I'm not washing that.
Don't worry Vay. After playing World in Conflict for a while I'm pretty sure those Bradleys will be cleaning themselves with the fine pink misty remains of those commie bastards!

*Waits for the M551 Sheridan Column to show up*

*pushes everyone except Kitty and Fluffy out of the way*



I'm back too (I hope). :D